Results for 'contemporary American and Russian philosophy'

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  1.  17
    The Image of C.S. Peirce in Russian Philosophy: From the History of the Creation of the “Canon” of American Philosophers.Vasily V. Vanchugov & Ванчугов Василий Викторович - 2024 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):229-243.
    The study presents the Russian historical-philosophical process in the context of the discovery of a new object, themes, personae, set of reactions and formation of a product for the intellectual community. The author's reliance on philosophical empirical material and appropriate hermeneutics in its processing allows the author to highlight those factors that influenced individual and collective reception. The author sees as a convenient case study the “discovery” by the Russian philosophical community of the early 20th century of both (...)
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    Democracy and the Quest for Justice: Russian and American Perspectives.William C. Gay & Tatiana Alekseeva (eds.) - 2004 - Rodopi.
    This book examines the changes and challenges to democracy particularly in contemporary Russia. In the first section, Russian and American philosophers scrutinize the virtues and vices facing a country changing to a democratic government. The book, secondly, explores the challenges facing a democratic Russia. Lastly, the book considers carefully issues of social justice arising from the relationship between democracy and the current economic climate of globalization. The series Contemporary Russian Philosophy explores a variety of (...)
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  3.  33
    Social Philosophy of Science: Unexpected Russian Roots.Lyudmila A. Mikeshina - 2017 - Social Epistemology 31 (1):25-37.
    Contemporary Russian philosophical traditions cannot be reduced to Marxist works and research in religious philosophy. Russian philosophers developed philosophy and methodology of social sciences and humanities as early as at the end of the nineteenth century and in the beginning of the twentieth century. In particular, S.N. Bulgakov’s social philosophy of science is closely related to European thinkers’ works and ideas. Problems of social determinism in scientific cognition are among them. These problems are topical (...)
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  4.  59
    (1 other version)Russian philosophy: Traditional and contemporary accounts.Helmut Dahm - 1981 - Studies in East European Thought 22 (3):165-173.
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    Contemporary ethics and political philosophy.Eduardo Rivera-López - 2009 - In Susana Nuccetelli, Ofelia Schutte & Otávio Bueno (eds.), A Companion to Latin American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 357–369.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Metaethics: The Foundations of Moral Values and Norms Normative Principles: Human Rights and Democracy Applications: Bioethics and Multiculturalism Conclusion References.
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    The impact of American and Russian cosmism on the representation of space exploration in 20th century American and Soviet space art.Kornelia Boczkowska - 2016 - Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza.
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  7. Cosmopolitanism in Contemporary Social and Political Philosophy.Kristina Sabikova - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (5):475-480.
    The paper deals with the idea of cosmopolitanism in contemporary Anglo-American social and political philosophy. The aim of the paper is to introduce cosmopolitan theories as one of the components of the concept of global justice. Its basis is the clarification of the theoretical ground of cosmopolitanism. Attention is paid also to the problems of moral argumentation in contemporary Anglo-American social and political philosophy.
