Results for 'educational intervention'

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  1.  12
    Educational intervention on HIV/AIDS.Raisa Yolanda Mariño Serrano & Santoya Arévalo - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (3):622-638.
    Se realizó un estudio de intervencisn educativa, con el objetivo de determinar el nivel de conocimientos acerca del VIH/sida en estudiantes de la ESBU "Marcos Rammrez Rodrmguez" en el permodo comprendido desde el 1ro de marzo al 30 de mayo del 2010. Se estudiaron 150 adolescentes, escogidos de un universo de 347, a travis de un muestreo por conglomerado bietapico. Inicialmente se aplics una encuesta previamente sometida al mitodo de expertos (Delphi) y evaluada de muy adecuada, donde se determins que (...)
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  2. Educational Interventions and Animal Consumption: Results from Lab and Field Studies.Adam Feltz, Jacob Caton, Zac Cogley, Mylan Engel, Silke Feltz, Ramona Ilea, Syd Johnson, Tom Offer-Westort & Rebecca Tuvel - 2022 - Appetite 173.
    Currently, there are many advocacy interventions aimed at reducing animal consumption. We report results from a lab (N = 267) and a field experiment (N = 208) exploring whether, and to what extent, some of those educational interventions are effective at shifting attitudes and behavior related to animal consumption. In the lab experiment, participants were randomly assigned to read a philosophical ethics paper, watch an animal advocacy video, read an advocacy pamphlet, or watch a control video. In the field (...)
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    An Educational Intervention on Chinese Business Students’ Orientation Towards Corporate Social Responsibility.Po May Daphne Wong, Kerry J. Kennedy & Zi Yan - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 18:79-102.
    A one-day educational intervention with multiple activities was developed and operationalized with a sample of Chinese business students in Hong Kong, China. Its effectiveness in influencing students’ corporate social responsibility orientation was measured with a Chinese version of a forced choice scale using Economic, Legal, Ethical, and Discretionary dimensions by Carroll. A repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance showed significant differences in the Legal and Discretionary dimensions between the post-test Experimental group and Control group ; in the Legal, (...)
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    Educational intervention in patients with bruxism and temporomandibular dysfunction.Judith Aúcar López, Siomara Hidalgo Hidalgo, Loreydis Castañeda Casal, Maitee Lajes Ugarte & Melania Josefa Díaz Ramos - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (3):469-488.
    RESUMEN El presente texto expone los resultados de un estudio prospectivo, del tipo de intervención comunitaria aplicado en la Clínica Estomatológica Docente La Vigía, provincia Camagüey, con el objetivo de instrumentar una estrategia educativa en pacientes con bruxismo y disfunción temporomandibular en el período de enero de 2017 a enero de 2018. Se diseñó y aplicó una estrategia educativa según la metodología utilizada por la Maestría Nacional de Educación para la salud. Predominó el sexo femenino y las edades comprendidas entre (...)
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    Positive Education Interventions Prevent Depression in Chinese Adolescents.Yukun Zhao, Feng Yu, Yiwen Wu, Guang Zeng & Kaiping Peng - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  6.  13
    An Educational Intervention to Train Professional Nurses in Promoting Patient Engagement: A Pilot Feasibility Study.Serena Barello, Guendalina Graffigna, Giuliana Pitacco, Maila Mislej, Maurizio Cortale & Livio Provenzi - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Psychologically based, anti-prejudice educational intervention – project.Małgorzata Wójcik & Katarzyna Popiołek - 2012 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 43 (4):223-232.
    The presented study explores the possibility of creating and implementing educational program which would reduce intergroup bias in realistic high school setting. The project was based on the assumption that there is the need of easily applicable, anti-prejudice intervention, which would be appropriate to introduce into foreign language course books, would be universal in terms of changing negative attitudes and would meet all methodological requirements of language lessons. Crossed categorization and the common ingroup identity model were used as (...)
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    Educational interventions need evidence too. Commentary: A crisis in comparative psychology: where have all the undergraduates gone?Lewis G. Dean - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    A Matter of Friendship: Educational Interventions into Culture and Poverty.Amy B. Shuffelton - 2013 - Educational Theory 63 (3):299-316.
