Results for 'politics of knowledge'

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  1.  13
    (1 other version)Democratic Philosophy and the Politics of Knowledge.Richard T. Peterson - 1996 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Debates over postmodernism, analyses of knowledge and power, and the recurring issue of Heidegger's Nazism have all deepened questions about the relation between philosophy and the social roles of intellectuals. Against such postmodernist rejections of philosophical theory as mounted by Rorty and Lyotard, Richard Peterson argues that precisely reflection on rationality, in appropriate social terms, is needed to confront urgent political issues about intellectuals. After presenting a conception of intellectual mediation set within the modern division of labor, he offers (...)
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  2. Science amidst Religion: The Politics of Knowledge.Koshy Tharakan - 2008 - Current Science 94 (6):714.
  3. The politics of knowledge in inclusive development and innovation.David Ludwig, Birgit Boogaard, Phil Macnaghten & Cees Leeuwis (eds.) - 2021 - Routledge.
    This book develops an integrated perspective on the practices and politics of making knowledge work in inclusive development and innovation. While debates about development and innovation commonly appeal to the authority of academic researchers, many current approaches emphasize the plurality of actors with relevant expertise for addressing livelihood challenges. Adopting an action-oriented and reflexive approach, this volume explores the variety of ways in which knowledge works, paying particular attention to dilemmas and controversies. The six parts of the (...)
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    The politics of knowledge: implications for understanding and addressing mental health and illness.Emily K. Jenkins - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (1):3-10.
    While knowledge represents a valuable commodity, not all forms of knowledge are afforded equal status. The politics of knowledge, which entails the privileging of particular ways of knowing through linkages between the producers of knowledge and other bearers of authority or influence, represents a powerful force driving knowledge development. Within the health research and practice community, biomedical knowledge (i.e. knowledge pertaining to the biological factors influencing health) has been afforded a privileged position, (...)
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    Ecological economics and the politics of knowledge : the debate between Hayek and Neurath.John O'Neill - 2004 - .
    Hayek's epistemic arguments against planning were aimed not just against socialism but also the tradition of ecological economics. The concern with the physical preconditions of economic activity and defence of non-monetary measures in economic choice were expressions of the same rationalist illusion about the scope of human knowledge that underpinned the socialist project. Neurath's commitment to physicalism, in natura calculation and planning typified these errors. Neurath responded to these criticisms in unpublished notes and correspondence with Hayek. These highlighted the (...)
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    The politics of feminist knowledge transfer: gender training and gender expertise.María Bustelo, Lucy Ferguson & Maxime Forest (eds.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The Politics of Feminist Knowledge Transfer draws together analytical work on gender training and gender expertise. Its chapters critically reflect on the politics of feminist knowledge transfer, understood as an inherently political, dynamic and contested process, the overall aim of which is to transform gendered power relations in pursuit of more equal societies, workplaces, and policies. At its core, the work explores the relationship between gender expertise, gender training, and broader processes of feminist transformation arising from (...)
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  7. Incredulity, Experientialism and the Politics of Knowledge.Lorraine Code - 1995 - In Incredulity, Experientialism and the Politics of Knowledge. Routledge. pp. 58-82.
  8.  11
    Problem-Solving and the Challenges to Democracy: Dialogues on the Philosophy and Politics of Knowledge.Raphael Sassower & Justin Cruickshank (eds.) - 2017 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This timely volume explores pressing questions that relate to democracy and the politics of knowledge, in a dialogue based on developing and applying philosophies that stress the importance of dialogue, democracy and criticism.
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  9. African Feminist Politics of Knowledge: Tensions, Challenges, Possibilities.[author unknown] - 2010
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  10. Foucault, Michel and the politics of knowledge.Cs Debeer - 1988 - South African Journal of Philosophy-Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir Wysbegeerte 7 (1):37-49.
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    The Politics of Management Knowledge.Stewart R. Clegg & Gill Palmer - 1996 - SAGE Publications.
    The notion that management knowledge is universal, culture-neutral, readily transferable to any country or situation, has come under mounting challenge. The Politics of Management Knowledge goes beyond such `broad-brush' assertions to explore in detail the relations between management knowledge, power and practice in a world where globalization highlights, rather than obscures, the locally specific character of many management recipes. The book recognizes the political nature of management knowledge as a discourse produced from, and reproducing, power (...)
