Results for 'privacidad mental'

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  1.  7
    Privacidad mental y equidad en la aumentación cognitiva. Desafíos y perspectivas desde el marco jurídico español y chileno.Antón Intxaurtieta Zubizarreta - 2024 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 44:2-36.
    Los retos planteados por el avance y desarrollo de las tecnologías disruptivas han dinamizado la actividad del legislador, exigiendo nuevas respuestas y garantías a bienes jurídicos ya conocidos. Este es ahora el caso de la privacidad del pensamiento y de la igualdad entre personas, que han derivado en el nacimiento de nuevos derechos como la privacidad mental o el derecho al acceso equitativo a la aumentación cognitiva. En el presente artículo se estudiarán ambos derechos, así como su (...)
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    Neuroderecho: adaptabilidad de la normativa de derechos humanos con relación a las nuevas neurotecnologías y propuestas para su ampliación.Nicolas Ezequiel Llamas & José Ángel Marinaro - 2021 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 21:83-111.
    A raíz de los avances realizados en neurociencia y sus implicancias en el derecho en general, y el derecho penal en particular, nos proponemos a evaluar si la normativa de los tratados internacionales sobre derechos humanos es suficiente para cubrir los principios que surgen de sus postulados, o si es necesaria una ampliación (ya sea interpretativa o normativa) en Latinoamérica. Realizaremos un breve repaso de los avances en el campo del neuroderecho y consideraremos algunas de las propuestas más destacadas. Trataremos (...)
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    ""Platonic Dualism, LP GERSON This paper analyzes the nature of Platonic dualism, the view that there are immaterial entities called" souls" and that every man is identical with one such entity. Two distinct arguments for dualism are discovered in the early and middle dialogues, metaphysical/epistemological and eth.Aaron Ben-Zeev Making Mental Properties More Natural - 1986 - The Monist 69 (3).
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  4. Robert Inder, Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh, 80, South Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1HN. [REVIEW]Simple Mental - 1986 - In A. G. Cohn & J. R. Thomas, Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications. John Wiley and Sons. pp. 211.
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  5. Armando roa.The Concept of Mental Health 87 - 2002 - In Paulina Taboada, Kateryna Fedoryka Cuddeback & Patricia Donohue-White, Person, society, and value: towards a personalist concept of health. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
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  6. What is mental disorder?: an essay in philosophy, science, and values.Derek Bolton - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The effects of mental disorder are apparent and pervasive, in suffering, loss of freedom and life opportunities, negative impacts on education, work satisfaction and productivity, complications in law, institutions of healthcare, and more. With a new edition of the 'bible' of psychiatric diagnosis - the DSM - under developmental, it is timely to take a step back and re-evalutate exactly how we diagnose and define mental disorder. This new book by Derek Bolton tackles the problems involved in the (...)
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  7. Mental causation and neural mechanisms.James Woodward - 2008 - In Jakob Hohwy & Jesper Kallestrup, Being Reduced: New Essays on Reduction, Explanation, and Causation. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 218-262.
    This paper discusses some issues concerning the relationship between the mental and the physical, including the so-called causal exclusion argument, within the framework of a broadly interventionist approach to causation.
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  8. Mental institutions.Shaun Gallagher & Anthony Crisafi - 2009 - Topoi 28 (1):45-51.
    We propose to extend Clark and Chalmer’s concept of the extended mind to consider the possibility that social institutions (e.g., legal systems, museums) may operate in ways similar to the hand-held conveniences (notebooks, calculators) that are often used as examples of extended mind. The inspiration for this suggestion can be found in the writings of Hegel on “objective spirit” which involves the mind in a constant process of externalizing and internalizing. For Hegel, social institutions are pieces of the mind, externalized (...)
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  9. Creating mental illness.Allan V. Horwitz - 2002 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In this surprising book, Allan V. Horwitz argues that our current conceptions of mental illness as a disease fit only a small number of serious psychological conditions and that most conditions currently regarded as mental illness are cultural constructions, normal reactions to stressful social circumstances, or simply forms of deviant behavior.
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    Dynamic mental representations.Jennifer J. Freyd - 1987 - Psychological Review 94 (4):427-438.
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  11. Mental Health Pluralism.Craig French - 2025 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 28 (1):65-81.
