Results for 'preference value'

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  1.  40
    Preference, Value, Choice, and Welfare.Daniel M. Hausman - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is about preferences, principally as they figure in economics. It also explores their uses in everyday language and action, how they are understood in psychology and how they figure in philosophical reflection on action and morality. The book clarifies and for the most part defends the way in which economists invoke preferences to explain, predict and assess behavior and outcomes. Hausman argues, however, that the predictions and explanations economists offer rely on theories of preference formation that are (...)
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    Pleasure, Preference & Value: Studies in Philosophical Aesthetics Eva Schaper, editor Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. Pp. xi, 172. $29.95. [REVIEW]D. D. Todd - 1985 - Dialogue 24 (3):552-.
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    Preference, Value, Choice, and Welfare, Daniel M. Hausman. Cambridge University Press, 2012, xiv + 153 pages. [REVIEW]Jelle de Boer - 2014 - Economics and Philosophy 30 (1):99-103.
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    Effects of choice and verbal feedback on preference values.Norman H. Anderson - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (1p1):77.
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    Daniel M. Hausman's Preference, value, choice, and welfare. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012, 168 pp. [REVIEW]Ivan Moscati - 2012 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 5 (2):125.
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    Hausman, Daniel M. Preference, Value, Choice, and Welfare. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. Pp. 153. $90.00 ; $26.99. [REVIEW]Donald W. Bruckner - 2013 - Ethics 123 (2):370-374.
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    Development and maintenance of the preference value of an object.Harold M. Schroder - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 51 (2):139.
  8. Value-Preference Symmetry and Fitting-Attitude Accounts of Value Relations.Johan E. Gustafsson - 2013 - Philosophical Quarterly 63 (252):476-491.
    Joshua Gert and Wlodek Rabinowicz have developed frameworks for value relations that are rich enough to allow for non-standard value relations such as parity. Yet their frameworks do not allow for any non-standard preference relations. In this paper, I shall defend a symmetry between values and preferences, namely, that for every value relation, there is a corresponding preference relation, and vice versa. I claim that if the arguments that there are non-standard value relations are (...)
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  9. Values, preferences, and the citizen-consumer distinction in cost-benefit analysis.Shepley W. Orr - 2007 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 6 (1):107-130.
    This article examines criticisms of cost-benefit analysis and the contingent valuation method from methodological and moral philosophical perspectives. Both perspectives argue that what should be elicited for public decisions are attitudes or values, not preferences, and that respondents should be treated as citizens and not consumers. The moral philosophical criticism argues in favour of deliberative approaches over cost-benefit analysis. The methodological perspective is here criticized for overemphasizing the importance of protest responses and anomalies and biases in contingent valuation, and for (...)
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    Selection of hypotheses as affected by their preference values.Diane F. Halpern & Francis W. Irwin - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 101 (1):105.
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    Values Underlying Preferences for Adaptive Governance in a Chilean Small-Scale Fishing Community.Sarah A. Ebel, Christine M. Beitl & Michael P. Torre - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (5):565-591.
    Environmental change requires individuals and institutions to facilitate adaptive governance. However, facilitating adaptive governance may be difficult because resource users’ perceptions of desirable ways of life vary. These perceptions influence preferences related to environmental governance and may stem from the ways individuals subjectively value their work and their connections to their environment. This paper uses a value-based approach to examine individual and institutional preferences for adaptive governance in Carelmapu, Chile. We show that two groups had different value (...)
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    Increased Preference and Value of Consumer Products by Attentional Selection.Nadiia Makarina, Ronald Hübner & Arnd Florack - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:459587.
    It is usually assumed that individuals base their preferences for products or other items on the utility or value associated with the items. However, there is evidence that the attentional selection of an item alone already modulates the preference for that item. For instance, Janiszewski, Kuo, and Tavassoli (2013, Journal of Consumer Research) used unknown consumer products in a series of studies and found that, in a preference choice task, former target products in a visual-search task were (...)
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  13. Value Orientations as Determinants of Preference for External and Anonymous Whistleblowing.Dilek Zamantili Nayir & Christian Herzig - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (2):197-213.
