Results for 'Anne Smits'

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  1.  26
    Protecting Privacy While Optimizing the Use of (Health)Data: The Importance of Measures and Safeguards.Julie-Anne R. Smit, Menno Mostert & Johannes J. M. van Delden - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (7):79-81.
    The possibilities for collecting, storing, and processing of data have increased significantly over the last decades. It has been argued that an increasing demand for health data will de...
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    ‘There is a lot of good in knowing, but there is also a lot of downs’: public views on ethical considerations in population genomic screening.Amelia K. Smit, Gillian Reyes-Marcelino, Louise Keogh, Anne E. Cust & Ainsley J. Newson - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e28-e28.
    Publics are key stakeholders in population genomic screening and their perspectives on ethical considerations are relevant to programme design and policy making. Using semi-structured interviews, we explored social views and attitudes towards possible future provision of personalised genomic risk information to populations to inform prevention and/or early detection of relevant conditions. Participants were members of the public who had received information on their personal genomic risk of melanoma as part of a research project. The focus of the analysis presented here (...)
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    “Can You Deny Her That?” Processes of Governmentality and Socialization of Parents in Elite Women’s Gymnastics.Froukje Smits, Frank Jacobs & Annelies Knoppers - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Abusive practices in elite women’s artistic gymnastics have been the focus of discussions about how to eliminate or reduce them. Both coaches and parents have been named as key actors in bringing about change. Our focus is on parents and their ability to safeguard their daughters in WAG. Parents are not independent actors, however, but are part of a larger web consisting of an entanglement of emotions and technologies and rationalities used by staff, other parents, and athletes, bounded by skill (...)
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    Using Graph Theory to Assess the Interaction between Cerebral Function, Brain Hemodynamics, and Systemic Variables in Premature Infants.Dries Hendrikx, Liesbeth Thewissen, Anne Smits, Gunnar Naulaers, Karel Allegaert, Sabine Van Huffel & Alexander Caicedo - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-15.
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    Grandmothers and Children’s Schooling in Sub-Saharan Africa.Sandor Schrijner & Jeroen Smits - 2018 - Human Nature 29 (1):65-89.
    Under poor circumstances, co-residence of a grandmother is generally considered to be beneficial for children. Empirical evidence does not unequivocally support this expectation and suggests that the grandmother’s importance depends on the family’s circumstances. We study the relationship between grandmother’s co-residence and children’s schooling in sub-Saharan Africa under a broad range of circumstances. Results make clear that the effect of a co-residing grandmother varies but is almost always positive. Grandmothers over age 60 are most effective in helping their children. They (...)
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  6. Ontwikkelingen in de verpleegkundige ethiek: van regelethiek naar zorgethiek?(Developments in nursing ethics: from a principles approach towards an ethic aof care?).R. Houtepen & M. J. Smits - 1993 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 34 (5):162-167.
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  7. La modernité de Bossuet.Anne Staquet - 2008 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 140 (1):1-12.
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    Development and Validation of the Approach-Avoidance System Questionnaire.Anne Teboul, Cyril Klosek, Camille Montiny & Christophe Gernigon - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Color-word value index.Anne Thompson - 2013 - Rosendale, NY: Women's Studio Workshop.
    A reference volume and playful devotional object based on the author's research into color theory informed by psychology, mysticism, and early modernism. The Color-Word Value Index has 44 word pairings; 10 colors; 5 suits; and values of positive, negative, and neutral"--Women's Studio Workshop website, viewed December 14, 2021.
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  10. Hadīyah min al-baḥr.Anne Morrow Lindbergh - 1955 - al-Qāhirah: Maktabat al-Nahḍah al-Miṣrīyah. Edited by Suhayr Qalamāwī.
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    Health Ethics and Primary School Age Children.Anne Moates - 2002 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 8 (1):6.
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    Is Population Mass Screening for Certain Cancers Always Beneficial ?Anne Moates - 2003 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 9 (1):4.
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    Language acquisition hypotheses: A reply to Goodluck & Solan.Anne Erreich, Judith Winzemer Mayer & Virginia Valian - 1979 - Cognition 7 (3):317-321.
