Results for 'author function'

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  1.  17
    Author Functions and Freedom: ‘Michel Foucault’ and ‘Ayn Rand’ in the Anglophone ‘Culture Wars’.Lisa Downing - 2023 - Paragraph 46 (3):301-316.
    Freedom was a core theme of Michel Foucault's later writings, as well the central tenet of the work of pro-capitalist writer Ayn Rand. This article firstly demonstrates some surprisingly similar arguments made in the oeuvres of these unlikely bedfellows regarding how cultivation of the self/holding the self as one’s highest value (in Foucault's and Rand's respective lexicons) can lead to an ethic of freedom. Secondly, the article examines the ways in which both ‘author functions’ (in Foucault's sense) have recently (...)
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    Text, Author-Function, and Appropriation in Modern Narrative: Toward a Sociology of Representation.Robert Weimann - 1988 - Critical Inquiry 14 (3):431-447.
    To talk about the sociology of literary representation is, first and foremost, to propose to historicize representational activity at that crucial point where its social and linguistic dimensions intersect.1 The troublesome incongruity between these two dimensions need not be minimized, but it can be grappled with as soon as the presuppositions of either the hegemony of the subject or that of language itself are questioned. In this view, the position of George Lukács tends to ignore the state of extreme vulnerability (...)
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  3. Philosophy of GodForm: Power Authorities, Functional Position Levels, Religion and Science.Refet Ramiz - 2021 - Philosophy Study 11 (3):166-215.
    In this work, author expressed new R-Synthesis specifically. Good and/or correct perspective that must be behind the definitions and administration generally expressed. New perspective of the philosophy explained generally. Philosophy of GodForm is defined and expressed as connected/related with the following concepts: (a) basic principles, (b) 17 upper constructional philosophies, (c) 14 lower constructional philosophies, (d) eight basic philosophies. As special cases, Philosophy of Engineering and Technology, Philosophy of Wireless Administration and others defined as hybrid philosophies. 17 specific components/units (...)
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    Inexhaustibility: St. John of the Cross and Barthes’s Author Function.Andrew Burnside - forthcoming - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy.
    St. John of the Cross was aware of the fact that his mysticism resisted prosaic, discursive representation; however, most contemporary scholars have overlooked this radical component of his work. First, I trace the major philosophical influences on John’s work: Medieval Neoplatonism and Scholasticism. Second, by drawing on the Barthesian-Foucauldian concept of the author function, I demonstrate that the Mystical Doctor saw his poetry as free-standing, inexhaustible by even his own efforts to systematize key aspects of his poetry—an insurmountable (...)
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  5. The Author[’s] Remains: Foucault and the Demise of the “Author-Function”.Christina Hendricks - 2002 - Philosophy Today 46 (2):152-169.
    At several points throughout his career, Foucault suggests that publishing texts without authors’ names attached would be a useful step towards dismantling what he calls the “author-function:” a social and political role structured according to the way discourse is treated and disseminated in a particular social setting. I discuss Foucault’s criticisms of the author-function in terms of its relationship to the political role of intellectuals, and I argue that the demise of this role cannot be achieved (...)
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  6. Function-Based Conceptual Engineering and the Authority Problem.Matthieu Queloz - 2022 - Mind 131 (524):1247-1278.
    In this paper, I identify a central problem for conceptual engineering: the problem of showing concept-users why they should recognise the authority of the concepts advocated by engineers. I argue that this authority problem cannot generally be solved by appealing to the increased precision, consistency, or other theoretical virtues of engineered concepts. Outside contexts in which we anyway already aim to realise theoretical virtues, solving the authority problem requires engineering to take a functional turn and attend to the functions of (...)
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    A Critique of Foucault’s Conception and Predictions of the Author-Function.Joseph Situma - 2014 - Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya 6 (1):9.
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    Author, self, monster: Using Foucault to examine functions of creativity.Michael Hanchett Hanson - 2013 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 33 (1):18-31.
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    A functional analysis of authority.J. Stacy Adams & A. Kimball Romney - 1959 - Psychological Review 66 (4):234-251.
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    The Function and Nature of Authority in Society.W. D. Handcock - 1953 - Philosophy 28 (105):99 - 112.
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  11. Inspiration and Authority: Nature and Function of Christian Scripture.Paul J. Achtemeier - 1999
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  12. Commentary on: Two functional components of the hippocampal memory system. Authors' reply.M. Colombo, Cg Gross, M. Moscovitch, Dg Mumby, F. Toates, H. Eichenbaum, T. Otto & Nj Cohen - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):766-776.
