Results for 'dry season'

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  1.  14
    Thoughts of a wet mind in a dry season: the rhetoric and ideology of psychiatric nursing.P. J. Dawson - 1997 - Nursing Inquiry 4 (1):69-71.
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    Crop–livestock interactions in agricultural and pastoral systems in West Africa.Mark Moritz - 2010 - Agriculture and Human Values 27 (2):119-128.
    Driven by population pressures on natural resources, peri-urban pastoralists in the Far North Province of Cameroon have recently intensified livestock production in their traditional pastoral system by feeding their cattle cottonseed cakes and other agricultural byproducts to cope with the disappearance of rangelands typically available through the dry season. Although the crop–livestock interactions in this altered intensive pastoral system seem similar to alterations recently named in mixed-farming systems in West Africa, they are distinctly different and would require a different (...)
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    Development interventions, changing livelihoods, and the making of female Maasai pastoralists.Elizabeth Edna Wangui - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (3):365-378.
    The broad objective of this paper is to examine the evolution of gendered aspects of livelihood strategies and their interaction with various development interventions. Central to this is an empirical analysis of gendered divisions of labor in the context of rapidly changing pastoralist livelihoods. The paper begins with a literature review on gender roles in pastoralist societies. Two important gaps in the existing literature are identified. First, studies on gender roles are too often studies on women’s roles as men’s roles (...)
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  4. Supporting Information: Punishment sustains large-scale cooperation in pre-state warfare.Robert Boyd - unknown
    The data were collected during 9.5 months of field work by Sarah Mathew from 2008– 2010. Participants were a representative sample of adult men reliant on nomadic pastoralism for their livelihood. We recruited them in a town close to the ethnic border frequented by nomadic Turkana who live in the surrounding 50 km radius. Recruitment was done with the help of trained local Turkana research assistants. The RA approached potential participants, briefly introduced them to the study, and then asked them (...)
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  5. 21st century climate change in the middle east.Jason P. Evans - forthcoming - Climatic Change.
    This study examined the performance and future predictions for the Middle East produced by 18 global climate models participating in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report. Under the Special Report on Emission Scenarios A2 emissions scenario the models predict an overall temperature increase of ~1.4 K by mid-century, increasing to almost 4 K by late-century for the Middle East. In terms of precipitation the southernmost portion of the domain experiences a small increase in precipitation due to the (...)
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    Building resilience to climate change in rain-fed agricultural enterprises: An integrated property planning tool. [REVIEW]Gregory H. Reid - 2009 - Agriculture and Human Values 26 (4):391-397.
    In response to a drying climate, an integrated property planning tool was developed over three years to help landowners make better use of available rainfall. A sequence was identified which indicated how parts of each property are affected by soil moisture limitations. The sequence was combined with soil properties to indicate targeted strategies for each location aimed to improve soil moisture availability, biomass utilisation, and long-term viability of the farm or ranching enterprise. As a result of training of land owners (...)
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    Midstream: The Chicago River, 1999-2010.Richard Wasserman - 2012 - Columbia College Chicago Press.
    In Midstream, photographer Richard Wasserman documents the entire length of the 156-mile Chicago River and gives readers a glimpse into a mostly hidden landscape. As the twentieth century was drawing to a close and the city's industrial manufacturing era was rapidly waning, Wasserman took note of increased efforts to clean, beautify, and conserve the river, and he felt an urgent need to preserve the memory of Chicago's brawling past. As the project progressed and the photographer found himself captivated by the (...)
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  8. THIS IS NICE OF YOU. Introduction by Ben Segal.Gary Lutz - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):43-51.
    Reproduced with the kind permission of the author. Currently available in the collection I Looked Alive . © 2010 The Brooklyn Rail/Black Square Editions | ISBN 978-1934029-07-7 Originally published 2003 Four Walls Eight Windows. continent. 1.1 (2011): 43-51. Introduction Ben Segal What interests me is instigated language, language dishabituated from its ordinary doings, language startled by itself. I don't know where that sort of interest locates me, or leaves me, but a lot of the books I see in the stores (...)
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  9. Driftwood.Bronwyn Lay - 2013 - Continent 3 (2):22-27.
    This piece, included in the drift special issue of continent. , was created as one step in a thread of inquiry. While each of the contributions to drift stand on their own, the project was an attempt to follow a line of theoretical inquiry as it passed through time and the postal service(s) from October 2012 until May 2013. This issue hosts two threads: between space & place and between intention & attention . The editors recommend that to experience the (...)