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    The State and the Politics of Knowledge.Michael W. Apple - 2003 - Routledge.
    _The State and the Politics of Knowledge_ extends the insightful arguments Michael Apple provided in _Educating_ _the "Right" Way_ in new and truly international directions. Arguing that schooling is, by definition, political, Apple and his co-authors move beyond a critical analysis to describe numerous ways of interrupting dominance and creating truly democratic and realistic alternatives to the ways markets, standards, testing, and a limited vision of religion are now being pressed into schools.
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  13. Technology and the Politics of Knowledge.Andrew Feenberg & Alastair Hannay (eds.) - 1995 - Indiana University Press.
    "This fine collection of essays from a diverse group of authors expounding on a wide variety of subjects presents a generous sampling of the new philosophy of technology." —Choice "... informative, original, and provocative.... Many of the writers are major players in defining the contested political terrain of cultural, science, and technology studies as well as critical theory and Heidegger studies." —Gerald Doppelt.
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  14. The future of the human(ities) : mystical literature, paranormal phenomena, and the contemporary politics of knowledge.Jeffrey J. Kripal - 2021 - In Edward F. Kelly & Paul Marshall (eds.), Consciousness Unbound: Liberating Mind from the Tyranny of Materialism. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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    Alexander Bogdanov and the Politics of Knowledge after the October Revolution.Maria Chehonadskih - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    In this book, Maria Chehonadskih unsettles established narratives about the formation of a revolutionary canon after the October Revolution. Displacing the centre of gravity from dialectical materialism to the rapid dissemination, canonisation and decline of a striking convergence of empiricism and Marxism, she explores how this tendency, overshadowed by official historiography, establishes a new attitude to modernity and progress, nature and environment, agency and subjectivity, party and class, knowledge and power. The book traces the adventure of the synthesis of (...)
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  16. Authority, political theology, and the politics of knowledge in the transition from medieval to early modern catholicism.Rivka Feldhay - 2006 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 73 (4):1065-1092.
  17.  33
    Stiegler’s ecological thought: The politics of knowledge in the anthropocene.Mark Featherstone - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (4):409-419.
    My objective in this article is to consider the implications of Bernard Stiegler’s theory of the neganthropocene for the politics of knowledge and education. Stiegler sets out his theory of...
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  18. The politics of hidden space : Georges Bataille and non-knowledge in the era of transparency.David Hancock - 2018 - In David Hancock, Anthony Faramelli & Robert G. White (eds.), Spaces of crisis and critique: heterotopias beyond Foucault. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Forgotten Botany: The Politics of Knowledge within the Royal Botanical Garden of New Spain.Anna Toledano - 2021 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 44 (2):228-244.
    Spanish naturalists established the Viceregal Botanical Garden of New Spain in Mexico City in 1788 to advance agriculture, manufacturing, and medicine. This colonial institution also served the ideological role of cultivating agents of empire. Rather than establish the garden in the already robust tradition of American botany, the Spanish appropriated this space, employing Creole students and servant workers to Europeanize local botanical knowledge through taxonomic colonialism. The different agendas at work in the botanical garden, which straddled the colonial and (...)
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  20. Feminist epistemology and the politics of knowledge : questions of marginality.Lorraine Code - 2014 - In Mary Evans, Clare Hemmings, Marsha Henry, Hazel Johnstone, Sumi Madhok, Ania Plomien & Sadie Wearing (eds.), The SAGE handbook of feminist theory. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE reference.
  21.  15
    The New Politics of Knowledge: Rorty's Pragmatism and the Rhetoric of the Human Sciences.Edward Davenport - 1987 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 17 (3):377-394.