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  8.  28
    New Russian Work on Russell [review of A.S. Kolesnikov, Filosofija Bertrana Rassela ].Irving H. Anellis - 1992 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 12 (1):105-111.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviews 105 NEW RUSSIAN WORK ON RUSSELL IRVING H. ANELLIS Modern Logic Publishing I Box 1036, Welch Ave. Station Ames, JA 5°010-1036, USA A. S. Kolesnikov. cI»HJIOCOcPHJl BepTPaHa PacceJIa [Filosofija Bertrana Rassela]. Leningrad: Izdatel'srvo Leningradskogo Universiteta, 1991. Pp. 232. 3 rub. 30 kop.. Anatolii Sergeevich Kolesnikov is a relatively new name in Russell studies,.r1.a1though his book shows a deep knowledge of the material available on Russell in (...) and a wide acquaintance with Russell's publications in English and in Russian translation.1 In this work, which translates as The Philosophy ofBertrand Russel~ Kolesnikov traces the evolution of Russell's "world-view", while presenting a traditional Soviet interpretation of Russell's place in "bourgeois" philosophy. This monograph presents for the first time in Russian a thorough analysis of the evolution of Russell's philosophy as the outstanding representation of contemporary bourgeois philosophy, and is the first major study on Russell's philosophy in Russian since the appearance in'1962 ofSoviet philosopher 1. S. Narskii's The Philosophy ofBertrand Russell2 Russell himself is viewed by Kolesnikov as the best representative of the bourgeois humanist, philosopher, and mathematician. The author seeks a critical understanding of the historical and philosophical sources of Russell's ideas and conceptions and of the influence which these exercised and continue to exercise on contemporary Western philosophy and science. The author's aim is to "uncover" the neo-realist empiricist direction of Russell's philosophy as it manifested itself as a condition of his scientific and epistemological thinking. As had been usual for Soviet studies of Western "bourgeois" philosophers and their philosophies, Lenin and his empiriocriticism serves as a foil for the elucidation of Russell's thought and its development. Probably the most famous example of the dialectical attack on anaI Kolesnikov is also the author of The Freethought ofBertrand Russell [Svobodomyslie Bertrana Rassela] (Moscow: Mysl', 1978). 2 The Philosophy ofBertrand Russell: Lectures for Students in the University Philosophy Faculty [Filosofija Bertrana Rassela: lekcija dlja studentovfilosofikih fakul'tov universitetov] (Moscow: 1962). In the first footnote (on p. 60) to his translation of the article on "Bertrand Russell in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia: Translation from Russian", Russel~ nos. 23-4 (1976): 60-2, Charles Haynes wrote that "Narskiy... appears to be a leading Soviet writet on Russell's philosophy." In fact Narskii wrote extensively on philosophy of logic, for which work he is bcst known. 106 Reviews lytic philosophy revolved around the rather rough treatment accorded to A. J. Ayer when he lectured at Moscow State University in 1962. This methodology for criticizing "bourgeois idealism" has declined in recent years as a consequence of perestroika; from as early as 1987 Soviet philosophers have managed to refrain from employing this tactic in their writings (as one may readily see, e.g., from Zinaida Sokuler's recent paper on "Wirrgenstein on the Contradictions in Logic and in the Foundations of Mathematics"3). Kolesnikov's discussion of political-ideological, social and moral issues is limited to the Preface, which also presents a brief sketch of Russell's life, especially his education and the earliest of the philosophical influences at Cambridge, of course Russell's visit in 1920 to Soviet Russia and the writings that derived from that trip, especially his book The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism, and of his travels in China. Here Kolesnikov notes Russell's ties to the Fabian socialists and names in particular the Webbs, H. G. Wells and "other members representative of the bourgeois intelligentsia" (p. 5). Mention is also made here of his activism for nuclear disarmament and against the American war in Indochina, and of the essay "Why I Am Not a Christian". We are told at the very outset (p. 3) that "the name of this philosopher is widely known in our country." The remainder of the book is concerned with Russell's technical philosophy, i.e. with his work in philosophy of mathematics, logic, philosophy of language, metaphysics and epistemology. Kolesnikov divides Russell's philosophical evolution into three stages (p. 22). The "early" period (1894-1910) is the developmental stage, characterized by the influence ofneo-Hegelianism and neo-Kantianism and by the development of the conception of... (shrink)
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  9.  68
    Between Native American and Continental Philosophy: A comparative approach to narrative and the emergence of responsible selves.Troy Richardson - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (6):663-674.
    This essay explores some of the affinities between current theories of North American Indigenous trickster narratives and continental philosophy where they are both concerned with the question of responsibility in subject formations. Taking up the work of Judith Butler, Franz Kafka and Gerald Vizenor, the author works to show how both continental and Indigenous intellectual traditions work against any assumed stability for the ‘I’ in the narration of the self, yet toward responsible relationality. Such affinities, however, emerge from (...)
