Results for 'dialectical monism'

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  1.  50
    Against Dualism: Marxism and the Necessity of Dialectical Monism.Murray E. G. Smith - 2009 - Science and Society 73 (3):356 - 385.
    The controversy surrounding the status of dialectics in Marxist thought has failed to take the full measure of the persistent influence of ontological dualism and its corollary, dualistic social ontology. Yet an explicit critique of dualism is essential to materialist dialectics and to a Marxist-socialist theory and pedagogy that discloses the specific role of capitalist social relations in impeding human progress. A dialectical-monistic ontology associated with Marx's "new" (historical) materialism requires systematic conceptual elaboration, as illuminated by a dialecticalontological triad (...)
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  2. Dialectical and materialist monism and the unity of elementariness and complexity in science.J. Stachova - 1987 - Filosoficky Casopis 35 (2):237-245.
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  3. The dialectical and materialist monism and the integration of scientific knowledge.J. Zeman - 1981 - Filosoficky Casopis 29 (5):673-687.
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    Reading the Dialectical Ontology of The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou Against the Ontological Monism of Adaptation.Kirk Boyle - 2007 - Film-Philosophy 11 (1):1-32.
    ‘Postmodern’ is a concept now deposited in the word banks of both highbrow cinephilesand lowbrow arbiters of popular filmic taste. How these two groups of critics deploy theterm, however, widely differs. Critiquing Wes Anderson’s The Life Aquatic with SteveZissou , for instance, Entertainment Weekly’s Owen Glieberman writes: ‘Once again,[Anderson] creates a hermetic, glassed-in movie world of postmodern anachronisms thatcharms and distances in equal measure’ . Characteristic of most reviewers of LifeAquatic, Glieberman uses ‘postmodern’ in a purely aesthetic sense. Although this (...)
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    (1 other version)Is It Practical Ontology or Is It the Dialectical Materialist Theory of Material Monism?Wang Jinfu - 1991 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 22 (4):56-75.
    In the discussions regarding the philosophical system and the essence of Marxism, ontological theory is a very important issue. At the moment, there are three basic sets of opinions on this problem, namely, the opinion that Marxism, in fact, does not consist of any ontological theory , the opinion that Marxist ontology is a theory of practical ontology, and the opinion that it is a dialectical materialist theory of material monism. The latter two acknowledge that Marxist philosophy does (...)
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    Monism or Pluralism?V. P. Ogorodnikov - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitaryj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 4 (1):50.
    In the twentieth century pluralism became a common ideology of originally different idealistic philosophical schools, which logically led them to unite in the philosophy of postmodernism. At the end of the twentieth century pluralism become identified with political democracy. In Russia, the doctrine of recognition of equality of many independent ideologies as a basis of democracy has become the most popular in interpretation of K. Jaspers, K. Popper, and P. Feyerabend. The article demonstrates the ideological and methodological inconsistency of pluralism; (...)
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  7. Is it practical ontology or is it the dialectical materialist theory of material monism-a discussion with practical ontologists.Jf Wang - 1991 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 22 (4):56-75.
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    Emergent Monism And Final Causality.Joseph A. Bracken - 2004 - Tradition and Discovery 31 (2):18-26.
    Polanyi’s vision of the cosmic process as undergirded by a logic of emergence common to both the mental life of human beings and the processes of non-human nature can be vindicated if one is prepared to make certain adjustments in the notion of morphogenetic fields with an active center or organizing principle. Given the author’s field-oriented interpretation of Whiteheadian societies, it should be possible to think of entelechies or final causes in developmental rather than strictly Aristotelian terms. That is, the (...)
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  9. Dialectic and the Turn Toward Logos in Plato's "Parmenides".Eric Carlos Sanday - 2003 - Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University
    I show that Socrates' mature philosophy must be read as a reaction to and fulfillment of Parmenidean monism. I take my departure from Parmenides' assertion in the dialogue that participation must be a true account, as he says, for otherwise dialogue would be rendered impossible. I claim that the Socratic account can only achieve its proper truth once it appreciates the grounding Eleatic insight that the effort to name Being is riddled with aporias, which Socrates learns on his own (...)