    In addressing the question of what mental health is we might proceed as if there is a single phenomenon – mental health – denoted by a single overarching concept. The task, then, is to provide an informative analysis of this concept which applies to all and only instances of mental health, and which illuminates what it is to be mentally healthy. In contrast, mental health pluralism is the idea that there are multiple mental health phenomena (...)
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    Neural/mental chronometry and chronotheology.Gerald S. Wasserman - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (4):556-557.
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    The mental representation of causal conditional reasoning: Mental models or causal models.Nilufa Ali, Nick Chater & Mike Oaksford - 2011 - Cognition 119 (3):403-418.
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    A comparison of mental arithmetic performance in time and frequency domains.Anmar Abdul-Rahman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The Heisenberg-Gabor uncertainty principle defines the limits of information resolution in both time and frequency domains. The limit of resolution discloses unique properties of a time series by frequency decomposition. However, classical methods such as Fourier analysis are limited by spectral leakage, particularly in longitudinal data with shifting periodicity or unequal intervals. Wavelet transformation provides a workable compromise by decomposing the signal in both time and frequency through translation and scaling of a basis function followed by correlation or convolution with (...)
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  15. Chapter outline.A. Myth Versus Reality, D. Publicity not Privacy, E. Guilty Until Proven Innocent, J. Change & Rotation Mentality - forthcoming - Moral Management: Business Ethics.
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    Mental models and pragmatics.P. N. Johnson-Laird & Ruth M. J. Byrne - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (2):284-285.
    Van der Henst argues that the theory of mental models lacks a pragmatic component. He fills the gap with the notion that reasoners draw the most relevant conclusions. We agree, but argue that theories need an element of “nondeterminism.” It is often impossible to predict either what will be most relevant or which particular conclusion an individual will draw.
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    Mental causation and double prevention.S. C. Gibb - 2013 - In Sophie Gibb, E. J. Lowe & Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson, Mental Causation and Ontology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 193.
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    The mental representation of integers: An abstract-to-concrete shift in the understanding of mathematical concepts.Sashank Varma & Daniel L. Schwartz - 2011 - Cognition 121 (3):363-385.
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    Mental models and the suppositional account of conditionals.Pierre Barrouillet, Caroline Gauffroy & Jean-François Lecas - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (3):760-771.
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  20. Mental content.Colin Allen - 1992 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 43 (4):537-553.
    Daniel Dennett and Stephen Stich have independently, but similarly, argued that the contents of mental states cannot be specified precisely enough for the purposes of scientific prediction and explanation. Dennett takes this to support his view that the proper role for mentalistic terms in science is heuristic. Stich takes it to support his view that cognitive science should be done without reference to mental content at all. I defend a realist understanding of mental content against these attacks (...)
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    Why the professional-Client Ethic is Inadequate in Mental Health Care.Wai-Ching Leung - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (1):51-60.
    Patients who are subject to compulsory care constitute a substantial proportion of the work-load of mental health professionals, particularly psychiatric nurses. This article examines the traditional ‘beneficence-autonomy’ approach to ethics in compulsory psychiatric care and evaluates it against the reality of daily practice. Risk to the public has always been an important but often unacknowledged consideration. Inequalities exist among ethnic and socio-economic groups and there is a lack of agreement on what constitutes mental disorder. Two major changes in (...)
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  22. Consciousness and memory.Is Mental Illness Ineradicably Normative & A. Reply To W. Miller Brown - 1986 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 7 (4):463-502.
  23. The metaphor of mental illness.Neil Pickering - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Introduction : the existence of mental illness -- The likeness argument -- The categorical argument -- Metaphor -- Two metaphors from physical medicine -- The metaphor of mental illness -- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, social construction, and metaphor -- Metaphors and models.
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    Explaining mental life: some philosophical issues in psychology.James Russell - 1984 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    William James's definition of psychology as 'the science of mental life' has been heard so often that we are apt to forget how radically it diverges from the view of psychology which so many of its practitioners hold today.
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    Mental rotation of the neuronal population vector.Apostólos P. Georgopoulos, Joseph T. Lurito, Michael Petrides, Andrew B. Schwartz & Joe T. Massey - 1994 - In H. Gutfreund & G. Toulouse, Biology and Computation: A Physicist's Choice. World Scientific. pp. 183.
