Results for 'planification spatiale'

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  1.  10
    Ordre public et pouvoirs territoriaux.Bernadette Malgorn - 2015 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 58 (1):35-46.
    Dans un territoire de la République de plus en plus fragmenté, l’appréciation du bon ordre est de plus en plus difficile pour l’autorité civile de police municipale, maire ou préfet. L’occupation de l’espace et les conflits qui en résultent sont mal anticipés par la planification de l’urbanisme comme l’illustrent les grands rassemblements d’hommes, le désarroi des campagnes et les quartiers sensibles. L’ordre public doit s’exercer dans la proximité mais sous bonne régulation zonale.
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  2. Chris Butler.Spatial Abstraction, Legal Violence & the Promise Of Appropriation - 2018 - In Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Law and Theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  3. L’étendue Spatiale Et Temporelle Des Esprits: Descartes et holenmérisme chez quelques scolastiques et Descartes.Jean-Pascal Anfray - 2014 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 139 (1):23-46.
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    Géographie historique : itinéraires et organisation spatiale de la Thasos antique.Gilles Sintès - 2008 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 132 (2):639-665.
    À partir de la traduction de l’inscription de la stèle indicatrice d’Aliki, publiée en 1964, on propose plusieurs hypothèses d’itinéraires à travers l’île entre Aliki et Thasos, par l’Est comme par l’Ouest. On s’appuie, pour l’essentiel, sur des éléments relevant de l’analyse des paysages. Ceci permet de renforcer, en la précisant, l’hypothèse d’une localisation de Démétrion dans la région des Kalyvias de Kastro (près de Limenaria). L’organisation spatiale de l’île qui en découle est constituée d’un centre (la cité) et (...)
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    La dimension spatiale: Contribution à une approche comparative de la sémiotique et de l’intelligence artificielle.Madeleine Arnold - 1989 - Semiotica 77 (1-3):317-338.
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  6. Espace sonore et appréhension spatiale du son : Husserl, Boulez et le problème de Strawson.Jean-Baptiste Fournier - 2022 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 30:299-320.
    I. Le problème de Strawson et la phénoménologie Dans le deuxième chapitre de Individuals, Peter Strawson pose la question du rapport du son à l’espace, et à travers elle, celle de la cohérence de la notion kantienne de sens externe. Le son serait un objet essentiellement temporel, auquel une spatialité ne pourrait être ajoutée que par analogie ou de manière seulement synesthésique ou kinesthésique. L’analyse de Strawson repose sur l’opposition entre les représentations sonores et tactiles de...
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  7. L’etoffe spatiale de la mémoire : Lectures de M. Merleau-Ponty et P. Ricœur.Luis António Umbelino - 2013 - Studia Phaenomenologica 13:325-334.
    This paper aims to reflect on the possibilities of approaching the phenomenon of memory in relation to space. In order to approach memory on “the side ofspace”, we will find our first decisive guidelines in M. Merleau-Ponty’s analysis of habit developed in Phenomenology of Perception. Starting from there, we will then try to show in what way memory, in a way, can be said to belong to places. The final point of the discussion is Ricœur’s investigation of architecture and urbanism’s (...)
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    Réflexions épistémologiques à propos de la perception spatiale.Boi Luciano - 2013 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 1 (1):1-25.
    L'idée essentielle de ce travail est que la perception est, d'abord etavant tout, perception d'un monde phénoménal pourvu d'une certaine organisationgéométrique, de sorte qu'il nous paraît impossible de comprendre comment lesstructures perceptives se constituent sans que l'on précise le rôle que jouentcertaines propriétés géométriques fondamentales du monde physique et de sesobjets. En fait, ces propriétés géométriques, au lieu d'être un élément certesimportant mais somme tout accidentel du monde phénoménal, comme encore lecroient les théoriciens de la Gestalt, jouent un rôle essentiel (...)
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    Visions profanes du futur de la mobilité spatiale.Alexandre Rigal - 2018 - Temporalités 28.
    Le futur est un thème clé des pères fondateurs des sciences sociales. Marx, Durkheim, Weber abordent la question du Progrès et des évolutions de long terme des sociétés. Ces travaux mettent fin au monopole de la métaphysique sur le futur et ouvrent la porte aux premières enquêtes.Aujourd’hui, il est possible d’utiliser les méthodes des sciences sociales pour participer de manière renouvelée à l’exploration du futur, en s’attachant aux visions non expertes. Pour ce faire, quelle meilleure entrée que celle de la (...)
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    Le Ministère du futur devrait-il abolir l’exploration spatiale?Kim Stanley Robinson & Ariel Kyrou - 2024 - Multitudes 94 (1):193-196.
