Results for 'practice’'

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  1.  31
    Anscombe and practical knowledge of what is happening Thor Grünbaum university of copenhagen.Practical Knowledge of What Is Happening - 2009 - Grazer Philosophische Studien: Internationale Zeitschrift für Analytische Philosophie. Vol. 78 78:41-67.
  2. title:• To explain the expressive role that distinguishes specifically normative vocabulary. That is, to say what it is the job of such vocabulary to make explicit. Doing this is saying what'ought'means.• To introduce a non-Humean way of thinking about practical reasoning. [REVIEW]Practical Reasoning - 1998 - Philosophical Perspectives 12:127.
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    Dov M. Gabbay and John Woods.Formal Approaches To Practical - 2002 - In Dov M. Gabbay (ed.), Handbook of the logic of argument and inference: the turn towards the practical. New York: Elsevier.
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    Restorative Practice in New Zealand Schools: Social development through relational justice.Wendy Drewery - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (2):191-203.
    This article proposes that restorative justice practices, as used in New Zealand schools, are better understood as an instrument of social development than a behaviour management practice. Concerns about the achievement of Māori students are relocated, from an individualised psychological and pedagogical problem to an interdisciplinary context of historical and social development. Social constructionist theory is suggested as a lens through which RJPs in schools may be seen as the intentional production of respectful social relationships, rather than as behaviour management. (...)
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    Aladjem, Terry K. 2008. The Culture of Vengeance and the Fate of American Justice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. xx+ 246 pp. Alexander, J. McKenzie. 2007. The Structural Evolution of Morality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ix+ 300 pp. Altman, Matthew C. 2008. A Companion to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. [REVIEW]Practical Realism - 2008 - Philosophical Review 117 (4).
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    Ethics in Tax Practice: A Study of the Effect of Practitioner Firm Size.Elaine Doyle, Jane Frecknall-Hughes & Barbara Summers - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (4):623-641.
    While much of the empirical accounting literature suggests that, if differences do exist, Big Four employees are more ethical than non-Big Four employees, this trend has not been evident in the recent media coverage of Big Four tax practitioners acting for multinationals accused of aggressive tax avoidance behaviour. However, there has been little exploration in the literature to date specifically of the relationship between firm size and ethics in tax practice. We aim here to address this gap, initially exploring tax (...)
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    O ne main topic in practical philosophy is the question of when someone has a reason for a certain action. Most philosophers agree on the necessity of a motivational and a justificatory condition, but they still disagree about how these conditions can be fulfilled. Though these conditions are important in forming convincing concepts of practical. [REVIEW]Kirsten B. Endres & Practical Reasons - 2003 - In Peter Schaber & Rafael Hüntelmann (eds.), Grundlagen der Ethik. De Gruyter. pp. 1--67.
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    Wilhelm griesinger: Philosophy as the origin of a new psychiatry.Practical Innovator - 2013 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps, George Graham, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini & Tim Thornton (eds.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy and psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 53.
  9.  81
    Epistemic injustice in psychiatric practice: epistemic duties and the phenomenological approach.Anna Drożdżowicz - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):69-69.
    Epistemic injustice is a kind of injustice that arises when one’s capacity as an epistemic subject is wrongfully denied. In recent years it has been argued that psychiatric patients are often harmed in their capacity as knowers and suffer from various forms of epistemic injustice that they encounter in psychiatric services. Acknowledging that epistemic injustice is a multifaceted problem in psychiatry calls for an adequate response. In this paper I argue that, given that psychiatric patients deserve epistemic respect and have (...)
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    Fairness in Practice: A Social Contract for a Global Economy.Aaron James - 2012 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    If the global economy seems unfair, how should we understand what a fair global economy would be? What ideas of fairness, if any, apply, and what significance do they have for policy and law? Working within the social contract tradition, this book argues that fairness is best seen as a kind of equity in practice.
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    Empathising in online spaces.Practical Reasoning - 2024 - Philosophical Explorations 27 (2):225-236.
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    Humean Reflections in the Ethics of Bernard Williams.Practical Reason - 2007 - Utilitas 19 (3).
  13. The Practice-Based Approach to the Philosophy of Logic.Ben Martin - forthcoming - In Oxford Handbook for the Philosophy of Logic. Oxford University Press.
    Philosophers of logic are particularly interested in understanding the aims, epistemology, and methodology of logic. This raises the question of how the philosophy of logic should go about these enquires. According to the practice-based approach, the most reliable method we have to investigate the methodology and epistemology of a research field is by considering in detail the activities of its practitioners. This holds just as true for logic as it does for the recognised empirical and abstract sciences. If we wish (...)
