Results for 'boundary object'

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  1.  12
    Boundary objects and beyond: working with Leigh Star.Geoffrey C. Bowker, Stefan Timmermans, Adele E. Clarke & Ellen Balka (eds.) - 2015 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    The multifaceted work of the late Susan Leigh Star is explored through a selection of her writings and essays by friends and colleagues. Susan Leigh Star (1954–2010) was one of the most influential science studies scholars of the last several decades. In her work, Star highlighted the messy practices of discovering science, asking hard questions about the marginalizing as well as the liberating powers of science and technology. In the landmark work Sorting Things Out, Star and Geoffrey Bowker revealed the (...)
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    Boundary objects, trading zones, and stigmergy: the social and the cognitive in science.Ric Sims - 2023 - Synthese 202 (4):1-25.
    The main proposal of this paper is that boundary objects and the trading zones in which they occur are the analogue of pheromone trails in the foraging of a termite colony. The colony can be construed as a _stigmergic_ system where the traces of the actions of individual termites coordinate their further actions without the existence of any central control or planning structures. The coordinated systems approach proposed by this paper lends support to the idea that such a system (...)
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    The Importance of Boundary Objects in Transcultural Interviewing.Vivian Anette Lagesen - 2010 - European Journal of Women's Studies 17 (2):125-142.
    This article combines the idea of the active interview with insights from science studies and suggests that some concepts from science studies, like boundary objects and trading zones, should be utilized to understand and facilitate the production and analysis of data in a transcultural interview. This is illustrated by examples from interviews that the author conducted with women computer science students and faculty in a university in Malaysia. The article argues that the understanding of, as well as the performance (...)
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  4. Crafting science: Standardized packages, boundary objects, and “translation.”.Joan H. Fujimura - 1992 - In Andrew Pickering (ed.), Science as practice and culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 168--211.
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    This is Not a Boundary Object: Reflections on the Origin of a Concept.Susan Leigh Star - 2010 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 35 (5):601-617.
    There are three components to boundary objects as outlined in the original 1989 article. Interpretive flexibility, the structure of informatic and work process needs and arrangements, and, finally, the dynamic between ill-structured and more tailored uses of the objects. Much of the use of the concept has concentrated on the aspect of interpretive flexibility and has often mistaken or conflated this flexibility with the process of tacking back-and-forth between the ill-structured and well-structured aspects of the arrangements. Boundary objects (...)
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    Making the anaesthetised animal into a boundary object: an analysis of the 1875 Royal Commission on Vivisection.Tarquin Holmes & Carrie Friese - 2020 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (4):1-28.
    This paper explores how, at the 1875 Royal Commission on Vivisection, the anaesthetised animal was construed as a boundary object around which “cooperation without consensus” Computer supported cooperative work: cooperation or conflict? Springer, London, 1993) could form, serving the interests of both scientists and animals. Advocates of anaesthesia presented it as benevolently intervening between the scientific agent and animal patient. Such articulations of ‘ethical’ vivisection through anaesthesia were then mandated in the 1876 Cruelty to Animals Act, and thus (...)
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    Revisiting the concept of boundary objects across the lens of boundary constructions.W. David Holford - 2011 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 5 (1):57.
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    The Climate of Science-Art and the Art-Science of the Climate: Meeting Points, Boundary Objects and Boundary Work.Simone Rödder - 2017 - Minerva 55 (1):93-116.
    This paper reports experiences from an art-science project set up in an educational context as well as in the tradition of placing artists in labs. It documents artists’ and scientists’ imaginations of their encounter and analyses them drawing on the concepts of “boundary object” and “boundary work”. Conceptually, the paper argues to broaden the idea of boundary objects to include inhibitory boundary objects that hinder rather than facilitate communication across boundaries. This focus on failures to (...)
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    The mental test as a boundary object in early-20 th -century Russian child science.Andy Byford - 2014 - History of the Human Sciences 27 (4):22-58.
    This article charts the history of mental testing in the context of the rise and fall of Russian child science between the 1890s and the 1930s. Tracing the genealogy of testing in scientific experimentation, scholastic assessment, medical diagnostics and bureaucratic accounting, it follows the displacements of this technology along and across the boundaries of the child science movement. The article focuses on three domains of expertise – psychology, pedagogy and psychiatry, examining the key guises that mental testing assumed in them (...)
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    Designing an Expert-Setting for Interdisciplinary Dialogue: Literary Texts as Boundary Objects.Karin Kukkonen - 2024 - Social Epistemology 38 (1):38-48.