    Kim Stanley Robinson a toujours interrogé l’exploration spatiale comme moyen d’émancipation. Mais sur cette aventure extraterrestre, il est devenu de moins en moins optimiste au fil de ses livres. Il croit encore en sa dimension utopique, mais à condition qu’elle devienne modeste et cède la place, en termes de priorité, à la préservation des conditions d’habitabilité de la Terre, au cœur de son dernier roman Le Ministère du futur.
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  11. Phénoménologie et méréologie de la perception spatiale, de Husserl aux théoriciens de la Gestalt.Luciano Boi - 2007 - In Luciano Boi, Pierre Kerszberg & Frédéric Patras (eds.), Rediscovering Phenomenology. Phenomenological Essays on Mathematical Beings, Physical Reality, Perception and Consciousness. Hal Ccsd. pp. 33-66.
  12. Jean Schneider and Monique Leger-Orine, eds., Frontiers and Space Conquest: The Philosopher's Touchstone/Frontières et Conquête Spatiale: La Philosophie à l'Epreuve Reviewed by.Carl Mitcham - 1989 - Philosophy in Review 9 (8):333-335.
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    Le bassin minier, paysage culturel évolutif vivant. Le paradoxe temporel derrière l’apparente uniformité spatiale?Camille Mortelette - 2024 - Temporalités 39.
    Cette contribution propose l’analyse des temporalités de la patrimonialisation de l’héritage minier dans le bassin minier du Nord et du Pas-de-Calais à partir d’un travail de thèse réalisé entre 2013 et 2019, de retours réguliers sur le terrain depuis associés au maintien d’une veille sur les politiques patrimoniales menées. Je tenterai dans un premier temps d’identifier comment la mise en patrimoine de l’héritage minier, observée sur un temps long, permet de faire émerger différentes logiques et moteurs de mise en patrimoine (...)
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    La « crise » de la politique spatiale aux Etats-Unis.Xavier Pasco - 2002 - Hermes 34:205.
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  15. Contestation de l'État et attestation d'une identité spatiale dans le Cameroun méridional forestier.Patrice Bigombé Logo - 1996 - Polis 1:3-12.
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    Le jeu des échelles. Le pouvoir et son inscription spatiale dans les cartographies et les descriptions du Saint-Empire et de ses territoires au XVIe siècle.Axelle Chassagnette - 2012 - Astérion. Philosophie, Histoire des Idées, Pensée Politique 10 (10).
    Au XVIe siècle, le Saint Empire romain de nation allemande constitue un ensemble politique complexe, caractérisé par un système à plusieurs niveaux de représentation politique et par l’existence de multiples États placés sous l’autorité impériale. L’étude des cartes et des descriptions géographiques de l’espace germanique produites à cette période met au jour la compréhension qu’avaient les contemporains des formes de souveraineté existant dans l’Empire et ses territoires. Elle montre notamment que le pouvoir impérial, à la différence des pouvoirs territoriaux, n’était (...)
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    Le jeu des échelles. Le pouvoir et son inscription spatiale dans les cartographies et les descriptions du Saint-Empire et de ses territoires au XVIe siècle.Axelle Chassagnette - 2012 - Astérion 10 (10).
    In the 16th century, the Holy Roman Empire had a complex political structure. The main features of this structure were the several levels of the political representation and the multiplicity of States under the imperial authority. The study of the maps and of the geographical descriptions of the German era shows that different interpretations of the sovereignty coexisted in the Empire and its territories. Contrary to the territorial power, the imperial power was not represented as an authority situated on a (...)
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  18.  25
    In/out. Marginalité sociale et centralité spatiale: Les SDF en gare de Pennsylvania Station , étude de cas.Aurélie Delage - 2011 - In Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink, Jean El Gammal & Gabriele Clemens (eds.), Städtischer Raum Im Wandel/Espaces Urbains En Mutation: Modernität - Mobilität - Repräsentationen/Modernités - Mobilités - Représentations. Akademie Verlag. pp. 201-218.
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    Le développement de la météorologie spatiale en Europe.André Lebeau - 2002 - Hermes 34:183.
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    Quelques expériences sur la localisation spatiale.B. Bourdon - 1914 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 78:192 - 195.
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    Les fonctions du mythe dans l’organisation spatiale de la cité.Dominique Jaillard - 2007 - Kernos 20:131-152.
    Myth and the spatial organization of the City: The case of Tanagra. How does Myth participate in the shaping of the different kinds of space constituing a city, whether it be in the definition of its eschatiai or in the determination of the many internal relations that link together its centre, its chora and its limits? I propose here a case study focussed on Pausanias’ description of Tanagra in Boiotia, locating the descriptive content of the text within its wider generic (...)
