Results for 'defence‐related metabolism'

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  1.  49
    Underground allies: How and why do mycelial networks help plants defend themselves?Zdenka Babikova, David Johnson, Toby Bruce, John Pickett & Lucy Gilbert - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (1):21-26.
    Most land plants associate with mycorrhizal fungi that can connect roots of neighboring plants in common mycelial networks (CMNs). Recent evidence shows that CMNs transfer warning signals of pathogen and aphid attack between plants. However, we do not know how defence‐related signaling via CMNs operates or how ubiquitous it is. Nor do we know what the ecological relevance and fitness consequences are, particularly from the perspective of the mycorrhizal fungus. Here, we focus on the potential fitness benefits for mycorrhizal (...)
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  2. W. David Solomon.of Altruism Sellars'defense - 1978 - In Joseph C. Pitt, The Philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars: Queries and Extensions: Papers Deriving from and Related to a Workshop on the Philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars held at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 1976. D. Reidel. pp. 25.
  3.  33
    Identity Processing Style and Defense Mechanisms.Andrew Kinney & Michael Berzonsky - 2008 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 39 (3):111-117.
    Identity Processing Style and Defense Mechanisms To investigate relationships between identity processing styles and patterns of defense mechanisms, 213 participants completed measures of defense-mechanism clusters and styles of negotiating identity conflicts and threats. A self-exploratory, informational identity style was associated with defense mechanisms that control anxiety and threats via internal cognitive maneuvers. In contrast, a diffuse-avoidant identity style was found to be related to maladaptive defensive maneuvers including turning against others and turning aggression inward against oneself, which is related to (...)
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  4. A Defense of Presentism.Mark Hinchliff - 1988 - Dissertation, Princeton University
    The dissertation is a defense of presentism, the thesis that only presently existing things exist. Many arguments against presentism, including those of McTaggart and Mellor, rely on the claim that the tenses are indexicals. In the first chapter I argue that which aspects of language are indexical depends on what there is. In particular, I argue that if presentism is true, the tenses are not indexicals. I base my response to McTaggart's argument for the unreality of tense on the claim (...)
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  5. In defense of conceptual holism: Reply to Fodor and Lepore.Andrew Pessin - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Research 20:269-280.
    In their recent book Holism, Jerry Fodor & Ernest Lepore (F&L) argue that various species of content holism face insuperable difficulties. In this paper I reply to their claims. After describing the version of holism to which I subscribe, I follow them in addressing, in turn, its implications for these related topics: interpersonal understanding, false beliefs and reference, psychological explanation, content sirnilarity and identity, the analytic-synthetic distinction, and empirical evidence. The most prominent theme in my response to F&L is that (...)
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    A Defense of Unbounded (but Not Unlimited) Economic Growth.Joe Pettit - 2010 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 30 (1):183-204.
    THIS ESSAY MAKES AN ETHICAL CASE FOR UNBOUNDED BUT NOT UNLIMited economic growth. The preliminary case for such growth is its correlation with significant reductions in global poverty and the wealth that is created by economic growth. The essay then seeks to show that opposition to growth often rests on controversial assumptions about the nature of markets and productivity. I challenge these assumptions by presenting two important developments in economic theory: new growth theory, especially as related to the work of (...)
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    A Defense of Hume on Identity Through Time.Donald L. M. Baxter - 1987 - Hume Studies 13 (2):323-342.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:323 A DEFENSE OF HUME ON IDENTITY THROUGH TIME A durable complaint against Hume is that he blatantly begs the question in his Treatise account of our acquisition of the idea of identity through time. Green and Grose made the accusation in 1878; one hundred years later Stroud echoed the same accusation, its force and liveliness seemingly undiminished. I suggest that this accusation is based on a tempting but (...)
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  8. in defense of a presuppositional account of slurs.Bianca Cepollaro - 2015 - Language Sciences 52:36-45.
    Abstract In the last fifteen years philosophers and linguists have turned their attention to slurs: derogatory expressions that target certain groups on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality and so on. This interest is due to the fact that, on the one hand, slurs possess puzzling linguistic properties; on the other hand, the questions they pose are related to other crucial issues, such as the descriptivism/expressivism divide, the semantics/pragmatics divide and, generally speaking, the theory of meaning. Despite these (...)
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    A dual-process model of defense against conscious and unconscious death-related thoughts: An extension of terror management theory.Tom Pyszczynski, Jeff Greenberg & Sheldon Solomon - 1999 - Psychological Review 106 (4):835-845.
