Results for 'scientific perspective Wissenschaftliche Perspektive'

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  1. The Significance of the Hypothetical in Natural Science.Michael Heidelberger & Gregor Schiemann (eds.) - 2009 - De Gruyter.
    How was the hypothetical character of theories of experience thought about throughout the history of science? The essays cover periods from the middle ages to the 19th and 20th centuries. It is fascinating to see how natural scientists and philosophers were increasingly forced to realize that a natural science without hypotheses is not possible.
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  2. Introduction: The Significance of the Hypothetical in Natural Science.Michael Heidelberger & Gregor Schiemann - 2009 - In Michael Heidelberger & Gregor Schiemann (eds.), The Significance of the Hypothetical in Natural Science. De Gruyter. pp. 1-6.
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    (1 other version)Jenseits von Reden.Dirk Ludigs - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 9 (2):79-88.
    So heftig und kontrovers wie der von Patsy L’Amour LaLove, einer an der HU Berlin promovierten Geschlechterforscherin, herausgegebene Essayband (Beißreflexe, 2017) wurde seit langer Zeit kein (wissenschaftliches) Buch mehr diskutiert. Es drängt sich der Eindruck auf, dass die sich selbst als aktivistische »Polittunte « verstehende Herausgeberin offensichtlich den Zeitgeist eines mit sich selbst strauchelnden Queerfeminismus getroffen habe: Solch eine Vielzahl an mehr als nur leidenschaftlichen Reaktionen allerlei Couleur konnte eine in erster Linie akademische Anthologie mit Texten zur aktuellen Verfassung der (...)
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    Der Wille zur Relevanz: die Sprachforschung und ihre Förderung durch die DFG 1920-1970.Klaas-Hinrich Ehlers - 2010 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    English summary: German linguistics, formerly internationally inspiring, fell into a deep crisis at the beginning of the twentieth century. Since the First World War, those in the field have been looking for ways to regain its lost scientific and social recognition. This desire for relevance was particularly clear when practitioners of the different approaches to linguistic innovation competed for the scarce resources of public research funding. The remaining funding documents of the German Research Foundation demonstrate which specific linguistic approaches (...)
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    Aus einer Interkulturellen Perspektive.Joji Yorikawa - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 8:297-300.
    The question is: How did the Japanese Hegel's philosophy receive and criticize? On the way of an argument with the topic "The Japanese philosophy and Hegel" I want to show that Hegel represent a junction in the western philosophies and his ideas were transformed later especially within the ranges of humanities for understanding new developments. If the Hegel- interpretation is today again in a transitional situation, and if Hegel's work shows us in its effect even always new perspectives, then we (...)
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    Laborforschung im erkenntnishandeln der experimentiergesellschaft: Eine holistisch-pragmatische perspektive für die wissenschaftstheorie.Klaus Michael Meyer-Abich - 2006 - Philosophia Naturalis 43 (1):168-191.
    Science is a matter of facts, not only of objects. (1) This applies to the theory itself and to experimental research as well. Experiments do not confirm hypotheses but are themselves the scientific result because they demonstrate security of action. (2) Thus not only experimental action is to be evaluated ethically but science itself. The development of atomic weapons has shown that there is no segregation between ,,basic research' and technical application. (3) Ethical criteria for the evaluation of (...) action in laboratory research and beyond are love, adequacy, and embedding (conservation knowledge). (4) A moral order of scientific action could be developed along these orientations in justice and freedom if they were granted to the connatural world as they are in human society. German Die moderne Naturwissenschaft handelt von Tat-Sachen, nicht nur von den Sachen. (1) Handlungsförmig ist bereits der theoretische Entwurf, nicht erst das Experiment. Das letztere dient in der Regel nicht der Bestätigung von Hypothesen, sondern ist selbst das wissenschaftliche Ergebnis, denn es zeigt die Sicherheit im Handeln. (2) Das ethisch zu bewertende Handeln umfaßt also über die Laborforschung hinaus die ganze Wissenschaft. Die Entwicklung der Atombombe hat die grundsätzliche Untrennbarkeit von ,,Grundlagenforschung' und technischer Anwendung bewiesen. (3) Ethische Kriterien für das Erkenntnishandeln in der Laborforschung und darüber hinaus sind Liebe, Angemessenheit und Einbettung (Erhaltungswissen). (4) Eine sittliche Ordnung dieses Handelns kann sich nach den drei Kriterien in Gerechtigkeit und Freiheit ergeben, wenn diese über die menschlichen Gesellschaften hinaus auch der natürlichen Mitwelt zuteil werden sollen. (shrink)
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    Bad—Mad—Female. Scientific Analyses of Female Violent Crime from the 1960s to the 1990s.Chantal Marazia, Uta Hinz & Heiner Fangerau - 2024 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 32 (4):445-469.
