Results for 'cuestionarios pre y posoperatorios .'

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  1.  44
    Consideraciones éticas sobre informes de casos y análisis de la calidad de vida en pacientes con rinoplastia cosmética.Mauro Barone, Annalisa Cogliandro, Paolo Persichetti & Nicola Di Stefano - 2016 - Persona y Bioética 20 (1):77-85.
    The paper discusses an ethical analysis of three common cases involving the most popular requests in rhinoplasty. As the nose plays a fundamental role in the aesthetics and physiognomy of the human face, the request for rhinoplasty may be an expression of both subjective discomfort and objective dysfunction. The paper aims, therefore, to fill the gap between qualitative-subjective impressions related to bodily self-perception and its quantitative-objective assessment. Ethical evaluation should start with consideration of the formal object and circumstances of the (...)
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    Social impact of the visual quality of life in patients who had underwent surgery of senile cataract.Romni Pérez Gil, Lianet Mayor Castellano & Tania Cisneros Causillo - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (3):634-648.
    RESUMEN Se presentan los resultados de la investigación La calidad de vida en pacientes con catarata senil atendidos en Nuevitas de junio a diciembre del 2016, con el objetivo de demostrar el impacto social de la cirugía. Para el estudio descriptivo, longitudinal, prospectivo realizado se seleccionaron 65 pacientes, los cuales constituyen la muestra seleccionada. Para medir el impacto se aplicó una planilla de recolección de datos, y el cuestionario de calidad de vida relativa a la visión pre y postoperatoria. Se (...)
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    Competencias digitales docentes: una perspectiva de enseñanza rural.Marina Fernández Miranda & Adolfo Antenor Jurado Rosas - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (4):1-13.
    La pandemia COVID-19 ha planteado retos, donde las TIC se ha convertido en una necesidad básica para la humanidad, en este contexto se cuestionó las capacidades de los docentes para hacer frente a los cambios. Tiene una metodología mixta pre- experimental, participaron 49 docentes y se aplicó cuestionario, rubrica y Pre Test/Post Test, con valores 0.890; 0.91, 0.97 de Cronbach. Los hallazgos demostraron que las dimensiones, comunicación, creación de contenidos, resultaron muy altas, mientras que la dimensión seguridad y solución de (...)
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    Effects of membrane pre-stress and intrinsic viscoelasticity on nanoindentation of cells using AFM.C. Y. Zhang & Y. W. Zhang - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (23):3415-3435.
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    Multimodal brain features at 3 years of age and their relationship with pre-reading measures 1 year later.Kathryn Y. Manning, Jess E. Reynolds, Xiangyu Long, Alberto Llera, Deborah Dewey & Catherine Lebel - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Pre-reading language skills develop rapidly in early childhood and are related to brain structure and functional architecture in young children prior to formal education. However, the early neurobiological development that supports these skills is not well understood. Here we acquired anatomical, diffusion tensor imaging and resting state functional MRI from 35 children at 3.5 years of age. Children were assessed for pre-reading abilities using the NEPSY-II subtests 1 year later. We applied a data-driven linked independent component analysis to explore the (...)
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    Before Maimonides: a new philosophical dialogue in Hebrew.Y. Tzvi Langermann - 2023 - Leiden ; Boston: Brill.
    All can agree that the achievement of Moses Maimonides (d. 1204) set the standard for subsequent works of "Jewish philosophy". But just what were the contours of philosophical-scientific inquiry that Maimonides replaced? A fairly large array of diverse texts have been studied, but no comprehensive picture has yet emerged. The newly discovered Hebrew dialogue published here has points of contact of various depth with most of the major works of pre-Maimonidean thought. It shares as well influences from without, especially from (...)
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    Montessori Method in Early Childhood Religious, Moral and Values Education -Indiana Sample-.Yıldız Kizilabdullah - 2021 - Dini Araştırmalar 24 (60):9-34.
