Results for 'scar'

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  1. La complementariedad existencial de nihilismo y esperanza en Antonio Machado.Óscar Barroso - 2022 - In Azucena González Blanco (ed.), Parecidos razonables: relaciones entre literatura y filosofía para el siglo XXI. New York: Peter Lang.
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  2. Imágenes especulares de la modernidad : Benjamin y la fantasmagoría del siglo XIX.Óscar Espinosa Mijares - 2009 - In Óscar Espinosa Mijares (ed.), Fantasmagorías: Mercancía, Imagen, Museo. México, D.F.: Uia, Departamento de Filosofía.
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    La Perspectiva GenealóGica de la Historia.Óscar Moro Abadía - 2006 - Santander: Universidad de Cantabria.
    Pretende construir el autor, tomando como referencia a Foucaul y Nietzsche, una perspectiva genealógica de la historia capaz de responder a una serie de preguntas que expliquen cómo hemos llegado a ser lo que somos, ¿qué es la historia y para qué sirve?, ¿es una ciencia?, ¿cuál es su relación con la filosofía?, ¿es posible un conocimiento histórico objetivo?..
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  4. Ramon Llull y el proyecto universalista.Óscar De la Cruz Palma - 2017 - In Lola Badia, Alexander Fidora, Ripoll Perelló & Maria Isabel (eds.), Actes del Congres d'Obertura de l'Any Llull: "En el setè centenari de Ramon Llull: el projecte missional i la pervivència de la devoció": Palma, 24-27 de novembre de 2015. Palma (Illes Balears): Universitat de les Illes Balears.
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  5. Con Ortega.Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar - 1964 - Madrid,: Taurus.
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    Elementos de las ciencias demostrativas en Aristóteles.Óscar Jiménez Torres - 2006 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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  7. Jean Fourastié sociólogo de la moral: en el centenario de su nacimiento.Óscar Uribe Villegas, Gilberto Robles Medina & Jean Fourastié (eds.) - 2007 - México: Talleres Graficos de Cultura.
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  8. La interdisciplinariedad.Óscar Wingartz Plata - 2012 - In González de Luna, M. Eduardo, Mauricio Ávila Barba & Óscar Wingartz Plata (eds.), Problemas filosóficos interdisciplinarios de la ciencia, la tecnología y la sociedad. Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., México: Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Facultad de Filosofía.
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  9. Perspectiva y verdad: el problema de la verdad en Ortega.Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar - 1966 - Madrid,: Ediciones de la Revista de Occidente.
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    Semblanza de Ortega.Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar - 1994 - [Ciudad Real, Spain]: Diputación de Ciudad Real, Area de Cultura.
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  11. La complementariedad existencial de nihilismo y esperanza en Antonio Machado.Óscar Barroso - 2022 - In Azucena González Blanco (ed.), Parecidos razonables: relaciones entre literatura y filosofía para el siglo XXI. New York: Peter Lang.
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    Kant, sentido común y subjetividad.Óscar Cubo Ugarte - 2012 - Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid): Plaza y Valdés Editores.
  13. Aprender e ensinar : significados e mediações.Óscar C. de Sousa - 2012 - In António Teodoro, Maria Lucia M. Carvalho Vasconcelos, José B. Duarte, Marcos Masetto & Oscar C. de Sousa (eds.), Ensinar e aprender no ensino superior: por uma epistemologia da curiosidade na formação universitária. São Paulo, SP: Cortez Editora.
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    Reflexionar nuestra América: (ensayos sobre filosofía latinoamericana).Óscar Wingartz Plata - 2012 - Querétaro, Qro., México: Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Facultad de Filosofía. Edited by Óscar Wingartz Plata.
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    El concepto de justicia.Óscar Buenaga Ceballos - 2017 - Madrid: Dykinson, S.L..
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    Ontologies of rock art: images, relational approaches and indigenous knowledges.Óscar Moro Abadía & Martin Porr (eds.) - 2021 - New York: Routledge.
    Ontologies of Rock Art is the first publication exploring a wide range of ontological approaches to rock art interpretation, constituting the basis for ground-breaking studies on Indigenous knowledges, relational metaphysics, and rock imageries. The book contributes to the growing body of research on the ontology of images by focusing on five main topics: ontology as a theoretical framework; the development of new concepts and methods for an ontological approach to rock art; the examination of the relationships between ontology, images and (...)
