Results for 'regime shifts'

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  1.  25
    Using the ‘regime shift' concept in addressing social-ecological change : Social-ecological regime shifts.Christian A. Kull, Christoph Kueffer, David M. Richardson, Ana Sofia Vaz, Joana R. Vicente & João Pradinho Honrado - unknown
    Regime shift’ has emerged as a key concept in the environmental sciences. The concept has roots in complexity science and its ecological applications, and is increasingly applied to intertwined social and ecological phenomena. Yet what exactly is a regime shift? We explore this question at three nested levels. First, we propose a broad, contingent, multi-perspective epistemological basis for the concept, seeking to build bridges between its complexity theory origins and critiques from science studies, political ecology, and environmental history. (...)
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    A Spatial Model of Regime Shift.Everett Carl Dolman - 1997 - Politics and Society 25 (3):377-407.
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    Shifting Knowledge Regimes: the Metamorphoses of Norwegian Reformism.Slagstad Rune - 2004 - Thesis Eleven 77 (1):65-83.
    This article traces the metamorphoses of Norwegian reformism during the last two centuries. In the Norwegian system, the shifting political regimes have to a remarkable extent been accompanied by shifting knowledge discourses. Regardless of whether its ideological dress was liberalism or socialism, a central feature of Norwegian reformism has been its basis in different versions of social science: it has been a scientific reformism. The legal knowledge regime of the civil servants’ state was towards the end of the 19th (...)
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    Sasaki Takeshi, Seiji Kaikaku: 1800 nichi no Shinjitsu (Political Reform: The Record of the 1800 Days), Tokyo: Kodansha, 1999. Gerald Curtis, The Logic of Japanese Politics, Leaders, Institutions, and the Limits of Change, New York: Columbia University Press, 1999. T. J. Pempel, Regime Shift, Comparative Dynamics of the Japanese Political Economy, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1998. [REVIEW]Ray Christensen - 2000 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 1 (2):345-357.
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  5. The shifting puzzles of tocqueville's the old regime and the revolution.Robert T. Gannett Jr - 2006 - In Cheryl B. Welch, The Cambridge companion to Tocqueville. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  6.  29
    Coexistence of multiple periodic and chaotic regimes in biochemical oscillations with phase shifts.I. M. de la Fuente, L. Martinez, J. M. Aguirregabiria & J. Veguillas - 1998 - Acta Biotheoretica 46 (1):37-51.
    The numerical study of a glycolytic model formed by a system of three delay differential equations reveals a multiplicity of stable coexisting states: birhythmicity, trirhythmicity, hard excitation and quasiperiodic with chaotic regimes. For different initial functions in the phase space one may observe the coexistence of two different quasiperiodic motions, the existence of a stable steady state with a stable torus, and the existence of a strange attractor with different stable regimes (chaos with torus, chaos with bursting motion, and chaos (...)
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  7. (Il)Legitimacy of International Intellectual Property Regime?Gürkan Çapar - 2023 - Leiden Journal of International Law 36 (3):721-747.
    The recent Covid-19 global health crisis not only brings into sharp relief the current problems afflicting the international intellectual property regime (IIPR) but also calls into question its legitimacy as an international authority. Against this backdrop, the article aims to launch an investigation into the legitimacy of the IIPR, as an international co-ordinative authority, designed to protect IP rights without prejudice to international trade norms. Drawing on Raz’s service conception of authority, it explores whether the IIPR lives up to (...)
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    Regime Resistance against Low-Carbon Transitions: Introducing Politics and Power into the Multi-Level Perspective.Frank W. Geels - 2014 - Theory, Culture and Society 31 (5):21-40.
    While most studies of low-carbon transitions focus on green niche-innovations, this paper shifts attention to the resistance by incumbent regime actors to fundamental change. Drawing on insights from political economy, the paper introduces politics and power into the multi-level perspective. Instrumental, discursive, material and institutional forms of power and resistance are distinguished and illustrated with examples from the UK electricity system. The paper concludes that the resistance and resilience of coal, gas and nuclear production regimes currently negates the (...)
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    Two Regimes of Fact.Kamini Vellodi - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 60 (1):103-122.
