Results for 'morphogen'

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  1.  12
    Morphogens in chick limb development.P. M. Brickell & C. Tickle - 1989 - Bioessays 11 (5):145-149.
    Retinoic acid is a good candidate for a morphogen in chick limb bud development. The challenge now is to determine how retinoic acid interacts with limb bud cells and how the retinoic acid signal is integrated with other signals to mould and pattern the developing limb.
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    Morphogens in vertebrate development: How do they work?Jonathan Cooke - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (2):93-96.
    The idea that concentration gradients of crucial substances might control the pattern of development, even in the embryos of complex organisms, has been around for a long time, but mostly in obscure forms. Twenty five years ago clear, experimentally testable ideas about how such gradients might work were enunciated, and more recently the morphogen gradient principle was shown to underlie the beginnings of patterning in Drosophila. Is it also central to vertebrate development? Four recent papers raise experimentation to a (...)
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    Bone Morphogenic Protein-2: Modern "Mouse Milk"?Charles Burton - 2011 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 2 (3):267-270.
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    Is Drosophila Dpp/BMP morphogen spreading required for wing patterning and growth?Shinya Matsuda & Markus Affolter - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (9):2200218.
    Secreted signaling molecules act as morphogens to control patterning and growth in many developing tissues. Since locally produced morphogens spread to form a concentration gradient in the surrounding tissue, spreading is generally thought to be the key step in the non‐autonomous actions. Here, we review recent advances in tool development to investigate morphogen function using the role of decapentaplegic (Dpp)/bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)‐type ligand in the Drosophila wing disc as an example. By applying protein binder tools to distinguish between (...)
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    Problems and paradigms: Morphogens and pattern formation.Carl Neumann & Stephen Cohen - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (8):721-729.
    Morphogen gradient theories have enjoyed considerable popularity since the beginning of this century, but conclusive evidence for a role of morphogens in controlling multicellular development has been elusive. Recently, work on three secreted signalling proteins, Activin in Xenopus, and Wingless and Dpp in Drosophila, has stongly suggested that these proteins function as morphogens. In order to define a factor as a morphogen, it is necessary to show firstly, that it has a direct effect on target cells and secondly, (...)
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    Reflexivity in a just Morphogenic society: a sociological contribution to political philosophy.Ismael Al-Amoudi - 2017 - In [no title].
    This chapter examines whether, why and how fundamental powers of human reflexivity deserve fuller consideration by liberal egalitarian theories of justice. The discussion focuses on two reflexive powers. Firstly, social reflexivity which can broadly be defined as each person’s capacity to formulate, respond and act on the question: ‘how should I make my way through the social world?’ Secondly, political reflexivity which can broadly be defined as each person’s capacity to formulate, respond and act on the question: ‘how can we (...)
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    The search for morphogenes in Dictyostelium.Laird Bloom & Robert R. Kay - 1988 - Bioessays 9 (6):187-191.
    Classical embryological studies have led to the suggestion that cells in developing tissues may be directed to differentiate along a particular pathway by the concentrations of molecules called morphogens. Studies of the slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum, which has a simple tissue pattern consisting of only two cell types, have revealed several molecules which may act as morphogens. Cyclic AMP and ammonia promote the formation of spores, while adenosine and a novel class of compounds called DIFs promote the formation of stalk (...)
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    Morphogen gradients formed by decay.Stephen J. Gaunt - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (10):1143-1144.
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    Emerging mechanisms in morphogen‐mediated axon guidance.Cristina Sánchez-Camacho & Paola Bovolenta - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (10):1013-1025.
    Early in animal development, gradients of secreted morphogenic molecules, such as Sonic hedgehog (Shh), Wnt and TGFβ/Bmp family members, regulate cell proliferation and determine the fate and phenotype of the target cells by activating well‐characterized signalling pathways, which ultimately control gene transcription. Shh, Wnt and TGFβ/Bmp signalling also play an important and evolutionary conserved role in neural circuit assembly. They regulate neuronal polarization, axon and dendrite development and synaptogenesis, processes that require rapid and local changes in cytoskeletal organization and plasma (...)
