Results for 'deprivation of liberty'

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  1.  23
    Deprivation of Liberty in Psychiatric Hospital Care: the Patient's Perspective.Lauri Kuosmanen, Heli Hätönen, Heikki Malkavaara, Jari Kylmä & Maritta Välimäki - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (5):597-607.
    Deprivation of liberty in psychiatric hospitals is common world-wide. The aim of this study was to find out whether patients had experienced deprivation of their liberty during psychiatric hospitalization and to explore their views about it. Patients (n = 51) in two acute psychiatric inpatient wards were interviewed in 2001. They were asked to describe in their own words their experiences of being deprived of their liberty. The data were analysed by inductive content analysis. The (...)
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    Deprivation of Liberty in Psychiatric Treatment: a Finnish perspective.Maritta Välimäki, Johanna Taipale & Riittakerttu Kaltiala-Heino - 2001 - Nursing Ethics 8 (6):522-532.
    This article is concerned with the deprivation of patients’ liberty while undergoing psychiatric treatment, with special reference to the situation in Finland. It is based on a review of Finnish law, health care statistics, and empirical and theoretical studies. Relevant research findings from other countries are also discussed. In Finland, it is required that patients are cared for by mutual understanding with themselves; coercive measures may be applied only if they are necessary for the treatment of the illness, (...)
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    Exprisonment: Deprivation of Liberty on the Street and at Home.Hadassa Noorda - 2023 - Criminal Justice Ethics 42 (1):1-19.
    Scholars have addressed restrictions on individual liberty, or deprivations thereof, that do not entail prison or jail—including area restrictions, revoking driver’s licenses, and GPS bracelets. In all legal domains, the effects of these measures on the lives of targeted individuals can be significant, primarily with respect to their capability to guide their own behavior. Some are applied categorically rather than individually, do not involve a fair trial or hearing, or are applied preventively or after the targeted individual has completed (...)
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    Preventive Deprivations of Liberty: Asset Freezes and Travel Bans.Hadassa Noorda - 2015 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 9 (3):521-535.
    This article examines preventive constraints on suspected terrorists that can lead to restrictions on liberty similar to imprisonment and disrespect the target’s autonomy. In particular, it focuses on two examples: travel bans and asset freezes. It seeks to develop guidelines for setting appropriate limits on their future use. Preventive constraints do not generate legal protections as constraints in response to conduct do. In addition, these constraints are often seen as a permissible alternative to imprisonment. Still, preventive de facto detentions, (...)
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    Deprivation of liberty safeguards: how prepared are we?P. Lepping, R. S. Sambhi & K. Williams-Jones - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (3):170-173.
    The Mental Health Act 2007 introduced Deprivation of Liberty safeguards into the Mental Capacity Act 2005 with potentially far reaching resource implications. There appears to be no scientific data regarding the prevalence of deprivation of liberty in clinical settings such as hospitals and nursing homes. We examined how many patients across a whole Trust area in Wales were subject to some lack of capacity, how well documented this was and how many were potentially deprived of their (...)
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  6.  16
    Deprivation of liberty under the Mental Capacity Act 2005.Sara Fovargue - 2009 - Clinical Ethics 4 (1):10-11.
  7.  66
    The 'Bournewood Gap' and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards in the Mental Capacity Act 2005.Natalie F. Banner - 2011 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 18 (2):123-126.
    The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) were recently introduced into the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) via an amendment to mental health legislation in England and Wales. As Shah (2011) discusses, the rationale behind creating these protocols was to close what is commonly referred to as the ‘Bournewood gap’; a legislative loophole that allowed a severely autistic man (H.L.) who did not initially dissent to admission to be detained in a hospital and deprived of his liberty in his (...)
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    Decision-Making Capacity and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.Peter Lucas - 2011 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 18 (2):117-122.
