Results for 'eye pigment formation'

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  1.  47
    Eye development: a view from the retina pigmented epithelium.Juan Ramón Martínez-Morales, Isabel Rodrigo & Paola Bovolenta - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (7):766-777.
    The retina pigment epithelium (RPE) is a highly specialised epithelium that serves as a multifunctional and indispensable component of the vertebrate eye. Although a great deal of attention has been paid to its transdifferentiation capabilities and its ancillary functions in neural retina development, little is known about the molecular mechanisms that specify the RPE itself. Recent advances in our understanding of the genetic network that controls the progressive specification of the eye anlage in vertebrates have provided some of the (...)
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    Format dependent probabilities: An eye-tracking analysis of additivity neglect.Karl Halvor Teigen, Unni Sulutvedt & Anine H. Riege - 2014 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 45 (1):12-20.
    When people are asked to estimate the probabilities of uncertain events, they often neglect the additivity principle, which requires that the probabilities assigned to an exhaustive set of outcomes should add up to 100%. Previous studies indicate that additivity neglect is dependent on response format, self-generated probability estimates being more coherent than estimates on rating scales. The present study made use of eye-tracking methodology, recording the movement, frequency and duration of fixations during the solution of ten additivity problems and two (...)
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    Third-Eye Theology: Theology in Formation in Asian Leung & Choan-Seng Song - 1984 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 4:152.
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    Ideological formations of the nuclear family in the Hills have eyes.Lorena Russell - 2010 - In Thomas Richard Fahy (ed.), The philosophy of horror. Lexington, Ky.: University Press of Kentucky. pp. 102.
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    Understanding the What and When of Analogical Reasoning Across Analogy Formats: An Eye‐Tracking and Machine Learning Approach.Jean-Pierre Thibaut, Yannick Glady & Robert M. French - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (11):e13208.
    Starting with the hypothesis that analogical reasoning consists of a search of semantic space, we used eye-tracking to study the time course of information integration in adults in various formats of analogies. The two main questions we asked were whether adults would follow the same search strategies for different types of analogical problems and levels of complexity and how they would adapt their search to the difficulty of the task. We compared these results to predictions from the literature. Machine learning (...)
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    Phagocytosis by the retinal pigment epithelium: New insights into polarized cell mechanics.Ceniz Zihni - 2025 - Bioessays 47 (1):2300197.
    The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is a specialized epithelium at the back of the eye that carries out a variety of functions essential for visual health. Recent studies have advanced our molecular understanding of one of the major functions of the RPE; phagocytosis of spent photoreceptor outer segments (POS). Notably, a mechanical link, formed between apical integrins bound to extracellular POS and the intracellular actomyosin cytoskeleton, is proposed to drive the internalization of POS. The process may involve a “nibbling” (...)
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    Surviving Drosophila eye development: integrating cell death with differentiation during formation of a neural structure.Nancy M. Bonini & Mark E. Fortini - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (12):991-1003.
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    An Eye-Tracking Study of Statistical Reasoning With Tree Diagrams and 2 × 2 Tables.Georg Bruckmaier, Karin Binder, Stefan Krauss & Han-Min Kufner - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:436373.
    Changing the information format from probabilities into frequencies as well as employing appropriate visualizations such as tree diagrams or 2 × 2 tables are important tools that can facilitate people’s statistical reasoning. Previous studies have shown that despite their widespread use in statistical textbooks, both of those visualization types are only of restricted help when they are provided with probabilities, but that they can foster insight when presented with frequencies instead. In the present study, we attempt to replicate this effect (...)
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    An Eye-Tracking Study of Sketch Processing: Evidence From Russian.Tatiana E. Petrova, Elena I. Riekhakaynen & Valentina S. Bratash - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study investigates the online process of reading and analyzing of sketchnotes (visual notes containing a handwritten text and drawings) on Russian language material. Using the eye-tracking method, we compared the processing of different types of sketchnotes (‘path’ (trajectory), linear, and radial) and the processing of a verbal text. Biographies of Russian writers were used as the material. In a preliminary experiment, we asked 89 college students to read the biographies and to evaluate each text or sketch using five scales (...)
