Results for 'metaverses'

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  1. The Metaverse: Virtual Metaphysics, Virtual Governance, and Virtual Abundance.Cody Turner - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (4):1-8.
    In his article ‘The Metaverse: Surveillant Physics, Virtual Realist Governance, and the Missing Commons,’ Andrew McStay addresses an entwinement of ethical, political, and metaphysical concerns surrounding the Metaverse, arguing that the Metaverse is not being designed to further the public good but is instead being created to serve the plutocratic ends of technology corporations. He advances the notion of ‘surveillant physics’ to capture this insight and introduces the concept of ‘virtual realist governance’ as a theoretical framework that ought to guide (...)
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  2. Six provocations for metaverse datafication: an emergent cultural, technological, and scholarly phenomenon.Chris Hesselbein, Paolo Bory & Stefano Canali - 2024 - Information, Communication and Society:1-19.
    Although the ‘metaverse’ is still the feverish pipedream of tech companies and venture capitalists, it is also a powerful imaginary for channelling enormous resources towards deepening and extending ongoing processes of digitalization and datafication. It is thus likely that an increasing amount of human activity – both professional as well as leisure-related – will take place in metaversal spaces, and that the paradigm of ‘Big Data’ is about to be expanded with massive amounts of new and varied or multimodal data (...)
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    The Metaverse’s Thirtieth Anniversary: From a Science-Fictional Concept to the “Connect Wallet” Prompt.Reilly Smethurst, Tom Barbereau & Johan Nilsson - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (3):1-39.
    The metaverse is equivocal. It is a science-fictional concept from the past; it is the present’s rough implementations; and it is the Promised Cyberland, expected to manifest some time in the future. The metaverse first emerged as a techno-capitalist network in a 1992 science fiction novel by Neal Stephenson. Our article thus marks the metaverse’s thirtieth anniversary. We revisit Stephenson’s original concept plus three sophisticated antecedents from 1972 to 1984: Jean Baudrillard’s simulation, Sherry Turkle’s networked identities, and Jacques Lacan’s schema (...)
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    Metaverse, Religions and Metahumans: A Window to a Hypercontrolled Post-pandemic World.Marcelo López Cambronero - 2023 - Scientia et Fides 11 (1):121-135.
    The creation of a Metaverses as an alternative to everyday reality heralds the first practical expression of transhumanism. The Metaverse is not, as is generally understood, an alternative reality similar to the virtual world of “Second Life”, but rather a pretended “extension” of our daily life. The Metaverse heralds the ubiquitous presentation of an augmented reality that will be essential for work and private life. In this paper we will analyse the possibilities this new technology offers for both the (...)
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    Metaverse-Powered Experiential Situational English-Teaching Design: An Emotion-Based Analysis Method.Hongyu Guo & Wurong Gao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Metaverse is to build a virtual world that is both mapped and independent of the real world in cyberspace by using the improvement in the maturity of various digital technologies, such as virtual reality, augmented reality, big data, and 5G, which is important for the future development of a wide variety of professions, including education. The metaverse represents the latest stage of the development of visual immersion technology. Its essence is an online digital space parallel to the real world, which (...)
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  6.  48
    The Metaverse: Surveillant Physics, Virtual Realist Governance, and the Missing Commons.Andrew McStay - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (1):1-26.
    This paper argues that there are value and design-based problems in current ambitions for the Metaverse. With the Metaverse deepening longstanding commercial surveillance practices, the paper focuses on data protection harms from biometric and emotion data, the gauging of first-person perspectives, and sensitivities around profiling of avatars. The paper advances two notions to address harms and data protection: _surveillant physics_ and _virtual realist governance_. _Surveillant physics_ refers to surveillance informing the laws of how that reality operates: this is a useful (...)
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  7.  19
    Two Metaverse Dystopias.Ulrik Franke - 2024 - Res Publica 30 (4):825-843.
