Results for 'historical nature'

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  1. Prediction and Explanation in Historical Natural Science.Carol E. Cleland - 2011 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 62 (3):551-582.
    In earlier work ( Cleland [2001] , [2002]), I sketched an account of the structure and justification of ‘prototypical’ historical natural science that distinguishes it from ‘classical’ experimental science. This article expands upon this work, focusing upon the close connection between explanation and justification in the historical natural sciences. I argue that confirmation and disconfirmation in these fields depends primarily upon the explanatory (versus predictive or retrodictive) success or failure of hypotheses vis-à-vis empirical evidence. The account of (...) explanation that I develop is a version of common cause explanation. Common cause explanation has long been vindicated by appealing to the principle of the common cause. Many philosophers of science (e.g., Sober and Tucker) find this principle problematic, however, because they believe that it is either purely methodological or strictly metaphysical. I defend a third possibility: the principle of the common cause derives its justification from a physically pervasive time asymmetry of causation (a.k.a. the asymmetry of overdetermination). I argue that explicating the principle of the common cause in terms of the asymmetry of overdetermination illuminates some otherwise puzzling features of the practices of historical natural scientists. (shrink)
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    The historical nature of human nature.Mary Gibson - 1975 - Journal of Philosophy 72 (18):604-611.
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    Variations in historical natural fertility patterns and the measurement of fertility control.P. R. A. Hinde & R. I. Woods - 1984 - Journal of Biosocial Science 16 (3):309-321.
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    Historioosophy of religion as knowledge of the historical nature of religion.Borys O. Lobovyk - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 33:4-6.
    The History of Religion is a branch of religious studies that is on the verge of history and philosophy of religion. With regard to the latter, it has common and specific features. If history studies the origin and development of religion in its states and forms, if the philosophy of religion is intended to give a theoretical understanding of the essence and meaning of religion as such, then the historiography of religion is the doctrine of the historical nature (...)
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    Homo Respondens on the Historical Nature of Human Reason.Hendrik Geertsema - 1993 - Philosophia Reformata 58 (2):120-152.
    The central theme of this essay concerns the historical character of human nature and especially of human reason. This theme I will develop first of all by discussing briefly that aspect of the present-day philosophical debate, in which this theme takes pride of place. Thus, in the first section, I will try to show which predicament the participants of this debate face in the defense of their position. In the second section, I will discuss the main ideas of (...)
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    The historiography of religion as knowledge of the historical nature of religion.Borys Lobovyk - 1999 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 12:3-6.
    The historiography of religion is the branch of religious studies, which is on the verge of the history and philosophy of religion. With regard to these latter, it has common and special features. If history studies the origin and development of religion in its states and forms, if the philosophy of religion is intended to give a theoretical understanding of the essence and meaning of religion as such, then the historiosophy of religion is a doctrine of the historical (...) of the phenomenon of religiosity taken in integrity with its essence. In this sense, the historiosophy of religion can be called the phenomenology of religious studies. (shrink)
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    Nature and historical experience.John Herman Randall - 1958 - New York,: Columbia University Press.
    A collection of essays on the theory of history and the theory of nature. Topics include the genetic method and historical determinism, historical decision, the nature of metaphysics, empirical pluralism and unification of nature, ways of construing mind and intelligibility, and others.
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    Natural law: historical, systematic and juridical approaches.José María Torralba, Mario Šilar, García Martínez & Alejandro Néstor (eds.) - 2008 - Newscastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Modern moral and political philosophy is in debt with natural law theory, both in its ancient and mediaeval elaborations. While the very notion of a natural law has proved highly controversial among 20th Century scholars, the last decades have witnessed a renewed interest in it. Indeed, the threats and challenges as result of multiculturalism, plural societies and global changes have generated a renewed attention to natural law theory. Clearly, it offers solid basis as possible framework to a better understanding of (...)