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  14. Kathryn Montgomery hunter.Exercise of Practical Reason - 1996 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 21:303-320.
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  15. The Practice of Value.Joseph Raz & R. Jay Wallace - 2004 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 194 (3):358-359.
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    Social Practice and Shared History, Not Social Scale, Structure Cross‐Cultural Complexity in Kinship Systems.Péter Rácz, Sam Passmore & Fiona M. Jordan - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (2):744-765.
    Kinship terminologies are basic cognitive semantic systems that all human societies use for organizing kin relations. Diversity in kinship systems and their categories is substantial, but constrained. Rácz, Passmore, and Jordan explore hypotheses about such constraints from learning theories and social pressures, testing the impact of a community‐size driven learning bottleneck against the social coordination demands of different kinds of marriage and resource systems.
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    Why evidence‐based practice now?: a polemic 1.Kim Walker - 2003 - Nursing Inquiry 10 (3):145-155.
    Evidence‐based practice (EBP) first appeared on the healthcare horizon just over a decade ago. In 2003 its presence has intensified and extended beyond its initial relation to medicine embracing as it does now, nursing and the allied health disciplines. In this paper, I contend that its appearance and subsequent growth and development are the effects of potent ‘regimes of truth’, four of which bear the names: positivism, empiricism, pragmatism and economic rationalism. My aim is to show how EBP generates the (...)
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    The Practice of Moral Judgment.Julia Driver - 1994 - Philosophical Books 35 (2):106-108.
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    Interoception, contemplative practice, and health.Norman Farb, Jennifer Daubenmier, Cynthia J. Price, Tim Gard, Catherine Kerr, Barnaby D. Dunn, Anne Carolyn Klein, Martin P. Paulus & Wolf E. Mehling - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:118347.
    Interoception can be broadly defined as the sense of signals originating within the body. As such, interoception is critical for our sense of embodiment, motivation, and well-being. And yet, despite its importance, interoception remains poorly understood within modern science. This paper reviews interdisciplinary perspectives on interoception, with the goal of presenting a unified perspective from diverse fields such as neuroscience, clinical practice, and contemplative studies. It is hoped that this integrative effort will advance our understanding of how interoception determines well-being, (...)
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  20. Begründet von Hans Vaihinger; neubegründet von Paul Menzer und Gottfried Martin.Practical Reason & Kant an Euler - forthcoming - Kant Studien.
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    Coming to Terms with Contingency: Humean Constructivism about.Practical Reason - 2012 - In James Lenman & Yonatan Shemmer (eds.), Constructivism in Practical Philosophy. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 40.
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  22. Is teaching a practice?Nel Noddings - 2003 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 37 (2):241–251.
    I argue here that Alasdair MacIntyre is mistaken when he claims that teaching is not a practice. In particular, I try to throw some doubt on his claim that ‘teaching is never more than a means’ and to challenge his list of things that all students should learn. In the second section, I show how analyses of professionalism endorse MacIntyre's emphasis on complexity and internal criteria for practices. Finally, building on the doubts observed in the first section and the criteria (...)
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    Practice is the sole criterion of truth.Jiang Wu & S. U. N. Cj - 1993 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 25 (2):31-42.
    What is the criterion of truth? This is a question that was resolved long ago by the revolutionary teachers of the proletariat. But as a result of damage done by the "Gang of Four" and a mass of distorted propaganda in the media under their control, it has become muddled beyond compare in recent years. In order to deepen the criticism of the "Gang of Four" and eradicate the remnants of their poison and influence, it is very important to clear (...)
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  24. The Practice of Moral Judgment.Barbara Herman - 1985 - Journal of Philosophy 82 (8):414.
  25.  59
    Epistemology and Practice: Durkheim's the Elementary Forms of Religious Life.Anne Warfield Rawls - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this original and controversial book Professor Rawls argues that Durkheim's The Elementary Forms of Religious Life is the crowning achievement of his sociological endeavour and that since its publication in English in 1915 it has been consistently misunderstood. Rather than a work on primitive religion or the sociology of knowledge, Rawls asserts that it is an attempt by Durkheim to establish a unique epistemological basis for the study of sociology and moral relations. By privileging social practice over beliefs and (...)
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  26.  18
    The Research – Practice Gap and the Role of Decision Analysis in Closing It.Jack Dowie - 1996 - Health Care Analysis 4 (1):5-18.