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    Physicalism, supervenience, and monism.Torin Alter & Robert J. Howell - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1-19.
    Physicalism is standardly construed as a form of monism, on which all concrete phenomena fall under one fundamental type. It is natural to think that monism, and therefore physicalism, is committed to a supervenience claim. Monism is true only if all phenomena supervene on a certain fundamental type of phenomena. Physicalism, as a form of monism, specifies that these fundamental phenomena are physical. But some argue that physicalism might be true even if the world is disorderly, (...)
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    Sentience and the Origins of Consciousness: From Cartesian Duality to Markovian Monism.Karl Friston, Wanja Wiese & J. Allan Hobson - 2020 - Entropy 22 (5):516.
    This essay addresses Cartesian duality and how its implicit dialectic might be repaired using physics and information theory. Our agenda is to describe a key distinction in the physical sciences that may provide a foundation for the distinction between mind and matter, and between sentient and intentional systems. From this perspective, it becomes tenable to talk about the physics of sentience and ‘forces’ that underwrite our beliefs (in the sense of probability distributions represented by our internal states), which may ground (...)
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  12. (1 other version)The development of the monist view of history.Georgiĭ Valentinovich Plekhanov - 1947 - Moscow,: Foreign Languages Pub. House.
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    The Dialectic of Religion.L. P. Chambers - 1928 - The Monist 38 (3):429-442.
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    Kueng’s Ecumenical Dialectic.Bernard J. Verkamp - 1989 - Faith and Philosophy 6 (3):288-302.
    For some years now, Hans Kueng has been advocating use of the dialectical method to make peace among the world religions. In this paper I try first to locate his Hegelian understanding of this method within its long and complex historical development. I then inquire about its value as an ecumenical tool by investigating some of its underlying assumptions about the subjective/objective, literary/figurative, monistic/pluralistic nature of religious truth. Along the way, doubts are raised about the likelihood or desirability of (...)
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  15.  32
    Pluralism and Dialectic: On James's Relation to Hegel.Lucy Christine Schultz - 2015 - Hegel Bulletin 36 (2):202-224.
    In this paper James’s pluralism is examined in light of his critiques of ‘intellectualism’ and monistic idealism in order to elucidate his relationship to Hegel. Contrary to the strong anti-Hegelianism found throughout the writings of James, Hegel’s dialectic and speculative logic are able to give a rational account of the continuity of objects and relations within experience that James struggled to articulate in A Pluralistic Universe. Neither James nor Hegel is an absolute pluralist or monist due to the interdependence of (...)
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    Spinoza y una alternativa a la dialéctica: monismo y sublimación.Gonzalo Ricci Cernadas - 2022 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 13 (1):69-91.
    The work will be structured in three sections. The first of them analyzes how the different specialists in Spinozian work have studied the Dutch corpus in a dialectical way. This type of interpretation will be emphasized here not only in regard to Spinoza's own ontology, but also to his political philosophy. Secondly, this article investigates the way in which Spinozian ontology can be studied, proposing that, rather than making use of a dialectical method of Hegelian roots, it is (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Fundamentality without Metaphysical Monism.James Kreines - 2018 - Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 39:138-156.
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    Problems of the Hegelian Dialectic. [REVIEW]Orrin F. Summerell - 1996 - The Owl of Minerva 27 (2):191-196.
    In this revision of his doctoral dissertation at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Menahem Rosen aims to furnish the conception of dialectic which underlies Hegel’s logical-scientific thought with the contemporary intelligibility which he considers it to lack. Six topics define the chapters of this ambitious reconstruction of dialectic as “basically a logic of ambiguity and paradox” : identity, difference, and contradiction; the beginning of philosophy; its end; matter and nature; language; and dialectical explanation. Specifically, Rosen aims “to prune” the (...)
