Results for 'rural communities'

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  1.  13
    Rural Communication in Productive Innovation Processes Physalis Peruviana Aguaymanto in Arequipa.Gregorio Nicolás Cusihuaman-Sisa, Denis Pilares-Figueroa, Ronny Valdiglesias Calvo & Edgard Antony Cruz Zevallos - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):157-165.
    This is the result of research financed by PROCIENCIA-CONCYTEC, whose objective is to analyze the rural communication forms in the processes of productive innovation and the positioning of the aguaymanto as a native product of the Peruvian Andes, to propose communication strategies in rural sectors of Arequipa, physalis peruviana is a fruit of Andean origin, whose properties and characteristics surpass other similar fruits; the method of analysis is qualitative-quantitative, of the correlational, transectional type, the exploration is carried out (...)
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    Potato Ethics: What Rural Communities Can Teach Us about Healthcare.Malin Fors - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (2):265-277.
    In this paper I offer the term “potato ethics” to describe a particular professional rural health sensibility. I contrast this attitude with the sensibility behind urban professional ethics, which often focus on the narrow doctor–patient treatment relationship. The phrase appropriates a Swedish metaphor, the image of the potato as a humble side dish: plain, useful, versatile, and compatible with any main course. Potato ethics involves making oneself useful, being pragmatic, choosing to be like an invisible elf who prevents discontinuity (...)
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    The Rural Community and the Small School.Diana Forsythe, Ian Carter, G. A. Mackay, John Nisbet, Peter Sadler & John Sewel - 1984 - British Journal of Educational Studies 32 (3):286-287.
  4.  21
    Between the Urban and the Rural: What do Rural Community Organisations Represent in Lithuania?Simona Ščerbinskaitė & Viktorija Baranauskienė - 2023 - Filosofija. Sociologija 34 (2).
    Rural community organisations (RCOs) are part of a non-governmental organisations network, an effective tool for tackling local problems and reducing growing territorial exclusion. Despite their significance, it is not fully clear how many of these organisations exist in Lithuania. This is due to several reasons: the typology of settlements in the national law (more specifically, the definition of rural areas) no longer reflects the demographic reality, and the definitions contained in the sub-legislation are ‘manipulated’. In the context of (...)
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  5. Against All Odds: Rural Community in the Information Age by John C. Allen and Don A. Dillman.A. Zekeri - 1996 - Agriculture and Human Values 13:70-70.
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    Value Wars in the New Periphery: Sustainability, Rural Communities and Agriculture. [REVIEW]Jennifer Sumner - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (3):303-312.
    Sustainability has been the subject of prolonged debate within both academic and mainstream literature, rendered all the more heated because many of the disagreements come down to deep differences in values. These "value wars'' play out in decisions made about issues ranging from development and investment to livelihoods and agriculture. Using rural communities as the context for discussion, this article proposes new directions for this contested concept, based on the life code of values. These life values ground sustainability (...)
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    Farm and market structure, industrial regulation and rural community welfare: conceptual and methodological issues. [REVIEW]Rick Welsh - 2009 - Agriculture and Human Values 26 (1-2):21-28.
    The Goldschmidt Hypothesis posits that rural community welfare is negatively associated with the scale of farms surrounding them. The intervening mechanism that links a farm structure dominated by larger farms to negative rural community welfare outcomes is polarized class structure. There have been a number of studies that have found support for the basic relationship between increasing farm scale and negative rural community outcomes. However, since Walter Goldschmidt’s original study was completed in the 1940s, the agricultural market (...)
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    It's all about relationships: Developing nurse‐led primary health care in rural communities.Sue Randall, Debra M. Jones, Giti Hadaddan, Danielle White & Rochelle Einboden - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (4):e12674.
    The role of nurses in leading the design and delivery of primary health care services to address health inequities is growing in prominence, specifically in rural Australia. However, limited evidence exists to inform nurse‐led primary health care in this context. Based on a focus group with nursing executives and semi‐structured interviews with registered nurses we describe nurse experiences of leading the design of a primary health care service in rural Australia and nurse transition to and practice in this (...)
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    Intellectual Property Right of Transgenic Crops and Right to Work: Bioethical Challenges in Rural Communities.Bahareh Heydari & Najmeh Razmkhah - 2014 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 5 (2):49-60.
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    The Practice of Psychology in Rural Communities: Potential Ethical Dilemmas.Craig M. Helbok - 2003 - Ethics and Behavior 13 (4):367-384.