    The Montessori Method is accepted as an alternative education model today. Although it was spread out in USA at the beginning of the 20th century, it is currently used and accepted all over the world. Although its application in pre-education is common, it has also been adopted and applied at different levels. The Montessori method differs from traditional education not only in terms of approach to students, teachers, discipline, and school environment, but also in the way it uses certain materials (...)
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    Fatalism Scale for Occupational Accidents and Diseases: A Scale Development Study.Metin Yıldız, Mehmet Salih Yıldırım, Yakup Sarpdağı, Zeynep Yıldırım, Asena Köse, Mehmet Emin Atay & Rabia Yıldız - 2024 - Kader 22 (1):179-198.
    It is important to determine the attitudes of employees towards occupational accidents and diseases and whether these events are perceived as inevitable or out of control. Inaccurate interpretation of the perception of fatalism towards occupational accidents and diseases may lead to more occupational accidents and diseases. The use of scales to determine the perception of fatalism in the context of occupational accidents and diseases allows for a quantitative assessment of these issues. This approach makes it possible to objectively measure and (...)
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    The story of the body and the story of the person: Towards an ethics of representing human bodies and body-parts.Y. Michael Barilan - 2004 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 8 (2):193-205.
    Western culture has a few traditions of representing the human body – among them mortuary art (gisants), the freak show, the culture of the relics, renaissance art and pre-modern and modern anatomy. A historical analysis in the spirit of Norbert Elias is offered with regard to body – person relationship in anatomy. Modern anatomy is characterized by separating the story of the person from the story of the body, a strategy that is incompatible with the bio-psycho-social paradigm of clinical medicine. (...)
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  10.  18
    Jabalíes, cerdos y ritualidad en el Japón Pre y Protohistórico.Irene M. Muñoz Fernández - 2021 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 5 (1).
    Este trabajo analiza el papel de los suidos en la ritualidad protohistórica japonesa, tomando como base la aparición de una serie de restos óseos de estos animales en contextos rituales y/o con indicios de consumo ritual, especialmente en los periodos Jōmon (ca. 10,500-300 a.n.e.) y Yayoi (1,000-900 a.n.e.-250-300 d.n.e.),. Pero antes de entrar de lleno en la problemática de estos ejemplares, es necesario realizar una retrospectiva del papel de dichos animales en el archipiélago japonés desde la Prehistoria, así como de (...)
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  11. Graded Causation and Defaults.Joseph Y. Halpern & Christopher Hitchcock - 2015 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 66 (2):413-457.
    Recent work in psychology and experimental philosophy has shown that judgments of actual causation are often influenced by consideration of defaults, typicality, and normality. A number of philosophers and computer scientists have also suggested that an appeal to such factors can help deal with problems facing existing accounts of actual causation. This article develops a flexible formal framework for incorporating defaults, typicality, and normality into an account of actual causation. The resulting account takes actual causation to be both graded and (...)
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  12. One or two: An examination of the recent case of the conjoined twins from malta.Y. Michael Barilan - 2003 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 28 (1):27 – 44.
    The article questions the assumption that conjoined twins are necessarily two people or persons by employing arguments based on different points of view: non-personal vitalism, the person as a sentient being, the person as an agent, the person as a locus of narrative and valuation, and the person as an embodied mind. Analogies employed from the cases of amputation, multiple personality disorder, abortion, split-brain patients and cloning. The article further questions the assumption that a conjoined twin's natural interest and wish (...)
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    Construcción y validación de un cuestionario para evaluar la relación médico-paciente y su asociación con los principios bioéticos.Irma Eloisa Gómez Guerrero, América Arroyo-Valerio, Nicola Panocchia, Rafael Valdez Ortiz, Nuria Aguiñaga-Chiñas & Guillermo Rafael Cantú Quintanilla - 2022 - Persona y Bioética 26 (1):e2619.
    La relación médico-paciente (RMP) es una relación profesional-interpersonal base para la gestión de la salud. Nuestro objetivo fue desarrollar un instrumento que permitiera evaluar la presencia de los principios bioéticos en la atención médica recibida en la consulta externa de una institución hospitalaria. El instrumento quedó constituido por 21 reactivos para evaluar su confiabilidad y consistencia. El coeficiente de correlación intraclase fue de 0,81 (_p_.