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    Hedgehog lipids: Promotors of alternative morphogen release and signaling?Dominique Manikowski, Kristina Ehring, Fabian Gude, Petra Jakobs, Jurij Froese & Kay Grobe - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (11):2100133.
    Two posttranslational lipid modifications present on all Hedgehog (Hh) morphogens—an N‐terminal palmitate and a C‐terminal cholesterol—are established and essential regulators of Hh biofunction. Yet, for several decades, the question of exactly how both lipids contribute to Hh signaling remained obscure. Recently, cryogenic electron microscopy revealed different modes by which one or both lipids may contribute directly to Hh binding and signaling to its receptor Patched1 (Ptc). Some of these modes demand that the established release factor Dispatched1 (Disp) extracts dual‐lipidated Hh (...)
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    A Note on the Contingent Necessity of a Morphogenic Society and Human Flourishing.Jamie Morgan - 2017 - Journal of Critical Realism 16 (3):255-267.
    ABSTRACTThe Centre for Social Ontology working group project has been exploring the concept of a Morphogenic Society since 2013. The project is now drawing to a close. One of the arising issues from the project has been whether such a society can be and is liable to be one of human flourishing. In this short paper, I explore one possible aspect of the concept of a Morphogenic Society.1 A Morphogenic Society may involve issues of ‘contingent necessity’. Contingent necessity may provide (...)
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    Embryonic pattern formation without morphogens.Hamid Bolouri - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (5):412-417.
    One of the earliest and most‐fundamental pattern‐ formation events in embryonic development is endoderm and mesoderm specification. In sea urchin embryos, this process begins with blimp1 and wnt8 gene expression at the vegetal pole as soon as embryonic transcription begins. Shortly afterwards, wnt8/blimp1 expression spreads to the adjacent ring of mesoderm progenitor cells and is extinguished in the vegetal‐most cells. A little later, the ring of wnt8/blimp1 activity moves out of the mesoderm progenitors and into the neighboring endoderm cells. Remarkably, (...)
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    Is Chordin a morphogen?Joanne Hama & Daniel C. Weinstein - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (2):121-124.
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    Butterfly eyespot patterns: Evidence for specification by a morphogen diffusion gradient.Antónia Monteiro, Vernon French, Gijs Smit, Paul M. Brakefield & Johan A. J. Metz - 2001 - Acta Biotheoretica 49 (2):77-88.
    In this paper we describe a test for Nijhout's hypothesis that the eyespot patterns on butterfly wings are the result of a threshold reaction of the epidermal cells to a concentration gradient of a diffusing degradable morphogen produced by focal cells at the centre of the future eyespot. The wings of the nymphalid butterfly, Bicyclus anynana, have a series of eyespots, each composed of a white pupil, a black disc and a gold outer ring. In earlier extirpation and transplantation (...)
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    Change and a Changing World? Theorizing Morphogenic Society.Jamie Morgan - 2016 - Journal of Critical Realism 15 (3):277-295.
    In the following review essay I provide some background in order to place Margaret Archer's edited Volume 3 text, Generative Mechanisms, in context of the series from which it derives. In doing so I provide some sense of the significance of the series. Thereafter, I provide an overview of the key substantive claims of the essays, with some comment on how they may be linked together in terms of the theme of the series.
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  16. “ « And the rod starts to swing ». Morphogènes, instabilités et organismes imaginaires dans l’approche de Turing à la biologie » ”.Sara Franceschelli - 2020 - Intellectica 72:191-214.
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    “Stability” or “Stabilization” – On Which Would Morphogenic Society Depend?Margaret Archer - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    This text is the introduction of M. S. Archer,, Late Modernity: Trajectories towards Morphogenetic Society, Heidelberg-New York-London, Springer, 2014. In the last two decades, Sociological reactions to ‘the current crisis' and its repercussions have prompted two main responses amongst social theorists. On the one hand, some have simply embraced the overt – meaning empirically observable – contributory factors and consequential outcomes as the concatenation of contingency. In - Sociologie – Nouvel article.
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    Int‐1 and int‐2: Oncogenic proteins, mitogens and morphogens?Antony W. Burgess - 1988 - Bioessays 8 (1):40-42.
