Results for 'guardianship'

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  1.  59
    Normativity, guardianship, and the elderly.Lorraine Y. Landry - 1999 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 20 (1):69-84.
    The concept of guardianship, its associated principles, distinctions, and articulation of the legal needs of the elderly are introduced via a review of well-canvassed criticisms of Canadian guardianship legislation. Claims that the reformed legislation of Alberta, Quebec, and British Columbia represent models of adequate adult guardianship compared with traditional (archaic lunacy) law are examined. This paper argues that these renovated models exhibit a dubious normative advance over traditional legislation. Specifically, the normative presuppositions of the reformed legislation, such (...)
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  2.  36
    Guardianship Before and Following Hospitalization.Jennifer Moye, Andrew B. Cohen, Kelly Stolzmann, Elizabeth J. Auguste, Casey C. Catlin, Zachary S. Sager, Rachel E. Weiskittle, Cindy B. Woolverton, Heather L. Connors & Jennifer L. Sullivan - 2023 - HEC Forum 35 (3):271-292.
    When ethics committees are consulted about patients who have or need court-appointed guardians, they lack empirical evidence about several common issues, including the relationship between guardianship and prolonged, potentially medically unnecessary hospitalizations for patients. To provide information about this issue, we conducted quantitative and qualitative analyses using a retrospective cohort from Veterans Healthcare Administration. To examine the relationship between guardianship appointment and hospital length of stay, we first compared 116 persons hospitalized prior to guardianship appointment to a (...)
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    Guardianship and Clinical Research Participation: The Case of Wards with Disorders of Consciousness.Megan S. Wright, Michael R. Ulrich & Joseph J. Fins - 2017 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 27 (1):43-70.
    Incapacitated adults with a legally appointed guardian or conservator may be recruited for or involved with medical, behavioral, or social science research. Much of the research in which such persons participate is aimed at evaluating medical interventions for them, or contributing to general knowledge about disorders from which they may suffer. In this paper we will consider how the appointment of guardians for patients with disorders of consciousness —severe brain injuries that affect a patient’s level of arousal and ability to (...)
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    Maternal guardianship by “nature” and “nurture”: Eighteenth-century Chancery Court Records and Clarissa.Cheryl L. Nixon - 2001 - Intertexts 5 (2):128-155.
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    The UN Challenge to Guardianship and Surrogate Decision‐Making.Rebecca Dresser - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (2):4-6.
    Hastings Center Report, Volume 52, Issue 2, Page 4-6, March‐April 2022.
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    Reasons for Companion Animal Guardianship (Pet Ownership) from Two Populations.Sara Staats, Heidi Wallace & Tara Anderson - 2008 - Society and Animals 16 (3):279-291.
    The purpose of this study is to extend and replicate previously published results from a random probability sample of university faculty. The sample assessed reasons given for companion-animal guardianship and for belief in the beneficial health effects of owning pets. In this replication and extension design, these two non-random samples responded to the same questionnaire items as those addressed to university faculty. Results indicated that avoidance of loneliness was the most frequent reason for owning pets among both students and (...)
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  7.  13
    How the Guardianship System Can Help Address Gun Violence.Nina A. Kohn - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (S4):133-136.
    This article shows how state guardianship law can provide a mechanism for courts to reduce gun violence by removing the right to possess firearms from individuals found, after hearing and due process, to be incapable of safely possessing them. It explores how this often overlooked body of law not only complements extreme risk protection orders where they exist, but can also be used to accomplish a portion of what such orders are designed to do in states that have not (...)
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  8.  20
    Guardianship, Paternalism and the Mentally Handicapped.Robert Young - 1983 - Monash Bioethics Review 2 (4):8-11.
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    The VLRC report on guardianship and catholic teaching.Kevin McGovern - 2011 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 17 (4):1.
    McGovern, Kevin The Victorian Law Reform Commission's Report on Guardianship contains many findings and recommendations about Advance Care Planning. This article considers the most significant of these from the perspective of the teaching of the Catholic Church.
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    From Sovereignty to Guardianship in Ecoregions.Alejandra Mancilla - 2023 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 40 (4):608-623.