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    Aportación de la arqueoictiología al conocimiento de las culturas pre y protohistóricas de la Península Ibérica.Arturo Morales Muñiz & Eufrasia Roselló - 1998 - Arbor 161 (635-636):235-267.
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    The Emotions in Early Chinese Philosophy by Curie Virág.Ellen Y. Zhang - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (2):663-667.
    This is the first book-length study of the conception of emotions in premodern, or more specifically, pre-Han Chinese philosophical traditions, ranging from the early-5th to the late-3rd centuries BCE. This era is known as the "Warring States period" in China and marked by the flourishing of a number of different schools of philosophers who advocated their visions of how society should be run. The author looks at wide-ranging views about the nature of emotions and their proper role in moral life (...)
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    Validación y resultados preliminares de un cuestionario a médicos acerca de los aspectos bioéticos relativos al uso de la alimentación enteral en pacientes con demencia.Pilar de Antueno, Agustín Silberberg & Alberto Alonso Babarro - 2023 - Persona y Bioética 27 (2):e2722.
    Introducción: el uso de la alimentación enteral en pacientes con demencia resulta un desafío ético-clínico. El objetivo de este artículo es exponer el proceso de validación de un cuestionario para conocer la opinión de los médicos al respecto y sus resultados preliminares. Metodología: se desarrolló un cuestionario anónimo para conocer la opinión de médicos acerca del uso de la alimentación enteral, dirigido a especialistas de cuidados paliativos, geriatría, medicina interna y neurología, de los ámbitos público y privado. Se presentaban allí (...)
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    Provoking lucid dreams at home with sensory cues paired with pre-sleep cognitive training.Karen R. Konkoly, Nathan W. Whitmore, Remington Mallett, Christopher Y. Mazurek & Ken A. Paller - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 125 (C):103759.
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    Environmental complexity, cognition, and plant stress physiology.Özlem Yılmaz - 2024 - Adaptive Behavior 33.
    Special issue: Pre ́cis and Commentaries on Veit’s ‘Animal Consciousness’ Abstract: Facing stress and producing stress responses are crucial aspects of an organism’s life and the evolution of both its species and of the other species in its environment, which are co-evolving with it. Philosophers and biologists emphasize the importance of environmental complexity and how organisms deal with it in evolution of cognitive processes. This article adds to these discussions by highlighting the importance of stress physiology in processes connected to (...)
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  19. La MISIÓN de las Facultades de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas es la del cultivo y desarrollo de las respectivas disciplinas científicas docencia (pre y postgrado), de la investigación científica básica y aplicada y de la transferencia del conocimiento generado internacional.Jorge Plaza De Los Reyes Zapata - 2003 - Theoria 12:5-6.
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    "One Nation under God" Or Taking the Lord's Name in Vain?Grace Y. Kao - 2007 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 27 (1):183-204.
    BY EXPLORING THE ONGOING CONTROVERSY WHETHER TEACHER-LED recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools is constitutional, this paper demonstrates how and why Christians have much to gain from reverting the pledge to its pre-1954 text. I expose critical weaknesses in recent strategies to retain the contested words "under God" in the pledge employed by litigants, amici curiae, several Supreme Court justices, and other interested parties. I additionally interrogate the prominent place the American flag holds in public life and (...)
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    Pre‐mRNA secondary structure and the regulation of splicing.Laurent Balvay, Domenico Libri & Marc Y. Fiszman - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (3):165-169.
    Nuclear pre‐mRNAs must be precisely processed to give rise to mature cytoplasmic mRNAs. This maturation process, known as splicing, involves excision of intron sequences and ligation of the exon sequences. One of the major problems in understanding this process is how splice sites, the sequences which form the boundaries between introns and exons, can be accurately selected. A number of studies have defined conserved sequences within introns which were later shown to interact with small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs). However, due to (...)
