Results for 'formation and development of Won-Hyo's reconciliatory philosophy'

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  1.  9
    The formation and development of Won-Hyo(元曉)’s reconciliatory philosophy(和諍哲學) - Centering on the Mun(門)-division thinking -. 박태원 - 2017 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 90:239-262.
    원효사상의 체계와 내용을 관통하는 원리, 원효철학의 모든 것을 직조해 내는 근본원리, 원효의 모든 통찰을 수렴하는 상위원리는 ‘통섭’이다. 통섭과 화쟁은 특히 밀접한 관계를 맺고 있다. 화쟁의 꽃이 필 때라야 통섭의 열매가 맺는다. 원효의 화쟁사상은 그 시대 불교사상계의 분열적 혼란을 해결하기 위한 미시 해석학적 방법이다. 이 글에서는 원효 화쟁철학에서 주목되는 ‘문門구분의 사유방식’을 중심으로 화쟁철학의 형성과 발전단계를 추적해 보았다. ‘문門구분을 통한 화쟁’을 중심에 두고, 다른 두 축인 ‘모든 쟁론의 인식적 토대에서 자유로울 수 있는 마음지평(一心) 열기’와 ‘언어 환각에서 풀려나 언어를 사용하기’를 양 옆에 세운 (...)
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  2. The Influence of A. J. Ayer's Philosophical Views on the Formation and Development of the Ordinary Language Philosophy.Pavlo Sobolievskyi - forthcoming - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy.
    B a c k g r o u n d. The ordinary language philosophy (OLP) is a set of interconnected philosophical approaches that have been practiced by analytical philosophers, mainly in Great Britain and the USA, since the middle of the 20th century. Its discursive space is outlined by the methodological developments and ideas of L. Wittgenstein and J. Austin, as well as the works of G. Ryall, P. Strawson, R. Hare and N. Malcolm. P. Grice and D. Davidson (...)
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    Formation and development of the philosophical anthropology studies in soviet ukraine.S. V. Rudenko & V. E. Turenko - 2019 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 16:143-156.
    Purpose of this article is the historical reconstruction of the studies in philosophical anthropology in Soviet Ukraine. Theoretical basis. In the philosophical tradition of independent Ukraine, there is an opinion that at the intersection of the 1960s and 1970s, there was an anthropological turn in the national philosophical thought. The authors provide a holistic and comprehensive reconstruction of philosophical understanding of man in the works of Ukrainian thinkers of the Soviet era. Originality. It has been proved that before the emergence (...)
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    The Emergence and Development of Oxford Philosophy as a Prerequisite for the Formation of the Ordinary Language Philosophy.Pavlo Sobolievskyi - 2024 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 1 (10):42-45.
    B a c k g r o u n d. According to a common prejudice, especially prevalent among philosophers in the continental tradition, the philosophy of everyday language (sometimes referred to as Oxford philosophy), with its focus on what we usually say and mean, fundamentally expresses a positivist attitude. Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979), who significantly contributed to the spread of this view, interprets the appeal to the concept analysis in these philosophers' writings as purely ideological: it fails to recognize (...)
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  5. On the Formation and Cultivation of Personality in Terms of the Structure of Yi-Jing.Zhen Li - 2005 - Philosophy and Culture 32 (9):155-170.
    I at ○ ○四年been published a text, and start thinking about writing a text, were divided into three: First, the concept of things like the meaning and importance of taking the second, by the natural, cultural, religious" realms that "the meaning of I Ching philosophy, three, from the" Book of Changes "structure of personality formation and develop. Because of space limitations, the first paragraph and the second at ○ ○五年April in "Philosophy and Culture" published herein, this was (...)
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    Between the grammar and the context - Review on Kim Hyung - hyo's understanding of Taoism -.Won-Jae Park - 2015 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 44:369-387.
