Results for 'mass fluctuations'

971 found
  1.  51
    On Vacuum Fluctuations and Particle Masses.M. D. Pollock - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (10):1300-1328.
    The idea that the mass m of an elementary particle is explained in the semi-classical approximation by quantum-mechanical zero-point vacuum fluctuations has been applied previously to spin-1/2 fermions to yield a real and positive constant value for m, expressed through the spinorial connection Γ i in the curved-space Dirac equation for the wave function ψ due to Fock. This conjecture is extended here to bosonic particles of spin 0 and spin 1, starting from the basic assumption that all (...)
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  2.  81
    Fluctuations in the Dynamics of Single Quantum Systems.Anton Amann & Harald Atmanspacher - 1998 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 29 (2):151-182.
    The traditional formalism of quantum mechanics is mainly used to describe ensembles of identical systems (with a density-operator formalism) or single isolated systems, but is not capable of describing single open quantum objects with many degrees of freedom showing pure-state stochastic dynamical behaviour. In particular, stochastic 'line-migration' as in single-molecule spectroscopy of defect molecules in a molecular matrix is not adequately described. Starting with the Bohr scenario of stochastic quantum jumps (between strict energy eigenstates), we try to incorporate more general (...)
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  3.  69
    Louis Althusser: mai 1968 et les fluctuations de l'idéologie.Stéphane Legrand - 2009 - Actuel Marx 45 (1):128-136.
    Louis Althusser, May 1968 and the Fluctuations of Ideology By examining the various statements made by Louis Althusser of his position on the student movement of May 69, the article seeks to reveal the remarkably complex and theoretically apposite character of his assessment. e article thus goes against usual interpretations of this issue. In particular, it points to the interest of the concepts of revolt and of mass ideological revolution, which were introduced in his writing of the period. (...)
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  4. Flux Capacitors and the Origin of Inertia.James F. Woodward - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (10):1475-1514.
    The explanation of inertia based on “Mach's principle” is briefly revisited and an experiment whereby the gravitational origin of inertia can be tested is described. The test consists of detecting a small stationary force with a sensitive force sensor. The force is presumably induced when a periodic transient Mach effect mass fluctuation is driven in high voltage, high energy density capacitors that are subjected to 50 kHz, 1.3 kV amplitude voltage signal, and threaded by an alternating magnetic flux of (...)
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  5. The c-aplpha Non Exclusion Principle and the vastly different internal electron and muon center of charge vacuum fluctuation geometry.Jim Wilson - forthcoming - Physics Essays.
    The electronic and muonic hydrogen energy levels are calculated very accurately [1] in Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) by coupling the Dirac Equation four vector (c ,mc2) current covariantly with the external electromagnetic (EM) field four vector in QED’s Interactive Representation (IR). The c -Non Exclusion Principle(c -NEP) states that, if one accepts c as the electron/muon velocity operator because of the very accurate hydrogen energy levels calculated, the one must also accept the resulting electron/muon internal spatial and time coordinate operators (ISaTCO) (...)
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  6.  16
    Influence of Controlled Stomatognathic Motor Activity on Sway, Control and Stability of the Center of Mass During Dynamic Steady-State Balance—An Uncontrolled Manifold Analysis.Cagla Fadillioglu, Lisa Kanus, Felix Möhler, Steffen Ringhof, Daniel Hellmann & Thorsten Stein - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:868828.
    Multiple sensory signals from visual, somatosensory and vestibular systems are used for human postural control. To maintain postural stability, the central nervous system keeps the center of mass (CoM) within the base of support. The influence of the stomatognathic motor system on postural control has been established under static conditions, but it has not yet been investigated during dynamic steady-state balance. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of controlled stomatognathic motor activity on the control and (...)
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  7.  32
    Cosmological Density Perturbations in Newtonian- and MONDian Gravity Scenario: A Symmetry-Based Approach.Amitava Choudhuri & Aritra Ganguly - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (1):63-82.
    We investigate the evolution of linear density contrasts obtained with respect to a homogeneous spatially flat Friedman-Lemaître–Robertson–Walker background by solving the density contrast equations governed by Newtonian and MONDian force laws using symmetry-based approach. We find eight-parameter Lie group symmetries for the linear order density perturbation equation for the Newtonian case whereas the density contrast equation follows only one parameter Lie group symmetry in MONDian case. We use Lie symmetries to find the group invariant solutions from invariant curve condition. The (...)