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    Melanoma formation in xiphophorus: A model system for the role of receptor tyrosine kinases in tumorigenesis.Barbara Malitschek, Dorothee Förnzler & Manfred Schartl - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (12):1017-1023.
    Cancer is one of the most frequent fatal human diseases. It is a genetic disease, and molecular analysis of the genes involved revealed that they belong to several distinct classes of molecules, one of which is the receptor tyrosine kinases. Neoplastic transformation is regarded as the result of a multistep process and, in most cases, it is hard to evaluate what the initial events in tumor formation are. What makes it difficult to approach this question is the paucity of (...)
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    The Importance of Reading Naturally: Evidence From Combined Recordings of Eye Movements and Electric Brain Potentials.Metzner Paul, von der Malsburg Titus, Vasishth Shravan & Rösler Frank - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (S6):1232-1263.
    How important is the ability to freely control eye movements for reading comprehension? And how does the parser make use of this freedom? We investigated these questions using coregistration of eye movements and event‐related brain potentials (ERPs) while participants read either freely or in a computer‐controlled word‐by‐word format (also known as RSVP). Word‐by‐word presentation and natural reading both elicited qualitatively similar ERP effects in response to syntactic and semantic violations (N400 and P600 effects). Comprehension was better in free reading but (...)
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    Schooling the Eye and Hand: Performative Methods of Research and Pedagogy in the Making and Knowing Project.Tillmann Taape, Pamela H. Smith & Tianna Helena Uchacz - 2020 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 43 (3):323-340.
    What are historians doing in the laboratory? Looking back over six years of collaborative work, researchers of the Making and Knowing Project at Columbia University discuss their experience with hands‐on reconstruction as a historical method. This work engages practical forms of knowledge—from pigment‐making to metal casting—recorded in the BnF Ms. Fr. 640, an anonymous French manuscript compiled in the later sixteenth century. Bodily encounters with materials and processes of the past offer insights into the material and mental worlds of (...)
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    Embryonic origin of the eyes in teleost fish.Jui Chang Chuang & Pamela A. Raymond - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (6):519-529.
    The developmental history of the vertebrate eye begins at an early embryonic stage, with the formation of the body axes and induction of neural tissue. Several recent experimental embryological and genetic studies in teleost fish have produced new insights into the morphogenetic and molecular regulation of eye formation. Molecular signaling pathways and patterned expression of transcription factors implicated in eye determination are discussed, and the importance of morphogenetic cell movements is emphasized. BioEssays 24:519–529, 2002. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, (...)
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  14.  16
    The Trade-Off Between Format Familiarity and Word-Segmentation Facilitation in Chinese Reading.Mingjing Chen, Yongsheng Wang, Bingjie Zhao, Xin Li & Xuejun Bai - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In alphabetic writing systems (such as English), the spaces between words mark the word boundaries, and the basic unit of reading is distinguished during visual-level processing. The visual-level information of word boundaries facilitates reading. Chinese is an ideographic language whose text contains no intrinsic inter-word spaces as the marker of word boundaries. Previous studies have shown that the basic processing unit of Chinese reading is also a word. However, findings remain inconsistent regarding whether inserting spaces between words in Chinese text (...)
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    Evaluation Scale or Output Format: The Attentional Mechanism Underpinning Time Preference Reversal.Yan-Bang Zhou, Qiang Li, Qiu-Yue Li & Hong-Zhi Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Time preference reversals refers to systematic inconsistencies between preferences and valuations in intertemporal choice. When faced with a pair of intertemporal options, people preferred the smaller-sooner option but assign a higher price to the larger-later one. Different hypotheses postulate that the differences in evaluation scale or output format between the choice and the bid tasks cause the preference reversal. However, these hypotheses have not been distinguished. In the present study, we conducted a hybrid task, which shares the same evaluation scale (...)
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  16.  19
    “Economies of Experience”-Disambiguation of Degraded Stimuli Leads to a Decreased Dispersion of Eye-Movement Patterns.Magdalena Ewa Król & Michał Król - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (S3):728-756.