    Principle 2 of the 2005 Mental Capacity Act (MCA) requires that decision-making capacity should be assumed, unless there is conclusive evidence, on a balance of probabilities, to the contrary (Department of Constitutional Affairs 2005). In his article “The Paradox of the Assessment of Capacity Under the Mental Capacity Act 2005,” Ajit Shah (2011) raises the concern that the new Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS), introduced through the Mental Health Act (Department of Health 2007), conflict with this principle (henceforth, (...)
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  9. ‘Lost, Enfeebled, and Deprived of Its Vital Effect’: Mill’s Exaggerated View of the Relation Between Conflict and Vitality.Robert Mark Simpson - 2021 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 95 (1):97-114.
    Mill thinks our attitudes should be held in a way that’s active and ‘alive’. He believes attitudes that lack these qualities—those held dogmatically, or in unreflective conformity—are inimical to our well-being. This claim then serves as a premiss in his argument for overarching principles of liberty. He argues that attitudinal vitality, in the relevant sense, relies upon people experiencing attitudinal conflict, and that this necessitates a prioritization of personal liberties. I argue that, pace Mill, contestation isn’t required for attitudinal (...)
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    The End of Liberty.Adam J. Kolber - 2021 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 15 (3):407-424.
    Theorists treat liberty as a great equalizer. We can’t easily distribute equal welfare, but we can purport to distribute equal liberty. In fact, however, nothing about “equal liberty” is meaningfully equal. To demonstrate, I turn not to familiar cases of distributing positive goods but to the distribution of a negative good, namely carceral punishment. Many theorists believe we should impose proportional punishment by depriving offenders of liberty in proportion to their blameworthiness. In this manner, equally blameworthy (...)
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  11.  40
    Redefining liberty: is natural inability a legitimate constraint of liberty?Zahra Ladan - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (1):59-62.
    In P v Cheshire West, Lady Hale stated that an act that would deprive an able-bodied or able-minded person of their liberty would do the same to a mentally or physically disabled person. Throughout the judgement, there is no definition of what liberty is, which makes defining an act that would deprive a person of it difficult. Ideas of liberty are described in terms of political liberty within a society, the state of being free from external (...)
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  12.  20
    The Air of Liberty: A Transatlantic Perspective.Kieran M. Murphy - 2023 - Substance 52 (1):200-206.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Air of Liberty:A Transatlantic PerspectiveKieran M. Murphy (bio)"En somme le rôle du critique serait sans cesse de faire de l'air dans le plein du monde mais non pas forcement de faire du vide."—Roland Barthes"Dèyè mòn, gen mòn" ["Behind mountains, there are mountains"]—Haitian proverbThe phrase "I can't breathe" has become a worldwide rallying cry against injustice. Ben Okri deems "I can't breathe" the "mantra of oppression" that should (...)
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    Your Liberty or Your Gun? A Survey of Psychiatrist Understanding of Mental Health Prohibitors.Cara Newlon, Ian Ayres & Brian Barnett - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (S4):155-163.
    This first-of-its-kind national survey of 485 psychiatrists in nine states and the District of Columbia finds substantial evidence of clinicians being uninformed, misinformed, and misinforming patients of their gun rights regarding involuntary commitments and voluntary inpatient admissions. A significant percentage of psychiatrists did not understand that an involuntary civil commitment triggered the loss of gun rights, and the majority of psychiatrists in states with prohibitors on voluntary admissions and emergency holds were unaware that patients would lose gun rights upon voluntary (...)
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  14.  14
    The Case against compulsory vaccination: the failed arguments from risk imposition, tax evasion, ‘social liberty’, and the priority of life.Uwe Steinhoff - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Arguments for mandatory or compulsory vaccination must justify the coercive infringement of bodily integrity via the injection of chemicals that permanently affect a body’s inner constitution. Four arguments are considered. The allegedly libertarian argument declares unvaccinated persons a threat; accordingly, vaccination could take the form of justifiable defence of self and others. This argument conflates material and statistical threats. The harsh coercive measures permissible in defence against the former are not permissible in prevention of the latter. The argument from tax (...)
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    The Theory of the Offender's Forfeited Right.Brian Rosebury - 2015 - Criminal Justice Ethics 34 (3):259-283.