    In her contribution, Kamini Vellodi reflects on the chances of a methodological shift in the discipline of art history thanks to this expanded rethinking of fact by concentrating on the notion of the “pictorial fact”, or “matter of fact,” in Gilles Deleuze’s transcendental empiricism. Vellodi argues that Deleuze’s matter of fact can help us to overcome the still prevalent self-conception of art history as discipline, which has to trace historical facts, understood as given entities that “represent” already accomplished events, that (...)
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    The International Tax Regime and the BRIC World: Elements for a Theory.Eduardo A. Baistrocchi - 2013 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 33 (4):733-766.
    The global economy’s centre of gravity is shifting. Emerging and developing countries have been contributing over 50% of the global GDP since the onset of the 21st century, which is unprecedented since the Industrial Revolution. This article offers the first analysis of the creeping convergence of the BRIC world (ie Brazil, Russia, India and China) with global legal standards in a key area of International Law: the International Tax Regime (ITR). The ITR is a legal technology fundamentally designed by (...)
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    The neoliberal academic: Illustrating shifting academic norms in an age of hyper-performativity.Bruce Macfarlane - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (5):459-468.
    Neoliberalism is invariably presented as a governing regime of market and competition-based systems rather than as a set of migratory practices that are re-setting the ethical standards of the academy. This article seeks to explore the way in which neoliberalism is shifting the prevailing values of the academy by drawing on two illustrations: the death of disinterestedness and the obfuscation of authorship. While there was never a golden age when norms such as disinterestedness were universally practiced they represented widely (...)
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    A tripartite standards regime analysis of the contested development of a sustainable agriculture standard.Maki Hatanaka, Jason Konefal & Douglas H. Constance - 2012 - Agriculture and Human Values 29 (1):65-78.
    As concerns over the negative social and environmental impacts of industrial agriculture become more widespread, efforts to define and regulate sustainable agriculture have proliferated in the US. Whereas the USDA spearheaded previous efforts, today such efforts have largely shifted to Tripartite Standards Regimes (TSRs). Using a case study of the Leonardo Academy’s initiative to develop a US sustainable agriculture standard, this paper examines the standards-development process and efforts by agribusiness to influence the process. Specifically, we analyze how politics operate in (...)
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  13.  19
    Regimes of Visibility: Representing Violence against Women in the French Banlieue.Sarah Dornhof - 2011 - Feminist Review 98 (1):110-127.
    Recent discussions about violence against women have shifted their attention to specific forms of violence in relation to migration and Islam. In this article, I consider different modes of representing women's experiences in French immigrant communities. These representations relate to the French feminist movement Ni Putes Ni Soumises (neither whore nor submissive), a movement that in the early 2000s deplored both the sustained degradation of certain banlieue neighborhoods and also the charges and restrictions that this entails, particularly for young women. (...)
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  14. Changing food waste regimes in Africa’s transition to export-oriented production: the case of Tanzanian avocado.Jonas Cromwell, Stephen Whitfield, Claire Helen Quinn & Megan Kathleen Blake - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-25.
    African nations are increasingly focusing on exporting high-value crops. However, a major challenge exists: high rates of food waste within supply chains. The problem is often seen as a technological issue—a lack of proper infrastructure and coordination creates inefficiencies. This research takes a different perspective, focusing on social relations within the supply chain. It uses the concept of “food waste regimes” to understand the underlying structures, relationships, and systems that cause food waste, with a focus on Tanzania’s avocado trade. The (...)
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    Green Republicanism and the Shift to Post-productivism: A Defence of an Unconditional Basic Income.Jorge Pinto - 2020 - Res Publica 26 (2):257-274.
    Green republicanism can be described as a subset of republican political theory that aims at promoting human flourishing by ensuring a non-dominating and ecologically sustainable republic. An essential aspect of green republicanism is the promotion of post-productivism while preserving or expanding republican freedom as non-domination. Post-productivism implies the promotion of personal autonomy rather than the pursuit of permanent economic growth and the promotion of labour as an intrinsically positive human activity, which for green republicans will have three positive aspects: reduced (...)
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  16.  21
    Pourquoi ce nouveau régime de guerre ?Philippe Zarifian - 2003 - Multitudes 1 (1):11-23.