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  10. Contemporary British and American Philosophy and Philosophers.Kang Ouyang & Steve Fuller (eds.) - 2002 - People's Press.
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  11.  50
    Epistemology and the philosophy of science and technology in contemporary Russian philosophy: a survey of the literature from the late 1980s to the present.Vitaly G. Gorokhov & Elena O. Trufanova - 2014 - Studies in East European Thought 66 (3-4):195-210.
    The present article provides an overview of the key subjects of scholarly research in the areas of epistemology and the philosophy of science and technology conducted in Russia between the 1980s and the present. These disciplines are shown to be deeply rooted in Soviet philosophy and still developed by contemporary Russian philosophers, with both the historical experience of the Russian philosophical thought and foreign conceptions and schools, classical as well as modern, drawn upon. The corollary (...)
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  12.  72
    Mikhail Bakhtin, Vyacheslav Ivanov, and the rhetorical culture of the Russian third renaissance.Filipp Sapienza - 2004 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 37 (2):123-142.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mikhail Bakhtin, Vyacheslav Ivanov, and the Rhetorical Culture of the Russian Third RenaissanceFilipp SapienzaAlthough Mikhail Bakhtin figures centrally in multiculturalism, community, pedagogy, and rhetoric (Bruffee 1986; Welch 1993; Zebroski 1994; Zappen, Gurak, and Doheney-Farina 1997; Mutnick 1996; Halasek 2001, 182; see also Bialostosky 1986) many of his major ideas remain enigmatic and controversial. The elusive aspects of Bakhtin's theories exist in part because rhetoricians know little about Bakhtin's (...)
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  13.  63
    Introductory Note.Robert Howell, Anna Kostikova & Vadim V. Vasilyev - 2013 - Metaphilosophy 44 (1-2):1-1.
    This article attempts to summarize a few criteria of progress in philosophy—clarifying problems; rejecting false theories; opening new perspectives in familiar fields; inventing new arguments or thought experiments; and so on—and to apply them to contemporary philosophy of mind. As a result, the article concludes that while some progress was obvious in the past fifty years, there is much work yet to be done. It then tries to outline a transformation of conceptual analysis needed for further developments (...)
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  14.  27
    Russian Formalism and Cultural Narratives.William N. Elwood - 1994 - American Journal of Semiotics 11 (1-2):173-180.
  15.  16
    Russian Philosophy in the Twenty-First Century: An Anthology.Mikhail Sergeev, Alexander Nikolaevich Chumakov & Mary Elizabeth Theis (eds.) - 2020 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    _Russian Philosophy in the Twenty-First Century: An Anthology_ presents a variety of contemporary philosophic problems found in the works of prominent Russian thinkers, ranging from social and political matters and pressing cultural issues to insights into modern science and mounting global challenges.
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  16.  13
    The celebration of death in contemporary culture.Dina Khapaeva - 2017 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    The Celebration of Death in Contemporary Culture investigates the emergence and meaning of the cult of death. Over the last three decades, Halloween has grown to rival Christmas in its popularity and profitability; dark tourism has emerged as a rapidly expanding industry; and funerals have become less traditional. "Corpse chic" and "skull style" have entered mainstream fashion, while elements of gothic, horror, torture porn, and slasher movies have streamed into more conventional genres. Monsters have become pop culture heroes: vampires, (...)
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  17.  42
    Contemporary american philosophy.Charles J. O’Neil - 1959 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 33 (20):117-126.
  18.  26
    Contemporary American Philosophy. Two vols. (New York: The Macmillan Co. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd. 1930. Pp. Vol. I, 450; Vol. II, 447. 16s. net each.). [REVIEW]J. E. Turner - 1930 - Philosophy 5 (20):605-.