    In justifying punishment we sometimes appeal to the idea that the punished offender has, by his criminal action against others, forfeited his moral right (and therefore his legal right) against hard treatment by the state. The imposition of suffering, or deprivation of liberty, loses its prima facie morally objectionable character, and becomes morally permissible. Philosophers interrogating the forfeited right theory generally focus on whether the forfeiting of the right constitutes a necessary or a sufficient condition for punishment to (...)
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  16.  38
    Physical restraint of medical inpatients: unravelling the red tape.Sophie Behrman & Michael Dunn - 2010 - Clinical Ethics 5 (1):16-21.
    Restraint has recently become an important legal and clinical issue in England and Wales with the introduction of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards introduced by the Mental Health Act 2007. The requirements of these two new pieces of legislation are complex, and therefore pose major challenges to the provision of high quality and patient-centred care, support and treatment in a range of health and social care settings. In this paper, the legal and (...)
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  17. Introduction: In Search of a Lost Liberalism.Demin Duan & Ryan Wines - 2010 - Ethical Perspectives 17 (3):365-370.
    The theme of this issue of Ethical Perspectives is the French tradition in liberal thought, and the unique contribution that this tradition can make to debates in contemporary liberalism. It is inspired by a colloquium held at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in December of 2008 entitled “In Search of a Lost Liberalism: Constant, Tocqueville, and the singularity of French Liberalism.” This colloquium was held in conjunction with the retirement of Leuven professor and former Dean of the Institute of Philosophy, André (...)
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  18.  70
    When Public Health Meets the Judiciary.Michael J. Murphy, Anne M. Murphy, Maureen E. Conner & Linda Chezem - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (S4):54-55.
    The conflict between courts and medicine is best shown in the mental health cases requiring judgment of whether a person should be confined, and whether they should be medicated or left free to decide for themselves. In such cases, deprivation of liberty for noncriminal offenders is at question, but if they are released, they may be exposed to injury or injure others. “Clear and convincing” evidence is hard to prove in such cases.The TOPOFF 2 terrorism preparedness exercise was (...)
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    Constitutionalizing the Harm Principle.Dennis J. Baker - 2008 - Criminal Justice Ethics 27 (2):3-28.
    In this paper, I argue that a constitutionalized Harm Principle could ensure that people are not jailed unless they deserve it. I do not aim to outline every possible type of bad consequence beyond harm that might be sufficiently serious to justify criminalization. Instead, I focus on criminalization that is backed up with jail terms and I argue that wrongful harm to others provides the only moral and constitutional justification for sending people to jail. Imprisonment harms the prisoner, so she (...)
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  20.  57
    The Two Front War on Reproductive Rights—When the Right to Abortion is Banned, Can the Right to Refuse Obstetrical Interventions Be Far behind?Howard Minkoff, Raaga Unmesha Vullikanti & Mary Faith Marshall - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (2):11-20.
    The loss of the federally protected constitutional right to an abortion is a threat to the already tenuous autonomy of pregnant people, and may augur future challenges to their right to refuse unwanted obstetric interventions. Even before Roe’s demise, pregnancy led to constraints on autonomy evidenced by clinician-led legal incursions against patients who refused obstetric interventions. In Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the Supreme Court found that the right to liberty espoused in the Constitution does not extend to (...)
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  21.  27
    Preventive Justice.Andrew Ashworth & Lucia Zedner - 2015 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book arises from a three-year study of Preventive Justice directed by Professor Andrew Ashworth and Professor Lucia Zedner at the University of Oxford. The study seeks to develop an account of the principles and values that should guide and limit the state's use of preventive techniques that involve coercion against the individual. States today are increasingly using criminal law or criminal law-like tools to try to prevent or reduce the risk of anticipated future harm. Such measures include criminalizing conduct (...)
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  22.  23
    Which Theory of Public Reason?Elvio Baccarini - 2020 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 20 (2):199-214.
