Results for 'person:-aquinas, thomas'

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  1.  16
    Book notes. [REVIEW]Barry Fagin, Roland Person, Ron Thomas & Robert Lane - 2000 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 13 (2):109-122.
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    Review of Thomas Szasz: The Myth of Mental Illness: Foundations of a Theory of Personal Conduct[REVIEW]Thomas S. Szasz - 1963 - Ethics 73 (2):145-147.
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    The Counterfeiters: Thomas Wartenberg Finds that Extreme Circumstances Can Bring Out a Person's True Moral Character.Thomas Wartenberg - 2008 - Philosophy Now 68:38-39.
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    Embodiment and personal identity in dementia.Thomas Fuchs - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (4):665-676.
    Theories of personal identity in the tradition of John Locke and Derek Parfit emphasize the importance of psychological continuity and the abilities to think, to remember and to make rational choices as a basic criterion for personhood. As a consequence, persons with severe dementia are threatened to lose the status of persons. Such concepts, however, are situated within a dualistic framework, in which the body is regarded as a mere vehicle of the person, or a carrier of the brain (...)
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    (1 other version)Thomas Mores Utopia als Philosophie: Plädoyer für eine dialogische Lesart.Thomas Jeschke - 2021 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 128 (1):3-20.
    Thomas More’s Utopia is an iridescent and enigmatic work which evades a consistent interpretation. Throughout the entire dialogue, many contradictory positions are argued for, and More’s play with telling names makes it difficult to determine which person’s position we should embrace. In order to evade these problems, the paper suggests reading More’s work as a philosophical dialogue with the reader, in which More invites us to evaluate the different positions contained in the work against our own back- ground. (...)
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  6. Thomas Aquina's Metaphysics of the Person and Phenomenological Personalism. The Case of Incoomunicability.Victor Salas - 2013 - Gregorianum 94 (3):573-592.
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    Personal Metaphors as Motivational Resources: Boosting Anticipated Incentives and Feelings of Vitality Through a Personal Motto-Goal.Thomas H. Dyllick, Oliver Dickhäuser & Dagmar Stahlberg - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Motto-goals describe a desired mind-set and provide a person with a guiding principle of how to approach a personal goal or obligation. We propose that motto-goals can be conceptionalized as individually created metaphors and that the figurative, metaphorical language and the characteristics of the formation process make them effective in changing the perception of unpleasant personal obligations as more inherently enjoyable and raise vitality levels. To test whether a newly devised minimalistic motto-goal intervention can make goal striving more attractive (...)
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    The Person in Secular and in Orthodox-Catholic 1 Bioethics.Thomas Bole Iii - 2000 - Christian Bioethics 6 (1):85-112.
    The following demarcates the sense of the human person in Orthodox-Catholic bioethics from the family of senses proper to secular bioethics and philosophy. The radically different sources of knowledge about the senses proper to each discipline suggest that the importation of philosophical and secular psychological distinctions and analyses into true Christianity's concern with the human person, is fundamentally misguided. This suggestion is confirmed by examination of the articles of Crosby, Glannon, Hoswepian, and Meador and Shuman.
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  9. The Coherence of Naturalistic Personal Pantheism.Asha Lancaster-Thomas - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (1):75.
    This paper examines the coherence of naturalistic personal pantheism in an attempt to reconcile pantheism, naturalism, and a personal concept of God. NPP proposes that i) God is identical with the universe, ii) the universe is entirely natural, and iii) God is personal. Several critics of accounts of a God such as this have voiced concerns about a natural — as opposed to a supernatural — God, since a natural God cannot be worship-worthy. In response, I propose a controversial premise (...)
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    Person memory and judgment.Thomas K. Srull & Robert S. Wyer - 1989 - Psychological Review 96 (1):58-83.
  11.  98
    The Person in Secular and in Orthodox-Catholic 1 Bioethics.Thomas J. Bole - 2000 - Christian Bioethics 6 (1):85-112.