    We demonstrate “economies of experience” in eye-movement patterns—that is, optimization of eye-movement patterns aimed at more efficient and less costly visual processing, similar to the priming-induced formation of sparser cortical representations or reduced reaction times. Participants looked at Mooney-type, degraded stimuli that were difficult to recognize without prior experience, but easily recognizable after exposure to their undegraded versions. As predicted, eye-movement dispersion, velocity, and the number of fixations decreased with each stimulus presentation. Further analyses showed that this effect was (...)
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    A butterfly eye's view of birds.Francesca D. Frentiu & Adriana D. Briscoe - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (11-12):1151-1162.
    The striking color patterns of butterflies and birds have long interested biologists. But how these animals see color is less well understood. Opsins are the protein components of the visual pigments of the eye. Color vision has evolved in butterflies through opsin gene duplications, through positive selection at individual opsin loci, and by the use of filtering pigments. By contrast, birds have retained the same opsin complement present in early-jawed vertebrates, and their visual system has diversified primarily through tuning of (...)
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  18.  24
    Avian Formation on a South-Facing Slope along the Northwest Rim of the Argyre Basin.Michael A. Dale, George J. Haas, James S. Miller, William R. Saunders, A. J. Cole, Joseph M. Friedlander & Susan Orosz - 2011 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 25 (3).
    This is a description of an avian-shaped feature that rests below a network of cellular structures found on a mound within the Argyre Basin of Mars in Mars Global Surveyor image M14-02185, acquired on April 30, 2000, and released to the public on April 4, 2001. The area examined is located near 48.0° South, 55.1° West. The formation is approximately 2,400 meters long from the tip of its beak to the tip of its farthest tail feather. There is a (...)
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    Christian Spiritual Formation in the Classical School.JohnMark Bennett Beazley & Matthew R. Miller - 2018 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 11 (2):230-240.
    Classical Christian education has ancient roots in the Christian church. In recent days, Christians have attempted to recover this classical tradition. Many cite the intellectual rigor vis-à-vis public schools as the reason for choosing classical Christian education. However, intellectual rigor is only one part of the classical tradition. More importantly, classical Christian education seeks to develop morally upright Christians. This education forms the character of Christians so that they may live faithfully in the world. This article describes how classical Christian (...)
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    Beta‐catenin and axis formation in planarians.Hans Meinhardt - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (1):5-9.
    In three recent articles it was shown that β‐catenin is crucial for the establishment and the maintenance of the overall polarity and especially for the character ‘posterior’ in planarians. If the transcription of the β‐catenin gene was silenced by RNA interference, the overall polarity is lost, and in regenerating fragments a posterior blastema displays anterior characters by forming eyes and anterior ganglia. An attempt is made to integrate these new data, well‐known older observations, and observations from other regenerating systems into (...)
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    A Persistent Avian Formation on a South-Facing Slope, along the Northwest Rim of the Argyre Basin of Mars.William Saunders, George Haas & James Miller - 2022 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 36 (2).
    This is an examination of an avian-shaped feature that rests below a network of cellular structures found on a mound within the Argyre Basin of Mars. The area examined is located near 48.0° south and 55.1° west. A set of four supportive images provided by the Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft show the feature is persistent over a period of more than 20 years. The images reveal defining aspects of this avian feature, including a head, beak, body, (...)
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  22. Nuclear Industry in the Eyes of Russians: Trust and Its Determinants.И. А Анкудинов & Р. Н Абрамов - 2024 - Sociology of Power 36 (4):103-134.
    Over the past decade, there has been growing positive interest in nuclear technologies as a sustainable source of clean electricity for the West and as a factor of industrial and social growth in Southeast Asia. Both developed and developing countries face the need to meet growing energy consumption needs, which is especially difficult in the context of gas market shocks and large-scale green transition plans. The social dimension of this problem, especially in the reactor-building countries, often remains “behind the scenes”. (...)
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    Dynamic changes in ocular shape during human development and its implications for retina fovea formation.Ashley M. Rasys, Andrew Wegerski, Paul A. Trainor, Robert B. Hufnagel, Douglas B. Menke & James D. Lauderdale - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (1):2300054.