    Recent scientific studies suggest that the destabilisation of the earth's climate and biodiversity loss are not separate, but interdependent phenomena. In this context, some have proposed the creation of a ‘Global Safety Net’ of ecoregions that should be preserved to stop further biodiversity loss, preventing at the same time the growth of CO2 emissions produced by deforestation and allowing natural carbon removal. In this article, I suggest that a first step to achieve this might be to replace permanent sovereignty over (...)
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  11. Dementia, autonomy and guardianship for the old.Margaret Isabel Hall - 2014 - In Charles Foster, Jonathan Herring & Israel Doron, The law and ethics of dementia. Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
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    Importance of the advance directive and the beginning of the dying process from the point of view of German doctors and judges dealing with guardianship matters: results of an empirical survey.B. van Oorschot & A. Simon - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (11):623-626.
    Objectives: To analyse and compare the surveys on German doctors and judges on end of life decision making regarding their attitudes on the advance directive and on the dying process.Design: The respondents were to indicate their agreement or disagreement to eight statements on the advance directive and to specify their personal view on the beginning of the dying process.Participants: 727 doctors in three federal states and 469 judges dealing with guardianship matters all over Germany.Main measurements: Comparisons of means, analyses (...)
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  13.  34
    Al‐e Ahmad, guardianship, and the critique of colonial sovereignty.Eskandar Sadeghi-Boroujerdi & Yaacov Yadgar - 2022 - Constellations 29 (1):19-33.
    Constellations, Volume 29, Issue 1, Page 19-33, March 2022.
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    Trends in Guardianship Reform: Implications for the Medical and Legal Professions.Penelope A. Hommel, Lu-In Wang & James A. Bergman - 1990 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 18 (3):213-226.
  15.  25
    From Hosting Words to Hosting Civilizations: Towards a Theory of ‘Guardianship’ and ‘Deep Hospitality’.Tamara Albertini - 2023 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 93:231-254.
    In this paper, I cover some ideas first developed during a research year that took me, among other countries, to Bulgaria, where I enjoyed a Fulbright scholarship in 2018–2019. At a conference in Plovdiv (ancient Philippopolis), I gave a talk entitled ‘Neither Clash Nor Dialogue: We Are Each Other's Guardians’.2 A journalist in the audience became irritated and asked me, ‘What do you mean by “neither/nor”? What else is there?’ I answered that the explanation was in the subtitle ‘We Are (...)
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    Who Guards the Guardians?: Intercultural Dialogue on Environmental Guardianship.Peter Raine - 2003 - Upa.
    This book attempts to link ecology, philosophy, and theology through an exploration of a new model of intercultural dialogue. Case studies provide practical and theoretical applications, which lead to a deeper understanding of not only environmental guardianships but also the fundamental relationship between human beings and nature's being.
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  17. Tails of laughter: A pilot study examining the relationship between companion animal guardianship (pet ownership) and laughter.Robin Maria Valeri - 2006 - Society and Animals 14 (3):275.
    A pilot study examined the relationship in daily life between companion animal guardianship and peoples' laughter. The study divided participants into 4 mutually exclusive groups: dog owners, cat owners, people who owned both dogs and cats, and people who owned neither. For one day, participants recorded in "laughter" logs the frequency and source of their laughter and the presence of others when laughing. Dog owners and people who owned both dogs and cats reported laughing more frequently than cat owners, (...)
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  18.  52
    The understanding of well-being in German guardianship law – an analysis on the occasion of the term’s removal from the reformed law.Esther Braun, Jakov Gather, Tanja Henking, Jochen Vollmann & Matthé Scholten - 2022 - Ethik in der Medizin 34 (4):515-528.
    Definition of the problem The reform of German guardianship law coming into force in 2023 will remove the term “well-being” from the law. This is intended to emphasise that the legal guardian should be guided by the subjective wishes of the person rather than by an objective understanding of well-being. This article analyses the understanding of well-being underlying the reformed guardianship law in comparison to common conceptions of well-being in philosophy and medical ethics, aiming to promote interdisciplinary understanding (...)
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  19.  53
    Acceptability of compulsory powers in the community: the ethical considerations of mental health service users on Supervised Discharge and Guardianship.K. Canvin - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (8):457-462.
