Results for 'Jennifer Sumner'

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  1.  37
    Effects of the serotonin transporter polymorphism and history of major depression on overgeneral autobiographical memory.Jennifer A. Sumner, Suzanne Vrshek-Schallhorn, Susan Mineka, Richard E. Zinbarg, Michelle G. Craske, Eva E. Redei, Kate Wolitzky-Taylor & Emma K. Adam - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (5):947-958.
  2.  94
    Serving Social Justice: The Role of the Commons in Sustainable Food Systems.Jennifer Sumner - 2011 - Studies in Social Justice 5 (1):63-75.
    Food is a source of sustenance, a cause for celebration, an inducement to temptation, a vehicle for power, an indicator of well-being, a catalyst for change and, above all, a life good. Along with other life goods such as potable water, clean air, adequate shelter and protective clothing, food is something we cannot live without. The global corporate food system, however, allows 800 million to go hungry, while an even larger number of people grow obese. Based in money-values, this food (...)
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    Overgeneral autobiographical memory and chronic interpersonal stress as predictors of the course of depression in adolescents.Jennifer A. Sumner, James W. Griffith, Susan Mineka, Kathleen Newcomb Rekart, Richard E. Zinbarg & Michelle G. Craske - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (1):183-192.
  4. The Place of Philosophy in Bioethics Today.Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby, Sean Aas, Dan Brudney, Jessica Flanigan, S. Matthew Liao, Alex London, Wayne Sumner & Julian Savulescu - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (12):10-21.
    In some views, philosophy’s glory days in bioethics are over. While philosophers were especially important in the early days of the field, so the argument goes, the majority of the work in bioethics today involves the “simple” application of existing philosophical principles or concepts, as well as empirical work in bioethics. Here, we address this view head on and ask: What is the role of philosophy in bioethics today? This paper has three specific aims: (1) to respond to skeptics and (...)
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  5.  41
    Value Wars in the New Periphery: Sustainability, Rural Communities and Agriculture. [REVIEW]Jennifer Sumner - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (3):303-312.
    Sustainability has been the subject of prolonged debate within both academic and mainstream literature, rendered all the more heated because many of the disagreements come down to deep differences in values. These "value wars'' play out in decisions made about issues ranging from development and investment to livelihoods and agriculture. Using rural communities as the context for discussion, this article proposes new directions for this contested concept, based on the life code of values. These life values ground sustainability in a (...)
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  6. Well-being, autonomy, and the horizon problem.Jennifer S. Hawkins - 2008 - Utilitas 20 (2):143-168.
    Desire satisfaction theorists and attitudinal-happiness theorists of well-being are committed to correcting the psychological attitudes upon which their theories are built. However, it is not often recognized that some of the attitudes in need of correction are evaluative attitudes. Moreover, it is hard to know how to correct for poor evaluative attitudes in ways that respect the traditional commitment to the authority of the individual subject's evaluative perspective. L. W. Sumner has proposed an autonomy-as-authenticity requirement to perform this task, (...)
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  7.  59
    Toward a Credible View of Abortion.L. W. Sumner - 1974 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):163 - 181.
    As little as a decade ago most moral philosophers still believed that the exercise of their craft did not include defending positions on actual moral problems. More recently they have come to their senses, one happy result being a spate of articles in the last few years on the subject of abortion. These discussions have contributed much toward an understanding of the abortion issue, but for the most part they have not attempted a full analysis of the morality of abortion. (...)
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  8. Racial Figleaves, the Shifting Boundaries of the Permissible, and the Rise of Donald Trump.Jennifer M. Saul - 2017 - Philosophical Topics 45 (2):97-116.
    The rise to power of Donald Trump has been shocking in many ways. One of these was that it disrupted the preexisting consensus that overt racism would be death to a national political campaign. In this paper, I argue that Trump made use of what I call “racial figleaves”—additional utterances that provide just enough cover to give reassurance to voters who are racially resentful but don’t wish to see themselves as racist. These figleaves also, I argue, play a key role (...)
