Results for 'eternity'

971 found
  1. Action'.Awareness Eternity - 1992 - Faith and Philosophy 9:463-482.
  2. Why does Plato believe in a timeless eternity?Andrew S. Mason - 2006 - In Fritz-Gregor Herrmann & Stefan Büttner, New essays on Plato: language and thought in fourth-century Greek philosophy. Oakville, CT: David Brown Book Co., distributor. pp. 177.
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  3. Maimonides proof of the existence of God and the eternity of the world.G. Wieland - 1975 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 82 (1):72-89.
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    Temporal Impermanence and the Disparity of Time and Eternity.Danne W. Polk - 1991 - Augustinian Studies 22:63-82.
  5. Spinoza on Composition, Causation, and the Mind's Eternity.John Grey - 2014 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 22 (3):446-467.
    Spinoza's doctrine of the eternity of the mind is often understood as the claim that the mind has a part that is eternal. I appeal to two principles that Spinoza takes to govern parthood and causation to raise a new problem for this reading. Spinoza takes the composition of one thing from many to require causal interaction among the many. Yet he also holds that eternal things cannot causally interact, without mediation, with things in duration. So the human mind, (...)
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    Wirtgenstein, Ethics and Aesthetics: The View from Eternity.James D. Carney - 1991 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 50 (4):337-338.
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    Albrecht Von Haller: "Uncompleted poem on eternity".Arnulf Zweig - 2002 - Philosophical Forum 33 (3):304–311.
  8. ‘From Here to Eternity’: Is It Good to Live Forever?Christine Overall - 2010 - In David Benatar, Life, Death, and Meaning: Key Philosophical Readings on the Big Questions, 2nd edition. Rowman & Littlefield.
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  9. Time and Eternity in the Greek Fathers.David Bradshaw - 2006 - The Thomist 70 (3):311-366.
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  10. "Something of It Remains": Spinoza and Gersonides on Intellectual Eternity.Julie R. Klein - 2014 - In Steven Nadler, Spinoza and Medieval Jewish Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 177-203.
  11. Al-fārābī's lost treatise on changing beings and the possibility of a demonstration of the eternity of the world.Marwan Rashed - 2008 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 18 (1):19-58.
    This article proposes a reconstitution of the philosophical tenor of al-Fb al-Mawdayyira). It is shown that this work is not only a response to book VI of John Philoponus' Contra Aristotelem, but that its real issues can only be grasped in the context of the author's metaphysical system. Although, for al-Fbī, genuine demonstrations proceed from the cause to the caused, thus following the order of being, it will be explained how he also admits a strictly physical proof of the simple (...)
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    (1 other version)How Does Eternity Affect the Law of Non‐Contradiction?Alan Philip Darley - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (5).
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    Time and Eternity in Troilus and Criseyde.Thomas L. Martin - 1999 - Renascence 51 (3):167-179.
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  14. Aquinas on Time and Eternity.Brian Leftow - 1990 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 64 (3):387-399.
  15. Against philoponus on the eternity of the world.John Philoponus, Simplicius, David J. Furley & Christian Wildberg - 1991 - In John Philoponus, David J. Simplicius, Christian Furley & Wildberg, Place, void, and eternity. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
  16. The temporal Kairos and the non-becoming of eternity: Opposition or encounter?: The constructive scanning of life: The spread and horizons of Chronos and Kairos.F. Bosio - 1996 - Analecta Husserliana 48:61-67.
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    Giordano Bruno y la eternidad del mundo = Giordano Bruno and the eternity of the world.Miguel Á Granada - 2013 - Endoxa 31:349.
  18. The Moving Image: Science and Religion, Time and Eternity.G. D. Yarnold - 1967
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  19. Theological Methodology, Classical Theism, and “Lived Time” in Antje Jackelén's Time and Eternity.James M. Byrne - 2009 - Zygon 44 (4):951-964.
    Abstract.Antje Jackelén's Time and Eternity successfully employs the method of correlation and a close study of the question of time to enter the dialogue between science and theology. Hermeneutical attention to language is a central element of this dialogue, but we must be aware that much science is untranslatable into ordinary language; it is when we get to the bigger metaphysical assumptions of science that true dialogue begins to happen. Thus, although the method of correlation is a useful way (...)
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  20. Wittgenstein, Ethics and Aesthetics: The View from Eternity.B. R. TILGHMAN - 1991 - Philosophy 67 (261):412-414.
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    Cynthia's Birthday Acrostic (3.10.1–5): Propertius on Elegiac Time and Eternity.Julia D. Hejduk - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (2):714-720.