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    Immune defense and suppression in insects.Otto Schmidt & Ulrich Theopold - 1991 - Bioessays 13 (7):343-346.
    Insect endoparasitoids are able to circumvent the defense reactions of their habitual hosts. In a hymenopteran wasp species, virus‐like particles, found on the egg surface are responsible for the protection against the encapsulation reaction of the host caterpillar. Some of the particle proteins are structurally and probably functionally related to host protein(s). Biological properties of some of the host proteins suggest that they might be involved in the insect defense reaction.
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    A Defense of the Resonating Role Account of Meaning In Life.Gabriel Bruguier - unknown
    The primary contribution of this dissertation is the development and defense of a novel subjectivist account of meaning in life—the Resonating Role Account (RRA). I argue that ‘meaning in life’ is an evaluative phrase applied when a subject’s pursues a unique social and/or natural role well, when the role(s) resonate with her, and when they maintain a minimum balance of her attention. A defense of subjectivism over its competitors—objectivism and hybrid theory— is the second main contribution of the dissertation. These (...)
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  12. A Partial Defense of PAP in advance.Harry S. Silverstein - forthcoming - Midwest Studies in Philosophy.
    The ‘Frankfurt View’ (FV) alleges that the ‘principle of alternate possibilities’ (PAP) is undermined by ‘Frankfurt cases,’ cases in which the agent could not have done otherwise and yet is morally responsible for what he or she has done. In this paper I provide a partial defense of PAP—partial because it applies only to responsibility for acts and omissions; I endorse FV’s claim that PAP fails with regard to responsibility for decisions. But I accept FV’s claim that Frankfurt agents are (...)
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    In Defense of Mindless Eating.Megan A. Dean - 2020 - Topoi 40 (3):507-516.
    This paper offers a defense of the practice of mindless eating. Popular accounts of the practice suggest that it is non-autonomous and to blame for many of society’s food related problems, including the so-called obesity epidemic and the prevalence of diet related illnesses like diabetes. I use Maureen Sie’s “traffic participation” account of agency to argue that some mindless eating is autonomous, or more specifically, agential. Insofar as we value autonomous eating, then, it should be valued. I also argue that (...)
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    In Defense of Informal Logic.Don S. Levi (ed.) - 2000 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    My impulse when I decided to collect into a single volume the essays on topics in logical theory and related subjects that I have written in the last fifteen years was to borrow from the title of a work by Sextus Empiricus, and call my collection "Against the Logicians." Although the essays address a variety of problems that interest me, the thread that runs through them is a scepticism about how logicians see things. So, the title appealed to me. However, (...)
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    Issues of war and defense of the motherland in the catechisms of the modern Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church.Оlgа Nedavnya - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 1:86-96.
    The article examines the provisions of the catechisms of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church regarding the war and its challenges, as well as the defense of the Motherland. A comparative analysis of relevant thematic instructions in the Catechism “Christ is our Easter” (published in 2011), the Catechism for youth “We walk with Christ” (published in 2021) and the “Catechism of the Christian Warrior” (published in 2022) was carried out. It was determined that the provisions of the UGCC's own fundamental doctrinal (...)
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    Compulsory Schooling as Preventative Defense.Samuel D. Rocha - 2013 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 32 (6):613-621.
    The question whether compulsory schooling is justifiable or not has been treated at considerable length by critics, defenders, and positions in-between. What these treatments—about paternalism and autonomy and institutionalization and more—have not directly analyzed is a question that precedes the issue of overall justification: the preliminary question of time. Does it matter when compulsion takes place? Furthermore, does the timing of compulsion matter to the question of overall justification? I will argue that it does matter, but for reasons not directly (...)
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    In Defense of the Standard Picture: Overcoming Death by a Thousand Cuts.Larry Alexander - 2023 - Ratio Juris 36 (3):199-213.
    In a previous article, I defended the standard picture of law (or SP), so labeled by its foremost critic, Mark Greenberg. In that article, I addressed Greenberg's root-and-branch critique of the SP and, to a much lesser extent, a related critique by Scott Hershovitz. But the Greenberg and Hershovitz frontal attacks on the SP are not its only threats. Some theorists, while not attacking the SP directly, give accounts of law that the SP cannot accommodate. Those theorists will be challenged (...)
