Results for 'care for the soul'

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  1.  24
    From care for the soul to the theory of the state in Jan Patočka.Lorenzo Girardi - 2020 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 81 (3):196-210.
    This article sheds light on the relation between care for the soul and the political thought of Jan Patočka. Patočka often sketches a connection between care for the soul and a theory of the state, but he rarely elaborates this. The biographical fact of Patočka’s own political dissidence and his interpretation of care for the soul as a distancing from traditional structures of society have caused many to look at Patočka’s political thought mainly through (...)
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    Caring for the Soul in a Postmodern Age: Politics and Phenomenology in the Thought of Jan Patocka.Edward F. Findlay - 2002 - State University of New York Press.
    The first full exploration of the political thought of Jan Patocka, student of Husserl and Heidegger and mentor to Václav Havel.
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    Care for the Soul as a Central Concept of European Project of Life - Focusing on Jan Patočka’s Plato and Europe -. 김정현 - 2023 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 111:101-133.
    이 글은 체코의 철학자 얀 파토치카(Jan Patočka)의 유럽에 대한 생각을 분석하고 검토한다. 그는 유럽의 정신적 토대를 고대 그리스 철학에서 형성된 ‘영혼 돌보기’의 개념에서 찾는다. 유럽에 대한 그의 생각은 여러 저서에서 발견되지만, 여기서 우리는 특히 『플라톤과 유럽』을 중심으로, 『역사철학에 관한 비정통적 시론』중에서 「유럽과 19세기 말까지 유럽의 유산」을 함께 분석한다.BR 우리는 영혼 돌보기라는 주제를 소크라테스(혹은, 플라톤) 철학에서 볼 수 있다. 그러나 파토치카에 따르면, 이 주제는 소크라테스 이전 철학자들이나 아리스토텔레스에서도 확인할 수 있다. 우리는 이 글에서 파토치카의 안내를 받아 이 영혼 돌보기가 무엇을 의미하는지, (...)
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    Patočka’s Socrates: The Care for the Soul and Human Existence.L’Ubica Učník - 2014 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 4:87.
    In order to get out of present day discussions between determinism and free will, creationism and evolution, bios and zoē, human existence and biological life – those dead end binaries of our present day thinking into which we have manoeuvred ourselves – we need to revisit the Ancient discussions relating to the care of the soul and human existence. I will draw together these two themes from Jan Patočka’s writings by anchor-ing them in his account of Socrates who (...)
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  5. The Velvet Philosophers; Caring for the Soul in a Postmodern Age: Politics and Phenomenology in the Thought of Jan Patocka; The Philosophy and Politics of Czech Dissidence from Patocka to Havel. [REVIEW]Mihail Evans - 2004 - Radical Philosophy 123.
  6. A Chronology of Nalin Ranasinghe; Forward: To Nalin, My Dazzling Friend / Gwendalin Grewal ; Introduction: To Bet on the Soul / Predrag Cicovacki ; Part I: The Soul in Dialogue. Lanya's Search for Soul / Percy Mark ; Heart to Heart: The Self-Transcending Soul's Desire for the Transcendent / Roger Corriveau ; The Soul of Heloise / Predrag Cicovacki ; Got Soul : Black Women and Intellectualism / Jameliah Inga Shorter-Bourhanou ; The Soul and Ecology / Rebecca Bratten Weiss ; Rousseau's Divine Botany and the Soul / Alexandra Cook ; Diderot on Inconstancy in the Soul / Miran Božovič ; Dialogue in Love as a Constitutive Act of Human Spirit / Alicja Pietras. Part II: The Soul in Reflection. Why Do We Tell Stories in Philosophy? A Circumstantial Proof of the Existence of the Soul / Jure Simoniti ; The Soul of Socrates / Roger Crisp ; Care for the Soul of Plato / Vitomir Mitevski ; Soul, Self, and Immortality / Chris Megone ; Morality, Personality, the Human Soul / Ruben Apressyan ; Strategi. [REVIEW]Wayne Cristaudoappendix: Nalin Ranasinghe'S. Last Written Essay What About the Laestrygonians? The Odyssey'S. Dialectic Of Disaster, Deceit & Discovery - 2021 - In Predrag Cicovacki (ed.), The human soul: essays in honor of Nalin Ranasinghe. Wilmington, Dela.: Vernon Press.