    Incidences of organizational wrongdoing have become wide spread throughout the whole business world. The management of organizational wrongdoings is of growing concern in organizations globally, since these types of acts can be detrimental to financial well being. Wrongdoing occurs within organizational settings and organizational members commonly have knowledge of and thus the opportunity to report the wrongdoing. An employee’s decision to report individual or organizational misconduct, i.e. blow the whistle, is a complex phenomenon that is based upon organizational, situational and (...)
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  14. Value preferences and moral reasoning of graduate accounting students.M. J. Abdolmohammadi & R. Baker - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 69 (2006):11-25.
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  15. Accountants' value preferences and moral reasoning.Mohammad J. Abdolmohammadi & C. Richard Baker - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 69 (1):11 - 25.
    This paper examines relationships between accountants’ personal values and their moral reasoning. In particular, we hypothesize that there is an inverse relationship between accountants’ “Conformity” values and principled moral reasoning. This investigation is important because the literature suggests that conformity with rule-based standards may be one reason for professional accountants’ relatively lower scores on measures of moral reasoning (Abdolmohammadi et al. J Bus Ethics 16 (1997) 1717). We administered the Rokeach Values Survey (RVS) (Rokeach: 1973, The Nature of Human Values (...)
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  16. Priority, Preference and Value.Martin O'neill - 2012 - Utilitas 24 (3):332-348.
    This article seeks to defend prioritarianism against a pair of challenges from Michael Otsuka and Alex Voorhoeve. Otsuka and Voorhoeve first argue that prioritarianism makes implausible recommendations in one-person cases under conditions of risk, as it fails to allow that it is reasonable to act to maximize expected utility, rather than expected weighted benefits, in such cases. I show that, in response, prioritarians can either reject Otsuka and Voorhoeve's claim, by means of appealing to a distinction between personal and impersonal (...)
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  17.  36
    Values at stake at the end of life: Analyses of personal preferences among Swedish physicians.Niels Lynøe, Anna Lindblad, Ingemar Engström, Mikael Sandlund & Niklas Juth - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (2):239-244.
    Background Physician-assisted suicide is a controversial issue and has sometimes raised emotion-laden reactions. Against this backdrop, we have analyzed how Swedish physicians are reasoning about physician-assisted suicide if it were to be legalized. Methods and participants We conducted a cross-sectional study and analyzed 819 randomly selected physicians’ responses from general practitioners, geriatricians, internists, oncologists, psychiatrists, surgeons, and all palliativists. Apart from the main questions about their attitude toward physician-assisted suicide, we also asked what would happen with the respondents’ own trust (...)
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  18.  27
    Value preference profiles and ethical compliance quantification: a new approach for ethics by design in technology-assisted dementia care.Eike Buhr, Johannes Welsch & M. Salman Shaukat - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-17.
    Monitoring and assistive technologies (MATs) are being used more frequently in healthcare. A central ethical concern is the compatibility of these systems with the moral preferences of their users—an issue especially relevant to participatory approaches within the ethics-by-design debate. However, users’ incapacity to communicate preferences or to participate in design processes, e.g., due to dementia, presents a hurdle for participatory ethics-by-design approaches. In this paper, we explore the question of how the value preferences of users in the field of (...)
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  19. Existence Value, Preference Satisfaction, and the Ethics of Species Extinction.Espen Dyrnes Stabell - 2019 - Environmental Ethics 41 (2):165-180.
    Existence value refers to the value humans ascribe to the existence of something, regard­less of whether it is or will be of any particular use to them. This existence value based on preference satisfaction should be taken into account in evaluating activities that come with a risk of species extinction. There are two main objections. The first is that on the preference satisfaction interpretation, the concept lacks moral importance because satisfying people’s preferences may involve no (...)
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  20. Value Based on Preferences.Wlodek Rabinowicz & Jan Österberg - 1996 - Economics and Philosophy 12 (1):1.
    What distinguishes preference utilitarianism from other utilitarian positions is the axiological component: the view concerning what is intrinsically valuable. According to PU, intrinsic value is based on preferences. Intrinsically valuable states are connected to our preferences being satisfied.