    In recent years, the metaverse—some form of immersive digital extension of the physical world—has received much attention. As tech companies present their bold visions, scientists and scholars have also turned to metaverse issues, from technological challenges via societal implications to profound philosophical questions. This article contributes to this growing literature by identifying the possibilities of two dystopian metaverse scenarios, namely one based on the _experience machine_ and one based on _demoktesis_—two concepts from Nozick (_Anarchy_, _State_, _and Utopia_, Basic Books, 1974). (...)
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    Metaverse: a Matter of Experience.Luciano Floridi - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (3):1-7.
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    Embodying Metaverse as artificial life: At the intersection of media and 4E cognition theories.Ivana Uspenski & Jelena Guga - 2022 - Filozofija I Društvo 33 (2):326-345.
    In the last decades of the 20th century we have seen media theories and cognitive sciences grow, mature and reach their pinnacles by analysing, each from their own disciplinary perspective, two of the same core phenomena: that of media as the environment, transmitter and creator of stimuli, and that of embodied human mind as the stimuli receiver, interpreter, experiencer, and also how both are affected by each other. Even though treating a range of very similar problems and coming to similar (...)
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  10. The metaverse of consciousness: mapping the multiple dimensions of reality.Shelli Renée Joye - 2025 - Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions.
    An exploration of the entirety of the conscious universe.
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  11. The Metaverse as the Digital Leviathan: A Case Study of Bit Country.Justin Goldston, Tomer Jordi Chaffer & Martinez George - 2022 - Journal of Applied Business and Economics 24 (2).
    As Bitcoin continued to make headlines in 2021, additional digital assets such as non-fungible tokens brought more users into the blockchain ecosystem. As more individuals and entities took a closer look at the use cases for blockchain technology, the term metaverse began to emerge across news outlets and social media platforms. With Mark Zuckerberg, the Chief Executive Officer of Facebook, announcing that the organization would become a metaverse company and change the organization’s name to Meta, this announcement came with some (...)
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    Metaverse, SED Model, and New Theory of Value.Jianguo Wang, Tongsan Wang, Yuna Shi, Diwei Xu, Yutian Chen & Jie Wu - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-26.
    The metaverse concept constructs a virtual world parallel to the real world. The social economic dynamics model establishes a systematic model for social economic dynamics simulation that integrates macroeconomy and microeconomy based on modeling mechanism of the new theory of value by analogy with Newtonian mechanics and the modeling approach of Agent-based computational economics. This article describes the SED model’s modeling mechanisms, modeling rules, and behavior equations. At the same time, this article introduces the methods, testing standards, and some typical (...)
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  13.  21
    Metaverse as a possible tool for reshaping schema modes in treating personality disorders.Bin Yin, Ya-Xin Wang, Cheng-Yang Fei & Ke Jiang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Personality disorders are usually treated with face-to-face sessions and/or digital mental health services. Among many schools of therapies, schema therapy stands out because rather than simply targeting the symptoms of PD, it cordially targets the cause of PD and heals the early maladaptive schema, thus is exceptionally good at soothing emotional disturbances before enacting cognitive restructuring, resulting in long-term efficacy. However, according to Piaget’s genetic epistemology, the unmet needs lie in the fact that the schemata that determine the adaptive behavior (...)
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  14. The Democratic Metaverse: Building an Extended Reality Safe for Citizens, Workers and Consumers.Alec Stubbs, James J. Hughes, Nir Eisikovits & Jake Burley - 2023 - Ieet White Papers.
    We are likely to have immersive virtual reality and ubiquitous augmented reality in the coming decades. At least some people will use extended reality or “the metaverse” to work, play and shop. In order to achieve the best possible versions of this virtual future, however, we will need to learn from three decades of regulating the Internet. The new virtual world cannot consist of walled corporate fiefdoms ruled only by profitmaximization. The interests of workers, consumers and citizens in virtuality require (...)
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    Telehealth in the Metaverse: Legal & Ethical Challenges for Cross-Border Care in Virtual Worlds.Barry Solaiman - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (2):287-300.
    This article examines the legal and ethical challenges for the provision of healthcare in the metaverse. It proposes that the issues arising in the metaverse are an extension of those found in telehealth and virtual health communities, albeit with greater complexity. It argues that international collaboration between policymakers, lawmakers, and researchers is required to regulate this space and facilitate the safe and effective development of meta-medicine.
