Results for 'novelty'

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  1.  12
    Memory in Infancy and Early Childhood.Novelty Preference - 2000 - In Endel Tulving, The Oxford Handbook of Memory. Oxford University Press. pp. 267.
  2.  30
    Novelty Manipulations, Memory Performance, and Predictive Coding: the Role of Unexpectedness.Richárd Reichardt, Bertalan Polner & Péter Simor - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:525205.
    Novelty is central to the study of memory, but the wide range of experimental manipulations aimed to reveal its effects on learning produced inconsistent results. The novelty/encoding hypothesis suggests that novel information undergoes enhanced encoding and thus leads to benefits in memory, especially in recognition performance; however, recent studies cast doubts on this assumption. On the other hand, data from animal studies provided evidence on the robust effects of novelty manipulations on the neurophysiological correlates of memory processes. (...)
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    Roger Bacon and Ramon Llull, expressions of a multicultural Middle Ages. Novelty emerging from tradition.Flavia Marcacci & Sara Muzzi - 2016 - Anuario Filosófico 49 (1):155-175.
  4.  16
    Novelty: A History of the New.Michael North - 2013 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    If art and science have one thing in common, it’s a hunger for the new—new ideas and innovations, new ways of seeing and depicting the world. But that desire for novelty carries with it a fundamental philosophical problem: If everything has to come from _something_, how can anything truly new emerge? Is novelty even possible? In _Novelty_, Michael North takes us on a dazzling tour of more than two millennia of thinking about the problem of the new, from (...)
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    Novelty.Donald A. Crosby - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    The question of causality has haunted the history of Western metaphysics since the time of the Pre-Socratic philosophy. Hand-in-hand with attempts to address this question is the promise of unlocking larger and more complicated questions pertaining to human freedom. But what of novelty? In this brilliant extended essay Donald A. Crosby contends that, though novelty can't be comprehended without efficient causality, causality requires a concept of novelty; without it cause and effect relations are unintelligible and, indeed, impossible.
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    Novelty Seeking and Mental Health in Chinese University Students Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown: A Longitudinal Study.Wendy Wen Li, Huizhen Yu, Dan J. Miller, Fang Yang & Christopher Rouen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    COVID-19 has created significant concern surrounding the impact of pandemic lockdown on mental health. While the pandemic lockdown can be distressing, times of crisis can also provide people with the opportunity to think divergently and explore different activities. Novelty seeking, where individuals explore novel and unfamiliarly stimuli and environments, may enhance the creativity of individuals to solve problems in a way that allows them to adjust their emotional responses to stressful situations. This study employs a longitudinal design to investigate (...)
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    Evolutionary novelty and the Evo-devo synthesis: field notes.Ingo Brigandt & Alan C. Love - 2010 - Evolutionary Biology 37:93-99.
    Accounting for the evolutionary origins of morphological novelty is one of the core challenges of contemporary evolutionary biology. A successful explanatory framework requires the integration of different biological disciplines, but the relationships between developmental biology and standard evolutionary biology remain contested. There is also disagreement about how to define the concept of evolutionary novelty. These issues were the subjects of a workshop held in November 2009 at the University of Alberta. We report on the discussion and results of (...)
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  8. Novelty.Emmalon Davis - 2022 - The Philosopher 110 (4):39-44.
    Academic philosophy has a novelty problem. Novelty has become a litmus test for a contribution’s value. This results in a common undertaking for academic researchers. Read a bunch. Look for holes and gaps. Figure out what hasn’t been said. Try to insert yourself in a conversation by saying something new. On first glance, this approach might appear to make sense. If it’s not new, why do we need it? Yet a fixation on novelty sculpts a landscape of (...)
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  9. Novelty and the 1919 eclipse experiments.G. R. - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 34 (1):107-129.
    In her 1996 book, Error and the Growth of Experimental Knowledge, Deborah Mayo argues that use- (or heuristic) novelty is not a criterion we need to consider in assessing the evidential value of observations. Using the notion of a ''severe'' test, Mayo claims that such novelty is valuable only when it leads to severity, and never otherwise. To illustrate her view, she examines the historical case involving the famous 1919 British eclipse expeditions that generated observations supporting Einstein's theory (...)
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    Novelty seeking might underlie curiosity and the novelty dimension of creativity, but not the usefulness dimension.Oguz A. Acar & Christoph Fuchs - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e90.