  22.  16
    Chomsky and deconstruction: the politics of unconscious knowledge.Christopher Wise - 2011 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Chomsky and Deconstruction responds to Noam Chomsky’s criticisms of deconstructive theorists by exploring the historical dimensions of Chomsky’s own philosophy of language. Wise suggests that the Cartesian basis of the linguist’s own thought complicates his claims to have escaped the ancient problems of metaphysics. This book offers a measured response to Chomsky’s criticisms of deconstructive and empiricist theorists of language like Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Martin Heidegger, and Jacques Lacan and reveals the shared philosophical basis between linguistic theories and (...). (shrink)
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  23. Problems of knowledge and freedom: the Russell lectures.Noam Chomsky - 1971 - New York: Vintage Books.
  24. From crisis to sustainability: The politics of knowledge production on rural Europe.Seema Arora-Jonsson - 2023 - Sociologia Ruralis 63 (3):771-792.
    What does it mean to study places in ‘crisis’ and how does that affect the research done on the ‘rural’? To be considered to be in crisis is not really new as any literature review of rural studies indicates. And yet, we live now in a new context, with new challenges for ‘rural’ research, in particular that of sustainability. Sustainability is the new policy focus and is increasingly reflected in research on rural Europe. Although scholars are beginning to theorize on (...)
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    Liberty and the pursuit of knowledge: Charles Renouvier's political philosophy of science.Warren Schmaus - 2018 - Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
    Renouvier's place in nineteenth-century French thought -- Renouvier's critique of Comtean positivism -- Renouvier and mathematics -- Renouvier on evolution -- Kant, free will, and the social contract -- Hypothesis and convention in Renouvier's philosophy of science.
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    Art, Science, and the Politics of Knowledge[REVIEW]James Alexander - 2024 - The European Legacy 29 (3-4):423-424.
    There is a bookshop in Cambridge, England, which only sells books published by the Cambridge University Press. It is a common experience for browsers to pull a book off the shelf, attracted by the...
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  27.  75
    Ecological Naturalism: Epistemic Responsibility and the Politics of Knowledge.Lorraine Code - 2005 - Dialogue and Universalism 15 (5-6):87-102.
    The thesis of this paper is, first, that ecological thinking—which takes its point of departure from specifically located, multifaceted analyses of knowledge production and circulation in diverse demographic and geographic locations—can generate more responsible knowings than the reductivism of the positivist post-Enlightenment legacy allows; and second, that ecological thinking can spark a revolution comparable to Kant’s Copernican revolution, which recentered western thought by moving “man” to the center of the philosophical-conceptual universe. Kantian philosophy was parochial in the conception of (...)
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  28.  51
    The Head, the Hand, and Matter: New Materialism and the Politics of Knowledge.Paul Rekret - 2018 - Theory, Culture and Society 35 (7-8):49-72.
    This article seeks to examine the political connotations of a recent ‘material turn’ in social and political theory and its implications for theorizations of political agency. ‘New materialist’ theories are premised upon transcending the limits which social constructivism places upon thought, viewed as a reification of the division of subject and object and so a hubristic anthropocentrism which places human beings at the centre of social existence. Yet new materialist theories have tended to locate the conditions of the separation of (...)
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  29.  34
    The politics of skepticism in the ancients, Montaigne, Hume, and Kant.John Christian Laursen - 1992 - New York: E.J. Brill.
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    The Politics of German Idealism.Christopher Yeomans - 2023 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    The Politics of German Idealism reconstructs the political philosophies of Kant, Fichte and Hegel against the background of their social-historical context. Christopher Yeomans' guiding thought is to understand German Idealist political philosophy as political, i.e., as a set of policy options and institutional designs aimed at a broadly but distinctively German set of social problems. 'Political' here refers to use of the state's power to enforce law, and 'social' to the norms and groups which are regulated by that enforcement, (...)
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    The Politics of Expertise.Stephen P. Turner - 2013 - New York, USA: Routledge.
    This book collects case studies and theoretical papers on expertise, focusing on four major themes: legitimation, the aggregation of knowledge, the distribution of knowledge and the distribution of power. It focuses on the institutional means by which the distribution of knowledge and the distribution of power are connected, and how the problems of aggregating knowledge and legitimating it are solved by these structures. The radical novelty of this approach is that it places the traditional discussion of (...)
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    Book Reviews : The Politics of Knowledge: Activist Movements in Medicine and Planning, by Lily M. Hoffman. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989, 290 + x pp. $54.50 (cloth); $17.95 (paper. [REVIEW]Tom Dwyer - 1992 - Science, Technology and Human Values 17 (4):543-545.