  7.  24
    The ethical in Jan Patočka’s thought: Sacrifice and care for the soul.Michaela Belejkanicova - 2022 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 12 (1-2):1-12.
    In his two works from the 1970s, Patočka proposes a very personal way that the spiritual crisis, which manifests itself as a techno-scientific reality of Gestell, can be overcome. Patočka argues that the only way to escape spiritual decline is through sacrifice. This study examines how the ethical is represented in Patočka’s philosophy. It focuses on his two main concepts of sacrifice and care for the soul and explores the relationship between them. Through a close reading of Plato (...)
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  8. Europe Beyond Europe: Patočka’s Concept of Care for the Soul and Mencius. An Intercultural Consideration.Kwok-Ying Lau - 2016 - In Phenomenology and Intercultural Understanding: Toward a New Cultural Flesh. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Ivan Chvatík and Erin Plunkett, editors, The Selected Writings of Jan Patočka: Care for the Soul, trans. Alex Zucker.Josef Novák - 2024 - Philosophy Today 68 (1):193-198.
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    Patočka’s philosophy of art and care for the soul.Jan Josl - 2019 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 8 (2):602-612.
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    Patočka’s Care of the Soul Reconsidered: Performing the Soul Through Movement.Martin Ritter - 2017 - Human Studies 40 (2):233-247.
    Care of the soul is arguably the core concept in Patočka’s phenomenology. However, what is the soul? In this paper I seek to determine its ontological meaning, connecting the concept of caring for the soul with that of the movement of existence. Starting from Patočka’s affirmative presentation of Aristotle’s criticism of Plato, I interrogate the “orthodox” Platonic concept of caring for the soul and develop an alternative notion, putting emphasis on action in the world. I (...)
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    Midwife for Souls: Spiritual Care for the Dying, by Kathy Kalina.Monica Dodds & Bill Dodds - 2007 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 7 (3):630-632.
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    Dialectical Epimeleia: Platonic Care of the Soul and Philosophical Cognition.James M. Ambury - 2017 - Plato Journal 17:85-99.
    In this paper I argue that Plato’s notion of the care of the self is his remedy to the psychological malady he refers to as ‘wandering’. The wandering self requires care, and a close reading of the Platonic corpus indicates self-cultivation means stabilizing the soul in accordance with its intelligent nature. I then argue that Plato appropriates the ethical injunction to care for the soul and draws from it an important epistemological consequence. Specifically, his view (...)
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    Jan Patočka, "The Selected Writings of Jan Patočka: Care for the Soul." Ivan Chvatík and Erin Plunkett (Eds.). Trans. by Alex Zucker. [REVIEW]Joel Hubick - 2023 - Philosophy in Review 43 (1):30-32.
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    Review of The Selected Writings of Jan Patočka: Care for the Soul[REVIEW]Josef Novák - 2023 - Southwest Philosophy Review 39 (2):173-177.
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  16. Democritus: Science, The Arts, and the Care of the Soul. Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Democritus (Paris, 18–20 September 2003). [REVIEW]Karel Thein - 2008 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 5:165-181.
    Review of Democritus: Science, The Arts, and the Care of the Soul. Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Democritus . Philosophia Antiqua. A Series of Studies on Ancient Philosophy, vol. 102., Edited by Aldo Brancacci and Pierre-Marie Morel, Brill, Leiden and Boston, 2007.
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    A Rest for the Soul.Richard E. Averbeck - 2018 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 11 (1):5-22.
    This article offers an interpretation of Jesus’ invitation to “rest for the soul” in Matthew 11:28–30. On this interpretation Jesus’ offer of rest is an invitation to start a whole new way of life—a life characterized by rest with God working its way into the depths of one’s soul by means of indwelling Spirit. This understanding of Jesus’ offer of rest is developed in light of the immediate context in Matthew, parallel passages in Jeremiah and Sirach and a (...)
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  18.  14
    Europe and Care of the Soul.Riccardo Paparusso - 2015 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 46 (4):342-344.
  19.  43
    Patočka and Foucault: Taking Care of the Soul and Taking Care of the Self.Vladislav Suvák - 2018 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 50 (1):19-36.
    ABSTRACTThe paper deals with Jan Patočka’s and Michel Foucault’s influential interpretations of the ancient Greek approach to care. At first sight, it might seem that Foucault’s care of the self is opposed to Patočka’s care of the soul. On closer reading, however, it becomes clear that the two interpretations lead to similar conclusions, as exemplified by the way the two authors interpret Plato’s Laches: both of them see it in relation to the issue of how to (...)