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  7. An Inquiry Into the Formation of Chu Hsi's Moral Philosophy.Kirill Ole Thompson - 1985 - Dissertation, University of Hawai'i
    This dissertation demonstrates that Chu Hsi forged a compelling ethical theory out of his insights into the requirements of moral self-cultivation. These insights led him to realize that a person's mind forms his seat of volition and thus provides for his capacities of moral self-determination and responsibility. Understanding that a person's cultivation efforts must be focused largely on his mind, so as to transform his intentions and inform his sense of appropriateness, Chu Hsi developed his ethical theory. In ways similar (...)
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  8.  39
    The Function, Formation and Development of Signs in the Guide Dog Team’s Work.Riin Magnus - 2014 - Biosemiotics 7 (3):447-463.
    Relying on interviews and fieldwork observations, the article investigates the choice of signs made by guide dogs and their visually impaired handlers while the team is on the move. It also explores the dependence of the choice of signs on specific functions of communication and examines the changes and development of sign usage throughout the team’s work. A significant part of the team’s communication appears to be related to retaining the communicative situation itself: to the establishment of intrateam contact; (...)
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  9.  12
    Formation of the Concept of Freedom of Human Will in Philosophy of History P. Chaadayev.S. V. Shejko & O. S. Kolodiy - 2019 - Philosophical Horizons 41:19-33.
    The article deals with the peculiarities of the formation of the concept of freedom of human in the philosophy of history of Russian thinker at the beginning of the nineteenth century P. Chaadayev. Formation of spirituality and general worldview-philosophical principles in Russian philosophy at the beginning of the nineteenth century had their own peculiarities and differences from Western philosophy. Rationalism and individualism, as specific characteristics of Western philosophy did not satisfy the representatives of philosophical (...)
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    The International Element, Statehood and Democratic Nation-building: Exploring the Role of the EU and International Community in Kosovo's State-formation and State-building.Dren Doli - 2019 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book represents a unique endeavor to elucidate the story of Kosovo's unilateral quest for statehood. It is an inquiry into the international legal aspects and processes that shaped and surrounded the creation of the state of Kosovo. Being created outside the post-colonial context, Kosovo offers a unique yet controversial example of state emergence both in the theory and practice of creation of states. Accordingly, the book investigates the legal pathways, strategies, developments and policy positions of international agencies/actors and regional (...)
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  11. The humanities as conceptual practices: The formation and development of high‐impact concepts in philosophy and beyond.Philipp Haueis & Jan Slaby - 2022 - Metaphilosophy 53 (4):385-403.
    This paper proposes an analysis of the discursive dynamics of high-impact concepts in the humanities. These are concepts whose formation and development have a lasting and wide-ranging effect on research and our understanding of discursive reality in general. The notion of a conceptual practice, based on a normative conception of practice, is introduced, and practices are identified, on this perspective, according to the way their respective performances are held mutually accountable. This normative conception of practices is then combined (...)
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  12. The Background and Development of d'Holbach's Moral Philosophy.Virgil W. Topazio - 1951 - Dissertation, Columbia University
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    Formation, Reality, and Prospects of the Society of Benefits and Privileges.Петр Николаевич Кондрашов - 2023 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 66 (1):134-147.
    This review analyzes the book Rental Society: In the Shadow of Labor, Capital, and Democracy. The book’s authors consider factors and conditions for the transition from a social state and a society of mass labor to a rental type of society. The main reasons for this transformation are the depletion of resources on a global scale and the replacement of humans by machines, which entails the growth of social groups living off various forms of rent (benefits, unconditional basic income, additional (...)
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  14.  32
    Democracy without democrats, identity-formation and religions: The challenge of cross-pollinating self-perception in the post-Arabic spring contexts.Najib George Awad - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (4):522-533.
    A decade has passed since the breaking out of the ‘Arabic Spring’ revolutionary phenomena all over the Arab World’s societies. Many challenging and radically intriguing developments and ramifications have eventuated out of that era and led the Arab World’s context into unchartered territories of existence and self-understanding. This essay pauses at one of the particular challenges that faces this Sitz im Leben, namely the question of identity-formation and self-perception processes. It argues that the Arab states do manifest in their (...)
