Results for 'bioart'

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  1.  41
    Theorizing Bioart Encounters after Gilbert Simondon.Andrew Lapworth - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (3):123-150.
    In recent years ‘bioart’ has been lauded in the social sciences for its creative engagements with the ontological stakes of new forms of biotechnical life in-the-making. In this paper I push further to explore the ontogenetic potentials of bioart-encounters to generate new capacities for thinking and perceiving the nonhuman agencies imbricated in the becoming of subjects. To explore this potential I stage an encounter with Gilbert Simondon’s philosophy of individuation, highlighting three implications for theorizations of the constitution and (...)
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    Bioart ‒ a New Challenge in Contemporary Art.Ionel Papuc - 2019 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:141-170.
    Bioart ‒ a New Challenge in Contemporary Art. Lately, in contemporary art, one can find, more and more often, live animals with the status of artwork. Although animal rights activists consider this a flagrant violation of their most elementary rights, contemporary artists with a wide range of motivation often incorporate the live animal into their work and give it the title of artistic work. Another challenge in contemporary art is biotech art that provides the public with another field of (...)
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    Brave BioArt 2: shedding the bio, amassing the nano, and cultivating posthuman life.Natasha Vita-More - 2007 - Technoetic Arts 5 (3):171-186.
    This article will address an overview of BioArt, biomedia and its practitioners, developed through a series of semi-structured, qualitative interviews and openended discussions with more than fifteen experts in the field. BioArt is approached from the perspective of scientific exploration, visual design in interactivity and installation, and social commentary and political activism. Of consequence is the fact that BioArt is relatively new, its nomenclature is without a codified definition, and bioartists have varied views on the parameters of (...)
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  4. Bioart as a Dialogue.Tetiana Gardashuk - 2017 - Dialogue and Universalism 27 (3):83-96.
    Three definitions of bioart are analyzed in the paper: bioart—as a part of science art, as the creation of some new exciting artworks, and/or as the visualization of certain stages of biomedical and life science research. Bioart is an in vivo practice which produces “living artworks” and creates a new reality. It represents the dialogue between art, science and technology and between academic and amateur science. It promotes the dialogue aimed at rethinking the phenomenon of life. It (...)
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  5. Non/living Matter, Bioscientific Imaginaries and Feminist Techno-ecologies of Bioart.Marietta Radomska - 2017 - Australian Feminist Studies 32 (94):377-394.
    Bioart is a form of hybrid artistico-scientific practices in contemporary art that involve the use of bio-materials (such as living cells, tissues, organisms) and scientific techniques, protocols, and tools. Bioart-works embody vulnerability (intrinsic to all beings) and depend on (bio)technologies that allow these creations to come into being, endure and flourish but also discipline them. This article focuses on ‘semi-living’ sculptures by The Tissue Culture and Art Project (TC&A). TC&A’s artworks consist of bioengineered mammal tissues grown over biopolymer (...)
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    Uncontainable Life : A Biophilosophy of Bioart.Marietta Radomska - 2016 - Dissertation, Linköping University
    Uncontainable Life: A Biophilosophy of Bioart investigates the ways in which thinking through the contemporary hybrid artistico-scientific practices of bioart is a biophilosophical practice, one that contributes to a more nuanced understanding of life than we encounter in mainstream academic discourse. When examined from a Deleuzian feminist perspective and in dialogue with contemporary bioscience, bioartistic projects reveal the inadequacy of asking about life’s essence. They expose the enmeshment between the living and non-living, organic and inorganic, and, ultimately, life (...)
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  7. Discursividades del bioarte y el desafío de una metodología interespecie.Lucía Stubrin & Eric Hernán Hirschfeld - 2025 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 14 (2):49-58.
    En La semiosis social 2 (2013), Eliseo Verón utiliza metáforas biológicas para explicar diferentes recorridos que los espectadores realizan en el marco de una exposición en el Centro Pompidou en 1984. Si pensamos en un museo de arte contemporáneo del presente, podemos advertir al menos tres grandes cambios en lo que respecta a los elementos de análisis que utilizó Verón. Por un lado, el objeto en ese caso era la fotografía analógica. Por otro lado, las características de ese objeto exigían (...)
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    What Ethics for Bioart?Nora S. Vaage - 2016 - NanoEthics 10 (1):87-104.
    Living artworks created with biotechnology raise a range of ethical questions, some of which are unprecedented, others well known from other contexts. These questions are often discussed within the framework of bioethics, the ethics of the life sciences. The basic concern of institutionalised bioethics is to develop and implement ethical guidelines for ethically responsible handling of living material in technological and scientific contexts. Notably, discussions of ethical issues in bioart do not refer to existing discourses on art and morality (...)