    We question the perspective that curiosity and creativity stem from a shared novelty-seeking process. We emphasize that creativity has two distinct dimensions: Novelty and usefulness, each involving separate cognitive processes. These dimensions may not necessarily mutually reinforce each other. We contend that a more comprehensive model that encompasses the full scope of the creativity construct is needed.
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  11. Novelty, coherence, and Mendeleev’s periodic table.Samuel Schindler - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 45:62-69.
    Predictivism is the view that successful predictions of “novel” evidence carry more confirmational weight than accommodations of already known evidence. Novelty, in this context, has traditionally been conceived of as temporal novelty. However temporal predictivism has been criticized for lacking a rationale: why should the time order of theory and evidence matter? Instead, it has been proposed, novelty should be construed in terms of use-novelty, according to which evidence is novel if it was not used in (...)
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    Cosmographical novelties in French Renaissance prose (1550-1630): dialectic and discovery.Raphaële Garrod - 2016 - Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers.
    Contemporary historiography holds that it was the practices and technologies underpinning both the Great Voyages and the 'New Science', as opposed to traditional book learning, which led to the major epistemic breakthroughs of early modernity. This study, however, returns to the importance of book-learning by exploring how cosmological and cosmographical 'novelties' were explained and presented in Renaissance texts, and discloses the ways in which the reports presented by sailors, astronomers, and scientists became not only credible but also deeply disturbing for (...)
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    The Role of Novelty in Early Word Learning.Emily Mather & Kim Plunkett - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (7):1157-1177.
    What mechanism implements the mutual exclusivity bias to map novel labels to objects without names? Prominent theoretical accounts of mutual exclusivity (e.g., Markman, 1989, 1990) propose that infants are guided by their knowledge of object names. However, the mutual exclusivity constraint could be implemented via monitoring of object novelty (see Merriman, Marazita, & Jarvis, 1995). We sought to discriminate between these contrasting explanations across two preferential looking experiments with 22-month-olds. In Experiment 1, infants viewed three objects: one name-known, two (...)
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    Conceptualizing Evolutionary Novelty: Moving Beyond Definitional Debates.Ingo Brigandt & Alan C. Love - 2012 - Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 318:417-427.
    According to many biologists, explaining the evolution of morphological novelty and behavioral innovation are central endeavors in contemporary evolutionary biology. These endeavors are inherently multidisciplinary but also have involved a high degree of controversy. One key source of controversy is the definitional diversity associated with the concept of evolutionary novelty, which can lead to contradictory claims (a novel trait according to one definition is not a novel trait according to another). We argue that this diversity should be interpreted (...)
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  15. Providential novelties: Werner Rolevinck's universal timelines.Patricia Clare Ingham - 2019 - In Hall Bjørnstad, Helge Jordheim & Anne Régent-Susini, Universal history and the making of the global. London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Potential Novelty: Towards an Understanding of Novelty without an Event.Oliver Human - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (4):45-63.
    This paper explores the possibility for a means of bringing about novelty which does not rely on kairological philosophies based on an event. In contrast to both common sense and contemporary philosophical understandings of the term where for novelty to arise there must be some break in the repetition of the structure, this paper argues that it is possible for novelty to come about through small-scale experimentation. This is done by relying on the philosophical notion of ‘economy’ (...)
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    Distinctiveness Benefits Novelty , but Only Up to a Limit: The Prior Knowledge Perspective.Niv Reggev, Reut Sharoni & Anat Maril - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (1):103-128.
    Novelty is a pivotal player in cognition, and its contribution to superior memory performance is a widely accepted convention. On the other hand, mnemonic advantages for familiar information are also well documented. Here, we examine the role of experimental distinctiveness as a potential explanation for these apparently conflicting findings. Across two experiments, we demonstrate that conceptual novelty, an unfamiliar combination of familiar constituents, is sensitive to its experimental proportions: Improved memory for novelty was observed when novel stimuli (...)
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  18. Novelties in the Heavens: Rhetoric and Science in the Copernican Controversy.Jean Dietz Moss - 1996 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 29 (2):206-209.
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  19. The Novelty of Nano and the Regulatory Challenge of Newness.Christopher J. Preston, Maxim Y. Sheinin, Denyse J. Sproat & Vimal P. Swarup - 2010 - NanoEthics 4 (1):13-26.
    A great deal has been made of the question of whether nano-materials provide a unique set of ethical challenges. Equally important is the question of whether they provide a unique set of regulatory challenges. In the last 18 months, the US Environmental Protection Agency has begun the process of trying to meet the regulatory challenge of nano using the Toxic Substances Control Act (1976)(TSCA). In this central piece of legislation, ‘newness’ is a critical concept. Current EPA policy, we argue, does (...)
