Results for 'Pierre Masse'

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  1.  15
    Planification et démocratie.Pierre Masse - 1963 - Res Publica 5 (3):211-219.
  2.  18
    Pierre Charbonnier : d’un livre à l’autre.Bastien Massé - 2021 - Archives de Philosophie 84 (2):171-176.
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    The Right to Expressive Voting Methods.Pierre-Étienne Vandamme - forthcoming - Res Publica:1-22.
    In mass democracies, voting—in elections or referendums—is the main way in which most citizens can publicly express their political preferences. And yet this means of expression is sometimes perceived by them as highly frustrating, partly because it does not allow for much expression. Dominant voting methods lead to a reduction of options, pressure citizens to vote tactically at the cost of expressing their genuine preferences, and fail to convey what they really think about different candidates, parties, or options. Yet citizens (...)
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  4. Are We in a Sixth Mass Extinction? The Challenges of Answering and Value of Asking.Federica Bocchi, Alisa Bokulich, Leticia Castillo Brache, Gloria Grand-Pierre & Aja Watkins - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    In both scientific and popular circles it is often said that we are in the midst of a sixth mass extinction. Although the urgency of our present environmental crises is not in doubt, such claims of a present mass extinction are highly controversial scientifically. Our aims are, first, to get to the bottom of this scientific debate by shedding philosophical light on the many conceptual and methodological challenges involved in answering this scientific question, and, second, to offer new philosophical perspectives (...)
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    (11 other versions)Philippes.Pierre Aupert, Paola Bottini & Michel Sève - 1979 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 103 (2):619-631.
    Vers la fin du vie s.apr. J.‑C., le forum de Philippes est devenu une place de village, en fort contraste avec l’intense activité de construction d’églises qu’avait connue le centre de la ville dans la première moitié du siècle. Ce retour à la ruralité s’inscrit dans un courant plus général qui affecte alors les Balkans, mais la présente note étudie l’hypothèse que l’épidémie dite « peste de Justinien » a eu un fort impact à Philippes. Une vague connue à Constantinople (...)
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    From Classical to Quantum Models: The Regularising Rôle of Integrals, Symmetry and Probabilities.Jean-Pierre Gazeau - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (11):1648-1667.
    In physics, one is often misled in thinking that the mathematical model of a system is part of or is that system itself. Think of expressions commonly used in physics like “point” particle, motion “on the line”, “smooth” observables, wave function, and even “going to infinity”, without forgetting perplexing phrases like “classical world” versus “quantum world”.... On the other hand, when a mathematical model becomes really inoperative in regard with correct predictions, one is forced to replace it with a new (...)
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    La mise à mort des masses.Jean-Pierre Chrétien-Goni - 1988 - Hermes 2:169.
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  8. Mereologies as the grammars of chemical discourses.Rom Harré & Jean-Pierre Llored - 2011 - Foundations of Chemistry 13 (1):63-76.
    Mereology is the logic of part—whole concepts as they are used in many different contexts. The old chemical metaphysics of atoms and molecules seems to fit classical mereology very well. However, when functional attributes are added to part specifications and quantum mechanical considerations are also added, the rules of classical mereology are breached in chemical discourses. A set theoretical alternative mereology is also found wanting. Molecular orbital theory requires a metaphysics of affordances that also stands outside classical mereology.
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    A Democritean phenomenology for quantum scattering theory.H. Pierre Noyes - 1976 - Foundations of Physics 6 (1):83-100.
    The basic operational devices in a particle theory are detectors which show that a particle is “here, now” rather than “there, then.” Successful operation of these devices requires a limiting velocity. Given auxiliary devices which can change particle velocities in both magnitude and direction, the Lorentz-invariant mass can be defined. The wave-particle duality operationally required to explain the scattering of particles from a diffraction grating then predicts fluctuations in particle number (the Wick-Yukawa mechanism), if we postulate a smallest mass. We (...)
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    Construction of Non-Perturbative, Unitary Particle–Antiparticle Amplitudes for Finite Particle Number Scattering Formalisms.James Lindesay & H. Pierre Noyes - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (5):699-741.
    Starting from a unitary, Lorentz invariant two-particle scattering amplitude, we show how to use an identification and replacement process to construct a unique, unitary particle–antiparticle amplitude. This process differs from conventional on-shell Mandelstam s, t, u crossing in that the input and constructed amplitudes can be off-diagonal and off-energy shell. Further, amplitudes are constructed using the invariant parameters which are appropriate to use as driving terms in the multi-particle, multichannel non-perturbative, cluster decomposable, relativistic scattering equations of the Faddeev-type integral equations (...)