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  20.  43
    Being and Time and the Ancient Philosophical Tradition of Care for the Self: A Tense or Harmonious Relationship?Annie Larivée - 2014 - Philosophical Papers 43 (1):123-144.
    This text seeks to situate Being and Time in the line of the ancient philosophical tradition of care for self (epiméleia heautou). After a brief description of the main features of this tradition as portrayed by Michel Foucault and Pierre Hadot, the author presents the elements of Being in Time in favour and those against such a link. Her hypothesis appears to encounter a major objection in the explicit refusal of Heidegger to speak of Selbstsorge. But an attentive examination (...)
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  21. Politics of the soul in the Alcibiades.James M. Magrini - 2021 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Politics of the Soul in the Alcibiades is an important book that develops an interpretation of the essence of the political (politics of the soul) as eluci-dated through the analysis of Socrates' practice of "self-cultivation" or care for the soul. In the process, it also confronts the issue of the problematic relationship between philosopher and statesman that is present to Plato's dialogues. The analysis contributes the following to ongoing scholarship: (1) It offers a detailed and critical (...)
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  22.  4
    A compendium on the soul. Avicenna - 1906 - [Verona,: Stamperia di N. Paderno. Edited by Van Dyck, Edward Abbott & [From Old Catalog].
    DigiCat Publishing presents to you this special edition of "A Compendium on the Soul" by Avicenna. DigiCat Publishing considers every written word to be a legacy of humankind. Every DigiCat book has been carefully reproduced for republishing in a new modern format. The books are available in print, as well as ebooks. DigiCat hopes you will treat this work with the acknowledgment and passion it deserves as a classic of world literature.
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    Caring for Contemporary Mystics: Pentecostalism and the Mystical Worldview.Kimberly G. Castelo & Daniel Castelo - 2020 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 13 (1):102-114.
    Pentecostals can be understood as contemporary Christian mystics, and doing so can aid one in both understanding and caring for them. The task of understanding them is facilitated by this category in that it allows one to inhabit a different mindset from what is typical in contemporary settings. Pentecostalism and charismatic movements work out of distinct, fundamental claims that together work as a kind of worldview, one that operates from a hyperawareness of God’s presence and a sensed empowerment of the (...)
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  24.  8
    Recovering the soul: Aquinas's and Spinoza's surprising and helpful affinity on the nature of mind-body unity.G. Stephen Blakemore - 2023 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, an imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers.
    Recovering the Soul explores an area of historical philosophy that few if any others have attempted by critically comparing the metaphysical doctrines of Thomas Aquinas and Baruch Spinoza on the identity of mind and body. The central premise is that the hylomorphism of Aquinas's understanding of soul and body has a surprising affinity with Spinoza's own understanding of how human beings are enabled to exist as a single entity that is both mind and body. In the process of (...)
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    Ockham about the soul and its parts.Dominik Perler - 2010 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 77 (2):313-350.
    Ockham affirms that a human being consists of three really distinct forms that exist in matter, thus defending a «pluralist» position in the debate about the soul. However, he takes a «unitarist» position with regard to the rational soul, claiming that intellect and will are not really distinct. Why does he not admit a plurality of forms in the rational soul as well? And why does he think that the rational soul as a whole is really (...)
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  26.  18
    The “Soul of Professionalism” in the Hippocratic Oath and today.Friedrich Heubel - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (2):185-194.
    This article views the Hippocratic Oath from a new perspective and draws consequences for modern health care. The Oath consists of two parts, a family-like alliance where the teacher of the “art” is equal to a father and a set of maxims how the “art” is to be practiced. Self-commitments stated before the gods tie the parts together and give the alliance trustworthiness. One might call this a proto-profession. Modern physicians form a similar alliance. Specific knowledge and skills and (...)
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  27.  18
    The human soul: essays in honor of Nalin Ranasinghe.Predrag Cicovacki (ed.) - 2021 - Wilmington, Dela.: Vernon Press.
    This collection of essays is dedicated to a recently deceased philosopher and humanist, Nalin Ranasinghe. His central philosophical and humanistic preoccupation was with the human soul. Not surprisingly, his greatest inspiration was Socrates' credo "Care for your soul," and the title of his first book was 'The Soul of Socrates'. In this and his later writings, Ranasinghe expressed his growing concern over the idea that the human soul has been highjacked due to the way our (...)