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  22. Les origines de la réflexion sur l'ideal éducatif la période présocratique la tendance à la précision et à l'exactitude dans Les considérations pédagogiques, à l'époque de la planification de l'instruction et la mise.Romana Miller - 1975 - Paideia 4:55.
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  23. L'espace, un grand pas pour l'humanité, une perspective teilhardienne de la conquête spatiale.Jacques Arnould - 2018 - In Guillermo Agudelo (ed.), La guerre en face, voir au-delà: de la Grande Guerre aux turbulences actuelles de la mondialisation. [Le Coudray-Macouard]: Les Acteurs du Savoir.
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    La psychologie de la vision spatiale : Gérard Simon et après.Jean-Claude Dupont - 2007 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 1 (1):133-150.
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    Podróż Monteskiusza: biografia przestrzenna = Le voyage de Montesquieu: biographie spatiale.Paweł Matyaszewski - 2011 - Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL.
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  26. Valeur économique et planification écologique : Hayek, Neurath, Nordhaus et la bataille de l’incommensurabilité.Claire Lejeune - 2024 - Actuel Marx 76 (2):25-45.
    L’affrontement entre le capitalisme vert et les alternatives écosocialistes est plus que jamais tangible, et peut s’interpréter comme la confrontation entre une tentative d’intégration des « valeurs » de la nature au mode d’accumulation capitaliste d’une part, et une résistance à l’ontologie marchande, à son rythme, à sa rationalité de l’autre. Dans cet article, l’autrice revient sur les racines de cette opposition, à partir du débat sur le calcul socialiste opposant notamment Otto von Neurath et Hayek, en le mettant aussi (...)
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  27. Spatial aspects of olfactory experience.Solveig Aasen - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49 (8):1041-1061.
    Several theorists argue that one does not experience something as being at or coming from a distance or direction in olfaction. In contrast to this, I suggest that there can be a variety of spatial aspects of both synchronic and diachronic olfactory experiences, including spatial distance and direction. I emphasise, however, that these are not aspects of every olfactory experience. Thus, I suggest renouncing the widespread assumption there is a uniform account of the nature, including the spatial nature, of what (...)
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  28. Planification et décision.Malik Ghallab - forthcoming - Hermes.
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    La planification participative contre le Grand Marché (économie, nature et société).Fikret Adaman, Muriel Savrot & Gaël Gratet - 2005 - Rue Descartes 49 (3):111-117.
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    Planification et démocratie.Pierre Masse - 1963 - Res Publica 5 (3):211-219.
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    La planification de l’action publique à l’échelle du planning . Usages et construction des emplois du temps dans l’administration.Jean-Marie Pillon & Quéré - 2014 - Temporalités 19.
    Cet article étudie les temporalités de l’action publique à travers le cas de la production des plannings dans les administrations publiques françaises. Les plannings sont considérés comme des instruments constituants des organisations au sein desquelles ils sont élaborés. En s’appuyant sur l’analyse de deux terrains complémentaires – une enquête sur la formation des attachés d’administration dans les Instituts régionaux d’administration et une enquête sur la prise en charge des chômeurs par le Pôle emploi – l’étude rappelle que les plannings produits (...)
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    Spatial deictic tense and evidentials in Korean.Kyung-Sook Chung - 2007 - Natural Language Semantics 15 (3):187-219.
    This paper focuses on the Korean suffix -te, which has been variously analyzed as a marker of tense, aspect, tense–aspect, mood, mood–tense, or evidentiality. I argue against all of these approaches and propose instead that -te is a spatial deictic past tense, which triggers an evidential environment. It refers to a certain past time when the speaker either observed an event or some evidence of the event within his (her) perceptual field. Thus, the denotation of -te is ‘overlap’, not between (...)
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    Spatially Resolved Transcriptomes—Next Generation Tools for Tissue Exploration.Michaela Asp, Joseph Bergenstråhle & Joakim Lundeberg - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (10):1900221.
    Recent advances in spatially resolved transcriptomics have greatly expanded the knowledge of complex multicellular biological systems. The field has quickly expanded in recent years, and several new technologies have been developed that all aim to combine gene expression data with spatial information. The vast array of methodologies displays fundamental differences in their approach to obtain this information, and thus, demonstrate method‐specific advantages and shortcomings. While the field is moving forward at a rapid pace, there are still multiple challenges presented to (...)