    Contemporary educational reformers have claimed that research on social class differences in child raising justifies programs that aim to lift children out of poverty by means of cultural interventions. Focusing on the Knowledge Is Power Program (KIPP), Ruby Payne's “aha! Process,” and the Harlem Children's Zone as examples, Amy Shuffelton argues that such programs, besides overstepping the social science research, are ethically illegitimate insofar as they undermine the equitable development of civic agency. Shuffelton invokes Aristotelian civic friendship, particularly as (...)
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    Can Genetics Research Benefit Educational Interventions for All?Kathryn Asbury - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (S1):39-42.
    Pretty much everyone knows that our genes have at least something to do with how able or how high achieving we are. Some believe that we should not speak of this common knowledge, nor inquire into how genetic influence works or what it might mean. If we do not keep an open mind to the fact of genetic influence on academic achievement, however, then we cannot explore its possible implications. And if we do not consider the implications, then we cannot, (...)
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  11.  18
    Educational intervention approaches to ameliorate adverse public health and environmental effects from global warming.Steven S. Coughlin - 2006 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 6:13.
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    Educational intervention and student awareness in the basketball class.Takaya Kitazawa, Ryosuke Tsuchida & Osamu Suzuki - 2011 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 33 (2):75-89.
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    Effectiveness of a medical education intervention to treat hypertension in primary care.Silvia Martínez-Valverde, Angélica Castro-Ríos, Ricardo Pérez-Cuevas, Miguel Klunder-Klunder, Guillermo Salinas-Escudero & Hortensia Reyes-Morales - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (2):420-425.
  14.  27
    Reconstruction of Autobiographical Memories of Violent Sexual-Affective Relationships Through Scientific Reading on Love: A Psycho-Educational Intervention to Prevent Gender Violence.Sandra Racionero-Plaza, Leire Ugalde-Lujambio, Lídia Puigvert & Emilia Aiello - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Violence in sexual-affective relationships among teens and young people is recognized as a social, educational, and health problem that has increased worldwide in recent years. Educational institutions, as central developmental contexts in adolescence, are key in preventing and responding to gender violence through implementing successful actions. In order to scientifically support that task, the research reported in this article presents and discusses a psycho-educational intervention focused on autobiographical memory reconstruction that proved to be successful in raising (...)
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    Effectiveness of educational interventions on the improvement of drug prescription in primary care: a critical literature review.Adolfo Figueiras, Isabel Sastre & Juan Jesus Gestal-Otero - 2001 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 7 (2):223-241.
  16.  30
    Efficacy of an Educational Intervention to Increase Consent for HIV Testing in Rural Appalachia.Tania B. Basta, Teena Stambaugh & Celia B. Fisher - 2015 - Ethics and Behavior 25 (2):129-145.
    This study sought to assess barriers and enhance readiness to consent to home and Planned Parenthood HIV testing among 60 out-patients from a mental health and substance abuse clinic in rural Appalachia. Testing barriers included not knowing where to get tested, lack of confidentiality, and loss of partners if one tested sero-positive. The intervention yielded lowered HIV stigma, increase in HIV knowledge, and agreement to take the HIV home test. These results are encouraging because they suggest that a brief (...)
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  17.  40
    Impact of an educational intervention to promote condom use among the male partners of HIV positive women.Mariangela Freitas da Silveira & Ina Silva dos Santos - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (1):102-111.
  18.  27
    Removing the Blinders: Increasing Students’ Awareness of Self-Perception Biases and Real-World Ethical Challenges Through an Educational Intervention.Kathleen A. Tomlin, Matthew L. Metzger & Jill Bradley-Geist - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (4):731-746.
    Business ethics educators strive to produce graduates who not only grasp the principles of ethical decision-making, but who can apply that business ethics education when faced with real-world challenges. However, this has proven especially difficult, as good intentions do not always translate into ethical awareness and action. Complementing a behavioral ethics approach with insights from social psychology, we developed an interventional class module with both online and in-class elements aimed at increasing students’ awareness of their own susceptibility to unconscious biases (...)