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    "Explosion".Greta Claire Gaard - 2003 - Ethics and the Environment 8 (2):71-79.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics & the Environment 8.2 (2003) 71-79 [Access article in PDF] "Explosion" Greta Gaard I. In the beginning there was only water, and you were a part of it. Never mind what else you have heard. This was your first relationship, your connection to water. And the quality of this relationship, the character of your beliefs about water, shapes all relationships in your life. The way you do one (...)
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    Combinatory rules and chunk structure in male Mueller’s gibbon songs.Yoichi Inoue, Waidi Sinun, Shigeto Yosida & Kazuo Okanoya - 2017 - Latest Issue of Interaction Studies 18 (1):1-25.
    Understanding whether the long and elaborate songs of male gibbons have syntax and hierarchical structures is an interesting question in the evolution of language, because gibbons are near humans in the phylogenetic tree and a hierarchically organized syntax is considered to be a basic component of human language. We conducted field research at Danum Valley Conservation Area in northern Borneo to test the hypothesis that gibbon songs have syntax and chunks. We followed one Mueller’s gibbon group for 1 week in (...)
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  12.  72
    Design Fundamentals in the Hot and Humid Climate of Iran: The Case of Khoramshahr.Hoda Afshari - 2012 - Asian Culture and History 4 (1):p65.
    Building design based on principles of architecture in harmony with the climate of each region, in addition to creating thermal comfort in building interiors, reduces fuel consumption and more important it will demonstrate a clean and green environment. This issue becomes more intense in some geological areas like Khoramshahr in Iran, which has a warm, tropical and critical climate, since if this issue is not taking into account, using air conditioning utilities would be necessary in most periods of the year. (...)
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  13.  23
    Form and Discontent.Rosmarie Waldrop - 1996 - Diacritics 26 (3/4):54-62.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Form and Discontent*Rosmarie Waldrop (bio)1. Composition as ExplanationIn the beginning there is Gertrude Stein, who says in “Composition as Explanation”: “Everything is the same except composition and as the composition is different and always going to be different everything is not the same” [520].I could also say, in the beginning is Aristotle: “the fable is simply this, the combination of the incidents” [1460].2. A Look AroundThe forms that have (...)
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  14.  15
    The Landscape of Fear as a Safety Eco-Field: Experimental Evidence.Almo Farina & Philip James - 2023 - Biosemiotics 16 (1):61-84.
    In a development of the ecosemiotic vivo-scape concept, a ‘safety eco-field’ is proposed as a model of a species response to the safety of its environment. The safety eco-field is based on the ecosemiotic approach which considers environmental safety as a resource sought and chosen by individuals to counter predatory pressure. To test the relative safety of different locations within a landscape, 66 bird feeders (BF) were deployed in a regular 15 × 15 m grid in a rural area, surrounded (...)
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  15.  48
    Rural income generation through improving crop-based pig production systems in Vietnam: Diagnostics, interventions, and dissemination. [REVIEW]Dai Peters, Nguyen Thi Tinh, Mai Thach Hoan, Nguyen The Yen, Pham Ngoc Thach & Keith Fuglie - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (1):73-85.
    Sweetpotato-pig production is an important system that generates income, utilizes unmarketable crops, and provides manure for soil fertility maintenance. This system is widely practiced from Asia to Africa, with many local variations. Within this system, pigs are generally fed a low nutrient-dense diet, yielding low growth rates and low economic efficiency. Our project in Vietnam went through a process of situation analysis, participatory technology development (PTD), and scaling up over a seven-year period to improve sweetpotato-pig production and to disseminate developed (...)
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  16.  44
    Becoming a Victim.Marguerite La Caze - 2021 - Philosophy Today 65 (4):899-916.
    Euzhan Palcy’s film A Dry White Season, set in apartheid South Africa, portrays a resistance not intended to lead to victimhood, yet leads to the death of the Afrikaans protagonist, Benjamin Du Toit. The narrative follows Ben as they are educated about Black South Africans’ suffering under apartheid, their growing activism and simultaneous increasing victimization beside that of their Black friends. I first examine how early political critics of the film thought it stressed the victimization of the white character (...)
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  17. Film and Everyday Resistance.Marguerite La Caze - 2024 - Northwestern University Press.
