Results for 'rational reconstruction'

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  1. Rational reconstructions revised.Peter Machamer & Franccsca Di Poppa - 2001 - Theoria 16 (3):461-480.
    Imre Lakatos’ idea that history of science without philosophy of science is blind may still be given a plausible interpretation today, even though his theory of the methodology of scientific research programmes has been rejected. The latter theory captures neither rationality in science nor the sense in which history must be told in a rational fashion. Nonetheless, Lakatos was right in insisting that the discipline of history consists of written rational reconstructions. In this paper, we will examine possible (...)
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  2. Rational Reconstruction Reconsidered.Bence Nanay - 2010 - The Monist 93 (4):598-617.
    Here is a dilemma concerning the history of science. Can the history of scientific thought be reduced to the history of the beliefs, motives and actions of scientists? Or should we think of the history of scientific thought as in some sense independent from the history of scientists? The aim of this paper is to carve out an intermediate position between these two. I will argue that the history of scientific thought supervenes on, but not reducible to, the history of (...)
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  3. Rational reconstruction of a Sojourner Truth quotation: "ain't I a woman?".Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This paper features premise-by-premise reconstructions of a famous quotation by Sojourner Truth, presented to us by bell hooks.
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  4. Rational reconstruction, explication, and the rejection of metaphysics.Michael Friedman - 2012 - In Pierre Wagner (ed.), Carnap's ideal of explication and naturalism. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  5. Habermas' method: Rational reconstruction.Jørgen Pedersen - 2008 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 38 (4):457-485.
    Given the prominent position Habermas' philosophy has gained, it is surprising that his method, rational reconstruction, has not caused more debate. This article clarifies what this method consists of, and shows how it is used in two of Habermas' research programs. The method is an interesting, but problematic way of confronting some of the basic epistemological questions in the social sciences. It represents an alternative to both the empirical-analytical and the hermeneutic tradition. On the basis of this methodology, (...)
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  6. Rational Reconstruction and Social Criticism: Habermas's Model of Interpretive Social Science in Hermeneutics in Ethics and Social Theory.Kenneth Baynes - 1989 - Philosophical Forum 21 (1):122-145.
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    Rational Reconstruction of Relativistic Space and time and the Physical Objectivity of Space and Time : A Study on Reichenbach’s Axiomatization of the Theory of Relativity (1924). 강형구 - 2022 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 101:1-32.
    상대성 이론에 대한 라이헨바흐의 철학적 분석을 대표하는 저술은 그의 1924년 저서 『상대성 이론의 공리화』이다. 이 책은 상대성 이론에서 제시된 시공간에 대한 일 종의 ‘합리적 재구성(rational reconstruction)’을 담고 있으며, 그는 이러한 재구 성을 통해 상대성 이론이 제시한 중요한 철학적 문제인 ‘시공간의 객관성’ 문제를 해 명하고자 했다. 우선 나는 논문 2장에서 라이헨바흐의 구성적 공리체계 속 공리와 정 의 및 단순성의 의미에 대해 논함으로써 이 체계가 갖는 ‘경험적 특성’을 밝힌다. 논문 3장에서 나는 ‘일치(coincidence)’에 대한 라이헨바흐의 해명 및 그가 구성적 공리체 계를 (...)
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  8. Rational Reconstruction.Alan Richardson - 2005 - In Sahotra Sarkar & Jessica Pfeifer (eds.), The Philosophy of Science: An Encyclopedia. New York: Routledge. pp. 2--681.
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  9. Carnap on the rational reconstruction of scientific theories.William Demopoulos - 2007 - In Michael Friedman & Richard Creath (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Carnap. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. pp. 248-272.
  10. On the rational reconstruction of our theoretical knowledge.William Demopoulos - 2003 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 54 (3):371-403.
    This paper concerns the rational reconstruction of physical theories initially advanced by F. P. Ramsey and later elaborated by Rudolf Carnap. The Carnap–Ramsey reconstruction of theoretical knowledge is a natural development of classical empiricist ideas, one that is informed by Russell's philosophical logic and his theories of propositional understanding and knowledge of matter ; as such, it is not merely a schematic representation of the notion of an empirical theory, but the backbone of a general account of (...)
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    The Rational Reconstruction of Argumentation Referring to Consequences and Purposes in the Application of Legal Rules: A Pragma-Dialectical Perspective.Eveline T. Feteris - 2005 - Argumentation 19 (4):459-470.