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    Marco Beretta. Imaging A Career in Science: The Iconography of Antoine‐Laurent Lavoisier. xvii + 126 pp., illus., index. Nantucket, Mass.: Science History Publications/USA, 2001. $29.95. [REVIEW]Jean‐Pierre Poirier - 2003 - Isis 94 (1):148-149.
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    Cornelius Lanczos’s Derivation of the Usual Action Integral of Classical Electrodynamics.Andre Gsponer & Jean-Pierre Hurni - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (5):865-880.
    The usual action integral of classical electrodynamics is derived starting from Lanczos’s electrodynamics – a pure field theory in which charged particles are identified with singularities of the homogeneous Maxwell’s equations interpreted as a generalization of the Cauchy–Riemann regularity conditions from complex to biquaternion functions of four complex variables. It is shown that contrary to the usual theory based on the inhomogeneous Maxwell’s equations, in which charged particles are identified with the sources, there is no divergence in the self-interaction so (...)
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    Puissances de l'image.Jean-Claude Gens & Pierre Rodrigo (eds.) - 2007 - Dijon: Editions universitaires de Dijon.
    L'omniprésence des images dans la société mass-médiatique est corrélative de leur évanescence et du constant renouvellement qui conditionne le processus de leur consommation. Leur omnipotence se réduit ainsi à celle de stimuli destinés à induire des comportements. Or, il convient d'autant plus de revenir d'une telle exténuation de l'image que cette dernière constitue l'une des dimensions essentielles du déploiement de la vie humaine. L'image est traditionnellement rapportée à l'activité imaginante d'un sujet. Mais, s'il est vrai que l'étoffe des hommes et (...)
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  14. A Misleading Naming Convention: De Sitter ‘Tachyonic’ Scalar Fields.Jean-Pierre Gazeau & Hamed Pejhan - 2025 - Foundations of Physics 55 (1):1-12.
    We revisit the concept of de Sitter (dS) ‘tachyonic’ scalar fields, characterized by discrete negative squared mass values, and assess their physical significance through a rigorous Wigner-inspired group-theoretical analysis. This perspective demonstrates that such fields, often misinterpreted as inherently unstable due to their mass parameter, are best understood within the framework of unitary irreducible representations (UIRs) of the dS group. The discrete mass spectrum arises naturally in this representation framework, offering profound insights into the interplay between dS relativity and quantum (...)
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    Varieties of Amazonian Shamanism.Jean-Pierre Chaumeil - 1992 - Diogenes 40 (158):101-113.
    The penetration of the Amazon region by the great religious movements of Europe and Africa began with the first phases of colonial domination, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The initial influence to be felt was Iberian Catholicism (the religion of the conquerors), which spread along the rivers as missions sprang up here and there. This period of missionary activity continued for over a century, bringing with it a host of consequences, most notably waves of epidemics that killed millions of (...)
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    Case Report: Multimodal Functional and Structural Evaluation Combining Pre-operative nTMS Mapping and Neuroimaging With Intraoperative CT-Scan and Brain Shift Correction for Brain Tumor Surgical Resection.Suhan Senova, Jean-Pascal Lefaucheur, Pierre Brugières, Samar S. Ayache, Sanaa Tazi, Blanche Bapst, Kou Abhay, Olivier Langeron, Kohtaroh Edakawa, Stéphane Palfi & Benjamin Bardel - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Background: Maximum safe resection of infiltrative brain tumors in eloquent area is the primary objective in surgical neuro-oncology. This goal can be achieved with direct electrical stimulation to perform a functional mapping of the brain in patients awake intraoperatively. When awake surgery is not possible, we propose a pipeline procedure that combines advanced techniques aiming at performing a dissection that respects the anatomo-functional connectivity of the peritumoral region. This procedure can benefit from intraoperative monitoring with computerized tomography scan and brain (...)
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  17.  41
    Fixed past and uncertain future: A single-time covariant quantum particle mechanics. [REVIEW]H. Pierre Noyes - 1975 - Foundations of Physics 5 (1):37-43.
    A covariant quantum mechanics for systems of finite-mass particles at finite energy follows from interpreting as Wick-Yukawa fluctuations in particle number the quantum fluctuations which are needed by Phipps to understand measurement theory and by Gyftopoulos to understand the second law of thermodynamics. The dynamical one-variable equations require as input the (N − 1)-particle transition matrices and an N-N vertex or coupling constants at three-particle vertices.