    Rawlsian public reason requires public decisions to be justified through reasons that each citizen can accept as reasonable, free and equal. It has been objected that this model of public justification puts unfair burdens on marginalized groups. A possible version of the criticism is that the alleged unfairness is constituted by what Miranda Fricker and other authors call epistemic injustice. This form of injustice obtains when some agents are unjustly treated as not reliable, or when they are deprived of epistemic (...)
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  23.  12
    Rights and Deprivation.Lesley A. Jacobs - 1993 - Oxford UK and New York,USA: Oxford University Press.
    In this book Lesley Jacobs challenges the view, now prevalent in North America and Western Europe, that the primary function of a nation's social policy should be to provide support only for the poorest people instead of social services accessible to all its citizens. In an interesting and distinctive argument he develops and defends the idea that access to basic rights such as education, health care, adequate housing, and income support can provide a solid moral foundation for redistributive state welfare (...)
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  24.  29
    Realization of the Public Works Penalty in Lithuania.Tomas Mackevičius - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (2):755-768.
    In this article there is analysed an independent criminal punishment – public works, which was determined by the Criminal Code and the Punishment Enforcement Code of the Republic of Lithuania as alternative punishment to freedom deprivation punishment. Without looking into the process of historical development, it is made an attempt to overview the tendency of public works’ spreading, to analyse the problems of public works’ realisation and how to deal with them. There is compared Lithuanian legal regulations with international (...)
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  25.  24
    The Influence Of Magna Carta Libertatum In The Development Of The Principle Of Rule Of Law.Andrej Bozhinovski - 2015 - Seeu Review 11 (1):175-182.
    The concept of Rule of Law is the cornerstone of the proper functioning of the judicial system in any modern democratic society. It is a basic concept of defined rights and liberties to all persons, which offers protection from arbitrary prosecution and incarceration. This principle was firstly stipulated by the instrument of Magna Carta and it is considered as a key principle for good governance in any modern democratic society. The development of the rule of law principle is personified through (...)
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  26.  10
    On the History of the Notion of Freedom.Lino Veljak - 2021 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 41 (1):5-18.
    The notion of freedom was in ancient philosophy formed in the sense of the privileges belonging to adult free citizens, and thus foreigners, minors, women, and slaves were deprived of the possibility of freedom. This definition of freedom was also adopted by Roman law, unlike Stoic philosophy and the New Testament Christianity, where freedom was extended to belong to all human beings. In comparison, the Stoics condemn slavery, while Christianity eschatologises freedom. The Middle Ages built on such a concept of (...)
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    Red herrings, circuit-breakers and ageism in the COVID-19 debate.David R. Lawrence & John Harris - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (9):645-646.
    In their recent paper ‘Why lockdown of the elderly is not ageist and why levelling down equality is wrong’ Savulescu and Cameron attempt to argue the case for subjecting the ‘elderly’ to limits not imposed on other generations. We argue that selective lockdown of the elderly is unnecessary and cruel, as well as discriminatory, and that this group may suffer more than others in similar circumstances. Further, it constitutes an unjustifiable deprivation of liberty.
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  28. Radical Republicanism and the Future of Work.Tom O'Shea - 2021 - Theory and Event 24 (4):1050-1067.
    I develop a socialist republican conception of economic liberty and show how it can be used to understand the domination of workers. It holds that both paid and unpaid workers can be deprived of economic freedom when they are exposed to an arbitrary power to undermine their access to the economic capabilities needed for civic equality. Measures intended to reduce domination are recommended, including public ownership of productive property, workplace democracy, and robust unconditional basic income and services. Finally, I (...)
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  29.  37
    British Romantic Poets and the African Plight.Nataša Bakić-Mirić - 2008 - The European Legacy 13 (7):825-836.
    The enslavement of Africans did strike the young, hopeful and radical Romantic poets of nineteenth-century England as the most blatant example of human oppression and the clearest example of humans being deprived of liberty. Although their poetry refers to and draws on the imagery of African slavery, the major poetic figures of the Romantic Movement in England rarely spoke directly against the slave trade and colonial slavery. Thus the issue of slavery, the transatlantic trade, and Britain's role in it, (...)