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  9. L'arte della vita: biotecnologie e bioetica [Bioart, biotechnology and bioethics].Rosangela Barcaro - 2014 - Aisthema. International Journal, ISSN 2284-3515 1 (2):23-45.
    Bioart is an artistic experience that relates art, science and biotechnology by examining the concepts of life, evolution and nature from a new point of view. The revolutionary idea at the basis of this experience is the use of living organic matter as an expressive medium, handled with techniques which are made possible by the latest scientific and technological breakthroughs. Bioart aims at allowing a broader public the understanding and discussion of the problems related to activities that shape (...)
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    Interdisciplinariedad y filosofía en la actualidad. Bioarte, contaminación y purismo.Amanda Núñez García - 2015 - Isegoría 52:295-310.
    En este artículo se abordará una problemática doble e íntimamente relacionada. Por un lado, encontramos en la academia, y en muchos de los planes gubernamentales de investigación, una llamada a la interdisciplinariedad pero, paradójicamente, ésta queda sancionada negativamente múltiples veces como podemos notar, por ejemplo y en la actualidad, en la cuestión del bioarte. La filosofía padece esta sanción también pues en una de sus zonas ya es multidisciplinar y parece carecer de función propia a la vez que, en otra (...)
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    Learning from embryology: Locating critical thinking in bioart via complexism.Charissa N. Terranova - 2016 - Technoetic Arts 14 (1-2):47-59.
    This article is about the power of critical thinking through embryos and embryology in bioart. In this instance, critical thinking does not promise revolution or a takedown of bioengineering, but basic empowerment through scientific knowledge. I argue that the use of embryos in Jill Scott’s Somabook (2011) and Adam Zaretsky’s DIY Embryology (2015) constitutes an instance of what Philip Galanter identifies as complexism. In turn, the complexism of embryology reveals two modes of critical thinking. First, embryology distils the awe (...)
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    The art of the semi-living: ethics of care and the bioart of Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr.Jennifer Burwell - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-11.
    Bioartists Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr define many of their tissue-based artworks as semi-living, and use an ethical framework to contextualize their care for these semi-living creations, claiming that their work inspires reflection on our responsibilities toward the continuum of life. There are ways in which Catts and Zurr’s relation to the semi-living does meet the standards of an ethics of care, as defined in particular by political scientist Joan Tronto, but only within certain constraints—namely, the performative and participatory spaces (...)
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  13. Arte con materiales semivivos : discusiones biopolíticas sobre bioarte.María Gabriela D'Odorico - 2016 - In Iliana Hernández García (ed.), Estética de los mundos posibles: inmersión en la vida artificial, las artes y las prácticas urbanas. Bogotá, D. C.: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana-Bogotá.
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    Neohumanistic vision of "Human of Faith" within the limits of certificate graphic bioarts.Yaroslav Marchenko - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 68:54-67.
    The complex of modern sociological and religious studies approaches to the analysis of religious practices in post-sectarian societies makes it possible, among other things, to characterize their biographical aspects. First of all, it is about the ways and means of displaying the "Man of Faith" in the various reference journals, which are traditionally widely represented in secular literature, and have recently become increasingly popular among denominational publications and resources. The latter promotes both the "mature" of the domestic theological centers and (...)
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    Between Bio and Art: Intensities of Matter in Bioart.Agnieszka Anna Wołodźko - 2017 - In Katharina D. Martin & Ann-Cathrin Drews (eds.), Innen - Außen - Anders: Körper Im Werk von Gilles Deleuze Und Michel Foucault. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 221-236.
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  16. Interspecies sonification : Deleuze, Ruyer, and Bioart.Audronė Žukauskaitė - 2019 - In Paulo de Assis & Paolo Giudici (eds.), Aberrant nuptials: Deleuze and artistic research 2. Leuven (Belgium): Leuven University Press.
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  17. State of the Art - Elements for Critical Thinking and Doing.Erich Berger, Mari Keski-Korsu, Marietta Radomska & Line Thastum (eds.) - 2023 - Helsinki: Bioart Society.
    How to participate proactively in a process of change and transformation, to shape our path within an uncertain future? With this publication, the State Of The Art Network marks a waypost on a journey which started in 2018, when like-minded Nordic and Baltic art organisations and professionals initiated this network as a multidisciplinary collaboration facing the Anthropocene. Over five years, ten organisations and around 80 practitioners from different disciplines, like the arts, natural sciences and humanities came together, online and in (...)
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    Promises of Non/Living Monsters and Uncontainable Life.Marietta Radomska - 2018 - Somatechnics 8 (2):215-231.