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  15.  33
    Social Philosophy and the Logic of History.D. S. Patelis - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:571-577.
    Different conceptions of social philosophy were divided and polarized in different variants: from biological reductionism (the attempt to explain social phenomena in terms of biology) to sociocentrism. The approach V. A. Vazulin’s conception of “The Logic of History” makes it possible to concretize the dialectic of the natural (including the biological) and the social. The creative development of the method of scientific investigation made it possible to reveal the inner systematic interconnection of laws and categories of social theory (...)
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  16.  27
    Dialectic and Gospel in the Development of Hegel's Thinking (review).Lawrence S. Stepelevich - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (3):540-541.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Dialectic and Gospel in the Development of Hegel’s Thinking by Stephen CritesLawrence S. StepelevichStephen Crites. Dialectic and Gospel in the Development of Hegel’s Thinking. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998. Pp. xvii + 572. Cloth, $65.00Unlike either Wittgenstein or Heidegger, or his contemporary, Schelling, there is really no “Early” or “Later” Hegel. The fundamentals of his system were, if not always fully articulated, nevertheless present (...)
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  17.  82
    The development of ethics: A historical and critical study. Volume I: From socrates to the reformation (review).Bonnie Kent - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (4):pp. 619-620.
    ‘ The Development of Ethics’ proves a rather misleading title for Terence Irwin’s latest book. He describes it more accurately as “a selective historical and critical study in the Socratic tradition, with special attention to Aristotelian naturalism, its formation, elaboration, criticism, and defence” . ‘Socratic’ refers to Irwin’s method: not merely describing “a collective Socratic inquiry” historically but also evaluating it and taking part in it . Unlike Alasdair MacIntyre and J. B. Schneewind, who think that “a moral (...)
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  18.  21
    Christian Eschatology and Social Utopias: To the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann.Aleksey A. Lagunov, Igor S. Baklanov & Svetlana Yu Ivanova - 2022 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):110-119.
    The relevance of the article is due to the fact that in the modern world, various utopian concepts do not lose their ideological strength, which for more than two centuries have significantly influenced public consciousness and have caused significant transformations in the socio-cultural life of mankind. The connection among social utopias and Christian eschatology has been noticed for a long time, and the thoughts expressed on this occasion by Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann in articles and diary entries can contribute to a (...)
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  19.  8
    Kierkegaard's Journals and Notebooks, Volume 6: Journals Nb11 - Nb14.Søren Kierkegaard - 2013 - Princeton University Press.
    For over a century, the Danish thinker Søren Kierkegaard has been at the center of a number of important discussions, concerning not only philosophy and theology, but also, more recently, fields such as social thought, psychology, and contemporary aesthetics, especially literary theory. Despite his relatively short life, Kierkegaard was an extraordinarily prolific writer, as attested to by the 26-volume Princeton University Press edition of all of his published writings. But Kierkegaard left behind nearly as much unpublished writing, most of (...)
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  20.  31
    Natural language semantics: formation and valuation.Brendan S. Gillon - 2019 - Cambridge, Massachussetts: The MIT Press.
    This textbook, which is completely self-contained and can be read by anyone with a secondary school education, is the result of the author's material prepared over the past 15 years of teaching introductory natural language semantics to graduate and undergraduate students at McGill University. The intended audience comprises undergraduate and graduate students in linguistics as well as those in philosophy, computer science and psychology with an interest in natural language semantics. The aim of the textbook is to teach the (...)
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  21. Hypothesis formation and testing in the acquisition of representationally simple concepts.Iris Oved - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (1):227-247.