  19. Biographical encyclopedia (dictionary) as a genre of the contemporary historiography of philosophy: Anglo-American and Ukrainian experience.Vadim Menzhulin - 2018 - Sententiae 37 (1):153-167.
    The article aims at clarifying the historical status and cognitive potentials of such a genre of contemporary historiography of philosophy as biographical encyclopedia (dictionary). Based on extensive bibliographic material, the author demonstrates that in the late XX – early XXI centuries in the English-speaking countries there was a real outbreak of interest in encyclopedias and dictionaries, compiled from personalized articles about the life and works of philosophers of certain epochs, countries, trends, etc. According to the author, the increasing (...)
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  20.  11
    Why Russian Philosophy Is So Important and So Dangerous.Mikhail Epstein - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (3):405-409.
    The academic community in the West tends to be suspicious of Russian philosophy, often relegating it to another category, such as “ideology” or “social thought.” But what is philosophy? There is no simple universal definition, and many thinkers consider it impossible to formulate one. The most credible attempt is nominalistic: philosophy is the practice in which Plato and Aristotle were involved. As Alfred North Whitehead wrote, “The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that (...)
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  21.  5
    An American ethic: a philosophy of freedom applied to contemporary issues.John D. Gerken - 1995 - Middletown, N.J.: Caslon Co..
    An American Ethic takes the basis for American life - freedom - and describes the reality behind that abstraction, the transcendent nature of man. The book analyzes freedom and communication along with the inalienable rights and obligations that necessarily flow from the transcendent nature of man. It explains and distinguishes the usual norms of morality: natural law, positive law, religion, and conscience; and then proceeds to discuss contemporary moral issues: sanction for crime, animal rights, business ethics, sexual (...)
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  22.  34
    Remarks on Russian Philosophy, Soviet Philosophy, and Historicism.Tom Rockmore - 2009 - Diogenes 56 (2-3):84-94.
    This paper concerns two themes: my personal experience of Russian philosophy and Russian philosophers on the one hand, and historicism on the other. My account of my limited experience of Russian philosophers and philosophy will be mainly autobiographical. My remarks about historicism will concern a single aspect of the philosophical consequences of the Soviet experience for Russian philosophy. When I come to Russia, I am always surprised by the degree of interest in a (...)
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  23.  31
    Philosophy Today. [REVIEW]E. M. J. - 1960 - Review of Metaphysics 14 (2):362-362.
    A brief and neutral review of the many "isms" in current philosophic discussion deals with questions of what philosophy is and what the role of philosophy can be in the twentieth century. Professor Ferrater Mora singles out the conflicting Russian, Anglo-American and European philosophies and suggests possible reconciliations. He also examines the role of philosophy in relation to art, science and religion.--J. E. M.
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  24.  16
    Russian philosophy and the question of its exceptional nature. [REVIEW]Marina F. Bykova - 2023 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (4):781-786.
    This essay addresses one of the most concerning features of Russian thought: its claim to exceptionality. The author contends that the notion of Russian distinctiveness and exceptionality has reverberated consistently throughout Russian intellectual discussions. In contemporary Russia, these debates have heightened, often taking on a distinctly political character. The essay highlights the perilous consequences of believing in the exclusivity and superiority of one national tradition over others. Not only does this belief lead to national isolationism, negatively (...)
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  25.  38
    Contemporary american philosophy.Leo A. Foley - 1959 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 33 (20):64-72.
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    Continuity and succession in contemporary Russian philosophy.Anatoly V. Chernyaev - 2014 - Studies in East European Thought 66 (3-4):263-276.
    The article provides a comprehensive view of the problem of continuity and succession in contemporary Russian philosophy by considering the filiation of ideas as well as external factors of historical, socio-cultural, mental, and psychological nature. Examined as well are factors both conducive and detrimental to the continuity and succession of ideas. The major part of the article concerns the most important philosophical schools in contemporary Russia and offers an analysis of their ideological genealogy within the history (...)