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    hedgehog and wing development in Drosophila: a morphogen at work?Michel Vervoort - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (5):460-468.
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    What The Papers Say: Retinoic acid: The morphogen of the main body axis?Jeremy B. A. Green - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (9):437-439.
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    What the papers say: Formation of a gradient of the Drosophila dorsal morphogen by differential nuclear localisation.N. J. Gay & F. J. Keith - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (4):181-182.
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  22. Coherent Causal Control: A New Distinction within Causation.Marcel Weber - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (4):69.
    The recent literature on causality has seen the introduction of several distinctions within causality, which are thought to be important for understanding the widespread scientific practice of focusing causal explanations on a subset of the factors that are causally relevant for a phenomenon. Concepts used to draw such distinctions include, among others, stability, specificity, proportionality, or actual-difference making. In this contribution, I propose a new distinction that picks out an explanatorily salient class of causes in biological systems. Some select causes (...)
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  23. Philosophy of Developmental Biology.Marcel Weber - 2022 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    The history of developmental biology is interwoven with debates as to whether mechanistic explanations of development are possible or whether alternative explanatory principles or even vital forces need to be assumed. In particular, the demonstrated ability of embryonic cells to tune their developmental fate precisely to their relative position and the overall size of the embryo was once thought to be inexplicable in mechanistic terms. Taking a causal perspective, this Element examines to what extent and how developmental biology, having turned (...)
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    Scaling of dorsal‐ventral patterning in the Xenopus laevis embryo.Danny Ben-Zvi, Abraham Fainsod, Ben-Zion Shilo & Naama Barkai - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (2):151-156.
    Scaling of pattern with size has been described and studied for over a century, yet its molecular basis is understood in only a few cases. In a recent, elegant study, Inomata and colleagues proposed a new model explaining how bone morphogenic protein (BMP) activity gradient scales with embryo size in the early Xenopus laevis embryo. We discuss their results in conjunction with an alternative model we proposed previously. The expansion‐repression mechanism (ExR) provides a conceptual framework unifying both mechanisms. Results of (...)
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    Brain regionalization by Polycomb‐group proteins and chromatin accessibility.Hikaru Eto & Yusuke Kishi - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (11):2100155.
    During brain development, neural precursor cells (NPCs) in different brain regions produce different types of neurons, and each of these regions plays a different role in the adult brain. Therefore, precise regionalization is essential in the early stages of brain development, and irregular regionalization has been proposed as the cause of neurodevelopmental disorders. The mechanisms underlying brain regionalization have been well studied in terms of morphogen‐induced expression of critical transcription factors for regionalization. NPC potential in different brain regions is (...)
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    Cochlear tonotopy from proteins to perception.Robert Fettiplace - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (8):2300058.
    A ubiquitous feature of the auditory organ in amniotes is the longitudinal mapping of neuronal characteristic frequencies (CFs), which increase exponentially with distance along the organ. The exponential tonotopic map reflects variation in hair cell properties according to cochlear location and is thought to stem from concentration gradients in diffusible morphogenic proteins during embryonic development. While in all amniotes the spatial gradient is initiated by sonic hedgehog (SHH), released from the notochord and floorplate, subsequent molecular pathways are not fully understood. (...)
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    Hedgehog signalling as an antagonist of ageing and its associated diseases.Monireh Dashti, Maikel P. Peppelenbosch & Farhad Rezaee - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (10):849-856.
    Hedgehog is an important morphogenic signal that directs pattern formation during embryogenesis, but its activity also remains present through adult life. It is now becoming increasingly clear that during the reproductive phase of life and beyond it continues to direct cell renewal (which is essential to combat the chronic environmental stress to which the body is constantly exposed) and counteracts vascular, osteolytic and sometimes oncological insults to the body. Conversely, down‐regulation of hedgehog signalling is associated with ageing‐related diseases such as (...)
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  28.  10
    Morphogenesis and Human Flourishing.Margaret S. Archer (ed.) - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book, the last volume in the Social Morphogenesis series, examines whether or not a Morphogenic society can foster new modes of human relations that could exercise a form of 'relational steering', protecting and promoting a nuanced version of the good life for all. It analyses the way in which the intensification of morphogenesis and the diminishing of morphostasis impact upon human flourishing. The book links intensified morphogenesis to promoting human flourishing based on the assumption that new opportunities open up (...)