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  19. Dialectic and Indirect Proof.Clark Butler - 1991 - The Monist 74 (3):422-437.
    Contends that Hegel's reconstruction of valid logic leads to a conception of indirect proof and syllogisms. Clarification of the concept of indirect proof; Reference to previous papers on the subject; Indirect proof as the natural form of deduction.
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    Theory of reflection and cybernetics: the concepts of reflection and information and their significance for materialist monism.Jiří Zeman - 1988 - New York: Elsevier.
  21. Theory of reflection and cybernetics: the concepts of reflection and information and their significance for materialist monism.Jiérâi Zeman - 1988 - New York: Elsevier.
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    The Dialectic of Historicism and Anti-Historicism.Paul G. Kuntz - 1969 - The Monist 53 (4):656-670.
    Among controversies about philosophy that are also philosophical problems the most complex and difficult to solve is that about philosophy and the history of philosophy. On one hand there is Wittgenstein claiming that history is irrelevant to philosophy. On the other hand, there is Gilson claiming that history is not only relevant but necessary to philosophy.
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    Hegel and resistance: history, politics and dialectics.Bart Zantvoort & Rebecca Comay (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The concept of resistance has always been central to the reception of Hegel's philosophy. The prevalent image of Hegel's system, which continues to influence the scholarship to this day, is that of an absolutist, monist metaphysics which overcomes all resistance, sublating or assimilating all differences into a single organic 'Whole'. For that reason, the reception of Hegel has always been marked by the question of how to resist Hegel: how to think that which remains outside of or other to the (...)
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  24.  88
    Plato’s Dialectical Idealism.Gustav E. Mueller - 1935 - The Monist 45 (2):199-219.
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    Back to Dialectic.CharIes M. Perry - 1930 - The Monist 40 (3):381-393.
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    Duality and Dialectic.John Wright Buckham - 1936 - The Monist 46 (2):175-189.
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    Intentionality and Dialectical Reason.Giacomo Rinaldi - 1986 - The Monist 69 (4):568-583.
    The historical origin of the concept of ‘intentionality’, as is well-known, is very remote, dating back to the age of scholastic philosophy. In the epistemological theories worked out by medieval thinkers, from Thomas Aquinas up to the latest minor exponents of the nominalistic trend, the concept of ‘intentio’ is very often to be found, there playing a role of undoubtedly primary importance. Sometimes it means the universal ‘concept’ abstracted by the human understanding from sense datum; sometimes, instead, both the act (...)
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  28. Authors’ Abstracts of Recent BooksMan’s Invincible SurmiseCreative Synthesis and Philosophic MethodGood and Evil: A New DirectionAgent, Action and ReasonAn Inquiry Into the Human MindContradiction and Mental ProcessReadings in the Philosophy of Education: A Study of CurriculumDoing and Deserving: Essays in the Theory of ResponsibilityOn the Idea of PhenomenologyPrinciples of Political Economy Books IV and VA Bibliography of F. C. S. SchillerHartshorne and Neoclassical Metaphysics: An InterpretationAspects of Scientific Explanation and Other Essays in the Philosophy of ScienceZeno’s ParadoxesFondamento e problemi della metafisica Vol. I: Essere e VeritàPaul Tillich’s Dialectical HumanismMetaphysics and British EmpiricismBeing, Man and Death: A Key to HeideggerAlienationJustice and EqualityMetaphysical Foundations of Natural ScienceAn Introduction to the Philosophy of ScienceHumanistic IdealsBasic Philosophical AnalysisEssays on Other MindsThe Problem of the SelfA Critical Preface to Phi. [REVIEW]JrThomas Garrigue MasarykCharles L. ReidHenry W. Johnstone Gerald M. SpringCharles HartshorneRichard TaylorThomas ReidLeland FergusonJoel FeinbergPhilip PettitJohn S. MillHerbert L. SearlesAllan ShieldsEugene H. PetersCarl G. HempelDomenico CampanaleLeonard F. WheatRobert L. ArmstrongJames M. DemskeRichard SchachtImmanuel KantKarel Lambert and Gordon G. Brittan - 1972 - The Monist 56 (4):626-641.