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    Diálogos llanistas.Óscar Jiménez Torres - 2020 - Madrid: Editorial Sindéresis.
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    Los años trepidantes de la filosofía: estudios en torno a la filosofía clásica alemana, en memoria de Jacinto Rivera de Rosales = Die Aufregenden Jahre der Philosophie: beiträge zur Klassichen Deutschen Philosophie.Pedro Jesús Teruel & Óscar Cubo (eds.) - 2022 - Valencia: Tirant Humanidades.
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    Filosofía de la Amistad: De amicitia, Amistad en la filosoía medieval & de inicios de la modernidad: homenaxe ao Profesor César L. Raña Dafonte.Martín González Fernández, Jorge Cendón Conde, Óscar Parcero Oubiña & Rocío Carolo Tosar (eds.) - 2020 - Riberão, V. N. Famalicão [Portugal]: Sociedad de Estudos Gallegos, Área de Pensamiento.
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    Reflexiones sobre el estado y la política.Andrés Stambouli & Óscar Vallés (eds.) - 2010 - Caracas: Fundación Manuel García-Pelayo.
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    Problemas filosóficos interdisciplinarios de la ciencia, la tecnología y la sociedad.González de Luna, M. Eduardo, Mauricio Ávila Barba & Óscar Wingartz Plata (eds.) - 2012 - Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., México: Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Facultad de Filosofía.
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  22. Scars from Home: Social Geography, Familial Relations, and Patriarchy.Saba Fatima - forthcoming - In Georgi Gardiner & Micol Bez (eds.), The Philosophy of Sexual Violence. Routledge.
    In this narrative, Fatima examines the interplay of critical consciousness, relational dynamics, and patriarchy within social-geographical spaces. Drawing on personal experiences, the chapter explores how patriarchal norms, internalized and perpetuated within intimate relationships and community networks, shape gendered expectations and limit agency from childhood through adulthood. While acknowledging the harms inflicted by these norms, it highlights the dual role of these spaces in fostering both oppression and connection. The essay looks at why simplistic solutions like geographic escape ignore the interdependence (...)
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    Scars of the spirit: the struggle against inauthenticity.Geoffrey H. Hartman - 2002 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this fascinating collection of essays, noted critic Geoffrey Hartman raises the essential question of where we can find the real or authentic in today's world, and how this affects the way we understand our human predicament. Hartman explores such issues as the fantasy of total information and perfect communication encouraged by the internet, the biographical excesses of tell-all talk shows that serve to shore up a personal sense of unreality, the tendency to motivate violence in the name of some (...)
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  24. Scars Across Humanity: Understanding and Overcoming Violence against Women.[author unknown] - 2015
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    Scars of the Spirit: The Struggle Against Inauthenticity (review).Christopher S. Schreiner - 2005 - Philosophy and Literature 29 (2):501-503.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Scars of the Spirit: The Struggle Against InauthenticityChristopher S. SchreinerScars of the Spirit: The Struggle Against Inauthenticity, by Geoffrey Hartman; xii & 260 pp. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002. $17.95 paper.Geoffrey Hartman is now an emeritus faculty member at Yale. All but the youngest readers of this journal will recognize him as a member of the now defunct Yale School of Criticism, which in its glory days included (...)
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  26. Facial Scars: Do Position and Orientation Matter?Zachary Zapatero, Clifford Ian Workman, Christopher Kalmar, Stacey Humphries, Mychajlo Kosyk, Anna Carlson, Jordan Swanson, Anjan Chatterjee & Jesse Taylor - 2022 - Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 150 (6):1237-1246.
    Background: This study tested the core tenets of how facial scars are perceived by characterizing layperson response to faces with scars. The authors predicted that scars closer to highly viewed structures of the face (i.e., upper lip and lower lid), scars aligned against resting facial tension lines, and scars in the middle of anatomical subunits of the face would be rated less favorably. Methods: -/- Volunteers aged 18 years and older from the United States were recruited through Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (...)
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    Is It Possible to “Incorporate” a Scar? Revisiting a Basic Concept in Phenomenology.Jenny Slatman - 2016 - Human Studies 39 (3):347-363.