    In the Western cultural imaginaries the monstrous is defined – following Aristotelian categorisations – by its excess, deficiency or displacement of organic matter. These characteristics come to the fore in the field of bioart: a current in contemporary art that involves the use of biological materials (various kinds of soma: cells, tissues, organisms), and scientific procedures, technologies, protocols, and tools. Bioartistic projects and objects not only challenge the conventional ideas of embodiment and bodily boundaries, but also explore the relation (...)
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    Post-human affects and the biopolitics of eroticism: Emerging bio-art movements in Taiwan.Hung-Han Chen & Pei-Ying Lin - 2017 - Technoetic Arts 15 (3):317-323.
    BioArt has become an umbrella term for art practices utilizing biotechnology and living matter. Pioneering BioArt creations erode the boundaries between science and art, provoking a series of social and cultural debates. BioArtists deprive the pragmatic function of biotechnology and alter life itself. However, BioArt is an art practice strongly tied to the development of biotechnologies and evolving bio-media. The increasing familiarity of biotechnologies enables the creative works to evolve as technologies evolve. This article aims to contextualize (...)
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  20. Lo show della vita nella Biotech Art.Dana Svorova - 2024 - Studi di Estetica 30.
    Bioart emerges as a response to worrying changes in living forms produced by genetic engineering. Indeed, bioartists focus their attention on artistic exploration of biotechnologies and related ethical issues. Their main goal was to inform the public about dangerous genetic engineering techniques, like cloning, inter- and intraspecies experiments, reproductive technologies, genotype and phenotype reprogramming, hybridization techniques, and many others. The paradox lies in the fact that bioartists, in collaboration with scientists, use the same abovementioned techniques and create in laboratory (...)
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    Worst case bioethics: death, disaster, and public health.George J. Annas - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    American healthcare -- Bioterror and bioart -- State of emergency -- Licensed to torture -- Hunger strikes -- War -- Cancer -- Drug dealing -- Toxic tinkering -- Abortion -- Culture of death -- Patient safety -- Global health -- Statue of security -- Pandemic fear -- Bioidentifiers -- Genetic genocide.
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  22.  16
    Blood, sweat and tears: Kinning otherwise through art.Nora S. Vaage & Merete Lie - 2024 - Technoetic Arts 22 (1):39-55.
    The article discusses two bioart projects that bring the symbolically core human substances of blood, sweat and tears into technologically mediated relationships with plants and fungi to explore human kinship with other species: Tarah Rhoda’s BS&T (short for ‘blood, sweat and tears’) and OurGlass, and Saša Spačal’s MycoMythologies: Patterning. The article analyses the art projects through the lens of the molecular gaze and different perspectives on kinning, bringing anthropological conceptualizations of kinship together with Haraway’s pathways to connect with other (...)
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  23. Digital Imagination, Fantasy, AI Art.Galit Wellner - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (4):1445-1451.
    In this reply to my reviewers, I touch upon Husserl’s notion of fantasy. Whereas Kant positions fantasy outside the scope of his own work, Husserl brings it back. The importance of this notion lies in freeing imagination from the tight link to images, as for Husserl imagination is an activity that functions as a “quasi perception.” Ihde and Stiegler enrich Husserl’s analysis of imagination with various aspects of technology: Ihde shows how changes in the technologies that mediate our imagination will (...)
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    Biosemiotics and the problem of intrinsic value of nature.Kalevi Kull - 2001 - Sign Systems Studies 29 (1):353-364.
    This article poses the hypothesis that the problem of the intrinsic value of nature that stems from the work of G. E. Moore and is widely discussed in environmental philosophy, bas a parallel in a contemporary discussion in semiotics on the existence of semiosis in nature. From a semiotic point of view. value can be defined as an intentional dimension of sign. This is concordant with a biological interpretation of value that relates to biological needs. Thus. a semiotic approach in (...)
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    Curatorial perspectives on contemporary art and science dealing with interspecies connections.Olga Majcen Linn & Sunčica Ostoić - 2019 - Technoetic Arts 17 (1):79-94.
    This article addresses a curatorial position on specific bioart projects dealing with the topic of interspecies relationships of humans and other mammals, insects and plants through three works by Slovenian authors Saša Spačal, Špela Petricˇ and Maja Smrekar. All the artworks are based on a posthumanist perspective, strongly advocating possibilities of equality in interspecies relations and coexistence, and yet also bear a potential for monstrosity. The subjects, modes and procedures of the artworks analysed are compatible with a curatorial practice (...)
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    What Can Biotechnology Do?Luciana Parisi - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (4):155-163.