    Während weibliche Kapitalverbrechen spätestens seit Beginn der Neuzeit immer wieder Aufsehen erregten, blieb weibliche Gewaltkriminalität in statistischen Betrachtungen lange Zeit eine Randerscheinung. Auch die Forensik mit ihren traditionellen Kerndisziplinen Psychiatrie und Recht fokussierte in Analyse und Theoriebildung jenseits des Kindsmords lange auf den gefährlichen männlichen Täter: Männliche Forensiker analysierten männliche Gewalttäter. Seit den 1960er Jahren finden sich in der Bundesrepublik zunehmend wissenschaftliche Beiträge zu weiblicher Kriminalität und deren Ursachen. Auch Frauen analysierten jetzt – in professioneller und gesellschaftskritischer Perspektive (...)
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    Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action: Twenty Years of Challenge and Progress.Robert John Russell, Nancey Murphy & William R. Stoeger (eds.) - 2008 - Vatican Observatory Fnd Ndup.
    __Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action: Twenty Years of Challenge and Progress_ _is a collection of thirteen essays assessing the scholarly contributions to the _Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action_ series, which is comprised of five volumes resulting from international research conferences co-sponsored by the Vatican Observatory and the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences between 1991 and 2000. The overarching goal of the series is to advance the engagement of constructive theology with the natural sciences with special attention to the (...)
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    Two scientific perspectives on nerve signal propagation: how incompatible approaches jointly promote progress in explanatory understanding.Linda Holland, Henk W. de Regt & Benjamin Drukarch - 2024 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 46 (4):1-25.
    We present a case study of two scientific perspectives on the phenomenon of nerve signal propagation, a bio-electric and a thermodynamic perspective, and compare this case with two accounts of scientific perspectivism: those of Michela Massimi and Juha Saatsi, respectively. We demonstrate that the interaction between the bio-electric perspective and the thermodynamic perspective can be captured in Saatsi’s terms of progress in explanatory understanding. Using insights from our case study, we argue that both the epistemic (...)
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  10. Scientific Perspectives, Feminist Standpoints, and Non-Silly Relativism.Natalie Ashton - 2019 - In Michela Massimi (ed.), Knowledge From a Human Point of View. Springer Verlag.
  11. A Scientific Perspective on Labeling Genetically Modified Food.Michael W. Pariza - 2007 - In Paul Weirich (ed.), Labeling Genetically Modified Food: The Philosophical and Legal Debate. New York, US: Oup Usa.
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    The Scientific Perspective on Moral Objectivity.Catherine Wilson - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (4):723-736.
    The naturalistic approach to metaethics is sometimes identified with a supervenience theory relating moral properties to underlying descriptive properties, thereby securing the possibility of objective knowledge in morality as in chemistry. I reject this approach along with the purely anthropological approach which leads to an objectionable form of relativism. There is no single method for arriving at moral objectivity any more than there is a single method that has taken us from alchemy to modern chemistry. Rather, there is an ensemble (...)
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  13. Determination of Death: A Scientific Perspective on Biological Integration.Maureen L. Condic - 2016 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 41 (3):257-278.
    Human life is operationally defined by the onset and cessation of organismal function. At postnatal stages of life, organismal integration critically and uniquely requires a functioning brain. In this article, a distinction is drawn between integrated and coordinated biologic activities. While communication between cells can provide a coordinated biologic response to specific signals, it does not support the integrated function that is characteristic of a living human being. Determining the loss of integrated function can be complicated by medical interventions that (...)
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    A scientific perspective on the is/ought paradox.George Edgin Pugh - 1980 - Zygon 15 (2):101-115.
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    Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives on Downward Causation.Michele Paolini Paoletti & Francesco Orilia (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    Downward causation plays a fundamental role in many theories of metaphysics and philosophy of mind. It is strictly connected with many topics in philosophy, including but not limited to: emergence, mental causation, the nature of causation, the nature of causal powers and dispositions, laws of nature, and the possibility of ontological and epistemic reductions. _Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives on Downward Causation_ brings together experts from different fields—including William Bechtel, Stewart Clark and Tom Lancaster, Carl Gillett, John Heil, Robin F. (...)