    We have entered a new long-term war regime. This regime is multiform, and deployed on two mutually interpenetrating fronts: one internal, the other external. The military and the forces of a law and order » cooperate with each other to face a supposed common enemy: international terrorism, both actual and potential. If, in this war regime, the American government occupies a leadership position, several other governments are engaged at the sane level, France and Russia amongst them. This (...)
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  17.  13
    Environmentalism under authoritarian regimes: myth, propaganda, reality.Stephen Brain & Viktor Pál (eds.) - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group/Earthscan from Routledge.
    Since the early 2000s, authoritarianism has risen as an increasingly powerful global phenomenon. This shift has not only social and political implications, but environmental implications too: authoritarian leaders seek to recast the relationship between society and the government in every aspect of public life, including environmental policy. When historians of technology or the environment have investigated the environmental consequences of authoritarian regimes, they have frequently argued that authoritarian regimes have been unable to produce positive environmental results or adjust successfully to (...)
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  18.  37
    La dictature, forme de régime de l'Empire.Jean Claude Paye - 2005 - Actuel Marx 37 (1):161-176.
    In that they generalise overriding procedures, measures against terrorism actually put fundamental liberties on hold. Emergency measures are given legal status. Such shift leads to a new kind of regime in which the executive power takes on the attributes of legal power, dictatorship. This turns out to be the most appropriate form of government in an imperial structure, with the US executive setting up emergency measures and inscribing them into the Law.
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    Do nonlinear dynamics in economics amount to a Kuhnian paradigm shift?Barkley Rosser - manuscript
    Much empirical analysis and econometric work recognizes that there are nonlinearities, regime shifts or structural breaks, asymmetric adjustment costs, irreversibilities and lagged dependencies. Hence, empirical work has already transcended neoclassical economics. Some progress has also been made in modeling endogenously generated cyclical growth and fluctuations. All this is inconsistent with neoclassical general equilibrium. Hence there is growing evidence of Kuhnian anomalies. It therefore follows that there is a Kuhnian crisis in economics and further research in nonlinear dynamics and (...)
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  20.  13
    Regimes of Ignorance: Anthropological Perspectives on the Production and Reproduction of Non-Knowledge.Roy Dilley & Thomas G. Kirsch (eds.) - 2015 - Berghahn Books.
    Non-knowledge should not be simply regarded as the opposite of knowledge, but as complementary to it: each derives its character and meaning from the other and from their interaction. Knowledge does not colonize the space of ignorance in the progressive march of science; rather, knowledge and ignorance are mutually shaped in social and political domains of partial, shifting, and temporal relationships. This volume’s ethnographic analyses provide a theoretical frame through which to consider the production and reproduction of ignorance, non-knowledge, and (...)
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  21.  38
    Do Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics Amount to a Kuhnian Paradigm Shift?Mohammed H. I. Dore & J. Barkley Rosser - unknown
    Much empirical analysis and econometric work recognizes that there are nonlinearities, regime shifts or structural breaks, asymmetric adjustment costs, irreversibilities and lagged dependencies. Hence, empirical work has already transcended neoclassical economics. Some progress has also been made in modeling endogenously generated cyclical growth and fluctuations. All this is inconsistent with neoclassical general equilibrium. Hence there is growing evidence of Kuhnian anomalies. It therefore follows that there is a Kuhnian crisis in economics and further research in nonlinear dynamics and (...)
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  22.  18
    The ulama of Palembang Sammaniyah order: Survival in the middle of the regime of power in the 20th century.Rudy Kurniawan, Darsono Wisadirana, Sanggar Kanto, Siti Kholifah & M. Chairul Basrun Umanailo - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):8.
    During the Palembang Sultanate, the Sammaniyah order was the official religion of the Palembang palace. Sammaniyah tariqa scholars were also made officials and advisers to the sultan. This article aims to discuss the power relations of the Palembang Sammaniyah ulama in terms of continuity and change in the regime of power. From the 19th to the 20th centuries, the Sammaniyah tariqa lived and developed under five regimes of power, namely the Sultanate of Palembang Darussalam, the Dutch colonists, the Japanese (...)
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  23.  27
    The financial regime.Joseph Vogl - 2020 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 29 (60):175-182.