    While literature is often used as a source of examples and illustrations across disciplines, literary studies tends to be underrepresented in interdisciplinary exchanges. Perhaps the reason lies in a lack of understanding what actually is the expertise of literary studies and how this can be useful in interdisciplinary settings. In this article, I propose to outline the expertise of literary scholars through concepts of 4E cognition and to devise a proposal for how such expertise could successfully shape the epistemic common (...)
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    Flexible Sketches and Inflexible Data Bases: Visual Communication, Conscription Devices, and Boundary Objects in Design Engineering.Kathryn Henderson - 1991 - Science, Technology and Human Values 16 (4):448-473.
    Engineering sketches and drawings are the building blocks of technological design and production. These visual representations act as the means for organizing the design to production process, hence serving as a "social glue" both between individuals and between groups. The author discusses two main capacities such visual representations serve in facilitating distributed cognition in team design work As conscription devices, they enlist and organize group participation. As boundary objects, they facilitate the reading of alternative meanings by various groups involved (...)
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    Galvanic Disciplines: The Boundaries, Objects, and Identities of Experimental Science in the Era of Romanticism.Stuart Strickland - 1995 - History of Science 33 (4):449-468.
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    Role of metaphoric boundary objects in the development of a company's strategic vision.Kaj U. Koskinen - 2005 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 1 (2):156.
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  14. Fiat and Bona Fide Boundaries: Towards an Ontology of Spatially Extended Objects.Barry Smith & Achille C. Varzi - 1997 - In Barry Smith & Achille C. Varzi (eds.), Fiat and Bona Fide Boundaries: Towards an Ontology of Spatially Extended Objects. Springer. pp. 103–119.
    Human cognitive acts are directed towards objects extended in space of a wide range of different types. What follows is a new proposal for bringing order into this typological clutter. The theory of spatially extended objects should make room not only for the objects of physics but also for objects at higher levels, including the objects of geography and of related disciplines. It should leave room for different types of boundaries, including both the bona fide boundaries which we find in (...)
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  15. Vague Objects with Sharp Boundaries.Jiri Benovsky - 2014 - Ratio 28 (1):29-39.
    In this article I shall consider two seemingly contradictory claims: first, the claim that everybody who thinks that there are ordinary objects has to accept that they are vague, and second, the claim that everybody has to accept the existence of sharp boundaries to ordinary objects. The purpose of this article is of course not to defend a contradiction. Indeed, there is no contradiction because the two claims do not concern the same ‘everybody’. The first claim, that all ordinary objects (...)
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    The relationship between the objective identification threshold and priming effects does not provide a definitive boundary between conscious and unconscious perceptual processes.Gary D. Fisk & Steven J. Haase - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1221-1231.
    The Objective Threshold/Strategic Model proposes that strong, qualitative inferences of unconscious perception can be made if the relationship between perceptual sensitivity and stimulus visibility is nonlinear and nonmonotonic. The model proposes a nadir in priming effects at the objective identification threshold . These predictions were tested with masked semantic priming and repetition priming of a lexical decision task. The visibility of the prime stimuli was systematically varied above and below the objective identification threshold. The obtained relationship between prime visibility and (...)
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  17. The objective stance and the boundary problem.Carla Bagnoli - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 29 (3):646-663.
  18.  11
    Geometrical objects' ontological status and boundaries in Aristotle. 유재민 - 2009 - Sogang Journal of Philosophy 18 (null):269-301.
    아리스토텔레스는 『형이상학』 13권 2장에서 기하학적 대상은 실체적으로 존재할 수 없음을 증명한다. 플라톤주의자들은 기하학적 대상이 실체적으로 감각대상 안에 있거나, 감각대상과 떨어져서 존재한다고 주장하는 자들이다. 아리스토텔레스는 13권 3장에서 기하학적 대상은 질료적으로 감각대상 안에 존재한다고 주장한다. 필자는 ‘질료적으로’의 의미를 ‘부수적으로’와 ‘잠재적으로’로 이해한다. 기하학적 대상은 감각대상 안에 있지만, 실체적으로가 아니라 부수적으로 존재하는 것들이다. 기하학적 대상은 그 자체로 변화를 겪을 수 없다. 변화를 겪는 직접적인 주체는 감각대상이다. 이 감각대상이 분할되거나, 또 다른 감각대상과 결합할 때 기하학적 대상은 간접적으로 변화를 겪는다. 기하학적 대상의 잠재성은 지성에 의해 추상과정을 (...)
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    From One Community to Many: How Novel Objects in the Crop Protection Field Reveal Epistemic Boundaries.Antoine Blanchard - 2016 - Social Epistemology 30 (5-6):680-691.
