41 found
  1.  21
    The Moral Machine experiment.Edmond Awad, Sohan Dsouza, Richard Kim, Jonathan Schulz, Joseph Henrich, Azim Shariff, Jean-François Bonnefon & Iyad Rahwan - 2018 - Nature 563 (7729):59-64.
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  2.  48
    Mortality salience and morality: Thinking about death makes people less utilitarian.Bastien Trémolière, Wim De Neys & Jean-François Bonnefon - 2012 - Cognition 124 (3):379-384.
  3.  33
    A theory of utility conditionals: Paralogical reasoning from decision-theoretic leakage.Jean-François Bonnefon - 2009 - Psychological Review 116 (4):888-907.
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  4. The 'whys' and 'whens' of individual differences in thinking biases.Wim De Neys & Jean-François Bonnefon - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (4):172-178.
  5.  11
    Psychological roadblocks to the adoption of self-driving vehicles.Azim Shariff, Jean-François Bonnefon & Iyad Rahwan - 2017 - Nature Human Behaviour 1 (10):694-696.
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  6.  60
    Behavioral Experiments for Assessing the Abstract Argumentation Semantics of Reinstatement.Iyad Rahwan, Mohammed I. Madakkatel, Jean-François Bonnefon, Ruqiyabi N. Awan & Sherief Abdallah - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (8):1483-1502.
    Argumentation is a very fertile area of research in Artificial Intelligence, and various semantics have been developed to predict when an argument can be accepted, depending on the abstract structure of its defeaters and defenders. When these semantics make conflicting predictions, theoretical arbitration typically relies on ad hoc examples and normative intuition about what prediction ought to be the correct one. We advocate a complementary, descriptive-experimental method, based on the collection of behavioral data about the way human reasoners handle these (...)
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  7.  67
    When some is actually all: Scalar inferences in face-threatening contexts.Jean-François Bonnefon, Aidan Feeney & Gaëlle Villejoubert - 2009 - Cognition 112 (2):249-258.
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  8. The Pros and Cons of Identifying Critical Thinking with System 2 Processing.Jean-François Bonnefon - 2018 - Topoi 37 (1):113-119.
    The dual-process model of cognition but most especially its reflective component, system 2 processing, shows strong conceptual links with critical thinking. In fact, the salient characteristics of system 2 processing are so strikingly close to that of critical thinking, that it is tempting to claim that critical thinking is system 2 processing, no more and no less. In this article, I consider the two sides of that claim: Does critical thinking always require system 2 processing? And does system 2 processing (...)
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  9.  33
    The modular nature of trustworthiness detection.Jean-François Bonnefon, Astrid Hopfensitz & Wim De Neys - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (1):143.
  10.  60
    Utility conditionals as consequential arguments: A random sampling experiment.Jean-François Bonnefon - 2012 - Thinking and Reasoning 18 (3):379 - 393.
    Research on reasoning about consequential arguments has been an active but piecemeal enterprise. Previous research considered in depth some subclasses ofconsequential arguments, but further understanding of consequential arguments requires that we address their greater variety, avoiding the risk of over-generalisation from specific examples. Ideally we ought to be able to systematically generate the set of consequential arguments, and then engage in random sampling of stimuli within that set. The current article aims at making steps in that direction, using the theory (...)
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  11.  69
    The Causal Structure of Utility Conditionals.Jean-François Bonnefon & Steven A. Sloman - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (1):193-209.
    The psychology of reasoning is increasingly considering agents' values and preferences, achieving greater integration with judgment and decision making, social cognition, and moral reasoning. Some of this research investigates utility conditionals, ‘‘if p then q’’ statements where the realization of p or q or both is valued by some agents. Various approaches to utility conditionals share the assumption that reasoners make inferences from utility conditionals based on the comparison between the utility of p and the expected utility of q. This (...)
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  12. Pragmatics, Mental Models and One Paradox of the Material Conditional.Jean-françois Bonnefon & Guy Politzer - 2011 - Mind and Language 26 (2):141-155.
    Most instantiations of the inference ‘y; so if x, y’ seem intuitively odd, a phenomenon known as one of the paradoxes of the material conditional. A common explanation of the oddity, endorsed by Mental Model theory, is based on the intuition that the conclusion of the inference throws away semantic information. We build on this explanation to identify two joint conditions under which the inference becomes acceptable: (a) the truth of x has bearings on the relevance of asserting y; and (...)