    Starting from the premise that the financial regime has become a power in and of itself—a fourth, ‘monetative’ power as it were—this essay gives an account of the ascendancy of finance and the shift from geopolitical to geo-economical order, within which there is no democratic legitimacy and no legal accountability and within which a new class conflict also emerges. It goes on to advance five theses on this new financial sovereignty, concluding that sovereign is he, who can transform his (...)
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  24.  16
    Transformative ‘cultural shifts' in nursing: participatory action research and the ’project of possibility‘.Andrew Robinson - 1995 - Nursing Inquiry 2 (2):65-74.
    Transformative ‘cultural shifts’ in nursing: participatory action research and the lsquo;project of possibility’For some time scholars have called for changes in nursing in order to address the subjugated position of nurses within health care. This paper argues that through an engagement with participatory action research, nurses open up a possibility to bring about transformative shifts in nursing culture. The motivation for nurses to engage with this research process arises out of an acknowledgement that they can no longer live (...)
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  25.  18
    Digital contact tracing in the pandemic cities: Problematizing the regime of traceability in South Korea.Chamee Yang - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    Since 2020, many countries worldwide have deployed digital contact tracing programs that rely on a range of digital sensors in the city to locate and map the routes of viral spread. Many critical commentaries have raised concerns about the privacy risks and trustworthiness of these programs. Extending these analyses, this paper opens up a different line of questioning that goes beyond privacy-centered single-axis critique of surveillance by considering digital contact tracing symptomatic of the broader changes in modes of urban governance (...)
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  26. Sailing Alone: Teenage Autonomy and Regimes of Childhood.Joel Anderson & Rutger Claassen - 2012 - Law and Philosophy 31 (5):495-522.
    Should society intervene to prevent the risky behavior of precocious teenagers even if it would be impermissible to intervene with adults who engage in the same risky behavior? The problem is well illustrated by the legal case of the 13-year-old Dutch girl Laura Dekker, who set out in 2009 to become the youngest person ever to sail around the world alone, succeeding in January 2012. In this paper we use her case as a point of entry for discussing the fundamental (...)
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  27.  4
    Food crises in the third food regime: an exploratory frame analysis of mainstream governance responses.Phoebe Stephens & Lucy Hinton - 2025 - Agriculture and Human Values 42 (1):69-88.
    The ‘new normality’ of food crises requires nuanced understandings of emergent responses. Through an exploratory analysis of public-facing reports from major food governance actors, this study empirically outlines mainstream solution frames for addressing the contemporary food crisis and the ways in which these differ from the 2008 food crisis. Using food regime theory as the theoretical underpinning, four con­sistently used solution frames are identified that provide insight into the organizing principles of the third food regime: promoting trade liberalization, (...)
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  28.  16
    Europe’s Shifting Divides.J. -Guy Lalande - 2022 - The European Legacy 27 (7-8):812-816.
    The collapse of the communist regimes in the years 1989–1991 triggered an increased interest in the space—alternately called Central Europe, East Central Europe, or Eastern Europe (there is a vast...
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    An analysis of informational power transformations: from modern state to the new regime of performativity.Francesco Abbate - 2023 - AI and Society:1-12.
    This paper examines the role and power of the state in modernity and its transformation throughout it and into the present. First, it recognizes the centrality of the role of information control for the modern state constitution, which allows sovereign power to extend to the national level. Secondly, it discusses the shift of state power from a purely informational power to an informational and bargaining power, as well as the gradual transformation of sovereignty into governmentality. Finally, it analyzes the transformations (...)
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  30.  54
    Luhmann, the Non-trivial Machine and the Neocybernetic Regime of Truth.Erich Hörl - 2012 - Theory, Culture and Society 29 (3):94-121.
    In a time in which an exuberant, trans-classical, non-trivial machine culture redesigns terminologies, remodels logics, produces new evidence, and reorganizes semantic resources, a new, neocybernetic regime of truth is taking shape. Many of our recent self-descriptions and theory formations are coined by our media-technological condition. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the work of Niklas Luhmann, especially in his inherent narrative of the history of rationality. This essay attempts to reconstruct Luhmann’s redescription of European rationality, especially the media- (...)