    The human fovea is known for its distinctive pit‐like appearance, which results from the displacement of retinal layers superficial to the photoreceptors cells. The photoreceptors are found at high density within the foveal region but not the surrounding retina. Efforts to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for these unique features have ruled out cell death as an explanation for pit formation and changes in cell proliferation as the cause of increased photoreceptor density. These findings have led to speculation that mechanical (...)
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    Stages of formation of ideas about cognition (from the Ancient world to the New Time).Розин В.М - 2024 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 12:12-24.
    The article presents the author's reconstruction of the main stages of the origin of ideas about cognition. The picture of the reality of cognition accepted in modern science is presented, in which the yet unknown world is contrasted as a source of latent knowledge and patterns and a person as a cognizer striving to discover this knowledge. It is argued that in the Ancient World, such a familiar picture for a modern person did not take place. An analysis of the (...)
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    Cell diversity in the retina: more than meets the eye.Tiffany Cook - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (10):921-925.
    Over 10 years ago, Pax‐6 was shown to play an evolutionarily conserved role in controlling eye formation from Drosophila to humans.1 Since then, the identification of an entire cascade of conserved eye determination genes has brought a new understanding to the developmental relationship between the insect compound eye and the vertebrate camera eye.2 Additional studies are now beginning to suggest that even late aspects of eye development, including cell type specification, also share common molecular machinery. In this commentary, I (...)
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  26. The Political Theory of Data: Institutions, Algorithms, & Formats in Racial Redlining.Colin Koopman - 2022 - Political Theory 50 (2):337-361.
    Despite widespread recognition of an emergent politics of data in our midst, we strikingly lack a political theory of data. We readily acknowledge the presence of data across our political lives, but we often do not know how to conceptualize the politics of all those data points—the forms of power they constitute and the kinds of political subjects they implicate. Recent work in numerous academic disciplines is evidence of the first steps toward a political theory of data. This article maps (...)
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    Deconstruction, Choice, Reconstruction, and Integration: Insights from Ignatius of Loyola’s Conversion Process on the Professional Formation of Organizational Leaders.Michael R. Carey & Dung Q. Tran - 2023 - Humanistic Management Journal 8 (2):181-190.
    This article, the first of a two-part series, examines how Saint Ignatius of Loyola’s (1548/ 1991 ) nearly 500 year-old approach to the transformation of others in their leadership journeys is still being actualized, with applications to transformations in workplaces and the graduate education of business leaders, by drawing upon both the handbook Ignatius wrote to guide his work—called the _Spiritual Exercises_—and upon the account of his own transformation experience captured in his _Autobiography_. Our exploratory prelude to practice is guided (...)
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    Specification of cell fate in the developing eye of Drosophila.Konrad Basler & Ernst Hafen - 1991 - Bioessays 13 (12):621-631.
    Determination of cell fate in the developing eye of Drosophila depends on a precise sequence of cellular interactions which generate the stereotypic array of ommatidia. In the eye imaginal disc, an initially unpatterned epithelial sheath of cells, the first step in this process may be the specification of R8 photoreceptor cells at regular intervals. Genes such as Notch and scabrous, known to be involved in bristle development, alos participate in this process, suggesting that the specification of ommatidial founder cells and (...)
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    Un corpus multimodal pour étudier les interactions par visioconférence pour le développement des compétences techno-pédagogiques en didactique des langues et formation de formateurs.Marco Holt Cappellini - 2023 - Corpus 24.
    This article aims to describe the construction and annotation of a multimodal and multilingual (French, English, and Mandarin Chinese) corpus for the study of second language acquisition and professional development in language teaching. The corpus was built within a research project whose main objective is to determine which techno-semio-pedagogical competencies are developed informally and which ones require formal training. In this paper, we explain the theoretical framework adopted, characterized by an ecological approach to the interactive environment. We subsequently illustrate the (...)
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    “Time for Recovery” or “Utter Uncertainty”? The Postponement of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games Through the Eyes of Olympic Athletes and Coaches. A Qualitative Study.Violetta Oblinger-Peters & Björn Krenn - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:610856.