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  19.  71
    A tailored educational intervention improves doctor's performance in managing depression: a randomized controlled trial.Mandana Shirazi, Kirsti Lonka, Sagar V. Parikh, Gunilla Ristner, Farshid Alaeddini, Majid Sadeghi & Rolf Wahlstrom - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (1):16-24.
  20.  33
    Accuracy and reliability of assessment of severity of illness before and after an educational intervention.Christopher Shlels, Allen Hutchlnson, Martin Eccles, Eric Gardiner & Lada Smoljanovlc - 1996 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2 (4):265-271.
  21.  28
    Impact of an educational intervention on internal medicine residents' physical activity counselling: the Pressure System Model.David L. Katz, Kerem Shuval, Beth P. Comerford, Zubaida Faridi & Valentine Y. Njike - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (2):294-299.
  22.  25
    Findings from a mixed‐methods pragmatic cluster trial evaluating the impact of ethics education interventions on residential care‐givers.Ann Gallagher, Matthew Peacock, Emily Williams, Magdalena Zasada & Anna Cox - 2021 - Nursing Inquiry 28 (2):e12383.
    There has been little previous research regarding the effectiveness of ethics education interventions for residential care‐givers. The Researching Interventions to Promote Ethics in social care project responded to the question: Which is the most effective ethics education intervention for care‐givers in residential social care? A pragmatic cluster trial explored the impact of three ethics education interventions for: (a) interactive face‐to‐face ethics teaching; (b) reflective ethics discussion groups; and (c) an immersive simulation experience. There was also a control arm (d). (...)
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  23.  42
    Exploring the educational aspirations–expectations gap in eighth grade students: implications for educational interventions and school reform.Chris Michael Kirk, Rhonda K. Lewis, Angela Scott, Denise Wren, Corinne Nilsen & Deltha Q. Colvin - 2012 - Educational Studies 38 (5):507-519.
    Over the past three decades, more and more students are expressing a desire to attend college, yet for many members of disenfranchised groups, this goal is often not attained. While many factors contribute to these disparities, research has shown that students begin adjusting their expectations (what they think they can achieve) for the future in relation to their idealised aspirations (what they would like to achieve). The current study explores this gap among 207 eighth grade students from two urban middle (...)
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  24.  61
    Evaluating the impact of an evidence‐based medicine educational intervention on primary care doctors' attitudes, knowledge and clinical behaviour: a controlled trial and before and after study.Kerem Shuval, Eldar Berkovits, Doron Netzer, Igal Hekselman, Shai Linn, Mayer Brezis & Shmuel Reis - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (4):581-598.
  25.  44
    The impact of an end-of-life healthcare ethics educational intervention.Claire Molloy, Joan McCarthy & Mark Tyrrell - 2016 - Clinical Ethics 11 (1):28-37.
    Background The impact of healthcare ethics educational interventions on participants’ ethical development is rarely reported on and assessed; even less attention is paid to educational interventions that focus on end-of-life ethical issues. Aim To evaluate the impact of the Ethical Framework for End-of-Life Care Study Sessions Programme ( EOLCSS) on the moral development of healthcare staff who are delivering end-of-life care. Methods The EOLCSS was delivered to 20 multi-disciplinary health care staff in Ireland in May 2013. Effect on (...)
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  26.  24
    Social Competence and Peer Social Acceptance: Evaluating Effects of an Educational Intervention in Adolescents.Pablo Luna, Jerónimo Guerrero, Débora Rodrigo-Ruiz, Lidia Losada & Javier Cejudo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study aims to evaluate the impact of an educational intervention on social competence and social acceptance among adolescents. The participants were 106 adolescents aged 12-15 years (M = 13.41 years; SD = 0.81 years). Participants were randomly assigned to the control group (n = 44) and an experimental group (n = 69). In the experimental group, an intervention based on the Sport Education Model (SEM) was applied. While in the control group, an intervention based on (...)