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  8.  15
    Approaches to reading intercultural communication in the Qur’an and the politics of interpretation.Hanan Ibrahim - 2014 - Critical Research on Religion 2 (2):99-115.
    The Qur'an depicts fluctuating relations between Muslims and non-Muslims. While at times such relations can be conciliatory and harmonious, at others they are inimical, uneasy, or distant. Still, the Qur'an acknowledges the necessary ontological reality of the human difference. This is evidenced in many verses. Thus, I will argue that an “attentive” and “worldly” reading of the Qur'an is crucial to curb misunderstanding of the way ‘difference’ is perceived in Islam by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. A close reading is primarily (...)
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  9.  57
    Entre a cruz e a espada: religião no mundo da tecnociência, do mercado e da mídia (Between the devil and the deep blue sea: religion in the world of technoscience, market and media) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5811.2014v12n34p382. [REVIEW]Sinivaldo Silva Tavares - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (34):382-401.
    Vivemos, hoje, sob a hegemonia do paradigma tecnocêntrico, mercadológico e midiático. A Tecnociência, o Mercado e a Mídia se constituem em autênticos horizontes no interior dos quais se desvelam todos os âmbitos da experiência humana. Isso posto, o que o ser humano e a religião se tornam nessa nova situação epocal? A Tecnociência tornou-se horizonte de compreensão do ser humano em relação ao mundo e si próprio. Não apenas nossos estilos de vida, nosso modo de trabalhar e viver, são condicionados (...)
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  10. Experimental Reasoning in Non-Experimental Science: Case Studies From Paleobiology.John Edward Huss - 2004 - Dissertation, The University of Chicago
    The introduction of computer simulation to paleobiology ushered in a new, experimental style of reasoning. Rather than starting with observed fossil patterns and hypothesizing causal processes that may have produced them, it became possible to start with a process model, and from it to simulate a range of possible patterns. ;The MBL Model is a stochastic model of phylogenetic evolution . Computer simulations conducted with the MBL Model served as thought experiments in stochastic evolution. In the MBL work, similarities between (...)
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  11.  64
    Gravitational Self-force from Quantized Linear Metric Perturbations in Curved Space.Chad R. Galley - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (4-5):460-479.
    We present a formal derivation of the Mino–Sasaki–Tanaka–Quinn–Wald (MSTQW) equation describing the self-force on a (semi-) classical relativistic point mass moving under the influence of quantized linear metric perturbations on a curved background space–time. The curvature of the space–time implies that the dynamics of the particle and the field is history-dependent and as such requires a non-equilibrium formalism to ensure the consistent evolution of both particle and field, viz., the worldline influence functional and the closed- time-path (CTP) coarse-grained effective (...)
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  12.  21
    A stochastic approach to the hadron spectrum. II.J. C. Aron - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (11):1159-1210.
    The definition of mass as a random variable is applied to the study of the decay rates. A decay is assumed possible when the fluctuation of the Gaussian variables involved makes a definite relation satisfied. Computing the probability of this process leads to the determination of the decay amplitude. This calculation, unified for baryons and mesons, is worked out in the lower and medium spectrum (up to2000 MeV for baryons and mesons), and fits to≈20 MeV the accurate measurements of (...)
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  13.  28
    Some preliminary formulations toward a new theory of matter.V. Shekhawat - 1976 - Foundations of Physics 6 (2):221-235.
    Matter is pictured as a primitive fluid substratum having the fundamental property of fluctuating at a constant frequency. From this are derived the discrete properties of space and time, and it follows that, at the microlevel, talk of pure space and pure time involves us in ambiguities. A new interpretation of Planck's constant emerges according to which it is a quantum of matter-time combination. Thus, a quantum of matter-space combination should exist. On pursuing further the hydrodynamic model, such a constant (...)
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  14. Some Consequences of Zero Point Energy.Bo Lehnert - 2014 - JEMAA 6:319-327.
    Both theory and experiments indicate that the vacuum is not a state of empty space, but is populated by electromagnetic fluctuations at a lowest nonzero level, the Zero Point Energy (ZPE). This debouches into considerable changes of fundamental physics, as shown by a revised quantum electrodynamic theory (RQED) applied to elementary particles, and by a revised ZPE frequency spectrum applied to the expanding universe. The Standard Model based on a vacuum state of empty space is thus replaced by RQED, (...)