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    A síndrome da casa tomada.Eduardo Luft - 2013 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 58 (2):295-307.
    To overcome the paradoxical situation in which the modern subject finds itself, on conceptualizing nature in such a way that its very presence in nature becomes inconceivable, modernity supplied at least four alternatives: a) the first is to defend dualism ; b) the second option is to support a monism of nature ; c) the third alternative is to defend a monism of subjectivity ; d) the fourth and last alternative is to support a dialectical monism. (...)
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  30. Ontological dependence in a spacetime-world.Jonathan Tallant - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (11):3101-3118.
    Priority Monism, as defined by Jonathan Schaffer, has a number of components. It is the view that: the cosmos exists; the cosmos is a maximal actual concrete object, of which all actual concrete objects are parts; the cosmos is basic—there is no object upon which the cosmos depends, ontologically; ontological dependence is a primitive and unanalysable relation. In a recent attack, Lowe has offered a series of arguments to show that Monism fails. He offers up four tranches of (...)
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  31. An Interpretation of the Opposition of Contraries as Generator of Harmony in Heraclitus.Paul Franceschi - manuscript
    We propose in this article some new elements for the interpretation of Heraclitus' doctrine, concerning in particular the role of the opposition of contraries as generator of harmony, that results from Fragments 8DK and 51DK. This interpretation is based on the conceptual tool of matrices of concepts. After having described the basic elements that govern the latter, we set out to define in this conceptual framework the notions of opposition and contrary, as well as of harmony. This allows us to (...)
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    Faith and Reason in Continental and Japanese Philosophy: Reading Tanabe Hajime and William Desmond by Takeshi Morisato (review).Lance H. Gracy - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (2):1-8.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Faith and Reason in Continental and Japanese Philosophy: Reading Tanabe Hajime and William Desmond by Takeshi MorisatoLance H. Gracy (bio)Faith and Reason in Continental and Japanese Philosophy: Reading Tanabe Hajime and William Desmond. By Takeshi Morisato. England: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019. Pp. viii + 269. Hardcover $116.00, isbn 978-1-350-09251-8.Faith and Reason in Continental and Japanese Philosophy: Reading Tanabe Hajime and William Desmond by Takeshi Morisato is an informative and (...)
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  33. Stalin as a marxist philosopher.E. van Ree - 2000 - Studies in East European Thought 52 (4):259-308.
    This article treats Stalin's contributions todialectical and historical materialism. It argues that the latterfound his theses of the `enormous' role of ideas, and of theexistence of social phenomena that do not belong either to thebasis or to the superstructure, in Georgij Plekhanov's `monism'.Nevertheless, Stalin did add some new points of his own.Furthermore, his adopting Plekhanov's monism also helps usunderstand the apparent contradiction between Stalin's emphasison non-economic and non-class factors in human history and hisrejection of `idealist' rudiments in dialectics.
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  34. Getting it right.Kristoffer Ahlstrom-Vij & Stephen R. Grimm - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 166 (2):329-347.
    Truth monism is the idea that only true beliefs are of fundamental epistemic value. The present paper considers three objections to truth monism, and argues that, while the truth monist has plausible responses to the first two objections, the third objection suggests that truth monism should be reformulated. On this reformulation, which we refer to as accuracy monism, the fundamental epistemic goal is accuracy, where accuracy is a matter of “getting it right.” The idea then developed (...)
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  35. Why one basic principle?Jeffrey Brand-Ballard - 2007 - Utilitas 19 (2):220-242.