    In this paper, I present a case study in the field of crop protection and discuss its epistemological implications. Through the advent of a novel class of objects at the end of the 1970s in Europe and the USA, namely plant elicitors that trigger the plant’s own defence reactions, we witness how dissent between epistemic communities appears where assimilation had been the rule. The convergence between the industry and the academia as a coherent “phytosanitary universe”, despite the fact that they (...)
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    The Edges and Boundaries of Biological Objects.Jay Odenbaugh & Matt H. Haber - 2009 - Biological Theory 4 (3):219-224.
  21. On Vague Objects, Fuzzy Logic and Fractal Boundaries.B. Jack Copeland - 1995 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 33 (S1):83-96.
  22. Drawing the boundary between subject and object: Comments on the mind-brain problem.Robert Rosen - 1993 - Theoretical Medicine 14 (2):89-100.
    Physics says that it cannot deal with the mind-brain problem, because it does not deal in subjectivities, and mind is subjective. However, biologists still claim to seek a material basis for subjective mental processes, which would thereby render them objective. Something is clearly wrong here. I claim that what is wrong is the adoption of too narrow a view of what constitutes objectivity, especially in identifying it with what a machine can do. I approach the problem in the light of (...)
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    Understanding objects with curved surfaces from a single perspective view of boundaries.Shih Jong Lee, Robert M. Haralick & Ming Chua Zhang - 1985 - Artificial Intelligence 26 (2):145-169.
  24. Boundary.Achille C. Varzi - 2013 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    We think of a boundary whenever we think of an entity demarcated from its surroundings. There is a boundary (a line) separating Maryland and Pennsylvania. There is a boundary (a circle) isolating the interior of a disc from its exterior. There is a boundary (a surface) enclosing the bulk of this apple. Sometimes the exact location of a boundary is unclear or otherwise controversial (as when you try to trace out the margins of Mount Everest, (...)
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    Fiat boundaries: how to fictionally carve nature at its joints.Nicola Piras - 2020 - Philosophical Inquiries 8 (2):85-106.
    Boundaries are the outermost parts of objects, with a twofold function: dividing objects from their environment and allowing objects to touch each other. The task of this paper is to classify and describe the human dependent boundaries, i.e., the so-called fiat boundaries, on the basis of the seminal work by Smith and Varzi. Roughly, a fiat boundary is a marker of discontinuity between two or more objects which relies on a human function assignment, usually called ‘fiat act’. In what (...)
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    Musical Beauty: Negotiating the Boundary between Subject and Object by Stone‐Davis, Férdia.Jennifer Judkins - 2011 - Wiley-Blackwell.
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  27. Social Kinds, Social Objects, and Vague Boundaries.Francesco Franda - 2021 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Ontology of Social, Legal and Economic Entities (SoLEE).
    In this paper, I argue against what I call “natural realism” about social kinds, the view according to which social categories have natural boundaries, independent of our thought. First, I draw a distinction between two different types of entity realism, one being about the existence of the entity, “ontological realism”, and the other one being about the direct mind-independence of the entity, “natural realism”. After endorsing ontological realism, I present the natural realist argument according to which there would be certain (...)
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    Information Along Contours and Object Boundaries.Jacob Feldman & Manish Singh - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (1):243-252.
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  29. Inconsistent boundaries.Zach Weber & A. J. Cotnoir - 2015 - Synthese 192 (5):1267-1294.
    Mereotopology is a theory of connected parts. The existence of boundaries, as parts of everyday objects, is basic to any such theory; but in classical mereotopology, there is a problem: if boundaries exist, then either distinct entities cannot be in contact, or else space is not topologically connected . In this paper we urge that this problem can be met with a paraconsistent mereotopology, and sketch the details of one such approach. The resulting theory focuses attention on the role of (...)
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    The boundaries and location of consciousness as identity theories deem fit.Riccardo Manzotti - 2021 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 12 (3):225-241.
    : In this paper I approach the problem of the boundaries and location of consciousness in a strictly physicalist way. I start with the debate on extended cognition, pointing to two unresolved issues: the ontological status of cognition and the fallacy of the center. I then propose using identity to single out the physical basis of consciousness. As a tentative solution, I consider Mind-Object Identity and compare it with other identity theories of mind. Keywords: Extended Mind; Spread Mind; Enactivism; (...)
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    A neural theory of attentive visual search: Interactions of boundary, surface, spatial, and object representations.Stephen Grossberg, Ennio Mingolla & William D. Ross - 1994 - Psychological Review 101 (3):470-489.
  32. Boundaries, Conventions, and Realism.Achille C. Varzi - 2011 - In Joseph Keim Campbell, Michael O'Rourke & Matthew H. Slater (eds.), Carving nature at its joints: natural kinds in metaphysics and science. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press. pp. 129–153.