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  21.  15
    Personal Value Preferences, Threat-Benefit Appraisal of Immigrants and Levels of Social Contact: Looking Through the Lens of the Stereotype Content Model.Sophie D. Walsh & Eugene Tartakovsky - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The study examines a model proposing relationships between personal values, positive (i.e., benefits) and negative (i.e., threats) appraisal of immigrants, and social contact. Based on a values-attitudes-behavior paradigm, the study extends previous work on personal values and attitudes to immigrants by examining not only negative but also positive appraisal and their connection with social contact with immigrants. Using a representative sample of 1,600 adults in the majority population in Israel, results showed that higher preference for anxiety-avoidance values (self-enhancement and (...)
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  22.  36
    Pleasure, Preference and Value: Studies in Philosophical Aesthetics.Terence Dolan - 1987 - National University of Ireland.
  23.  26
    Risk preference: How decision maker’s goal, current value state, and choice set work together.Xi Zou, Abigail A. Scholer & E. Tory Higgins - 2020 - Psychological Review 127 (1):74-94.
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  24. Motivational and value preferences of townspeople in the field of fitness.Vitalii Shymko, Daria Vystavkina & Ievgeniia Ivanova - 2020 - Technologies of Intellect Development 4 (1(26)).
    The article presents the results of a survey of Odessa residents as part of a study of the motivational and value preferences of townsfolk in the field of fitness. It has been established that the determining motives for choosing a place for fitness are the individual trainer's approach to the client, personal comfort and convenient location of the fitness club. It was revealed that respondents have an interest in innovative training, but it has not yet acquired the character of (...)
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  25. Value and Preference Relations: Are They Symmetric?Mauro Rossi - 2016 - Utilitas 28 (3):239-253.
    According to Wlodek Rabinowicz's fitting-attitude analysis of comparative value, it is possible to analyse both standard and non-standard value relations in terms of the standard preference relations and two levels of normativity. In a recent article, however, Johan Gustafsson has argued that Rabinowicz's analysis violates a principle of valuepreference symmetry, according to which for any value relation, there is a corresponding preference relation. Gustafsson has proposed an alternative analysis which respects this principle and (...)
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    Compensation Preferences: The Role of Personality and Values.Amanda M. Julian, Onno Wijngaard & Reinout E. de Vries - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The present study investigated relations between personality and values on the one hand and compensation preferences on the other. We hypothesized that HEXACO Honesty-Humility and self-transcendence versus self-enhancement values predict preference for higher relative compensation level and that HEXACO Openness to Experience and openness to change versus conservation values predict preference for compensation variability. Furthermore, we expected perceived utility of money and risk aversion to mediate the respective relations. The hypotheses were tested using a sample of 2,210 employees (...)
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  27.  30
    Shifting Values, Student Educational Preferences, and Ethics in the Business Curriculum.Robert A. Giacalone, Mark D. Promislo, Daniel E. Goldberg & Elizabeth A. Giacalone - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 11:41-68.
    In the past 40 years, a global shift has taken place towards a constellation of values known as “expansive values”, which de-emphasize pursuits of money, possessions, and status, and instead focus on quality of life and humanistic goals. This study investigated what students holding expansive values desired in business school course content and student quality of life, and how these preferences differed from students holding materialistic values. Results revealed a number of different factors that were associated only with expansive values, (...)
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  28. Values and preferences.Mark Sagoff - 1986 - Ethics 96 (2):301-316.
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    Sufficiency as a Value Standard: From Preferences to Needs.Ian Gough - forthcoming - Ethics, Policy and Environment.
    This paper outlines a conceptual framework for a sufficiency economy, defining sufficiency as the space between a generalizable notion of human wellbeing and ungeneralisable excess. It assumes an objective and universal concept of human needs to define a ‘floor’ and the concept of planetary boundaries to define a ‘ceiling’. This is set up as an alternative to the dominant preference satisfaction theory of value. It begins with a brief survey of the potential contributions of sufficientarianism and limitarianism to (...)