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    Spatial learning in the T-maze: the influence of direction, turn, and food location.Hugh C. Blodgett, Kenneth McCutchan & Ravenna Mathews - 1949 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 39 (6):800.
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    The Spatial Learning Task of Lhermitte and Signoret (1972): Normative Data in Adults Aged 18–45.Alana Collins, Michael M. Saling, Sarah J. Wilson, Graeme D. Jackson & Chris Tailby - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:860982.
    ObjectiveThe Spatial Learning Task of Lhermitte and Signoret is an object-location arbitrary associative learning task. The task was originally developed to evaluate adults with severe amnesia. It is currently used in populations where the memory system either is not yet fully developed or where it has been compromised (e.g. epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, electroconvulsive therapy, cerebrovascular disease and dementia). Normative data have been published for paediatric cohorts and for older adults, however no data exist for the intervening adult years.MethodHere, we (...)
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    A spatial modal logic with a location interpretation.Norihiro Kamide - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (4):331.
    A spatial modal logic is introduced as an extension of the modal logic S4 with the addition of certain spatial operators. A sound and complete Kripke semantics with a natural space interpretation is obtained for SML. The finite model property with respect to the semantics for SML and the cut-elimination theorem for a modified subsystem of SML are also presented.
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    Socio-Spatial Micro-Networks: Building Community Resilience in Kenya.Asma Mehan, Neady Odour & Sina Mostafavi - 2023 - In Ali Cheshmehzangi, Maycon Sedrez, Hang Zhao, Tian Li, Tim Heath & Ayotunde Dawodu (eds.), Resilience vs Pandemics. Springer. pp. 141-159.
    The adverse effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have exposed the lack of multi-scalar community resilient strategies that catalyze the development of alternative coping mechanisms for future challenges. To address the immediate needs of vulnerable and marginalized groups, especially in times of crisis, as evidenced by the pandemic, micro-networks within communities have mitigated and reduced harm through self-devised ingenuity based on local ways of life. Socio-spatial micro-networks have the potential to empower communities to self-organize, engage, collaborate, co-design, co-build, and connect with (...)
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    Spatial adaptation and aftereffect with optically transformed vision: Effects of active and passive responding and the relationship between test and exposure responses.G. Singer & R. H. Day - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (5):725.
  39. Spatial perception: The perspectival aspect of perception.E. J. Green & Susanna Schellenberg - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (2):e12472.
    When we perceive an object, we perceive the object from a perspective. As a consequence of the perspectival nature of perception, when we perceive, say, a circular coin from different angles, there is a respect in which the coin looks circular throughout, but also a respect in which the coin's appearance changes. More generally, perception of shape and size properties has both a constant aspect—an aspect that remains stable across changes in perspective—and a perspectival aspect—an aspect that changes depending on (...)
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  40. Spatial content of painful sensations.Błażej Skrzypulec - 2021 - Mind and Language 36 (4):554-569.
    Philosophical considerations regarding experiential spatial content have focused on exteroceptive sensations presenting external entities, and not on interoceptive experiences that present states of our own body. A notable example is studies on interoceptive touch, in which it is argued that interoceptive tactile experiences have rich spatial content such that tactile sensations are experienced as located in a spatial field. This paper investigates whether a similarly rich spatial content can be attributed to experiences of acute, cutaneous pain. It is argued that (...)
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    Spatial Vision.Russell L. DeValois & Karen K. DeValois - 1988 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Discussing the visual system primarily in terms of spatial frequency analysis, the authors of this book present an integrated view of how we perceive spatial relations.
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  42. Spatial Cognition Through the Keyhole: How Studying a Real-World Domain Can Inform Basic Science—and Vice Versa.Madeleine Keehner - 2011 - Topics in Cognitive Science 3 (4):632-647.
    This paper discusses spatial cognition in the domain of minimally invasive surgery. It draws on studies from this domain to shed light on a range of spatial cognitive processes and to consider individual differences in performance. In relation to modeling, the aim is to identify potential opportunities for characterizing the complex interplay between perception, action, and cognition, and to consider how theoretical models of the relevant processes might prove valuable for addressing applied questions about surgical performance and training.
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    Spatial Thinking in Term and Preterm-Born Preschoolers: Relations to Parent–Child Speech and Gesture.Sam Clingan-Siverly, Paige M. Nelson, Tilbe Göksun & Ö. Ece Demir-Lira - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Spatial skills predict important life outcomes, such as mathematical achievement or entrance into Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics disciplines. Children significantly vary in their spatial performance even before they enter formal schooling. One correlate of children's spatial performance is the spatial language they produce and hear from others, such as their parents. Because the emphasis has been on spatial language, less is known about the role of hand gestures in children's spatial development. Some children are more likely to fall behind (...)