    Observations from philosophy and psychology heavily favor the Empiricist tenet that many lexical concepts are learned. However, many observations also heavily favor the Nativist tenet that such concepts are representationally atomic. Fodor Representations: Philosophical essays on the foundations of cognitive science, 1981, LOT2: The language of thought revisited, 2008) has famously argued that representationally atomic concepts cannot be learned, at least not learned by hypothesis formation and testing. Concept theorists who want to preserve observations about concept learning have (...)
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  22. The Development of Sartre's Realistic Metaphysics.Mary Edwards - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 75 (3):559-586.
    This article traces the development of Sartre's metaphysics with three interrelated aims in mind. The first is to situate Sartre's metaphysical views in relation to those of his predecessors, his contemporaries, and current continental philosophy. The second is to show that Sartre's project informs some of the key changes he makes to his existentialism during his career. The third is to bring Sartre the metaphysician into dialogue with key thinkers in the current realism/antirealism debate in Continental philosophy (...)
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  23.  11
    Re-Examination of Religion, Philosophy and Art in Contemporary china's Oil Paintings.Xiaomin Xiang - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (4):167-181.
    Up to now, China's painting has not completely shaken off the influence of the spirit of European philosophy or a fundamental change in the way of viewing. The spirit of the unity of subject and object in ancient China philosophy influenced the formation and development of China's paintings. Since China Art Institute introduced figurative expressionism, a new art, into the contemporary art education system of China, it has shown its unique value in professional theory and practical (...)
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  24.  13
    Kierkegaard's Journals and Notebooks, Volume 4: Journals Nb-Nb5.Søren Kierkegaard - 2011 - Princeton University Press.
    For over a century, the Danish thinker Søren Kierkegaard has been at the center of a number of important discussions, concerning not only philosophy and theology, but also, more recently, fields such as social thought, psychology, and contemporary aesthetics, especially literary theory. Despite his relatively short life, Kierkegaard was an extraordinarily prolific writer, as attested to by the 26-volume Princeton University Press edition of all of his published writings. But Kierkegaard left behind nearly as much unpublished writing, most of (...)
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    Ritual, Symbolism, and Spiritual Resonance: The Xiangxi Miao Drum Dance in the Context of Cultural Philosophy and Religious Practice.Liu Yang - 2025 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 17 (2):1-12.
    This study examines the formation and development of the Xiangxi Miao Drum Dance (XMDD) through a philosophical and religious lens, situating its evolution within the broader discourse of cultural ecology and spiritual practice. The research seeks to uncover how the interplay between the Miao people's ancestral environment, cosmological beliefs, and socio-cultural traditions has shaped this unique ritualistic art form. Employing a qualitative research design, the study integrates ethnographic methods—including participant observation, interviews with local practitioners, and analysis of historical (...)
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  26.  40
    Structure and Dynamics of Islamic Social Formations (Seventh–Fourteenth Century).Jean Batou - 2022 - Historical Materialism 30 (1):164-208.
    From the seventh to the fourteenth century, the Muslim world’s key actors were free peasants working limited and scattered cultivated areas, whose communities paid heavy taxes. A distinct nomadic mode of production dominated the arid lands and their warlike pastoral tribes. Wealthy merchants and artisans controlled urban ideological production, living next to actual ruling classes, who drew exceptional material privileges from their proximity to the state. Since the latter’s status contradicted the contractual community’s values, political power was socially alienated and (...)
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  27. Preference-Formation and Personal Good.Connie S. Rosati - 2006 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 59:33-64.
    As persons, beings with a capacity for autonomy, we face a certain practical task in living out our lives. At any given period we find ourselves with many desires or preferences, yet we have limited resources, and so we cannot satisfy them all. Our limited resources include insufficient economic means, of course; few of us have either the funds or the material provisions to obtain or pursue all that we might like. More significantly, though, we are limited to a single (...)
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  28.  8
    Acceptation and Development of Western Thought in Japanese Buddhism of Modern Time - focused on Inoue Enryo(井上円了).Won Yong Sang - 2011 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 67:341-371.