    The practice of psychology in rural areas offers unique challenges for psychologists as they try to provide optimal care, often with a minimum of resources. Psychologists are frequently required to be creative and flexible in order to provide effective services to a wide range of clients. However, these unique challenges often confront psychologists with ethical dilemmas and problems for which their urban-based training has not prepared them. The author examines how certain characteristics of rural communities may lead (...)
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    Our Rural Communities[REVIEW]William J. Gibbons - 1948 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 23 (2):380-381.
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    The Factors Contributing to the Success of Community Learning Centers Program in Rural Community Literacy Development in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Case Studies of Two Rural Communities.Akbar Zolfaghari, Mohammad Shatar & Azam Zolfaghari - 2009 - Asian Culture and History 1 (2):P103.
    Literacy plays a significant role in community development. Without literacy, development goals cannot be achieved easily. Through literacy, the community does not face any challenge to improve their quality of life. For this reason, developed and developing countries nowadays are investing a lot on social and natural innovations, plus human capital in communities to increase their level of literacy. Iran is no exception. For this purpose, the government of Iran has formulated several community literacy development programs in the country. (...)
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    Past and Future of Rural Communities.Henri Mendras - 1970 - Diogenes 18 (69):126-143.
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    New farmers’ efforts to create a sense of place in rural communities: insights from southern Ontario, Canada. [REVIEW]Minh Ngo & Michael Brklacich - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (1):53-67.
    This research situates new farmers within the counter-urbanization phenomenon, explores their urban–rural migration experiences and examines how they are becoming a part of the rural agricultural landscape. Key characteristics in new farmers’ sense of place constructions are revealed through an ethnographic study conducted in southern Ontario, Canada, during the summer of 2009. Using a sense of place framework comprised of place identity, place attachment, and sense of community, this research details a contemporary concept of place to provide a (...)
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    Publish and perish: a case study of publication ethics in a rural community.J. Fraser - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (9):526-529.
    Background: Health researchers must weigh the benefits and risks of publishing their findings.Objective: To explore differences in decision making between rural health researchers and managers on the publication of research from small identifiable populations.Method: A survey that investigated the attitudes of Australian rural general practitioners to nurse practitioners was explored. Decisions on the study’s publication were analysed with bioethical principles and health service management ethical decision-making models.Results: Response rate was 78.5% . 84–94% of GP responders considered it to (...)
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  16.  35
    Exploring the Potential for Moral Hazard When Clinical Trial Research is Conducted in Rural Communities: Do Traditional Ethics Concepts Apply?Ann Freeman Cook & Helena Hoas - 2015 - HEC Forum 27 (2):171-187.
    Over the past 20 years, clinical research has migrated from academic medical centers to community-based settings, including rural settings. This evolving research environment may present some moral hazards or challenges that could undermine traditionally accepted standards for the protection of human subjects. The study described in this article was designed to explore the influence of motives driving the decisions to conduct clinical trial research in rural community settings. The researchers conducted semi-structured interviews with 80 participants who conducted clinical (...)
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  17.  13
    Of names and first names in a small French rural community: Linguistic and sociological approaches.Monique Leon - 1976 - Semiotica 17 (3).
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    The hill folk: report on a rural community of hereditary defectives.Edgar Schuster - 1913 - The Eugenics Review 5 (2):172.
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    Demographic and health patterns in a rural community from the Basque area in Spain (1800-1990).Miguel A. Alfonso Sanchez, Victoria Panera Mendieta, JOSÉ A. Pena & Rosario Calderón - 2002 - Journal of Biosocial Science 34 (4):541-558.
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    “The Hand that Rocks the Cradle Rules the World”: Family Interaction and Decision Making in a Portuguese Rural Community.Marida Hollos & Philip E. Leis - 1985 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 13 (4):340-357.
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    Time trends and determinants of completed family size in a rural community from the basque area of Spain.Miguel A. Alfonso-sánchez, José A. Peña & Rosario Calderón - 2003 - Journal of Biosocial Science 35 (4):481-497.
    The focus of this work is the analysis of changes in completed family size and possible determinants of that size over time, in an attempt to characterize the evolution of reproductive patterns during the demographic transition. With this purpose in mind, time trends are studied in relation to the mean number of live births per family (as an indirect measure of fertility), using family reconstitution techniques to trace the reproductive history of each married woman. The population surveyed is a Spanish (...)