    The following demarcates the sense of the human person in Orthodox-Catholic bioethics from the family of senses proper to secular bioethics and philosophy. The radically different sources of knowledge about the senses proper to each discipline suggest that the importation of philosophical and secular psychological distinctions and analyses into true Christianity's concern with the human person, is fundamentally misguided. This suggestion is confirmed by examination of the articles of Crosby, Glannon, Hoswepian, and Meador and Shuman.
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  12. The myth of mental illness: foundations of a theory of personal conduct.Thomas Szasz - 1974 - New York,: Harper & Row.
    Now available in a Harper Colophon edition, this classic book has revolutionized thinking throughout the Western world about the nature of the psychiatric profession and the moral implications of its practices. Book jacket.
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    Why older persons seek nursing care: towards a conceptual model.Thomas Boggatz & Theo Dassen - 2011 - Nursing Inquiry 18 (3):216-225.
    Despite similar health problems, older persons show different care seeking behaviours for a variety of reasons. The aim of this study was to identify motives underlying the attitudes of older persons to seek nursing care and to develop a theoretical rationale which allows viewing their mutual interaction. Theory development according to Walker and Avant was used as a method to derive a model from the reviewed literature. Six categories were identified that may influence seeking of nursing care: perceived threat, disposition, (...)
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    Personal Values and Setting Oneself Ends.Thomas E. Hill - 2002 - In Thomas E. Hill (ed.), Human Welfare and Moral Worth: Kantian Perspectives. Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    The focus here is on what individuals value and pursue when considered apart from moral considerations. Personal values are contrasted with various kinds of moral values, but the central question is whether having the former commits one to the latter. Textual evidence casts doubt on the recently popular thesis that, in Kant's view, in setting ends agents thereby express a rational commitment to the objective goodness of their ends and acts. Unfortunately, influential Kantian arguments seem to use that dubious thesis (...)
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  15. Constitution, persons, and the resurrection of the dead.Thomas D. Senor - 2020 - In Luis R. G. Oliveira & Kevin Corcoran (eds.), Common Sense Metaphysics: Essays in Honor of Lynne Rudder Baker. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  16. Trust, Belief, and the Second-Personal.Thomas W. Simpson - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96 (3):447-459.
    Cognitivism about trust says that it requires belief that the trusted is trustworthy; non-cognitivism denies this. At stake is how to make sense of the strong but competing intuitions that trust is an attitude that is evaluable both morally and rationally. In proposing that one's respect for another's agency may ground one's trusting beliefs, second-personal accounts provide a way to endorse both intuitions. They focus attention on the way that, in normal situations, it is the person whom I trust. (...)
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  17. A note on Hooker's "rule consequentialism" Thomas L. Carson.Thomas Carson - manuscript
    Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use.
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  18. Personality of Thomas Hobbes.Herbert L. Stewart - 1949 - Hibbert Journal 47:127-128.
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    (1 other version)Person and society: A view of V. P. tugarinov.Thomas J. Blakeley - 1984 - Studies in East European Thought 28 (2):101-105.
    We can, in view of what we have said, ask if Tugarinov is doing a sort of structuralism; and, however we answer that question, one will want to know if he is doing something that can succeed, at least better than other moderns who have attempted a similar enterprise.The answer is that Tugarinov is doing a sort of (quasi-Aristotelian) structuralism — at least in the sense of refusing any absolute fixity to history, and of asserting a multi-level poly-directionality to the (...)
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  20.  21
    Treating Persons as Ends: An Essay on Kant's Moral Philosophy.Thomas E. Hill & P. C. Lo Lanham - 1990 - Philosophical Review 99 (2):278.
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    Being a (A-)moral Person and Caring About Morality.Thomas Schramme - 2014 - In Being Amoral: Psychopathy and Moral Incapacity. MIT Press. pp. 227-244.