    Václav Havel’s concept of “living within the truth” in an authoritarian regime frames Marguerite La Caze’s readings of international cinema, highlighting forms of resistance in which seemingly pre- or nonpolitical aspects of life—such as professional labor, exile, and truth telling—can be recognized as political when seen against a backdrop of general acquiescence. La Caze’s case studies cross genres, historical eras, and national contexts: the apartheid regime in South Africa, in A Dry White Season; post-Suharto Indonesia, in The Look of (...)
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  18.  53
    Crop water requirements revisited: The human dimensions of irrigation science and crop water management with special reference to the FAO approach. [REVIEW]Dirk Zoebl - 2002 - Agriculture and Human Values 19 (3):173-187.
    Halfway through the 20thcentury, a curious shift took place in theconcept and definition of the agronomic term“crop water requirements.” Where these cropneeds were originally seen as the amount ofwater required for obtaining a certain yieldlevel, in the second half of the 20thcentury, the term came to mean the water neededto reach the potential or maximum yield in acertain season and locality. Some of themultiple academic, economic, social, andgeopolitical aspects of this conceptual shiftare addressed here. The crucial role of theproduction (...)
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    (2 other versions)Brussels sprouts and empire : putting down roots.Michael Moss - 2010 - In Fritz Allhoff & Dan O'Brien, Gardening - Philosophy for Everyone: Cultivating Wisdom. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 79–92.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Notes.
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    Talk, voice and gestures in reported speech: toward an integrated approach.Dris Soulaimani - 2018 - Discourse Studies 20 (3):361-376.
    Drawing on Arabic data sets, this study examines reported speech in naturally occurring conversations. Building on earlier work in discourse analysis, the study demonstrates how reported speech is a multiparty social field in which much of the reporting involves not only speech but also intricate forms of voice patterns and embodied reenactments. The study argues that speakers create an integrated complex of reporting, including multimodal utterances that go beyond the stream of speech to include relevant nonlinguistic sounds and embodied gestures. (...)
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  21. The problem of complexity and the emergence of polycentric political order.Dries Daems & Alexander Schaefer - 2024 - In David Thunder & Pablo Paniagua Prieto, Polycentric governance and the good society: a normative and philosophical investigation. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington.
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    Ricoeur's Personalist Republicanism: Personhood and Citizenship.Dries Deweer - 2017 - Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
    This book explores Ricoeur’s philosophical anthropology and political philosophy. It is unique in its emphasis on the personalist perspective in the work of Paul Ricoeur and on the existence of a distinct, personalist branch of republicanism.
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    En torno al concepto de filosofía.Rubén R. Dri - 1967 - Resistencia: [Departamento de Extensión Universitaria y Ampliación de Estudios, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste].
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  24. Falsafah-yi taḥrīk: fikrī vaḥdat, ijtimāʻiyat aur minhaj va maqṣad.Ḥusain Muḥīuddīn Qādrī - 2012 - Lāhaur: Minhājulqurʼān Pablīkeshanz. Edited by Jalīl Aḥmad Hāshimī & Muḥammad Fārūq Rānā.
    On conduct of life for Muslims and Islamic ethics.
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    Die Welt Als Vernichtungslager: Eine Kritische Theorie der Moderne Im Anschluss an Günther Anders, Hannah Arendt Und Hans Jonas.Christian Dries - 2012 - Transcript Verlag.
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    Business ethics in Islam.Ḥusain Muḥīuddīn Qādrī - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Islamic Business Finance is based on strong ethical regulations as suggested by Islamic Literature, such as the Quran and the Traditions of the Prophet of Islam, and could be considered as a subclass of the wider subject of ethical standards in business. This book highlights the basic principles of Islamic Business ethics and their implication in today's global business environment. It highlights the most important features of Islamic banking and finance in relation to the core principles of Shariah law. It (...)
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  27.  64
    Better but still biased: Analytic cognitive style and belief bias.Dries Trippas, Gordon Pennycook, Michael F. Verde & Simon J. Handley - 2015 - Thinking and Reasoning 21 (4):431-445.
    Belief bias is the tendency for prior beliefs to influence people's deductive reasoning in two ways: through the application of a simple belief-heuristic and through the application of more effortful reasoning for unbelievable conclusions. Previous research indicates that cognitive ability is the primary determinant of the effect of beliefs on accuracy. In the current study, we show that the mere tendency to engage analytic reasoning is responsible for the effect of cognitive ability on motivated reasoning. The implications of this finding (...)