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  31. Is Ecoturism Environmentally and Socially Acceptable in the Climate, Demographic, and Political Regime of the Anthropocene?Richard Sťahel - 2023 - In João Carlos Ribeiro Cardoso Mendes, Isabel Ponce de Leão, Maria do Carmo Mendes & Rui Paes Mendes, GREEN MARBLE 2023. Estudos sobre o Antropoceno e Ecocrítica / Studies on the Anthropocene and Ecocriticism. INfAST - Institute for Anthropocene Studies. pp. 73-88.
    Tourism is one of the socio-economic trends that significantly contributes to the shift of the planetary system into the Anthropocene regime. At the same time, it is also a socio-cultural practice characteristic of the imperial mode of living, or consumerism. Thus, it is a form of commodification of nature, also a way of deepening social inequalities between a privileged minority of the global population and an exploited majority providing services to those whose socio-economic status allows them to travel for (...)
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    The Salonnieres and the Philosophes in Old Regime France: The Authority of Aesthetic Judgment.Jolanta T. Pekacz - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (2):277.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Salonnières and the Philosophes in Old Regime France: The Authority of Aesthetic Judgment*Jolanta T. PekaczDuring the eighteenth century a significant shift occurred in the perception of the authority of aesthetic judgment in France, from a group usually referred to as “polite society” and widely considered the exclusive source of taste (goût) to various competing groups arrogating to themselves the right to judge artistic matters. 1 In the (...)
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    Comment on Hermann Kocyba. The Regime of Esteem, or Recognition as Affirmation.Christoph Henning - 2011 - Analyse & Kritik 33 (1):261-270.
    This comment on Kocyba's article discusses both his economic and moral assumptions, arguing that the shift from industrial capitalism towards a 'new spirit' of more autonomous forms of work is not captured by Kocyba's comparison between producing things alone and creating services together. Consequently, the main problem is not, as Kocyba believes, the determination of an individual's share in the (intangible) product, but the competitive mindset of this new spirit, which has many undesired consequences. Concerning the 'moral presuppositions' it is (...)
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  34.  55
    Od limitov rastu k planetárnym hraniciam: K súvislosti prekračovania hraníc udržateľnosti v klimatickom, demografickom a politickom režime antropocénu [From growth limits to planetary boundaries: on the context of exceeding the boundaries of sustainability in the climate, demographic and political regime of the anthropocene].Richard Sťahel - 2024 - In Adriana Jesenková, Filozofia ako prekračovanie hraníc : zborník vedeckých príspevkov z výročnej medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie SFZ pri SAV konanej v dňoch 25. – 27. októbra 2023 v Košiciach. Bratislava: Slovenské filozofické združenie pri SAV. pp. 79-90.
    The concept of planetary boundaries has also emerged in the context of the debate on the shift of the planetary system from the Holocene to the Anthropocene, which programmatically seeks to formulate a systemic approach to global sustainability. It aims to define the biophysical and biochemical planetary boundaries within which humanity can safely function. The most recent version of this concept programmatically transcends the boundaries of the natural and social sciences by seeking to include the categories of environmental security and (...)
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    Algorithmic regulation and the global default: Shifting norms in Internet technology.Ben Wagner - 2016 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):5-13.
    The world we inhabit is surrounded by ‘coded objects’ from credit cards to airplanes to telephones. Sadly the governance mechanisms of many of these technologies are only poorly understood, leading to the common premise that such technologies are ‘neutral’, thereby obscuring normative and power-related consequences of their design. In order to unpack supposedly neutral technologies, the following paper will try and foreground two of key questions around the technologies used on the global Internet: 1) how are content regulatory regimes governed (...)
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    The ‘good’ of extending fertility: ontology and moral reasoning in a biotemporal regime of reproduction.Nolwenn Bühler - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (2):1-27.
    Since the emergence of in-vitro fertilization, a specific set of technologies has been developed to address the problem of the ‘biological clock’. The medical extension of fertility time is accompanied by promissory narratives to help women synchronize conflicting biological and social temporalities. This possibility also has a transgressive potential by blurring one of the biological landmarks – the menopause – by which reproductive lives are organized and governed. These new ways of managing, measuring and controlling reproductive time have renewed debates (...)