    The chapter starts from a specific interpretation of what it means to know the difference between right and wrong, which stems from Gilbert Ryle. To know the difference between right and wrong implies caring about morality. The author links Ryle’s ideas to the notion of being a moral person. Two different ideas found in moral philosophy are delineated, namely, the amoral person, that is, someone who rejects the demands of morality, and the morally incapacitated person, that is, (...)
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  22.  9
    Persons and Perception.L. E. Thomas - 1963 - Philosophical Quarterly 13 (52):275-276.
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    Tell Me Who You Vote for, and I'll Tell You Who You Are? The Associations of Political Orientation With Personality and Prosocial Behavior and the Plausibility of Evolutionary Approaches.Thomas Grünhage & Martin Reuter - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Blatantly observable in the U.S. currently, the political chasm grows, representing a prototype of political polarization in most if not all western democratic political systems. Differential political psychology strives to trace back increasingly polarized political convictions to differences on the individual level. Recent evolutionary informed approaches suggest that interindividual differences in political orientation reflect differences in group-mindedness and cooperativeness. Contrarily, the existence of meaningful associations between political orientation, personality traits, and interpersonal behavior has been questioned critically. Here, we shortly review (...)
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  24. Personality and consciousness: A theoretical essay.Thomas Natsoulas - 1984 - Cognition and Brain Theory 7:135-66.
  25. Human enhancement and supra-personal moral status.Thomas Douglas - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 162 (3):473-497.
    Several authors have speculated that (1) the pharmaceutical, genetic or other technological enhancement of human mental capacities could result in the creation of beings with greater moral status than persons, and (2) the creation of such beings would harm ordinary, unenhanced humans, perhaps by reducing their immunity to permissible harm. These claims have been taken to ground moral objections to the unrestrained pursuit of human enhancement. In recent work, Allen Buchanan responds to these objections by questioning both (1) and (2). (...)
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    The Personal as Political.Thomas A. Preston - 1996 - Hastings Center Report 26 (5):2-3.
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    Person, Identity, and Imagination.Thomas O. Buford - 1989 - The Personalist Forum 5 (1):7-25.
  28. A Materialist Conception of Personal Identity.Thomas Wayne Smythe - 1971 - Dissertation, University of Michigan
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  29. Enactive intersubjectivity: Participatory sense-making and mutual incorporation.Thomas Fuchs & Hanne De Jaegher - 2009 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 8 (4):465-486.
    Current theories of social cognition are mainly based on a representationalist view. Moreover, they focus on a rather sophisticated and limited aspect of understanding others, i.e. on how we predict and explain others’ behaviours through representing their mental states. Research into the ‘social brain’ has also favoured a third-person paradigm of social cognition as a passive observation of others’ behaviour, attributing it to an inferential, simulative or projective process in the individual brain. In this paper, we present a concept (...)
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  30. The personal relevance of truth.Thomas Shipley Brown - 1955 - Wallingford, [Pa.]: Pendle Hill.
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    Personality traits and bricolage as drivers of sustainable social responsibility in family SMEs: A COVID‐19 perspective.Muhammad Anwar & Thomas Clauß - 2021 - Business and Society Review 126 (1):37-68.
    Motivated by the social and environmental challenges resulting from the COVID‐19 pandemic, this research examines the influence of the “big five” personality traits; extroversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism on sustainable social responsibility with a mediating role of bricolage. We collected empirical evidence from 245 family‐owned SMEs. The results indicate that the personality traits do not directly influence sustainable social responsibility, although the traits (except extroversion) influence bricolage. Moreover, we found that open, conscious, and agreeable personalities indirectly contribute to sustainable (...)
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  32. Giving Each Person Her Due: Taurek Cases and Non-Comparative Justice.Alan Thomas - 2012 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 15 (5):661-676.
    Taurek cases focus a choice between two views of permissible action, Can Save One and Must Save Many . It is argued that Taurek cases do illustrate the rationale for Can Save One , but existing views do not highlight the fact that this is because they are examples of claims grounded on non-comparative justice. To act to save the many solely because they form a group is to discriminate against the one for an irrelevant reason. That is a canonical (...)