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  27. "Hinweise auf": Aspects of Contemporary American Philosophy; C. Brunner, Die Lehre von den Geistigen und vom Volk; K. Hemmerle, Franz von Baaders philosophischer Gedanke der Schöpfung; E. Husserl, Philosophie als strenge Wissenschaft; E. Kahler, The Meaning of History; F. Körner, Vom Sein und Sollen des Menschen; J. Moreau, Aristote et son École; F. Nietzsche, Aurora e Frammenti postumi ; Philosophy and Christianity; Collegium Philosophicum; L'Histoire de la Philosophie, ses problèmes, ses méthodes; Il problema filosofico del linguagio; H. D. Rankin, Plato and the Individual; J. E. Raeven, Plato's Thought in the Making; L. von Renthe Fink, Geschichtlichkeit-ihr terminologischer und begrifflicher Ursprung bei Hegel, Haym, Dilthey und Yorck; P. Roubiczek, Existentialism For and Against; M. F. Sciacca, Objektive Inwendigkeit; H. Schreckenberg, Anake; F. Selvaggi u. a., Teoria della Dimostrazione; Technik im technischen Zeitalter; Sir G. Vickers, The Art of Judgment; I. Wirth, Realismus un. [REVIEW]H. Kuhn - 1967 - Philosophische Rundschau 14:75-80.
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  28.  44
    Contemporary american philosophy.Jude Dougherty - 1959 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 33:97-108.
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    Today’s Philosophy.Said Shermuhamedov - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 16:249-254.
    We know the history of philosophy as Arabian, English, American, Greece, Indian, Chinese, Korean, German, Russian, French, Japanese… But it is surprisingly that we do not use more common concept as "national philosophy", which may be included in notions "regional" and "world" philosophy. The other words common to all mankind. As the President of Independent Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov emphasized, "It is important to understand the life giving, deep sources of national culture, East (...) which serve at vigorous stimulus of rapid progress and renovation". We suppose that the main part of philosophy is human life, man's coming to be and evolution as a subject of interaction with the world. Any philosophy is the philosophy of a man, His life. A man belongs tosome nationality, nation and mankind. The nature is definite geographic midst for a man. Each nationality, nation has its own history and specific outlines – style of life, way of life, traditions, nation interests, psychology, ideas, values, culture. It is common and typical for all nations and it imposes an imprint at all sides of realityas well as philosophy. (shrink)
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  30.  14
    The logic of wish and fear: new perspectives on genres of Western fiction.Ben La Farge - 2014 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Through Aristotle's theory of catharsis and his concept of complex tragedy, Ben La Farge provides an original examination of genre. Moving effortlessly from Greek to Shakespearean tragedies, to nineteenth and twentieth-century British, American and Russian drama, and fiction and contemporary television, this study sheds new light on the art of comedy.
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  31.  20
    Contemporary Global Transformation of University System and the Philosophy of Education Specifications in Anglo-Saxon and American Models of Education and Research Management.Viktor Zinchenko - 2016 - Філософія Освіти 18 (1):94-116.
    In today’s world there is diversification of different models of higher education. At the same time, the multiplicity, the diversity of higher education models does not exclude their identity. Internationalization and integration of higher education in a global and international dimension raise a lot of new questions to the theory and practice. Almost every developed country has the rich experience of building the higher education system. The analysis of this experience can aid development and enrichment of the national educational system; (...)
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  32.  26
    Russian Thought.V. P. Kaznacheev - 1995 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 34 (1):7-13.
    1. Russian thought is a collective and symbolic concept. The intellect of any people on the planet Earth is great in its own way; nor can its contribution to the common planetary home of mankind be assessed on the basis of the generally accepted events of history. First, because these events in the history of mankind are overestimated; second, because many of them are still beyond the bounds of knowledge and understanding. The true mechanisms of the evolution of mankind (...)