    Are there any bona fide boundaries, i.e., boundaries that carve at the joints? Or is any boundary —hence any object—the result of a fiat articulation reflecting our cognitive biases and our so-cial practices and conventions? Does the choice between these two options amount to a choice between realism and wholesome relativism?
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    Bio-Objects: Life in the 21st Century.Niki Vermeulen & Sakari Tamminen - 2012 - Routledge.
    Examining a variety of bio-objects in contexts beyond the laboratory, Bio-Objects: Life in the 21st Century explores new ways of thinking about how novel bio-objects enter contemporary life, analysing the manner in which the boundaries between human and animal, organic and non-organic, and being 'alive' and the suspension of living, are questioned, destabilised and in some cases re-established.
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    Bootstrapping the Boundary between Research and Environmental Management: The TMDL as a Point of Engagement between Science and Governance.Stephen C. Slota - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (4):750-773.
    Knowledge produced by environmental scientists is often inaccessible, intractable, or otherwise in need of reconfiguration for use in environmental regulation. Similarly, policy knowledge undergoes decontextualization in its address to the community of researchers and data curators whose findings are fundamental to its operation. This paper addresses the development of the total maximum daily load measurement as a means of decontextualizing both scientific and regulatory processes to render the practical results of those processes available as a means of collaboration, coordination, and (...)
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  35. Method as Argument: Boundary Work in Evidence‐Based Medicine.Colleen Derkatch - 2008 - Social Epistemology 22 (4):371 – 388.
    In evidence-based medicine (EBM), methodology has become the central means of determining the quality of the evidence base. The “gold standard” method, the randomised, controlled trial (RCT), imbues medical research with an ethos of disinterestedness; yet, as this essay argues, the RCT is itself a rhetorically interested construct essential to medical-professional boundary work. Using the example of debates about methodology in EBM-oriented research on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), practices not easily tested by RCTs, I frame the problem of (...)
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  36. Drawing Boundaries.Barry Smith - 2019 - In Timothy Tambassi (ed.), The Philosophy of GIS. Springer. pp. 137-158.
    In “On Drawing Lines on a Map” (1995), I suggested that the different ways we have of drawing lines on maps open up a new perspective on ontology, resting on a distinction between two sorts of boundaries: fiat and bona fide. “Fiat” means, roughly: human-demarcation-induced. “Bona fide” means, again roughly: a boundary constituted by some real physical discontinuity. I presented a general typology of boundaries based on this opposition and showed how it generates a corresponding typology of the different (...)
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    The Boundary Theory of Libertarian Free Will.André Juthe - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (2):327-343.
    The first purpose of this article is to present a new theory of libertarian free will—the boundary theory of libertarian free will—which provides a new framework by means of employing boundaries as a “conceptual scheme” for understanding libertarian free will. This theory consists of two parts. One part suggests that the agent’s will should be viewed as the intermediate boundary between an agent’s reasons and his alternative choices. The second part is a model where the agent’s will is (...)
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  38. Musical Beauty: Negotiating the Boundary Between Subject and Object.R. Scruton - 2013 - British Journal of Aesthetics 53 (2):249-250.
  39.  18
    Setting Boundaries between Science and Law: Lessons from Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Edward J. Hackett & Shana M. Solomon - 1996 - Science, Technology and Human Values 21 (2):131-156.
    In Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., the U.S. Supreme Court made its first major pronouncement on the evaluation of scientific evidence, calling on judges to act as gatekeepers for scientific knowledge and validity, despite lack of scientific training among judges. Daubert offers the science studies community a case study for examining how judges engage in boundary-work and construct scientific validity. In constructing scientific validity under Daubert, judges must evaluate the scientific method behind a particular scientific claim, and will (...)
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    More than meets the eye: emotional stimuli enhance boundary extension effects for both depressed and never-depressed individuals.Shivam D. Patel, Carlos V. Esteves, Melody So, Tim Dalgleish & Caitlin Hitchcock - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (1):128-136.
    Boundary extension is a memory phenomenon in which an individual reports seeing more of a scene than they actually did. We provide the first examination of boundary extension in individuals diagnosed with depression, hypothesising that an overemphasis on pre-existing schema may enhance boundary extension effects on emotional photographs. The relationship between boundary extension and overgeneralisation in autobiographical memory was also explored. Individuals with (n = 42) and without (n = 41) Major Depressive Disorder completed a camera (...)
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  41.  27
    Curvature and the visual perception of shape: Theory on information along object boundaries and the minima rule revisited.Ik Soo Lim & E. Charles Leek - 2012 - Psychological Review 119 (3):668-677.