    This article argues that an intentional acrostic spanning the first five lines of Propertius’ elegy for Cynthia's birthday (3.10), MANE[T], contributes significantly to the poignancy and purpose of the poem. MANE can be read as māne, ‘in the morning’, or manē, ‘stay!’, both of which emphasize the fleeting nature of dawn—and of Cynthia's youthful beauty. MANET can suggest both ‘[art] remains’ and ‘[death] awaits’. All four of these meanings work together to capture the tension between human transience and artistic immortality. (...)
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    Revisiting Anselm on Time and Divine Eternity.Christopher A. Bobier - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (4):665-679.
    How to understand Saint Anselm of Canterbury on time and divine eternity is subject to debate. Katherin Rogers argues that Anselm is a four‐dimensionalist, whereas Brian Leftow argues that he is a presentist. Despite the disagreement, both scholars assume that Anselm has a positive account of time and divine eternity to offer. I challenge this assumption, arguing that Anselm is not interested in offering an account of the metaphysics of time and divine eternity. The reading defended here (...)
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    Whitehead and Aquinas on the Eternity of God.Michael R. Baumer - 1984 - Modern Schoolman 62 (1):27-41.
  24. On the Supreme Good; On the Eternity of the World; On Dreams.BOETHIUS OF DACIA - 1987
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    Boethius and Whitehead on Time and Eternity.Lewis S. Ford - 1968 - International Philosophical Quarterly 8 (1):38-67.
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  26. The Chicken and the Egg (suppositis fundamentis Philosophi). Henry of Ghent, Siger of Brabant and the Eternity of Species.F. H. Gdoi - 1992 - Medioevo 18:231-273.
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  27. God and Creature in the Eternity and Time of Nonbeing (or Nothing): Afterthinking Meister Eckhart.Ray L. Hart - 1998 - In Orrin F. Summerell, The otherness of God. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.
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    The Third Way and the Possible Eternity of the World.Charles J. Kelly - 1982 - New Scholasticism 56 (3):273-291.
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  29. 'A Free Man Thinks of Nothing Less Than of Death': Spinoza on the Eternity of the Mind.Daniel Garber - 2005 - In Christia Mercer, [no title]. Oxford University Press. pp. 103--118.
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    From Here to Eternity.Newton C. A. daCosta & Francisco Antonio Doria - 2023 - In Jonas R. B. Arenhart & Raoni W. Arroyo, Non-Reflexive Logics, Non-Individuals, and the Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics: Essays in Honour of the Philosophy of Décio Krause. Springer Verlag. pp. 321-330.
    We conjecture that the existence of some fast-growing functions implies in a simple way the existence of some inaccessible cardinals. This note expands some previous work by the second author.
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    After Disbelief: On Disenchantment, Disappointment, Eternity, and Joy.Anthony T. Kronman - 2022 - Yale University Press.
    _An intimate, philosophic quest for eternity, amidst the disenchantments and disappointments of our time “Anyone who, in our age of disbelief, longs to believe in God will find Mr. Kronman worth reading.”—Andrew Stark, _Wall Street Journal___ “Aims to persuade America’s ‘relentlessly rational’ elites to acknowledge the existence of ‘divinity.’... Kronman’s ambition is to repair ‘the schism between those for whom religion continues to matter and those who view it with amusement or contempt.’”—Tunku Varadarajan, _Wall Street Journal__ Many people of (...)
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    Richard C. Dales and Omar Argerami, Medieval Latin Texts on the Eternity of the World.Fernand Van Steenberghen - 1992 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 90 (86):239-240.
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    National Wartime Usefulness: How is it Sanctified by Eternity?Пётр Симуш - 2020 - Philosophical Anthropology 6 (2):71-87.
    Wartime (1941‑1945) reveals an incomprehensible Russian usefulness three-quarters of a century later. The quality and properties of Russia are determined by its trajectory of two millennia, not one. Therefore, its meaning and mystery of the great Patriotic war can only be understood thanks to the Holy Scripture. N.V. Gogol insisted on this who saw the events of national history "clearer than day" through crimes "before God". In Gogol's words, "the last judgment of God" took place over the aggression of Germany. (...)
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    Anselm and His Islamic Contempories on Divine Necessity and Eternity.Katherin Rogers - 2007 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 81 (3):373-393.