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  27.  31
    Baseline radiological staging in primary breast cancer: impact of educational interventions on adherence to published guidelines.Elaine McWhirter, Geetha Yogendran, Frances Wright, George Dranitsaris M. Pharm & Mark Clemons - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (4):647-650.
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    Shaping medical students' attitudes toward ethically important aspects of clinical research: Results of a randomized, controlled educational intervention.Laura Weiss Roberts, Teddy D. Warner, Laura B. Dunn, Janet L. Brody, Katherine Green Hammond & Brian B. Roberts - 2007 - Ethics and Behavior 17 (1):19 – 50.
    The effects of research ethics training on medical students' attitudes about clinical research are examined. A preliminary randomized controlled trial evaluated 2 didactic approaches to ethics training compared to a no-intervention control. The participant-oriented intervention emphasized subjective experiences of research participants (empathy focused). The criteria-oriented intervention emphasized specific ethical criteria for analyzing protocols (analytic focused). Compared to controls, those in the participant-oriented intervention group exhibited greater attunement to research participants' attitudes related to altruism, trust, quality of (...)
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  29. Adaptive Interventions Reducing Social Identity Threat to Increase Equity in Higher Distance Education: A Use Case and Ethical Considerations on Algorithmic Fairness.Laura Froehlich & Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann - 2024 - Journal of Learning Analytics 11 (2):112-122.
    Educational disparities between traditional and non-traditional student groups in higher distance education can potentially be reduced by alleviating social identity threat and strengthening students’ sense of belonging in the academic context. We present a use case of how Learning Analytics and Machine Learning can be applied to develop and implement an algorithm to classify students as at-risk of experiencing social identity threat. These students would be presented with an intervention fostering a sense of belonging. We systematically analyze the (...)
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    Postcolonial interventions within science education: Using postcolonial ideas to reconsider cultural diversity scholarship.Lyn Carter - 2006 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 38 (5):677–691.
    In this paper, I utilise key postcolonial perspectives on multiculturalism and boundaries to reconsider some of science education's scholarship on cultural diversity in order to extend the discourses and methodologies of science education. I begin with a brief overview of postcolonialism that argues its ability to offer theoretical insights to help revise science education's philosophical frameworks in the face of the newly intercivilisational encounters of contemporaneity. I then describe the constructs of multiculturalism, and borders and ‘border thinking’ that become useful (...)
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    Translating psoriasis treatment guidelines into clinical practice – the need for educational interventions and strategies for broad dissemination.Alexander Nast, Ricardo Erdmann, Delano Pathirana & Berthold Rzany - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (5):803-806.
  32.  44
    Shaping Medical Students' Attitudes Toward Ethically Important Aspects of Clinical Research: Results of a Randomized, Controlled Educational Intervention.Laura Weiss Roberts, Teddy D. Warner, Laura B. Dunn, Janet L. Brody, Katherine A. Green Hammond & Brian B. Roberts - 2007 - Ethics and Behavior 17 (1):19-50.
    The effects of research ethics training on medical students' attitudes about clinical research are examined. A preliminary randomized controlled trial evaluated 2 didactic approaches to ethics training compared to a no-intervention control. The participant-oriented intervention emphasized subjective experiences of research participants. The criteria-oriented intervention emphasized specific ethical criteria for analyzing protocols. Compared to controls, those in the participant-oriented intervention group exhibited greater attunement to research participants' attitudes related to altruism, trust, quality of relationships with researchers, desire (...)
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  33.  19
    Improvement of Planning Skills in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder After an Educational Intervention: A Study From a Mixed Methods Approach.Elena Escolano-Pérez, Marian Acero-Ferrero & Mª Luisa Herrero-Nivela - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    German University Students’ Perspective on Remote Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Quantitative Survey Study With Implications for Future Educational Interventions.Thomas Hoss, Amancay Ancina & Kai Kaspar - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic forced German universities to adjust their established operations quickly during the first nationwide lockdown in spring 2020. Lecturers and students were confronted with a sudden transition to remote teaching and learning. The present study examined students’ preparedness for and perspective on this new situation. In March and April 2020, we surveyed n = 584 students about the status quo of their perceived digital literacy and corresponding formal learning opportunities they had experienced in the past. Additionally, the students (...)