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    Human Nature and Historical Knowledge: Hume, Hegel and Vico.Leon Pompa - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book presents a study of the nature and conditions of historical knowledge, conducted through a study of the relevant theories of Hume, Hegel and Vico. It is usually thought that in order to establish historical facts, we have to have a theory of human nature to support our arguments. Hume, Hegel and Vico all subscribed to this view, and are therefore discussed in detail. Professor Pompa goes on to argue that there is in fact no (...)
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    Nature and Society in Historical Context.Mikulâaés Teich, Roy Porter & Bo Gustafsson - 1997 - Cambridge University Press.
    In general terms, one way of describing the world we live in is to say that it is made up of nature and society, and that human beings belong to both. This is the first volume to be published that addresses the historical contexts of the relations between these two characteristics of human nature. Individual essays and the general conclusions of the volume are important not only for our understanding of the evolution of knowledge of nature (...)
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    The historical context of natural selection: The case of Patrick Matthew.Kentwood D. Wells - 1973 - Journal of the History of Biology 6 (2):225-258.
    It should be evident from the foregoing discussion that one man's natural selection is not necessarily the same as another man's. Why should this be so? How can two theories, which both Matthew and Darwin believed to be nearly identical, be so dissimilar? Apparently, neither Matthew nor Darwin understood the other's theory. Each man's viewpoint was colored by his own intellectual background and philosophical assumptions, and each read these into the other's ideas. The words sounded the same, so they assumed (...)
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    Seeking historical examples to illustrate key aspects of the nature of science.William F. McComas - 2008 - Science & Education 17 (2-3):249-263.
  13. Gender Is a Natural Kind with a Historical Essence.Theodore Bach - 2012 - Ethics 122 (2):231-272.
    Traditional debate on the metaphysics of gender has been a contrast of essentialist and social-constructionist positions. The standard reaction to this opposition is that neither position alone has the theoretical resources required to satisfy an equitable politics. This has caused a number of theorists to suggest ways in which gender is unified on the basis of social rather than biological characteristics but is “real” or “objective” nonetheless – a position I term social objectivism. This essay begins by making explicit the (...)
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    Natural Theology: A Biblical and Historical Introduction and Defense.David Haines - 2021 - Landrum, SC: Davenant Press.
    Christians affirm that Scripture alone reveals truths about God which cannot be known by mere reason, such as the Trinity or the Gospel itself. But how do we account for Scripture’s apparent talk of a knowledge of God possible solely from creation? Or for our own sense of the divine in nature? Or for the startling insights of ancient philosophers about the nature of God? The answer: natural theology. Often misrepresented as a fruitless human attempt to comprehend God, (...)
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    The Natural Sciences and the Social Sciences: Some Critical and Historical Perspectives.I. Bernard Cohen & Robert S. Cohen - 1994 - Springer.
    Natural Sciences and the Social Sciences contains a series of explorations of the different ways in which the social sciences have interacted with the natural sciences. Usually, such interactions are considered to go only `one way': from the natural to the social sciences. But there are several important essays in this volume which show how developments in the social sciences have affected the natural sciences - even the `hard' science of physics. Other essays deal with various types of interaction since (...)
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  16. (1 other version)The nature of historical inquiry.Leonard Mendes Marsak - 1970 - New York,: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
    History and chronicle, by B. Croce.--History as a system, by J. Ortega y Gasset.--The idea of history, by R. G. Collingwood.--The historian's purpose; history and metahistory, by A. Bullock.--What are historians trying to do? By H. Pirenne.--What are historical facts? By C. Becker.--The concept of scientific history, by I. Berlin.--Reason in history, by G. W. F. Hegel.--The hedgehog and the fox, by I. Berlin.--What is history? By E. H. Carr.--Faith and history, by R. Niebuhr.--The world and the west, by (...)
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  17. Historical case studies: Teaching the nature of science in context.Allan R. Irwin - 2000 - Science Education 84 (1):5-26.