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    Labelled encounters and experiences: Ways of seeing, thinking about and responding to uniqueness.Anne J. Davis Rn Phd Dsc Faan - 2001 - Nursing Philosophy 2 (2):101–111.
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    The ethics of forced care in dementia: Perspectives of care home staff.Anne A. Fetherston, Julian Hughes & Simon Woods - 2024 - Clinical Ethics 19 (1):80-87.
    Some care home residents with dementia have the capacity, some do not. Staff may need to make decisions about administering care interventions to someone whom they believe lacks the capacity to consent to it, but also resists the intervention. Such intervention can be termed forced care. The literature on forced care (especially reflecting empirical work) is scant. This study aims to investigate how the ethics of forced care is navigated in practice, through ten semi-structured interviews with staff in 1 care (...)
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    Social constraints on self-directedness over the life course.Anne Foner - 1990 - In Judith Rodin, Carmi Schooler & K. Warner Schaie, Self-directedness: cause and effects throughout the life course. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. pp. 95--102.
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    Primary Science Education: A Teacher's Toolkit.Anne Forbes - 2023 - Cambridge University Press.
    Primary Science Education: A Teacher's Toolkit is an accessible and comprehensive guide to primary school science education and its effective practice in the classroom. Primary Science Education is structured in two parts: Planning for Science and Primary Science in the Classroom. Each chapter covers fundamental topics, such as: curriculum requirements (including the Australian Curriculum and Australian Professional Standards for Teachers); preparing effective learning sequences with embedded authentic assessment; combining science learning with other learning areas, such as technologies and STEM; and (...)
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  18.  49
    The Punishing Other.Anne Friedberg - 1990 - American Journal of Semiotics 7 (3):43-51.
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    MYST family histone acetyltransferases take center stage in stem cells and development.Anne K. Voss & Tim Thomas - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (10):1050-1061.
    Acetylation of histones is an essential element regulating chromatin structure and transcription. MYST (Moz, Ybf2/Sas3, Sas2, Tip60) proteins form the largest family of histone acetyltransferases and are present in all eukaryotes. Surprisingly, until recently this protein family was poorly studied. However, in the last few years there has been a substantial increase in interest in the MYST proteins and a number of key studies have shown that these chromatin modifiers are required for a diverse range of cellular processes, both in (...)
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  20. A Transnational Indigenist Woman’s Agenda.Anne Schulherr Waters - 2003 - American Philosophical Association Newsletter on American Indians in Philosophy, Vol.2, #2,.
    A poem delivered upon the memorial of Viola Cordova in honor of indigenous women everywhere. "Two millennia of indigenous diasporas, yet we are all indigenous to this planet . . . There is a transnational indigenist agenda at work here to preserve and protect the human race for humans to remain among all our relations" .
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    Looking Beyond the Elenchus.Anne-Marie Bowery - 1998 - Southwest Philosophy Review 14 (1):157-168.
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    Quirks of Human Anatomy: An Evo‐devo Look at the Human Body.Anne Buchanan - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (6):537-538.
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    Representations, repertoires and power: Mother-child conflict.Anne Campbell - 1995 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 25 (1):35–57.
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    The last days of discord? Evolution and culture as accounts of female–female aggression.Anne Campbell - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (2):237-246.
    When aggression is conceptualised in terms of a cost-benefit ratio, sex differences are best understood by a consideration of female costs as well as male benefits. Benefits must be extremely high to outweigh the greater costs borne by females, and circumstances where this occurs are discussed. Achievement of dominance is not such a circumstance and evidence bearing upon women's egalitarian relationships is reviewed. Attempts to explain sex differences in terms of sexual dimorphism, sex-of-target effects, social control, and socialisation are found (...)
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    Ethics and anthropology: facing future issues in human biology, globalism, and cultural property.Anne-Marie E. Cantwell, Eva Friedlander & Madeleine Lorch Tramm (eds.) - 2000 - New York: New York Academy of Sciences.
    Since the 1970s, anthropologists have moved into diverse workplaces, including private and public settings, that raise new issues for anthropology as a discipline as well as for the discourse on science more generally. In the context of increasing globalization, the articulation of new ethical dilemmas around such issues as technology, indigenous knowledge and rights, government regulation and bioethics among others, can and do inform and shape scientific public policy. The authors in this volume work in traditional research centres and universities, (...)