    Principle monists believe that our moral duties, such as fidelity and non-maleficence, can be justified in terms of one basic moral principle. Principle pluralists disagree, some suggesting that only an excessive taste for simplicity or a desire to mimic natural science could lead one to endorse monism. In Ideal Code, Real World (Oxford, 2000), Brad Hooker defends a monist theory, employing the method of reflective equilibrium to unify the moral duties under a version of rule consequentialism. Hooker's arguments have (...)
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  36. Kierkegaard’s Deep Diversity: The One and the Many.Charles Blattberg - 2020 - In Mélissa Fox-Muraton (ed.), Kierkegaard and Issues in Contemporary Ethics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 51-68.
    Kierkegaard’s ideal supports a radical form of “deep diversity,” to use Charles Taylor’s expression. It is radical because it embraces not only irreducible conceptions of the good but also incompatible ones. This is due to its paradoxical nature, which arises from its affirmation of both monism and pluralism, the One and the Many, together. It does so in at least three ways. First, in terms of the structure of the self, Kierkegaard describes his ideal as both unified (the “positive (...)
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  37. Beyond the Digital: The Virtuality of the Flesh in Merleau-Ponty’s The Visibile and the Invisible.Floriana Ferro - 2024 - Scenari 19:88-101.
    This paper aims to find, in Merleau-Ponty’s late thinking, a definition of the virtual which aligns with the latest advancements in digital technology while avoiding a reduction to the digital realm or a stark opposition to reality. The virtual is considered as a crucial characteristic in Merleau-Ponty’s late ontology, especially in The Visible and the Invisible, where a “virtual focus” or “virtual center” of the flesh is introduced. The argument posits that Merleau-Ponty’s monism of the flesh results in a (...)
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  38. Kierkegaard’s Deep Diversity.Charles Blattberg - 2020 - In Mélissa Fox-Muraton (ed.), Kierkegaard and Issues in Contemporary Ethics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 51-68.
    Kierkegaard’s ideal supports a radical form of “deep diversity,” to use Charles Taylor’s expression. It is radical because it embraces not only irreducible conceptions of the good but also incompatible ones. This is due to its paradoxical nature, which arises from its affirmation of both monism and pluralism, the One and the Many, together. It does so in at least three ways. First, in terms of the structure of the self, Kierkegaard describes his ideal as both unified (the “positive (...)
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    Śaṅkara Miśra, Advaita Vedānta se Nyāya kā saṅgharsha.Satyaprakāśa Pāṇḍeya - 1990 - Ilāhābāda: Darśanapīṭha.
    Dialectical study of the monistic (Advaita) approach in Hindu Vedanta philosophy and the Nyaya school of Hindu philosophy as advocated by Śaṅkaramiśra, 15th century Indic philosopher.
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    De dialectisch-materialistische filosofie van Joseph Dietzgen.Jasper Willem Schaaf - 1993 - Kampen: Kok Agora.
    Dietzgen's philosophy is monistic in nature. This study is focused on the question in what way Dietzgen treats the relation between unity and diversity as an epistemological and ontological issue. How does Dietzgen formulate the unity of all that exists, and what is the place and the role of the process of gaining knowledge in this formulation? These questions serve as stepping stones to the central question: What is the position of Dieagen's thinking with regard to the philosophy of Feuerbach, (...)
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  41. Panpsychism and Panprotopsychism.David Chalmers - 2013 - Amherst Lecture in Philosophy 8.
    I present an argument for panpsychism: the thesis that everything is conscious, or at least that fundamental physical entities are conscious. The argument takes a Hegelian dialectical form. Panpsychism emerges as a synthesis of the thesis of materalism and the antithesis of dualism. In particular, the key premises of the causal argument for materialism and the conceivability argument for dualism are all accommodated by a certain version of panpsychism. This synthesis has its own antithesis in turn: panprotopsychism, the thesis (...)
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  42.  96
    Explaining the Cosmos: The Ionian Tradition of Scientific Philosophy.Daniel W. Graham - 2006 - Princeton University Press.