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    (1 other version)Natural-historical diagrams: the 'new global'movement and the biological invariant.Paolo Virno - 2009 - Cosmos and History 5 (1):92-104.
    This article puts forward the thesis that the contemporary global movement against capitalism, and the post-Fordist regime it is responding to, is best understood in terms of the emergence of ‘human nature’ as the crux of political struggle. According to Virno, the biological invariant has become the raw material of social praxis because the capitalist relation of production mobilizes to its advantage, in a historically unprecedented way, the species-specific prerogatives of Homo sapiens. Through the concept of ‘natural-historical diagrams’, (...)
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  19. “Clarifying the nature of the infinite”: The development of metamathematics and proof theory.Jeremy Avigad - manuscript
    We discuss the development of metamathematics in the Hilbert school, and Hilbert’s proof-theoretic program in particular. We place this program in a broader historical and philosophical context, especially with respect to nineteenth century developments in mathematics and logic. Finally, we show how these considerations help frame our understanding of metamathematics and proof theory today.
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    The Distortion of Nature's Image: Reification and the Ecological Crisis.Damian Gerber - 2019 - SUNY Press.
    The global ecological crisis is upon us. From global warming to the long-term implications of ocean acidification, air and water pollution, deforestation, and the omnipresent dangers of nuclear technology the future of our planetary home is threatened. Yet in the midst of the unfolding crisis, the conventional ideologies of the twentieth century and their representations of nature remain unchallenged by both the defenders of capitalism and capitalism's most radical critics. The Distortion of Nature's Image illustrates how the anti-naturalism (...)
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    The Historical-philosophical Horizon and the Forming of the Notion of Nature in Schelling’s The Essay on Freedom.Goran Baksa - 2020 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 40 (1):79-90.
    The Essay on Freedom represents a milestone in the philosophy of F. W. J. Schelling. Although Schelling already deviated from a strictly idealistic framework with his philosophy of nature, notably from that of Kant and Fichte, because he was seeking a moment of self-positing activity of the absolute subject in the object itself, it was only with The Essay on Freedom that he stepped out of that framework. The central point considered is an introduction of the second principle that (...)
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  22. Intentional transfer in averroes, indifference of nature in avicenna, and the issue of the representationalism of Aquinas.Gyula Klima - manuscript
    Is Aquinas a representationalist or a direct realist? Max Herrera’s (and, for that matter, Claude Panaccio’s) qualified answers to each alternative show that the real significance of the question is not that if we answer it, then we can finally learn under which classification Aquinas should fall, but rather that upon considering it we can learn something about the intricacies of the question itself. In these comments I will first argue that the Averroistic notion of “intentional transfer”, combined with the (...)
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    The Dialogical Roots of Deduction: Historical, Cognitive, and Philosophical Perspectives on Reasoning.Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This comprehensive account of the concept and practices of deduction is the first to bring together perspectives from philosophy, history, psychology and cognitive science, and mathematical practice. Catarina Dutilh Novaes draws on all of these perspectives to argue for an overarching conceptualization of deduction as a dialogical practice: deduction has dialogical roots, and these dialogical roots are still largely present both in theories and in practices of deduction. Dutilh Novaes' account also highlights the deeply human and in fact social (...) of deduction, as embedded in actual human practices; as such, it presents a highly innovative account of deduction. The book will be of interest to a wide range of readers, from advanced students to senior scholars, and from philosophers to mathematicians and cognitive scientists. (shrink)
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    A Treatise of Human Nature: 2 Volume Set.David Hume - 2007 - Oxford University Press UK.
    David and Mary Norton present the definitive scholarly edition of Hume's Treatise, one of the greatest philosophical works ever written. This set comprises the two volumes of texts and editorial material, which are also available for purchase separately. David Hume is one of the greatest of philosophers. Today he probably ranks highest of all British philosophers in terms of influence and philosophical standing. His philosophical work ranges across morals, the mind, metaphysics, epistemology, religion, and aesthetics; he had broad interests not (...)