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  22.  55
    Defining reasonable patient standard and preference for shared decision making among patients undergoing anaesthesia in Singapore.J. L. J. Yek, A. K. Y. Lee, J. A. D. Tan, G. Y. Lin, T. Thamotharampillai & H. R. Abdullah - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):6.
    A cross-sectional study to ascertain what the Singapore population would regard as material risk in the anaesthesia consent-taking process and identify demographic factors that predict patient preferences in medical decision-making to tailor a more patient-centered informed consent. A survey was performed involving patients 21 years old and above who attended the pre-operative evaluation clinic over a 1-month period in Singapore General Hospital. Questionnaires were administered to assess patients’ perception of material risks, by trained interviewers. Patients’ demographics were obtained. Mann–Whitney U (...)
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  23.  44
    An Epitome of Galen's On the Elements Ascribed to Ḥunayn Ibn Isḥāq.Gerrit Bos & Y. Tzvi Langermann - 2015 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 25 (1):33-78.
    RésuméL'ouvrage galéniqueSur les Éléments selon Hippocrateest une importante source d'information concernant les théories physiques de l'antiquité tardive. Les diverses doctrines atomistes discutées par Galien ainsi que les arguments employés par lui pour les réfuter ont été étudiés de près par les premiersMutakallimūn.Les abrégés de cet ouvrage, qui semblent avoir été écrits plusieurs siècles après Galien, et dont certains remontent aux débuts de la culture islamique, présentent un intérêt particulier. Dans cet article, nous donnons une édition, une traduction et une étude (...)
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  24.  33
    An Analytical Overview on the Girl's Inheritance Share Based on Gender in Islamic Law.İbrahim Yılmaz - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):347-376.
    Basic characteristic of Islamic heritage law, principally it has accepted the two-to-one ratio between the male and the female children/siblings in division of heritage. In Islamic inheritance law, the main/basic reason why the share of the male is twice the share of the female is no “value” judgments given to female/women in creation and gender in Islam, on the contrary, are real realities related with the roles and financial obligations that man and woman have undertaken, in other words, related with (...)
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    Cognitive and Emotional Appraisal of Motivational Interviewing Statements: An Event-Related Potential Study.Karen Y. L. Hui, Clive H. Y. Wong, Andrew M. H. Siu, Tatia M. C. Lee & Chetwyn C. H. Chan - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:727175.
    The counseling process involves attention, emotional perception, cognitive appraisal, and decision-making. This study aimed to investigate cognitive appraisal and the associated emotional processes when reading short therapists' statements of motivational interviewing (MI). Thirty participants with work injuries were classified into the pre-contemplation (PC,n= 15) or readiness stage of the change group (RD,n= 15). The participants viewed MI congruent (MI-C), MI incongruent (MI-INC), or control phrases during which their electroencephalograms were captured. The results indicated significant Group × Condition effects in the (...)
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    Bāṃlāra darśana: prāk-upanibeśa parba.Rāẏahāna Rāina - 2019 - Ḍhākā: Prathamā Prakāśana.
    Articles on different religious philosophies of pre-colonial Bengal, India.
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    Engaging Students to Use Their Minds Well: Exploring the Relationship Between Critical Thinking and Formative Assessment.Lawrence Y. Kohn - 2013 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 28 (1):36-45.
    This paper explores the relationship between critical thinking and formative assessment. In this paper Popham’s conception of formative assessment as “a planned process in which assessment-elicited evidence of students’ status is used by teachers to adjust their ongoing instructional procedures or by students to adjust their current learning tactics” is highlighted as well as a framework from Stiggins and associates . Despite vast research that indicates bothpositively impact student achievement, they are “errors of omission” and vastly underutilized in teacher preparation (...)
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    Mahabharata Now: Narration, Aesthetics, Ethics.Arindam Chakrabarti & Śibājī Bandyopādhyāẏa (eds.) - 2014 - New Delhi, India: Routledge India.