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  18. La mobilité au quotidien, entre choix individuel et production sociale.Marie-Hélène Massot & Jean-Pierre Orfeuil - 2005 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 1 (1):81-100.
    On a longtemps rendu compte des comportements de déplacements des hommes dans l’espace par un terme renvoyant à une logique collective et de masse, celui de migration . L’intégration dans l’observation et la compréhension de toute la palette des motifs de déplacements et l’individualisation croissante des pratiques ont amené l’usage d’un terme plus générique, emprunté aux sciences sociales et notamment à ceux qui s’intéressent à la fluidité dans l’espace social, celui de mobilité. Ce glissement n’est pas purement sémantique : (...)
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    Pierre Musso and the Network Society: From Saint-Simonianism to the Internet.José Luís Garcia (ed.) - 2016 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book is devoted to discussion of the views of Pierre Musso and starts with a central chapter written by Musso, entitled Network Ideology: from Saint-Simonianism to the Internet. Pierre Musso is a French philosopher and is one of the most original thinkers in the history of the network society. His thought develops a critique of information and communication technologies through their imaginary and social representations and of the information society, based on the network metaphor. The main question (...)
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    I am Food: The Mass in Planetary Perspective (review).Maria Dorothea Reis-Habito - 2007 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 27 (1):161-166.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:I Am Food: The Mass in Planetary PerspectiveMaria Reis HabitoI Am Food: The Mass in Planetary Perspective. By Roger Corless. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2004. 104 pp.In this timely reprint of I Am Food: The Mass in Planetary Perspective (originally published by Crossroad in 1981), the late Roger Corless demonstrates the potential for spiritual and intellectual creativity contained within a stance of dual religious belonging. Corless passed (...)
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  21. Reviews : Denise Le Dantec and Jean-Pierre Le Dantec, Reading the French Garden: story and history, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1990, $24.95, 288 pp. Paul Rabinow, French Modern: norms and forms of the social environment, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1989, $35.00, x +447 pp. [REVIEW]Stephen Bann - 1991 - History of the Human Sciences 4 (2):299-301.
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    Bodies, Masses, Power, Spinoza and His Contemporaries. [REVIEW]Branka Arsic - 2003 - Review of Metaphysics 56 (4):892-893.
    Warren Montag’s book is a fine analysis of the ways in which Spinoza’s materialism, as it was formulated in The Ethics, affects his political theory. Even though Montag’s analysis is historical, and sensitive to the theoretical and political context of Spinoza’s thinking, it also takes decisively into account contemporary political theories and so works to frame the context within which Montag himself thinks. Constantly referring to Louis Althusser’s remarks about the connection between Spinoza’s philosophy and the former’s theory of ideology, (...)
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    Why Modern Architecture Emerged in Europe, not America: The New Class and the Aesthetics of Technocracy.David Gartman - 2000 - Theory, Culture and Society 17 (5):75-96.
    Using theories by Pierre Bourdieu and the Frankfurt School that causally link art to class interests, this article examines the differential development of modern architecture in the United States and central Europe during the early 20th century. Modern architecture was the aesthetic expression of technocracy, a movement of the new class of professionals, managers and engineers to place itself at the center of rationalized capitalism. The aesthetic of modernism, which glorified technology and instrumental reason, was weak and undeveloped in (...)
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  24.  5
    Politique hors-champ: contribution à une critique communiste de la politique.Laurent Lévy - 2012 - Paris: Éditions Kimé.
    Pierre Bourdieu a longuement analysé ce qu'il qualifiait de "champ politique". Mais pour penser la politique politiquement, il convient de la penser "hors-champ". Politique hors-champ se présente comme une contribution à la critique de la politique considérée comme un champ particulier et séparé de la vie sociale. Limiter la politique à ses moments institutionnels, alors qu'elle est tout à la fois une pratique sociale, est un appauvrissement de ses potentialités, incompatible avec toute politique d'émancipation - c'est à dire de (...)
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    Stratification, luttes sociales et démocratie chez Charles Wright Mills.Alice Le Goff - 2015 - Astérion 13 (13).
    This article examines Charles Wright Mills’ sociological works and political thought : it shows how they provide the basis of a reflection on the social conditions of democratic conflict. First Mills’ work questions the impact of social stratification on democratic conflict. Second Mills’ approach of the notion of « mass society » puts emphasis on the way the decline of the autonomy of social orders contributes to a weakening of democratic conflict. Finally, we compare the way Mills and Pierre (...)