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  15.  46
    Making the Case for Conformal Gravity.Philip D. Mannheim - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (3):388-420.
    We review some recent developments in the conformal gravity theory that has been advanced as a candidate alternative to standard Einstein gravity. As a quantum theory the conformal theory is both renormalizable and unitary, with unitarity being obtained because the theory is a PT symmetric rather than a Hermitian theory. We show that in the theory there can be no a priori classical curvature, with all curvature having to result from quantization. In the conformal theory gravity requires no independent quantization (...)
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  16. Gravity, energy conservation, and parameter values in collapse models.Philip Pearle & Euan Squires - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (3):291-305.
    We interpret the probability rule of the CSL collapse theory to mean to mean that the scalar field which causes collapse is the gravitational curvature scalar with two sources, the expectation value of the mass density (smeared over the GRW scale a) and a white noise fluctuating source. We examine two models of the fluctuating source, monopole fluctuations and dipole fluctuations, and show that these correspond to two well-known CSL models. We relate the two GRW parameters of (...)
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  17. The Method of In-between in the Grotesque and the Works of Leif Lage.Henrik Lübker - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):170-181.
    “Artworks are not being but a process of becoming” —Theodor W. Adorno, Aesthetic Theory In the everyday use of the concept, saying that something is grotesque rarely implies anything other than saying that something is a bit outside of the normal structure of language or meaning – that something is a peculiarity. But in its historical use the concept has often had more far reaching connotations. In different phases of history the grotesque has manifested its forms as a means of (...)
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  18.  62
    Constraint on collapse models by limit on spontaneous x-ray emission in Ge.Brian Collett, Philip Pearle, Frank Avignone & Shmuel Nussinov - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (10):1399-1412.
    The continuous spontaneous localization (CSL) model modifies Schrödinger's equation so that the collapse of the state vector is described as a physical process (a special interaction of particles with a universal fluctuating field). A consequence of the model is that an electron in an atom should occasionally get “spontaneously” knocked out of the atom. The CSL ionization rate for the 1s electrons in the Ge atom is calculated and compared with an experimental upper limit for the rate of “spontaneously” generated (...)
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  19. Statistical mechanics and thermodynamics: A Maxwellian view.Wayne C. Myrvold - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (4):237-243.
    One finds, in Maxwell's writings on thermodynamics and statistical physics, a conception of the nature of these subjects that differs in interesting ways from the way that they are usually conceived. In particular, though—in agreement with the currently accepted view—Maxwell maintains that the second law of thermodynamics, as originally conceived, cannot be strictly true, the replacement he proposes is different from the version accepted by most physicists today. The modification of the second law accepted by most physicists is a probabilistic (...)
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  20.  53
    A Democritean phenomenology for quantum scattering theory.H. Pierre Noyes - 1976 - Foundations of Physics 6 (1):83-100.
    The basic operational devices in a particle theory are detectors which show that a particle is “here, now” rather than “there, then.” Successful operation of these devices requires a limiting velocity. Given auxiliary devices which can change particle velocities in both magnitude and direction, the Lorentz-invariant mass can be defined. The wave-particle duality operationally required to explain the scattering of particles from a diffraction grating then predicts fluctuations in particle number (the Wick-Yukawa mechanism), if we postulate a smallest (...)
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  21.  43
    Can Quantum Gravity be Exposed in the Laboratory?Jacob D. Bekenstein - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (5):452-462.
    I propose an experiment that may be performed, with present low temperature and cryogenic technology, to reveal Wheeler’s quantum foam. It involves coupling an optical photon’s momentum to the center of mass motion of a macroscopic transparent block with parameters such that the latter is displaced in space by approximately a Planck length. I argue that such displacement is sensitive to quantum foam and will react back on the photon’s probability of transiting the block. This might allow determination of (...)
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  22.  34
    The paradoxes of analogical representation: The original and a copy in phenomenological imagination theory.Elena Drozhetskaya - 2022 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 11 (1):208-228.