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  16.  62
    Moral Equivalence in the Metaverse.Alexei Grinbaum & Laurynas Adomaitis - 2022 - NanoEthics 16 (3):257-270.
    Are digital subjects in virtual reality morally equivalent to human subjects? We divide this problem into two questions bearing, respectively, on cognitive and emotional equivalence. Typically, cognitive equivalence does not hold due to the lack of substantialist indistinguishability, but emotional equivalence applies: digital subjects endowed with face or language elicit emotional responses on a par with real-world pleasure, desire, horror, or fear. This is sufficient for projecting moral traits on avatars in the metaverse or on dialog systems based on large (...)
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    The philosophy of the metaverse.Melvin Chen - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (3):1-13.
    How might we philosophize about the metaverse? It is traditionally held that the four main branches of philosophy are metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and logic. In this article, I shall demonstrate how virtual walt-fictionalism, a particular version of virtual irrealism, is able to offer a straightforward, internally consistent, and powerful response about the metaphysics, epistemology, and axiology (ethics) of the metaverse. I will first characterize the metaverse in terms of a reality-virtuality (RV) continuum and distinguish between virtual realism and virtual irrealism, (...)
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  18.  11
    Urban Digital Twins and metaverses towards city multiplicities: uniting or dividing urban experiences?Javier Argota Sánchez-Vaquerizo - 2025 - Ethics and Information Technology 27 (1):1-31.
    Urban Digital Twins (UDTs) have become the new buzzword for researchers, planners, policymakers, and industry experts when it comes to designing, planning, and managing sustainable and efficient cities. It encapsulates the last iteration of the technocratic and ultra-efficient, post-modernist vision of smart cities. However, while more applications branded as UDTs appear around the world, its conceptualization remains ambiguous. Beyond being technically prescriptive about what UDTs are, this article focuses on their aspects of interaction and operationalization in connection to people in (...)
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  19.  32
    The Metaverse: Andrew McStay’s Responses to Cody Turner.Andrew McStay - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (4):1-4.
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    Humanistic Exploration of Metaverse Technology. 김세욱 - 2023 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 112:93-113.
    본 논문의 목적은 새롭게 떠오르고 있는 메타버스 기술이 인간의 삶에 어떤 유용성이 있을지를 인문학적 관점에서 살펴보고 우려할 만한 점들을 비판적으로 검토하고자 하는 것이다. 오늘날 메타버스라는 새로운 기술 영역에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 실제로 몇몇 대형 글로벌 IT기업들은 메타버스 기술의 선점이 무엇보다 중요하다는 이유로 메타버스 관련 플랫폼을 개발하면서 동시에 관련 기술들을 연구하는 신진 기업들을 사들이고 있다. 그러나 정작 메타버스에 대한 명확한 규정이나 설명도 제대로 이뤄지지 않았을 뿐 아니라, 메타버스 기술의 효용성, 즉 이 기술이 어떤 방식으로 우리의 삶에 기여를 하는가에 대한 판단 (...)
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  21. From Ancient Cave to Virtual Cave: Metaverse (Antik Mağaradan Sanal Mağaraya: Metaverse).Ergün Avcı - 2022 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 12 (12:4):981-1005.
    As much as reality itself, its reflections and appearances have taken a significant place in philosophical discussions. While Plato's Allegory of the Cave is one of the first of these discussions, the philosophy of the virtual shows the final state of these discussions today. The virtual cave is the modern-day version of Plato's cave. Appearances in Plato's cave have their own mode of existence, and likewise, virtual objects in the virtual cave have their own mode of existence. There are many (...)
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  22.  32
    Content Moderation in the Metaverse Could Be a New Frontier to Attack Freedom of Expression.Emmie Hine - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (3):1-10.
    This commentary examines the challenges faced by metaverse platforms in cross-border content moderation, focusing on the implications for freedom of expression and nondiscrimination. It highlights the difficulties in determining what to remove for which users as well as how to do so, which has serious implications for freedom of expression and our shared sense of reality. Proto-metaverse platforms such as Roblox and Minecraft face similar questions, but have not yet encountered major cross-jurisdictional issues because, as looking at traditional social media (...)