    Objectives: To explore mental health service users’ views of existing and proposed compulsory powers.Design: A qualitative study employing in-depth interviews. Participants were asked to respond to hypothetical questions regarding the application of compulsory powers under the Mental Health Act 1983 for people other than themselves.Setting: Community setting in Southeast England.Participants: Mental health service users subject to Supervised Discharge/Guardianship.Results: Participants considered that the use of compulsory powers was justified if there were some ultimate benefit, and if there was evidence of (...)
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  20.  30
    Indigenizing Philosophy on Stolen Lands: A Worry about Settler Philosophical Guardianship.Anna Cook - 2022 - The Pluralist 17 (1):34-44.
    in canada, after the publication of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s final report on the Indian Residential Schools, universities and town halls have been flooded with questions about how they are going to implement its ninety-four calls to action and how they are going to promote reconciliation on stolen lands.1 Many universities have taken heed of the call to “Indigenize” their curricula.2 The worry remains, however, that the language of reconciliation is empty rhetoric that “metaphorizes” decolonization, rather than responding to (...)
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  21.  28
    Functional Evaluation of the Elderly in Guardianship Proceedings.Bobbe Shapiro Nolan - 1984 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 12 (5):210-218.
  22.  16
    Your consent is not required: the rise in psychiatric detentions, forced treatment, and abusive guardianships.Rob Wipond - 2023 - Dallas, TX: BenBella Books.
    In the first work of investigative journalism in decades to give a comprehensive view into contemporary psychiatric incarceration and forced interventions, Your Consent Is Not Required exposes how rising numbers of people from many walks of life are being subjected against their will to surveillance, indefinite detention, and powerful tranquilizing drugs, restraints, seclusion, and electroshock.
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  23. Robert Dahl, Controlling Nuclear Weapons: Democracy Versus Guardianship Reviewed by.Trudy Govier - 1986 - Philosophy in Review 6 (6):265-268.
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  24. In the court cases section, the following cases are presented: Taub V. state of maryland; Chaney V. heckler; university of arizona health sciences center V. heiman; and in re: Guardianship of Andrew James Barry. [REVIEW]Center V. Heiman & R. E. In - 1984 - Bioethics Reporter 1 (1):157.
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    Illustrated Regional Guides to Ancient Monuments under the ownership or guardianship offf.M. Office of Works. Vol. II : Southern England, by W. Ormsby Gore. Pp. 88 21 plates, 1 map. London : H.M. Stationery Office, 1936. Cloth, is. (post free, is. id.). [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1936 - The Classical Review 50 (05):204-.
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    W. Ormsby Gore: Illustrated Regional Guides to Ancient Monuments under the ownership or guardianship of H.M. Office of Works. Vol. III. East Anglia and Midlands. Pp. 72; 20 plates, 1 map. London: H.M. Stationery Office, 1936. Cloth, is. (post-free, is. id.). [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1937 - The Classical Review 51 (04):150-.
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  27.  9
    Модель соціально-педагогічного осмислення роботи з опікунською сім'єю в загальноосвітній середній школі.Л. М Федорова - 2016 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 65:212-220.
    The attention is focused in the article on that in recent years more and more attention gets alternative forms of guardianship – orphanages of family type, foster and guardian families. Author specifies that a fast development of family forms of social protection of children that are needed rethinking of views on foster families, investigating of peculiarities of their functioning and also specifics of social-pedagogical work with guardians in educational institutions. It is considered the peculiarities of foster families and revealed (...)
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  28.  46
    (1 other version)Agency and moral relationship in dementia.Bruce Jennings - 2009 - Metaphilosophy 40 (3-4):425-437.
    This essay examines the goals of care and the exercise of guardianship authority in the long-term care of persons with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of chronic, progressive dementia. It counters philosophical views that deny both agency and personhood to individuals with Alzheimer's on definitional or analytic conceptual grounds. It develops a specific conception of the quality of life and offers a critique of hedonic conceptions of quality of life and models of guardianship that are based on a (...)
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  29.  90
    Hospital-Based Medical-Legal Partnerships for Complex Care Patients: Intersectionality and Ethics Considerations.Megha Garg, Jennifer Oliva, Alice Lu, Marlene Martin & Sarah Hooper - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (4):764-770.