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    Cognitive Scientific Perspective of Isaavaasya Upanishat.Varanasi Ramabrahmam - manuscript
    The elements of cognitive science present in the Isaavaasya Upanishad will be presented and decoded into cognitive science. The technical terms used to represent human consciousness as aham, atman, Brahman, - padaartha - mind and their functions, the origin of the universe as idam, vivartanam, viswam, prapancham, jagat and their cognitive science meanings will be delineated. The seer and the seen will be differentiated and the conscious states or phases of mind - aatma dasa and various maanisika dasas - will (...)
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  17. Scientific Perspectives, Feminist Standpoints, and Non-Silly Relativism.Natalie Ashton - 2019 - In Michela Massimi (ed.), Knowledge From a Human Point of View. Springer Verlag.
    Defences of perspectival realism are motivated, in part, by an attempt to find a middle ground between the realist intuition that science seems to tell us a true story about the world, and the Kuhnian intuition that scientific knowledge is historically and culturally situated. The first intuition pulls us towards a traditional, absolutist scientific picture, and the second towards a relativist one. Thus, perspectival realism can be seen as an attempt to secure situated knowledge without entailing epistemic relativism. (...)
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    Neuroscience and the person: scientific perspectives on divine action.Robert J. Russell (ed.) - 2002 - Berkeley (USA): Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences.
    This collection of 21 essays explores the creative interaction among the cognitive neurosciences, philosophy, and theology. It is the result of an international research conference co-sponsored by the Vatican Observatory, Rome, and the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, Berkeley.
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  19. Chaos and Complexity: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action.Robert John Russell, Nancey Murphy & Arthur R. Peacocke - 1996 - Religious Studies 32 (4):519-521.
  20. Other universes : A scientific perspective.Martin Rees - 2003 - In Neil A. Manson (ed.), God and design: the teleological argument and modern science. New York: Routledge.
  21. A scientific perspective on the hard problem of consciousness.Alexei V. Samsonovich, Giorgio A. Ascoli, Harold Morowitz & M. Layne Kalbfleisch - forthcoming - In Benjamin Goertzel & Pei Wang (eds.), Advances in Artificial General Intelligence: Concepts, Architectures and Algorithms. Proceedings of the AGI Workshop 2008. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. IOS Press: Amsterdam.
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    Philosophical, Logical and Scientific Perspectives in Engineering Education.Irlan Linsingen - 2017 - Science & Education 26 (1 - 2):195-199.
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  23. Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives on Rationality: A revoew of Alfred R. Mele and Piers Rawling (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Rationality.I. Douven - 2005 - Journal of Economic Methodology 12 (4):618.
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    Veda as global heritage: scientific perspectives.Girish Nath Jha (ed.) - 2019 - Delhi: Vidyanidhi Prakashan.
    Contributed research papers presented at International seminar on scientific aspects of Vedas and Vedic literature; Volume 1 comprises 27 papers out of 72 papers on a wide-ranging topics.
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    Neuroscience and the Person: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action.Nancey C. Murphy (ed.) - 1998 - Berkeley (USA): Notre Dame: University Notre Dame Press.
    This collection of 21 essays explores the creative interaction among the cognitive neurosciences, philosophy, and theology. It is the result of an international research conference co-sponsored by the Vatican Observatory, Rome, and the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, Berkeley.
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    Scientific perspectives and philosophical dead ends in modern linguistics.A. R. Luria - 1974 - Cognition 3 (4):377-385.
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  27. Chaos and Complexity: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action, edited by Robert John Russell, Nancey Murphy, and Arthur R. Peacocke JOHN R. ALBRIGHT 433 The Transformation of Consciousness in Myth.John W. Tigue Robert A. Segal - 1997 - Zygon 32 (3):298.
  28. Neuroscience Experiment: Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives.John Bickle, Carl F. Craver & Ann Sophie Barwich (eds.) - forthcoming
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    The Psychobiology of Hunger – A Scientific Perspective.Kristine Beaulieu & John Blundell - 2020 - Topoi 40 (3):565-574.
    From a scientific perspective, hunger can be regarded as an identifiable conscious sensation which can be distinguished from other conscious states. The hunger state can be measured and is a marker of the existence of underlying biological processes. Measured hunger is functional and is normally associated with the act of eating. However, the conscious state of hunger, although driven physiologically, is not exclusively determined by biology; there is an environmental influence that can modulate its intensity and periodicity, and (...)