    The _Mahabharata _is at once an archive and a living text, a sourcebook complete by itself and an open text perennially under construction. Driving home this striking contemporary relevance of the famous Indian epic, _Mahabharata Now _focuses on the issues of narration, aesthetics and ethics, as also their interlinkages. The cross-disciplinary essays in the volume imaginatively re-interpret the ‘timeless’ classic in the light of the pre-modern Indian narrative styles, poetics, aesthetic codes, and moral puzzles; the Western theories on modern ethics, (...)
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    The effect of plastic deformation at −196°C on pre-precipitation in a quenched Al-6.8 at. % Zn alloy.M. Murakami, O. Kawano, T. Uyeda & Y. Murakami - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 21 (174):1119-1126.
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    Bringing legal knowledge to the public by constructing a legal question bank using large-scale pre-trained language model.Mingruo Yuan, Ben Kao, Tien-Hsuan Wu, Michael M. K. Cheung, Henry W. H. Chan, Anne S. Y. Cheung, Felix W. H. Chan & Yongxi Chen - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 32 (3):769-805.
    Access to legal information is fundamental to access to justice. Yet accessibility refers not only to making legal documents available to the public, but also rendering legal information comprehensible to them. A vexing problem in bringing legal information to the public is how to turn formal legal documents such as legislation and judgments, which are often highly technical, to easily navigable and comprehensible knowledge to those without legal education. In this study, we formulate a three-step approach for bringing legal knowledge (...)
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  31. Associations Between Fear of COVID-19, Affective Symptoms and Risk Perception Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults During a COVID-19 Lockdown. [REVIEW]Madeline F. Y. Han, Rathi Mahendran & Junhong Yu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:638831.
    Fear is a common and potentially distressful psychological response to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The factors associated with such fear remains relatively unstudied among older adults. We investigated if fear of COVID-19 could be associated with a combination of psychological factors such as anxiety and depressive symptoms, and risk perception of COVID-19, and demographic factors in a community sample of older adults. Older adults (N= 413,Mage= 69.09 years,SD= 5.45) completed measures of fear of COVID-19, anxiety and depressive symptoms, and risk (...)
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    Challenges to legal theory: essays in honour of Professor José Iturmendi Morales.José Iturmendi Morales, Falcón Y. Tella, María José, Martínez Muñoz, Juan Antonio & Deirdre B. Jerry (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: Brill | Nijhoff.
    Challenges to Legal Theory offers the reader a fascinating journey though a variety of multi-disciplinary topics, ranging from law and literature, and law and religion, to legal philosophy and constitutional law. The collection reflects some of the challenges that the field of legal theory currently faces. It is compiled by a selection of international and Spanish scholars, whose essays are made available in English translation for the first time. The volume is based on a collection of essays, published in Spanish, (...)
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    Sta R f.Indexické V. Ý Razy Ii - 2002 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 9 (2):121-156.
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    Operación y movilización. Formas de acción colectiva pre elíticas en la Falange Nacional chilena (1935-1957).Jorge Vergara Vidal - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 32.
    El presente texto desarrolla el concepto de operación como una forma específica de acción colectiva, se la considera como una movilización organizada de recursos acotados a objetivos y tiempos determinados. En el análisis de la Falange Nacional chilena es posible distinguir, entre los periodos temprano y tardío de su vida como organización, la manera como van funcionando y produciendo efectos, por lo menos dos tipos de operaciones, caracterizadas una como doctrinaria y la otra como pragmática. Los principales efectos de la (...)
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    Hindu-Muslim relations in Kashmir: A critical evaluation.Amos Y. Luka - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):9.
    India was under British colonial rule for a good number of years with her plural ethno-religious background and identity, which was to become the basis of an unending conflict. Several pre-colonial and post-colonial conditioning antecedents have been marshalled to buttress the premise leading to the conclusion that the British colonial era laid the time bomb along ethno-religious contours which exploded in 1947 thereby giving rise to the balkanisation of India into two separate states, that is India and Pakistan. Two major (...)