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  37. Citizenship Betrayed: Israel's Emerging Immigration and Citizenship Regime.Yoav Peled - 2007 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 8 (2):603-628.
    In this Article I argue that the citizenship status of Israel’s Palestinian citizens has been eroding since the "events" of October 2000 and that, as a result, Israel, within its rpe-1967 borders, may be moving from a form of democracy that has been termed "ethnic democracy" towards a form of non-democratic state that has been termed "ethnocracy." My argument is based primarily on two legal documents: the new Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law, 2003, which denies Palestinian citizens the right (...)
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  38. The Inception and Displacement of Confucianism: From History as the Base of Culture to Historicism and Shifting Sands.Joseph R. Levenson - 1963 - Diogenes 11 (42):65-80.
    The problem of leaders and followers is a famous one in intellectual history. Marx once remarked wryly that he was not a Marxist. Dostoevski and Kierkegaard, in mordant moments, saw Christians severed from Jesus. What was the relation between Confucius (551-479 B.C.), an ineffective political adviser in a disintegrating feudal society, and the enormously influential Confucianists in the later highly organized bureaucratic imperial regimes?
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    Bridging Theories for Ecosystem Stability Through Structural Sensitivity Analysis of Ecological Models in Equilibrium.Wolf M. Mooij, Garry D. Peterson, Bob W. Kooi & Jan J. Kuiper - 2022 - Acta Biotheoretica 70 (3):1-29.
    Ecologists are challenged by the need to bridge and synthesize different approaches and theories to obtain a coherent understanding of ecosystems in a changing world. Both food web theory and regime shift theory shine light on mechanisms that confer stability to ecosystems, but from different angles. Empirical food web models are developed to analyze how equilibria in real multi-trophic ecosystems are shaped by species interactions, and often include linear functional response terms for simple estimation of interaction strengths from observations. (...)
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    What do decision models tell us about information use?Evert A. Lindquist - 1988 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 1 (2):86-111.
    This paper develops hypotheses about the implications of different types of decision for the utilization of different types of systematically produced information: data, research, and analysis. The engineering and enlightenment models found in the knowledge utilization literature prove inadequate for this purpose. We turn to three decision models—routine, incremental, and fundamental–and determine their implied demands for information. We also examine how information might be used in scanning procedures in anticipation of decision regime shifts. The results suggest that patterns (...)
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    Can resilience thinking provide useful insights for those examining efforts to transform contemporary agriculture?Katrina Sinclair, Allan Curtis, Emily Mendham & Michael Mitchell - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (3):371-384.
    Agricultural industries in developed countries may need to consider transformative change if they are to respond effectively to contemporary challenges, including a changing climate. In this paper we apply a resilience lens to analyze a deliberate attempt by Australian governments to restructure the dairy industry, and then utilize this analysis to assess the usefulness of resilience thinking for contemporary agricultural transformations. Our analysis draws on findings from a case study of market deregulation in the subtropical dairy industry. Semi-structured interviews were (...)
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    Does socially responsible mutual fund performance vary over the business cycle? New insights on the effect of idiosyncratic SR features.Juan Carlos Matallín‐Sáez, Amparo Soler‐Domínguez, Diego Víctor de Mingo‐López & Emili Tortosa‐Ausina - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (1):71-98.
    This study analyses the performance and market timing of US socially responsible (SR) mutual funds in relation to business cycle regime shifts and different grouping criteria: Ethical strategy focus, SR attributes scores and Morningstar category. Different methodologies are applied and results highlight the importance of considering specific benchmarks related to the investment style in evaluating the SR fund performance. Our results show that, in aggregate, the abnormal performance of SR funds is negative and significant in expansion periods, but (...)
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    Ethical Concerns in Poultry Production: A German Consumer Survey About Dual Purpose Chickens.Maria Busse, Maria Lee Kernecker, Jana Zscheischler, Felix Zoll & Rosemarie Siebert - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (5):905-925.
    The paper offers insights into the acceptability of ethical issues in poultry production and how this situation provides an opportunity to transform the prevailing system into a more sustainable one. The survey among German consumers reveals that killing day-old chicks is a well-known practice and is rated as “very problematic”. In contrast, dual-purpose chickens are mostly unknown but are considered a positive alternative to killing day-old chicks. Consumer clusters were identified regarding purchasing criteria for dual-purpose chickens, purchasing routines and socio-economic (...)