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  28. Changing Rulers in the Soul: Psychological Transitions in Republic 8-9.Mark A. Johnstone - 2011 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 41:139-67.
    In this paper, I consider how each of the four main kinds of corrupt person described in Plato's Republic, Books 8-9, first comes to be. Certain passages in these books can give the impression that each person is able to determine, by a kind of rational choice, the overall government of his/her soul. However, I argue, this impression is mistaken. Upon careful examination, the text of books 8 and 9 overwhelmingly supports an alternative interpretation. According to this view, the (...)
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    Trust and Managerial Responsibility.Edward Soule - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (2):249-272.
    This paper explores the moral responsibility a manager has toward a worker. The primary focus is upon those relationships whereworkers have been led to trust their managers. I argue that in such circumstances, models of the employment relationship based on rational self-interest fail to adequately describe the behavior of the actors. Rather, I show through case studies how trust operates in these environments to supercede pure, self-interested behavior. I then explore the moral implications of this finding relative to those managers (...)
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  30.  12
    God & soul care: the therapeutic resources of the Christian faith.Eric L. Johnson - 2017 - Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press.
    Christianity, at its heart, is a therapeutic faith. In this companion to Foundations for Soul Care, Eric L. Johnson presents a systematic account of Christianity as divine therapy. A groundbreaking achievement in the synthesis of theology and psychology, this is an indispensable resource for students, scholars, pastors, and clinicians.
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    Introduction for Philosophical Therapy ‐ Self-Awareness, Self‐Care, Dialogue as the Three Axes of Philosophical Therapy.Sun-Hye Kim - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 54:59-66.
    The modern times proclaimed ‘God’s death’ and the post‐modern times did ‘the death of Man/Subject. And recently our society suffers from ‘the death of the humanities’. The death appearing along with is ‘the death of philosophy’. What on earth does the notice of death of philosophy mean by in the life of human beings living in the modern times? This writer is groping for the point to revive the modern significance of philosophy facing the tragic situations called ‘Death’ through the (...)
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    Coming to Mind: The Soul and its Body.Lenn E. Goodman & D. Gregory Caramenico - 2013 - London: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Dennis Gregory Caramenico.
    How should we speak of bodies and souls? In _Coming to Mind_, Lenn E. Goodman and D. Gregory Caramenico pick their way through the minefields of materialist reductionism to present the soul not as the brain’s rival but as its partner. What acts, they argue, is what is real. The soul is not an ethereal wisp but a lively subject, emergent from the body but inadequately described in its terms. Rooted in some of the richest philosophical and intellectual (...)
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  33.  9
    Caring for Health, Bodies, and Development.Katarina Plank, Helene Egnell & Linnea Lundgren - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (2):113-131.
    Over the last fifty years a plethora of new spiritual practices has emerged in the Church of Sweden. Many fall within a category of holistic practices, aimed at engaging body, soul, and spirit. Among these, two categories are dominant: meditations and movement-based bodily practices. Some of these practices are contested by other Christians on a theological basis. The article asks: Who are the new ritual specialists teaching these practices? Why do they teach these practices? Why in the church? By (...)
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    The little book of self-healing: 150+ practices for healing your mind, body, and soul.Nneka M. Okona - 2021 - New York: Adams Media.
    Self-healing helps you tune into the needs of your mind, body, and spirit to fully understand what you need for optimal health and wellness. With The Little Book of Self-Healing, you'll find 200 practices that will help you learn to recognize the signs your body gives you, achieve the right balance for your mental and physical needs, and feel empowered as you take an active role in your healing. Whether you're dealing with the symptoms of extreme stress, coping with traumatic (...)
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    Malebranche’s Theory of the Soul: A Cartesian Interpretation.Fred Ablondi & Tad M. Schmaltz - 1998 - Philosophical Review 107 (2):334.
    While there has been a resurgence in Malebranche scholarship in the anglophone world over the last twenty years, most of it has focused on Malebranche’s theory of ideas, and little attention has been paid to his philosophy of mind. Schmaltz’s book thus comes as a welcome addition to the Malebranche literature; that he has given us such a well-researched and carefully argued study is even more welcome. The focus of this work is Malebranche’s split with Descartes on the question of (...)