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  33. Personal Rights and Public Space.Thomas Nagel - 1995 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 24 (2):83-107.
  34. Human person, perspectives of samkhya and Gita.Thomas Manickam - 1996 - Journal of Dharma 21 (1):5-16.
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    Nurses, medical records and the killing of sick persons before, during and after the Nazi regime in Germany.Thomas Foth - 2013 - Nursing Inquiry 20 (2):93-100.
    During the Nazi regime (1933–1945), more than 300 000 psychiatric patients were killed. The well‐calculated killing of chronic mentally ‘ill’ patients was part of a huge biopolitical program of well‐established scientific, eugenic standards of the time. Among the medical personnel implicated in these assassinations were nurses, who carried out this program through their everyday practice. However, newer research raises suspicions that psychiatric patients were being assassinated before and after the Nazi regime, which, I hypothesize, implies that the motives for these (...)
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  36. Flawed by Dasein? Phenomenology, Ethnomethodology, and the Personal Experience of Physiotherapy.Thomas Abrams - 2014 - Human Studies 37 (3):431-446.
    This paper applies a hybrid Heideggerian-ethnomethodological approach to physiotherapy practice. Unlike previous studies written by and for practitioners, this paper uses my personal experience receiving physical therapy as its point of departure. By combining Heidegger’s [Being and time (trans: Stambaugh J). State University of New York Press, New York 1996] notion of the ‘ontological difference’ with Garfinkel’s (Studies in ethnomethodology, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs 1967) concept of ‘accountability,’ I argue that in physical therapy practice, both client and practitioner actively shape the (...)
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    The impact of ethics code familiarity on manager behavior.Thomas R. Wotruba, Lawrence B. Chonko & Terry W. Loe - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 33 (1):59 - 69.
    Codes of ethics exist in many, if not the majority, of all large U.S. companies today. But how the impact of these written codes affect managerial attitudes and behavior is still not clearly documented or explained. This study takes a step in that direction by proposing that attention should shift from the codes themselves as the sources of ethical behavior to the persons whose behavior is the focus of these codes. In particular, this study investigates the role of code familiarity (...)
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  38. Disembodied minds and personal identity.Thomas W. Smythe - 1988 - Philosophy Research Archives 14:415-423.
    Discussion of the human soul has bulked large in the literature of philosophy and religion. I defend the possibility of disembodied Cartesian minds by examining the criticisms of three philosophers who argue that there are serious difficulties about any attempt to account for the identity of such Cartesian minds through time. I argue that their criticisms of the possibility of disembodied minds are damaging but not fatal. I hold that the central issue behind their criticisms of Cartesian minds is whether (...)
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    The case for a broader approach to AI assurance: addressing “hidden” harms in the development of artificial intelligence.Christopher Thomas, Huw Roberts, Jakob Mökander, Andreas Tsamados, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-16.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) assurance is an umbrella term describing many approaches—such as impact assessment, audit, and certification procedures—used to provide evidence that an AI system is legal, ethical, and technically robust. AI assurance approaches largely focus on two overlapping categories of harms: deployment harms that emerge at, or after, the point of use, and individual harms that directly impact a person as an individual. Current approaches generally overlook upstream collective and societal harms associated with the development of systems, such (...)
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    A Philosophy of Belonging: Persons, Politics, Cosmos by James Greenaway (review).Thomas W. Holman - 2024 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (4):717-719.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Philosophy of Belonging: Persons, Politics, Cosmos by James GreenawayThomas W. HolmanGREENAWAY, James. A Philosophy of Belonging: Persons, Politics, Cosmos. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 2023. xii + 326 pp. Cloth, $125.00; paper, $50.00“Belonging” is a common theme in contemporary political discourse, but it has not yet garnered much sustained attention in terms of its philosophical significance. James Greenaway’s new book aims to address this (...)