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  20.  40
    The mathematics of novelty: Badiou's minimalist metaphysics.Sam Gillespie - 2008 - Melbourne: Re.Press.
    Sam Gillespie's The Mathematics of Novelty presents a new account of Alain Badiou and Gilles Deleuze, identifying conceptual impasses in their philosophical ...
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  21.  4
    Beyond Novelty and Growth: A Virtue Ethics Enquiry into Fashion Entrepreneurs’ Responsible and Harmonising Practices Towards Sustainability.Andrea Werner, Patrick Elf, Fergus Lyon & Ian Vickers - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (4):845-861.
    A growing number of small fashion entrepreneurs seek to offer an alternative to the mainstream fashion industry, which, in its obsession with novelty and growth, often ignores the costs to society and the environment. There is a need to develop a deeper understanding of how these fashion entrepreneurs may be agents for change in their industry. Using rich data from an in-depth study of 27 UK-based entrepreneurs, we offer such analysis, drawing on a novel framework that combines MacIntyre’s virtue (...)
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    Beyond Novelty and Growth: A Virtue Ethics Enquiry into Fashion Entrepreneurs’ Responsible and Harmonising Practices Towards Sustainability.Andrea Werner, Patrick Elf, Fergus Lyon & Ian Vickers - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (4):845-861.
    A growing number of small fashion entrepreneurs seek to offer an alternative to the mainstream fashion industry, which, in its obsession with novelty and growth, often ignores the costs to society and the environment. There is a need to develop a deeper understanding of how these fashion entrepreneurs may be agents for change in their industry. Using rich data from an in-depth study of 27 UK-based entrepreneurs, we offer such analysis, drawing on a novel framework that combines MacIntyre’s virtue (...)
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  23.  13
    Novelty seeking is neither necessary nor sufficient for curiosity or creativity, instead both curiosity and creativity may reflect an epistemic drive.Linus Holm & Paul Schrater - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e101.
    Novelty is neither necessary nor sufficient to link curiosity and creativity as stated in the target article. We point out the article's logical shortcomings, outline preconditions that may link curiosity and creativity, and suggest that curiosity and creativity may be expressions of a common epistemic drive.
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  24. " Novelty" in polarity to" the most admitted truths": Tradition and the individual talent in st coleridge and ts Eliot.Richard A. Hocks - 1976 - In Shirley Sugerman, Evolution of Consciousness: Studies in Polarity. Barfield Press. pp. 83--97.
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  25.  41
    Novelty effects in cue acquisition and utilization.Loy S. Braley & Donald Michael Johnson - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 66 (4):421.
  26.  34
    (1 other version)Novelty preference in face perception by week-old lambs (Ovis aries).Orsola Rosa Salva, Simona Normando, Antonio Mollo & Lucia Regolin - 2014 - Interaction Studies 15 (1):113-128.
    An extensive literature has been accumulating, in recent years, on face-processing in sheep and on the relevance of faces for social interaction in this species. In spite of this, spontaneous preferences for face or non-face stimuli in lambs have not been reported. In this study we tested the spontaneous preference of 8-day-old lambs (N = 9) for three pairs of stimuli. In each pair, one stimulus was a face-like display, whereas the other presented the same inner features displaced in unnatural (...)
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  27. Challenging the Pursuit of Novelty.Emmalon Davis - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (4):773-792.
    Novelty—the value of saying something new—appears to be a good-making feature of a philosophical contribution. Beyond this, however, novelty functions as a metric of success. This paper challenges the presumption and expectation that a successful philosophical contribution will be a novel one. As I show, the pursuit of novelty is neither as desirable nor as feasible as it might initially seem.
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  28.  60
    Exploration, novelty, surprise, and free energy minimization.Philipp Schwartenbeck, Thomas FitzGerald, Raymond J. Dolan & Karl Friston - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  29. Assessing the Novelty of Computer-Generated Narratives Using Empirical Metrics.Federico Peinado, Virginia Francisco, Raquel Hervás & Pablo Gervás - 2010 - Minds and Machines 20 (4):565-588.
    Novelty is a key concept to understand creativity. Evaluating a piece of artwork or other creation in terms of novelty requires comparisons to other works and considerations about the elements that have been reused in the creative process. Human beings perform this analysis intuitively, but in order to simulate it using computers, the objects to be compared and the similarity metrics to be used should be formalized and explicitly implemented. In this paper we present a study on relevant (...)