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    Pre-ontología: La esencia y la existencia.Pedro Caba - 1960 - Augustinus 5 (20):491-520.
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  37. Validación del Cuestionario de auto-reporte de conducta antisocial y prosocial en adolescentes: CACSA.P. Alarcón, R. Pérez-Luco, S. Salvo, G. Roa, K. Jaramillo & C. Sanhueza - 2010 - Paideia (Misc) 20 (47):291-302.
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    Hobbes y el problema de la soberanía. Algunas notas referentes a la pre-comprensión teórica del poder en la filosofía política moderna.David Jorge Domínguez González - 2009 - Endoxa 23:139.
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    Ámbito y función de lo pre-lógico, según Amor Ruibal.Xosé Luis Barreiro Barreiro - 1977 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 4:169-194.
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    Building an Open Source Classifier for the Neonatal EEG Background: A Systematic Feature-Based Approach From Expert Scoring to Clinical Visualization.Saeed Montazeri Moghadam, Elana Pinchefsky, Ilse Tse, Viviana Marchi, Jukka Kohonen, Minna Kauppila, Manu Airaksinen, Karoliina Tapani, Päivi Nevalainen, Cecil Hahn, Emily W. Y. Tam, Nathan J. Stevenson & Sampsa Vanhatalo - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:675154.
    Neonatal brain monitoring in the neonatal intensive care units (NICU) requires a continuous review of the spontaneous cortical activity, i.e., the electroencephalograph (EEG) background activity. This needs development of bedside methods for an automated assessment of the EEG background activity. In this paper, we present development of the key components of a neonatal EEG background classifier, starting from the visual background scoring to classifier design, and finally to possible bedside visualization of the classifier results. A dataset with 13,200 5-minute EEG (...)
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    La ética discursiva y el problema del conocimiento pre-lingüístico.Andrés Crelier - 2012 - Tópicos 24 (24):00-00.
    El trabajo problematiza la relación entre el discurso, la base de fundamentación de la ética discursiva, y las capacidades cognitivas pre-lingüísticas. En primer lugar, se critican diversas formas de idealismo lingüístico que suponen que toda capacidad cognitiva depende del lenguaje y se defiende un idealismo "débil", según el cual el conocimiento no lingüístico es virtualmente expresable mediante el lenguaje. En segundo término, se sostiene que entender de este modo lo pre-lingüístico permite aplicar el principio de la ética discursiva a agentes (...)
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    Discurso y lenguaje: la génesis pre-lingüística del significado en "Ser y Tiempo".Patricio A. Fernández Ugarte - 2004 - Anuario Filosófico 37 (79):391-428.
    This paper provides an interpretation of Sein und Zeit §34, in the context of the existential analytic of Dasein. Dealing with the Rede – Sprache distinction, it tries to show how in Heidegger's conception, at least at the time of writing his main work, language is an existentially founded phenomenon that takes root in the prelinguistic opening of a space of meaning. In the light of this ontological structure of meaning and language it is possible to make sense of the (...)
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    Can an Online Reading Camp Teach 5-Year-Old Children to Read?Yael Weiss, Jason D. Yeatman, Suzanne Ender, Liesbeth Gijbels, Hailley Loop, Julia C. Mizrahi, Bo Y. Woo & Patricia K. Kuhl - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Literacy is an essential skill. Learning to read is a requirement for becoming a self-providing human being. However, while spoken language is acquired naturally with exposure to language without explicit instruction, reading and writing need to be taught explicitly. Decades of research have shown that well-structured teaching of phonological awareness, letter knowledge, and letter-to-sound mapping is crucial in building solid foundations for the acquisition of reading. During the COVID-19 pandemic, children worldwide did not have access to consistent and structured teaching (...)
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    Are physical activity and academic performance compatible? Academic achievement, conduct, physical activity and self‐esteem of Hong Kong Chinese primary school children.C. C. W. Yu, Scarlet Chan, Frances Cheng, R. Y. T. Sung & Kit‐Tai Hau - 2006 - Educational Studies 32 (4):331-341.