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    The Contrived Defense and Deterrent Threat Doctrines: A Reply to Professors Finkelstein & Katz. [REVIEW]Russell L. Christopher - 2013 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 7 (3):629-636.
    What is the relationship between the permissibility/impermissibility of the part and the permissibility/impermissibility of the whole? Does the moral or legal status of a constituent part of an actor’s course of conduct govern the status of the actor’s whole course of conduct or, conversely, does the moral and legal status of the actor’s whole course of conduct govern the status of the constituent parts? This broader issue is examined in the more specific contexts of the contrived defense and deterrent threat (...)
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  19. A Defense of Moral Deference.David Enoch - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy 111 (5):229-258.
    The combination of this vindication of moral deference and diagnosis of its fishiness nicely accommodates, I argue, some related phenomena, like the (neglected) fact that our uneasiness with moral deference is actually a particular instance of uneasiness with opaque evidence in general when it comes to morality, and the (familiar) fact that the scope of this uneasiness is wider than the moral as it includes other normative domains.
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  20. In defense of the semantic view of computation.Oron Shagrir - 2020 - Synthese 197 (9):4083-4108.
    The semantic view of computation is the claim that semantic properties play an essential role in the individuation of physical computing systems such as laptops and brains. The main argument for the semantic view rests on the fact that some physical systems simultaneously implement different automata at the same time, in the same space, and even in the very same physical properties. Recently, several authors have challenged this argument. They accept the premise of simultaneous implementation but reject the semantic conclusion. (...)
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  21. In Defense of Abortion and Infanticide.Michael Tooley - 1983 - In Peter French, Moral Issues. Oxford University Press. pp. 215–233.
    There are various ways of attempting to defend an extreme liberal view on abortion, according to which a woman always has the right to control what happens inside her own body. First of all, there is the popular view that appeals to the idea that there is a fundamental, underived right that women have to control what occurs within their own bodies. Secondly, there is a related type of philosophical argument advanced by Judith Jarvis Thomson in her famous and oft-reprinted (...)
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  22. In defense of Aristotelian universals.Alessandro Giordani & Eric Tremolanti - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-18.
    To be an Aristotelian about universals is to hold that universals depend for their existence on their exemplifiers. An argument against Aristotelianism about universals has recently been put forward by Costa to the effect that a contradiction follows from assuming a certain formulation of Aristotelianism together with some highly plausible principles governing the notions employed in that formulation. In this paper, we provide different ways of articulating the Aristotelian position which, while being related with some of the main contributions in (...)
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    A defense of fundamental principles and human rights: A reply to Robert Baker.Ruth Macklin - 1998 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 8 (4):403-422.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Defense of Fundamental Principles and Human Rights: A Reply to Robert Baker *Ruth Macklin (bio)AbstractThis article seeks to rebut Robert Baker’s contention that attempts to ground international bioethics in fundamental principles cannot withstand the challenges posed by multiculturalism and postmodernism. First, several corrections are provided of Baker’s account of the conclusions reached by the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments. Second, a rebuttal is offered to Baker’s claim (...)
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    (1 other version)L'humour macabre : un mécanisme de défense acceptable en soins critiques?Alexandra Fortin & Charles Dupras - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 1 (2):69-75.
    Health care professionals assigned to critical care are confronted on a daily basis with particularly trying situations. Their hard work conditions can become anxiety-provoking, affect their physical and/or psychological condition, decrease their performance and increase their absenteeism rate at work. To face this particularly stressful and sometimes depressing context, some professionals fall back on “gallows humour”, a sort of black humour with a morbid overtone, which is likely to shock certain people. Although gallows humour is very widespread, its use in (...)
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  25. Sensations: A Defense of Type Materialism.Christopher S. Hill - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is a book about sensory states and their apparent characteristics. It confronts a whole series of metaphysical and epistemological questions and presents an argument for type materialism: the view that sensory states are identical with the neural states with which they are correlated. According to type materialism, sensations are only possessed by human beings and members of related biological species; silicon-based androids cannot have sensations. The author rebuts several other rival theories, and explores a number of important issues: the (...)
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    Self-Defense Against Conditional Threats.Luciano Venezia & Eduardo Rivera-López - 2025 - The Journal of Ethics 29 (1):63-83.
    The aim of this paper is twofold. First, we argue that killing a Conditional Threat usually involves an unnecessary act of self-defense, so killing this aggressor is usually morally impermissible. We defend this thesis by showing that this case is fundamentally similar to a case involving an Unconditional Threat in which the victim can flee to safety although this involves incurring a minor cost. Second, we analyze the thresholds of maximal harm that victims are required to bear before they are (...)