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  30.  91
    Novelty, severity, and history in the testing of hypotheses: The case of the top quark.Kent W. Staley - 1996 - Philosophy of Science 63 (3):255.
    It is sometimes held that facts confirm a hypothesis only if they were not used in the construction of that hypothesis. This requirement of "use novelty" introduces a historical aspect into the assessment of evidence claims. I examine a methodological principle invoked by physicists in the experimental search for the top quark that bears a striking resemblance to this view. However, this principle is better understood, both historically and philosophically, in terms of the need to conduct a severe test (...)
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    Novelty and Inductive Generalization in Human Reinforcement Learning.Samuel J. Gershman & Yael Niv - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (3):391-415.
    In reinforcement learning, a decision maker searching for the most rewarding option is often faced with the question: What is the value of an option that has never been tried before? One way to frame this question is as an inductive problem: How can I generalize my previous experience with one set of options to a novel option? We show how hierarchical Bayesian inference can be used to solve this problem, and we describe an equivalence between the Bayesian model and (...)
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  32.  22
    Novelty and Causality in William James’s Pluralistic Universe.Michela Bella - 2019 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 11 (2).
    The issue of the emergence of genuinely new events in a paradigm of natural continuity has been analyzed in different fields by Pragmatists authors like Peirce, Dewey, and Mead. Another way to consider the problematic relationship between novelty and continuity is by considering William James’s understanding of causal connections. This article addresses the concept of causality that James repeatedly addressed and deeply rethought throughout his career. I believe that the concept of causality provides an excellent platform from which to (...)
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  33.  91
    Heuristic novelty and the asymmetry problem in bayesian confirmation theory.Richard Nunan - 1993 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 44 (1):17-36.
    Bayesian confirmation theory, as traditionally interpreted, treats the temporal relationship between the formulation of a hypothesis and the confirmation (or recognition) of evidence entailed by that hypothesis merely as a component of the psychology of discovery and acceptance of a hypothesis. The temporal order of these events is irrelevant to the logic of rational theory choice. A few years ago Richmond Campbell and Thomas Vinci offered a reinterpretation of Bayes' Theorem in defense of the view that the temporal relationship between (...)
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  34.  36
    Cognitive novelties, informational form, and structural-causal explanations.Andrew Buskell - 2020 - Synthese 198 (9):8533-8553.
    Recent work has established a framework for explaining the origin of cognitive novelties—qualitatively distinct cognitive traits—in human beings. This niche construction approach argues that humans engineer epistemic environments in ways that facilitate the ontogenetic and phylogenetic development of such novelties. I here argue that attention to the organized relations between content-carrying informational vehicles, or informational form, is key to a valuable explanatory strategy within this project, what I call structural-causal explanations. Drawing on recent work from Cecilia Heyes, and developing a (...)
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  35.  43
    Novelty, complexity, incongruity, extrinsic motivation, and the GSR.D. E. Berlyne, Margaret A. Craw, P. H. Salapatek & Judith L. Lewis - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 66 (6):560.
  36.  40
    Reclaiming novelty : Hannah Arendt on natality as an anti-methodological methodology for sociology.J. V. W. Clark - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Essex
    This dissertation seeks to contribute to research in the philosophy of social science. The study focuses upon select epistemological and ontological aspects of Hannah Arendt’s work from which methodological implications are drawn pertaining to sociology. Arendt, although critical of the sociology of her time, has become increasingly cited and influential for emerging sociological research and this study seeks to contribute to this by focusing upon the problem of novelty. The aim is to explore the philosophical and methodological implications of (...)
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  37.  21
    Possibility, Novelty, and Creativity.Alex Haitos - 2010 - Stance 3:9-16.
    I am trying to develop an account of possibility that is consistent with the changing world of our experience. Possibility is often viewed as something that has the same form as actuality, minus existence. Or it is taken that what a possibility is, is a (re)combination of the elements of actuality. Neither of these views of possibility can countenance radical novelty. Using Bergson and Whitehead, I begin to construct an account of possibility compatible with genuine novelty.
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  38. (1 other version)Novelty.Donald A. Crosby - 2008 - The Pluralist 3 (1):130-132.
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    Novelty of form and novelty of substance in seventeenth century mīmāmsā.Lawrence McCrea - 2002 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 30 (5):481-494.
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    Sameness, novelty, and nominal kinds.David Haig - 2015 - Biology and Philosophy 30 (6):857-872.