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    Agents of knowledge: Marxist identity politics in the Revisionismusstreit.Jamie Melrose - 2016 - History of European Ideas 42 (8):1069-1088.
    SUMMARYTo be Marxist at the turn of the twentieth century was highly contested. During this crisis of Marxism, identity politics were acute, exemplified by the private and public debate between Eduard Bernstein and Karl Kautsky. With Bernstein's celebrated turn away from the Marxist theory of his day, the grounds for being Marxist were at stake. Was it possible to criticise Marx's analysis of industrial capitalism, his account of historical change and his hard-nosed class politics, and yet still be (...)
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    Theorizing from the Borders: Shifting to Geo- and Body-Politics of Knowledge.Madina V. Tlostanova & Walter D. Mignolo - 2006 - European Journal of Social Theory 9 (2):205-221.
    ‘Borders’ will be in the twenty-first century what ‘frontiers’ where in the nineteenth. Frontiers were conceived as the line indicating the last point in the relentless march of civilization. On the one side of the frontiers was civilization; on the other, nothing; just barbarism or emptiness. The march of civilization and the idea of the frontiers created a geographic and bodygraphic divide. Certain areas of the planet were designated as the location of the barbarians, and since the eighteenth century, of (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Critical Contextual Empiricism and the Politics of Knowledge.Matthew Sample - 2023 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 1 (1).
    What are philosophers doing when they prescribe a particular epistemology for science? According to science and technology studies, the answer to this question implicates both knowledge and politics, even when the latter is hidden. Exploring this dynamic via a specific case, I argue that Longino’s “critical contextual empiricism” ultimately relies on a form of political liberalism. Her choice to nevertheless foreground epistemological concerns can be clarified by considering historical relationships between science and society, as well as the culture (...)
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    Book Review: African Feminist Politics of Knowledge: Tensions, Challenges, Possibilities. [REVIEW]Carolette Norwood - 2012 - Gender and Society 26 (1):152-154.
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  37. The production of knowledge and the production of hegemony : Anthropological theory and political struggles in Spain.Susana Narotzky - 2006 - In Gustavo Lins Ribeiro & Arturo Escobar (eds.), World anthropologies: disciplinary transformations within systems of power. New York: Berg.
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    Mastery of knowledge or meeting of subjects? The epistemic effects of two forms of political voice.Emily Beausoleil - 2016 - Contemporary Political Theory 15 (1):16-37.
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    Proletarian Meditations: Georg Lukacs' Politics of Knowledge[REVIEW]John Flores - 1972 - Diacritics 2 (3):10.
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    A Review of “The Politics of Knowledge in Education”. [REVIEW]Brian D. Barrett - 2014 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 50 (3):289-293.
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    The Ethics and Politics of Academic Knowledge Production: Thoughts on the Future of Business Ethics.Gibson Burrell, Michael R. Hyman, Christopher Michaelson, Julie A. Nelson, Scott Taylor & Andrew West - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (3):917-940.
    To commemorate 40 years since the founding of the Journal of Business Ethics, the editors in chief of the journal have invited the editors to provide commentaries on the future of business ethics. This essay comprises a selection of commentaries aimed at creating dialogue around the theme The Ethics and Politics of Academic Knowledge Production. Questions of who produces knowledge about what, and how that knowledge is produced, are inherent to editing and publishing academic journals. At (...)
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  42.  41
    Education for Political Life: Critique, Theory, and Practice in Karl Mannheim’s Sociology of Knowledge.Iaan Reynolds - 2023 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Situating Karl Mannheim in a tradition of critical social philosophy, Iaan Reynolds argues that Mannheim’s early explorations in the sociology of knowledge offer a novel approach to this tradition, since they emphasize the need for social research to cultivate the critical self-awareness of social researchers.
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  43. Regimes of Knowledge Production in Society: Towards a More Political and Social Reading. [REVIEW]Dominique Pestre - 2003 - Minerva 41 (3):245-261.