    This article deals with a phenomenological standpoint on paradoxicality of image-consciousness, i.e., an analogical representation in which an image possesses material support. Contrary to tradition, E. Husserl thought of imagination as being both an intuitive and a mediate act. Husserl’s opinion results from paradoxical nature of an image itself: an image appears but it doesn’t exist, while the exhibited thing does exist but doesn’t appear in proper sense. The paradoxicality of an image results in its double conflict — with actual (...)
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  23. Fondamenti geometrici e problemi filosofici dello spazio-tempo.Luciano Boi - 2012 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho:1-37.
    The answer to some of the longstanding issues in the 20th century theoretical physics, such as those of the incompatibility between general relativity and quantum mechanics, the broken symmetries of the electroweak force acting at the subatomic scale and the missing mass of Higgs particle, and also those of the cosmic singularity and the black matter and energy, appear to be closely related to the problem of the quantum texture of space-time and the fluctuations of its underlying geometry. (...)
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  24. Innocence and Consequentialism.Jacqueline A. Laing - 1997 - In David S. Oderberg & Jacqueline A. Laing, Human lives: critical essays on consequentialist bioethics. New York, N.Y.: St. Martin's Press. pp. 196--224.
    A critic of utilitarianism, in a paper entitled “Innocence and Consequentialism” Laing argues that Singer cannot without contradicting himself reject baby farming (a thought experiment that involves mass-producing deliberately brain damaged children for live birth for the greater good of organ harvesting) and at the same time hold on to his “personism” a term coined by Jenny Teichman to describe his fluctuating (and Laing says, discriminatory) theory of human moral value. His explanation that baby farming undermines attitudes of care (...)
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  25.  44
    Ubiquity: the science of history, or why the world is simpler than we think.Mark Buchanan - 2000 - London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
    Scientists have recently discovered a new law of nature. Its footprints are virtually everywhere - in the spread of forest fires, mass extinctions, traffic jams, earthquakes, stock-market fluctuations, the rise and fall of nations, and even trends in fashion, music and art. Wherever we look, the world is modelled on a simple template: like a steep pile of sand, it is poised on the brink of instability, with avalanches - in events, ideas or whatever - following a universal (...)
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  26.  40
    A Comparison Between Models of Gravity Induced Decoherence.Sayantani Bera, Sandro Donadi, Kinjalk Lochan & Tejinder P. Singh - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (12):1537-1560.
    It has been suggested in the literature that spatial coherence of the wave function can be dynamically suppressed by fluctuations in the spacetime geometry. These fluctuations represent the minimal uncertainty that is present when one probes spacetime geometry with a quantum probe. Two similar models have been proposed, one by Diósi and one by Karolyhazy and collaborators, based on apparently unrelated minimal spacetime bounds. The two models arrive at somewhat different expressions for the dependence of the localization coherence (...)
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  27.  20
    Mit-, Neben- und Gegeneinander Zum Zusammenleben von Christen und Muslimen in Ostanatolien.Shabo Talay - 2012 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 88 (1):158-178.
    The relationship between Christians and Muslims underwent drastic fluctuations in the former Ottoman Empire in the nineteenth century and the modern Republic of Turkey in the twentieth century generally. The dynamic can be described as having been one of sanctioned political communion under the Ottoman regime, outright violence and antagonism in the shadows of WWI, and today reflected in a type of social equilibrium, albeit precarious. Specifically, the paper focuses on adumbrating the modus vivendi that facilitated coexistence between Christians (...)
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  28.  40
    A General Method for Modeling Population Dynamics and Its Applications.Yuri K. Shestopaloff - 2013 - Acta Biotheoretica 61 (4):499-519.
    Studying populations, be it a microbe colony or mankind, is important for understanding how complex systems evolve and exist. Such knowledge also often provides insights into evolution, history and different aspects of human life. By and large, populations’ prosperity and decline is about transformation of certain resources into quantity and other characteristics of populations through growth, replication, expansion and acquisition of resources. We introduce a general model of population change, applicable to different types of populations, which interconnects numerous factors influencing (...)
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  29.  40
    Hydrodynamics of the Physical Vacuum: II. Vorticity Dynamics.Valeriy I. Sbitnev - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (10):1238-1252.