    Current hypotheses for the existence of the ‘research-practice gap’ focus on weaknesses in research dissemination on the one hand and practitioner attitudes and motivations on the other. It is suggested that the gap has more fundamental origins in the cognitive and value mismatch between researchers and practitioners. To narrow the gap both cultures need to use a common framework (map and language) that is located at a level of analysis between their typical modes and makes explicit provision for the consideration (...)
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    The Virtues of Scientific Practice: MacIntyre, Virtue Ethics, and the Historiography of Science.Daniel J. Hicks & Thomas A. Stapleford - 2016 - Isis 107 (3):499-72.
    “Practice” has become a ubiquitous term in the history of science, and yet historians have not always reflected on its philosophical import and especially on its potential connections with ethics. In this essay, we draw on the work of the virtue ethicist Alasdair MacIntyre to develop a theory of “communal practices” and explore how such an approach can inform the history of science, including allegations about the corruption of science by wealth or power; consideration of scientific ethics or “moral economies”; (...)
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  28.  63
    The Role of Documentation in Practice-Led Research.Nithikul Nimkulrat - 2007 - Journal of Research Practice 3 (1):Article M6.
    Practice-led research in the field of art and design usually involves a study of the interplay between a researcher-practitioner and her artistic work in process. This article seeks to illustrate that documentation of art practice can be a means to record that interplay and it can be used as relevant material in practice-led research. The article will present an account of documentation in practice-led research highlighting two principal aspects: phases of documentation and the role of documentation within the overall research (...)
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    Charity: The Practice of Neighborliness.William F. Wunsch & William Ross Woofenden (eds.) - 1995 - Swedenborg Foundation Publishers.
    Charity is not only about giving to those in need, but in a broader sense about loving your neighbor and doing good things for other people without thought of reward. So wrote Swedish visionary Emanuel Swedenborg, who believed that charity, along with faiths, was part of the foundation of spiritual practice. This work combines two of Swedenborg's unpublished manuscripts to form a practical, inspirational handbook for appying the principle of doing good to daily life.
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    Return to Scientific Practice: A New Reflection of Philosophy of Science.Tong Wu - 2017 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Tong Wu.
    This book is a result from a collective study on philosophy of scientific practice, which began around 2002 and still ongoing. There is an apparently increasing interest in scientific practice, influenced by the historicistic philosophy of science and the sociology of scientific knowledge. Prof. WU Tong and his research group believe that it is necessary for PSP to turn from the theory-dominant position to the practice dominance. PSP has also put forward the possibility of reinterpreting the epistemic status of local (...)
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  31. A Practice‐Focused Case for Animal Moral Agency.Dorna Behdadi - 2021 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 38 (2):226-243.
    Considerations of nonhuman animal moral agency typically base their reasoning and (very often negative) verdict on a capacity‐focused approach to moral agency. According to this approach, an entity is a moral agent if it has certain intrapersonal features or capacities, typically in terms of conscious reflection and deliberation. According to a practice‐focused notion of moral agency, however, an entity is a moral agent in virtue of being a participant of a moral responsibility practice (MRP). I argue that a practice‐focused approach (...)
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    Research versus practice: The dilemmas of research ethics in the era of learning health‐care systems.Jan Piasecki & Vilius Dranseika - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (5):617-624.
    In this article we attempt to answer the question of how the ethical and conceptual framework (ECF) for a learning health‐care system (LHS) affects some of the main controversies in research ethics by addressing five key problems of research ethics: (a) What is the difference between practice and research? (b) What is the relationship between research ethics and clinical ethics? (c) What is the ethical relevance of the principle of clinical equipoise? (d) Does participation in research require a higher standard (...)
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    Scientific practice as ecological-enactive co-construction.Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira, Thomas van Es & Inês Hipólito - 2023 - Synthese 202 (1):1-33.
    Philosophy of science has undergone a naturalistic turn, moving away from traditional idealized concerns with the logical structure of scientific theories and toward focusing on real-world scientific practice, especially in domains such as modeling and experimentation. As part of this shift, recent work has explored how the project of philosophically understanding science as a natural phenomenon can be enriched by drawing from different fields and disciplines, including niche construction theory in evolutionary biology, on the one hand, and ecological and enactive (...)
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    Theory and practice in the philosophy of David Hume.James Wiley - 2012 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Hume and the problem of theory and practice in philosophy and political theory -- Hume's naturalism and skepticism in the treatise and his appeal from theory to practice -- The systematic theory of theory of the treatise of human nature -- The behaviorist theory of practice of the treatise -- The practical philosophies of skepticism and commercial humanism -- The common sense theory of theory of the enquiries, essays, and history of England -- The common sense theory of practice of (...)