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    L'émergence du peuple selon Auerbach.Anne-Marie Chartier - 2005 - Hermes 42:23.
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  27. Chemistry and Interfaces.Roberta Brayner Anne Aimable, Mathieu Roze Jean-Pierre Llored & Stephane Sarrade - 2013 - In Jean-Pierre Llored, The Philosophy of Chemistry: Practices, Methodologies, and Concepts. Cambridge Scholars Press.
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    Kollektive Perspektiven der Empörung.Anne Reichold - 2019 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 5 (2):57-82.
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    What kind of selection?Anne Campbell - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (3-4):272-273.
    Supporting a mediating role for fear in inhibiting female aggression, a recent study shows that aversion to impulsivity completely mediates the sex difference in direct aggression but not in angry acts where dangerous retaliation is unlikely. A more inclusive use of the term to encompass reproductive advantage would recognise females' crucial role in nurturing and protecting offspring.
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    Maureen Daly Goggi.Anne Carol - 2014 - Clio 40:283-285.
    Dirigé par Maureen Daly Goggin, professeure de lettres à l’Arizona State University, et par Beth Fowkes Tobin, professeure de lettres et de Women Studies à l’University of Georgia, ce livre collectif rassemble vingt contributions (essentiellement venues des États-Unis, mais aussi d’Europe) précédées d’une introduction et complétées d’une forte bibliographie de 27 pages, d’un index des noms propres et des noms communs, d’une présentation des auteurs et accompagnées de 77 illustrations commenté...
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  31. The interplay between policy and funding.Anne-Marie Coriat - 2021 - In Anne Lee & Rob Bongaardt, The future of doctoral research: challenges and opportunities. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Nouvelles inscriptions érotiques à Thasos.Anne Coulié - 1998 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 122 (2):445-453.
    The discovery of three erotic inscriptions in a quarry in the south of the island has a limited interest from the point of view of Thasian onomastics. On the other hand, the ancient lettering of at least one of the names makes it possible to date the quarry face and thus the end of the exploitation of this part of the quarry to the 5th c. BC. The rediscovery of a nearby site mentioned by Baker-Penoyre and interpreted as a bastion, (...)
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    Frank Tinland, La différence anthropologique. Essai sur les rapports de la nature et de l'artifice.Anne Crahay - 1988 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 86 (69):106-111.
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    (2 other versions)Á l'ombre de la littérature.Anne Marie Miraglia - 2004 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 8 (3):685-689.
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  35. De la famille naturelle à la famille sociale: l'usage d'arguments naturalistes chez Locke et Rousseau.Anne Morvan - 2022 - In Johanna Lenne-Cornuez & Céline Spector, Rousseau et Locke. Dialogues critiques. Liverpool, Royaume-Uni: Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment, Liverpool University Press.
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    The relation between creation and salvation in the Trinitarian theology of Robert Jenson.Anné H. Verhoef - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (1).
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  37. The New Place des Nations, Geneva-Switzerland: A symbolic square in front of the UN building.Anne Voneche - 2007 - Topos 61:31.
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    The Cambridge History of Japan, Volume 5: The Nineteenth Century.Anne Walthall, John W. Hall & Marius B. Jansen - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (4):807.
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    L'auto-réfutation du Sceptique vue de la scène antique.Anne Gabrièle Wersinger & Sylvie Perceau - 2010 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 65 (1):25-43.
    Si l ’ on peut bien affirmer que certains Sceptiques s ’ auto-réfutent, ce n ’ est pas le cas de Sextus Empiricus. En distinguant entre les modèles auto-référentiel et performatif de l ’ auto-réfutation auxquels on confronte les problèmes anciens du Menteur et du renversement ( peritropè ), on peut montrer que Sextus recourt à ce qu ’ il désigne par le mot sumperigraphè, qu ’ il convient de considérer comme un schème topologique verbal (une boucle récursive). Il ressort (...)
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    Legislation, Ideas and Pre-School Education Policy in the Twentieth Century: From Targeted Nursery Education to Universal Early Childhood Education and Care.Anne West - 2020 - British Journal of Educational Studies 68 (5):567-587.
