Results for 'pseudépigraphe'

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    Pseudepigraphic Paulines in the New Testament.Eduard Verhoef - 2003 - HTS Theological Studies 59 (3).
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    The Matter at Hand: Prime Matter as an Unqualified Body in a Post-Hellenistic Pseudepigraphic Text.Giovanni Trovato - 2025 - Apeiron 58 (1):1-16.
    The treatise On the Nature of the Universe, attributed to the Pythagorean Ocellus, has frequently been the subject of scholarly attention due to its engagement with Aristotle’s theory of elemental transformation or its role in the late Hellenistic debate on the eternity of the universe. In this paper, I argue that its author endorses a peculiar conception of matter: prime matter is an unqualified body, only potentially perceptible. Ps.-Ocellus draws this doctrine from Stoicism but reworks it for his purposes outside (...)
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    Compte rendu de Adélard de Bath, L’un et le divers, Questions sur la nature (les causes des choses) avec le pseudépigraphe Comme l’atteste Ergaphalau, texte édité par Charles Burnet.Jean Celeyrette - 2017 - Methodos 17.
    Adélard de Bath est d’abord connu comme un des premiers traducteurs arabo-latins de textes scientifiques. On lui attribue en particulier la première traduction des Éléments d’Euclide. Étant donné l’importance de ces traductions dans l’histoire de la pensée occidentale, la connaissance de son itinéraire intellectuel est a priori intéressante. Or deux de ses œuvres, le De Eodem et diverso et les Questiones naturales, antérieures à ses traductions, fournissent des éléments qui permettent de reco...
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    Non-Canonical Psalms from Qumran: A Pseudepigraphic Collection.Philip R. Davies & Eileen Schuller - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (4):771.
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    Non-Canonical Psalms from Qumran: A Pseudepigraphic Collection.Eileen M. Schuller - 1986 - BRILL.
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    Quelques remarques sur la réception d’un pseudépigraphe : les Oracles Chaldaïques.Serge Cazelais - 2005 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 61 (2):273-289.
    Cet article propose une hypothèse au sujet des Oracles Chaldaïques en les abordant sous l’angle de l’histoire de leur réception. L’objectif de l’A. est de replacer l’origine de ces oracles dans le contexte immédiat de la spiritualité néoplatonicienne. L’hypothèse proposée est illustrée par quelques vers de Proclus qui nous sont rapportés par son disciple Marinus dans son traité Proclus ou sur le bonheur ainsi que par quelques témoignages littéraires sur la conception de la prière chez les néoplatoniciens. L’article se termine (...)
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    Compte rendu de Adélard de Bath, L’un et le divers, Questions sur la nature avec le pseudépigraphe Comme l’atteste Ergaphalau, texte édité par Charles Burnett, traduit et commenté par Max Lejbowicz, Emilia Ndiaye et Christiane Dussourt.Jean Celeyrette - 2017 - Methodos. Savoirs Et Textes 17.
    Adélard de Bath est d’abord connu comme un des premiers traducteurs arabo-latins de textes scientifiques. On lui attribue en particulier la première traduction des Éléments d’Euclide. Étant donné l’importance de ces traductions dans l’histoire de la pensée occidentale, la connaissance de son itinéraire intellectuel est a priori intéressante. Or deux de ses œuvres, le De Eodem et diverso et les Questiones naturales, antérieures à ses traductions, fournissent des éléments qui permettent de reco...
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    The Second Letter to the Thessalonians Re-read as Pseudepigraph 1.Andries Van Aarde - 2000 - HTS Theological Studies 56 (1).
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    Ferecide l’oscuro.Andrea Salomone - 2024 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 45 (1):9-23.
    Pherecydes’ pseudepigraphic letter to Thales (Diog. Laert. I 122) is of uncertain date. It revolves around the idea that the book of Pherecydes should be interpreted allegorically. The aim of this paper is twofold: on the one hand, to contextualise the composition of the epistle through the examination of ancient witnesses who focus on Pherecydes’ obscurity; on the other hand, it shows to what extent Numenius, Celsus and Porphyry’s allegoric interpretation has misled some authoritative modern reconstruction of Pherecydes’ doctrines, as (...)
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    Measuring and weighing psychostasia in Q 6:37–38: Intertexts from the Old Testament.Llewellyn Howes - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (1):01-09.
    This article is the first of three on the relationship between the Sayings Gospel Q and the ancient concept of 'psychostasia,' which is the ancient notion that a divine or supernatural figure weighed people's souls when judging them. The ultimate goal of all three articles is to enhance our understanding of Q 6:37-38, as well as of the Q document as a whole. In the current article, attention is focused on intertexts from the Old Testament, and the occurrences therein of (...)
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  11. Gli Epistolographi Graeci di Francesco Filelfo.Jeroen De Keyser & David Speranzi - 2011 - Byzantion 81:177-206.