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    Popularity of the metaverse: Embodied social presence theory perspective.Guihua Zhang, Junwei Cao, Dong Liu & Jie Qi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With Facebook’s name changing to Meta, the metaverse concept has become popular again. There are many indications that the current fashionableness of the metaverse is not driven by technical factors, rather related to the public hype. To clarify the reasons for the increasing popularity of the concept, this study develops a model based on embodied social presence theory. We surveyed 292 metaverse users, and analyzed the obtained data using partial least squares structural equation modeling. The results show that the main (...)
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  24. Minds in the Metaverse: Extended Cognition Meets Mixed Reality.Paul Smart - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (4):1–29.
    Examples of extended cognition typically involve the use of technologically low-grade bio-external resources (e.g., the use of pen and paper to solve long multiplication problems). The present paper describes a putative case of extended cognizing based around a technologically advanced mixed reality device, namely, the Microsoft HoloLens. The case is evaluated from the standpoint of a mechanistic perspective. In particular, it is suggested that a combination of organismic (e.g., the human individual) and extra-organismic (e.g., the HoloLens) resources form part of (...)
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  25.  47
    All too real metacapitalism: towards a non-dualist political ontology of metaverse.Mark Coeckelbergh - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (2):1-9.
    Current techno-utopian visions of metaverse raise ontological, ethical, and political questions. Drawing on existing literature on virtual worlds but also philosophically moving beyond that body of work and responding to political contexts concerning identity, capitalism, and climate, this paper begins to address these questions by offering a conceptual framework to think about the ontology of metaverse(s) in ways that see metaverse as real, experienced and shaping our experience, technologically constituted, and political. It shows how this non-dualist political-ontological approach helps to (...)
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  26.  20
    Kierkegaard’ın Varoluş Evreleri ve Metaverse: Dijital Dünyada ‘Homo Virtualis’in İçsel Arayışı.Serpil Harun & Karaca Damla - 2019 - Felsefe Arkivi:null null.
    Bu çalışmada, varoluş kavramı felsefi açıdan detaylı bir şekilde ele alınarak, varoluşun günümüzün gittikçe sanallaşan insanı açısından ne anlama geldiği incelenmektedir. Varoluş kavramı, insanın varoluşunu ve yaşamını anlamaya yönelik felsefi bir kavramdır. Bu çalışmada Kierkegaard’ın varoluş aşamaları günümüz perspektifinden ele alınarak, insanlığın karşı karşıya olduğu mevcut dijital sorunlar ve değişim süreci incelenmektedir. Kierkegaard’ın varoluş aşamaları ışığında fiziksel dünyada yaşanan varoluş süreçlerinin, metaverse sanal evreninde nasıl gerçekleştiği değerlendirilmekte ve özellikle estetik varoluş üzerinde durularak ve bireyin sanal dünyada estetik varoluşu Kierkegaard’ın betimlediği (...)
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    Elationship Theory in the Metaverse Era through Kwak Sang’s Philosophy - Focusing on Value Conflicts between Generations -. 엄진성 - 2023 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 112:307-333.
    COVID19 이후 대면에서 비대면 사회로 생활 공간이 옮겨가는 과정에서 다양한 사회적 문제가 발생했다. 그 가운데 하나가 메타버스 플랫폼에 관한 부모 자녀 사이의 가치충돌 및 정체성에 관한 문제이다. 21세기는 지금껏 한 번도 경험해보지 못한 다양한 세대가 공존하는 시대이다. 기성세대, M-세대, Z-세대 그리고 α-세대에 이르기까지 기술의 발달과 그에 따른 사회의 변화는 짧은 시간 동안 급격한 변화를 가져왔고 그 과정에서 문화 지체가 발생했다. 세대 간에는 보이지 않는 벽이 생겨났으며 그것은 사회적 문제로 거론되기까지 했다. 특히 α-세대 자녀와 부모 사이에서 발생하는 가치충돌의 문제는 부모와 자식이란 (...)