    This essay is an occasion to discuss the critical trajectories of a now common field of enquiry concerned with the impact of biomediatic technologies on politics and culture. Thacker's book The Global Genome importantly sits between debates about biopower as the governance of life and biopolitics as the transformation of what life can be. In particular, the book advances the hypothesis that as information produces `life itself', so it has become central to a political economy of excess and surplus value. (...)
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    Ethics and the Arts.Paul Macneill (ed.) - 2014 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    This book proposes that the highest expression of ethics is an aesthetic. It suggests that the quintessential performance of any field of practice is an art that captures an ethic beyond any literal statement of values. This is toadvocate for a shift in emphasis,away from current juridical approaches to ethics (ethicalcodes or regulation), toward ethics as an aesthetic practice-away from ethics as a minimal requirement, toward ethics as an aspiration. The book explores the relationship between art and ethics: a subject (...)
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    A Pragmatist Account of Functions in Synthetic Biology.Johannes Achatz - 2019 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 96 (1):171-186.
    In fields where science and technology overlap, so do different function-ascriptions. The entities of Synthetic Biology research are a case in point, where organisms with biological functionality are altered to perform technical functions. A function theory for SynBiofacts has to address artifactual as well as biological functions of one and the same entity. Further demands on a function theory for Synthetic Biology emerge from methods of SynBiofact creation called kludging and the use-scenarios of SynBiofacts in proof-of-concept research and BioArt. (...)
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    Biomusic: The carrier.Dimitri Batsis, Xenophon Bitsikas, Anastasia Georgaki, Angelos Evaggelou & Panagiotis Tigas - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 9 (2-3):209-216.
    This article investigates the concept of sound, in relation to the new means and sciences from different perspectives, ultimately providing an analysis of the newborn artistic movement of bioart. It is divided into two parts. The first part of the study is based upon reference, investigating the interconnection between art and science. This mechanism is characterized by transformation processes in the interdisciplinary practices that are applied mainly by various artists and movements of the post-Second World War period. The expressive (...)
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    Hacia una caracterización de las prácticas artístico-científicas actuales relacionadas con la vida sintética.Esther Moñivas - 2016 - Isegoría 55:665.
    En las últimas décadas el campo de la creación artística ha constituido un espacio privilegiado de reflexión, crítica cultural, cuestionamiento ético, y experimentación tanto estética como técnica en el que se han ensayado las más variadas visiones de la evolución, de la transformación de las relaciones con la naturaleza y de la auto-comprensión del ser humano. Dentro del debate abierto por la biología sintética, este artículo aspira a remarcar que tanto el bioarte como el arte genético, el arte transgénico y (...)
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    Towards a (Semi-)Discourse of the Semi-Living; The Undecidability of a Life Exposed to Death.Adele Senior - 2007 - Technoetic Arts 5 (2):97-112.
    This paper responds to Are the Semi-Living semi-good or semi-evil? (Technoetic Arts, 2003) in which artists/authors Zurr and Catts state that there is not, as yet, an existing discourse that deals with the Semi-Living a new life form created for the purpose of artistic engagement using the tools of tissue engineering and stem cell technology. As a means to reflect on what a discourse on the Semi-Living might include and exclude and to create the potential to say something different beyond (...)
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    Vulnerability as a queer art.Margherita Pevere - 2022 - Technoetic Arts 20 (1):95-110.
    The idea of ‘arts of vulnerability’ (AoV) reclaims the fact of being inherently open (never sealed) and becomes a tool to navigate such a lack of closure. It is art because it comes from art practice, and it is of vulnerability because it comes from materials that are vulnerable and defy control. The idea is rooted in bioart practice understood as artistic research and read through feminist and queer studies about embodiment and ecology. This article traces how the artwork (...)
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    Art as a meta-discipline: Ethically exploring the frontiers of science and biotechnology.Anna Dumitriu - 2016 - Technoetic Arts 14 (1-2):105-112.
    Artists have always been known for pushing boundaries, or even refusing to accept that those boundaries exist in the first place. Contemporary academic structures and disciplinary boundaries evolved out of enlightenment thinking but were born as much from university administration systems, finance departments and evaluation systems that have no place in genuine knowledge creation or in our understanding of the world. Biology has inspired artists for centuries, but it is only in the last few decades that a new bioart (...)
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    Mooncalf: ‘Unclean meat’.WhiteFeather Hunter - 2020 - Technoetic Arts 18 (2):205-222.