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  22.  10
    “Stop the War on Women’s Bodies”: Facilitating a Girl-Led March Against Sexual Violence in a Rural Community in South Africa.Relebohile Moletsane - 2018 - Studies in Social Justice 12 (2):235-250.
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  23.  13
    Families and Collective Futures: Developing a Program Logic Model for Arts-Based Psychosocial Practice With South African Rural Communities.Dominik Havsteen-Franklin, Marlize Swanepoel, Jesika Jones & Uné Conradie - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Aim: This aim of this study is to describe the development of a program logic model to guide arts-based psychosocial practice delivered in rural South African farming communities affected by transgenerational traumas.Background: The rationale for developing a program logic model for arts-based psychosocial practice in South Africa was based on the lack of evidence for effective community arts-based psychosocial interventions for collective trauma, unknown consensus about best practices and the need for developing cogent collective psychosocial practices. Further to (...)
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  24.  8
    Challenges in Providing Complex Paediatric Care in Rural Communities.Marj Nagel - 2019 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 9 (2):E1-E2.
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  25.  51
    Indigenization and Transformation of Christianity in a Japanese Rural Community.Nishiyama Shigeru - 1985 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 12 (1):17-61.
  26. Visualizing Community: Images of Poverty in a Philippine Rural Community.Joseph Reylan Viray, Raul Roland Sebastian, Ronillo B. Viray & Nelson S. Baun - 2020 - Mabini Review 9:135-159.
    The study zeroed in on the perception of college students who are exposed to sights of poverty in their immediate environment. The student-participants were asked to provide their perception, understanding, and behaviour towards poverty using the photographs that they took on their own. In qualitative research practice, this methodology is called photo elicitation. It was revealed, among others, that the participants have shown negative perceptions about poverty. They strongly felt bad about each photograph that they took and what these images (...)
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    Planning Community-Centered Inquiries: (Re)Imagining K-8 Civics Teacher Education With/In Rural and Indigenous Communities.Christine Rogers Stanton, Danielle Morrison & Hailey Hancock - 2022 - Journal of Social Studies Research 46 (1):85-99.
    This phenomenological case study investigates how planning community-centered civics inquiries can prepare elementary pre-service teachers to better address inequities facing rural communities, including those located on Indigenous reservations. Specifically, the study addresses this research question: How does community-centered planning inform pre-service teacher readiness to support place-conscious and anti-colonial civics education within elementary contexts? Findings suggest that guided, community-centered planning leads to enhanced pre-service teacher confidence in preparing to facilitate equity-oriented elementary education, particularly as related to evolving understandings of (...)
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    Birth intervals regarding infant mortality and extramarital reproduction in a Spanish rural community.V. Fuster, A. Jiménez & B. Morales - 1995 - Journal of Biosocial Science 27 (4):421-429.
    SummaryRecord linking provided information on the complete reproductive schedules of a sample of 1102 couples with at least two children born alive from a rural Spanish community characterised by very high extramarital reproduction. Birth spacing was analysed considering final family size as well as the legitimate–illegitimate status and sex of the newborn, and survival of the preceding sibling.
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    Rural Education in America: What Works for Our Students, Teachers, and Communities.Geoff Marietta & Sky Marietta - 2020 - Harvard Education Press.
    __Rural Education in America_ provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the diversity and complexity of rural communities in the United States and for helping rural educators implement and evaluate successful place-based programs tailored for students and their families._ Written by educators who grew up in rural America and returned there to raise their children, the book illustrates how efficacy is determined by the degrees to which instruction, interventions, and programs address the needs and strengths of each (...)
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  30.  20
    Cecilia Hewlett, Rural Communities in Renaissance Tuscany: Religious Identities and Local Loyalties. Turnhout: Brepols, 2008. Pp. xiii, 234; 13 black-and-white figures and 6 tables. €60. [REVIEW]Nicholas A. Eckstein - 2010 - Speculum 85 (4):973-975.
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    The Acceptability, Feasibility, and Utility of Portable Electroencephalography to Study Resting-State Neurophysiology in Rural Communities.Supriya Bhavnani, Dhanya Parameshwaran, Kamal Kant Sharma, Debarati Mukherjee, Gauri Divan, Vikram Patel & Tara C. Thiagarajan - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Electroencephalography provides a non-invasive means to advancing our understanding of the development and function of the brain. However, the majority of the world’s population residing in low and middle income countries has historically been limited from contributing to, and thereby benefiting from, such neurophysiological research, due to lack of scalable validated methods of EEG data collection. In this study, we establish a standard operating protocol to collect approximately 3 min each of eyes-open and eyes-closed resting-state EEG data using a low-cost (...)