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    Critique as a practice of prefigurative emancipation.Frieder Vogelmann - 2017 - Distinktion 18 (2):196–214.
    Although the various interpretations of Foucault’s model of critique often seem to differ only in minor details, they seriously diverge by situating critique on different levels of abstraction in Foucault’s work. Mapping interpretations of Foucault’s critique according to this criterion shows that none of them pays full attention to all three of Foucault’s methodological imperatives which he calls nihilism, nominalism and historicism. The article offers such a reading of Foucault’s critique, interpreting it as a diagnostic practice of prefigurative emancipation. The (...)
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  36. Moral expertise: Judgment, practice, and analysis*: Julia driver.Julia Driver - 2013 - Social Philosophy and Policy 30 (1-2):280-296.
    This essay defends moral expertise against the skeptical considerations raised by Gilbert Ryle and others. The core of the essay articulates an account of moral expertise that draws on work on expertise in empirical moral psychology, and develops an analogy between moral expertise and linguistic expertise. The account holds that expertise is contrastive, so that a person is an expert relative to a particular contrast. Further, expertise is domain specific and characterized by “automatic” behavior and judgment. Some disagreements in the (...)
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    Collective Reflective Equilibrium in Practice (CREP) and controversial novel technologies.Julian Savulescu, Christopher Gyngell & Guy Kahane - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (7):652-663.
    In this paper, we investigate how data about public preferences may be used to inform policy around the use of controversial novel technologies, using public preferences about autonomous vehicles (AVs) as a case study. We first summarize the recent ‘Moral Machine’ study, which generated preference data from millions of people regarding how they think AVs should respond to emergency situations. We argue that while such preferences cannot be used to directly inform policy, they should not be disregarded. We defend an (...)
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  38. List of ContributorsPrefaceAbbreviations of Kant's WorksIntroductionPart I: Key Writings1. Key Works The Only Possible Argument in Support of a Demonstration of the Existence of God / The 'Inaugural Dissertation' / Critique of Pure Reason / Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics That Will Be Able to Come Forward as Science / Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals / Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science / Critique of Practical Reason / Critique of Judgment / Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason / Toward Perpetual Peace / Metaphysics of MoralsPart II: Kant's Contexts2. Philosophical and Historical Context Academy prize essay / Aristotelianism / J. A. Eberhard / Empiricism / Frederick the Great / French Revolution / Garve-Feder review / Herder / Francis Hutcheson / Königsberg / J. H. Lambert / Moses Mendelssohn / Physical influx / Pietism / Prussia / School Metaphysics / Adam Smith / Spinoza3. Sources and Influences Aristotle / Francis Bacon / A. Baumgarten / Cicero / C. [REVIEW]Kantian Normativity in Rawls, Korsgaard & Continental Practical PhilosophyPart V.: Bibliography6Kant BibliographyNotesIndex - 2015 - In Gary Banham, Nigel Hems & Dennis Schulting (eds.), The Bloomsbury Companion to Kant. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Nursing considered as moral practice: A philosophical-ethical interpretation of nursing.Chris Gastmans, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterle & Paul Schotsmans - 1998 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 8 (1):43-69.
    : Discussions of ethical approaches in nursing have been much enlivened in recent years, for instance by new developments in the theory of care. Nevertheless, many ethical concepts in nursing still need to be clarified. The purpose of this contribution is to develop a fundamental ethical view on nursing care considered as moral practice. Three main components are analyzed more deeply--i.e., the caring relationship, caring behavior as the integration of virtue and expert activity, and "good care" as the ultimate goal (...)
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    Practice, Indeterminacy and Private Language: Wittgenstein's Dissolution of Scepticism.Karsten R. Stueber - 1994 - Philosophical Investigations 17 (1):14-36.
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    Practice-Centered Pluralism and a Disjunctive Theory of Art.Caleb Hazelwood - 2021 - British Journal of Aesthetics 61 (2):213-227.
    In this paper, I argue that ‘art’, though an open concept, is not undefinable. I propose a particular kind of definition, a disjunctive definition, which comprises extant theories of art. I co-opt arguments from the philosophy of science, likening the concept ‘art’ to the concept ‘species’, to argue that we ought to be theoretical pluralists about art. That is, there are a number of legitimate, perhaps incompatible, criteria for a theory of art. In this paper, I consider three: functionalist definitions, (...)