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  33.  41
    Contemporary American Philosophy[REVIEW]J. D. Bastable - 1959 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 9:273-274.
    This packed record of proceedings of the 1959 meeting of the American Catholic Philosophical Association is dedicated to the memory of its first and recently deceased Secretary, Monsignor C. A. Hart. It opens with the convivial address by its President, Professor L. E. Lynch, the citation by M. Maritain for the award of the Spellman–Aquinas Medal of Rev. Dr. G. B. Phelan and the latter’s personal address on philosophical wisdom. Two other lectures range from the statement by Professor F. (...)
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    Problem of Intellectual Doubles in Contemporary Research of Russian History of Philosophy.O. Marchevsky - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (2):181-186.
    The paper enters contemporary discourse concerning the examination of history of Russian philosophy, which initiates a new reading of the Russian thinkers’ works. These contemporary examinations problematize the phenomenon of so called intellectual doubles as well. The contribution proceeds from the definition of these issues which was published in journal Problems of Philosophy by M. A. Maslin in 2013. In this work, Maslin mentions A. I. Herzen among the examples of intellectual doubles phenomenon, who (...)
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  35.  9
    Existentialist engagement in Wallace, Eggers and Foer: a philosophical analysis of contemporary American literature.Allard den Dulk - 2015 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, An imprint of Bloomsberry Publishing.
    The novels of David Foster Wallace, Dave Eggers and Jonathan Safran Foer are increasingly regarded as representing a new trend, an 'aesthetic sea change' in contemporary American fiction. 'Post-postmodernism' and 'New Sincerity' are just two of the labels that have been attached to this trend. But what do these labels mean? What characterizes and connects these novels? Dulk shows that the connection between these works lies in their shared philosophical dimension. On the one hand, they portray excessive self-reflection (...)
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  36.  17
    American and European values: contemporary philosophical perspectives.Matthew Caleb Flamm, John Lachs & Krzysztof Piotr Skowroński (eds.) - 2008 - Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    This well crafted volume provides unflinching assessments of the philosophical values that are beginning to unite - and that continue to divide - the cultures of America and Europe. Its contributors offer arguments that are once timely, provocative, and accessible. - Larry A. Hickman, The Center for Dewey Studies, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale IL American and European Values is a far richer book than a misreading of its title might suggest: it is truly a both (American)-and (European), (...)
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    Writing the history of Russian philosophy.Alyssa DeBlasio - 2011 - Studies in East European Thought 63 (3):203-226.
    This article addresses the writing of the history of Russian philosophy from the first of such works—Archimandrite Gavriil’s Russian Philosophy [ Russkaja filosofija , 1840]—to philosophical histories/textbooks in the twenty-first century. In the majority of these histories, both past and present, we find a relentless insistence on the delineation of “characterizing traits” of Russian philosophy and appeals to “historiosophy,” where historiosophy is employed as being distinct from the historiographical method. In the 1990s and 2000s, (...)
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  38.  64
    Neoplatonic tendencies in Russian philosophy.Janusz Dobieszewski - 2010 - Studies in East European Thought 62 (1):3 - 10.
    The Absolute is a basic and fundamental issue for philosophy as such. I present different concepts of the Absolute (substantialism, energetism, escapism, methodologism). We can say that contemporary European philosophy “orphaned” the neo-Platonic tradition. Thereafter Russian philosophy developed in an intensive and turbulent as well as relatively uniform fashion, in view of the well-established Neo-Platonist context. This makes Russian philosophy not only part of a lasting universally acknowledged tradition; not only has Russian (...)
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  39.  5
    Introduction.Anna Kostikova Robert Howell - 2013 - Metaphilosophy 44 (1-2):4-9.