    In this paper, the author develops an instrument for the rational reconstruction of argumentation in which a judicial decision is justified by referring to the consequences in relation to the purpose of the rule. The instrument is developed by integrating insights from legal theory and legal philosophy about the function and use of arguments from consequences in relation to the purpose of a rule into a pragma-dialectical framework. Then, by applying the instrument to the analysis of examples from (...)
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    The rational reconstruction of weighing and balancing on the basis of teleological-evaluative considerations in the justification of judicial decisions.Eveline T. Feteris - 2008 - Ratio Juris 21 (4):481-495.
    In this contribution the author develops an argumentation model for the reconstruction of weighing and balancing on the basis of teleological-evaluative considerations. The model is intended as a heuristic and critical tool for the rational reconstruction of the justification of judicial decisions. From the perspective of a rational discussion, it makes explicit the choices underlying the weighing and balancing on the basis of goals and values so that they can be made explicit and submitted to (...) critique. (shrink)
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    Rational reconstruction and immature science.Stuart Silvers - 1996 - Philosophical Psychology 9 (1):93 – 109.
    The distinction between mature and immature science is controversial. Laudan (1977) disavows the idea of immature science while Von Eckardt (1993) claims that cognitive science is just that (an immature science) and modifies Laudan's Research Tradition methodology to argue its rational pursuability . She uses the (Kuhnian) idea of a framework of shared characteristics (FSC) to identify the community of cognitive scientists. Diverse community assumptions pertaining specifically to human cognitive capacities (should) consolidate cognitive research efforts into a coherent and (...)
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  14. starting rational reconstruction of Spinoza's metaphysics by "a formal analogy to elements of 'de deo' (E1)".Friedrich Wilhelm Grafe - 2020 - Archive.Org.
    We aim to compile some means for a rational reconstruction of a named part of the start-over of Baruch (Benedictus) de Spinoza's metaphysics in 'de deo' (which is 'pars prima' of the 'ethica, ordine geometrico demonstrata' ) in terms of 1st order model theory. In so far, as our approach will be judged successful, it may, besides providing some help in understanding Spinoza, also contribute to the discussion of some or other philosophical evergreen, e.g. 'ontological commitment'. For this (...)
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    Rational Reconstruction as a Method of Political Theory between Social Critique and Empirical Political Science.Daniel Gaus - 2013 - Constellations 20 (4):553-570.
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    Lakatosian Rational Reconstruction Updated.Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen - 2017 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 31 (1):83-102.
    I argue in this article that an aspect of Imre Lakatos’s philosophy has been largely ignored in previous literature. The key feature of Lakatos’s philosophy of the historiography of science is its non-representationalism, which enables comparisons of alternative ‘historiographic research programmes’ without implying that the interpretations of history re-present or mirror the past. I discuss some problems of this interpretation and show specifically that Lakatos’s philosophy does not distort the history of science despite its normative ambitions. The last section is (...)
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    A rational reconstruction of nonmonotonic truth maintenance systems.Charles Elkan - 1990 - Artificial Intelligence 43 (2):219-234.
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    (1 other version)Rational Reconstruction.Adrian-Paul Iliescu - 1996 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 11 (3):33-47.
    The aim of this paper is to investigate the preconditions and the limits of rational reconstruction in the philosophy of language, as these preconditions and limits can be deduced from Wittgenstein’s arguments against philosophical constructivism. It will be shown that a main precondition of reconstructions in the field of language is the existence of non-arbitrary patterns of linguistic use, while the limits of this kind of theoretical enterprise derive precisely from the absence of such patterns.
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    Rational Reconstruction and the Construction of an Interlocutor.Alexander Prescott-Couch - unknown
    There has been much recent work in philosophy of science on idealization – the way inaccurate representations can be used to understand a target system. My dissertation concerns a particular sort of idealization that is familiar but often overlooked: rational reconstruction. Rational reconstructions are “cleaned-up” – more coherent and accurate – versions of an individual’s or a group’s attitudes. They are the kind of idealized model that facilitates a crucial aim of the interpretive sciences, the understanding of (...)
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  20. Gricean Rational Reconstructions And The Semantics/pragmatics Distinction.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2001 - Synthese 128 (1-2):93-131.
    This paper discusses the proper taxonomy of the semantics-pragmatics divide. Debates about taxonomy are not always pointless. In interesting cases taxonomic proposals involve theoretical assumptions about the studied field, which might be judged correct or incorrect. Here I want to contrast an approach to the semantics-pragmatics dichotomy, motivated by a broadly Gricean perspective I take to be correct, with a contemporary version of an opposing “Wittgensteinian” view. I will focus mostly on a well-known example: the treatment of referential uses of (...)