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  30.  70
    Pleasure, preference, and value: studies in philosophical aesthetics.Eva Schaper (ed.) - 1983 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Philosophical aesthetics is an area in which many strands of contemporary philosophical thinking meet. The contributors to this volume are aware of the wider logical, epistemological, moral and metaphysical implications raised by conceptual problems specific to aesthetics. Three themes recur and are taken up from different angles in several of the papers: pleasure – its nature and role in the experience of art and beauty; preference – figuring prominently in aesthetic appraising, appreciating and judging; and value – aesthetic (...)
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  31. Preference and Value, Studies in Philosophy 1996/1.Wlodek Rabinowicz (ed.) - 1996
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    Equilibria with vector-valued utilities and preference information. The analysis of a mixed duopoly.Amparo M. Mármol, Luisa Monroy, M. Ángeles Caraballo & Asunción Zapata - 2017 - Theory and Decision 83 (3):365-383.
    This paper deals with the equilibria of games when the agents have multiple objectives and, therefore, their utilities cannot be represented by a single value, but by a vector containing the various dimensions of the utility. Our approach allows the incorporation of partial information about the preferences of the agents into the model, and permits the identification of the set of equilibria in accordance with this information. We also propose an additional conservative criterion which can be applied in this (...)
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  33. Brentano on Preference, Desire and Intrinsic Value.Roderick Chisholm - 1986 - In Wolfgang Grassl & Barry Smith (eds.), Austrian Economics (Routledge Revivals): Historical and Philosophical Background. Croom Helm / Routledge. pp. 182-195.
  34.  39
    Stroke patients' preferences and values about emergency research.C. E. Blixen - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (10):608-611.
    Background: In the USA, the Food and Drug Administration waiver of informed consent permits certain emergency research only if community consultation occurs. However, uncertainty exists regarding how to define the community or their representatives.Objective: To collect data on the actual preferences and values of a group—those at risk for stroke—most directly affected by the waiver of informed consent for emergency research.Design: Face to face focused interviews were conducted with 12 patients who were hospitalised with a stroke diagnosis in the previous (...)
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  35.  9
    Value and Probability in Theories of Preference.John M. Vickers - 1995 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 76 (2):168-182.
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    Value articulating institutions and changing social preferences.Sigrid Stagl - 2012 - In Eric Brousseau, Tom Dedeurwaerdere & Bernd Siebenhüner (eds.), Reflexive Governance for Global Public Goods. MIT Press. pp. 225--240.
    This chapter demonstrates how the reflexive governance approach is applied to innovative institutional design of the science–policy interface in global and local public goods provision. To achieve this objective, it discusses methodological options for sustainability valuation, explaining different valuation methods used in various real-world applications. The chapter highlights those methods that are conceptually and practically suitable for evaluating policies, programs, and projects where sustainability is a key factor. It also reviews sustainability valuation methods, which mix analytical and collective methods that (...)
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  37. Preferences, Health, Interests and Value.Robin Attfield - 1995 - Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy 3.
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    Pleasure, Preference and Value: Studies in Philosophical Aesthetics.T. J. Diffey & Eva Schaper - 1984 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 43 (1):96.
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    Correction: Value preference profiles and ethical compliance quantification: a new approach for ethics by design in technology-assisted dementia care.Eike Buhr, Johannes Welsch & M. Salman Shaukat - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-1.
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    Preference and Value Assessments in Cases of Decision under Risk.Alois Huning - 1999 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 4 (4):229-232.
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    Assessing the value orientation preferences and the importance given to principled moral reasoning of Generation Zs: A cross‐generational comparison.James Weber - 2024 - Business and Society Review 129 (1):26-49.
    Within the past few years, a new generation has joined the ranks of business managers or is preparing to become business managers: Generation Z (Gen Z), described as individuals born between 1995 and 2010. This paper has two aims: (1) to assess the Gen Z cohort framed by their value orientation preferences (VOP) and the importance given to principled moral reasoning (PMR) using values and cognitive moral reasoning theories and (2) to compare this information about the Gen Z cohort (...)