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    The history of reason in the age of madness: Foucault's enlightenment and a radical critique of psychiatry.John Iliopoulos - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing.
    The History of Reason in the Age of Madness revolves around three axes: the Foucauldian critical-historical method, its relationship with enlightenment critique, and the way this critique is implemented in Foucault's seminal work, History of Madness. Foucault's exploration of the origins of psychiatry applies his own theories of power, truth and reason and draws on Kant's philosophy, shedding new light on the way we perceive the birth and development of psychiatric practice. Following Foucault's adoption of 'limit attitude', which (...)
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  30. Chisholm’s Paradox Revisited: Puzzles regarding Contrary-to-Duty Obligations and a Dynamic Solution.Yuna Won - 2021 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 7.
    A contrary-to-duty obligation (CTD obligation) is a type of conditional obligation that tells us what to do when a primary duty is violated. Chisholm’s Paradox is one of the most famous deontic puzzles about CTD obligations. It is widely believed that Chisholm’s Paradox does not arise for ordering semantics, today’s orthodox semantics for modals and conditionals. In this paper, I propose a new puzzle, the CTD Trilemma, to show that ordering semantics still has difficulties in adequately representing natural reasoning with (...)
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  31.  19
    The creation of philosophical tradition: biography and the reception of Avicenna's philosophy from the eleventh to the fourteenth century A.D.Ahmed H. Al-Rahim - 2018 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
    How is a philosophical tradition created? What role does literary biography play in the formation of intellectual reception history? Through a detailed analysis of the lives and works of post-Avicennan philosophers, this monograph traces the intellectual history and development of the Avicennan tradition from the fifth/eleventh to the eighth/fourteenth century. Section 1 investigates the genres of Arabo-Islamic biobibliographical and prosopographical writings as a source for the history of Arabic philosophy, delineating their literary topoi, the construction of philosophical (...)
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  32.  54
    The Process of Sense-Formation and Fixed Sense-Structures: * Key Intuitions in the Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl and Marc Richir.Georgy I. Chernavin - 2016 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 54 (1):48-61.
    The article analyzes some key motives of both classical German phenomenology and contemporary French phenomenology. The theme of sense-formation, a recurring thread throughout Husserl's entire body of work, serves as a discussion starting point.A special emphasis is put on one of Husserl's posthumously published texts from 1933, in which he distinguishes between the open process of sense-formation [Sinnbildung] and the closed sense-structures [Sinngebilde]. The “phenomenon” to which phenomenological philosophy refers here is not a “pre-given thing” yet, but (...)
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  33.  15
    Deism as a Definitive Principle for the Formation of the Philosophy History of Wolter's.O. Kolodii & S. Sheiko - 2021 - Philosophical Horizons 45:18-30.
    Voltaire’s creativity ismultifaceted, covering the problems of philosophical knowledge, the assertion of a deistic worldview, the implementation of the principles of human free will, a comprehensive critique of religion and the church, the beginning of the political concept of “educated absolutism.” The thinker became one of the greatest authorities of the French Enlightenment, being highly gifted, universally educated, owning the principles of critical thinking. The aimof this article is to determine the basic principles of the philosophical principle of deism in (...)
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  34.  14
    Specifics of the Post-Soviet Period of Development of Belarus in the Light of A.A. Zinoviev’s Ideas.Анатолий Аркадьевич Лазаревич - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 65 (3):25-38.
    The article examines features of the post-Soviet period of social transformation and state building of Belarus in the context of the comparative analysis of the Soviet (communist) and Western (capitalist) development systems conducted by the famous Russian philosopher and sociologist Alexander Zinoviev. The author pays attention to the reasons of the collapse of the USSR, according to A.A. Zinoviev, as well as to the search by the post-Soviet countries, including the Republic of Belarus, for their own ways out of (...)
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    Kant’s Moral Philosophy, an Interpretation of the Categorical Imperative. [REVIEW]L. L. D. - 1980 - Review of Metaphysics 34 (1):158-159.