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  21. Introduction: Between deconstruction and rational reconstruction.Lasse Thomassen - 2006 - In Lasse Thomassen, Jacques Derrida & Jürgen Habermas (eds.), The Derrida-Habermas reader. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 1--7.
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    A rational reconstruction of the domain of feature structures.M. Andrew Moshier - 1995 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 4 (2):111-143.
    Feature structures are employed in various forms in many areas of linguistics. Informally, one can picture a feature structure as a sort of tree decorated with information about constraints requiring that specific subtrees be identical (isomorphic). Here I show that this informal picture of feature structures can be used to characterize exactly the class of feature structures under their usual subsumption ordering. Furthermore, once a precise definition of tree is fixed, this characterization makes use only of standard domain-theoretic notions regarding (...)
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    Film theory: rational reconstructions.Warren Buckland - 2012 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Introduction -- An improbable alliance : Peter Wollen's "The auteur theory" -- Visual stylometry : Barry Salt's "Statistical style analysis of motion pictures" -- Between Shakespeare and Sirk : Thomas Elsaesser's "Tales of sound and fury: observations on the family melodrama" -- From iconicity to semiotic articulation : Christian Metz's "cinema: language or language system?" and language and cinema -- Film as a specific signifying practice : Stephen Heath's "On screen, in frame: film and ideology" -- Against theories of reflection (...)
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    Reconstructing rational reconstructions: on Lakatos’s account on the relation between history and philosophy of science.Thodoris Dimitrakos - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 10 (3):1-29.
    In this paper, I argue that Imre Lakatos’s account on the relation between the history and the philosophy of science, if properly understood and also if properly modified, can be valuable for the philosophical comprehension of the relation between the history and the philosophy of science. The paper is divided into three main parts. In the first part, I provide a charitable exegesis of the Lakatosian conception of the history of science in order to show that Lakatos’s history cannot be (...)
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  25. Rational reconstruction as elucidation? Carnap in the early protocol sentence debate.Thomas E. Uebel - 1992 - Synthese 93 (1-2):107 - 140.
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    Rational reconstructions.Noretta Koertge - 1976 - In R. S. Cohen, P. K. Feyerabend & M. Wartofsky (eds.), Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos. Reidel. pp. 359--369.
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    Supranational constitutional politics and the method of rational reconstruction.Markus Patberg - 2014 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 40 (6):501-521.
    In The Crisis of the European Union Jürgen Habermas claims that the constituent power in the EU is shared between the community of EU citizens and the political communities of the member states. By his own account, Habermas arrives at this concept of a dual constituent subject through a rational reconstruction of the genesis of the European constitution. This explanation, however, is not particularly illuminating since it is controversial what the term ‘rational reconstruction’ stands for. This (...)
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  28. Towards a Rational Reconstruction of Kant's Metaphysics.W. StegmÜller - 1967 - Ratio (Misc.) 9 (1):1.
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    A Rational Reconstruction of United Nations Human Rights Law.Gustavo Arosemena - 2017 - Ratio Juris 30 (3):372-386.
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    Rationality: Reconstructable, relative and what else? Comments on the rethinking of Paul Tibbetts.Garry W. Trompf - 1984 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 14 (4):509-514.
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    A Rational Reconstruction of Expert Judgments in Organ Allocation: A Conjoint Measurement Approach.Adele Diederich - 2001 - Analyse & Kritik 23 (2):245-261.
    The Eurotransplant Kidney Allocation System (ETKAS) emerged from the XCOMB model by Wujciak and Opelz (1993a,b), who applied computer simulation studies to create an allocation algorithm. The present study investigated how experts would allocate a donated organ to patients on the waiting list with respect to the five allocation factors proposed in the ETKAS (number of mismatches, mismatch probability, waiting time, distance, international exchange balance). The experts’ evaluations were compared to the ETKAS points as well as to factor weights established (...)
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    Rational reconstruction of inferential processes-a task straddling the Al-CS boundaries.L. Jonathan Cohen - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (1):101-102.
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    VI. Rational Reconstruction.Friedrich Solmsen - 1975 - In Intellectual experiments of the Greek enlightenment. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. pp. 172-240.
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  34. African Philosophical Systems - A Rational Reconstruction.L. Keita - 1977 - Philosophical Forum 9 (2):169.
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  35. (1 other version)History of Science and Its Rational Reconstructions.Imre Lakatos - 1970 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1970:91-136.