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    Spatial and Linguistic Aspects of Visual Imagery in Sentence Comprehension.Benjamin K. Bergen, Shane Lindsay, Teenie Matlock & Srini Narayanan - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (5):733-764.
    There is mounting evidence that language comprehension involves the activation of mental imagery of the content of utterances (; ; ; ; ; ; ). This imagery can have motor or perceptual content. Three main questions about the process remain under‐explored, however. First, are lexical associations with perception or motion sufficient to yield mental simulation, or is the integration of lexical semantics into larger structures, like sentences, necessary? Second, what linguistic elements (e.g., verbs, nouns, etc.) trigger mental simulations? Third, how (...)
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    On spatiality in Tartu–Moscow cultural semiotics.Anti Randviir - 2007 - Sign Systems Studies 35 (1-2):137-158.
    The article views the development of the Tartu–Moscow semiotic school from the analysis of texts to the study of spatial entities (semiosphere being most well known of them). It comes to light that ‘culture’ and ‘space’ have been such notions in Tartu–Moscow School to which, for instance, the ‘semiosphere’ does not add much. There are studied possibilities to join Uexküll’s and Lotman’s basic concepts (as certain grounds of Estonian semiotics) with Tartu–Moscow School’s treatment of culture and space through the notion (...)
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  46. Spatial justice through immersive art: an interdisciplinary approach.Asma Mehan & Sina Mostafavi - 2024 - In C. Gray, E. Ciliotta Chehade, P. Hekkert, L. Forlano, P. Ciuccarelli & P. Lloyd (eds.), DRS2024: Boston. Boston, USA: DRS2024: Boston. pp. 1-15.
    This paper explores spatial justice in urban environments through immersive art and design, focusing on Amsterdam and Houston. It presents a case study from the Venice Biennale 2023, showcasing art's potential in fostering inclusive urban spaces. The study delves into the socio-political complexities of urban areas, highlighting often-ignored liminal spaces and their tensions and possibilities. Immersive art emerges as a transformative medium, capable of challenging and reshaping perceptions of space, and addressing systemic socio-economic disparities. Adopting a transdisciplinary approach, the research (...)
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    Spatial representations activated during real‐time comprehension of verbs.Daniel C. Richardson, Michael J. Spivey, Lawrence W. Barsalou & Ken McRae - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (5):767-780.
    Previous research has shown that na_ve participants display a high level of agreement when asked to choose or drawschematic representations, or image schemas, of concrete and abstract verbs [Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2001, Erlbaum, Mawhah, NJ, p. 873]. For example, participants tended to ascribe a horizontal image schema to push, and a vertical image schema to respect. This consistency in offline data is preliminary evidence that language invokes spatial forms of representation. It also (...)
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    Reimagining spatiality in South Asian diasporic literature: a Lefebvrian reading of Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Lowland.Zhang Qiuchen, Moussa Pourya Asl & Mohamad Rashidi Bin Mohd Pakri - 2023 - Journal for Cultural Research 28 (1):70-85.
    The examination of power, space, and identity formation within diasporic literature has garnered significant attention due to the escalating global mobility of migrants across the world. This article studies the complex integration of spatial hierarchy, civil violence, and gendered responses to power representations in Jhumpa Lahiri’s novel, The Lowland (2013). We utilise Henri Lefebvre’s theories to dissect the spatial dynamics of the novel across three dimensions: representations of space and conceived space, spatial practice and perceived space, and representational space and (...)
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    Spatial Semantics, Cognition, and Their Interaction: A Comparative Study of Spatial Categorization in English and Korean.Hongoak Yun & Soonja Choi - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (6):1736-1776.
    This study has two goals. First, we present much‐needed empirical linguistic data and systematic analyses on the spatial semantic systems in English and Korean, two languages that have been extensively compared to date in the debate on spatial language and spatial cognition. We conduct our linguistic investigation comprehensively, encompassing the domains of tight‐ and loose‐fit as well as containment and support relations. The current analysis reveals both cross‐linguistic commonalities and differences: From a common set of spatial features, each language highlights (...)
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    Spatial Language of Young Children During Block Play in Kindergartens in Urban China.Xiaoli Yang & Yuejuan Pan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Spatial language is an important predictor of spatial skills and might be inspired by peer interaction and goal-oriented building behaviors during block play. The present study investigated the frequency, type and level of children’s spatial language during block play and their associations with the level of block play by observing 228 young children in classrooms equipped with unit blocks and allowing free play on a daily basis. The findings showed that during block play, young children used more words about spatial (...)
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