    Health systems are integrating medical-legal partnerships (MLPs) into clinical care and increasingly center “complex care” patients. These patients have intersecting medical and social needs and often face systemic inequities that exacerbate their chronic health conditions. This paper describes a role for MLPs in hospital quality initiatives; examines the ethics of MLPs assisting with guardianship and institutionalization of hospital patients including marginalized groups; and advocates for MLP interventions designed to address intersectional and ethical concerns.
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    Getting the Balance Right: Conceptual Considerations Concerning Legal Capacity and Supported Decision-Making.Malcolm Parker - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (3):381-393.
    The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities urges and requires changes to how signatories discharge their duties to people with intellectual disabilities, in the direction of their greater recognition as legal persons with expanded decision-making rights. Australian jurisdictions are currently undertaking inquiries and pilot projects that explore how these imperatives should be implemented. One of the important changes advocated is to move from guardianship models to supported or assisted models of decision-making. A driving force behind (...)
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  31. The principle of liberty and legal representation of posterity.Kristian Skagen Ekeli - 2006 - Res Publica 12 (4):385-409.
    This paper considers a guardianship model for the legal representation of future generations. According to this model, national and international courts should be given the competence to appoint guardians for future generations, if agents who care about the welfare of posterity apply for the creation of a guardianship in relation to a dispute that can be resolved by the application of law. This reform would grant guardians of future people legal standing or locus standi before courts, that is, (...)
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    Supported Decision Making With People at the Margins of Autonomy.Andrew Peterson, Jason Karlawish & Emily Largent - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (11):4-18.
    This article argues that supported decision making is ideal for people with dynamic cognitive and functional impairments that place them at the margins of autonomy. First, we argue that guardianship and similar surrogate decision-making frameworks may be inappropriate for people with dynamic impairments. Second, we provide a conceptual foundation for supported decision making for individuals with dynamic impairments, which integrates the social model of disability with relational accounts of autonomy. Third, we propose a three-step model that specifies the necessary (...)
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  33.  84
    Children and democracy: Theory and policy.Francis Schrag - 2004 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 3 (3):365-379.
    This article identifies four approaches to arguing for democracy, showing that none has an adequate way of supporting both full adult inclusion and the exclusion of children. I focus in Section 2 on the arguments of David Estlund and Thomas Christiano, showing that their arguments against guardianship call into question the exclusion of children from the franchise. In Section 3, I explain why the exclusion of children constitutes an injustice, and in the final section, I consider two approaches to (...)
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    (1 other version)Equality, freedom, and/or justice for all: A response to Martha Nussbaum.Michael Bérubé - 2009 - Metaphilosophy 40 (3-4):352-365.
    This essay is a reply to Martha Nussbaum's “Capabilities and Disabilities.” It endorses Nussbaum's critique of the social‐contract tradition and proposes that it might be productively contrasted with Michael Walzer's critique of John Rawls in Spheres of Justice. It notes that Nussbaum's emphasis on surrogacy and guardianship with regard to people with severe and profound cognitive disabilities poses a challenge to disability studies, insofar as the field tends to emphasize the self‐representation of people with disabilities and to concentrate primarily (...)
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  35. Paper: A new law on advance directives in Germany.U. Wiesing, R. J. Jox, H.-J. Heßler & G. D. Borasio - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (12):779-783.
    This article presents the new German law on advance directives from 1 September 2009. The history of the parliamentary process of this law is described, the present regulations are explained, their relevance for medical practice discussed and shortcomings are identified. Finally, the new law is compared with other regulations in the international context. Previously established legal practice in Germany has now become largely confirmed by the new law: An advanced directive must be respected in any decision concerning medical treatment, regardless (...)
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  36. Odera Oruka on Culture Philosophy and its role in the S.M. Otieno Burial Trial.Gail Presbey - 2017 - In Reginald M. J. Oduor, Oriare Nyarwath & Francis E. A. Owakah, Odera Oruka in the Twenty-first Century. Washington, DC: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy. pp. 99-118.
    This paper focuses on evaluating Odera Oruka’s role as an expert witness in customary law for the Luo community during the Nairobi, Kenya-based trial in 1987 to decide on the place of the burial of S.M. Otieno. During that trial, an understanding of Luo burial and widow guardianship (ter) practices was essential. Odera Oruka described the practices carefully and defended them against misunderstanding and stereotype. He revisited related topics in several delivered papers, published articles, and even interviews and columns (...)