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    What does the Thinking about Relationalism and Humanness in African Philosophy imply for Different Modes of Being Present in the Metaverse?Cornelius Ewuoso - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (4):1-21.
    In this article, I interrogate whether the deployment and development of the Metaverse should take into account African values and modes of knowing to foster the uptake of this hyped technology in Africa. Specifically, I draw on the moral norms arising from the components of communal interactions and humanness in Afro-communitarianism to contend that the deployment of the Metaverse and its development ought to reflect core African moral values to foster its uptake in the region. To adequately align the Metaverse (...)
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  29. Meta Ethics for the Metaverse: The Ethics of Virtual Worlds.Edward H. Spence - 2008 - In P. Brey, A. Briggle & K. Waelbers, Current Issues in Computing and Philosophy. IOS Press. pp. 175--3.
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    Embodied in a metaverse: Anatomia and body parts.Elif Ayiter - 2010 - Technoetic Arts 8 (2):181-188.
    In this article, the artist/author wishes to examine corporeality in the virtual realm, through the usage of the (non)-physical body of the avatar. Two sister art installations created in the virtual world of Second Life, both of which are meant to be accessed with site-specific avatars, will provide the creative platform whereby this investigation is undertaken. While the installation Anatomia aims to propel the visitor towards reflections of an introverted nature, involving the fragility of the physical self, body parts seeks (...)
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    Robert Nozick’s Metaverse Machine.Lorenzo Buscicchi - 2022 - Philosophy Now 149:26-28.
  32.  87
    Spatial poetics, place, non-place and storyworlds: Intimate spaces for metaverse avatars.Elif Ayiter - 2019 - Technoetic Arts 17 (1):155-169.
    This article will ask questions that connect the conceptions of Marc Augé's 'place/non-place' and Gaston Bachelard's 'poetic space' to the avatar of real-time, perpetual, online, three-dimensional virtual builder's worlds, also known as the metaverse. Are metaverses 'places' or 'non-places'? Do we actually live in the metaverse or do we just traverse these worlds very much in the sense that Marc Augé defines them as transitional loci that are assigned only to circumscribed and specific positions? The question following from this (...)
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    Integrative art education in a metaverse: ground.Elif Ayiter - 2008 - Technoetic Arts 6 (1):41-53.
    Virtual learning environments (VLEs) present us with unprecedented opportunities in bringing together students and educators from widely disparate geographical locations, as well as diverse cultures and backgrounds to participate in a learning experience that should take into cognizance the affordances of these novel arenas in the design of both content and the environment(s) in which this content is to be implemented/enacted. While VLEs do seem to address the requirements of well-structured learning endeavours, the boundaries of which are clearly defined, they (...)
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    Virtual Reality Church as a New Mission Frontier in the Metaverse: Exploring Theological Controversies and Missional Potential of Virtual Reality Church.Guichun Jun - 2020 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 37 (4):297-305.
    The combination of COVID-19 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution has brought an unprecedented new normal, which has affected all aspects of human life, including religious activities. As a consequence, church mission and different ministries have found themselves more dependent on media. Furthermore, the convergent digital technology continually develops augmented reality and virtual reality, in which churches are planted and continue to carry out their mission and ministries. Although virtual reality churches are new mission frontiers in the digital age, there are (...)
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  35.  21
    Research on Ethical Issues of Artificial Intelligence in the Future—Based on the Perspective of Robot and Metaverse. 何静凡李蓓蓓 - 2023 - Advances in Philosophy 12 (2):430.
  36.  12
    Metvaerse’de İyilik ve Kötülüğün Ontolojik Değeri.Seyithan Can - 2023 - Marifetname 10 (1):13-37.