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  30.  47
    The Political Legitimacy of Retribution: Two Reasons for Skepticism.Benjamin Ewing - 2015 - Law and Philosophy 34 (4):369-396.
    Retributivism is often portrayed as a rights-respecting alternative to consequentialist justifications of punishment. However, I argue that the political legitimacy of retribution is doubtful precisely because retribution privileges a controversial conception of the good over citizens’ rights and more widely shared, publicly accessible interests. First, even if retribution is valuable, the best accounts of its value fail to show that it can override or partially nullify offenders’ rights to the fundamental forms of liberty of which criminal punishment paradigmatically deprives (...)
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    Presuming incapacity in anorexia nervosa is indefensible: A reply to Ip.Alex James Miller Tate - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (6):596-601.
    Eric C. Ip has recently argued that seriously anorexic service users ought to be assumed to be legally incapacitous to refuse life‐saving artificial nutrition unless they can demonstrate otherwise, reversing the ordinary legal presumption in place to protect patients’ liberty and values. In this response, I argue against this proposal on two grounds. Firstly, the proposal is wrongfully discriminatory; it would expose service users to serious harm, and wrong them in numerous ways, on the basis of their diagnosis alone, (...)
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  32.  14
    Is law possible during the war? Specificity of the corporeal experience.Oleksiy Stovba - 2023 - Phenomenology and Mind 25 (25):216.
    In the theory and philosophy of law, war is often considered as a legal remedy. For example, according to H. Kelsen, war is a sanction of international law. These sanctions, like sanctions in national law, consist in the forcible deprivation of life, liberty, and other goods, notably of economic value. In war, human beings are killed, maimed, imprisoned, and national or private property is destroyed. By way of reprisals, national or private property is confiscated and other legal rights (...)
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    Rousseau and Liberty.Robert Wokler & Rousseau and the Cause Of Liberty - 1995
    Rousseau is considered to be at once the most modern political thinker of the 18th century and the most ancient in his allegiance to classical republicanism. These essays address the place of liberty in his moral and political philosophy, and the origins, meaning, strength, weakness and significance of his argument.
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  34. Clinical Ethics Committee case 5: Should we discharge our vulnerable patient to a family who seem unable to look after her?Ainsley J. Newson - 2009 - Clinical Ethics 4 (1):6-11.
    This is the fifth of a series of case studies provided and discussed by UK clinical ethics committees. This paper summarises discussion of a case presented by the Central and North West London Foundation NHS Trust Clinical Ethics Committee. The case concerns a 55-year old woman with Alzheimer's disease admitted to a psychiatric hospital following concerns that she was not receiving adequate care at home. Issues discussed include subjective judgements of 'adequate care', deprivation of liberty and assessment of (...)
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  35. Maximin Justice, Sacrifice, and the Reciprocity Argument: A Pragmatic Reassessment of the Rawls/Nozick Debate.Stephen W. Ball - 1993 - Utilitas 5 (2):157-184.
    Theories of economic justice are characteristically based on abstract ethical concerns often unrelated to practical distributive results. Two decades ago, Rawls's theory of justice began as a reaction against the alleged ‘sacrifices’ condoned by utilitarian theory. One variant of this objection is that utilitarianism permits gross inequalities, severe deprivations of individual liberty, or even the enslavement of society's least well-off individuals. There are, however, more subtle forms of the objection. In Rawls, it is often waged without any claim that (...)
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    Underplayed Ethics and the Dilemmas of Psychiatric Care.Chong Siow Ann & Tamra Lysaght - 2013 - Asian Bioethics Review 5 (3):173-175.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Underplayed Ethics and the Dilemmas of Psychiatric CareChong Siow Ann and Tamra LysaghtThe practice of psychiatry is fraught with uncertainty. The exact causes and the biological substrates underlying mental disorders remain to be elucidated; even the diagnosis of these disorders is descriptive and not based on an etiological understanding and no biological diagnostic markers have been validated. The manifestation of almost all mental disorders results from a complex interaction (...)
