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Clark Butler [70]Clark Wade Butler [3]
  1.  19
    Lectures on Logic.Georg W. F. Hegel & Clark Butler (eds.) - 2008 - Indiana University Press.
    The first English translation of Hegel's important lectures on logic.
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  2. Hegel, Altizer and Christian Atheism.Clark Butler - unknown
  3.  25
    Hegel, the letters.Clark Butler & Christiane Seiler - 1984 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 20 (1):60-62.
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    Motion and Objective Contradictions.Clark Butler - 1981 - American Philosophical Quarterly 18 (2):131 - 139.
    This article denies that Hegel upheld the objective truth of any contradictory statements. Yet he did admit objective contradictions in the sense of intersubjectively held contradictory beliefs at the basis of some institutions, most famously lordship and bondage. He also shared the belief of Zeno, the inventor of dialectic, that continuous motion is self-contradictory but is an objective contradiction more widely shared by all institutions presupposing continuants (people and ordinary things).
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  5. On the Reducibility of Dialectical to Standard Logic.Clark Butler - unknown
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  6. United Nations Human Rights Ethics (Preface).Clark Wade Butler - manuscript
    This article is the preface to a completed book manuscript, United Nations Human Rights Ethics. Based on the indivisibility of human rights, the Four Freedoms Speech, and the Preamble of the Universal Declaration, the book takes freedom of expression as the one human right. Other rights are modes of this one. For example, one exercises freedom of expression (speech) by exercising the right to life, access to courts, etc.. The book argues that human rights are primarily an ethical concept (introduced (...)
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  7. Hegel's science of logic in an analytic mode.Clark Butler - 2005 - In David Gray Carlson, Hegel's theory of the subject. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The concept of the subject, of what Hegel calls absolute negativity, already appears early in the logic of being.1 Absolute negativity, negation of the negation, occurs throughout the logic as identity in difference understood as self-identification under different descriptions. First, the subject refers to itself merely under an incomplete description. Secondly, it refers to something other than itself under a second description which is logically required by the first. (For example, the description of being in general requires some determinate description (...)
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  8. Panpsychism and the Dissolution of Dispositional Properties.Clark Butler - 2010 - Southwest Philosophy Review 26 (2):87-108.
    The article explains my third argument for panpsychism, based on disolving all properties, including dispositional physical properties like mass, energy, and force, into phenomenal properties. I thus reject a dual-property version of panpsychism. I seek to show, contrary to Paul Churchland, that the general panpsychist hypothesis has some explanatory value, and makes a cosmology consisting in comparative psychology possible. The mental life even of so-called physical particles in physics is hypothesized to help explain their behavior.
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  9. Hegel and Freud: A comparison.Clark Butler - 1976 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 36 (4):506-522.
    This article compares Freud and Hegel, arguing that Freud independently uncovered and used the Hegelian dialectical method. It is argued that Freud used the method in reconstructing the psycho-sexual development of the individual begining with sense-certainty in the Phenomenology of Spirit and proceeding through the dialectic of self-consciousness. The development in prehistory from food-gathering (oral assimilative stage) through hunting (anal aggressive stage), the pastoral and agricultural stages (lordship and bondage) to the city state (stoici stage), is briefly presented. This article (...)
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  10.  34
    Hermeneutic Hegelianism.Clark Butler - 1985 - Idealistic Studies 15 (2):121-136.
    1. Ontological Historical Materialism. The Hegel-Marx relationship remains an issue both for Hegel scholars aware of underlying world historical causes of the recent Hegel Renaissance and Marx scholars attentive to the philosophical roots of Marxism. It may be questioned, however, whether the relation is merely historical and circumstantial or necessary and internal as well. Marx claimed to have overturned the Hegelian system. Yet the classical formula, according to which Marxism shares with Hegelianism its method but not its system, that the (...)
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  11. Dialectic and Indirect Proof.Clark Butler - 1991 - The Monist 74 (3):422-437.