    Anselm holds that God is simple, eternal, and immutable, and that He creates “necessarily”—He “must” create this world. Avicenna and Averroes made the same claims, and derived as entailments that God neither knows singulars nor interacts with the spatio-temporal universe. I argue that Anselm avoids these unpalatableconsequences by being the first philosopher to adopt, clearly and consciously, a four-dimensionalist understanding of time, in which all of time is genuinely present to divine eternity. This enables him to defend the divine (...)
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  35. Omniscience, Tensed Facts, and Divine Eternity.William Lane Craig - 2000 - Faith and Philosophy 17 (2):227--228.
    A difficulty for a view of divine eternity as timelessness is that if time is tensed, then God, in virtue of His omniscience, must know tensed facts. But tensed facts, such as It is now t, can only be known by a temporally located being.Defenders of divine atemporality may attempt to escape the force of this argument by contending either that a timeless being can know tensed facts or else that ignorance of tensed facts is compatible with divine omniscience. (...)
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  36. A relativistic eschatology: Time, eternity, and eschatology in light of the physics of relativity.Antje Jackelén - 2006 - Zygon 41 (4):955-974.
  37. Playing Games with Eternity: The Devil's Offer.Edward J. Gracely - 1988 - Analysis 48 (3):113 -.
  38. Komentarz do kwestii 10. O wieczności Boga (Introduction to Question 10 of Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologiae "The Eternity of God").Zbigniew Nerczuk - 1999 - In Zbigniew Nerczuk, G. Kurylewicz & M. Olszewski, Św. Tomasz z Akwinu, Traktat o Bogu. Kraków, Polska: Wydawnictwo Znak. pp. 553-575.
    This is the introduction to the Question 10 (The Eternity of God) of St. Thomas Aquinas' "Summa Theologiae".
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  39. Ideas of multidimensional time, parallel universes and eternity in physics and metaphysics.Alexander A. Berezin - 2004 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 27 (4):288-314.
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    Tenses, analyticity, and time's eternity.Stephen E. Braude - 1976 - Philosophia 6 (1):39-48.
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  41. Fragments and Coins: Production and Memory, Economy and Eternity.L. Travaini - 2009 - In William Tronzo, The Fragment: An Incomplete History. Getty Research Institute. pp. 154--173.
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  42. God and Time: Toward a New Doctrine of Divine Timeless Eternity.Alan G. Padgett - 1989 - Religious Studies 25 (2):209 - 215.
    In this essay I wish to defend the intuition that God transcends time, of which he is the Creator. To do this, I will develop a new understanding of the term ‘timeless eternity’ as it applies to God. This assumes the inadequacy of the traditional notion of divine eternity, as it is found in Boethius, Anselm and Aquinas. Very briefly, the reasons for this inadequacy are as follows. God sustains the universe, which means in part that he is (...)
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    Time and Eternity.Bernard Bourgeois - 2000 - Philosophical Forum 31 (3&4):378-390.
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    Questions Concerning the Eternity of the World.Girard J. Etzkorn - 1994 - International Philosophical Quarterly 34 (4):499-500.
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    Siger of Brabant: The eternity of the world.Peter King - unknown
    phers] to be a demonstration of the fact that the human species (and in every case the species of all generable and corruptible individuals) began to exist at a time when previously it had not existed at all, a question is raised: whether, following the Philosopher’s method, the human species (and in every case any given species of generable and corruptible [individuals]) began to exist at a time when previously it had not existed at all.
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    Time and Eternity in Proclus.W. O'Neill - 1962 - Phronesis 7 (1):161-165.
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    Pinpoint of Eternity: European Literature in Search of the All-Encompassing Moment (review).Raymond Adolph Prier - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (2):415-416.
  48. The flight pattern to eternity.Joseph Llewellyn White - 1968 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
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    Between Divine Simplicity and the Eternity of the World.Edward R. Moad - 2015 - Philosophy and Theology 27 (1):55-73.
    In the Incoherence of the Philosophers, Abu Hamid al-Ghazali leveled a critique against twenty propositions of the Muslim peripatetic philosophers, represented chiefly by al-Farabi and Ibn Sina. In the Fourth Discussion of this work, he rejects their claim to having proven the existence of God. The proof to which he objects is none other than the famous ‘argument from contingency.’ So why did the eminent theologian of Islamic orthodoxy reject an argument for God’s existence that ultimately became so historically influential? (...)
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  50. God, Man and the physical world. Two sixth/twelfth-century hardliners on creation and divine eternity : al-Šahrastānī and Abū I-Barakāt al-Baġdādī on God's priority over the world.Andreas Lammer - 2018 - In Abdelkader Al Ghouz, Islamic philosophy from the 12th to the 14th century. Bonn: Bonn University Press.
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