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  37.  26
    After the Gavel Falls: Rethinking the Relationship Between Sentencing and Prison Functions.Netanel Dagan & Shmuel Baron - 2023 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 17 (1):175-195.
    The relationship between the purposes of sentencing and imprisonment can be variously conceptualized. The paper theorizes and contrasts two models of sentencing and prison relations—continuity and separation. The continuity model assumes continuity between sentencing and prison regime. Under this model, all sentencing purposes may impact prison regime. The separation model distinguishes between the purposes of sentencing and of imprisonment. Under the separation model, the retributive element of imprisonment is completely fulfilled by depriving the prisoner of liberty. Retributive considerations can (...)
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  38.  13
    Fanatizm Olgusu ve Dinî Kült Yapılarda Eleştirisizliğin Eleştirisi.Hüseyin Maraz - 2018 - Kader 16 (2):404-432.
    Öz (150-250 kelime) ve yukarıdaki kutucuğa anahtar kelimeler (5-7 kelime)İngilizce öz ve anahtar kelimeler de aynı sınırlar çerçevesinde yazılmalıdır.Öz Fanatiklik, doğru düşünceyi, sorgulamayı, eleştiriyi, hoşgörü ve hürriyeti sınırlandıran bir eğilimdir. İtiraz etmeyen, eleştiri ve fikri münakaşaya dayanma gücü olmayan ve telkin edileni koşulsuz kabule odaklanan bir oluşumun, doğruyu yanlıştan ayırt edebilme ve kendisine iletilen bilgiden şüphe duyma yetisi kaybolmuştur. Dini bir örgütlenme biçiminde mutlak itaat iman ile eşitlenmiş ise irade ve eylemlerin tek bir iradenin kontrolü altına girmesi de kaçınılmazdır. Bu (...)
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  39. Repensando la renta básica, el apoyo mutuo y el género durante la pandemia de la COVID-19 en México.Miguel Angel Torres Quiroga - 2020 - Revista de Bioética y Derecho 1 (50):239-253.
    Many of the social deprivations of Mexico will be worsened due to the SARSCOV2 pandemic. Namely, the insufficient access to public health, lack of labor rights, and the unsuccessful government’s response to eradicate male violence against women. The historical unconcern in promoting a culture rooted in mutual aid and self-care has provoked many citizens are disconnected from their social and health rights. Thus, people’s inability to carry through one direction –stay home- is unfulfilled, in part, due to structural inequalities. I (...)
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    Why lockdown of the elderly is not ageist and why levelling down equality is wrong.Julian Savulescu & James Cameron - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (11):717-721.
    In order to prevent the rapid spread of COVID-19, governments have placed significant restrictions on liberty, including preventing all non-essential travel. These restrictions were justified on the basis the health system may be overwhelmed by COVID-19 cases and in order to prevent deaths. Governments are now considering how they may de-escalate these restrictions. This article argues that an appropriate approach may be to lift the general lockdown but implement selective isolation of the elderly. While this discriminates against the elderly, (...)
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    Keeping republican freedom simple.of Republican Liberty - 2002 - Political Theory 30 (3):339-356.
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    The Bad Faith in the Free Market: The Radical Promise of Existential Freedom.Peter Bloom - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    Innovatively combining existentialist philosophy with cutting edge post-structuralist and psychoanalytic perspectives, this book boldly reconsiders market freedom. Bloom argues that present day capitalism has robbed us of our individual and collective ability to imagine and implement alternative and more progressive economic and social systems; it has deprived us of our radical freedom to choose how we live and what we can become. Since the Great Recession, capitalism has been increasingly blamed for rising inequality and feelings of mass social and political (...)
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    Autonomous Choice and the Right to Know One's Genetic Origins.Vardit Ravitsky - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (2):36-37.
    In “The Ethics of Anonymous Gamete Donation: Is There a Right to Know One's Genetic Origins?,” Inmaculada de Melo‐Martín deconstructs the interests the right is supposed to protect. She argues that these interests are not set back or thwarted when one has no access to one's genetic origins. The basis of her argument is that we lack robust empirical evidence that donor‐conceived individuals suffer certain alleged harms, and that even when such harms are present, they do not provide strong enough (...)