    A defense of Kant’s moral philosophy. The author seeks to counteract those interpretations of Kant that restrict their focus to the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. He argues that one must look at the whole of Kant’s writings, the earlier and later ethical writings as well as the theoretical works. This makes it possible for him to challenge the popular misconceptions of Kant’s teaching: the overemphasis on the correct motive of an action, the mistaken impression that consequences are (...)
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    “Knowledge” and “Action”: al-Ghazali and Arab Muslim Philosophical Tradition in Context of Interrelationship with Philosophical Culture of Byzantium.Nur S. Kirabaev & Кирабаев Нур Серикович - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):201-215.
    “Knowledge” in Islam, Muslim culture and philosophy is considered as the key to understanding Muslim civilization, the formation of which took place in interaction with the cultures of peoples of the eastern and western parts of the former Roman Empire. The Byzantine theology and philosophy were of great importance for the points of contact and mutual enrichment of Muslim and Christian cultures in the Middle Ages, influencing the formation of Christian orthodox doctrine and the worldview of (...)
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    The formation and development of the Noneohak in the Joseon dynasty.Youngho Lee - 2009 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 59:119-174.
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  38. Merleau-Ponty's Theory of Preconceptual Generalities and Concept Formation.Peter Antich - 2018 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 35 (3):279-297.
    In this paper, I provide an explication and defense of Merleau-Ponty’s theory of concept formation. I argue that at the core of this theory is a distinction between concepts proper and the kinds of generalities characteristic of perceptual experience, which I call “pre-conceptual generalities.” According to Merleau-Ponty, concepts are developed through a two-stage process: first, the establishment of such pre-conceptual generalities, and second, the clarification of these generalities into concepts. I provide phenomenological evidence for the existence of pre-conceptual generalities (...)
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    Understanding and formation—A process of becoming a nurse.Ann-Helén Sandvik & Yvonne Hilli - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (1):e12387.
    Nursing is a complicated and multifaceted profession that sets high demands in preparing nursing students for the profession. In today's education, the emphasis is often on knowledge and skills, that is, epistemology. In caring science another approach is sought, an approach based on human sciences in which knowledge will serve a more profound understanding, that is, the ontology. Consequently, the question of what this ‘understanding’ in clinical education is and how it is promoted in clinical nursing education becomes important to (...)
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    The Formation and Critique of Dilthey’s Religious Philosophy of Immanence. 손세훈 - 2023 - Journal of Korean Philosophical Society 168:57-83.
    딜타이의 종교 철학의 핵심은 내재성 명제(immanence thesis)라고 불리며, 종교의 주제와 원천이 인간 경험의 경계를 벗어난 초월적 현실이 아닌 인간의 삶을 말한다. 다른 말로 하면, 딜타이의 견해는 종교적 신화, 상징, 개념, 그리고 실천은 모두 역사적 삶의 내재적 의미나 감각을 표현하는 방식일 뿐이라는 것이다. 딜타이는 인간은 초월적 종교를 통해 진정한 존재의 현실을 이해할 수 있다는 것을 주장하지 않았다. 또한 종교가 인간의 내면적 경험에 근거하여 진리를 발견하는 것이라고 주장하였다. 신칸트주의의 비판 철학에도 영향을 받은 딜타이는 신학적 전통의 형이상학적 주장이 지속될 수 없다고 판단하기 시작했다. (...)
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  41. David Hume's political philosophy: A theory of commercial modernization.Carl Wennerlind - 2002 - Hume Studies 28 (2):247-270.
    While David Hume explicitly elaborated on the development of a modern commercial society in the Political Discourses and the History of England, it is more difficult to discern whether Hume had a specific time period or societal transformation in mind when he laid out his political philosophy in A Treatise of Human Nature. In the Treatise, Hume unambiguously states that he did not believe in the existence of a pre-social stage of human development—he considered such elaborations mere (...)