  26. Mental model theory versus the inference rule approach in relational reasoning.Jean-Baptiste Van der Henst - 2002 - Thinking and Reasoning 8 (3):193 – 203.
    Researchers currently working on relational reasoning typically argue that mental model theory (MMT) is a better account than the inference rule approach (IRA). They predict and observe that determinate (or one-model) problems are easier than indeterminate (or two-model) problems, whereas according to them, IRA should lead to the opposite prediction. However, the predictions attributed to IRA are based on a mistaken argument. The IRA is generally presented in such a way that inference rules only deal with determinate relations and (...)
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  27. Mental Simulation.Paul L. Harris - 1995 - Cambridge: Blackwell.
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    Mental time travel in dysphoria: Differences in the content and subjective experience of past and future episodes.Rachel J. Anderson & Gemma L. Evans - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 37:237-248.
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    Eye Movements Reveal Mental Looking Through Time.Kurt Stocker, Matthias Hartmann, Corinna S. Martarelli & Fred W. Mast - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (7):1648-1670.
    People often make use of a spatial “mental time line” to represent events in time. We investigated whether the eyes follow such a mental time line during online language comprehension of sentences that refer to the past, present, and future. Participants' eye movements were measured on a blank screen while they listened to these sentences. Saccade direction revealed that the future is mapped higher up in space than the past. Moreover, fewer saccades were made when two events are (...)
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  30.  39
    Mental state decoding in past major depression: Effect of sad versus happy mood induction.Kate L. Harkness, Jill A. Jacobson, David Duong & Mark A. Sabbagh - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (3):497-513.
  31. Mental filing, continued.Rachel Goodman & Aidan Gray - 2024 - Synthese 204 (1):1-26.
    According to traditional versions of the mental file theory, we should posit _mental files_—that is, mental representations with containment structure—to explain both rational relations between the attitudes, and the persistence of the attitudes across time. However, Goodman and Gray ( 2022 ) offer a revisionary interpretation of the file framework, according to which its explanatory commitments are better presented by positing _mental filing_, as a process, but not _mental files_, as mental representations with file structure. Goodman and (...)
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  32. Mental time travel across the disciplines: The future looks bright.Thomas Suddendorf & Michael C. Corballis - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (3):335-345.
    There is a growing interest in mental time travel in cognitive psychology, neuroscience, developmental psychology, comparative psychology, and evolutionary psychology. Here we review current issues in each of these disciplines. To help move the debates forward we name and distinguish 15 key hypotheses about mental time travel. We argue that foresight has for too long lived in the shadows of research on memory and call for further research efforts.
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    Mental practice promotes motor anticipation: evidence from skilled music performance.Nicolò F. Bernardi, Matteo De Buglio, Pietro D. Trimarchi, Alfonso Chielli & Emanuela Bricolo - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  34. Mental, physical, and mathematical models in the teaching and learning of physics.Ileana Maria Greca & Marco Antonio Moreira - 2002 - Science Education 86 (1):106-121.
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  35. Mental Life: Conceptual models and synthetic methodologies for a post-cognitivist psychology.Xabier Barandiaran - 2007 - In B. Wallace, A. Ross, J. Davies & T. Anderson, The World, the Mind and the Body: Psychology after cognitivism. Imprint Academic. pp. 49-90.
  36. Mental and Moral Science.Alexander Bain - 1884 - Longmans, Green.
  37.  23
    Does coercion matter? Supporting young next-of-kin in mental health care.Elin Håkonsen Martinsen, Bente Weimand & Reidun Norvoll - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1270-1281.
    Background Coercion can cause harm to both the patient and the patient’s family. Few studies have examined how the coercive treatment of a close relative might affect young next-of-kin. Research questions We aimed to investigate the views and experiences of health professionals being responsible for supporting young next-of-kin to patients in mental health care (children-responsible staff) in relation to the needs of these young next-of-kin in coercive situations and to identify ethical challenges. Research design We conducted a qualitative study (...)