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  9.  64
    An Introduction to Kant's Moral Philosophy.Jennifer K. Uleman - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Immanuel Kant's moral philosophy is one of the most distinctive achievements of the European Enlightenment. At its heart lies what Kant called the 'strange thing': the free, rational, human will. This introduction explores the basis of Kant's anti-naturalist, secular, humanist vision of the human good. Moving from a sketch of the Kantian will, with all its component parts and attributes, to Kant's canonical arguments for his categorical imperative, this introduction shows why Kant thought his moral law the best summary expression (...)
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  10.  28
    The fragile nature of contextual preference reversals: Reply to Tsetsos, Chater, and Usher (2015).Jennifer S. Trueblood, Scott D. Brown & Andrew Heathcote - 2015 - Psychological Review 122 (4):848-853.
  11.  91
    The Self and Its Moods in Depression and Mania.Jennifer Radden - 2013 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 (7-8):7-8.
    This discussion is about the moods characteristic of depressive and manic states. Moods are distinguished from the emotions they often accompany, and the relationship between these less and more cognitive, and seemingly less and more intentional, states is provided preliminary clarification. Epistemic deficiencies identified here, when combined with differences of quality and quantity in the moods and motivations that beset the depression and mania sufferer, seem likely to hinder self-knowledge and self-integration. These deficiencies, it is argued, may help explain why (...)
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  12.  47
    Women farmers in developed countries: a literature review.Jennifer A. Ball - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (1):147-160.
    Very little research into women farmers in developed countries has been produced by economists, but much of what has been studied by scholars in other disciplines has economic implications. This article reviews such research produced by scholars in all disciplines to explore to what extent women farmers are becoming more equal to men farmers and to suggest further contributions to the literature. As examples, topics that has been widely researched in developing countries but have received almost no attention in developed (...)
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  13.  90
    Psychiatric ethics.Jennifer Radden - 2002 - Bioethics 16 (5):397–411.
    Psychiatric ethics spans several overlapping domains, including the guidelines for ethical research in psychiatry, the professional ethics required in the practice of psychiatry, and a broader set of moral and ethical problems and dilemmas distinctive to, or at least magnified by, the mental health care setting. Reviewed here are selected issues arising in the last two domains, some seemingly inevitable components of mental disorder and its cultural history and others resultant from recent changes and discoveries. Even as science explains and (...)
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  14.  59
    Modelling the effects of semantic ambiguity in word recognition.Jennifer M. Rodd, M. Gareth Gaskell & William D. Marslen-Wilson - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (1):89-104.
    Most words in English are ambiguous between different interpretations; words can mean different things in different contexts. We investigate the implications of different types of semantic ambiguity for connectionist models of word recognition. We present a model in which there is competition to activate distributed semantic representations. The model performs well on the task of retrieving the different meanings of ambiguous words, and is able to simulate data reported by Rodd, Gaskell, and Marslen‐Wilson [J. Mem. Lang. 46 (2002) 245] on (...)
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  15.  49
    Dewey's ethical thought.Jennifer Welchman - 1995 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    'This book not only revises the interpretation of Dewey's ethics but also has relevance to recent discussions about the possibility of naturalistic, ...
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  16.  39
    The virtuous psychiatrist: character ethics in psychiatric practice.Jennifer Radden - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by John Z. Sadler.
    Psychiatric ethics as professional and biomedical ethics -- The distinctiveness of the psychiatric setting -- Psychiatric ethics as virtue ethics -- Elements of a gender-sensitive ethics for psychiatry -- Some virtues for psychiatrists -- Character and social role -- Case studies in psychiatric virtues.
  17.  37
    Institutional refusal to offer assisted dying: A response to Shadd and Shadd.L. W. Sumner - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (8):970-972.
    Ever since medical assistance in dying (MAID) became legal in Canada in 2016, controversy has enveloped the refusal by many faith‐based institutions to allow this service on their premises. In a recent article in this journal, Philip and Joshua Shadd have proposed ‘changing the conversation’ on this issue, reframing it as an exercise not of conscience but of an institutional right of self‐governance. This reframing, they claim, will serve to show how health‐care institutions may be justified in refusing to provide (...)
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  18. (1 other version)A matter of life and death.L. W. Sumner - 1976 - Noûs 10 (2):145-171.
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  19.  97
    A Defence of Environmental Stewardship.Jennifer Welchman - 2012 - Environmental Values 21 (3):297-316.