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    Organoids and the genetically encoded self‐assembly of embryonic stem cells.David A. Turner, Peter Baillie-Johnson & Alfonso Martinez Arias - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (2):181-191.
    Understanding the mechanisms of early embryonic patterning and the timely allocation of specific cells to embryonic regions and fates as well as their development into tissues and organs, is a fundamental problem in Developmental Biology. The classical explanation for this process had been built around the notion of positional information. Accordingly the programmed appearance of sources of Morphogens at localized positions within a field of cells directs their differentiation. Recently, the development of organs and tissues from unpatterned and initially identical (...)
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  30.  15
    Field of compassion: how the new cosmology is transforming spiritual life.Judy Cannato - 2010 - Notre Dame, Ind.: Sorin Books.
    Introduction -- The significance of story -- Morphogenic fields -- The universe story and Christian story -- Morphic resonance : two stories converge -- The "kingdom of God" -- Emerging capacities -- Meditation -- The power of intention -- The fields converge -- A field of compassion -- Manifesting a field of compassion -- Engaging the grace we imagine.
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    Mechanics as a Means of Information Propagation in Development.Miriam A. Genuth & Scott A. Holley - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (11):2000121.
    New research demonstrates that mechanics can serve as a means of information propagation in developing embryos. Historically, the study of embryonic development has had a dichotomy between morphogens and pattern formation on the one hand and morphogenesis and mechanics on the other. Secreted signals are the preeminent means of information propagation between cells and used to control cell fate, while physical forces act downstream or in parallel to shape tissue morphogenesis. However, recent work has blurred this division of function by (...)
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    Evidence mounts for the role of gap junctions during development.Colin R. Green - 1988 - Bioessays 8 (1):7-10.
    While evidence for the role of gap functions, particularly during development, has been mounting, it has remained largely correlative, linking structure with presumed functions. With the recent advent of functional antibodies raised to the junctional protein, however, it has become possible to study the role of gap junctions more directly. There is now considerable evidence indicating that they play a vital role in tissue pattern formation and differentiation by allowing direct cell‐to‐cell transfer of developmental signals or morphogens.
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    Les attracteurs inedits de l'hominisation.Anne Dambricourt Malassé - 1995 - Acta Biotheoretica 43 (1-2):113-125.
    The recent discovery of a phenomenon of craniofacial growth, called craniofacial contraction, throws a new light on the process of hominization. The main interest of this discovery lies in a growth principle combining the different craniofacial units, that is to say, the neurocranium, the chondrocranium and the splanchnocranium. Until recent years, these different parts were considered as neighbouring element without any morphogenic or morphodynamic connection. But now, we know that the morphogenesis of the base of the skull governs that of (...)
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    A cluster translocation model may explain the collinearity of Hox gene expressions.Spyros Papageorgiou - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (2):189-195.
    A model is proposed that deals with the observed collinearities (spatial, temporal and quantitative) of Hox gene expression during pattern formation along the primary and secondary axes of vertebrates. In particular, in the proximodistal axis of the developing limb, it is assumed that a morphogen gradient is laid down with its source at the distal tip of the bud. The extracellular signals in every cell of the morphogenetic field are transduced and uniformly amplified so that molecules are produced in (...)
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    Many ways to make a gradient.J. C. Smith & J. B. Gurdon - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (7):705-706.
    A recent publication1 describes a novel mechanism by which a morphogen gradient might be established. These results concern a gradient of FGF8 expression along the longitudinal axis of the chick embryo with a high level of transcripts at the tail, fading off in an anterior direction. Assaying for intron transcripts, it is shown that fgf8 is transcribed only in the tail cells and that the gradient of fgf8 transcripts is produced by growth and mRNA degradation. This possible mechanism of (...)
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    Wound Healing and Scale Modelling in Zebrafish.V. Volpert, D. Dhouailly, J. Demongeot, N. Bessonov & F. Caraguel - 2016 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (4):343-358.