    Education is so strongly emphasized in the Chinese culture that academic success is widely regarded as the only indicator of success, while too much physical activity is often discouraged because it drains energy and affects academic concentration. This study investigated the relations among academic achievement, self?esteem, school conduct and physical activity level. The participants were 333 Chinese pre?adolescents (aged 8?12) in Hong Kong. Examination results and conduct grades were obtained from the school records. Global self?esteem was measured with the Physical (...)
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    Ethical factors determining ECMO allocation during the COVID-19 pandemic.Dominic J. C. Wilkinson, John F. Fraser, Jacky Y. Suen, Julian Savulescu & Bernadine Dao - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundECMO is a particularly scarce resource during the COVID-19 pandemic. Its allocation involves ethical considerations that may be different to usual times. There is limited pre-pandemic literature on the ethical factors that ECMO physicians consider during ECMO allocation. During the pandemic, there has been relatively little professional guidance specifically relating to ethics and ECMO allocation; although there has been active ethical debate about allocation of other critical care resources. We report the results of a small international exploratory survey of ECMO (...)
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    Does an Asset Owner’s Institutional Setting Influence Its Decision to Sign the Principles for Responsible Investment?Andreas G. F. Hoepner, Arleta A. A. Majoch & Xiao Y. Zhou - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (2):389-414.
    From a simple idea to unite asset owners in their quest for responsible investment at its launch in April 2006, the United Nations supported Principles for Responsible Investment have grown in just one decade into an initiative with more than 1500 fee-paying signatories. Jointly, the PRI’s signatories hold assets worth more than $80 trillion, making it one of the more prevalent not-for-profit organizations worldwide. Furthermore, the PRI’s ambitious mission to transform the financial system at large into a more sustainable one (...)
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    Patient privacy protection among university nursing students: A cross-sectional study.Dorothy N. S. Chan, Kai-Chow Choi, Miranda H. Y. To, Summer K. N. Ha & Gigi C. C. Ling - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (5):1280-1292.
    Background Protecting a person’s right to privacy and confidentiality is important in healthcare services. As future health professionals, nursing students should bear the same responsibility as qualified health professionals in protecting patient privacy. Objectives To investigate nursing students’ practices of patient privacy protection and to identify factors associated with their practices. Research design A cross-sectional study design was adopted. A two-part survey was used to collect two types of data on nursing students: (1) personal characteristics, including demographics, clinical experience and (...)
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    The Effectiveness of Standardized Patient Simulation in Training Hospital Ethics Committees.Robert C. Macauley & David Y. Harari - 2016 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 27 (1):14-20.
    Clinical simulation using standardized patients has become standard in medical education—and is now being incorporated into some graduate programs in bioethics—for both formative and summative evaluation. In most hospitals, though, clinical ethics consultation is done by the ethics committee (or a subset of it). This study is the first, to our knowledge, to examine the effectiveness of standardized patient simulation in training hospital ethics committees to deal with ethically complex and emotionally fraught clinical situations. Following a substantial revision of the (...)
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  49. Narratividad y pre-narratividad de la experiencia en A. MacIntyre, C. Taylor, P. Ricoeur y D. Carr.Jorge Martinez Lucena - 2008 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 100 (4):73.
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    Transfer of Foreign Ideas to the Philosophical Culture of Belarus in the 19th and 20th Centuries.Anatoly A. Liahchylin & Andrey Y. Dudchik - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (10):88-102.
    The article gives an overview of works on philosophy published in the 19 th and 20 th centuries in Belarus, widely influenced by the reception of philosophical views and trends of leading Western European thinkers. The main philosophical ideas of German philosophers (I. Kant, G.W.F. Hegel, K. Marx, F. Nietzsche and others) found creative reflections among the intellectuals of the Northwestern Krai (Region) of the Russian Empire, which included Belarus in the 19 th century. The authors analyze the role of (...)
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