    The current COVID-19 pandemic has affected the entire globe, including the world of high-performance sports. Accordingly, it has been widely assumed that the thereby caused postponement of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games could have negative psychological impacts for aspirants, since they were halted abruptly in the pursuit of their Olympic endeavors and their daily lives drastically altered. Considering the sudden nature of the pandemic, few researchers, if any, have yet scrutinized the individual experience of Olympic aspirants. This qualitative study examines (...)
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    The Source of Learning is Thought” Reading the Chin-ssu lu (近思錄) with a “Western Eye.Roland Reichenbach - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (1):36-51.
    The contribution focuses on Neo-Confucian texts as collected by Zhu Xi and Lü Zuqian and is a look from the ‘outside’, from the perspective of German theories of Bildung. It aims at demonstrating that among other insights that today’s readers may gather from Neo-Confucian literature, one aspect protrudes from others: that learning can be considered as a virtue—even a meta-virtue—a form of life and mode of self-formation of the person. It does not seem exaggerated, from this perspective, to state (...)
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  32. Pure hyperbolic discount curves predict “eyes open” self-control.George Ainslie - 2012 - Theory and Decision 73 (1):3-34.
    The models of internal self-control that have recently been proposed by behavioral economists do not depict motivational interaction that occurs while temptation is present. Those models that include willpower at all either envision a faculty with a motivation (“strength”) different from the motives that are weighed in the marketplace of choice, or rely on incompatible goals among diverse brain centers. Both assumptions are questionable, but these models’ biggest problem is that they do not let resolutions withstand re-examination while being challenged (...)
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    The ability to self-tickle following Rapid Eye Movement sleep dreaming.Mark Blagrove, Sarah-Jayne Blakemore & Ben R. J. Thayer - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (2):285-294.
    Self-produced tactile stimulation usually feels less tickly—is perceptually attenuated—relative to the same stimulation produced externally. This is not true, however, for individuals with schizophrenia. Here, we investigate whether the lack of attenuation to self-produced stimuli seen in schizophrenia also occurs for normal participants following REM dreams. Fourteen participants were stimulated on their left palm with a tactile stimulation device which allowed the same stimulus to be generated by the participant or by the experimenter. The level of self-tickling attenuation did not (...)
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    Book Review: The Reader's Eye: Visual Imaging as Reader Response. [REVIEW]Cathleen M. Bauschatz - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (2):363-364.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Reader’s Eye: Visual Imaging as Reader ResponseCathleen M. BauschatzThe Reader’s Eye: Visual Imaging as Reader Response, by Ellen J. Esrock; xii & 241 pp. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994, $36.50.Ellen Esrock’s The Reader’s Eye is a call for greater attention to the process of visual imaging in the study of readers and reading. Much of the book summarizes earlier research, showing the bias against readerly imaging (...)
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    The spaces left over between REM sleep, dreaming, hippocampal formation, and episodic autobiographical memory.Hans J. Markowitsch & Angelica Staniloiu - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (6):622-623.
    It is argued that Llewellyn's hypothesis about the lack of rapid eye movement (REM)-sleep dreaming leading to loss of personal identity and deficits in episodic memory, affectivity, and prospection is insufficiently grounded because it does not integrate data from neurodevelopmental studies and makes reference to an outdated definition of episodic memory.
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    The role of extremist organizations in the formation of negative ideas about Islam.L. B. Mayevs’ka - 2004 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 31:162-164.
    In the last decade, the activities of various extremist organizations have intensified, which use religious slogans to achieve political goals, sometimes even deliberately distorting the basic tenets of religion. Researchers argue that such organizations put forward some position and then, in order for it to gain weight in the eyes of Muslims, reinforce it with a distorted interpretation of the ayat from the Qur'an or the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad. This is most characteristic of supporters of the extremist trend (...)
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    Medical Doctors in Torture Program. The Need for Virtue Ethics in Medical Conscience Formation.Anna Alichniewicz & Monika Michałowska - 2016 - Etyka 53:9-19.