    This article introduces the papers from two video conferences recently held between philosophers at Moscow State University and the University at Albany, State University of New York. The overarching theme is philosophical progress in the past fifty years, but the conferences were designed also to illustrate the range of work now being done by American analytic philosophers and by Russian thinkers. The Albany essays focus on philosophy of science, philosophical logic, Kantian studies, applied ethics, and ethical and (...)
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  40.  20
    Introductory Note.Anna Kostikova Robert Howell - 2013 - Metaphilosophy 44 (1-2):1-1.
    This article introduces the papers from two video conferences recently held between philosophers at Moscow State University and the University at Albany, State University of New York. The overarching theme is philosophical progress in the past fifty years, but the conferences were designed also to illustrate the range of work now being done by American analytic philosophers and by Russian thinkers. The Albany essays focus on philosophy of science, philosophical logic, Kantian studies, applied ethics, and ethical and (...)
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  41. Philosophic Thought in France and the United States Essays Representing Major Trends in Contemporary French and American Philosophy.Marvin Farber - 1968 - State University of New York Press.
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    J. H. Randall, jr., on american and soviet philosophy.Sidney Hook - 1959 - Journal of Philosophy 56 (9):416-419.
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    Political and religious identification of Russia and the USA in the context of national and international security.Olga Chistyakova - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 32:9-19.
    The article is devoted to the ideas of religious and political identification of modern Russia and the USA. The main conceptual positions of Russian and American philosophers, political scientists, and theologians are presented. These ideas create the specific axiological unity of American and Russian forms of culture and civilizations. The search for national idea and cultural identification is presented in the article from the position of national and international security of the USA and Russia. The author (...)
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  44.  33
    Philosophy in Public Life in the Latin American and Latinx traditions: Mexico and Argentina.Sergio A. Gallegos-Ordorica - 2022 - In Lee C. McIntyre, Nancy Arden McHugh & Ian Olasov (eds.), A companion to public philosophy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 75-85.
    Latin American and Latinx philosophers have a long and rich history of deep engagement in public life through a variety of different projects and venues. This chapter offers a brief survey of the historical development and practice of philosophy in public life in Latin American and Latinx traditions. Because of their unique histories, it engages public philosophy in Mexico and Argentina separately. The chapter shows that a guiding thread in Argentinian public philosophy is a deep‐rooted (...)
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  45.  26
    Russian Philosophy. Approaches and Perspectives. [REVIEW]Gerhard Biller - 1985 - Philosophy and History 18 (2):106-108.
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    Rethink Russian Philosophy Today.Vasiliy Gritsenko - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 8:101-107.
    There is its own philosophical tradition in Russia. The traditional Russian philosophy is idealistic and religious. The basic categories of traditional Russian philosophy: "Ideal", "Sofia", "Sobornost", « Beauty, True, Kind (the Blessing)». The basic problem of Russian philosophy is to find the way of rescue mankind. One of the cardinal problems is the problem of civilization choice: East – West - Russia. According to the method of Russian philosophy it is not so (...)
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  47.  28
    The Slavophiles and Konstantln Leont'ev.A. L. Ianov - 1970 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 9 (2):152-176.
    There is a very sharp upsurge of interest in the West in the history of Russian conservative thought, particularly in its most outstanding figure, K. Leont'ev. Judge for yourself. In 1948 a monograph on him appeared in West Germany ; one appeared in the USA in 1952 ; and in Italy in 1957 . In 1966 he was inscribed in the "family of the very greatest Russian intellects," to which his large book, Scrittori Russi is devoted. Added to (...)
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  48.  29
    (1 other version)Philosophy of Law in Contemporary American Law Schools.Edward Mcwhinney - 1959 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 33:143-148.
  49. (2 other versions)Philosophic Thought in France and the United States: Essays Representing Major Trends in Contemporary French and American Philosophy.Marvin Farber - 1951 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 2 (7):262-265.
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    The Limits of Experience: Dewey and Contemporary American Philosophy.Giovanni Maddalena - 2004 - Quaestio 4 (1):387-406.
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