    Although scars never disappear completely, in time most people will basically get used to them. In this paper I explore what it means to habituate to scars against the background of the phenomenological concept of incorporation. In phenomenology the body as Leib or corps vécu functions as a transcendental condition for world disclosure. Because of this transcendental reasoning, phenomenology prioritizes a form of embodied subjectivity that is virtually dis-embodied. Endowing meaning to one’s world through getting engaged in actions and projects (...)
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    The scar of Montaigne.Philip Paul Hallie - 1966 - Middleton, Conn.,: Wesleyan University Press.
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  29. Managing scars of terror in Norway's Government Quarter and the shifting memory values of VG's newspaper panel.Hein B. Bjerck & Elin Andreassen - 2025 - In Bjørnar Olsen, Stein Farstadvoll & Geneviève Godin (eds.), Unruly heritage: archaeologies of the Anthropocene. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Scars.Janet Kuypers - 1993 - Feminist Studies 19 (3):650.
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  31. Wounds and Scars: Deleuze on the Time and Ethics of the Event.Jack Reynolds - 2007 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 1 (2):144-166.
    This paper explores the idea that Deleuze’s oeuvre is best understood as a philosophy of the wound, synonymous with a philosophy of the event. Although this wound/scar typology may appear to be a metaphorical conceit, the motif of the wound recurs frequently and perhaps even symptomatically in many of Deleuze’s texts, particularly where he is attempting to delineate some of the most important differences (transcendental, temporal, and ethical) between himself and his phenomenological predecessors. I raise some some potential problems (...)
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  32. Whip scars on the naked soul: myth and Elenchos in Plato's Gorgias.Radcliffe G. Edmonds - 2012 - In Catherine Collobert, Pierre Destrée & Francisco J. Gonzalez (eds.), Plato and myth: studies on the use and status of Platonic myths. Boston: Brill.
  33. Scars and Stains: Lessons from Intensive Care, by Mark ZY Tan. Oakamoor, UK: Hawksmoor Publishing, 2024.Hannah Scott - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Humanities:1-3.
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  34. Wounds and Scars: Deleuze on the Time (and the Ethics) of the Event.Jack Reynolds - 2007 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 1 (2):15.
    This essay examines Deleuze's account of time and the wound in The Logic of Sense and, to a lesser extent, in Difference and Repetition. As such, it will also explicate his understanding of the event, as well as the notoriously opaque ethics of counter-actualisation that are bound up with it, before raising certain problems that are associated with the transcendental and ethical priority that he accords to the event and what he calls the time of Aion. I will conclude by (...)
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    Scars.Mary Ann Wehler - 2006 - Feminist Studies 32 (1):123.
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    Scarred trees and becoming-witness: Learning with country.Hélène Frichot - 2022 - Angelaki 27 (2):114-129.
    What happens when the landscape looks back? How is it that the landscape sees? This essay goes in search of material-semiotic signs of Australian Indigenous Country, overlooked and actively unseen...
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    Eurykleia and Odysseus' Scar: Odyssey 19.393–466.Irene J. F. De Jong - 1985 - Classical Quarterly 35 (02):517-.
    In this article I shall argue for an interpretation of Odyssey 19.393–466 as a flash-back taking place in the mind of Eurykleia at the moment she recognises Odysseus' scar. That Eurykleia somehow forms the connection between main story and digression has been suggested before, but so far other interpretations have been defended with more fervour. Most famous of these interpretations is the one given by E. Auerbach in the first chapter of his Mimesis. He had chosen 19.393–466 to illustrate (...)
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  38. Anakin and Achilles : scars of nihilism.Don Adams - 2015 - In Jason T. Eberl & Kevin S. Decker (eds.), The Ultimate Star Wars and Philosophy: You Must Unlearn What You Have Learned. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Reading the Scar in Breast Cancer Poetry.Stephanie Hartman - 2004 - Feminist Studies 30:155-177.
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    Kiedis’s Scar Tissue: A Phenomenological Psychobiography.Tatiana Latilla & Sherianne Kramer - 2018 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 18 (sup1):53-63.
    This study uses a psychobiographic research method as a means to explore and describe the life of lyricist, Anthony Kiedis. Kiedis’s history is investigated through the lens of Erik Erikson’s theory of identity development. Using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) as a means to platform the psychobiographic methodology, this study explores Kiedis’s creativity and writing as intrinsic aspects of his identity. In addition, the analysis attempts to understand how Kiedis resolved his identity crises, and puts forward a presentation of Kiedis’s subjective (...)