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  27. A Defense of Ideal Liberalism.John Russell - 1994 - Dissertation, Cornell University
    The dissertation defends a teleological liberal normative theory against the most prominent contributions to contemporary liberal thought, specifically the deontological liberalism of John Rawls and those who have followed in the spirit of his work. The teleological theory that is advanced incorporates an objective conception of value; hence, the reference to "ideal" liberalism to designate the position that is defended. ;Ideal teleological theories have had a prominent place in modern liberal thought in the works of T. H. Green, the new (...)
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  28. A Defense and Development of the Volitional Self-Contradiction Interpretation.Pauline Kleingeld - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (2):505-524.
    Kant’s Formula of Universal Law (FUL) is generally believed to require you to act only on the basis of maxims that you can will without contradiction to become universal laws. In “Contradiction and Kant’s Formula of Universal Law” (2017), I have proposed to read the FUL instead as requiring that, for any maxim on which you act, you can will two things simultaneously, without volitional self-contradiction: (1) willing the maxim as your own action principle and (2) willing that it become (...)
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    Criminal Responsibility (Insanity Defense).Besa Arifi & Rina Zejneli - 2022 - Seeu Review 17 (2):120-138.
    Criminal responsibility refers to a person’s ability to understand his action, behavior at the time a crime is committed, what a person is thinking when he commits a crime or the expected result when a crime is committed. Crime is defined in terms of an act or omission (actus reus) and a mental state (mens rea). In this paper, is presented the general concept of irresponsibility and essentially reduced responsibility as a reason to be exempted from the punishment provided by (...)
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  30. A pragmatic defense of Millianism.Arvid Båve - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 138 (2):271 - 289.
    A new kind of defense of the Millian theory of names is given, which explains intuitive counter-examples as depending on pragmatic effects of the relevant sentences, by direct application of Grice’s and Sperber and Wilson’s Relevance Theory and uncontroversial assumptions. I begin by arguing that synonyms are always intersubstitutable, despite Mates’ considerations, and then apply the method to names. Then, a fairly large sample of cases concerning names are dealt with in related ways. It is argued that the method, as (...)
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  31. In defense of interventionist solutions to exclusion.Thomas W. Polger, Lawrence A. Shapiro & Reuben Stern - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 68:51-57.
    Mental and physical causes do not competedthe presence of one does not exclude the efficacy of the other. This point is obvious from the perspective of an interventionist theory of causation, but only when this theory gets its proper due. Doubts about the interventionist justification for concluding that there is both physical and mental causation, we have argued, rest on misunderstandings of interventionism. When looking to interventions to reveal causal structures, care must be taken to consider the right variable sets. (...)
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  32.  33
    In defense of dignity: Reflections on the moral function of human dignity.Vilhjálmur Árnason - 2020 - Bioethics 35 (1):31-39.
    This paper defends human dignity in two ways. First, by confronting the criticism that human dignity does not serve an important function in contemporary moral discourse and that its function can be sufficiently performed by other moral terms. It is argued that this criticism invites a danger of moral reductionism, which impoverishes moral discourse. The authority of moral philosophy to correct widely shared moral intuitions, rooted in experiences of grave injustices and wrongs, is questioned. Secondly, dignity is defended by showing (...)
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    Terrorism, self-defense, and whistleblowing.Laura Westra - 1989 - Journal of Social Philosophy 20 (3):46-58.
    In a recent paper given at a Symposium on terrorism, Thomas Hill, Jr., discussed “Making Exceptions Without Abandoning the Principle: Or How a Kantian Might Think about Terrorism.” His argument, however, after acknowledging that “terrorists of course often claim to have morally worthy ends and also means that are morally justified in the context,” and further stating that “some such claims deserve a serious hearing,” goes on to deal with the related question of…what one may justifiably do in response to (...)
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  34. In Defense of the Post-Work Future: Withdrawal and the Ludic Life.John Danaher - 2019 - In Michael Cholbi & Michael Weber, The Future of Work, Technology, and Basic Income. Routledge. pp. 99-116.
    A basic income might be able to correct for the income related losses of unemployment, but what about the meaning/purpose related losses? For better or worse, many people derive meaning and fulfillment from the jobs they do; if their jobs are taken away, they lose this source of meaning. If we are about the enter an era of rampant job loss as a result of advances in technology, is there a danger that it will also be an era of rampant (...)