    Public recognition of the fragility of the natural systems on which present and future generations depend has prompted calls for the practice of environmental stewardship —calls widely criticised in the environmental ethics literature. Some argue that stewardship 's historical associations entail that it is inherently sexist, speciesist and/or anthropocentric. Others argue that absent belief in a creator to appoint us as stewards and hold us accountable, talk of 'environmental stewardship ' is empty. I review the concept's recent evolution and provide (...)
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  20.  45
    Better together: a unified perspective on appraisal and emotion regulation.Jennifer Yih, Andero Uusberg, Jamie L. Taxer & James J. Gross - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (1):41-47.
    Advances in our understanding of appraisal processes and emotion regulation have been two of the most important contributions of research on cognition and emotion in recent decades. Interestingly, however, progress in these two areas has been less mutually informative than one might expect or desire. To help remedy this situation, we provide an integration of appraisal theory and the process model of emotion regulation by describing parallel, interacting and iterative systems for emotion generation and emotion regulation. Outputs of the emotion (...)
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  21.  57
    Public Mental Health and Prevention.Jennifer Radden - 2018 - Public Health Ethics 11 (2):126-138.
    Although employed throughout health-related rhetoric and research today, prevention it is an ambiguous and complicated category when applied to mental and behavioral health. It is analyzed here, along with four ethical issues arising when public health preventative methods and goals involve mental health: age of intervention; resource priorities between prevention and treatment; substantive issues in preventive pedagogies and trade-offs framed by differences of approach. Illustrations include some of the most widespread and ambitious recent preventive models: those aiming to avert subsequent (...)
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  22.  35
    Current Emotion Research in Social Neuroscience: How does emotion influence social cognition?Jennifer S. Beer - 2017 - Emotion Review 9 (2):172-180.
    Neuroscience investigations of emotional influences on social cognition have been dominated by the somatic marker hypothesis and dual-process theories. Taken together, these lines of inquiry have not provided strong evidence that emotional influences on social cognition rely on neural systems which code for bodily signals of arousal nor distinguish emotional reasoning from other modes of reasoning. Recent findings raise the possibility that emotionally influenced social cognition relies on two stages of neural changes: once when emotion is elicited and a different (...)
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  23.  85
    Transcranial direct current stimulation modulates efficiency of reading processes.Jennifer M. Thomson, Deniz Doruk, Bryan Mascio, Felipe Fregni & Carlo Cerruti - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  24.  45
    Complexity and sustainability.Jennifer Wells - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    Introduction -- Elucidating complexity theories -- Complexity in the natural sciences -- Complexity in social theory -- Towards transdisciplinarity -- Complexity in philosophy: complexification and the limits to knowledge -- Complexity in ethics -- Earth in the anthropocene -- Complexity and climate change -- American dreams, ecological nightmares and new visions -- Complexity and sustainability: wicked problems, gordian knots and synergistic solutions -- Conclusion.
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  25.  87
    On Needing Both Marx and Arendt.Jennifer Ring - 1989 - Political Theory 17 (3):432-448.
  26. Into the darkness: Losing identity with dementia.Jennifer Radden & Joan M. Fordyce - 2005 - In Julian C. Hughes, Stephen J. Louw & Steven R. Sabat, Dementia: Mind, Meaning, and the Person. Oxford University Press.
  27.  45
    The Bacon not the Bacon: How children and adults understand accented and unaccented noun phrases.Jennifer E. Arnold - 2008 - Cognition 108 (1):69-99.
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  28.  26
    “It's Like a Kick in the Teeth”: The Emergence of Novel Predictors of Burnout in Frontline Workers During Covid-19.Rachel C. Sumner & Elaine L. Kinsella - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The context of Covid-19 has offered an unusual cultural landscape for examining how workers view their own position relative to others, and how individuals respond to prolonged exposure to workplace stress across different sectors and cultures. Through our recent work tracking the well-being of frontline workers in the UK and Ireland, we have uncovered additional psychological factors that have not been accounted for in previous models of occupational stress or burnout. In recent months, frontline workers have worked to protect the (...)
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  29.  33
    The Historian, the Picture, and the Archive.Jennifer Tucker - 2006 - Isis 97 (1):111-120.