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  30. Philosophical and scientific perspectives on emergence.Hugues Bersini, Pasquale Stano, Pier Luigi Luisi & Mark A. Bedau - 2012 - Synthese 185 (2):165-169.
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    The psychoanalytic enterprise in scientific perspective.Adolf Griinbaum - 1956 - In C. Wade Savage (ed.), Scientific Theories. University of Minnesota Press. pp. 14--41.
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    Neuroscience and the Person: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action.Theo C. Meyering (ed.) - 1998 - Berkeley (USA): Notre Dame: University Notre Dame Press.
    This collection of 21 essays explores the creative interaction among the cognitive neurosciences, philosophy, and theology. It is the result of an international research conference co-sponsored by the Vatican Observatory, Rome, and the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, Berkeley.
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    Silent thunder: "Self", a scientific perspective.A. Krishna Murthy - 2010 - Hyderabad: Institute of Scientific Research on Vedas.
  34. Neuroscience and the Person: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action.William R. Stoeger - 1999 - Notre Dame: University Notre Dame Press.
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    Biocultural Evolution and the Imagination: Outlining Scientific Perspectives for Theological Reflection.Victoria Lorrimar - forthcoming - Heythrop Journal.
    The human imagination is studied widely across both the sciences and the humanities, yet there is a lack of conceptual clarity for interdisciplinary engagement. This article surveys a sample of recent scientific research on the imagination, focusing on creativity and storytelling, to demonstrate how an understanding of the biocultural evolutionary context may yield helpful insights for contemporary theological anthropology. Niko Tinbergen's levels of analysis (mechanism, function, phylogeny, and ontogeny) are used as a guiding framework to structure the scientific (...)
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    Contested technology: Social scientific perspectives of behaviour-based insurance.Maiju Tanninen - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    In this review, I analyse how ‘behaviour-based personalisation’ in insurance – that is, insurers’ increased interest in tracking and manipulating insureds’ behaviour with, for instance, wearable devices – has been approached in recent social scientific literature. In the review, I focus on two streams of literature, critical data studies and the sociology of insurance, discussing the new insurance schemes that utilise sensor-generated and digital data. The aim of this review is to compare these two approaches and to analyse what (...)
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    Vier Bemerkungen „zur Lage der Wissenschaftsgeschichte in Deutschland“.Moritz Epple - 2018 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 41 (4):345-349.
    Four Remarks Concerning “the Situation of the History of Science in Germany”. The following remarks contain four brief reflections, based on my experience in teaching the history of science: (1) on the limitations of any national perspective on the history of science, (2) on the subject and task of the history of science, (3) on the power and weakness of knowledge as topics for the history of science, and (4) on the possibilities of scientific imagination as a critical (...)
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    Managing ethics in business organizations: social scientific perspectives.Linda Klebe Treviño - 2003 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford Business Books. Edited by Gary R. Weaver.
    This book broadens the range of theoretically informed empirical research on business ethics (using data from major American corporations) and addresses the underlying questions about business ethics scholarship. It culminates a decade’s work by the authors—individually, jointly, and with others. The first part of the book addresses the major theoretical questions involved in doing empirical research about normative issues. It addresses the boundaries—methodological, conceptual, and institutional—that too easily separate philosophical and social scientific approaches to business ethics and reviews various (...)
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    Philosophical and scientific perspectives on cosmology: Khalil Chamcham, Joseph Silk, John D. Barrow, Simon Saunders : The Philosophy of Cosmology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017, 526pp, £49.99 HB.Xavier Calmet - 2018 - Metascience 28 (1):175-177.
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  40. Neuroscience and the Person: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action.Ian G. Barbour - 1999 - Notre Dame: University Notre Dame Press.
  41. Neuroscience and the Person: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action.Philip Clayton - 1999 - Notre Dame: University Notre Dame Press.
  42. Hopeless Philosophical Reflections On The Senselessness Of Regulation In Genetics.David Heyd - 2002 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 10.
    Regulierung ist ein Kennzeichen für Rationalität bei dem Versuch, Verhaltensweisen im Lichte von Normen zu leiten. Ihre Funktion ist es, sowohl das Verhalten der Individuen in einem bestimmten Bereich ihres Handelns zu koordinieren als auch dieses Verhalten auf wünschenswerte Ziele hin auszurichten. Nach Regulierung wird insbesondere auf neuartigen Feldern sozialen Verhaltens gerufen, so vor allem im Hinblick auf gentechnische Forschung und Praxis. Aber die Genetik ist deshalb ein schwieriger Fall, weil sie Ziele und Werte betrifft, die in hohem Maße kontrovers (...)