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  38. Could Mental Causation Be Invisible?David Robb - 2018 - In Alexander Carruth, Sophie C. Gibb & John Heil, Ontology, Modality, and Mind: Themes From the Metaphysics of E. J. Lowe. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    E.J. Lowe has recently proposed a model of mental causation on which mental events are emergent, thus exerting a novel, downward causal influence on physical events. Yet on Lowe's model, mental causation is at the same time empirically undetectable, and in this sense is "invisible". Lowe's model is ingenious, but I don't think emergentists should welcome it, for it seems to me that a primary virtue of emergentism is its bold empirical prediction about the long-term results of (...)
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    Mental Health in Sport : Improving the Early Intervention Knowledge and Confidence of Elite Sport Staff.Joshua Sebbens, Peter Hassmén, Dimity Crisp & Kate Wensley - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Mental rotation and orientation-invariant object recognition: Dissociable processes.Martha J. Farah & Katherine M. Hammond - 1988 - Cognition 29 (1):29-46.
  41. Mental models and the mind: current developments in cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy of mind.Carsten Held, Markus Knauff & Gottfried Vosgerau (eds.) - 2006 - Boston: Elsevier.
    "Cognitive psychology," "cognitive neuroscience," and "philosophy of mind" are names for three very different scientific fields, but they label aspects of the same scientific goal: to understand the nature of mental phenomena. Today, the three disciplines strongly overlap under the roof of the cognitive sciences. The book's purpose is to present views from the different disciplines on one of the central theories in cognitive science: the theory of mental models. Cognitive psychologists report their research on the representation and (...)
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    Davidson and the anomalism of the mental.Rew A. Godow - 1979 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 17 (2):163-174.
    In two of his more recent papers, Donald davidson has argued for the "a priori" truth of what he calls "the principle of the anomalism of the mental." my concern in this paper is with examining that principle and davidson's defense of it. After clarifying the principle, I discuss three considerations which davidson gives in its defense and argue that they are not persuasive. Then I argue that although the principle of the anomalism of the mental cannot be (...)
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    Rehabilitating LSD history in postwar America: Dilworth Wayne Woolley and the serotonin hypothesis of mental illness.Kim Hewitt - 2016 - History of Science 54 (3):307-330.
    Revisiting the history of postwar LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) research illuminates how the work of a chemist at the Rockefeller Institute contributed to the development of a biochemical paradigm for mental functioning. Dilworth Wayne Woolley proposed one of the first theories of the biochemistry of mental illness based on empirical evidence. His research with LSD and serotonin had wide-ranging repercussions for pharmacology and fit neatly into the emerging medicalization of mental illness. Reevaluating Woolley’s ideas and the fruits (...)
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  44. Nuestros derechos, en riesgo. Intimidad, privacidad y honor en Internet.Víctor Salgado Seguin - 2010 - Telos: Revista de Pensamiento Sobre Tecnología y Sociedad 85:69-79.
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    Verificacionismo y clases naturales en el ataque contra la privacidad.Enrique Villanueva - 1977 - Critica 9 (27):83-88.
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    Ethical reasoning in the mental health professions.Gary George Ford - 2000 - Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
    The ability to reason ethically is an extraordinarily important aspect of professionalism in any field. Indeed, the greatest challenge in ethical professional practice involves resolving the conflict that arises when the professional is required to choose between two competing ethical principles. Ethical Reasoning in the Mental Health Professions explores how to develop the ability to reason ethically in difficult situations. Other books merely present ethical and legal issues one at a time, along with case examples involving "right" and "wrong" (...)
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  47.  58
    Incorrigibility and the mental.Gerald Doppelt - 1978 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 56 (1):3-20.
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    Miščević: Mental Models and More.James Robert Brown - 2024 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 24 (71):147-153.
    This is a review discussion of Nenad Miščević’s stimulating new book, Thought Experiments (2022). His mental models account is of great importance in the various current debates about the nature of thought experiments. I discuss some of the pros and cons of his account.
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    Mental-model theory and rationality.Pascal Engel - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):345-345.
  50.  52
    Mental time travel in the rat: Dissociation of recall and familiarity.Madeline J. Eacott & Alexander Easton - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (3):322-323.
    We examine and reject the claim that the past-directed aspect of mental time travel (episodic memory) is unique to humans. Recent work in our laboratory with rats has demonstrated behaviours that resemble judgements about past occasions. Similar to human episodic memory, we can also demonstrate a dissociation in the neural basis of recollection and familiarity in nonhumans.
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