    This article first presents a codicological and paleographical analysis of the Bibliotheca Medicea Laurenziana's manuscript Plut. 57.12, a codex containing the Epistolographi Graeci that was owned and annotated by Francesco Filelfo. The original nucleus of this composite was produced in Constantinople in the third decade of the 15th century. Afterwards, Filelfo himself had two copyists -one of whom is identifiable as Gerard of Patras - transcribe supplements to be added to the codex. Filelfo's ownership is proved not only by autograph (...)
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    Embodiment of divine knowledge in early Judaism.Andrei A. Orlov - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    This volume explores the early Jewish understanding of divine knowledge as divine presence, which is embodied in major biblical exemplars, such as Adam, Enoch, Jacob, and Moses. The study treats the concept of divine knowledge as the embodied divine presence in its full historical and interpretive complexity by tracing the theme through a broad variety of ancient Near Eastern and Jewish sources, including Mesopotamian traditions of cultic statues, creational narratives of the Hebrew Bible, and later Jewish mystical testimonies. Orlov demonstrates (...)
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  13. Rewritten Bible ou Bible in progress?: la réécriture des traditions mémoriales bibliques dans le judaïsme et le christianisme anciens.Pierluigi Piovanelli - 2007 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 139 (4):295-310.
    Dans les traditions juives et chrétiennes, on trouve, à côté d�un ensemble d�écrits canoniques (ensemble dont la définition précise varie d�ailleurs selon les communautés), toute une littérature «deutéro-canonique» (ou «apocryphe») et pseudépigraphe. Depuis longtemps, les spécialistes � en particulier dans le monde anglo-saxon � ont pris l�habitude d�analyser cette littérature sous l�angle de la «réécriture» des traditions bibliques. Cette approche soulève toutefois plusieurs difficultés, en particulier parce qu�elle tient pour acquise la fixation des traditions bibliques au moment où se (...)
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    Discoveries in the Judaean Desert Volume Xxv. Qumran Grotte 4: Xviii: Textes Hebreux.Émile Puech (ed.) - 1968 - Oxford University Press UK.
    In the spring of 1956, a comprehensive inventory of the manuscripts from Qumran Cave 4 was prepared which established the manuscript assignments for each of the members of the first editorial team. The manuscripts numbered 4Q521-4Q579 were assigned to Jean Starcky. Unfortunately Père Starcky died before publishing his allotment, which included primarily parabiblical and pseudepigraphic compositions in Hebrew or Aramaic. Though quite amorphous in character, the group reflects the interest in biblical themes and liturgy characteristic of Second Temple period Judaism. (...)
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    The Fictitious Audience of 1 Peter.Will Robinson & Stephen R. Llewelyn - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (6):939-950.
    Recent scholarship has argued that Simon Peter is not the author of 1 Peter, whilst maintaining that the addressees in 1:1 are the real recipients of the letter. We contend that both the stated author and the stated audience are part of the author’s deception. We propose instead that the author may have simply argued that this text was an older letter from Peter. This proposal is consistent with the widely‐held view that pseudepigraphical letters were not knowingly accepted in early (...)
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    Los pseudoepigráficos entre los maniqueos del norte de África.Kevin Coyle - 2024 - Augustinus 69 (1):43-64.
    The article first discusses the presence among Christians in Roman Africa of "biblical" writings that are not found in the current canon of Scripture. This is followed by a review of what is known of the Manichaean use of extra-canonical material in general, particularly within the Roman Empire, and especially of the pseudepigraphical Acts of the Apostles. Finally, the article focuses on the use among Manichaeans in Roman Africa of this pseudepigraphic literature, especially the Acts of the Apostles. In all (...)
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    TrGF 2.624 – A Euripidean Fragment.Christoph Riedweg - 1990 - Classical Quarterly 40 (01):124-.
    In the authoritative new collection of the Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta , a five-trimeter passage appears as No. 624 in the second volume which contains the ‘Fragmenta adespota’. Whereas Nauck placed the lines among the ‘Fragmenta dubia et spuria’ of Euripides , Kannicht and Snell separate them totally from the Euripidean fragments and associate them with various pseudepigraphical pieces of tragic poetry which are commonly thought to have originated in the ‘workshop of a Jewish forger’. The purpose of my article is (...)
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    Slavic (pseudo)Mythology. An Overview.Stamatis Zochios - 2025 - Iris 45.
    This article deals with Slavic pseudo-mythology, comprising myths and deities that do not exist in authentic mythology and folklore or whose existence is doubtful or refuted. It is typically an artificial construct and may be created by scholars who freely interpret scarce sources. This pseudo-mythology, as we will see, has created a false reality. The image we have of Slavic paganism is in fact very vague for lack of sources. On the contrary, today we are used to talking about a (...)
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