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  43. Quantum Mechanics: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action 5.R. J. Russell, Philip Clayton, Kirk Wegter-McNelly & John Polkinghorne (eds.) - 2002 - Vatican Observatory Publications.
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    Fertilisation and moral status: a scientific perspective.K. Dawson - 1987 - Journal of Medical Ethics 13 (4):173-178.
    The debate about the moral status of the embryo has gained new impetus because of the advances in reproductive technology that have made early human embryo experimentation a possibility, and because of the public concern that this arouses. Several philosophical arguments claiming that fertilisation is the event that accords moral status to the embryo were initially formulated in the context of the abortion debate. Were they formulated with sufficient precision to account for the scientific facts as we now understand (...)
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    ‘Creation out of nothing’ – A problematic assumption: biblical, metaphysical and scientific perspectives.Klaus B. Nürnberger - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (3):9.
    Science, technology, commerce and consumerism have set humankind on a trajectory towards a catastrophe of inestimable proportions. To respond appropriately to this danger, theology must replace obsolete contextualisations of its message with currently relevant ones. ‘Creation out of nothing’ is a case in point. Will God create a new and perfect world ‘out of nothing’ after we have messed up the one we have? Probably not! In Part I, I show that ‘creation out of nothing’ is not a relevant issue (...)
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  46. Other Universes - A Scientific Perspective.D. H. Mellor - unknown
    We do not know whether there are other universes. Perhaps we never shall. But I want to argue that 'do other universes exist?' can be posed in a form that makes it a genuine scientific question. Moreover, I shall outline why it is an interesting question; and why, indeed, I already suspect that the answer may be 'yes'.
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    A biosemiotic reading of Michel Onfray’s Cosmos: Rethinking the essence of communication from an ecocentric and scientific perspective.Keith Moser - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (225):405-421.
    InCosmos, Onfray argues in favor of a (re-) conceptualization of communication based on recent scientific discoveries. Similar to many researchers in the field of biosemiotics, the controversial philosopher posits that all life forms engage in constant semiosis. As opposed to being a singular characteristic that only homo sapiens possess, Onfray contends that all organisms are endowed with semiosic faculties that enable them to exchange information in purposeful and meaningful ways. Appealing to scientific logic, the philosopher debunks the common (...)
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  48. Male circumcision: a scientific perspective.R. V. Short - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (3):241-241.
    The health benefits of male circumcision are wide rangingIn this issue, John Hutson has reiterated the conventional Western medical view that “the surgical argument for circumcision of all neonatal males at present is very weak” and he criticises many of the circumcisions performed in later childhood, without anaesthesia, as “physically cruel and potentially dangerous” [see page 238].1 He is also of the opinion that “the diseases which circumcision is able to prevent are uncommon or even rare”. But therein he errs, (...)
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  49. UNDERSTANDING HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS AND MENTAL FUNCTIONS: A LIFE-SCIENTIFIC PERSPECTIVE OF BRAHMAJNAANA.Varanasi Ramabrahmam - 2011 - In In the Proceedings of 4th National Conference on Vedic Science with Theme of "Ancient Indian Life Science and Related Technologies" on 23rd, 24th, and 25th December 2011 Atbangalore Conducted by National Institute of Vedic Science Bang.
    A biophysical and biochemical perspective of Brahmajnaana will be advanced by viewing Upanishads and related books as “Texts of Science on human mind”. A biological and cognitive science insight of Atman and Maya, the results of breathing process; constituting and responsible for human consciousness and mental functions will be developed. The Advaita and Dvaita phases of human mind, its cognitive and functional states will be discussed. These mental activities will be modeled as brain-wave modulation and demodulation processes. The energy-forms (...)
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    Quantum Cosmology and the Laws of Nature: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action.Robert J. Russell, Nancey C. Murphy & C. J. Isham (eds.) - 1993 - Vatican Observatory.
    This collection of research papers explores the implications of quantum cosmology and the status of the laws of nature for theological and philosophical issues regarding God's action in the world. The main goal is to contribute to constructive theology as it engages current research in the natural sciences, and to investigate the philosophical and theological elements in ongoing theoretical research in the natural sciences.
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