    This paper explores legislative provision and pre-school education policy in England over the course of the twentieth century. The paper argues that there has been a significant ideational shift over this period, from a policy focus on nursery education for poor children to universal early childhood education. Not only have ideas changed but provision and funding have changed. Although there have been major revisions to legislative provision, there are elements of continuity as regards the institutions delivering early childhood education, particularly (...)
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    Do Compensation Committee Members Perceive Changing CEO Incentive Performance Targets Mid-Cycle to be Fair?Anne M. Wilkins, Dana R. Hermanson & Jeffrey R. Cohen - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (3):623-638.
    We examine the influences of social capital, source credibility, and fairness perceptions on the judgments of experienced compensation committee members who are considering a proposal to reduce management’s performance targets in the middle of a compensation cycle due to difficult circumstances. Eighty-nine U.S. public company CC members participated in a 2 × 2 experiment with social capital and source credibility each manipulated as low or high, and outcome fairness to management, process fairness to shareholders, and outcome fairness to shareholders included (...)
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    Dante on the Nature and Use of Language.Anne M. Wiles - 2015 - Review of Metaphysics 68 (4):759-779.
    This paper suggests that Dante’s writings on language provide elements for the construction of a philosophy of language. The main emphasis is on the theoretical treatment of language in De Vulgari Eloquentia, but it also considers La Vita Nouva and Il Convivio, earlier works providing insights into the development of Dante’s views on the nature and use of language. De Vulgari Eloquentia is an extended justification for the use of a vernacular language capable of treating the worthiest topics in a (...)
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    Forms and Predication Reconsidered.Anne M. Wiles - 2014 - Studia Gilsoniana 3:241–256.
    The central questions addressed in this paper are: (1) how are forms related to predication? And (2) what role do forms and predication play in the discovery and articulation of truth? The first section of the paper provides—in broad strokes—a synopsis of Plato’s account of forms. The second section considers predication in relation to forms showing that the existence and nature of forms is a necessary condition for predication, and that Plato’s account of predication is consistent with, in fact, anticipates, (...)
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    St. Martin: Seasonal and Legendary Aspects.Anne E. Witte - 1988 - Mediaevalia 14:63-76.
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    Biomacht - Bio-Politik. Kritik der Bioethik aus der Perspektive Foucaults.Anne Wolf - 2002 - Die Philosophin 13 (25):36-53.
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    2 Reading the Body.Anne Woollett & Harriette Marshall - 1997 - In Kathy Davis, Embodied practices: feminist perspectives on the body. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. pp. 1--27.
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  47. A bookling monument.Anne Frances Wysocki - 2002 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 7 (3).
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  48. American material culture in mind, thought, and deed.Anne Yentsch & Mary C. Beaudry - 2001 - In Ian Hodder, Archaeological theory today. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 214--40.
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    La Philosophie dans la Cité: Hommage à Hélène Ackermans.Anne-Marie Dillens (ed.) - 1997 - Bruxelles: Publications Fac St Louis.
    Depuis près d'un demi-siècle, Madame Hélène Ackermans a coopéré très activement à l'organisation de l'École des sciences philosophiques et religieuses des F.U.S.L. Avec Monseigneur Henri Van Camp, elle a donné à la tribune des leçons publiques sa renommée internationale; auprès de l'actuel comité de direction, elle n'a cessé de prodiguer ses multiples compétences et ses conseils avisés. En hommage à son travail, il a été demandé à quelques-uns des penseurs avec lesquels Madame Hélène Ackermans a noué des liens d'amitié, de (...)
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  50.  50
    Dispositionalism: Perspectives From Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Science.Anne Sophie Meincke (ed.) - 2020 - Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
    According to dispositional realism, or dispositionalism, the entities inhabiting our world possess irreducibly dispositional properties – often called ‘powers’ – by means of which they are sources of change. Dispositionalism has become increasingly popular among metaphysicians in the last three decades as it offers a realist account of causation and provides novel avenues for understanding modality, laws of nature, agency, free will and other key concepts in metaphysics. At the same time, it is receiving growing interest among philosophers of science. (...)
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