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    The concept of consciousness: The personal meaning.Thomas Natsoulas - 1991 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 21 (September):339-67.
  42.  29
    Personal Growth: Education and Experience.Thomas A. Wyatt - 1998 - Journal of Human Values 4 (1):95-109.
    An essential element of human resource management (HRM) is employee growth and development. Two aspects of this development involve growth in job related behaviours and the less tangible but vital aspect of personal growth. The paper focuses on the latter topic. The aim is an exploration of the relationship between experience and education as they relate to personal growth. Since many schools of management and in-house HRM programmes involve the use of experiential approaches to learning, it seems a relevant issue (...)
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  43. Causality and Personal Causality in the Philosophy of Xavier Zubiri.Thomas B. Fowler - 2008 - The Xavier Zubiri Review 10:91 - 112.
    Causality has been a key concept throughout the history of philosophy. One of its main uses has been in securing proofs of the existence of God. A review of the history of causality discloses five distinct phases, with major changes to the uses and understanding of causality, with the last ending in a very confused idea of causality. Zubiri pointed out that there are really three elements conflated in the common idea of causality: real production of effects, functionality, and power (...)
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    What is Personal Ethics and Should We be Teaching More of It?Thomas A. Mappes - 1988 - Teaching Philosophy 11 (1):33-40.
  45.  44
    Metaphysical Accounts of the Zygote as a Person and the Veto Power of Facts.Thomas J. Bole - 1989 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 14 (6):647-653.
    That the soul of a human person is infused at conception is a metaphysical claim. But given its traditional articulation, it has the empirical consequence that the zygote must have a substantial continuity with the adult person, a continuity which is already determined at conception. This empirical consequence is contradicted by the fact that the zygote may become a hydatidiform mole, or several persons. The metaphysical claim is falsified by the facts. Keywords: abortion, information capacity, metaphysical account, (...), zygote CiteULike Connotea What's this? (shrink)
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    Living With One’s Past: Personal Fates and Moral Pain.Laurence Thomas - 1998 - Philosophical Review 107 (2):307.
    This work has a most resounding virtue: It is an essay in moral philosophy written about the ordinary life. Care’s point of departure is a life that is flawed and troubled—one that is dulled to numerous moral considerations, one that is far from capable of just willing itself back on any track, moral or otherwise. And as the book’s title suggests, the question that he is concerned to answer is, How does that kind of person get on with living (...)
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    Personal Philosophy: The Art of Living.Thomas O. Buford - 1984 - Holt McDougal.
  48. The struggle for recognition and the authority of the second person.Thomas Khurana - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 29 (3):552-561.
    In this introductory paper, I discuss the second-personal approach to ethics and the theory of recognition as two accounts of the fundamental sociality of the human form of life. The first section delineates the deep affinities between the two approaches. They both put a reciprocal social constellation front and center from which they derive the fundamental norms of moral and social life and a social conception of freedom. The second section discusses three points of contrast between the two approaches: The (...)
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    Reply to Hobson: Can there be a First-Person Science of Consciousness?Thomas Metzinger - 2006 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 12.
    Allan Hobson praises and accuses me. He praises me for being empirically informed. And he accuses me of being a “third-person half-some-one”. Specifically, he encourages me to come out of the closet, share some of my own first-person phenomenological experiences, and stop hiding behind neurophenomenological case studies taken from the existing scientific literature. Which I will do, below. But let us first begin with a matter of conceptual controversy.
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  50. Empirical research on folk moral objectivism.Thomas Pölzler & Jennifer Cole Wright - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 14 (5).
    Lay persons may have intuitions about morality's objectivity. What do these intuitions look like? And what are their causes and consequences? In recent years, an increasing number of scholars have begun to investigate these questions empirically. This article presents and assesses the resulting area of research as well as its potential philosophical implications. First, we introduce the methods of empirical research on folk moral objectivism. Second, we provide an overview of the findings that have so far been made. Third, we (...)
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