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    Spiritual Self-Defense Practices in the "Bendung" Silat Start for Learners at the Mahaputra Pencak Silat Padepokan.Yuliawan Kasmahidayat, Ria Sabaria, Saian Badaruddin, Fitri Kurniati & Agus Sudirman - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:168-176.
    This article discusses the origins, spiritual aspects, and development of Mahaputra Pencak Silat in Cintaraja village, Singaparna subdistrict. The main focus includes analysis of martial arts training which teaches how learners control their desires and impulses, as well as emphasizing the importance of self-defense in the life of a soldier. The research method was evaluated based on a historical and sociological approach where the discussion of the object was based on society and related to existing facts in Cintaraja village which (...)
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    The Defense of Necessity and Powers of the Government.Youngjae Lee - 2009 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 3 (2):133-145.
    If one of the lessons of the ubiquitous and highly problematic ticking bomb scenario is that torture may be justified under certain narrowly specified situations, why would we not want it made available as a weapon in the government’s anti-terrorist activities? This is not a new question. It has been hotly debated, and a number of arguments have been made against the idea of formulating the torture policy on the basis of the ticking-bomb hypothetical. The question that this Essay addresses (...)
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  37. A Defense of Taking Some Novels As Arguments.Gilbert Plumer - 2015 - In B. J. Garssen, D. Godden, G. Mitchell & A. F. Snoeck Henkemans, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation [CD-ROM]. Sic Sat. pp. 1169-1177.
    This paper’s main thesis is that in virtue of being believable, a believable novel makes an indirect transcendental argument telling us something about the real world of human psychology, action, and society. Three related objections are addressed. First, the Stroud-type objection would be that from believability, the only conclusion that could be licensed concerns how we must think or conceive of the real world. Second, Currie holds that such notions are probably false: the empirical evidence “is all against this idea…that (...)
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  38. In Defense of the Primacy of the Virtues.Jason Kawall - 2009 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 3 (2):1-21.
    In this paper I respond to a set of basic objections often raised against those virtue theories in ethics which maintain that moral properties such rightness and goodness (and their corresponding concepts) are to be explained and understood in terms of the virtues or the virtuous. The objections all rest on a strongly-held intuition that the virtues (and the virtuous) simply must be derivative in some way from either right actions or good states of affairs. My goal is to articulate (...)
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  39. A Defense of Impurist Permissivism.Jenny Yi-Chen Wu - 2023 - Episteme:1-21.
    One famous debate in contemporary epistemology considers whether there is always one unique, epistemically rational way to respond to a given body of evidence. Generally speaking, answering “yes” to this question makes one a proponent of the Uniqueness thesis, while those who answer “no” are called “permissivists”. Another influential recent debate concerns whether non-truth-related factors can be the basis of epistemic justification, knowledge, or rational belief. Traditional theories answer “no”, and are therefore considered “purists”. However, more recently many theorists have (...)
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    Metabolism and pulse rate as related to reading under high and low levels of illumination.R. A. McFarland, C. A. Knehr & C. Berens - 1939 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 25 (1):65.
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  41. In defense of public languages.Robert Stainton - 2011 - Linguistics and Philosophy 34 (5):479-488.
    My modest aim in this note is to sketch three interrelated critiques of public languages, and to respond to them. All are broadly Chomskyan, and all support the same conclusion: that, insofar as they even exist, the study of public languages is not a viable scientific project. (Related critiques of semantics, understood as involving word–world relations, will be touched on as well).
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  42. In defense of Forsey’s Aesthetics of Design.Monika Favara-Kurkowski - 2021 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 12 (3):1-10.
    In philosophical aesthetics, discussions on design objects place the notion of Functional Beauty at the fore. Such a philosophical approach can be found in Jane Forsey’s book The Aesthetics of Design that focuses on the notion of function to promote the aesthetic value of design and develops an interpretation of Kantian Dependent Beauty around it. Lucía Jiménez Sánchez has recently put forward several flaws of Functional Beauty accounts. She presented several practical cases as evidence for the narrowness of Functional Beauty (...)
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    Expected Free Energy Formalizes Conflict Underlying Defense in Freudian Psychoanalysis.Patrick Connolly - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:337652.