    One of the persistent features of historical writing about the sciences in the last twenty years has been the concern of a number of historians who insist on the need for a new awareness of the role of visual images and image making. The author believes that, rather than reducing the analysis of visual culture to a single set of principles, the point of the academic study of scientific images is the recognition of their heterogeneity, the different circumstances of their (...)
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  30. Facts in Question: A Response to Dodd and to Candlish.Jennifer Hornsby - 1999 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 99 (1):241-246.
    Jennifer Homsby; The Facts in Question: A Response to Dodd and to Candlish, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 99, Issue 1, 1 June 1999, Pages 241–.
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    No Children Should Be Left Behind During COVID-19 Pandemic: Description, Potential Reach, and Participants' Perspectives of a Project Through Radio and Letters to Promote Self-Regulatory Competences in Elementary School.Jennifer Cunha, Cátia Silva, Ana Guimarães, Patrícia Sousa, Clara Vieira, Dulce Lopes & Pedro Rosário - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:647708.
    Around the world, many schools were closed as one of the measures to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. School closure brought about important challenges to the students' learning process. This context requires strong self-regulatory competences and agency for autonomous learning. Moreover, online remote learning was the main alternative response to classroom learning, which increased the inequalities between students with and without access to technological resources or for those with low digital literacy. All considered, to level the playing field (...)
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  32.  48
    Relational Autonomy as a Theoretical Lens for Qualitative Health Research.Jennifer A. H. Bell - 2020 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 13 (2):69-92.
    As scholars integrate empirical approaches to ethical questions in healthcare, relational autonomy theory must inform research design and change practice. Qualitative approaches are well suited to issues where patient values play a central role, and they can be combined with relational autonomy theory to investigate the factors influencing autonomy-rich experiences. This paper draws upon my experience conducting bioethics research related to clinical trial decision-making to develop a systematic method for applying relational autonomy as a theoretical lens to qualitative health research. (...)
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  33.  60
    The role of variation in the perception of accented speech.Meghan Sumner - 2011 - Cognition 119 (1):131-136.
  34.  53
    Philosophical Perspectives on Bioethics.L. Wayne Sumner & Joseph Boyle (eds.) - 1996 - University of Toronto Press.
    The contributors to the volume discuss various approaches to bioethical thinking and the political and institutional contexts of bioethics, addressing underlying concerns about the purposes of its practice.
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  35. Positive Sexism.L. W. Sumner - 1987 - Social Philosophy and Policy 5 (1):204.
    No one who cares about equal opportunity can derive much comfort from the present occupational distribution of working women. In the various industrial societies of the West, women comprise between one quarter and one-half of the national labor force. However, they tend to clustered in employment sectors – especially clerical, sales, and service J occupations – which rank relatively low in remuneration, status, autonomy, and other perquisites. Meanwhile, the more prestigious and rewarding managerial and professional positions, as well as the (...)
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  36.  18
    Vorhersagefehler und Gehirnverletzungen. Zwei-Faktoren-Theorien über Wahnvorstellungen.Jennifer Radden - 2012 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 60 (6):903-918.
    This paper explores the two-factor theoretical model currently widely used to provide an explanatory analysis of the delusions that regularly accompany neurological disease or damage. The model hypothesizes a combination of an experiential factor – a strange or untoward experience – and a cognitive factor, such as an impairment of reasoning. The two-factor model has been devised formonothematicdelusions that are usually manifested in a single, implausible idea. These have to be distinguished from the more elaborated,polythematicdelusions that are found in psychiatry. (...)
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  37.  57
    Preventing post-traumatic stress disorder or pathologizing bad memories?Jennifer A. Bell - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (9):29 – 30.
    Henry et al. (2007) claim they are concerned with the overmedicalization of bad memories and its subsequent exploitation by the pharmaceutical industry. However, they downplay the contributing role...
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  38.  39
    Catatonia, motor neglect, and hysterical paralysis: Some similarities and differences.John C. Marshall, Jennifer M. Gurd & Gereon R. Fink - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (5):587-588.
    We outline some ways in which motor neglect (the underutilization of a limb despite adequate strength) and hysterical paralysis (failure to move a limb despite no relevant structural damage or disease) may throw light on the pathophysiology of catatonia. We also comment on the manifold inadequacies of distinguishing too firmly between symptoms of “neurologic origin” and of “psychiatric origin.”.