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    Subjectivity as the Care of the Self: a Foucaultian Reading of Self-care.Radu Bandol - 2015 - Postmodern Openings 6 (1):65-85.
    This study is considered as a proposal to identify some metaphysical support of the self-care for a patient suffering from a chronic disease, as an extension of the bio-psycho-social paradigm. The methodology is dominated by a phenomenological perspective, supported by a hermeneutic conceptual analysis of the care of the self in Michel Foucault, focused on the Socratico-Platonic period and pervaded by the intention of having a translation and application to self-care. Foucault pleads for an aesthetics of the (...)
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  37.  9
    Politics, Philosophy, Writing: Plato's Art of Caring for Souls.Planinc Zdravko (ed.) - 2001 - University of Missouri.
    The leading scholars represented in _Politics, Philosophy, Writing_ examine six key Platonic dialogues and the most important of the epistles, moving from Plato's most public or political writings to his most philosophical. The collection is intended to demonstrate the unity of Plato's concerns, the literary quality of his writing, and the integral relation of form and content in his work. Taken together, these essays show the consistency of Plato's understanding of the political art, the art of writing, and the philosophical (...)
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    “Weakness of the Soul:” The Special Education Tradition at the Intersection of Eugenic Discourses, Race Hygiene and Education Policies.Josefine Wagner - 2019 - Conatus 4 (2):83.
    According to Vera Moser, the first professorship of healing pedagogy, Heilpädagogik at the University of Zürich in 1931, established pedagogy of the disabled as an academic discipline. Through the definition of the smallest common denominator for all disabilities, which Heinrich Hanselmann called “weakness of the soul,” a connecting element of “imbecility, deaf-mutism, blindness, neglect and idiocy” was established. Under Nazi rule, school pedagogy advanced to völkisch, nationalist special pedagogy, shifting from the category of “innate imbecility” to a broader concept (...)
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    Bioethics, Healthcare and the Soul.Henk Pegoraro ten Have & Renzo Pegoraro - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Renzo Pegoraro.
    This thought-provoking book explores the connections between health, ethics, and soul. It analyzes how and why the soul has been lost from scientific discourses, healthcare practices, and ethical discussions, presenting suggestions for change. Arguing that the dominant scientific worldview has eradicated talk about the soul and presents an objective and technical approach to human life and its vulnerabilities, ten Have and Pegoraro look to rediscover identity, humanity and meaning in healthcare and bioethics. Taking a mulitidisciplinary approach, they (...)
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  40. Priscian: On Theophrastus’ on Sense-Perception; with “Simplicius”: On Aristotle’s on the Soul 2.5–12. [REVIEW]S. J. Gary M. Gurtler - 1999 - Review of Metaphysics 52 (3):718-718.
    This volume includes an element that is a departure in this series, the lengthy Introduction by Carlos Steel, which puts, in revised form, his article with F. Bossier, “Priscianus Lydus en de In de Anima van Pseudo-Simplicius,” Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 34 : 761–822. The editor’s decision to include this discussion of the author of the commentary on the soul is to be commended. An English version gives wider access to the carefully constructed argument of Steel and Bossier, and its (...)
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    Monasteries and the Care of Souls in Late Antique Christianity: Cognition and Discipline.Paul Dilley - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    In Monasteries and the Care of Souls in Late Antique Christianity, Paul C. Dilley explores the personal practices and group rituals through which the thoughts of monastic disciples were monitored and trained to purify the mind and help them achieve salvation. Dilley draws widely on the interdisciplinary field of cognitive studies, especially anthropology, in his analysis of key monastic 'cognitive disciplines', such as meditation on scripture, the fear of God, and prayer. In addition, various rituals distinctive to communal monasticism, (...)
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    Love and other technologies: retrofitting eros for the information age.Dominic Pettman - 2006 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Can love really be considered another form of technology? Dominic Pettman says it can - although not before carefully redefining technology as a cultural challenge to what we mean by the "human" in the information age. Using the writings of such important thinkers as Giorgio Agamben, Jean-LucNancy, and Bernard Stiegler as a springboard, Pettman explores the "techtonic" movements of contemporary culture, specifically in relation to the language of eros. Highly ritualized expressions of desire - love, in other words - always (...)
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    Plotinus on Care of Self and Soul.Daniel Regnier - 2021 - Plato Journal 21:149-164.
