Results for 'blackout'

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  1.  25
    Blackout of my nights: Contentless, timeless and selfless report from the night in patients with central hypersomnias.Emma Chabani, Marie Charlotte Vionnet, Romy Beauté, Smaranda Leu-Semenescu, Pauline Dodet & Isabelle Arnulf - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 81:102931.
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    Use of the blackout in the investigation of temporal discrimination in fixed-interval reinforcement.Charles B. Ferster - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 47 (2):69.
  3.  20
    Very Short-Term Blackout Prediction for Grid-Tied PV Systems Operating in Low Reliability Weak Electric Grids of Developing Countries.Benson H. Mbuya, Aleksandar Dimovski, Marco Merlo & Thomas Kivevele - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-13.
    Sub-Saharan emerging countries experience electrical shortages resulting in power rationing, which ends up hampering economic activities. This paper proposes an approach for very short-term blackout forecast in grid-tied PV systems operating in low reliability weak electric grids of emerging countries. A pilot project was implemented in Arusha-Tanzania; it mainly comprised of a PV-inverter and a lead-acid battery bank connected to the local electricity utility company, Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited. A very short-term power outage prediction model framework based on (...)
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    Blackout: Freedom, without Power.Christopher Allsobrook - 2012 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 59 (132):60-78.
    This article attributes the conception of 'freedom-without-power' which dominates contemporary Western political philosophy to a reification of social agency that mystifies contexts of human capacities and achievements. It suggests that Plato's analogy between the structure of the soul and the polis shows how freedom is a consequence, rather than a condition, of political relations, mediated by inter-subjective contestation. From this basis, the article draws on the work of Raymond Geuss to argue against pre-political ethical frameworks in political philosophy, in favour (...)
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    When the Lights Went Out: A History of Blackouts in America.David E. Nye - 2010 - MIT Press.
    Examines how blackouts affect American society.
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  6. Self-imposed media blackout: A case study.Mary Tolan - 2006 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 21 (4):353 – 358.
    The media coverage of an Arizona prison takeover showed the journalistic struggle over the balancing of the fundamental tenets of the craft: How to report truthfully and accurately while minimizing harm. This case study included interviews with reporters who faced pressures from officials to self-censor so guards and hostages would not be injured or killed. Ethicists and commentators contributed to the discussion.
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  7. Ferrier and the Blackout of the Scottish Enlightenment.George Davie - 2003
  8. Binge Drinking and the Young Brain: A Mini Review of the Neurobiological Underpinnings of Alcohol-Induced Blackout.Daniel F. Hermens & Jim Lagopoulos - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The postreinforcement pause and the blackout procedure: Are blackouts neutral stimuli?Larry A. Alferink & Dennis L. Nunes - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (2):139-142.
  10. The pictorial signifying system of Hans holbein the younger's the ambassadors: Iconicity and intertextuality in blackout (troude memoire}{.Hubert Aquin & Julie Leblanc - 2007 - In Karin Leonhard & Silke Horstkotte (eds.), Seeing Perception. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 128.
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    Review of George Davie: Ferrier and the Blackout of the Scottish Enlightenment[REVIEW]John Haldane - 2004 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 2 (1):96-100.
  12.  40
    David E. Nye. When the Lights Went Out: A History of Blackouts in America. x + 292 pp., illus., index. Cambridge, Mass./London: MIT Press, 2010. $27.95. [REVIEW]Bruce Sinclair - 2011 - Isis 102 (2):380-381.
  13. Digital Feminist Placemaking: The Case of the “Woman, Life, Freedom” Movement.Asma Mehan - 2024 - Urban Planning 9:1-19.
    Throughout Iran and various countries, the recent calls of the “Zan, Zendegi, Azadi” (in Persian), “Jin, Jiyan, Azadi” (in Kurdish), or “Woman, Life, Freedom” (in English) movement call for change to acknowledge the importance of women. While these feminist protests and demonstrations have been met with brutality, systematic oppression, and internet blackouts within Iran, they have captured significant social media attention and coverage outside the country, especially among the Iranian diaspora and various international organizations. This article, grounded in feminist urban (...)
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  14. The best memories: Identity, narrative, and objects.Richard Heersmink & Christopher Jade McCarroll - 2019 - In Timothy Shanahan & Paul Smart (eds.), Blade Runner 2049: A Philosophical Exploration. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. pp. 87-107.