    Explaining the Cosmos is a major reinterpretation of Greek scientific thought before Socrates. Focusing on the scientific tradition of philosophy, Daniel Graham argues that Presocratic philosophy is not a mere patchwork of different schools and styles of thought. Rather, there is a discernible and unified Ionian tradition that dominates Presocratic debates. Graham rejects the common interpretation of the early Ionians as "material monists" and also the view of the later Ionians as desperately trying to save scientific philosophy from Parmenides' criticisms. (...)
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  43. Existence, realita, matérie.Břetislav Fajkus - 1968 - Praha,: Academia.
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    Materialisticheskiĭ monizm: sushchnostʹ i metodologicheskoe znachenie.Valentin Leonidovich Akulov - 1988 - Minsk: "Universitetskoe".
  45. Evidence-Coherence Conflicts Revisited.Alex Worsnip - 2021 - In Nick Hughes (ed.), Epistemic Dilemmas. Oxford University Press.
    There are at least two different aspects of our rational evaluation of agents’ doxastic attitudes. First, we evaluate these attitudes according to whether they are supported by one’s evidence (substantive rationality). Second, we evaluate these attitudes according to how well they cohere with one another (structural rationality). In previous work, I’ve argued that substantive and structural rationality really are distinct, sui generis, kinds of rationality – call this view ‘dualism’, as opposed to ‘monism’, about rationality – by arguing that (...)
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    The problem of evil and the fiction and philosophy of Iris Murdoch.Daniel Read - 2019 - Dissertation, Kingston University
    This thesis argues that Dame Iris Murdoch’s writings portray a dialectical picture of morality that invites the reader to acknowledge the presence of evil and reflect upon the necessarily ‘opposing forces’ of good and evil. Murdoch’s engagement with both historical and contemporary discussions of evil is traced through close reading of both her published texts, including fiction and philosophy, and her unpublished and recently published texts and resources, including annotations, interviews and letters. These close readings are focused on the (...)
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    The Role of Consciousness in Electoral Behavior: Philosophical Analysis.Ірина Анатоліївна ФАРАФОНОВА - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 7 (1):122-127.
    The publication examines the problems of the philosophical foundations of elections, the concept of physicalism, where consciousness-body is studied, which in the philosophy of consciousness has a decisive fact. In modern philosophy of elections, the philosophical aspect is considered - consciousness and the monistic-ontological thesis - physicalism, which allows us to explain the fact that everything that exists is physical or appeared as a derivative of the physical. The concept of physicalism is a position in the philosophy of mind. Consciousness (...)
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    (1 other version)On the theoretical foundations of soviet psychology.T. R. Payne - 1966 - Studies in East European Thought 6 (2):124-134.
    We are now in a position to examine the claim that Pavlovian physiology and Marxist-Leninist philosophy form two complementary systems.There is certainly a similarity between the Leninist theory of reflection and Pavlov's theory of higher nervous activity. Both present so-called psychic phenomena as a reaction of the organism to the stimuli of the outer world and both insist that this reflection is not a passive reception of impressions but is an active response on the part of the organism.Again both systems (...)
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    Materialism as a worldview position. The second article is about the missing requirement for scientific theories and the ideological vulnerability of the basic ideas of non-classical physics.Nikolai Andreevich Popov - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The subject of this study is materialism, understood in the broadest sense of this concept: both as a philosophical doctrine and as a way of life corresponding to a certain worldview position. The aim is to clarify the objective role of this worldview position in various fields of human activity. At the center of the research is the question of the essence of materialistic ideas about the world hiding behind the sensually given reality to man. The study consists of two (...)
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  50. Print︠s︡ipy materialisticheskoĭ dialektiki kak teorii poznanii︠a︡.V. A. Lektorskiĭ, S. N. Mareev & A. A. Sorokin (eds.) - 1984 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka".
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