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  39.  46
    Quantum probability theory as a common framework for reasoning and similarity.Jennifer S. Trueblood, Emmanuel M. Pothos & Jerome R. Busemeyer - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  40.  9
    Facts in Question: A Response to Dodd and to Candlish.Jennifer Homsby - 1999 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 99 (1):241-246.
    Jennifer Homsby; The Facts in Question: A Response to Dodd and to Candlish, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 99, Issue 1, 1 June 1999, Pages 241–.
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  41.  8
    Inquiry and understanding: an introduction to explanation in the physical and human sciences.Jennifer Trusted - 1987 - Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan Education.
  42. Rich and Poor.Jennifer Trusted - 1995 - In Brenda Almond, Introducing Applied Ethics. Cambridge, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 289--304.
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  43.  52
    “The hidden world of science”: Nature as Art in 1930’s American Print Advertising.Jennifer Tucker - 2012 - Spontaneous Generations 6 (1):90-105.
    Photographs deployed in scientific investigation also are circulated and consumed in popular culture. Examination of the work of an early-twentieth-century consulting U.S. scientist in commercial print advertising illuminates a still mostly unwritten history concerning scientific realism, photography, and American advertising’s middle-class audiences. The work of American scientific photographer Philip O. Gravelle with American national advertising campaigns during the early decades of the twentieth century draws attention to the myriad creative uses of scientific photography during the first decades of the twentieth (...)
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  44.  33
    Testing the Effect of Quality Reports on the Health Plan Choices of Medicare Beneficiaries.Jennifer D. Uhrig & Pamela Farley Short - 2002 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 39 (4):355-371.
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  45. Kant and the Value of Free Rational Activity.Jennifer K. Uleman - 1995 - Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania
    I argue against a reading of Kant's moral theory according to which Kant proposes no substantial conception of the good. Against those who place Kant in the liberal tradition on the basis of his formal, 'neutral framework,' principles, I suggest that Kant's practical and political theory rests on a valuation of the practical and cognitive virtues of self-mastery , self-sufficiency, and regularity. The appeal of Kant's principles, and hence their chances of ever being put into action, accordingly lies not in (...)
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  46.  24
    Spaces of Difference: The Contradictions of Alternative Educational Programs.Jennifer A. Vadeboncoeur - 2009 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 45 (3):280-299.
    Drawing upon the concept of thirdspace (Soja 1996), this article extends sociocultural theorizations of space in relation to alternative educational programs: programs designed to re-engage youth who have been pushed out of mainstream schools. Snapshots of educational programs, provided by ethnographic research gathered in the United States, Australia, and Canada, foreground the contradictions inherent in these alternative spaces: on one hand, the possibilities obtained for youth through participation, and on the other, the production of these programs through displacement. Alternative educational (...)
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  47.  47
    Dewey.Jennifer Welchman - 1990 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 28 (3):465-466.
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  48. Criminalizing expression : hate speech and obscenity.L. W. Sumner - 2011 - In John Deigh & David Dolinko, The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of the Criminal Law. Oxford University Press.
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  49.  31
    Irony in Adam Smith’s Critical Global History.Jennifer Pitts - 2017 - Political Theory 45 (2):141-163.
    This essay argues that attention to Adam Smith’s ironic framing of his historical narratives in the Wealth of Nations shows his critique of modern commercial society to have been more radical than is generally recognized. These narratives traced the pathologies of European development and the complex chains of causation that linked Smith’s readers—with often destructive and even catastrophic results—to other human beings distant from themselves. While Smith gave reasons to doubt that sympathy for distant others could bring about reform, I (...)
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  50.  25
    ‘We've fallen into the cracks’: Aboriginal women's experiences with breast cancer through photovoice.Jennifer Poudrier & Roanne Thomas Mac-Lean - 2009 - Nursing Inquiry 16 (4):306-317.
    Despite some recognition that Aboriginal women who have experienced breast cancer may have unique health needs, little research has documented the experiences of Aboriginal women from their perspective. Our main objective was to explore and to begin to make visible Aboriginal women's experiences with breast cancer using the qualitative research technique, photovoice. The research was based in Saskatchewan, Canada and participants were Aboriginal women who had completed breast cancer treatment. Although Aboriginal women cannot be viewed as a homogeneous group, participants (...)
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