    Metaverse, sanal gerçeklik teknolojileriyle oluşturulan bir dünyadır ve insanların hayal edebilecekleri tüm eylemleri gerçekleştirebilecekleri sınırsız bir özgürlük alanı sunmaktadır. Çalışmamızda metaverse, insan beyninin çalışma yöntemi çerçevesinde bilimsel bir şekilde açıklanmaya çalışılmaktadır. İnsan beyninin hem sanal hem de gerçek dünya deneyimlerini ve duygularını algıladığı düşünüldüğünde, metaverse’de sanal ve gerçek dünya arasında keskin bir ayrımın olmayacağına vurgu yapılmaktadır. Ayrıca, sanal dünya ile gerçek dünya arasındaki sınırın kaybolması, insan eylemlerinin ve davranışlarının insan doğası açısından ontolojik bir değer taşıdığını göstermektedir. Çalışmamızda aynı zamanda metaverse’in (...)
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    Metaverting Your Body: the Desire to Incarnate.Bernard Andrieu, Bruno Medeiros Roldão de Araújo, Gaëtan Guironnet & Nicolas Besombes - 2023 - Iris 43.
    The metaverse is the extension of this virtual world in which our avatars and other holograms will socialize. Should we speak of incarnation when it is virtual beings that represent us rather than physical bodies?
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  38. HoloFoldit and Hologrammatically Extended Cognition.Cody Turner - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (106):1-9.
    How does the integration of mixed reality devices into our cognitive practices impact the mind from a metaphysical and epistemological perspective? In his innovative and interdisciplinary article, “Minds in the Metaverse: Extended Cognition Meets Mixed Reality” (2022), Paul Smart addresses this underexplored question, arguing that the use of a hypothetical application of the Microsoft HoloLens called “the HoloFoldit” represents a technologically high-grade form of extended cognizing from the perspective of neo-mechanical philosophy. This short commentary aims to (1) carve up the (...)
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    Exploring Extended Realities: Metaphysical, Psychological, and Ethical Challenges.Andrew Kissel & Erick José Ramirez (eds.) - 2023 - Routledge.
    This volume highlights interdisciplinary research on the ethical, metaphysical, and experimental dimensions of extended reality technologies, including virtual and augmented realities. It explores themes connected to the nature of virtual objects, the value of virtual experiences and relationships, experimental ethics, moral psychology in the metaverse, and game/simulation design. -/- Extended reality (XR) refers to a family of technologies aiming to augment (AR) or virtually replace (VR) human experience. The chapters in this volume represent cutting-edge research on XR experiences from a (...)
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    Building a (virtual) Aleph: The visual transformation of a tiny cosmogony.Elif Ayiter - 2017 - Technoetic Arts 15 (1):3-13.
    This article discusses the transformation of a tiny three-dimensional artwork created in the metaverse that takes its inspiration from Jorge Luis Borges’s story of ‘the Aleph’ – a tale that revolves around a minute artefact that is ‘one of the points in space that contains all other points’. The visualization of a concept as complex as ‘the Aleph’ led the author of the project through a process that started from Cartesian precepts, from where it transformed itself into an investigation of (...)
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    Here be monsters: is technology reducing our humanity?Richard King - 2023 - Clayton, VIC: Monash University Publishing.
    Technology is developing fast - so fast that it threatens to overwhelm the very species whose genius lies in its technological cunning: us. From the metaverse to genetic engineering and mood-altering pharmaceuticals, to cybersex and cyberwar and the widespread automation of work, new technologies are rewriting the terms of our existence, not in a neutral spirit of 'progress' but in line with the priorities of power and profit, and in ways that often work against the grain of our fundamental being.In (...)
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  42. The Tech Frontier of 2024: Unveiling Innovations that Shape Our Future.Ranjeet Kumar - 2024 - Medium.
    he year 2024 marks a transformative era in technology, characterized by groundbreaking advancements that are reshaping industries and human experiences. From the emergence of Generative AI 2.0 and the real-world application of quantum computing to the rise of sustainable technologies, Metaverse 2.0, and space exploration milestones, this article explores the most significant innovations of the year. It also highlights the evolution of Web3 decentralization and revolutionary strides in biotechnology, underscoring their profound societal impact. As these technologies redefine the boundaries of (...)
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    Towards a New Anthropology of the Embodied Mind: Maine de Biran’s Physio-Spiritualism from 1800 to the 21st Century.Manfred Milz (ed.) - 2023 - Boston: BRILL.