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    Stratification, luttes sociales et démocratie chez Charles Wright Mills.Alice Le Goff - 2015 - Astérion 13 (13).
    Dans cet article, nous développons une réflexion sur le conflit en démocratie en nous appuyant sur une étude du parcours et des travaux de Charles Wright Mills. Comme celle de Pierre Bourdieu qui lui fait écho sur de nombreux points et avec laquelle nous l’entrecroisons, la démarche de Mills fournit les bases d’une réflexion sur les conditions sociales d’une authentique conflictualité démocratique, orientée vers une déconstruction de certaines formes de domination. Tout d’abord, le travail de Mills intègre un questionnement (...)
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  27. From Noosphere to Theosphere: Cyclotrons, Cyberspace, and Teilhard's Vision of Cosmic Love.Ingrid H. Shafer - 2002 - Zygon 37 (4):825-852.
    Two theme–setting quotations introduce this essay—that of Yeats's falcon, deaf to the falconer's call, adrift in space above the blood–dimmed tide, counterpoised to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's call to abandon old nationalistic prejudices and build the earth. With primary references to the thought of Teilhard, along with, among others, to Ewert Cousins, Andrew M. Greeley, Karl Jaspers, Marshall McLuhan, Ilya Prigogine, Karl Rahner, Leonard Swidler, David Tracy, and Alfred North Whitehead, I argue that the most crucial intellectual paradigm shift (...)
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    Jacques Maritain.Benjamin L. Masse - 1930 - Modern Schoolman 7 (1):11-12.
  29.  12
    Suck it in and smile.Laurence Beaudoin-Masse - 2022 - Berkeley: Groundwood Books/House of Anansi Press. Edited by Shelley Tanaka.
    A funny, touching look at the life of a social media influencer who starts to question the #goals life she has created for herself. Every day, Élie motivates her hundreds of thousands of followers to become the best versions of themselves by posting videos of exercise routines and high-protein breakfast recipes. Far from the shy teenager that she was, she is now in a very public relationship with singer Samuel Vanasse, and together they have become one of the most popular (...)
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    A theology for evolution: Haught, teilhard, and Tillich.Paul H. Carr - 2005 - Zygon 40 (3):733-738.
    Paul Tillich and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin both have made contributions to a theology of evolution. In a 2002 essay John Haught expresses doubt that Tilllich's rather classical theology of “being” is radical enough to account for the “becoming” of evolution. Tillich's ontology of being includes the polarity of form and dynamics. Dynamics is the potentiality of being, that is, becoming. Tillich's dynamic dialectic of being and nonbeing is a more descriptive metaphor for the five mass extinctions of evolutionary (...)
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    A Note on Mr. Babbitt's Psychology.Benjamin Masse - 1932 - Modern Schoolman 9 (3):48-50.
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    Quatre plaintes en responsabilité professionnelle ophtalmologique. des cours d'appel au conseil d'état.Gilbert Masse - 1995 - Médecine et Droit 1995 (12):18-20.
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    The Society of Equals.Pierre Rosanvallon - 2013 - Harvard University Press.
    Since the 1980s, society's wealthiest members have claimed an ever-expanding share of income and property. It has been a true counterrevolution, says Pierre Rosanvallon--the end of the age of growing equality launched by the American and French revolutions. And just as significant as the social and economic factors driving this contemporary inequality has been a loss of faith in the ideal of equality itself. An ambitious transatlantic history of the struggles that, for two centuries, put political and economic equality (...)
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    Longitudinal Estimation of the Clinically Significant Change in the Treatment of Major Depression Disorder.Cristina Cañete-Massé, Maribel Peró-Cebollero, Esteve Gudayol-Ferré & Joan Guàrdia-Olmos - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Les marchands florentins et le Prince de Machiavel.Bastien Massé - 2024 - Archives de Philosophie 88 (1):117-132.
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    Carnap's ideal of explication and naturalism.Pierre Wagner (ed.) - 2012 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Carnap's ideal of explication has become a key concept in analytic philosophy and the basis of a method of analysis which may be considered as an alternative to various forms of naturalism, including Quine's conception of a naturalized epistemology. More recently, new light has been shed on this aspect of the classical Carnap-Quine debate by contemporary philosophers. Whereas Michael Friedman articulated a notion of relativized a priori which owes much to Carnap's internal/external distinction, André Carus attempted to restate Carnap's ideal (...)