    Physical vacuum is a special superfluid medium populated by enormous amount of virtual particle-antiparticle pairs. Its motion is described by the modified Navier–Stokes equation: the pressure gradient divided by the mass density is replaced by the gradient from the quantum potential; time-averaged the viscosity vanishes, but its variance is not zero. Vortex structures arising in this medium show infinitely long lifetime owing to zero average viscosity. The nonzero variance is conditioned by exchanging the vortex energy with zero-point vacuum (...). The vortex has a non-zero core where the orbital speed vanishes. The speed reaches a maximal value on the core wall and further it decreases monotonically. The vortex trembles around some average value and possesses by infinite life time. The vortex ball resulting from topological transformation of the vortex ring is considered as a model of a particle with spin. Anomalous magnetic moment of electron is computed. (shrink)
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  30.  38
    Developmental push or environmental pull? The causes of macroevolutionary dynamics.Douglas H. Erwin - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 39 (4):36.
    Have the large-scale evolutionary patterns illustrated by the fossil record been driven by fluctuations in environmental opportunity, by biotic factors, or by changes in the types of phenotypic variants available for evolutionary change? Since the Modern Synthesis most evolutionary biologists have maintained that microevolutionary processes carrying on over sufficient time will generate macroevolutionary patterns, with no need for other pattern-generating mechanisms such as punctuated equilibrium or species selection. This view was challenged by paleontologists in the 1970s with proposals that (...)
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  31.  35
    Newtonian Dynamics from the Principle of Maximum Caliber.Diego González, Sergio Davis & Gonzalo Gutiérrez - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (9):923-931.
    The foundations of Statistical Mechanics can be recovered almost in their entirety from the principle of maximum entropy. In this work we show that its non-equilibrium generalization, the principle of maximum caliber (Jaynes, Phys Rev 106:620–630, 1957), when applied to the unknown trajectory followed by a particle, leads to Newton’s second law under two quite intuitive assumptions (both the expected square displacement in one step and the spatial probability distribution of the particle are known at all times). Our derivation explicitly (...)
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  32.  29
    Quantum Behavior of a Classical Particle Subject to a Random Force.Can Gokler - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (1):1-19.
    We give a partial answer to the question whether the Schrödinger equation can be derived from the Newtonian mechanics of a particle in a potential subject to a random force. We show that the fluctuations around the classical motion of a one dimensional harmonic oscillator subject to a random force can be described by the Schrödinger equation for a period of time depending on the frequency and the energy of the oscillator. We achieve this by deriving the postulates of (...)
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  33.  31
    Horizon Quantum Mechanics: Spherically Symmetric and Rotating Sources.Roberto Casadio, Andrea Giugno, Andrea Giusti & Octavian Micu - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (10):1204-1218.
    The Horizon Quantum Mechanics is an approach that allows one to analyse the gravitational radius of spherically symmetric systems and compute the probability that a given quantum state is a black hole. We first review the formalism and show how it reproduces a gravitationally inspired GUP relation. This results leads to unacceptably large fluctuations in the horizon size of astrophysical black holes if one insists in describing them as central singularities. On the other hand, if they are extended systems, (...)
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  34.  9
    Hercvlevs Labor – Labor Limae: Epic Arithmetic at Virgil, Aeneid 8.230-2.Gottfried Mader - 2016 - Classical Quarterly 66 (2):800-804.
    A distinctive feature ofAeneid8 is the constant interplay and fluctuation of registers, with high epic and thegenus grandealternating with the lighter strains or learned allusions associated with thegenus tenue. As one commentator has remarked, ‘Man darf das Buch allein schon wegen seines Reichtums an Aitien als das ‘kallimacheischste’ derAeneisbezeichnen.’ Beyond the emphasis on aetiology—the Cacus myth in particular is presented asaitionfor the consecration of the Ara Maxima—the Callimachean complexion comes out also in several smaller not-so-serious or learned touches, typically at (...)
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  35. Wavefunction Collapse and Random Walk.Brian Collett & Philip Pearle - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (10):1495-1541.
    Wavefunction collapse models modify Schrödinger's equation so that it describes the rapid evolution of a superposition of macroscopically distinguishable states to one of them. This provides a phenomenological basis for a physical resolution to the so-called “measurement problem.” Such models have experimentally testable differences from standard quantum theory. The most well developed such model at present is the Continuous Spontaneous Localization (CSL) model in which a universal fluctuating classical field interacts with particles to cause collapse. One “side effect” of this (...)