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  13.  65
    Two Varieties of Conditionals and Two Kinds of Defeaters Help Reveal Two Fundamental Types of Reasoning.Guy Politzer & Jean-françois Bonnefon - 2006 - Mind and Language 21 (4):484-503.
    Two notions from philosophical logic and linguistics are brought together and applied to the psychological study of defeasible conditional reasoning. The distinction between disabling conditions and alternative causes is shown to be a special case of Pollock’s (1987) distinction between ‘rebutting’ and ‘undercutting’ defeaters. ‘Inferential’ conditionals are shown to come in two varieties, one that is sensitive to rebutters, the other to undercutters. It is thus predicted and demonstrated in two experiments that the type of inferential conditional used as the (...)
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  14.  87
    The suppression of modus ponens as a case of pragmatic preconditional reasoning.Jean-Francois Bonnefon & Denis J. Hilton - 2002 - Thinking and Reasoning 8 (1):21 – 40.
    The suppression of the Modus Ponens inference is described as a loss of confidence in the conclusion C of an argument ''If A1 then C; If A2 then C; A1'' where A2 is a requirement for C to happen. It is hypothesised that this loss of confidence is due to the derivation of the conversational implicature ''there is a chance that A2 might not be satisfied'', and that different syntactic introductions of the requirement A2 (e.g., ''If C then A2'') will (...)
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  15.  40
    The Imaginary Intrasexual Competition: Advertisements Featuring Provocative Female Models Trigger Women to Engage in Indirect Aggression.Sylvie Borau & Jean-François Bonnefon - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (1):45-63.
    Recent research suggests that women react to idealized female models in advertising as they would react to real-life sexual rivals. Across four studies, we investigate the negative consequences of this imaginary competition on consumers’ mate-guarding jealousy, indirect aggression, and drive for thinness. A meta-analysis of studies 1–3 shows that women exposed to an idealized model report more mate-guarding jealousy and show increased indirect aggression, but do not report a higher desire for thinness. Study 4 replicates these findings and reveals that (...)
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  16.  56
    The grim reasoner: Analytical reasoning under mortality salience.Bastien Trémolière, Wim De Neys & Jean-François Bonnefon - 2014 - Thinking and Reasoning 20 (3):333-351.
  17.  39
    New ambitions for a new paradigm: Putting the psychology of reasoning at the service of humanity.Jean-François Bonnefon - 2013 - Thinking and Reasoning 19 (3-4):381-398.
  18.  55
    Qualitative Heuristics For Balancing the Pros and Cons.Jean-François Bonnefon, Didier Dubois, Hélène Fargier & Sylvie Leblois - 2008 - Theory and Decision 65 (1):71-95.
    Balancing the pros and cons of two options is undoubtedly a very appealing decision procedure, but one that has received scarce scientific attention so far, either formally or empirically. We describe a formal framework for pros and cons decisions, where the arguments under consideration can be of varying importance, but whose importance cannot be precisely quantified. We then define eight heuristics for balancing these pros and cons, and compare the predictions of these to the choices made by 62 human participants (...)
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  19.  73
    The psychology of reasoning about preferences and unconsequential decisions.Jean-François Bonnefon, Vittorio Girotto & Paolo Legrenzi - 2012 - Synthese 185 (S1):27-41.
    People can reason about the preferences of other agents, and predict their behavior based on these preferences. Surprisingly, the psychology of reasoning has long neglected this fact, and focused instead on disinterested inferences, of which preferences are neither an input nor an output. This exclusive focus is untenable, though, as there is mounting evidence that reasoners take into account the preferences of others, at the expense of logic when logic and preferences point to different conclusions. This article summarizes the most (...)
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  20.  41
    Norms for reasoning about decisions.Jean-François Bonnefon - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (5):249-250.
    Reasoning research has traditionally focused on the derivation of beliefs from beliefs, but it is increasingly turning to reasoning about decisions. In the absence of a single, entrenched normative model, the drive toward normativism is weaker in this new field than in its parent fields. The current balance between normativism and descriptivism is illustrated by three approaches to reasoning about decisions.
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  21.  70
    Some but not all dispreferred turn markers help to interpret scalar terms in polite contexts.Jean-François Bonnefon, Ethan Dahl & Thomas M. Holtgraves - 2015 - Thinking and Reasoning 21 (2):230-249.
    In polite contexts, people find it difficult to perceive whether they can derive scalar inferences from what others say . Because this uncertainty can lead to costly misunderstandings, it is important to identify the cues people can rely on to solve their interpretative problem. In this article, we consider two such cues: Making a long Pause before the statement, and prefacing the statement with Well. Data from eight experiments show that Pauses are more effective than Wells as cues to scalar (...)