    Contends that Hegel's reconstruction of valid logic leads to a conception of indirect proof and syllogisms. Clarification of the concept of indirect proof; Reference to previous papers on the subject; Indirect proof as the natural form of deduction.
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  12.  52
    An Announcement about Clio Hegel Studies.Clark Butler - 1986 - The Owl of Minerva 18 (1):91-91.
    The annual series of Clio Hegel Studies, which has been published since 1981, is to continue under the title Clio Philosophy Studies. The Hegel series numbers were inaugurated at a time when there was no assurance that the Owl would become a journal. Now that the organ of the HSA is a journal of Hegel studies, Clio can best serve by addressing a wider audience, while continuing to encourage and welcome contributions related to Hegel. For the next two years, beginning (...)
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  13. An Introduction to the Logic of Hegel.Clark Butler - unknown
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  14. An Introduction to Hegel's Lectures on Logic.Clark Butler - unknown
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  15. Castaneda on Psychological Egoism.Clark Butler - unknown
    Commentary on paper by Hector Castaneda.
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  16. Children’s Rights: A Historical and Conceptual Analysis.Clark Butler - unknown
  17. Child Rights: The Movement, International Law, and Opposition.Clark Butler - unknown
    Over twenty years after the 1989 General Assembly voted to open the Convention on the Rights of the Child for signature, the United States remains only one of two UN members not to have ratified it. The other is Somalia. This book explores the reasons for this resistance. The book highlights the priority of ethical human rights over legal human rights. Part One includes contributions by educators and child psychologists who favor and use the Convention even when it is not (...)
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  18. Diyalektik Yontem ve Freud.Clark Butler - unknown
    Revised version of 1976 article, “Hegel and Freud: A Comparison,” in Turkish translation.
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  19.  50
    Empirical vs. Rational Order in the History of Philosophy.Clark Butler - 1994 - The Owl of Minerva 26 (1):29-34.
    A problem is posed by differences between the temporal order of philosophers in the history of philosophy and the rational order in which “definitions of the absolute” upheld by these philosophers appear in Hegel’s Logic. Hegel holds, according to § 88 of the Encyclopedia, both that the Logic reconstructs the history of philosophy on the level of pure thought and that chronological history deviates in places from the rational sequence. A problem is posed for anyone who takes this passage seriously, (...)
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  20. Freud and the Dialectical Method.Clark Butler - unknown
  21. Four Lectures on the Philosophical Fundamentals of Human Rights.Clark Butler - unknown
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  22. Guantanamo Bay and the Judicial-Moral Treatment of the Other.Clark Butler - unknown
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  23. G.W.F. Hegel, "Faith and knowledge".Clark Butler - 1981 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (1):63.
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  24. G. W. F. Hegel.Clark Butler - unknown
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  25. History as the Story of Freedom.Clark Butler - unknown
    World history has been consigned by professional historians to textbooks for the public schools. But people will obtain ideological or mytihcal notions of the meaning of history unless philosophers ofhistory step in to rationally regulate accounts of world history. Despite its dependenc in most cases on secondary sources, world history not an impossible academic research disclipline due to the countless cultures and ethnic groups in history--much as astronomy is not impossible due the countless celestial objects. To understand world history it (...)
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  26.  13
    History As the Story of Freedom: Philosophy in Intercultural Context.Clark Butler (ed.) - 1997 - Value Inquiry Book.
    The purpose of this book is to advance responsible rehabilitation of the speculative philosophy of history. It challenges the idea popularized by thinkers such as and Claude Lévi-Strauss and Jean-François Lyotard that historical meta-mythology and meta-narrative are philosophically obsolete. As long as humanity, viewed anthropologically, lives by over-arching narrative, the quest for a version that survives rational criticism remains vital. Here human rights serve as the key to unlock such a version. Despite the fact that the Hegelian philosophy of history (...)