    We propose to study the wound healing in Zebrafish by using firstly a differential approach for modelling morphogens diffusion and cell chemotactic motion, and secondly a hybrid model of tissue regeneration, where cells are considered as individual objects and molecular concentrations are described by partial differential equations.
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    Material mind: Gum on walls, drifting stones and other acts of community sculpture.Jesse J. Ring - 2021 - Technoetic Arts 19 (3):283-294.
    Community acts of material signification are an important form of sculpture that occur through an exchange of human and non-human agents. First these acts of sculpture are discussed in relation to extended mind, the morphogenic model of making, material engagement theory and entanglement to frame how humans shape the world as collaborators with non-humans by extending mind through material. I then discuss various acts of community material accumulation that I consider sculpture, skateboarding and clay forming as evidence of extended mind, (...)
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    Critical Realism and Concrete Utopias.Margaret S. Archer - 2019 - Journal of Critical Realism 18 (3):239-257.
    ABSTRACTThe role of Concrete Utopias in the works of Roy Bhaskar are contrasted with the ‘Real Utopias’ of Erik Olin Wright. Critical Realism treats them as ‘possibilities’ that are real because re...
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    Cell death and morphogenesis during early mouse development: Are they interconnected?Ivan Bedzhov & Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (4):372-378.
    Shortly after implantation the embryonic lineage transforms from a coherent ball of cells into polarized cup shaped epithelium. Recently we elucidated a previously unknown apoptosis‐independent morphogenic event that reorganizes the pluripotent lineage. Polarization cues from the surrounding basement membrane rearrange the epiblast into a polarized rosette‐like structure, where subsequently a central lumen is established. Thus, we provided a new model revising the current concept of apoptosis‐dependent epiblast morphogenesis. Cell death however has to be tightly regulated during embryogenesis to ensure developmental (...)
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    The control of size in animals: insights from selector genes.Michael A. Crickmore & Richard S. Mann - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (9):843-853.
    How size is controlled during animal development remains a fascinating problem despite decades of research. Here we review key concepts in size biology and develop our thesis that much can be learned by studying how different organ sizes are differentially scaled by homeotic selector genes. A common theme from initial studies using this approach is that morphogen pathways are modified in numerous ways by selector genes to effect size control. We integrate these results with other pathways known to regulate (...)
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  41.  9
    BMP signalling in early Xenopus development.Leslie Dale & C. Michael Jones - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (9):751-760.
    Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are typically members of the transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) family with diverse roles in embryonic development. At least five genes with homology to BMPs are expressed during Xenopus development, along with their receptors and intracellular signalling pathways. The evidence suggests that BMPs have roles to play in both mesoderm induction and dorsoventral patterning. Studies in Xenopus have also identified a number of inhibitory binding proteins for the classical BMPs, encoded by genes such as chordin and (...)
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  42.  30
    From the structure to the function of villin, an actin‐binding protein of the brush border.Evelync Friederich, Eric Pringault, Monique Arpin & Daniel Louvard - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (9):403-408.
    Villin, a calcium‐regulated actin‐binding protein, modulates the structure and assembly of actin filaments in vitro. It is organized into three domains, the first two of which are homologous. Villin is mainly produced in epithelial cells that develop a brush border and which are responsible for nutrient uptake. Expression of the villin structural gene is precisely regulated during mouse embryogenesis and is restricted in adults, to certain epithelia of the gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts. The function of villin has been assessed by (...)
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    The rel family of proteins.Chris Rushlow & Rahul Warrior - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (2):89-95.
    The rel family of proteins can be defined as a group of proteins that share sequence homology over a 300 amino acid region termed the rel domain. The rel family comprises important regulatory proteins from a wide variety of species and includes the Drosophila morphogen dorsal, the mammalian transcription factor NF‐kB, the avian oncogene v‐rel, and the cellular proto‐oncogene c‐rel. Over the last two years it has become apparent that these proteins function as DNA‐binding transcription factors, and that their (...)
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    Problems and paradigms: Molecular problems of positional information.Lewis Wolpert - 1984 - Bioessays 1 (4):175-177.
    Enough is known about pattern formation in development to encourage investigations at the molecular level. A pressing need is to understand the molecular basis of positional value, which is similar to determination. It is suggested here that there is a molecular entity which varies in such a way that it corresponds with cell position. Other problems in pattern formation include thresholds, identification of morphogens, and the origin of handedness.