    Organisms and their genomes are mosaics of features of different evolutionary age. Older features are maintained by ‘negative’ selection and comprise part of the selective environment that has shaped the evolution of newer features by ‘positive’ selection. Body plans and body parts are among the most conservative elements of the environment in which genetic differences are selected. By this process, well-trodden paths of development constrain and direct paths of evolutionary change. Structuralism and adaptationism are both vindicated. Form plays a selective (...)
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  41.  55
    An Experiential Phenomenology of Novelty: The Dynamic Antinomy of Attention and Surprise.N. Depraz - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 8 (3):280-287.
    Context: In earlier joint work with Varela and Vermersch, we began the elaboration of a methodological and epistemological framework for a practical experiential phenomenology. Problem: I here wish to update and further develop that earlier work. Method: I present the framework of a practical, as distinct from a conceptual-theoretical, phenomenology. I update that framework, arguing for a shift in emphasis from consciousness to vigilant attention. I offer a still preliminary investigation of the important phenomenon of surprise. I link these results (...)
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  42.  21
    Novelty monitoring, metacognition, and control in a composite holographic associative recall model: Implications for Korsakoff amnesia.Janet Metcalfe - 1993 - Psychological Review 100 (1):3-22.
  43. Novelties from Croatia: Students of Philosophy, Law and Theology in Bioethical Education.N. Gosic - 2003 - Synthesis Philosophica 18 (1-2):365-376.
  44.  91
    The feeling of grip: novelty, error dynamics, and the predictive brain.Julian Kiverstein, Mark Miller & Erik Rietveld - 2019 - Synthese 196 (7):2847-2869.
    According to the free energy principle biological agents resist a tendency to disorder in their interactions with a dynamically changing environment by keeping themselves in sensory and physiological states that are expected given their embodiment and the niche they inhabit :127–138, 2010. doi: 10.1038/nrn2787). Why would a biological agent that aims at minimising uncertainty in its encounters with the world ever be motivated to seek out novelty? Novelty for such an agent would arrive in the form of sensory (...)
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    The paradox of conceptual novelty and Galileo's use of experiments.Maarten Dycvank - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (5):864-875.
    Starting with a discussion of what I call `Koyré's paradox of conceptual novelty', I introduce the ideas of Damerow et al. on the establishment of classical mechanics in Galileo's work. I then argue that although their view on the nature of Galileo's conceptual innovation is convincing, it misses an essential element: Galileo's use of the experiments described in the first day of the Two New Sciences. I describe these experiments and analyze their function. Central to my analysis is the (...)
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  46. Emergent Evolution: Qualitative Novelty and the Levels of Reality.D. Blitz - 1994 - Dordrecht: Springer.
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    Reframing research on evolutionary novelty and co-option: Character identity mechanisms versus deep homology.James DiFrisco, G. P. Wagner & Alan Love - forthcoming - Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology.
    A central topic in research at the intersection of development and evolution is the origin of novel traits. Despite progress on understanding how developmental mechanisms underlie patterns of diversity in the history of life, the problem of novelty continues to challenge researchers. Here we argue that research on evolutionary novelty and the closely associated phenomenon of co-option can be reframed fruitfully by: (1) specifying a conceptual model of mechanisms that underwrite character identity, (2) providing a richer and more (...)
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  48. Deduction and Novelty Again.Danny Frederick - 2014 - The Reasoner 8 (5):51-52.
    It is commonly claimed that the conclusion of a valid deductive argument is contained in its premises and says nothing new. In 'Deduction and Novelty,' in The Reasoner 5 (4), pp. 56-57, I refuted that claim. In The Reasoner, 8 (3), pp. 24-25, David McBride criticised my refutation. I show that McBride’s arguments are unsound.
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    Curiosity is more than novelty seeking.Yana Litovsky, Samantha Horn & Christopher Y. Olivola - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e107.
    The novelty-seeking model (NSM) does not offer a compelling unifying framework for understanding creativity and curiosity. It fails to explain important manifestations and features of curiosity. Moreover, the arguments offered to support a curiosity–creativity link – a shared association with a common core process and various superficial associations between them – are neither convincing nor do they yield useful predictions.
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  50. Use-novelty, severity, and a systematic neglect of relevant alternatives.Tetsuji Iseda - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (3):413.
    This paper analyzes Deborah Mayo's recent criticism of use-novelty requirement. She claims that her severity criterion captures actual scientific practice better than use-novelty, and that use-novelty is not a necessary condition for severity. Even though certain cases in which evidence used for the construction of the hypothesis can test the hypothesis severely, I do not think that her severity criterion fits better with our intuition about good tests than use-novelty. I argue for this by showing a (...)
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