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  37. Scientific realism without reference.Pierre Cruse & David Papineau - 2002 - In Michele Marsonet (ed.), The Problem of Realism. Ashgate. pp. 174--189.
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    Bourdieu and Adorno: Converging theories of culture and inequality.David Gartman - 2012 - Theory and Society 41 (1):41-72.
    The theories of Pierre Bourdieu and Theodor Adorno both conceive culture as legitimating the inequalities of modern societies. But they postulate different mechanisms of legitimation. For Bourdieu, modern culture is a class culture, characterized by socially ranked symbolic differences among classes that make some seem superior to others. For Adorno, modern culture is a mass culture, characterized by a socially imposed symbolic unity that obscures class differences behind a facade of leveled democracy. In his later writings, however, Bourdieu’s theory (...)
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    Faith and Philosophy.Benjamin L. Masse - 1931 - Modern Schoolman 9 (1):8-10.
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  40. Firing Back: Against the Tyranny of the Market 2.Pierre Bourdieu & Loïc Wacquant - 2006 - Science and Society 70 (1):134-137.
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    The philosopher and his poor.Jacques Rancière - 2004 - Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Edited by Andrew Parker.
    What has philosophy to do with the poor? If, as has often been supposed, the poor have no time for philosophy, then why have philosophers always made time for them? Why is the history of philosophy—from Plato to Karl Marx to Jean-Paul Sartre to Pierre Bourdieu—the history of so many figures of the poor: plebes, men of iron, the demos, artisans, common people, proletarians, the masses? Why have philosophers made the shoemaker, in particular, a remarkably ubiquitous presence in this (...)
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  42. A critical reappraisal of the evidence for unconscious abstraction of deterministic rules in complex experimental situations.Pierre Perruchet, J. Gallego & I. Savy - 1990 - Cognitive Psychology 22:493-516.
  43. « Sôzein ta Phainomena ». Essai sur la notion de théorie physique de Platon à Galilée.Pierre Duhem - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180 (4):686-687.
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    Le livre de science: (Logique, métaphysique).Henri Avicenna, Mohammad Massé & Achena - 1955 - Paris,: Société d'édition "Les Belles Lettres,". Edited by Mohammad Achena & Henri Massé.
    1. Logique. Métaphysique.--2. Physique, mathématiques.
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    Del Método Trascendental Kantiano a la Dialéctica de la Razón de Hegel.Carlos Eduardo Massé Narváez - 2003 - Cinta de Moebio 17.
    Kant and Hegel, applauded the coming of the reason with the Illuminism, and soon after they structure it their own gnoseology. For it the gnoseology of Kant and Hegel, or said otherwise, the transcendental reason and the dialectical one, they are constituted in cosmovisions that allow to explain ..
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  46. Das Konstitutionsproblem des eigenen Leibes. Eine radikalphänomenologische Analyse im Anschluß an Maine de Biran.Rolf Kühn - 2002 - Studia Phaenomenologica 4 (1):9-30.
    A phenomenological reading of Pierre Maine de Brian offers a valuable understanding of one's own body in relation to the ego's apperceptive effort. As an organic mass, the body follows the double movement of this effort, manifested by an inner and an outer resistance. This movement allows the „constitution” of the world as correlative to the deployment of a force, identified with the apperception of the ego itself. This practical radicalization of the cogito can be viewed as the first (...)
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    Mental models and the suppositional account of conditionals.Pierre Barrouillet, Caroline Gauffroy & Jean-François Lecas - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (3):760-771.
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  48. Reading and understanding: on some differences between Wittgenstein and 4E cognitive science.Pierre Steiner - 2018 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio 12 (2).
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    Rethinking Race, Class, Language, and Gender: A Dialogue with Noam Chomsky and Other Leading Scholars.Pierre Wilbert Orelus - 2011 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The author explores with the leading scholars of today the way and extent to which many forms of oppression, such as racism, classism, capitalism, sexism, and linguicis, have affected the women, poor working-class people, queer people, students of color, female faculty and faculty of color. The leading scholars are: Richard Delgado, David Gillborn , Zeus Leonardo, Antonia Darder, Howard Winant, Christine Sleeter, Sonia Nieto, Carl Grant, Peter McLaren, Noam Chomsky, Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, Pedro Noguera, and Dave Stovall. Sometimes immensely personal, the (...)
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    L'éthique au fil de la reliance: le système et l'outil.Pierre Peyré - 2020 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
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