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    Salud mental, afrontamiento y habilidades sociales para personas privadas de la libertad.Paola Andrea Arias Bravo, Orlando Almeida Salinas & Farid Sanchez Torres - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-15.
    La investigación pretende implementar una propuesta de intervención psicológica que fortalezca las estrategias de afrontamiento y habilidades sociales de las personas privadas de la libertad [PPL], internas en el complejo penitenciario y carcelario de Jamundí, que aporte al proceso de resocialización y prevención de conductas disruptivas y suicidas en el marco del programa institucional INPEC “Preservación de la vida”. La metodología cuenta con un enfoque mixto, diseño explicativo secuencial, alcance explicativo – exploratorio de corte transversal. La muestra: conformada por 80 (...)
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    A future like ours revisited.M. T. Brown - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (3):192-195.
    It is claimed by the future like ours anti-abortion argument that since killing adult humans is wrong because it deprives them of a future of value and the fetus has a future of value, killing fetuses is wrong in the same way that killing adult human beings is wrong. In The morality of abortion and the deprivation of futures (this journal, April 2000) I argued that the persuasive power of this argument rests upon an equivocation on the term “future (...)
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    Human Being in the Space of Antinomies.V. Kozachynska - 2023 - Philosophical Horizons 46:8-16.
    The idea of antithetical human nature and the concept of man as a bivalent creature are heuristic to reveal the problem of human being.The traditional antinomic splitting of anthropological features into one’s own – another’s, immanent – transcendent, freedom – necessity, good – evil, happiness –misfortune, etc. acquires a specific coloring in the Ukrainian realities. Purpose is to reveal the ambivalence of the image of a person, which acquires special features in the Ukrainian realities. Methodological basis are the principles of (...)
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  47. Mill on capital punishment--retributive overtones?Michael Clark - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (3):327-332.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mill on Capital Punishment-Retributive Overtones?Michael ClarkI.In his famous parliamentary speech of 18681 Mill defends the retention of capital punishment for the worst murderers on the Benthamite grounds of frugality and exemplarity.2 Punishment being an intrinsic "mischief," it should be no more severe than it needs to be to achieve its desired effect, principally that of deterring others from crime. That effect can be achieved more economically if the suffering (...)
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    Reasonable Accommodation for Age.Refia Kaya - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 33 (1):115-143.
    Ensuring equal liberties requires neutral, i.e. impartial, settings where nobody would be deprived of freedom because of their personal characteristics. Religion and disability appear as characteristics which may clash with the existing social and physical environments. Therefore, the necessity of adjusting the existing environment, i.e., reasonable accommodation, is mostly discussed in reference to religion and disability. I aim to discuss reasonable accommodation from a different perspective and ask whether reasonable accommodation should be extended to age issues. I propose that age (...)
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  49. Property, Rights, and Freedom.Gerald F. Gaus - 1994 - Social Philosophy and Policy 11 (2):209-240.
    William Perm summarized theMagna Cartathus: “First, It assertsEnglishmento be free; that's Liberty. Secondly, they that have free-holds, that's Property.” Since at least the seventeenth century, liberals have not only understood liberty and property to be fundamental, but to be somehow intimately related or interwoven. Here, however, consensus ends; liberals present an array of competing accounts of the relation between liberty and property. Many, for instance, defend an essentially instrumental view, typically seeing private property as justified because it (...)
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    Social justice and democracy: the relevance of Rawl's conception of justice in Africa: including an extensive bibliography.Basile Ekanga - 2005 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The author proceeds from empirical basis to show how far the two Rawls's principles of justice can be implemented in Africa. Positions not only of Rawls but also of other philosophers are presented, reconstructed and commented. They are also opposed with critiques and other theories, so that the appropriate position for Africa can be explained. The author comes to the conclusion that the fundamental liberties are still in the making in Africa. A long colonial past and Aparthied have deprived Africa (...)
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