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    (1 other version)Practical Turn in Cosmological Discourse: Ethical and Educational Interventions.Maria Kultaieva, Lesya Panchenko & Nataliia Radionova - 2024 - Philosophy and Cosmology 32.
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    Intervention Research in a Public Elementary School: A Critical-Collaborative Teacher Education Project on Reading and Writing.Maria Cecília Camargo Magalhães - 2016 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 17 (1):39-61.
    This Teacher Education Project is an intervention research aimed at creating new school roles for educating students as readers and writers as well as citizens. The methodological framework was based on Vygotsky’s discussions of method as praxis, as well as on both the Marxist practical–materialistic–revolutionary activity and Engeström’s extensions of Cultural Historical Activity Theory. The work at school was motivated by students’ limited awareness of reading and writing. The goal was to involve the school as a community in understanding (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Education and imagination : a contradiction in terms? : experiences from mythodramatic crisis intervention in schools.Allan Guggenbühl - 2008 - In Raya A. Jones, Education and imagination: post-Jungian perspectives. New York: Routledge. pp. 64.
  38.  27
    Plagiarism Intervention Using a Game-Based Tutorial in an Online Distance Education Course.Cheryl A. Kier - 2019 - Journal of Academic Ethics 17 (4):429-439.
    This project assesses the ability of a game tutorial, “Goblin Threat” to increase university students’ ability to recognize plagiarized passages. The game tutorial covers information about how to cite properly, types and consequences of plagiarism, and the differences between paraphrasing and plagiarism. The game involves finding and clicking on “goblins” who ask questions about various aspects of plagiarism. Sound effects and entertaining visuals work to keep students’ attention. One group of 177 students enrolled in an online Psychology of Adolescence course (...)
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  39.  20
    Interculturality, Intraculturality and Education: New Proposals for Sociocultural Intervention in Latin America.Jesús M. Aparicio Gervás, Daniel Valério Martins, Charles David Tilley Bilbao & Lucicleide de Souza Barcelar - 2017 - Journal of Human Values 23 (2):106-115.
    Today it is difficult to investigate how to deal with the interaction of heterogeneous societies living in common spaces of coexistence (interculturality). Certainly, the intervention in this field of scientific knowledge requires to know and to be able to apply the concepts, models and paradigms of social relation that differ considerably according to the social context in which we are investigating. It is not the same (although done fairly frequently), contextualizing this situation in the American society, or in the (...)
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    Family education, state intervention and political liberalism.Jan Steutel & Ben Spiecker - 1999 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 33 (3):371–386.
    This paper tries, from the perspective of political liberalism, to answer the question whether parents can fail in the moral upbringing of their children to the extent that the state has the right to intervene or to override their legal authority over their children. It is argued that state intervention must meet the liberal criterion of justificatory neutrality, and, on the basis of a discussion of the notion of ‘reasonable citizens’, that only serious parental failure to inculcate basic rules (...)
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    Intervention et pratique éducative : Reflet et/ou révélateur des tensions entre instruction, socialisation et qualification ?Philippe Maubant - 2013 - Revue Phronesis 2 (2):1-3.
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    An Intervention in Educational Inquiry: Re-membering, Honoring and Practicing a River’s Ways of Knowing and Being.Magali Forte - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (4):742-762.
    Answering this special issue’s call to reckon, repair and reworld, and following an ethical imperative to re-think social and educational structures, I turn to the wisdom of rivers. In the current settler colonial climate of near inertia that we live in, there is an urgent need to reckon with ways of being and knowing that go beyond the mainstream taken-for-granted habits of conventional educational research. Thinking with Indigenous perspectives, I problematize the Eurocentric worldview I was raised in and (...)
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  43.  34
    The Intervention of Critical Pedagogy in Mainstream Animal Education.Eileen Crist - 2011 - Society and Animals 19 (3):323-325.