    The calamitous warnings of climate science have been latched onto by a growing roster of biotech start-up companies who propose to invent lab-generated meat alternatives to the ecologically disastrous livestock industry. They use solutionist hype to promote ‘sustainable’, ‘eco-friendly’, ‘cruelty-free’, ‘clean meat’. This moralized marketing, however, masks a continued reliance on animal agriculture. The fact remains that mammalian cells and tissues are grown in vitro using foetal calf serum, a blood-derived nutrient. Is it really possible to grow meat without banking (...)
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    Picturing the Messianic: Agamben and Titian’s The Nymph and the Shepherd.Paolo Palladino - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (1):94-109.
    In The Open (2002), a series of reflections on the historical endeavours to define the essential features of the human figure in relation to the biological existence it shares with animals, Giorgio Agamben offers a detailed reading of Titian’s painting The Nymph and the Shepherd. He argues that the scene depicted enables the contemporary viewer to visualize the advent of radical freedom, the moment when the historical dialectic of nature and culture comes to a ‘stand-still’. In this article, I offer (...)
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    Complexism: Art+architecture+biology+computation, a new axis in critical theory?Charissa N. Terranova - 2016 - Technoetic Arts 14 (1-2):3-7.
    This article is about the power of critical thinking through embryos and embryology in bioart. In this instance, critical thinking does not promise revolution or a takedown of bioengineering, but basic empowerment through scientific knowledge. I argue that the use of embryos in Jill Scott’s Somabook (2011) and Adam Zaretsky’s DIY Embryology (2015) constitutes an instance of what Philip Galanter identifies as complexism. In turn, the complexism of embryology reveals two modes of critical thinking. First, embryology distils the awe (...)
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    Art and Bioethics: Shifts in Understanding Across Genres. [REVIEW]Paul Ulhas Macneill & Bronaċ Ferran - 2011 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 8 (1):71-85.
    This paper describes and discusses overlapping interests and concerns of art and bioethics and suggests that bioethics would benefit from opening to contributions from the arts. There is a description of recent events in bioethics that have included art, and trends in art that relate to bioethics. The paper outlines art exhibits and performances within two major international bioethics congress programs alongside a discussion of the work of leading hybrid and bio artists who experiment with material (including their own bodies) (...)
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    Doing Away with Life: On Biophilosophy, the Non/Living, Toxic Embodiment, and Reimagining Ethics.Marietta Radomska & Cecilia Åsberg - 2020 - In Erich Berger, Kasperi Mäki-Reinikka, Kira O'Reilly & Helena Sederholm (eds.), Art As We Don’t Know It. pp. 54-63.
    In this chapter we argue for biophilosophy as a queerfeminist and posthumanities methodology that attends to the question of life by focusing on multiple differences and transformations, materiality and processuality, as well as relations, intra-actions, and disconnections. By combining both the ontological and ethical concerns that go beyond what is conventionally seen as “life”, biophilosophy offers a critical and innovative approach to the issues of death, extinction, (un) liveability, terminality, and toxicity, among others, which all form the backbone of the (...)
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    Posthumanist Pedagogies: Toward an Ethics of the Non/Living.Marietta Radomska - 2013 - Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy 10 (1):28-31.
    Performed not only within the interdisciplinary field of gender studies, feminist pedagogy since the 1980s has drawn attention to the significance of power differentials (gender, race, class, etc.), one’s location, and diversity of personal experience as crucial factors weaved into the practices of teaching, education, and knowledge production in general. Contemporary feminist theory has put a special emphasis on the redefinition of matter as agential, non-inert, and always already entangled with meaning1 on the one hand, and on the importance of (...)
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    Microbiopolitics in art: Joyful acts of insurrection.Mariana Pérez Bobadilla - 2018 - Technoetic Arts 16 (3):303-313.
    This article explores projects of art and biology as joyful acts of insurrection. It presents critical and creative perspectives to generate alternative structures of subjec-tivity. These alternative structures gain relevance when intersectional variables of privilege and discrimination as political tools are set in crisis by a postanthropocen-tric awareness. The thesis of this article is that in order to understand and develop postanthropocentric intersectional positions, the microbial posthuman joins thecartographies of the posthuman as a material possibility from microscopic biologicalmatter and philosophical (...)
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    Natural Object or Element of an Artwork? Case Study: Artists, Artworks and Exhibitions in Cluj, Romania.Liviu Răzvan Pripon - 2020 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:159-172.
    Natural Object or Element of an Artwork? Case Study: Artists, Artworks and Exhibitions in Cluj, Romania. In this article, we discuss the relationship between art and natural objects such as stuffed animals, skins, bones, dried plants or minerals and their aesthetical value from their position as artworks or elements of an artwork. In Cluj, between 2017 and 2019, artworks and exhibitions which integrate this type of practices and natural history materiality flourished. We aim to compose an inventory that could contribute (...)
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