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    Objects and Spaces.John Law - 2002 - Theory, Culture and Society 19 (5-6):91-105.
    Law's article begins by restating the classical ANT position that objects do not exist `in themselves' but are the effect of a performative stabilization of relational networks. In addition, these material enactments inevitably have a spatial dimension; they simultaneously establish spatial conditions for objectual identity, continuity, and difference. Space must not be reified as a natural, pre-existing container of the social and the material, but is itself a performance. Moreover, there are multiple forms of spatiality beyond the Euclidean space of (...)
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    Demandingness and Boundaries Between Persons.Edward Harcourt - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 26 (3):437-455.
    ABSTRACTDemandingness objections to consequentialism often claim that consequentialism underestimates the moral significance of the stranger/special other distinction, mistakenly extending to strangers demands it is proper for special others to make on us, and concluding that strangers may properly demand anything of us if it increases aggregate goodness. This argument relies on false assumptions about our relations with special others. Boundaries between ourselves and special others are both a common and a good-making feature of our relations with them. Hence, demandingness objections (...)
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    Virtual objects: Becoming real.Bartolomiej Skowron - 2020 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 9 (2):619-639.
    From an ontological point of view, virtuality is generally considered a simulation: i.e. not a case of true being, and never more than an illusory copy, referring in each instance to its real original. It is treated as something imagined — and, phenomenologically speaking, as an intentional object. It is also often characterized as fictive. On the other hand, the virtual world itself is extremely rich, and thanks to new technologies is growing with unbelievable speed, so that it now (...)
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    Boundaries and identities in religious conversion.Massimo Leone - 2002 - Sign Systems Studies 30 (2):485-500.
    Religious conversion revolutions the boundaries which delimit personal identity. Therefore, the main semiotic problem of mental and cultural representations of this religious phenomenon is to convey simultaneously a feeling of sameness and otherness, identity and change. In the present paper, mirrors are analysed as cultural mechanisms which enable representations to accomplish this paradoxical task. After a brief survey concerning literature on mirrors, some early-modern religious texts using these optical instruments as representative devices are analysed in-depth: a painting of the Magdalene’s (...)
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  46. Fiat and Bona Fide Boundaries.Barry Smith & Achille C. Varzi - 2000 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 60 (2):401-420.
    There is a basic distinction, in the realm of spatial boundaries, between bona fide boundaries on the one hand, and fiat boundaries on the other. The former are just the physical boundaries of old. The latter are exemplified especially by boundaries induced through human demarcation, for example in the geographic domain. The classical problems connected with the notions of adjacency, contact, separation and division can be resolved in an intuitive way by recognizing this two-sorted ontology of boundaries. Bona fide boundaries (...)
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    Kant on limits, boundaries, and the positive function of ideas.Stephen Howard - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (1):64-78.
    It is commonly claimed that Kant's critical philosophy aims to limit reason's speculative use and its metaphysical pretensions. This paper argues that such claims should be amended in light of a technical distinction between negative limits and positive boundaries that Kant held throughout his career. Kant's only extended discussion of this distinction appears in §§57–60 of the Prolegomena, a division entitled “On pure reason's boundary‐determination”. I examine these sections in detail in order to elucidate the account of the limits (...)
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    (1 other version)Transgressing the boundaries: An afterword.Alan D. Sokal - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (2):338-346.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Transgressing the Boundaries: An Afterword*Alan D. SokalAlas, the truth is out: my article, “Transgressing the Boundaries: Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity,” which appeared in the spring/summer 1996 issue of the cultural-studies journal Social Text, is a parody. 1 Clearly I owe the editors and readers of Social Text, as well as the wider intellectual community, a non-parodic explanation of my motives and my true views. One of (...)
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  49. The Realm of entia rationis and its Boundaries: Hervaeus Natalis on Objective Being.Charles Girard - 2020 - Recherches de Théologie Et de Philosophie Médiévales 87 (2):349-369.
    Hervaeus Natalis distinguishes two types of items that can have esse obiective in the intellect: objects of acts of intellection (man, this cat, etc.) and properties unapprehended by these acts, or background properties (being a species, being a particular, etc.), that are beings of reason. Yet, his conception of the esse obiective of objects evolved. First, he had a neutral conception of esse obiective: items presenting themselves to the intellect are cognized, transparently, without being altered in the process. Later, he (...)
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    From Flashes to Edges to Objects: Recovery of Local Edge Fragments Initiates Spatiotemporal Boundary Formation.Gennady Erlikhman & Philip J. Kellman - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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