    The `co-productions' of science and society have undergone dramatic changes in recent decades. However, contrasts between `Mode 1' and `Mode 2' are not compelling inhistorical terms. This essay will argue that, in fact, they offer too naturalistic and a-political a picture.
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    The Secularity of Empire, the Violence of Critique: Muslims, Race, and Sexuality in the Politics of Knowledge‐Production.Sunera Thobani - 2017 - Hypatia 32 (3):715-730.
    In the volatile conflicts that inaugurated the twenty-first century, secularism, democracy, and freedom were identified by Western nation-states as symbolizing their civilizational values, in contrast to the fanaticism, misogyny, and homophobia they attributed to “Islam.” The figure of the Muslim was thus transformed into an existential threat. This paper analyzes an exchange among scholars—Is Critique Secular? Blasphemy, Injury, and Free Speech—that engages these highly contested issues. As such, the text provides a rare opportunity to study how particular significations of the (...)
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  45. Cultural Encounters and the Orient: A Study in the Politics of Knowledge.Shiv Visvanathan - 2003 - Diogenes 50 (4):69-81.
    Johann Galtung in one of his lectures talks of a painting that hung in the ante-room of the late Ghanaian leader Kwame Nkrumah. It was a giant picture of Nkrumah himself struggling loose from his chains. There is thunder and lightning in the air, and in one corner of the picture are three men, three white men. The first is a capitalist and he carries a briefcase. The second is a missionary and he clutches a Bible. The third, the meekest (...)
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    The islamization of knowledge: Philosophy, legitimation, and politics.Christopher A. Furlow - 1996 - Social Epistemology 10 (3):259 – 271.
    (1996). The Islamization of knowledge: Philosophy, legitimation, and politics. Social Epistemology: Vol. 10, Islamic Social Epistemology, pp. 259-271.
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  47.  17
    Between enlightenment and disaster: dimensions of the political use of knowledge.Linda Sangolt (ed.) - 2010 - New York: P.I.E. Peter Lang.
    Acknowledgements This volume brings together contributions by Norwegian, German, and French scholars initially presented at the annual "Politics and ...
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    Islamization of Knowledge: A Comparative Analysis of the Conceptions of AI-Attas and AI- Fārūqī.Rosnani Hashim & Imron Rossidy - 2000 - Intellectual Discourse 8 (1).
    There has been a lot of discussion and debate on the issue of Islamization of Contemporary Knowledge among Muslim intellectuals. Two Muslim thinkers, namely al-Attas and al-Fārūqī were foremost in the attempt to conceptualise the problem of the Muslim Ummah and the issue of Islamization of knowledge as an epistemological and socio-political solution. This article aims to examine, compare and analyse the ideas of both scholars with respect to the various interpretations of the concept of Islamization of (...) their definition of the concept, their philosophical framework, and their methodology for achieving the goals of Islamization. It aims at understanding the similarities and differences and the strengths and weaknesses of their conceptions, philosophical framework and methodology. This paper also explores the possibility of reconciliation between their ideas in the hope of further advancing the cause of Islamization of knowledge. (shrink)
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    A food politics of the possible? Growing sustainable food systems through networks of knowledge.Alison Blay-Palmer, Roberta Sonnino & Julien Custot - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (1):27-43.
    There is increased recognition of a common suite of global challenges that hamper food system sustainability at the community scale. Food price volatility, shortages of basic commodities, increased global rates of obesity and non-communicable food-related diseases, and land grabbing are among the impediments to socially just, economically robust, ecologically regenerative and politically inclusive food systems. While international political initiatives taken in response to these challenges and the groundswell of local alternatives emerging in response to challenges are well documented, more attention (...)
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  50. Political inaction as a community of knowledge: a reading of Filon’s The contemplative life.Emmanuel Taub - 2017 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 6 (10):215-239.
    This article seeks to question the relationship between “Political”, “Life” and “Action”, returning to the reading of Hannah Arendt’s concept of “ vita active ” in The Human Condition. Particularly, going back to the subject of “action” as a condition of possibility of “political life”. To do this, this analysis will focus on the thought of Philo, especially in a strange text in his corpus: The contemplative life or supplicants. The aim of the paper is to reflect on the place (...)
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