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    A Rational Reconstruction of the L’Aquila Case: How Non-Denial Turns into Acceptance.Christian J. Feldbacher-Escamilla - 2019 - Social Epistemology 33 (6):503-513.
    ABSTRACTIn 2009, an earthquake struck the city L’Aquila, causing more than 300 deaths and leading to a trial which lasted almost four years and – though cleared in the appeal – in which scientists...
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    71. Rational Reconstruction.Mattias Iser - 2018 - In Hauke Brunkhorst, Regina Kreide & Cristina Lafont (eds.), The Habermas handbook. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 614-618.
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  38. A Rational Reconstruction of Elementary Particles Statistics.D. Costantini - 1982 - Scientia 76:151.
  39. The Purpose of Life and the Meaning in Life: History of Philosophy and Limits of Rational Reconstruction.Elvira Chukhray - 2015 - Sententiae 32 (1):143-152.
    The article analyses whether it is correct to extrapolate the concept of "meaning in life" developed by Thaddeus Metz to the doctrines of ancient philosophers, including Thomas Aquinas. Is Metz’ concept of "purposes" that make "human life" meaningful analogous to Aquinas’ concept of "ultimate goal of man"? Significant points of Metz’ conception of "meaning in life" in our article are described and compared with Aquinas’ conception of "ultimate goal of man." As it turns out, these conceptions are only superficially similar. (...)
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    On the Rational Reconstruction of the Fine-Tuning Argument.Timothy J. McGrew - 2005 - Philosophia Christi 7 (2):425 - 443.
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    A rational reconstruction of rationality.Michal Hubálek - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (5):771-775.
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    Brandom and Gadamer on the Hermeneutical (Il)legitimacy of Rational Reconstruction.Joshua Ian Wretzel - 2013 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 21 (5):735-754.
    (2013). Brandom and Gadamer on the Hermeneutical (Il)legitimacy of Rational Reconstruction. International Journal of Philosophical Studies. ???aop.label???
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    From cathode rays to alpha particles to quantum of action: A rational reconstruction of structure of the atom and its implications for chemistry textbooks.Mansoor Niaz - 1998 - Science Education 82 (5):527-552.
  44. Radical Kantian Rational Reconstruction.Carol Hay - 2024 - In Hilkje Charlotte Hänel & Johanna M. Müller (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Non-Ideal Theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
    In this paper I identify, and consider the relative merits of, two distinct strategies of Kantian rational reconstruction. (1) Apologist rational reconstruction dismisses Kant’s oppressive statements as permissibly ignorable – either mere products of their time, or appearing in works deemed canonically peripheral. It thereby aims to reconstruct a relatively straightforward account of what Kant should have said, by his own lights, that is useful for the purposes of contemporary liberatory social movements. (2) Radical rational (...)
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    Pragmatic enrichment: beyond Gricean rational reconstruction – a response to Mandy Simons.Robyn Carston - 2017 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 60 (5):517-538.
    It has been claimed that pragmatic effects that arise in embedded clauses pose a problem for the Gricean reasoning procedure. I maintain, however, that the real issue these phenomena raise for Grice, as he himself acknowledged, is their violation of his saying/implicating distinction. While these effects can be accounted for by Gricean reasoning, which Mandy Simons clearly demonstrates, there is no way round this latter problem other than a major revision of Grice’s notion of ‘saying’ and hence of the saying/implicating (...)
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    Some problems concerning rational reconstruction: Comments on Elkana and Lakatos.Tomas Kulka - 1977 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 28 (4):325-344.
  47. Analytic philosophy and history of philosophy : the development of the idea of rational reconstruction.Michael Beaney - 2013 - In Erich H. Reck (ed.), The Historical turn in Analytic Philosophy. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Toward a Rational Reconstruction of Design Inferences.Timothy McGrew - 2005 - Philosophia Christi 7 (2):253-298.
  49. Carnap and the Legacy of Rational Reconstruction.Yael Gazit & Michael Beaney - forthcoming - In Christian Dambock & Georg Schiemer (eds.), Rudolf Carnap Handbuch. Metzler Verlag.
    Among his many contributions to philosophy, Carnap’s work also influenced the historiography of philosophy. In his Aufbau of 1928, he introduced the term ‘rational reconstruction’ (‘rationale Nachkonstruction’), which is now known as a central approach to the history of philosophy. Carnap’s own conception, though, had nothing to do with our engagement with the Mighty Dead. It was only later, when subsequent philosophers appropriated the term, that it entered the historiographical debate. In this chapter we sketch the development of (...)
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  50. Phenomenological description versus rational reconstruction.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 2001 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 216 (2):181-196.
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