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  27. Heuristic Dogmatism.Clark Butler - unknown
    This article distinguishes between dogmatism as usually understood, unconditional dogmatism, and "dogmatism" in good sense, heuristic dogmatism. Reprinted as "Philosophy: What it is and Why" in Statements, edited for classroom use by Kathleen Squadrito, pp. 1-10.
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  28.  7
    (1 other version)Hegel's Dialectic of the Organic Whole as a Particular Application of Formal Logic.Clark Butler - 1980 - Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 4:219-232.
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  29.  34
    Hegel's Logic: Between Dialectic and History.Clark Butler - 1996 - Evanston, IL, USA: Northwestern University Press.
    Clark Butler presents an innovative analysis of Hegel's most challenging work in _Hegel's Logic_ -- the first major English-language treatment of Hegel's _Science of Logic_ to appear in nearly fifteen years. Although earlier commentators on the _Logic_ have considered standard analytical philosophy-and with it modern logic-in opposition to Hegel. Butler views it as a legitimate approach in terms of which Hegel needs to be understood. This interpretation allows him to address the rigor of Hegel's thought on several levels as at (...)
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  30.  11
    Hegelian Panentheism as Joachimite Christianity.Clark Butler - 1992 - Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 11:131-142.
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  31.  78
    Human Rights.Clark Butler - 2002 - Philo 5 (1):5-22.
    This article vindicates human rights, not as natural rights holding wherever human beings are, but as reducible to one historically constructed right to freedom of thought and its universal modes. Universal morality is elicited from international human rights law. To be moral is first to help engender everywhere either mere inner recognition of the validity of rights or mere outer compliance with their requirements; and to engender finally inner recognition expressed in a duty of outer observance. Human rights ethics replaces (...)
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  32. Human Rights Ethics: A Rational Approach.Clark Butler - unknown
    Human Rights Ethics makes an important contribution to contemporary philosophical and political debates concerning the advancement of global justice and human rights. Butler's book also lays claim to a significant place in both normative ethics and human rights studies in as much as it seeks to vindicate a universalistic, rational approach to human rights ethics. Butler's innovative approach is not based on murky claims to "natural rights" that supposedly hold wherever human beings exist; nor does it succumb to the traditional (...)
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  33.  19
    Human Rights Ethics.Clark Butler - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 12:41-49.
    Human rights have increasingly come to the center of political and social philosophy since 1945. The have been widely discussed in publications on topical human rights issues, in the work of some of the most notable philosophers of the time like Jürgen Habermas and John Rawls, and in volumes on global justice. But, despite Habermas work in Diskurs Ethik, discussion ethics has never clearly been presented as a normative ethical theory in competition with the classical rivals such as utilitarianism and (...)
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    Notice.Clark Butler - 1976 - The Owl of Minerva 8 (2):6-6.
    I have recently been appointed Coeditor of a journal published on my campus, CLIO: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Literature, History and the Philosophy of History, with a view to expanding the journal’s philosophy offerings. It is a position I accepted only on the understanding that I would be free to develop the journal as an English-language forum for the study, indisciplinary application and critical evaluation of the Hegelian philosophy.
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  35. Negative Feedback and the Dialectic of Hegel.Clark Wade Butler - 1970 - Dissertation, University of Southern California
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  36. On Soft American Empire Versus Playing the UN-EU Card.Clark Butler - unknown
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  37.  80
    On the impossibility of metaphysics without ontology.Clark Butler - 1976 - Metaphilosophy 7 (2):116–132.
    This article defends linguistic descent in contrast to the possibility of linguistic ascent or the formal mode in metaphysics. We can go both ways, but metaphysics metaphysically defined presupposes metaphysics conceptualstically defined, which presupposes metaphysicas ontologially defined. Predicates implie abstract concepts (categories in metaphysics), and abstract oncepts presuppose the concrete qualities from which they are abstracted. A distinction is made between any quality and that which has the quality. This article contains a refutation of Kant on the ontological argument. Being, (...)