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  28.  43
    Warm-hearted businessmen, competitive housewives? Effects of gender-fair language on adolescents’ perceptions of occupations.Dries Vervecken, Pascal M. Gygax, Ute Gabriel, Matthias Guillod & Bettina Hannover - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Fluency and belief bias in deductive reasoning: new indices for old effects.Dries Trippas, Simon J. Handley & Michael F. Verde - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  30. A great deal of controversy? : a case study of Dondeyne, Gregoire, and Moeller integrating phenomenology and existentialism in Louvain Neo-Thomism.Dries Bosschaert - 2018 - In Rajesh Heynickx & Stéphane Symons, So What's New About Scholasticism?: How Neo-Thomism Helped Shape the Twentieth Century. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Mounier and Landsberg on the Person as Citizen: The Political Theory of the Early Esprit Movement.Dries Deweer - 2014 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 88 (3):487-510.
  32. Die Rechtslehre des Thomasius.Karl Heinz Dries - 1963
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    Memento Mori, Memento Vivere: Early Nietzsche on History, Embodiment, and Value.Manuel Dries - 2017 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 48 (1):29-55.
    The centrality of the embodiment of mind, self, and values for the later Nietzsche is widely acknowledged. Here, I reconstrue Nietzsche’s HL to show that he uses his drive model of the mind already in this early text. The “historical sickness” central to HL is diagnosed in the form of failures of embodiment and drive control. First, I argue that a precursor to Nietzsche’s figure of “the last human” is already the target in HL. Second, I offer working definitions for (...)
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    Towards an Affective Understanding of Pure Judgments of Taste.Dries Josten & Levi Haeck - 2024 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (1).
    In this article, we argue that “affect” should be an important notion in political philosophy. We do this, firstly, by tracing the notion of affect through the philosophical system of Immanuel Kant. We find that affect plays a threefold role for Kant, which can be mapped onto Hannah Arendt’s distinction between natural humanity, moral humanity, and political/aesthetic humanity (our rephrasing). Affect clearly plays a role on the level of natural humanity, and it is arguably to be pinpointed from within moral (...)
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  35.  17
    Facilitating professional normative judgement through science-policy interfaces: the case of anthropogenic land subsidence in the Netherlands.Dries Hegger, Peter Driessen, Esther Stouthamer & Heleen Mees - 2023 - Legal Ethics 26 (1):144-162.
    Science-policy interactions can both facilitate and hamper professional normative judgement, i.e. a value judgement about the desirability of a certain situation. Anthropogenic land subsidence, contributing to relative sea-level rise in the economically important Western peatland areas in the Netherlands is a case in point. The implementation of mitigation, adaptation and compensation measures is lagging, partly due to science-policy interaction problems potentially leading to conflicts between stakeholders, including agrarians, climate scientists and inhabitants. We find that professional normative judgement is enhanced when (...)
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    Liberalisme en cultuur: Will Kymlicka over multicultureel burgerschap.Dries Chaerle & André Van de Putte - 1997 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59 (2):215-252.
    This study examines Will Kymlicka's liberal defense of minority rights. The startingpoint of his argument is provided by a particular conception of individual freedom, which stresses the need for a context of choice in which it can be exercised. This contextof choice is conceived of as a societal culture, i.e. as „an intergenerational community, more or less institutionally complete, occupying a given territory or homeland, sharing a distinct language and history”. As far as societal-cultural membership is constitutive for the freedom (...)
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  37.  14
    Abbreviations and Translations.Manuel Dries - 2008 - In Nietzsche on Time and History. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Caturvargacintāmaṇil. Hemādri - 1971
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    Using Graph Theory to Assess the Interaction between Cerebral Function, Brain Hemodynamics, and Systemic Variables in Premature Infants.Dries Hendrikx, Liesbeth Thewissen, Anne Smits, Gunnar Naulaers, Karel Allegaert, Sabine Van Huffel & Alexander Caicedo - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-15.
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  40.  5
    Islamic philosophy & Muslim philosophers.Ḥusain Muḥīuddīn Qādrī - 2021 - Lahore: Minhaj-ul-Quran International (MQR).
  41.  28
    Using forced choice to test belief bias in syllogistic reasoning.Dries Trippas, Michael F. Verde & Simon J. Handley - 2014 - Cognition 133 (3):586-600.