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  42. The neurodynamics of choice, value-based decisions and preference reversal.Marius Usher, Anat Elhalal & McClelland & L. James - 2008 - In Nick Chater & Mike Oaksford (eds.), The Probabilistic Mind: Prospects for Bayesian Cognitive Science. Oxford University Press.
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    Choice among equal expected value alternatives: Sequential effects of winning probability level on risk preferences.Louis Miller, David E. Meyer & John T. Lanzetta - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (3p1):419.
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    The fitting-attitude analysis of value relations and the preferences vs. value judgements objection.Mauro Rossi - 2017 - Economics and Philosophy 33 (2):287-311.
    According to Wlodek Rabinowicz's (2008) fitting-attitude analysis of value relations, two items are on a par if and only if it is both permissible to strictly prefer one to the other and permissible to have the opposite strict preference. Rabinowicz’s account is subject, however, to one important objection: if strict preferences involve betterness judgements, then his analysis contrasts with the intuitive understanding of parity. In this paper, I examine Rabinowicz’s three responses to this objection and argue that they (...)
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  45.  22
    Set and revealed preference axioms for multi-valued choice.Hans Peters & Panos Protopapas - 2020 - Theory and Decision 90 (1):11-29.
    We consider choice correspondences that assign a subset to every choice set of alternatives, where the total set of alternatives is an arbitrary finite or infinite set. We focus on the relations between several extensions of the condition of independence of irrelevant alternatives on one hand, and conditions on the revealed preference relation on sets, notably the weak axiom of revealed preference, on the other hand. We also establish the connection between the condition of independence of irrelevant alternatives (...)
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    Respecting the Value-Laden Nature of Participant Preferences: AI, Digital Phenotyping, and Psychiatry.Bryan Pilkington, Jack Noto, Daniel Silverstein & Charles E. Binkley - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (2):93-96.
    We applaud Shen et al. (2024) for offering a framework to address how to return research results from digital phenotyping within the discipline of psychiatry. However, given the value-laden nature...
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    Don-Juanism: Value Dispositions, Preferences, Manners.Ruben G. Apressyan - 2020 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 58 (2):138-149.
    Don Juanism is a type of consciousness, value system, and mode of behavior specific to amorous–erotic relationships. It reflects an overall image of Don Juan as presented in Molière’s famous comedy...
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  48.  15
    Incomparable risks, values and preferences.Nicolas Espinoza - 2006 - Dissertation, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
    . Consistent valuation and societal prioritization of risks presupposes comparability among risks, that is, in order to rank risks in order of severity, and allocate risk preventative resources accordingly, we must be able to determine whether one risk is better or worse than another, and by how much. It is often claimed, however, that some risks are not amenable to this kind of comparison because they are incommensurable, which roughly means that they are not comparable with respect to a common (...)
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  49.  86
    Past/future attitude asymmetries: Values, preferences and the phenomenon of relief.Christoph Hoerl - 2022 - In Christoph Hoerl, Teresa McCormack & Alison Fernandes (eds.), Temporal Asymmetries in Philosophy and Psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 204-222.
    An influential thought-experiment by Derek Parfit sought to establish that people have a preference for unpleasant events to lie in the past rather than the future. In recent discussions of Parfit’s argument, this purported preference is modelled as a discounting phenomenon, as is the tensed emotion of relief, which Arthur Prior argued demonstrated that there is an objective metaphysical difference between the past and the future. Looking at recent work demonstrating some psychological past/future asymmetries that are more clearly (...)
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    Personality and Value Preference as Predictors of Social Well-being.Dharmendra Nath Tiwari & Girishwar Misra - 2021 - Journal of Human Values 27 (2):161-174.
    This article explored the role of personality disposition and value preference as predictors of social well-being in the context of ecological setting. Ecological contexts like rural and urban are critical, particularly in a developing country like India, because they represent significant disparities and variations in the lived experiences of the people. The participants ( n = 360) from the age range of 15–65 years (M = 33.50, SD = 11.99) were drawn from two ecological settings, that is, rural (...)
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