    In December 2014, Physicians for Human Rights released their analysis of the summary of the Committee Report of the Central Intelligence Agency’s Detention and Interrogation Program. PHR focused on the involvement of health care professionals in the CIA torture program, concluding that the health professionals’ commissions and omissions violated the prescriptions of many fundamental bioethical documents, including international declarations of bioethics and medical research ethics. The medical doctors’ involvement evokes some thoughts concerning bioethical education. It seems that instead of developing (...)
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    Drosophila peripodial cells, more than meets the eye?Matthew C. Gibson & Gerold Schubiger - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (8):691-697.
    Drosophila imaginal discs (appendage primordia) have proved invaluable for deciphering cellular and molecular mechanisms of animal development. By combining the accessibility of the discs with the genetic tractability of the fruit fly, researchers have discovered key mechanisms of growth control, pattern formation and long‐range signaling. One of the principal experimental attractions of discs is their anatomical simplicity — they have long been considered to be cellular monolayers. During larval stages, however, the growing discs are 2‐sided sacs composed of a (...)
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    Philosophy in France: Some Recent Contributions on the Formation of Greek Thought.S. V. Keeling - 1936 - Philosophy 11 (41):86 - 91.
    History and Legend are, Professor Robin believes, traditionally misconceived in being conceived as in conflict. To write history is either to destroy utterly the claim of some legend to be veridical, or else to rediscover, behind what is imaginary or fabulous in it, indications of what the facts really were. Such is the accredited view. But, asks M. Robin, is not legend, on the contrary, a positive element in history? And he answers in effect that nowhere is legend more regular, (...)
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    Muriel Wheldale Onslow and Early Biochemical Genetics.Marsha L. Richmond - 2007 - Journal of the History of Biology 40 (3):389 - 426.
    Muriel Wheldale, a distinguished graduate of Newnham College, Cambridge, was a member of William Bateson's school of genetics at Cambridge University from 1903. Her investigation of flower color inheritance in snapdragons (Antirrhinum), a topic of particular interest to botanists, contributed to establishing Mendelism as a powerful new tool in studying heredity. Her understanding of the genetics of pigment formation led her to do cutting-edge work in biochemistry, culminating in the publication of her landmark work, The Anthocyanin Pigments of (...)
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    How does pheomelanin synthesis contribute to melanomagenesis?Ann M. Morgan, Jennifer Lo & David E. Fisher - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (8):672-676.
    Recently, we reported that melanoma risk in redheads is linked not only to pale skin, but also to the synthesis of the pigment – called pheomelanin – that gives red hair its color. We demonstrated that pheomelanin synthesis is associated with increased oxidative stress in the skin, yet we have not uncovered the chemical pathway between the molecule pheomelanin and the DNA damage that drives melanoma formation. Here, we hypothesize two possible pathways. On one hand, pheomelanin might generate (...)
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    Wednesday's Meeting Really Is on Friday: A Meta-Analysis and Evaluation of Ambiguous Spatiotemporal Language.Elise Stickles & Tasha N. Lewis - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (3):1015-1025.
    Experimental work has shown that spatial experiences influence spatiotemporal metaphor use. In these studies, participants are asked a question that yields different responses depending on the metaphor participants use. It has been claimed that English speakers are equally likely to respond with either variant in the absence of priming. Related studies testing non-spatial experiences demonstrate varied results with a wide range of primes. Here, the effects of eye movement and stimuli presentation modality on comprehension of this question are investigated in (...)
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    Teasing apart retrieval and encoding interference in the processing of anaphors.Lena A. Jäger, Lena Benz, Jens Roeser, Brian W. Dillon & Shravan Vasishth - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:130122.
    Two classes of account have been proposed to explain the memory processes subserving the processing of reflexive-antecedent dependencies. Structure-based accounts assume that the retrieval of the antecedent is guided by syntactic tree-configurational information without considering other kinds of information such as gender marking in the case of English reflexives. By contrast, unconstrained cue-based retrieval assumes that all available information is used for retrieving the antecedent. Similarity-based interference effects from structurally illicit distractors which match a non-structural retrieval cue have been interpreted (...)