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  37. Proceduralism and the epistemic dilemma of Supreme Courts.Federica Liveriero & Daniele Santoro - 2017 - Social Epistemology 31 (3):310-323.
    Proceduralists hold that democracy has a non-instrumental value consisting in the ideal of equality incorporated by fair procedures. Yet, proceduralism does not imply that every outcome of a democratic procedure is fair per se. In the non-ideal setting of constitutional democracies, government and legislative decisions may result from factional conflicts, or depend on majoritarian dictatorships. In these circumstances, Supreme Courts provide a guardianship against contested outcomes by enacting mechanisms of checks and balances, constitutional interpretation and judicial review. Yet, in (...)
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  38.  13
    Critical perspectives on coercive interventions: law, medicine and society.Claire Spivakovsky (ed.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    Coercive medico-legal interventions are often employed to prevent people deemed to be unable to make competent decisions about their health, such as minors, people with mental illness, disability or problematic alcohol or other drug use, from harming themselves or others. These interventions can entail major curtailments of individuals' liberty and bodily integrity, and may cause significant harm and distress. The use of coercive medico-legal interventions can also serve competing social interests that raise profound ethical, legal and clinical questions. Examining the (...)
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  39.  21
    Dare to Know, or the Gospel According to Kant.Sergey N. Gradirovsky - 2023 - Kantian Journal 42 (2):141-170.
    In the course of a close analysis of Kant’s essay in which he gives his original answer to the question, “What is Enlightenment?” I examine the causes and consequences of the theses about Enlightenment which makes a plea for emancipation from the shackles of guardianship, above all by getting rid of one’s own cowardice. In search of an answer to the question, “What is the real reason of self-incurred immaturity?” I consider the bifurcation: Is it all about unjust social (...)
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  40.  27
    Supported Decision-making: The CRPD, Non-Discrimination, and Strategies for Recognizing Persons’ Choices About their Good.Leslie Francis - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Disability 1:57-77.
    People with cognitive impairments often have difficulties formulating, understanding, or articulating decisions that others judge reasonable. The frequent response shifts decision-making authority to substitutes through advance directives of the person or guardianship orders from a court. The Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities defends supported decision-making as an alternative to such forms of supplanted decision-making. But supported decision-making raises both metaphysical questions—what is required for a decision to be the person’s own?—and epistemological questions: how do we know (...)
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  41.  88
    The Barnes Case: Taking Difficult Futility Cases Public.Ruth A. Mickelsen, Daniel S. Bernstein, Mary Faith Marshall & Steven H. Miles - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (1):374-378.
    The recent Minnesota case of In re Emergency Guardianship of Albert Barnes illustrates an emerging class of cases where a dispute between a family proxy and a hospital over “medical futility” requires legal resolution. The case was further complicated by the patient’s spouse who fraudulently claimed to be the patient’s designated health care proxy and who misrepresented the patient’s previously expressed treatment preferences. Barnes demonstrates the degree of significant administrative and institutional support to the health care team, ethics consultants, (...)
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  42.  19
    Legal Briefing: Adult Orphans and the Unbefriended: Making Medical Decisions for Unrepresented Patients without Surrogates.Thaddeus Mason Pope - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 26 (2):180-188.
    This issue’s “Legal Briefing” column covers recent legal developments involving medical decision making for incapacitated patients who have no available legally authorized surrogate decision maker. These individuals are frequently referred to either as “adult orphans” or as “unbefriended,” “isolated,” or “unrepresented” patients. The challenges involved in obtaining consent for medical treatment on behalf of these individuals have been the subject of major policy reports. Indeed, caring for the unbefriended has even been described as the “single greatest category of problems” encountered (...)
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  43.  32
    Unbefriended, Uninvited: How End-of-Life Doulas Can Address Ethical and Procedural Gaps for Unrepresented Patients and Ensure Equal Access to the “Good Death”.Adele Flaherty & Anna Meurer - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (1):55-61.
    In response to a global population with increasingly complex issues at the end of life, a movement in the U.S. has emerged incorporating doulas into end-of-life care. These end-of-life (EOL) doulas are not just focused on the quality of life, but also the quality of death. Like birth doulas, who provide support for pregnant patients and their families, EOL doulas help alleviate physical and mental discomfort in those who are dying. In this paper, we explore the role of EOL doulas (...)