    Memory is everywhere in Blade Runner 2049. From the dead tree that serves as a memorial and a site of remembrance (“Who keeps a dead tree?”), to the ‘flashbulb’ memories individuals hold about the moment of the ‘blackout’, when all the electronic stores of data were irretrievably erased (“everyone remembers where they were at the blackout”). Indeed, the data wiped out in the blackout itself involves a loss of memory (“all our memory bearings from the time, they (...)
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  15.  73
    Perception and the Inhuman Gaze: Perspectives from Philosophy, Phenomenology and the Sciences.Fred Cummins, Anya Daly, James Jardine & Dermot Moran (eds.) - 2020 - New York, NY, USA; London, UK: Routledge.
    The diverse essays in this volume speak to the relevance of phenomenological and psychological questioning regarding perceptions of the human. This designation, human, can be used beyond the mere identification of a species to underwrite exclusion, denigration, dehumanization and demonization, and to set up a pervasive opposition in Othering all deemed inhuman, nonhuman, or posthuman. As alerted to by Merleau-Ponty, one crucial key for a deeper understanding of these issues is consideration of the nature and scope of perception. Perception defines (...)
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  16.  62
    SmartPrivacy for the Smart Grid: embedding privacy into the design of electricity conservation. [REVIEW]Ann Cavoukian, Jules Polonetsky & Christopher Wolf - 2010 - Identity in the Information Society 3 (2):275-294.
    The 2003 blackout in the northern and eastern U.S. and Canada which caused a $6 billion loss in economic revenue is one of many indicators that the current electrical grid is outdated. Not only must the grid become more reliable, it must also become more efficient, reduce its impact on the environment, incorporate alternative energy sources, allow for more consumer choices, and ensure cyber security. In effect, it must become smart. Significant investments in the billions of dollars are being (...)
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  17.  75
    The Problem of Distraction.Paul North - 2011 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    We live in an age of distraction. Contemporary analyses of culture, politics, techno-science, and psychology insist on this. They often suggest remedies for it, or ways to capitalize on it. Yet they almost never investigate the meaning and history of distraction itself. This book corrects this lack of attention. It inquires into the effects of distraction, defined not as the opposite of attention, but as truly discontinuous intellect. Human being has to be reconceived, according to this argument, not as quintessentially (...)
  18.  20
    The politics of electricity use and non-use in late Ottoman Istanbul.Nurcin Ileri - 2024 - History of Science 62 (4):511-538.
    This article focuses on the earlier encounters and uses of electricity, its technology, and its infrastructure to understand how electricity formed a contested terrain of politics among the city’s varying actors, such as state officials, financial investors, and consumers, in late Ottoman Istanbul, roughly between the 1870s and early 1920s. I contend that people used electricity as a political tool in their everyday lives even before they could access it physically. Electricity skepticism during the reign of Sultan Abdülhamid II (1876–1909) (...)
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  19.  48
    Poetry at the first steps of Artificial Intelligence.Christina Linardaki - 2022 - Humanist Studies and the Digital Age 7 (1).
    This paper is about Artificial Intelligence (AI) attempts at writing poetry, usually referred to with the term “poetry generation”. Poetry generation started out from Digital Humanities, which developed out of humanities computing; nowadays, however, it is part of Computational Creativity, a field that tackles several areas of art and science. In the paper it is examined, first, why poetry was chosen among other literary genres as a field for experimentation. Mention is made to the characteristics of poetry (namely arbitrariness and (...)
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  20.  16
    Can information be transferred faster than light? II. The relativistic Doppler effect on electromagnetic wave packets with suboptic and superoptic group velocities.William Band - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (6):625-638.
    It is shown that (a) both the dispersion relations between the mean frequency θ0 and the mean wave number k 0 are invariant under the Lorentz transformation; and (b) the relativistic Doppler effects on θ 0 and k 0 differ. In the suboptic packet there is anomalous red shift in the mean wave number k' 0 received from a source receding with speed v: k′ 0 changes sign through zero as v goes through the value vg, the mean group velocity (...)