  44.  25
    Decolonizing the Westernized University: Interventions in Philosophy of Education from Within and Without.Ernesto Rosen Velásquez & Roberto Hernández (eds.) - 2016 - Lexington Books.
    This volume focuses on the westernized universities, in the US and abroad and examines the various dimensions of the education crisis and provides a sharper understanding of the crisis and the responses to the westernized university at multiple sites around the world.
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  45. Interdisciplinary Urban Interventions: Fostering Social Justice Through Collaborative Research-Led Design in Architectural Education.Asma Mehan & Natalia Dominguez - 2024 - Architecture 4 (4):1136-1156.
    This study aims to examine how interdisciplinary urban interventions within architectural education can effectively address social justice issues. Motivated by the growing need for inclusive and equitable urban spaces, this research explores the potential of collaborative design and participatory research methods to foster social awareness and community engagement. Focusing on student-led projects in cities such as Houston, San Diego, and Amsterdam, this study addresses social justice challenges across themes like Art Activism, Tactical Urbanism, environmental justice, and gender equity. Using case (...)
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    Against the Grain: An intervention of mastery learning and intellectual emancipation in art education.Anita Sinner - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (5):502-514.
    In a case study of an undergraduate course in art education, modes of mastery learning and propositions of intellectual emancipation were explored as interventions in curriculum design. By adopting Rancière’s framework of a ‘will to will’ relationship between instructor and students, the core assignment—a visual journal—became a site of student positionality through mastery methods, rather than information gathering. The visual journal provided a record of the event of knowledge and served as a forum to verify that acts of student thinking (...)
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    La difficile question de l’identité de genre dans les interventions scolaires en éducation à la vie affective, relationnelle et sexuelle.Marlyse Plagnard - 2024 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 245 (3):55-70.
    L’auteure rend compte de son expérience auprès de collégiens et lycéens, dans le cadre des interventions d’« éducation à la vie affective, relationnelle et sexuelle », sur l’abord avec eux de la thématique de l’identité de genre. Elle essaie de sensibiliser les adolescents au processus de construction progressive de cette identité à partir des éléments corporels, psychiques et sociaux, en introduisant la notion d’identification aux figures masculines et féminines investies affectivement dans leur environnement. Il lui paraît important, par ailleurs, de (...)
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    La compétence à lire et acter les finalités effectives de l'école dans un dispositif partenarial École-Communauté comme condition de réalisation de l'intervention socio-éducative.Yves Couturier, Chantal Lefebvre, Angèle Bilodeau & Robert Bastien - 2013 - Revue Phronesis 2 (2):36-42.
    Résumé : L’article propose une démarche méthodologique permettant d’identifier la réflexion professionnelle chez des stagiaires en formation à l’enseignement. En effet, la capacité d’analyser sa pratique de façon réflexive est une composante d’une compétence professionnelle à développer selon le Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec. Une certaine forme de réflexion chez les étudiants est donc à acquérir et, du point de vue des tuteurs de stage, à faire acquérir. Quels sont les critères implicites que les enseignants associés des écoles ou les (...)
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    Positive Education for Young Children: Effects of a Positive Psychology Intervention for Preschool Children on Subjective Well Being and Learning Behaviors.Anat Shoshani & Michelle Slone - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    What Drives Quality Physical Education? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Learning and Development Effects From Physical Education-Based Interventions.Dean Dudley, Erin Mackenzie, Penny Van Bergen, John Cairney & Lisa Barnett - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveTo determine the effects of learning interventions aimed at optimizing the quality of physical education on psychomotor, cognitive, affective and social learning outcomes in children and adolescents.DesignA systematic review and meta-analysis.Data SourcesAfter searching PsycInfo, ERIC, and SportDiscus electronic databases, we identified 135 eligible studies published between January 1, 1995 to May 1, 2021.Eligibility Criteria for Selecting StudiesWe included randomized controlled trials, quasi-experimental studies, and controlled trials that assessed the effect of a PE-based intervention against one of the four identified (...)
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