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  22.  22
    Peoples’ Views About the Acceptability of Executive Bonuses and Compensation Policies.Marco Heimann, Étienne Mullet & Jean-François Bonnefon - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (3):661-671.
    We applied a technique borrowed from the field of bioethics to test whether justice-related factors influence laypersons’ decisions concerning business ethics. In the first experiment, participants judged the acceptability of remuneration policies and in the second that of executive bonuses. In each study, participants judged a set of 36 situations. To create the scenarios, we varied retributive justice—the amount of remuneration; procedural justice—the clarity of the procedure that determined the remuneration; distributive justice—the extent of the distribution of bonus payments amongst (...)
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  23.  53
    Let us not put the probabilistic cart before the uncertainty Bull.Guy Politzer & Jean-François Bonnefon - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (1):100-101.
    Although we endorse the primacy of uncertainty in reasoning, we argue that a probabilistic framework cannot model the fundamental skill of proof administration. Furthermore, we are skeptical about the assumption that standard probability calculus is the appropriate formalism to represent human uncertainty. There are other models up to this task, so let us not repeat the excesses of the past.
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  24.  29
    Modus Tollens, Modus Shmollens: Contrapositive reasoning and the pragmatics of negation.Jean-François Bonnefon & Gaëlle Villejoubert - 2007 - Thinking and Reasoning 13 (2):207-222.
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  25.  26
    Moral artificial intelligence and machine puritanism.Jean-François Bonnefon - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e297.
    Puritanism may evolve into a technological variant based on norms of delegation of actions and perceptions to artificial intelligence. Instead of training self-control, people may be expected to cede their agency to self-controlled machines. The cost–benefit balance of this machine puritanism may be less aversive to wealthy individualistic democracies than the old puritanism they have abandoned.
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    Reinstatement, floating conclusions, and the credulity of Mental Model reasoning.Jean-Franĉois Bonnefon - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (4):621-631.
    Johnson‐Laird and coworkers' Mental Model theory of propositional reasoning is shown to be somewhere in between what logicians have defined as “credulous” and “skeptical” with respect to the conclusions it draws on default reasoning problems. It is then argued that in situations where skeptical reasoning has been shown to lead to problematic conclusions due to not being skeptical enough, the bolder Mental Model theory will likewise make counterintuitive predictions. This claim is supported by the consideration of two of those situations, (...)
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  27.  13
    Discovering the unknown unknowns of research cartography with high-throughput natural description.Tanay Katiyar, Jean-François Bonnefon, Samuel A. Mehr & Manvir Singh - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e50.
    To succeed, we posit that research cartography will require high-throughput natural description to identify unknown unknowns in a particular design space. High-throughput natural description, the systematic collection and annotation of representative corpora of real-world stimuli, faces logistical challenges, but these can be overcome by solutions that are deployed in the later stages of integrative experiment design.
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  28. Computer-mediated trust in self-interested expert recommendations.Jonathan Ben-Naim, Jean-François Bonnefon, Andreas Herzig, Sylvie Leblois & Emiliano Lorini - 2010 - AI and Society 25 (4):413-422.
    Important decisions are often based on a distributed process of information processing, from a knowledge base that is itself distributed among agents. The simplest such situation is that where a decision-maker seeks the recommendations of experts. Because experts may have vested interests in the consequences of their recommendations, decision-makers usually seek the advice of experts they trust. Trust, however, is a commodity that is usually built through repeated face time and social interaction and thus cannot easily be built in a (...)
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  29.  17
    An overview of bipolar qualitative decision rules.Jean-Francois Bonnefon, Didier Dubois & Hélène Fargier - 2008 - In Giacomo Della Riccia, Didier Dubois & Hans-Joachim Lenz, Preferences and Similarities. Springer. pp. 47--73.
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    Can mutualistic morality predict how individuals deal with benefits they did not deserve?Jean-François Bonnefon, Vittorio Girotto, Marco Heimann & Paolo Legrenzi - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (1):83-83.
    An individual obtains an unfair benefit and faces the dilemma of either hiding it (to avoid being excluded from future interactions) or disclosing it (to avoid being discovered as a deceiver). In line with the target article, we expect that this dilemma will be solved by a fixed individual strategy rather than a case-by-case rational calculation.
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  31.  43
    Deduction from if-then personality signatures.Jean-François Bonnefon - 2010 - Thinking and Reasoning 16 (3):157-171.