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    Marx and human nature: refutation of a legend.Norman Geras - 1983 - London: Verso.
    “Marx did not reject the idea of a human nature. He was right not to do so.” That is the conclusion of this passionate and polemical new work by Norman Geras. In it, he places the sixth of Marx’s Theses on Feuerbach under rigorous scrutiny. He argues that this ambiguous statement—widely cited as evidence that Marx broke with all conceptions of human nature in 1845—must be read in the context of Marx’s work as a whole. His later writings (...)
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    The Nature of Sympathy.Max Scheler - 1954 - Transaction Publishers.
    Explores, at different levels, the social emotions of fellow-feeling, the sense of identity, love and hatred, and traces their relationship to one another and to the values with which they are associated. This book reviews the evaluations of love and sympathy in different historical periods and in different social and religious environments.
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  27. The artful mind meets art history: Toward a psycho-historical framework for the science of art appreciation.Nicolas J. Bullot & Rolf Reber - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (2):123-137.
    Research seeking a scientific foundation for the theory of art appreciation has raised controversies at the intersection of the social and cognitive sciences. Though equally relevant to a scientific inquiry into art appreciation, psychological and historical approaches to art developed independently and lack a common core of theoretical principles. Historicists argue that psychological and brain sciences ignore the fact that artworks are artifacts produced and appreciated in the context of unique historical situations and artistic intentions. After revealing flaws (...)
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    The Nature of Historical Research and Scientometric Methodology.Ashot Gevorgyan & Davit Mosinyan - 2024 - Conatus 9 (1):33-43.
    Historiography regularly encounters a crisis. This is mainly due to methodological reasons. History is not a representation of the past based on some archival materials because, firstly, the past is not available, secondly, the past, and therefore the present and the future, cannot be thought anew, and the historical research will not find new facts. New methods are needed to rethink the idea of the past. Recently, indicators of the development of science are in academic journals. Therefore, their analysis (...)
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    The nature of historical thinking.Robert Capner Stover - 1967 - New York: Garland.
    This unified treatment of principal themes in the area of the philosophy of history is an attempt to combine important insights scattered among books and articles published during recent decades and to coordinate the various approaches to the nature of history associated with positivism, analytical philosophy, pragmatism, and phenomenology. Originally published in 1967. A UNC Press Enduring Edition -- UNC Press Enduring Editions use the latest in digital technology to make available again books from our distinguished backlist that were (...)
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    "Stranded on the Shores of History"? Monuments and (Art-)Historical Awareness.Jakub Stejskal - forthcoming - History and Theory.
    Can past agents deliberately influence our historical awareness by designing objects’ appearances and sending them to us down the stream of time? We know they have certainly tried to do so by raising monuments. But according to an influential narrative, the efforts of these "monumentalists" are destined to fail: no monument can keep a legacy alive in perpetuity. In this article, I argue that this narrative misrepresents the nature of the monumentalists’ mission, and I set out to show (...)
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    Contemporary Perspectives on Early Modern Philosophy: Nature and Norms in Thought.Martin Lenz & Anik Waldow (eds.) - 2013 - Springer Verlag.
    Normativity has long been conceived as more properly pertaining to the domain of thought than to the domain of nature. This conception goes back to Kant and still figures prominently in contemporary epistemology, philosophy of mind and ethics. By offering a collection of new essays by leading scholars in early modern philosophy and specialists in contemporary philosophy, this volume goes beyond the point where nature and normativity came apart, and challenges the well-established opposition between these all too neatly (...)
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    Natural Historical Attitude: Objectivity Before Truth Book Review: Turner D. Making Prehistory: Historical Science and the Scientific Realism Debate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. [REVIEW]Nikita Golovko - 2022 - Siberian Journal of Philosophy 20 (4):127-140.