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    The Practice of Liberal Pluralism.William A. Galston - 2004 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Practice of Liberal Pluralism defends a theory, liberal pluralism, which is based on three core concepts - value pluralism, political pluralism, and expressive liberty - and explores the implications of this theory for politics. Liberal pluralism helps clarify some of the complexities of real-world political action and points toward a distinctive conception of public philosophy and public policy. It leads to a vision of a good society in which political institutions are active in a delimited sphere and in which, (...)
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    Virtuous medical practice : research report.James Arthur, Kristján Kristjánsson, Hywel Thomas, Ben Kotzee, Agnieszka Ignatowicz & Tian Qiu - unknown
    The Jubilee Centre’s new report, Virtuous Medical Practice, examines the place of character and values in the medical profession in Britain today. Its findings are drawn from a UK-focused multi-methods study of 549 doctors and aspiring doctors at three career stages, first and final year students and experienced doctors.
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    Suicidology as a Social Practice.Scott J. Fitzpatrick, Claire Hooker & Ian Kerridge - 2015 - Social Epistemology 29 (3):303-322.
    Suicide has long been the subject of philosophical, literary, theological and cultural–historical inquiry. But despite the diversity of disciplinary and methodological approaches that have been brought to bear in the study of suicide, we argue that the formal study of suicide, that is, suicidology, is characterized by intellectual, organizational and professional values that distinguish it from other ways of thinking and knowing. Further, we suggest that considering suicidology as a “social practice” offers ways to usefully conceptualize its epistemological, philosophical and (...)
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    Prepared for practice? Law teaching and assessment in UK medical schools.M. Preston-Shoot & J. McKimm - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (11):694-699.
    A revised core curriculum for medical ethics and law in UK medical schools has been published. The General Medical Council requires medical graduates to understand law and ethics and behave in accordance with ethical and legal principles. A parallel policy agenda emphasises accountability, the development of professionalism and patient safety. Given the renewed focus on teaching and learning law alongside medical ethics and the development of professional identity, this survey aimed to identify how medical schools are responding to the preparation (...)
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    Conceptualising moral resilience for nursing practice.Tiziana M. L. Sala Defilippis, Katherine Curtis & Ann Gallagher - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (3):e12291.
    The term ‘moral resilience’ has been gaining momentum in the nursing ethics literature. This may be due to it representing a potential response to moral problems such as moral distress. Moral resilience has been conceptualised as a factor that inhibits immoral actions, as a favourable outcome and as an ability to bounce back after a morally distressing situation. In this article, the philosophical analysis of moral resilience is developed by challenging these conceptualisations and highlighting the risks of such limiting perspectives. (...)
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    Developments in the practice of physician-assisted dying: perceptions of physicians who had experience with complex cases.Marianne C. Snijdewind, Donald G. van Tol, Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen & Dick L. Willems - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (5):292-296.
    Background Since the enactment of the euthanasia law in the Netherlands, there has been a lively public debate on assisted dying that may influence the way patients talk about euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide with their physicians and the way physicians experience the practice of EAS. Aim To show what developments physicians see in practice and how they perceive the influence of the public debate on the practice of EAS. Methods We conducted a secondary analysis of in-depth interviews with 28 Dutch (...)
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    Can Finance Be a Virtuous Practice? A MacIntyrean Account.Marta Rocchi, Ignacio Ferrero & Ron Beadle - 2021 - Business Ethics Quarterly 31 (1):75-105.
    ABSTRACTFinance may suffer from institutional deformations that subordinate its distinctive goods to the pursuit of external goods, but this should encourage attempts to reform the institutionalization of finance rather than to reject its potential for virtuous business activity. This article argues that finance should be regarded as a domain-relative practice. Alongside management, its moral status thereby varies with the purposes it serves. Hence, when practitioners working in finance facilitate projects that create common goods, it allows them to develop virtues. This (...)
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  49. Why practice needs ethical theory: particularism, principle, and bad behavior.Martha Nussbaum - 2000 - In Brad Hooker & Margaret Olivia Little (eds.), Moral particularism. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 227--55.
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  50. Radical liberal values‐based practice.Tim Thornton - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (5):988-991.
    Values based practice is a radical view of the place of values in medicine which develops from a philosophical analysis of values, illness and the role of ethical principles. It denies two attractive and traditional views of medicine: that diagnosis is a merely factual matter and that the values that should guide treatment and management can be codified in principles. But it goes further in the adoption of a radical liberal view: that right or good outcome should be replaced by (...)
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