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  38.  70
    (1 other version)Panpsychism: A Restatement of the Genetic Argument.Clark Butler - 1978 - Idealistic Studies 8 (1):33-39.
    The usual version of the genetic argument for panpsychism is not difficult to refute. The version is based on the principle of biological continuity according to which the various species differ in degree rather than in kind. It is then asserted that if there is some point in the evolution of life out of inanimate matter, or of higher out of lower life, such that before this point minds did not exist while thereafter they do exist, then the principle of (...)
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  39. Peaceful Coexistence as the Nuclear Traumatization of Mankind.Clark Butler - unknown
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  40. " Preface to William Desmond: Beyond Hegel? Discussion and Response".Clark Butler - 1991 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 20 (4).
    Editorial introduction to special journal issue.
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  41. A Nonmaterialistic Identity Thesis.Clark Wade Butler - 1972 - Idealistic Studies 2 (no.):231-248.
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  42. Review of the book, Hegel's Dialectic and its Criticism by Michael Rosen.Clark Butler - unknown
    This review concentrates on Chaim Perelman's concept of the implementation of human rights as the gradual construction of the universal audience. Perelman's essay first converted me to human rights-based normative ethics in 1982.
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  43. Soft American Empire vs. Playing the E.U.-U.N. Card.Clark Butler - unknown
    Neither journalistic nor sensationalistic eye-witness accounts, this is the first book of serious reflection on the moral background and issues of internal legality surrounding the events of Guantanamo Bay.
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  44. Towards an Historical Materialist Account of our own Time.Clark Butler - unknown
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  45. The Coming World Welfare State Which Hegel Could Not See.Clark Butler - unknown
    Hegel’s defense of the welfare state retains appeal when grounded in dialogical human rights ethics defended as true normative ethical theory. His dialectic of trade passes through budding consumer desires in the once sovereign family and trade between households risking market-induced poverty, ending in market regulation by an external welfare state. The dialectic recurs on a higher level as we in domestic civil society turn to foreign products. Market-induced poverty generates an external global welfare state gradually visible in today’s international (...)
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  46. The Dialectical Hermeneutic Method.Clark Butler - unknown
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  47.  38
    The dialectical method: a treatise Hegel never wrote.Clark Butler - 2012 - Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books.
    This book proposes a treatise on the Hegelian dialectical method as based on dialectical logic. Part One explores sources of dialectical logic before Hegel in ancient thought. Part Two examines dialectical logic and the dialectical method in Hegel, with attention to the relationship between dialectical logic and contemporary formal logic. Part Three concerns the dialectical method after Hegel, in which we seek to show that the method is available for uses other than the one to which the historical Hegel put (...)
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  48.  67
    The mind-body problem: A nonmaterialistic identity thesis.Clark Butler - 1972 - Idealistic Studies 2 (3):229-48.
    A defense of panpyschism based on Ockham's Razor, arguing against the materialistic identity thesis, e.g., J J C Smart.
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  49.  81
    The Place of Process Cosmology in Absolute Idealism.Clark Butler - 1985 - The Owl of Minerva 16 (2):161-174.
    In Jena Hegel began his philosophical career under the auspices of Schelling’s Spinozism. His declaration of philosophical independence from Schelling, dating from publication of the Phenomenology, was a repudiation of the Spinozistic definition of the absolute as merely substance. Substance without the flux of accidents, he came to see, is nothing at all. Yet in the judgment of history Hegel’s break with Schellingian Spinozism, though clearly embarked upon, was not so clearly consummated. The struggle of monism and pluralism is no (...)
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  50. The reducibility of ethics to human rights.Clark Butler - 1995 - Dialogue and Universalism 5 (7).
    First Statement of what would become Human Rights Ethics, Purdue University Press, 2008.
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