    Derek Turner believes that a proper interpretation of Arthur Fine’s natural ontological attitude can help to reveal the nature of the difference between «historical» (geology, archeology, forensics) and «empirical» (physics, chemistry) sciences. From his point of view, the apparent asymmetry between these sciences is a consequence of different understanding of the possibilities to «manipulate» the objects of study and the role played by background theories. In our opinion, Turner’s concept is a good example of how profound and inviting (...)
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  33. Aquinas on peter lombard and the metaphysical status of Christ's human nature.Jason La West - 2007 - Gregorianum 88 (3):557-586.
    Some scholars argue that Aquinas inconsistently characterizes Christ's human nature as both common and individual. This study shows the consistency of his position by placing it in its historical and metaphysical context. In light of Aquinas' reaction to Peter Lombard's «three theories» of the Incarnation, it is shown that this objection is based on an inaccurate account of how the different ways of understanding the human nature are related to the supposit.
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    Second Nature and Historical Change in Hegel’s Philosophy of History.Simon Lumsden - 2016 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 24 (1):74-94.
    Hegel’s philosophy of history is fundamentally concerned with how shapes of life collapse and transition into new shapes of life. One of the distinguishing features of Hegel’s concern with how a shape of life falls apart and becomes inadequate is the role that habit plays in the transition. A shape of life is an embodied form of existence for Hegel. The animating concepts of a shape of life are affectively inscribed on subjects through complex cultural processes. This paper examines the (...)
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  35. The Nature of Society: Historical Materialism.John Somerville - 2005 - Nature, Society, and Thought 18 (1):81-120.
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    Rethinking Order: After the Laws of Nature.Nancy Cartwright & Keith Ward (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Bloomsbury.
    This book presents a radical new picture of natural order. The Newtonian idea of a cosmos ruled by universal and exceptionless laws has been superseded; replaced by a conception of nature as a realm of diverse powers, potencies, and dispositions, a 'dappled world'. There is order in nature, but it is more local, diverse, piecemeal, open, and emergent than Newton imagined. In each chapter expert authors expound the historical context of the idea of laws of nature, (...)
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  37. Natural law and historical mindedness.William Zanardi - 2004 - In Mark J. Cherry (ed.), Natural Law and the Possibility of a Global Ethics. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 101--113.
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    The Statesman's Science: History, Nature, and Law in the Political Thought of Samuel Taylor Coleridge.Pamela Edwards - 2004 - Columbia University Press.
    Author of "Kubla Khan" and the epic "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," Samuel Taylor Coleridge is remembered principally for his contributions as a romantic poet. This innovative reconsideration of Coleridge's thought and career not only demonstrates his importance as a philosopher but also recovers romanticism as both an aesthetic and a political movement. Pamela Edwards radically departs from classic theories of Coleridge's development and reads his writing within the framework of a constantly shifting political and social landscape. Drawing on (...)
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    Climate Change and the Historicity of Nature in Hegel, Nishida, and Watsuji.Lucy Schultz - 2020 - Environmental Philosophy 17 (2):271-290.
    While the existence of nature distinct from human influence becomes evermore suspect, within the natural sciences, human beings are increasingly understood in naturalistic terms. The collision of the human and natural, both within conceptual discourse and the reality of climate change may be considered a “great event” in the Hegelian sense, that reveals a dialectic immanent within the nature/culture distinction. Nishida’s notion of “historical nature,” Watsuji’s unique conception of climate, and the traditional satoyama landscapes of Japan (...)
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  40. Historical and Structural Approaches in the Natural and Human Sciences.J. W. McAllister - unknown
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  41. Anchors in a Boundless Sea: Human Nature, History and Religion as Sources of Coherence in the Political Philosophy of Michael Oakeshott.Paul T. Foster - 2003 - Dissertation, The Catholic University of America
    This study argues that a much richer and more coherent account of Michael Oakeshott's political philosophy is gained by examining it in light of three customary sources for ordering human experience: human nature, religion and history. While the historical character of Oakeshott's thought has been readily recognized, too often the roles of human nature and religion have been neglected by commentators, leading to an impoverished account of his work. And even regarding history, there has been confusion concerning (...)