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    COVID-19 Lockdown Unravels the Complex Interplay between Environmental Conditions and Human Activity.Sebastian Raimondo, Barbara Benigni & Manlio De Domenico - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-14.
    During the COVID-19 epidemic, draconian countermeasures forbidding nonessential human activities have been adopted in several countries worldwide, providing an unprecedented setup for testing and quantifying the current impact of humankind on climate and for driving potential sustainability policies in the postpandemic era from a perspective of complex systems. In this study, we consider heterogeneous sources of environmental and human activity observables, considered as components of a complex socioenvironmental system, and apply information theory, network science, and Bayesian inference to analyze their (...)
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    Interview with Laura Mulvey.Roberta Sassatelli - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (5):123-143.
    This conversation between Laura Mulvey and Roberta Sassatelli offers a historical reconstruction of Mulvey’s work, from her famous essay ‘Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema’ to her most recent reflections on male gaze, film technology and visual culture. The conversation initially deals with the socio-cultural context in which the ‘Visual Pleasure...’ essay was produced by outlining a number of possible theoretical parallelisms with other scholars, from Foucault to Barthes to Goffman. Then, on the basis of Mulvey’s latest book, Death 24× a (...)
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  46.  12
    Pour une nouvelle approche du populisme au sein des démocraties représentatives contemporaines.Pierre-Yves Cadalen - 2021 - Astérion 24 (24).
    The academic debates around the rise of so-called populist movements rarely refer to the origins of the tensions structuring representative democracies today. The “democratic deficit” or the “democratic crisis” are expressions that imply the unstructured nature of this moment. We argue here that it points out a structural shift, resulting from the progressive disarticulation between the representative principle and the democratic principle. As both principles defined representative democracy since the 19th century, their disarticulation raises interrogations and produces reactions within the (...)
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    When Is a Dingo Not a Dingo?Jean Hillier - 2024 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 18 (4):542-569.
    In 2019 the Western Australian government recategorised the dingo ( Canis dingo) as a wild dog ( Canis familiaris) whose status is legally declared to be a pest. Despite its iconic native status, Canis dingo has been rendered non-existent and liable to be disposed of by inhumane means. Dumped in a legal black hole via a signifying regime of signs, dingoes are confronted with the fact of their own non-existence. Regarding the dingo as a dingoing, a multiplicity and a (...)
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    Women‘s land rights in Gambian irrigated rice schemes: Constraints and opportunities. [REVIEW]Judith A. Carney - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15 (4):325-336.
    This paper discusses the significance of gender-based conflicts for thefailure of Gambian irrigated rice projects. In particular, it illustrateshow resource control of a gendered crop, rice, shifts from females to maleswith the development of pump-irrigated rice projects. Irrigation imposes aradically different labor regime on household producers, demanding thatthey intensify labor for year-round cultivation. Yet, the Gambian farmingsystem evolved for a five month agricultural calendar, in which women wereaccorded specific land and labor rights. The need to restructure familylabor, specifically (...)
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    Democracies and International Law.Tom Ginsburg - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    Democracies and authoritarian regimes have different approaches to international law, grounded in their different forms of government. As the balance of power between democracies and non-democracies shifts, it will have consequences for international legal order. Human rights may face severe challenges in years ahead, but citizens of democratic countries may still benefit from international legal cooperation in other areas. Ranging across several continents, this volume surveys the state of democracy-enhancing international law, and provides ideas for a way forward in (...)
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    Om den moderna tidsregimen och Lydia Wahlströms historiska kvinnokategori.Daniela Dahl - 2021 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 83:119-136.
    This article examines a historical work which depicts the history of women and the women’s movement in Sweden, written in 1933 by Swedish historian Lydia Wahlström. Through the theoretical concept of the modern time regime, this article reveals how modern time-structures were integral to Wahlström’s conception of women’s history and the manner in which she constructed the historical development of women’s collective identity. In Wahlström’s work, women as a category for historical analysis harboured facets which shifted during the course (...)
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