    Personality signatures are sets of if-then rules describing how a given person would feel or act in a specific situation. These rules can be used as the major premise of a deductive argument, but they are mostly processed for social cognition purposes; and this common usage is likely to leak into the way they are processed in a deductive reasoning context. It is hypothesised that agreement with a Modus Ponens argument featuring a personality signature as its major premise is affected (...)
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  32.  43
    Formal Models of Reasoning in Cognitive Psychology.Jean-François Bonnefon - 2013 - Argument and Computation 4 (1):1 - 3.
    (2013). Formal Models of Reasoning in Cognitive Psychology. Argument & Computation: Vol. 4, Formal Models of Reasoning in Cognitive Psychology, pp. 1-3. doi: 10.1080/19462166.2013.767559.
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  33.  24
    Reasons to act and the mental representation of consequentialist aberrations.Jean-Francois Bonnefon - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (5-6):453-454.
    If imagination is guided by the same principles as rational thoughts, then we ought not to stop at the way people make inferences to get insights about the workings of imagination; we ought to consider as well the way they make rational choices. This broader approach accounts for the puzzling effect of reasons to act on the mutability of actions.
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  34.  6
    Reasoning Unbound: Thinking about Morality, Delusion and Democracy.Jean-François Bonnefon - 2017 - London: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book argues that the science of reasoning will prove most useful if focused on studying what human reasoning does best - understanding people. Bonnefon argues that humanity's unique reasoning abilities developed in order to handle the complexities of cooperative social life. Accordingly, human beings became exquisite students of the minds of other people to predict the kind of decisions they make, and assess their character. In particular, this volume explores the inferences humans make about the moral character of others, (...)
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    Trustworthiness perception at zero acquaintance: Consensus, accuracy, and prejudice.Jean-François Bonnefon, Astrid Hopfensitz & Wim De Neys - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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  36. How to do things with logical expressions: Creating collective value through co-ordination.D. J. Denis, G. Villejoubert & Jean-François Bonnefon - 2005 - Interaction Studies 6:103-117.
  37.  15
    (2 other versions)How to do things with logical expressions.Denis Hilton, Gaëlle Villejoubert & Jean-François Bonnefon - 2005 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 6 (1):103-117.
    We argue that logical expressions in human language enable speakers to perform particular acts as well as stating propositions which may be true or false. We present a conversational action planning model of co-ordinated reasoning, which we use to predict choice of logical expressions in situations in which two people co-operate in the face of risk and uncertainty. We first show how this model predicts preferences for formulations of conditional directives where a principal instructs an agent on how to behave (...)
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    Rationality in human nonmonotonic inference.Rui Da Silva Neves, Jean-François Bonnefon & Eric Raufaste - 2000 - Linköping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science 5.
    This article tests human inference rationality when dealing with default rules. To study human rationality, psychologists currently use classical models of logic or probability theory as normative models for evaluating human ability to reason rationally. Our position is that this approach is convincing, but only manages to capture a specific case of inferential ability with little regard to conditions of everyday reasoning. We propose that the most general case to be considered is inference with imperfect knowledge - in the present (...)
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  39.  19
    Do learners declining to seek help conform to rational principles?Marina Miranda Lery Santos, André Tricot & Jean-François Bonnefon - 2019 - Thinking and Reasoning 26 (1):87-117.
    Why do learners fail to seek help, when doing so would be beneficial? Principles of rational decision suggest that seeking help is not an optimal action if its costs are greater than its expected b...
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    Introducing a fund for open-access fees.Steven Sloman, Albert Kim, Jean-François Bonnefon, Johan Wagemans, Michael C. Frank, Jennifer E. Arnold, Gregory Murphy, Manos Tsakiris, Jacob Feldman, Stella F. Lourenco & Karen Wynn - 2016 - Cognition 154 (C):iii-iv.
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  41.  73
    Defective truth tables and falsifying cards: Two measurement models yield no evidence of an underlying fleshing-out propensity.Jean-François Bonnefon & Stéphane Vautier - 2008 - Thinking and Reasoning 14 (3):231-243.
    Using a latent variable modelling strategy we study individual differences in patterns of answers to the selection task and to the truth table task. Specifically we investigate the prediction of mental model theory according to which the individual tendency to select the false consequent card (in the selection task) is negatively correlated with the tendency to judge the false antecedent cases as irrelevant (in the truth table task). We fit a psychometric model to two large samples ( N = 486, (...)
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