    Freud's core interest in the psyche was the dynamic unconscious: that part of the psyche which is unconscious due to conflict (Freud, 1923/1961 ). Over the course of his career, Freud variously described conflict as an opposition to the discharge of activation (Freud, 1950 ), opposition to psychic activity due to the release of unpleasure (Freud, 1990/1991 ), opposition between the primary principle and the reality principle (Freud, 1911/1963 ), structural conflict between id, ego, and superego (Freud, 1923/1961 ), and (...)
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    In Defense of Irreducible Relations.Francesco Orilia & Michele Paolini Paoletti - 2023 - Argumenta 8 (2):387-405.
    At least since Russell, mainstream analytic philosophy has distinguished internal and external relations and acknowledged the existence of both. This seems in line with both the manifest and scientific images of the world. However, there is a recent deflationary trend about relations, which focuses on the truthmakers of relational statements in order to show that putative external relations are in fact internal, and that internal relations do not really exist. Lowe’s posthumous 2016 paper is a thorough presentation of this line (...)
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    Between Conspiracy Beliefs, Ingroup Bias, and System Justification: How People Use Defense Strategies to Cope With the Threat of COVID-19.Chiara A. Jutzi, Robin Willardt, Petra C. Schmid & Eva Jonas - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The current situation around COVID-19 portrays a threat to us in several ways: It imposes uncertainty, a lack of control and reminds us of our own mortality. People around the world have reacted to these threats in seemingly unrelated ways: From stockpiling yeast and toilet paper to favoring nationalist ideas or endorsing conspiratorial beliefs. According to the General Process Model of Threat and Defense the confrontation with a threat - a discrepant experience - makes humans react with both proximal and (...)
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    In Defense of the Unprovability of the Church-Turing Thesis.Selmer Bringsjord - unknown
    One of us has previously argued that the Church-Turing Thesis (CTT), contra Elliot Mendelson, is not provable, and is — light of the mind’s capacity for effortless hypercomputation — moreover false (e.g., [13]). But a new, more serious challenge has appeared on the scene: an attempt by Smith [28] to prove CTT. His case is a clever “squeezing argument” that makes crucial use of Kolmogorov-Uspenskii (KU) machines. The plan for the present paper is as follows. After covering some necessary preliminaries (...)
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    In Defense of Normothermic Regional Perfusion.Robert D. Truog & Samuel N. Doernberg - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (4):24-31.
    Normothermic regional perfusion (NRP) is a relatively new approach to procuring organs for transplantation. After circulatory death is declared, perfusion is restored to either the thoracoabdominal organs (in TA-NRP) or abdominal organs alone (in A-NRP) using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Simultaneously, surgeons clamp the cerebral arteries, causing a fatal brain injury. Critics claim that clamping the arteries is the proximate cause of death in violation of the dead donor rule and that the procedure is therefore unethical. We disagree. This account does (...)
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    Probabilistic justice against status defense: inequality, uncertainty, and the future of the welfare state.Rachel Z. Friedman & Torben Iversen - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (4):829-853.
    The postwar welfare state provides social insurance against economic, health, and related risks in an uncertain world. Because everyone can envision themselves to be among the unfortunate, social insurance fuses self-interest and solidarism in a normative principle Friedman (2020) calls probabilistic justice. But there is a competing principle of status defense, where the aim is to erect boundaries between socioeconomic strata and discourage cross-class mobility. We argue that this principle dominates when inequality is high and uncertainty low. The current moment (...)
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  49.  6
    A defense of Austrian welfare economics.Tate Fegley & Karl-Friedrich Israel - 2024 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 76:19-42.
    Murray N. Rothbard’s _Toward a Reconstruction of Utility and Welfare Economics_ is the defining contribution outlining the Austrian school’s approach to welfare theory. A recent attack on this approach is by Wysocki and Dominiak (2023), who argue, contra Rothbard, that whether an exchange is welfare-enhancing is not necessarily related to whether that exchange is just, and therefore the Rothbardian framework is wrong. This paper shows that their argument misconceives how Austrians treat the concept of welfare. They also misunderstand the crucial (...)
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    In Defense of Smart Sanctions: A Response to Joy Gordon.George A. Lopez - 2012 - Ethics and International Affairs 26 (1):135-146.
    In her recent article in this journal, Joy Gordon provides an astute history and critique of the evolution and application of smart sanctions within the United Nations system since the mid-1990s. Her analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the discrete types of smart sanctions is part of a growing discussion among both academics and practitioners about the future and the utility of these measures. As always, her continued skepticism about the effectiveness and ethical dimensions of economic sanctions deserves serious (...)
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