    Maine de Biran’s concept of the embodied mind is most suitable to alert our consciousness today, while people are being exceedingly exposed to and submerged by comforting invasive virtual realities of metaverses that essentially minimize their _resistance_-potential to generate _will_ and _effort_.
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  44. Hybrid documentary and non-binary cinema.Luke W. Moody - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Hybrid Documentary and Non-Binary Cinema offers an expansive exploration of the contemporary documentary cinema form, aesthetics, and ethics. Beginning with a brief history of early seminal examples of magical realism, and constructed realities in documentary and ethnographic film the book will focus on recent and present-day examples of work that blur the lines between fiction and non-fiction. The book will also take a series of case studies to question the vision and motives of filmmakers working between documentary and fictional film. (...)
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    An Analog Teacher in a Digital World in advance.Maya Levanon - forthcoming - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines.
    We live in an era characterized by technology as an integral part of the overall experiences. Non-hierarchic access to communication and virtual contacts in the metaverse, experienced as no less real than those in the brick-and-mortar world. The global health crisis has further highlighted the understanding that the integration of technology into our lives is inevitable, and when it comes to teaching and learning, the right use of technology can take teachers and learners to new, exciting places. The social distancing (...)
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    Aesthetics of the radically enhanced human.Natasha Vita-More - 2010 - Technoetic Arts 8 (2):207-214.
    Every artistic practice implies, either explicitly or implicitly, a metaphysical framework within which its specialized activity can be understood. In furthering communication and sensorial connections, telematic arts interface with computer systems, biotechnological arts interface with biological systems, and sculpted prims interface with metaverse systems. In this article, I review artistic practices that engage preliminary aspects of human enhancement and, in some instances, begin to extend personal existence over space and time. Specifically, this article asks: what is the perception of human (...)
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    SIMS and digital simulacra: is it moral to have sex with virtual copies (created by us)?Maurizio Balistreri & Roberto Manzocco - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-9.
    The development of digital technologies has opened the door to surprising possibilities for the future of humanity. The idea of creating a ‘Metaverse’ in which it is possible to build and interact with digital avatars of real deceased people raises a number of complex ethical and moral questions. The prospect of transferring memories and experiences into digital avatars or creating exact copies of the brain structures of real individuals raises questions regarding the nature of identity and consciousness. These virtual entities (...)
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    The Role of Professional Journalism Associations in Improving the Profession in the UAE.Asma Aljuwaied & Ahmed Radwan - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1497-1509.
    The study aims to explore the impact of press clubs and the Journalists Association on the media environment in the UAE. The environment of journalism has witnessed several professional developments at various levels. Digital transformation has a crucial role in converting the media industry, which has led to changing media practices and business operations. The employment of modern technology related to artificial intelligence has introduced new media strategies such as algorithms, and metaverse, and the massive development of new technologies that (...)
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  49. XR Embodiment and the Changing Nature of Sexual Harassment.Erick José Ramirez, Shelby Jennett, Jocelyn Tan, Sydney Campbell & Raghav Gupta - 2023 - Societies 13 (36).
    In this paper, we assess the impact of extended reality technologies as they relate to sexual forms of harassment. We begin with a brief history of the nature of sexual harassment itself. We then offer an account of extended reality technologies focusing specifically on psychological and hardware elements most likely to comprise what has been referred to as “the metaverse”. Although different forms of virtual spaces exist (i.e., private, semi-private, and public), we focus on public social metaverse spaces. We do (...)
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    Hidden Hands: The Lives of Manuscripts and Their Makers.Jeffrey F. Hamburger - 2024 - Common Knowledge 30 (2):207-208.
    The steady stream of books on medieval manuscripts addressed to a popular audience over the past two decades coincides with the advent of tablets such as Amazon's Kindle. As the flatlands of the digital realm encompass more of life, nostalgia for a tactile realm of reading, whether in the making or the perception of artifacts, asserts itself, as does the desire to immerse oneself in the real space of the conventional book, as opposed to the virtual yet denatured spaces of (...)
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