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    The physical basis of analog‐to‐digital signal processing in the EGFR system—Delving into the role of the endoplasmic reticulum.Laura Zoe Kreplin & Senthil Arumugam - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (9):2400026.
    Receptor tyrosine kinases exhibit ligand‐induced activity and uptake into cells via endocytosis. In the case of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR), the resulting endosomes are trafficked to the perinuclear region, where dephosphorylation of receptors occurs, which are subsequently directed to degradation. Traveling endosomes bearing phosphorylated EGFRs are subjected to the activity of cytoplasmic phosphatases as well as interactions with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The peri‐nuclear region harbors ER‐embedded phosphatases, a component of the EGFR‐bearing endosome‐ER contact site. The ER is (...)
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    Motor protein control of ion flux is an early step in embryonic left–right asymmetry.Michael Levin - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (10):1002-1010.
    The invariant left–right asymmetry of animal body plans raises fascinating questions in cell, developmental, evolutionary, and neuro‐biology. While intermediate mechanisms (e.g., asymmetric gene expression) have been well‐characterized, very early steps remain elusive. Recent studies suggested a candidate for the origins of asymmetry: rotary movement of extracellular morphogens by cilia during gastrulation. This model is intellectually satisfying, because it bootstraps asymmetry from the intrinsic biochemical chirality of cilia. However, conceptual and practical problems remain with this hypothesis, and the genetic data is (...)
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    Transport across the nuclear envelope: Enigmas and explanations.Colin Dingwall - 1991 - Bioessays 13 (5):213-218.
    The transport of molecules across the nuclear envelope plays a central role in the metabolism of the cell. Significant advances hi three major areas highlight the limits of our current knowledge and point to the prospect of exciting future developments. Firstly, findings that ions and small proteins do not diffuse freely into the nucleus call into question the current views of nuclear envelope permeability. Secondly, indications that nuclear protein import can be regulated in conjunction with the cell cycle and development (...)
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    Developmental paradigms in terminal lung development.Parthak Prodhan & T. Bernard Kinane - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (11):1052-1059.
    Late lung development comprises the formation of the terminal sac followed by the subdivision of the terminal sac by septa into alveoli and results in the formation of the gas‐exchange surface of the lung. This developmentally regulated process involves a complex epithelium–mesenchyme interaction via evolutionarily conserved molecular signaling pathways. In addition, there is a continuous process of vascular growth and development. Currently there are large gaps in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the formation of the gas‐exchange surface. (...)
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    Greased hedgehogs: New links between hedgehog signaling and cholesterol metabolism.Rainer Breitling - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (11):1085-1094.
    The close link between signaling by the developmental regulators of the Hedgehog family and cholesterol biochemistry has been known for some time. The morphogen is covalently attached to cholesterol in a peculiar autocatalytic reaction and embryonal disruption of cholesterol synthesis leads to malformations that mimic Hh signaling defects. Recently, it was furthermore shown that secreted Hh could hitchhike on lipoprotein particles to establish its morphogenic gradient in the developing embryo. Additionally, there is new evidence that the Hh‐receptor Patched transmits (...)
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    Patterned cell determination in a plant tissue: The secondary phloem of trees.Peter Barlow - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (5):533-541.
    The secondary vascular tissues (xylem and phloem) of woody plants originate from a vascular cambium and develop as radially oriented files of cells. The secondary phloem is composed of three or four cell types, which are organised into characteristic recurrent cellular sequences within the radial cell files of this tissue. There is a gradient of auxin (indole acetic acid) across both the cambium and the immediately postmitotic cells within the xylem and phloem domains, and it is believed that this (...), probably in concert with other morphogenic factors, is closely associated with the determination and differentiation of the different cells types in each tissue. A hypothesis is developed that, in conjunction with the positional values conferred by the graded radial distribution of morphogen, cell divisions at particular positions within the cambium are sufficient to determine not only each of the phloem cell types but also their recurrent pattern of differentiation within each radial cell file. BioEssays 27: 533–541, 2005. © 2005 Wiley periodicals, Inc. (shrink)
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