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    The fetish economy of sex and gender activism: transnational appropriation and allyship.L. L. Wynn & Saffaa Hassanein - 2023 - Feminist Theory 24 (2):125-150.
    This article examines what happens when local gender rights activism is taken up by international allies and appropriators, using case studies of activism in Saudi Arabia and India. The relationship between local and transnational activists is shaped by histories of Euro-Americans writing about the gendered organisation of Eastern societies. In an economic system where nongovernmental activist groups compete for donor support, political causes are commodities with value, and value is generated through representations (e.g. of patriarchal oppression). These representations of the (...)
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    Holding personal information in a disease-specific register: the perspectives of people with multiple sclerosis and professionals on consent and access.W. Baird, R. Jackson, H. Ford, N. Evangelou, M. Busby, P. Bull & J. Zajicek - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (2):92-96.
    Objective: To determine the views of people with multiple sclerosis (MS) and professionals in relation to confidentiality, consent and access to data within a proposed MS register in the UK. Design: Qualitative study using focus groups (10) and interviews (13). Setting: England and Northern Ireland. Participants: 68 people with MS, neurologists, MS nurses, health services management professionals, researchers, representatives from pharmaceutical companies and social care professionals. Results: People with MS expressed open and altruistic views towards the use of their personal (...)
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    Yet Life Keeps Coming.Patricia Romanowski Bashe - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (3):183-187.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Yet Life Keeps ComingPatricia Romanowski BasheWhile the guidance offered to authors of commentary articles suggests they not write about their personal experiences, the fact is, I would not be here were it not for my personal experience as the mother of a young man with autism spectrum disorder and other diagnoses. Though I left a successful writing career to become a special education teacher and then a Board Certified (...)
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    Better off without Parents? Legal and Ethical Questions concerning Refugee Children in Germany.Annette Dufner & Lars Hillmann - 2017 - Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 45 (2):1-18.
    Refugee migration to Europe reached peak levels in 2015. During this time, more than 260,000 children applied for asylum in Germany; over 40,000 of whom arrived without parents or other legal guardians. This article takes a broadly descriptive legal approach to focus on the resulting legal and ethical problems in Germany, and to highlight a variety of ethically relevant issues within the legal system. In particular, refugee children below the legal age of 18, have special needs with regard to health (...)
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  48.  21
    Burning beds and political stasis: Bernard Stiegler and the entropic nature of Australian anti-reflexivity.Kristy Forrest - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (5):557-567.
    The entropic state that engulfed the East Coast of Australia in the first eight months of 2020 followed thirty years of uninterrupted economic growth and 10 years of tenuous federal governments divided on the question of climate change. The twin geophysical crises of catastrophic bushfires and the COVID-19 pandemic have led to a public reckoning around our guardianship of the environment, as well as our relationship with science and indigenous knowledge. Congruent with this was the rapid transformation of both (...)
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    State ideology and the legitimation of authoritarianism: The case of post-soviet uzbekistan.Andrew F. March - unknown
    This article analyses the rhetorical legitimation strategy of post-Soviet Uzbekistan under Islam Karimov as an authoritarian state. I show that the most important mode of legitimation in this case is neither the consequentialist appeal to stability, order or welfare, nor a direct appeal to guardianship, i.e., special knowledge. Rather, Karimov and his court intellectuals seek to advance a conception of 'ideology' as the comprehensive pre-political consensus of the political community. Their concept of 'ideology' is used to advance a political (...)
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    Knowledge and Power in the Philosophies of Ḥamīd Al-Dīn Kirmānī and Mullā Ṣadrā Shīrāzī.Sayeh Meisami - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book is a comparative study of two major Shīʿī thinkers Ḥamīd al-Dīn Kirmānī from the Fatimid Egypt and Mullā Ṣadrā from the Safavid Iran, demonstrating the mutual empowerment of discourses on knowledge formation and religio-political authority in certain Ismaʿili and Twelver contexts. The book investigates concepts, narratives, and arguments that have contributed to the generation and development of the discourse on the absolute authority of the imam and his representatives. To demonstrate this, key passages from primary texts in Arabic (...)
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