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  21.  34
    Bugging Out: Apocalyptic Masculinity and Disaster Consumerism in Offgrid Magazine.Cynthia Belmont & Angela Stroud - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (2):431.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 46, no. 2. © 2020 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 431 Cynthia Belmont and Angela Stroud Bugging Out: Apocalyptic Masculinity and Disaster Consumerism in Offgrid Magazine Popular conceptions of survivalism in the United States typically feature the eccentric, backwoods, working-class figures found in television shows such as Doomsday Preppers and Prepper Hillbillies. Offgrid magazine, which first hit the stands in the summer of 2013, however, sells a compellingly (...)
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  22.  3
    Telling Time: Patient Experiences of Temporality in Brain Tumor Comics.Neal Curtis - 2024 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 67 (3):449-469.
    This article explores three different comics by creators with brain tumors: _Rick_, written and drawn by Gordon Shaw; _Going Remote_, written by Adam Bessie and drawn by Peter Glanting; and _Parenthesis_, written and drawn by Élodie Durand. It examines how the affordances of the comics medium enables the creators to present an experience of subjective time that is multiple, diffuse, and contradictory, in contrast to the regular apportioning of time via calendars, schedules, and pathways essential to institutional neuro-oncology. The question (...)
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  23.  28
    Multidimensional Risk Management for Underground Electricity Networks.Thalles V. Garcez & Przemyslaw Szufel - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 37 (1):51-69.
    In the paper we consider an electricity provider company that makes decision on allocating resources on electric network maintenance. The investments decrease malfunction rate of network nodes. An accidental event or a malfunctioning on underground system can have various consequences and in different perspectives, such as deaths and injuries of pedestrians, fires in nearby locations, disturbances in the flow of vehicular traffic, loss to the company image, operating and financial losses, etc. For this reason it is necessary to apply an (...)
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  24.  2
    Archives: Building-in Time.Augustin Ioan - 2022 - Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy 5:117-133.
    The zero-moment of an architectural undertaking precedes and the final one postpones the conventional moments of building and demolition. This pre-usage of the material and of the site turn the ‘birth’ of the house into a rather vague moment. In the numerous makings there exist prior makings, and sites often appear to be palimpsests, layer upon layer, erasure upon erasure. This manner of approaching the question of the temporal ‘sponginess’ of architecture recalls the question concerning the beginnings of architecture. In (...)
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  25.  26
    The Unreality of Realism.Susan Fromberg Schaeffer - 1980 - Critical Inquiry 6 (4):727-737.
    What should be immediately apparent to any writer of realistic fiction is its unreal or synthetic nature. Regardless of how persuasive the forgery appears, it is still a forgery. The colors of the painting are not identical to those of the real world. The illusion of similarity is achieved by trickery. The houses of realistic novels are like those found on a stage set; they are there to lend reality and weight to what is important, which may be a conversation (...)
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  26.  40
    Kur’an’da Erẕeli'l-ʽumur ve Yaşlılık Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme.Sevgi Tütün - 2016 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 20 (2):299-299.
    Human beings pass through a series of life stages since birth. These stages beginning at the infancy even in the mother’s womb are accompanied with a period extending to the senescence and the last stages of the life. Creation of human beings and various stages of the life are mentioned in the Qurʾān. Besides, it is referred to the senescence. In addition to the expressions sheikh, shayb, ʽajūz and kibar indicating to the senescence, ardhal al-ʿumur is also pointed out in (...)
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  27.  21
    Aṭrāfs as a Method of Classification (Taṣnīf) and Inclusion (Takhrīj).Fatih Mehmet Yilmaz - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):345-366.
    Ḥadīths have been preserved and recorded in various ways since the Companions. These activities continued dur-ing the Tābiīn (the successors of the Companions) Period. So much so that these methods have formed the infra-structure of other methods that will emerge later. In this context, before the 70's (A.H.), works named al-Aṭrāf appeared. However, these first works consisted of the notes that they wrote some of the ḥadīths before coming to the science assemblies to help students remember in ḥadīth learning. Ḥadīth (...)
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  28.  14
    Fossil-fueled stories: an ecolinguistic critical discourse analysis of the South African government’s naturalisation of fossil fuels in the context of the climate crisis.Julia Laurie & Miché Thompson - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    In recent years, aging coal power plants, lack of maintenance, and issues of poor governance have resulted in a high frequency of rolling scheduled blackouts, throughout South Africa. This has led to greater urgency being placed on switching to renewable energy sources, which South Africa has great potential for. Despite this, and the current reality of the global climate crisis, South Africa continues to rely heavily on coal, not only as an energy source at home, but also as a key (...)
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