    Plotinus’ philosophical project includes an important Socratic element. Plotinus is namely interested in both self-knowledge and care of soul and self. In this study I examine how through his interpretation of three passages from Plato, Plotinus develops an account of the role of care in his ethics. Care in Plotinus’ ethical thought takes three forms. First of all, care is involved in maintaining the unity of the embodied self. Secondly, situated in a providential universe, our (...)
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    The Harmony of the Soul[REVIEW]Carl Page - 1995 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (1):171-173.
    This book amounts to a set of prolegomena to any future metaphysics of the self that might qualify as a science. It seeks to locate the traditional concerns of what is now called "virtue ethics" within the naturalistic parameters of contemporary evolutionary biology, not so much by arguing that those parameters are the necessary ones or the only ones available but by considering what ethical intuitions can be maintained on their hypothesis. Within what the author calls "naturalistic brackets" he proceeds (...)
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    Aristotle on the Starting-Point of Motion in the Soul.Myrna Gabbe - 2012 - Phronesis 57 (4):358-379.
    Abstract In Eudemian Ethics 8.2, Aristotle posits god as the starting-point of non-rational desire (particularly for the naturally fortunate), thought, and deliberation. The questions that dominate the literature are: To what does `god' refer? Is it some divine-like entity in the soul that produces thoughts and desires or is it Aristotle's prime mover? And how does god operate as the starting-point of these activities? By providing a careful reconstruction of the context in which god is evoked, I argue against (...)
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    Patočka, the meaning of the post-European spirit and its direction.Philippe Merlier - 2017 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 19 (1):125-134.
    The Europe that was born from Plato's "care for the soul" can today no longer be recognized; it has been replaced by the self-management of the economic EU. How can we now come back to a Europe concerned about its soul, the others, and the world, reinventing itself as a new nation? Jan Patočka's thoughts on post-Europe can show us the way. Starting from some clarifications on the definitely European initial meaning that Patočka detects in Socrates' " (...) for the soul", the purpose of this article is to examine what in this European spirit can be saved in the post-European age, and to what extent a "European nation" can still make sense. This analysis leads us, building on the visionary texts written in the seventies by Patočka, to rethink the possibilities of a reformation of European reason, and a métanoïa of Post-Europe. (shrink)
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    Health and Nurturing for Body, Mind, and Soul: The German Muttergenesungswerk between Family Politics and Health Care.B. Hofmann - 2009 - Christian Bioethics 15 (2):136-146.
    The article argues for a strong connection of spiritual and physical care and investigates the question of state- versus church-related social work through the example of a Lutheran women's organization that offers mothers’ recuperation. Through this example, it becomes obvious that too much involvement of the government is as much an obstacle as too little involvement that leaves the question of standards and regulations to the economic competition of social services.
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    Politics, Philosophy, Writing: Plato’s Art of Caring for Souls. [REVIEW]Christopher Rowe - 2002 - The Classical Review 52 (2):370-371.
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    Two Perspectives on Spiritual Dryness: Spiritual Desertion and the Dark Night of the Soul.David C. Wang - 2011 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 4 (1):27-42.
    St. John of the Cross’ work, The Dark Night of the Soul, and Joseph Symonds’ work, The Case and Cure of a Deserted Soul, offer two compelling treatments on the subject of spiritual dryness. Moreover, these works represent two spiritual traditions which offer distinct but viable perspectives on the Christian life. This paper seeks to answer the following question: What is the degree of similarity between St. John of the Cross’ understanding of the dark night of the (...) and Joseph Symonds’ understanding of spiritual desertion? A secondary question is also addressed: What is the value of these resources for pastoral care today? Although notable differences exist between the two, their degree of similarity is significant considering the disconnection between the spiritual traditions that each represent. Moreover, these works are invaluable resources for contemporary pastoral care. (shrink)
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  50. The Philosophy of Charter 77 Signatories.Aviezer Tucker - 1992 - Dissertation, University of Maryland, College Park
    This is a critical study of the philosophies of Jan Patocka and Vaclav Havel, as leading to, and flowing from, Charter 77. In part one, Patocka's philosophy is presented as between Platonic-humanistic and Heideggerian poles. In his Heideggerian moments, Patocka looked for a way to transcend productionist metaphysics and return to unspecified authenticity. In his Platonic-humanistic moments, Patocka found authenticity in "care for the soul" and "life in truth," the practice of the Socratic method. For these basic human (...)
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