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  42.  64
    Nietzsche on Time and History.Manuel Dries (ed.) - 2008 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Nietzsche's Critique of Staticism Manuel Dries Part 1: Time, History, Method Nietzsche's Cultural Criticism and his Historical Methodology 23 Andrea Orsucci Thucydides, Nietzsche, and Williams 35 Raymond Geuss The Late Nietzsche's Fundamental Critique of Historical Scholarship 51 Thomas H. Brobjer Part II: Genealogy, Time, Becoming Nietzsche's Timely Genealogy: An Exercise in Anti-Reductionist Naturalism 63 Tinneke Beeckman From Kantian Temporality to Nietzschean Naturalism 75 R. Kevin Hill Nietzsche's Problem of the Past 87 John Richardson Towards Adualism: Becoming and Nihilism in Nietzsche's (...)
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  43.  17
    De staat in drie generaties van.Dries Lesage, Jan Orbie, Tine Vandervelden & Sara Van Belle - 2005 - Res Publica 47 (1):102-122.
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    Nietzsche's Critique of Staticism Introduction to Nietzsche on Time and History.Manuel Dries - 2008 - In Nietzsche on Time and History. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 1.
    Why are we still intrigued by Nietzsche? This chapter argues that sustained interest stems from Nietzsche’s challenge to what we might call the ‘staticism’ inherent in our ordinary experience. Staticism can be defined, roughly speaking, as the view that the world is a collection of enduring, re-identifiable objects that change only very gradually and according to determinate laws. The chapter discusses Nietzsche’s rejection of the remnants of staticism in Hegel and Schopenhauer. It outlines why Nietzsche deems belief in any variant (...)
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  45. Taking feminism seriously in political science : a cross-disciplinary dialog.Laci Hubbard-Mattix Season Hoard, G. Mazur Amy & Samantha Noll - 2022 - In Harold Kincaid & Jeroen van Bouwel, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Political Science. New York: Oxford University Press.
  46. Introduction to Nietzsche on Mind and Nature.Manuel Dries & P. J. E. Kail - 2015 - In Manuel Dries & P. J. E. Kail, Nietzsche on Mind and Nature. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press UK.
    This chapter provides summaries of the chapter of this book and introduces the major themes and debates addressed in the volume. Discussed are Nietzsche’s metaphysics; his philosophy of mind in light of contemporary views; the question of panpsychism of Beyond Good and Evil 36; the rejection of dualism in favour of monism, in particular a monism of value; Nietzsche’s positions on consciousness and embodied cognition in light of recent cognitive science; a conception of freedom and agency based on an intrinsically (...)
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  47. The Feeling of Doing – Nietzsche on Agent Causation.Manuel Dries - 2013 - Nietzscheforschung 20 (1):235-247.
    This article examines Nietzsche’s analysis of the phenomenology of agent causation. Sense of agent causation, our sense of self-efficacy, is tenacious because it originates, according to Nietzsche’s hypothesis, in the embodied and situated experience of effort in overcoming resistances. It arises at the level of the organism and is sustained by higher-order cognitive functions. Based on this hypothesis, Nietzsche regards the sense of self as emerging from a homeostatic system of drives and affects that unify such as to maintain self-efficacy (...)
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  48.  55
    Ricoeur and Anglo-American Political Philosophy.Dries Deweer - 2018 - Philosophy Today 62 (3):803-821.
    It is a common conviction that Ricoeur’s main contribution to Anglo-American political philosophy is to be found in the dialogue he tried to establish between liberalism and communitarianism. I argue that the depth of Ricoeur’s political philosophy is better served by situating it not only with regard to liberalism and communitarianism, but especially with regard to republicanism. This article shows how Ricoeur’s political philosophy—with its focus on the so-called “political paradox”—contains the main components of contemporary republicanism, with its stress on (...)
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  49. Freedom, Resistance, Agency.Manuel Dries - 2015 - In Manuel Dries & P. J. E. Kail, Nietzsche on Mind and Nature. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 142–162.
    While Nietzsche's rejection of metaphysical free will and moral desert has been widely recognised, the sense in which Nietzsche continues to use the term freedom affirmatively remains largely unnoticed. The aim of this article is to show that freedom and agency are among Nietzsche’s central concerns, that his much-discussed interest in power in fact originates in a first-person account of freedom, and that his understanding of the phenomenology of freedom informs his theory of agency. He develops a non-reductive drive-psychological motivational (...)
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  50.  6
    Civil Peace and the Quest for Truth: The First Amendment Freedoms in Political Philosophy and American Constitutionalism.Murray Dry - 2004 - Lexington Books.
    Dry examines the U.S. Supreme Court's treatment of the First Amendment freedoms of religion and speech against the founding of the American Constitution and its philosophical underpinnings.
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