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    Max Weber on ‘The Rural Community’: A critical edition of the English text1. [REVIEW]Peter Ghosh - 2005 - History of European Ideas 31 (3):327-366.
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    Ethical Dilemmas in Community-Based Research: Working with Vulnerable Youth in Rural Communities[REVIEW]Natalie Clark, Sarah Hunt, Georgia Jules & Trevor Good - 2010 - Journal of Academic Ethics 8 (4):243-252.
    Ethical Dilemmas in Community-Based Research: Working with Vulnerable Youth in Rural Communities Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s10805-010-9123-y Authors Natalie Clark, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, BC Canada V2C 5N3 Sarah Hunt, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada Georgia Jules, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, BC Canada V2C 5N3 Trevor Good, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada Journal Journal of Academic Ethics Online ISSN 1572-8544 Print ISSN 1570-1727 Journal Volume Volume 8 Journal Issue Volume 8, Number 4.
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    Selling appropriate development vs. selling-out rural communities: Empowerment and control in indigengous knowledge discourse. [REVIEW]William E. O'Brien & Cornelia Butler Flora - 1992 - Agriculture and Human Values 9 (2):95-102.
    This paper looks at the languages of empowerment and control as they are expressed by authors writing about “indigenous knowledge.” We performed a content analysis on CIKARD News, a newsletter dealing with the concept of indigenous knowledge. This concept has become increasingly prominent in the discourse of alternative development, addressing issues of ecological sustainability and the empowerment of the rural poor. However, mediated by institutions that perpetuate global and local power asymmetries, the empowering potential of indigenous knowledge may be (...)
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  35. “Return” and Extension Actions After Ethnobotanical Research: The Perceptions and Expectations of a Rural Community in Semi-arid Northeastern Brazil. [REVIEW]Ulysses Paulino de Albuquerque, Luciana Gomes de Sousa Nascimento, Fabio José Vieira, Cybelle Maria de Albuquerque Duarte Almeida, Marcelo Alves Ramos & Ana Carolina Oliveira da Silva - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (1):19-32.
    The scientific community has debated the importance of “return” activities after ethnobiological studies. This issue has provoked debate because it touches on the ethics of research and the relationships with the people involved in these studies. This case study aimed to investigate community perception of an ethnobotany research project that was carried out in the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil. Furthermore, we reported how the residents of this rural community felt about participating in the activities of “return” that arose (...)
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    Demographic and health patterns in a rural community from the basque area in Spain (1800–1990).Miguel A. Alfonso Sánchez, Victoria Panera Mendieta, José A. Peña & Rosario Calderón - 2002 - Journal of Biosocial Science 34 (4):541-558.
    In this work, the evolution of demographic and health patterns in a Basque rural population from Spain is analysed, as they relate to progress in demographic and epidemiological transition. For this purpose, parochial record data on 13,298 births and 9215 deaths, registered during the 19th and 20th centuries (180090) resulting from cardiovascular diseases and malignant neoplasms (post-transition causes). This last point is in contrast with observations from the first four decades of the 20th century, when infectious diseases and respiratory (...)
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  37. The Community Power Concept: Mitigating Urban-Rural Digital Divide with Renewable Energy Mini Grids.Hanne Cecilie Geirbo - 2013 - Iris 34.
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  38. Tourism and sustainable development in rural communities in the Black Sea coastline.Miroslav Tascu-Stavre - 2018 - In Inger J. Birkeland (ed.), Cultural sustainability and the nature-culture interface: livelihoods, policies, and methodologies. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, earthscan from Routledge.
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    Ting Hsien: A North China Rural Community.Chauncey S. Goodrich & Sidney D. Gamble - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (3):675.
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    The (S)pace of Change and Practices Shaping Rural Communities.Julia Bello-Bravo - 2019 - Environment, Space, Place 11 (1):102-125.
    Abstract:Representations of the space of the village, the wilderness, and the overlapping edge of the forest between them often play a critical role in intercultural collisions between the “developing” world's spaces and pressures from the ‘developed’ world's activities within them. These collisions include land grabs and resource extraction, conversion of forest or wilderness to mechanized agriculture, uneven legal disputes over what constitutes ownership and use, and conservation efforts to reduce climate change or restore genetic biodiversity in forests. This study illuminates (...)