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  36. Statistical Mechanical Theory of a Closed Oscillating Universe.A. Pérez-Madrid & I. Santamaría-Holek - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (3):267-275.
    Based on Newton’s laws reformulated in the Hamiltonian dynamics combined with statistical mechanics, we formulate a statistical mechanical theory supporting the hypothesis of a closed universe oscillating in phase-space. We find that the behavior of this universe as a whole can be represented by a free entropic oscillator whose lifespan is nonhomogeneous, thus implying that time is shorter or longer according to the state of this universe given through its entropy. We conclude that time reduces to the entropy production of (...)
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  37.  42
    Fixed past and uncertain future: A single-time covariant quantum particle mechanics. [REVIEW]H. Pierre Noyes - 1975 - Foundations of Physics 5 (1):37-43.
    A covariant quantum mechanics for systems of finite-mass particles at finite energy follows from interpreting as Wick-Yukawa fluctuations in particle number the quantum fluctuations which are needed by Phipps to understand measurement theory and by Gyftopoulos to understand the second law of thermodynamics. The dynamical one-variable equations require as input the (N − 1)-particle transition matrices and an N-N vertex or coupling constants at three-particle vertices.
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  38. Racism and Ethnic Relations in the Portuguese-Speaking World.Michel Massing Jean - 2012
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    The QS Quantization of Fundamental Particle Mass Robert A. Stone Jr. 1313 Connecticut Ave, Bridgeport, CT 06484 (USA).Fundamental Particle Mass - 2009 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 16 (4).
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  40.  28
    Longitudinal Estimation of the Clinically Significant Change in the Treatment of Major Depression Disorder.Cristina Cañete-Massé, Maribel Peró-Cebollero, Esteve Gudayol-Ferré & Joan Guàrdia-Olmos - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  41.  11
    Adorno und die Folgen.Otwin Massing - 1970 - [Neuwied]: Luchterhand.
  42.  14
    El sistema de la educación en Luhmann desde una perspectiva crítica.Carlos Massé - 2007 - Cinta de Moebio 30:296-308.
    The text confronts the elements of which Luhmann theorizes the educative system, from a critical form to center the suitable approach to know the multiplicity of elements from the educative system. Luhmann’s foundations are criticized and other levels are proposed, from a critical vision of social..
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    La France foutue : allégorie « foutative » et rapport à l’histoire.Stéphanie Massé - 2006 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 25:221.
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  44.  39
    A sixteenth-century illustrated treatise on comets.Jean-Michel Massing - 1977 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 40 (1):318-322.
  45.  16
    Planification et démocratie.Pierre Masse - 1963 - Res Publica 5 (3):211-219.
  46.  19
    Quatre plaintes en responsabilité professionnelle ophtalmologique. des cours d'appel au conseil d'état.Gilbert Masse - 1995 - Médecine et Droit 1995 (12):18-20.
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    The narrative of parents.Mili Mass - 1996 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 26 (4):423–442.
    A conception of parental experience is proposed to enhance the move of the study of parenting into the interpersonal realm by describing parental subjectivity from the parent's point of view. Explanations are based on that which the parent can be accountable for, on parental dialogues with observers/clinicians about their dialogues with their infants. This conception of parental subjectivity is compared with other conceptions which define parental subjectivity as the mental apparatus of the parent and not as representing the evolving relation (...)
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  48.  12
    Wittgenstein, Kripke e as armadilhas do dualismo.Ian Massing - 2021 - Cognitio 22 (1):e56353.
    O artigo examina o paradoxo cético no chamado “Kripkenstein” à luz da psicologia ecológica, uma teoria cognitiva que tem como base tomar como unidade de análise os organismos juntamente com seus ambientes. O conceito de affordance, também basilar para a psicologia ecológica, oferece uma versatilidade importante para explicações sobre nossa percepção do mundo, e principalmente para a percepção dos aspectos menos tangíveis da realidade, as chamadas “práticas sociomateriais”. Tal abordagem da cognição se mostra valiosa na superação desse paradoxo ao permitir (...)
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  49.  30
    Orange County Bioehics Network.Sharon Mass - 1993 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2 (1):109.
  50.  24
    Faith and Philosophy.Benjamin L. Masse - 1931 - Modern Schoolman 9 (1):8-10.
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