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    Observing and influencing preferences in real time. Gaze, morality and dynamic decision-making.Philip Pärnamets - unknown
    Preference formation and choice are dynamic cognitive processes arising from interactions between decision-makers and their immediate choice environment. This thesis examines how preferences and decisions are played out in visual attention, captured by eye-movements, as well as in group contexts. Papers I-II make use of the Choice Blindness paradigm. Paper I compares participants’ eye movements and pupil dilation over the course of a trial when participants detect and fail to detect the false feedback concerning their choices. Results indicate objective (...)
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    Gene regulatory networks reused to build novel traits.Antónia Monteiro - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (3):181-186.
    Co‐option of the eye developmental gene regulatory network may have led to the appearance of novel functional traits on the wings of flies and butterflies. The first trait is a recently described wing organ in a species of extinct midge resembling the outer layers of the midge's own compound eye. The second trait is red pigment patches on Heliconius butterfly wings connected to the expression of an eye selector gene, optix. These examples, as well as others, are discussed regarding (...)
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  46. Remnants of perception: Comments on Block and the function of visual working memory.Jake Quilty-Dunn - 2024 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 110 (1):284-293.
    This commentary critically examines the view of the relationship between perception and memory in Ned Block's *The Border Between Seeing and Thinking*. It argues that visual working memory often stores the outputs of perception without altering their formats, allowing online visual perception to access these memory representations in computations that unfold over longer timescales and across eye movements. Since Block concedes that visual working memory representations are not iconic, we should not think of perceptual representations as exclusively iconic either.
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    A differentiated look at emotions: association between gaze behaviour during the processing of affective videos and emotional granularity.Jonas Potthoff, Albert Wabnegger & Anne Schienle - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (8):1349-1356.
    The ability to distinguish between subtle differences among emotions of similar valence is labelled emotion differentiation (ED). Previous research has demonstrated that people high in ED are less likely to use disengagement regulation strategies (i.e. avoidance/distraction) during negative affective states.The present eye-tracking study examined associations between ED and visual attention/avoidance of affective stimuli. A total of 160 participants viewed emotional video clips (positive/ negative), which were concurrently presented with a non-affective distractor image. After each video, participants verbally described their experienced (...)
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    Images >> Quan Zhou Wu and Linaje’s Genealogy.Julia Haeyoon Chang - 2023 - Diacritics 51 (1):5-106.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Images >> Quan Zhou Wu and Linaje’s GenealogyJulia Haeyoon Chang (bio) Click for larger view View full resolutionQuan Zhou WuENJOY (Linaje 2024)Art and design by Quan Zhou WuDigital infrastructure by Marco Fratini[End Page 5] Click for larger view View full resolutionQuan Zhou WuUNA DE ELLAS (Linaje 2024)Art and design by Quan ZhouWu Digital infrastructure by Marco Fratini[End Page 6] Click for larger view View full resolutionQuan Zhou WuMEMORIAS RETORCIDAS(Linaje (...)
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    Description and expression: Physicalism restricted.Virgil Aldrich - 1977 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 20 (1-4):149 – 164.
    'Material thing' is a two-level concept. In 'first-order extension' - the field of perceptual experience - it is a 'body' that may 'body forth' (show, express) a 'content', like the bodies of persons or pictures. In 'second-order extension' -the physical field or space - it is a 'physical object' whose micro-constitution is the target of the reference of theoretical terms or formulae. As such, it has no content - nothing to 'express'. In the description of a material thing in first-order (...)
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    Non-consensual personified sexbots: an intrinsic wrong.Karen Lancaster - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (4):589-600.
    Humanoid robots used for sexual purposes are beginning to look increasingly lifelike. It is possible for a user to have a bespoke sexbot created which matches their exact requirements in skin pigmentation, hair and eye colour, body shape, and genital design. This means that it is possible—and increasingly easy—for a sexbot to be created which bears a very high degree of resemblance to a particular person. There is a small but steadily increasing literature exploring some of the ethical issues surrounding (...)
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