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    Manos Hadjidakis: The Story of an Anarchic Youth and a "Magnus Eroticus".Yiannis Miralis - 2004 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 12 (1):43-54.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Manos HadjidakisThe Story of an Anarchic Youth and a "Magnus Eroticus"Yiannis MiralisThe name of Manos Hadjidakis is probably unknown to contemporary musicians and music educators. After all, the Greek composer achieved his international fame back in 1961 when he won an Oscar for his soundtrack of the movie, "Never on Sunday." Numerous other awards followed from England, France, Germany, and of course, Greece. After his six years in New (...)
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    Anthropological dimensions of pragmatism and perspectives of socio-humanitarian redescription of analytic methodology.A. S. Synytsia - 2019 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 16:91-101.
    Purpose. The paper is aimed at studying the specificity of anthropological problematics in pragmatism from the perspective of its ability to be the source of analytic philosophy evolution in the socio-humanitarian direction. Theoretical basis of the research is determined by the works of the representatives of classical pragmatism, neopragmatism, post-pragmatism and analytic pragmatism. Their works give a clear understanding of the important place of anthropological searches in the theory of pragmatism. Originality. On the basis of the analysis of logical, (...)
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    Plato’s Political Philosophy and its Assessment in the Discourse of Modern Political Science.Qican Xue - 2023 - Filosofija. Sociologija 34 (3).
    Plato’s doctrine of the ideal state is the first form of political philosophy in the written history for European thought. The influence of Plato on the formation of political philosophy cannot be overestimated, since its further development in one way or another was based on the discourse and methodology that was set by his dialogues. This study aims to identify common discourses and dialectical foundations of the most influential modern schools of political philosophy converging in (...)
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    Cabanis: Enlightenment and Medical Philosophy in the French Revolution.Martin S. Staum - 2014 - Princeton University Press.
    A physician and spokesman for the French Ideologues, Pierre-JeanGeorges Cabanis (1757-1808) stands at the crossroads of several influential developments in modern culture--Enlightenment optimism about human perfectibility, the clinical method in medicine, and the formation and adaptation of liberal social ideals in the French Revolution. This first major study of Cabanis in English traces the influences of these developments on his thought and career. Originally published in 1980. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available (...)
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  46. The influence of the Armenian language and alphabet upon the development of the Renaissance's perennial philosophy, biblical hermeneutics, and Christian Kabbalism.Virgil B. Strohmeyer - 1998 - Yerevan: Publishing House of the NAS RA "Gitutyun".
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    Philosophy of Landscape in Fedor Stepun’s Model of Socio-Cultural Development.Mikhail Yu Zagirnyak & Загирняк Михаил Юрьевич - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):713-725.
    The manifestation of the significance of geographic specificity in the formation and development of society is the most crucial research vector in the study of socio-philosophical doctrines. The tradition of conceptualizing the meaning of geography in the history of Russia was significantly contributed by Sergey Solovyov and Vasily Klyuchevsky. Fyodor Stepun also correlated geographic conditions and social practices within the philosophy of landscape, which he successfully integrated into his socio-philosophical doctrine. This research paper is undertaken to reveal (...)
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  48. Dr W. Windelband, A History of Philosophy with especial reference to the Formation and Development of its Problems and Conceptions. [REVIEW]R. Adamson - 1894 - Mind 3:383.
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  49. The Development of Social Knowledge: Morality and Convention.Elliot Turiel - 1983 - Cambridge University Press.
    Children are not simply molded by the environment; through constant inference and interpretation, they actively shape their own social world. This book is about that process. Elliot Turiel's work focuses on the development of moral judgment in children and adolescents and, more generally, on their evolving understanding of the conventions of social systems. His research suggests that social judgements are ordered, systematic, subtly discriminative, and related to behavior. His theory of the ways in which children generate social knowledge through (...)
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    The Origin and Development of Spinoza’s Political Philosophy.Frank Lucash - 2005 - Southwest Philosophy Review 21 (2):3-22.
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