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    Emily's Scars: Surgical Shapings, Technoluxe, and Bioethics.Arthur W. Frank - 2004 - Hastings Center Report 34 (2):18-29.
    Increasingly, medicine is used to remodel, revise, and revamp as much as to heal and mend. It is tempting to say that people make merely personal choices about these new uses. But such choices have implications for everybody, and they ought to be made cautiously, slowly, and in a way that opens them to discussion.
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    Anakin and Achilles: Scars of Nihilism.Don Adams - 2015 - In Jason T. Eberl & Kevin S. Decker (eds.), The Ultimate Star Wars and Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley. pp. 42–52.
    This chapter discusses the roles of Anakin Skywalker in central story of the Star Wars saga, and that of Achilles in the ancient Greek epic poem The Iliad. When Anakin discovers that his mother has died violently at the hands of Tusken Raiders, his anger is transmuted into blind, hate‐filled rage and he goes on a killing spree in revenge. Like Anakin, Achilles' anger is turned into blind, hate‐filled rage when the person he loves most, Patroclus, is killed by Hector, (...)
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    Analyzing the Reflective Spirit and Tragic Consciousness in "Scar Art" Works From a Realistic Perspective.Zhaoyang Sun - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (3):461-478.
    With the rapid development of contemporary social economy and the relative stability of the political situation, art has also developed rapidly. But currently, there are many unique and innovative art works in society, and the style and theme of the works are increasingly deviating from people's lives. In response to this issue, this study attempts to analyze the reflective spirit and tragic consciousness in "Scar Art" works from a realistic perspective. The research adopted comparative and image analysis methods to (...)
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    Quantifying the aesthetic outcomes of breast cancer treatment: assessment of surgical scars from clinical photographs.Min Soon Kim, William N. Rodney, Gregory P. Reece, Elisabeth K. Beahm, Melissa A. Crosby & Mia K. Markey - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (6):1075-1082.
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    Varying Cognitive Scars – Differential Associations Between Types of Childhood Maltreatment and Facial Emotion Processing.Benjamin Iffland & Frank Neuner - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Skin and Scars: Probing the Visual Culture of Addiction.Julia Skelly - 2018 - Body and Society 24 (1-2):193-209.
    What does considering skin carefully and specifically illuminate about addiction, addiction discourse and/or the visual culture of addiction, that more general considerations of the body do not? What light is shed when we talk about skin and addiction? I want to propose in this brief article that in looking at addiction and addiction discourse through the lens of skin studies, we see with even more clarity the thinness of the argument that addiction is legible from corporeal evidence. I conclude that (...)
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  47. Healing the Scars of History: Borders, Migration, and the Reproduction of Structural Injustice.Juan Carlos Velasco - 2019 - In Juan Carlos Velasco & MariaCaterina La Barbera (eds.), Challenging the Borders of Justice in the Age of Migrations. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    The suppression of trade barriers and liberalization of financial flows inherent to the expansive dynamic of globalization have not extended to international flows of workers. To impede the free movement of workers, restrictive migratory policies have been implemented, and borders have been fortified with walls and fences. In the face of this widespread phenomenon, this chapter presents an alternative consisting of three steps. First, it is noted that in the current migratory context, borders play a key role in reproducing inequalities (...)
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    Book Review: Scars Across Humanity: Understanding and Overcoming Violence against Women. [REVIEW]Lisa Isherwood - 2016 - Feminist Theology 24 (3):314-314.
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    Arthur Schopenhauer's Pessimism and Josiah Royce's Loyalty: Permanent Deposit or Scar?Charles Royal Carlson - 2016 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 52 (2):148.
    I cannot here withhold the statement that optimism, where it is not merely the thoughtless talk of those who harbor nothing but words under their shallow foreheads, seems to me to be not merely an absurd, but also a really wicked, way of thinking, a bitter mockery of the unspeakable sufferings of mankind.1I am now, and always shall be, in that very sense no optimist, but a maintainer of the sterner view that life is forever tragic. In so far as (...)
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    The sign of the fall: the scars of Orestes and Odysseus.Barbara E. Goff - 1991 - Classical Antiquity 10 (2):259.
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