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    Science incarnate: historical embodiments of natural knowledge.Christopher Lawrence & Steven Shapin (eds.) - 1998 - Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press.
    Ever since Greek antiquity "disembodied knowledge" has often been taken as synonymous with "objective truth." Yet we also have very specific mental images of the kinds of bodies that house great minds--the ascetic philosopher versus the hearty surgeon, for example. Does truth have anything to do with the belly? What difference does it make to the pursuit of knowledge whether Einstein rode a bicycle, Russell was randy, or Darwin flatulent? Bringing body and knowledge into such intimate contact is occasionally seen (...)
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  43. Natural science and belief in a creator: historical notes.Ernan McMullin - 1988 - In Robert J. Russell, William R. Stoeger & George V. Coyne (eds.), Physics, philosophy, and theology: a common quest for understanding. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press [distributor]. pp. 49--79.
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  44. A Historically Informed Defence of the Multiple-Relation Theory of Judgment [review of Samuel Lebens, Bertrand Russell and the Nature of Propositions: a History and Defense of the Multiple Relation Theory of Judgement ].Landon D. C. Elkind - 2018 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 38:89-96.
    Book Review: Samuel Lebens (2017) "Bertrand Russell and the Nature of Propositions: a History and Defense of the Multiple Relation Theory of Judgement".
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    Nature Mathematized: Historical and Philosophical Case Studies in Classical Modern Natural Philosophy : Papers Deriving from the Third International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science, Montreal, Canada, 1980.William R. Shea - 1983
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  46. Defending the pure causal-historical theory of reference fixing for natural kind terms.Jaakko Tapio Reinikainen - 2024 - Synthese 203 (131):1-15.
    According to the causal-historical theory of reference, natural kind terms refer in virtue of complicated causal relations the speakers have to their environment. A common objection to the theory is that purely causal relations are insufficient to fix reference in a determinate fashion. The so-called hybrid view holds that what is also needed for successful fixing are true descriptions associated in the mind of the speaker with the referent. The main claim of this paper is that the objection fails: (...)
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    Replacing humans with machines: a historical look at technology politics in California agriculture.Patrick Baur & Alastair Iles - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-28.
    Media outlets, industry researchers, and policy-makers are today busily extolling new robotic advances that promise to transform agriculture, bringing us ever closer to self-farming farms. Yet such techno-optimist discourse ignores the cautionary lessons of past attempts to mechanize farms. Adapting the Social Construction of Technology framework, we trace the history of efforts to replace human labor with machine labor on fruit, nut, and vegetable farms in California between 1945 and 1980—a place and time during which a post-WWII culture of faith (...)
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    Justice, Nature and the Geography of Difference David Harvey Cambridge.Elmar Altvater - 1998 - Historical Materialism 2 (1):225-235.
  49. The need for the historical understanding of nature in physics and chemistry.Leo Näpinen - 2006 - Foundations of Chemistry 9 (1):65-84.
    During the last decades the physico-chemical conception of self-organization of chemical systems has been created. The chemical systems in natural-historical processes do not have any creator: they rise up from irreversible processes by self-organization. The issue of self-organization in physics has led to a new interpretation of the laws of nature. As Ilya Prigogine has shown, they do not express certainties but possibilities and describe a world that must be understood in a historical way. In the new (...)
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    Kant's Transcendental Deduction: An Analytic-Historical Commentary.Henry E. Allison - 2015 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Henry E. Allison presents an analytical and historical commentary on Kant`s transcendental deduction of the pure concepts of the understanding in the Critique of Pure Reason. He argues that, rather than providing a new solution to an old problem, it addresses a new problem, and he traces the line of thought that led Kant to the recognition of the significance of this problem in his 'pre-critical' period. In addition to the developmental nature of the account of Kant`s views (...)
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