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    A Social Basis for Prewar Japanese Militarism: The Army and the Rural Community.John H. Boyle & Richard J. Smethurst - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (3):441.
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    Co-Producing Narratives on Access to Care in Rural Communities: Using Digital Storytelling to Foster Social Inclusion of Young People Experiencing Psychosis.Katherine M. Boydell, Chi Cheng, Brenda M. Gladstone, Shevaun Nadin & Elaine Stasiulis - 2018 - Studies in Social Justice 11 (2):298-304.
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    The hide-and-seek game: Men’s perspectives on abortion and contraceptive use within marriage in a rural community in zimbabwe.Jeremiah Chikovore, Gunilla Lindmark, Lennarth Nystrom, Michael T. Mbizvo & Beth Maina Ahlberg - 2002 - Journal of Biosocial Science 34 (3):317-332.
  44.  4
    Power dynamics and the VillageTalk app: Rural mediatisation and the sense of belonging to the village community as communicative figuration.Nicole Zerrer - forthcoming - Communications.
    Rural mediatisation defines the simultaneous transformation of rural community life and its media environment, particularly in the digital age. Typical rural problems such as declining meeting places are being addressed by developing village-specific communication apps. Due to the so-called “urban bias,” not much is known about rural mediatisation, and theoretical concepts are also lacking. This study addresses this research gap by analysing three German village communities, where a village communication app has been introduced. For this (...)
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    Cultural identity of the Slovenian countryside: Territorial integrity and cultural diversity from the perspective of rural communities[REVIEW]Ana Barbič - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15 (3):253-265.
    Cultural identity of rural areas is discussed with some basic concepts such as culture, territory, contemporary globalization, and individuation processes. This case study of cultural identity in the Slovenian countryside focuses on its spiritual culture, of which several components are presented in detail: the language of rural areas, (handy)crafts, nutrition and food culture, co-operation and mutual help among rural residents at work and in leisure, and the art products of Slovenian farmers. In discussing the present status and (...)
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    Serving Divided Communities: Consociationalism and the Experiences of Principals of Small Rural Primary Schools in Northern Ireland.Montserrat Fargas-Malet & Carl Bagley - 2023 - British Journal of Educational Studies 71 (3):285-306.
    Previous studies suggest that small rural schools experience a range of challenges relating to their size, financial difficulties and geographical isolation, as well as potential opportunities relating to their position within their communities. In Northern Ireland, these schools are situated within the comparatively rare context of a religiously divided school system. However, research on these schools in this jurisdiction is scarce. The notion of consociationalism is highlighted as central to an understanding of the prevailing schooling system and the (...)
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    Accessing rural populations: role of the community pharmacist in a breast and cervical cancer screening programme.Timothy R. McGuire, Melissa Leypoldt, Warren A. Narducci & Kathy Ward - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (1):146-149.
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    Food quality as a public good: cooperation dynamics and economic development in a rural community. [REVIEW]Riccardo Boero - 2011 - Mind and Society 10 (2):203-215.
    The present work deals with an initiative that aims at creating and promoting rural development through high quality. It is called “Presidia”, it has been started by the Slowfood movement, and it relies on an approach to rural economies different from the standard spreading of industrialization. The phenomenon on focus is based upon the cooperative dynamics of several small producers, and thus some criticalities typical of social dilemmas have emerged in the case-based study on the field: they deal (...)
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    Economic features of ancient italy - de Haas, tol the economic integration of Roman italy. Rural communities in a globalizing world. Pp. XVIII + 513, b/w & colour figs, b/w & colour ills, b/w & colour maps. Leiden and boston: Brill, 2017. Cased, €132, us$152. Isbn: 978-90-04-32590-6. [REVIEW]David Hollander - 2019 - The Classical Review 69 (1):221-223.
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    Selective, reciprocal and quiet: lessons from rural queer empowerment in community-supported agriculture.Guilherme Raj - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1353-1368.
    Rural queer studies, viewed through the lens of relational agriculture, offer critiques of heteropatriarchal norms in farming and highlight strategies used by queer farmers to manoeuvre discrimination and thrive in rural areas. This paper responds to recent calls for further scrutiny of the experiences of gender and sexually underrepresented groups in community-supported agriculture (CSA). It investigates the empowerment of rural queer people in CSA Guadiana, South Portugal, through the experiences of 12 queer members. I collected data through (...)
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