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    The function and limits of epistemic authority.Richard T. De George - 1970 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 8 (2-3):199-204.
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    The presence and functions of the implied author represented in the Roald Dahl novels.Óscar José Martín Sánchez - 2020 - Alpha (Osorno) 50:345-358.
    Resumen: El presente trabajo explora el estatuto del arte en la filosofía de Spinoza, en el marco de la inversión copernicana que da origen a la estética y del barroco holandés. Si bien el pensamiento spinozista se inscribe en la conversión antropológica, en donde lo bello resulta ser un efecto en el sujeto y no una cualidad de los objetos, su comprensión del arte es inasimilable a la “estética” como ámbito diferenciado y autónomo que se consolida en el siglo XVIII, (...)
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    Nonstandard Functional Interpretations and Categorical Models.Amar Hadzihasanovic & Benno van den Berg - 2017 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 58 (3):343-380.
    Recently, the second author, Briseid, and Safarik introduced nonstandard Dialectica, a functional interpretation capable of eliminating instances of familiar principles of nonstandard arithmetic—including overspill, underspill, and generalizations to higher types—from proofs. We show that the properties of this interpretation are mirrored by first-order logic in a constructive sheaf model of nonstandard arithmetic due to Moerdijk, later developed by Palmgren, and draw some new connections between nonstandard principles and principles that are rejected by strict constructivism. Furthermore, we introduce a variant (...)
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  16. MAEZTU, RAMIRO DE.-Authority, Liberty, and Function in the Light of the War. [REVIEW]B. Bosanquet - 1917 - Mind 26:236.
  17.  23
    The Functions of the Dialogue in a Fiction Text.G. G. Khisamova - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitaryj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 4 (1):34.
    The dialogue being a form of communication represents a dynamic structure. Speech communication analysis is mostly based on the material of spontaneous dialogue, but it can be analyzed on the material of a fiction dialogue as well. The fiction dialogue appears to be the product of one of the most complicated types of communication. It refers to fiction and literature and its subjects are the author, the readers and the characters. The functional-communicative approach in the analysis of a fiction (...)
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    (1 other version)The Nature and Functions of Authority. [REVIEW]Kenneth D. Benne - 1941 - Journal of Philosophy 38 (2):54-55.
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  19. Authority and Gender: Flipping the F-Switch.Lynne Tirrell - 2018 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 4 (3).
    The very rules of our language games contain mechanisms of disregard. Philosophy of language tends to treat speakers as peers with equal discursive authority, but this is rare in real, lived speech situations. This paper explores the mechanisms of discursive inclusion and exclusion governing our speech practices, with a special focus on the role of gender attribution in undermining women’s authority as speakers. Taking seriously the metaphor of language games, we must ask who gets in the game and whose moves (...)
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    Forms and Functions of Nonverbal Communication in the Novel: A New Perspective of the Author-Character-Reader Relationship.Fernando Poyatos - 1977 - Semiotica 21 (3-4).
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  21. HUIZINGA, A. -Authority: The Function of Authority in Life and Its Relation to Legalism in Ethics and Religion. [REVIEW]W. L. Lorimer - 1912 - Mind 21:581.
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    In the name of the Author: The artificial unity of Jan Patočka’s scattered works.Ondřej Švec - 2020 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 13 (2):97-107.
    At the time of his sudden death in 1977, the Czech philosopher Jan Patočka left a large philosophical legacy with no will and testament. For the last 43 years, the editors of his Collected Works have been reconstructing a unified and thematically articulated oeuvre from the more than 10,000 pages found in his drawers and boxes. It should in the end include not only the texts published during Patočka’s lifetime but also his many unpublished manuscripts, fragments, variations, drafts of unfinished (...)
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  23. Authoring Selves in Language Teaching: A Dialogic Approach to Language Teacher Psychology.Shan Chen, Lawrence Jun Zhang & Judy M. Parr - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The teacher self is a composite psychological construct which encompasses the cognitive, affective, emotional, and social dimensions of teaching. This qualitative study draws on Bakhtin’s concepts of dialogism, answerability, and addressivity to discuss how English language teachers negotiated the shifting and conflictive context to construct selves in relation to the promoted communicative language teaching approach. Based on narrative interviews and classroom observations with five tertiary English teachers in China, we found that these teachers were actively engaged in the dialog with (...)
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  24. The Functionality of Gray Area Ethics in Organizations.John G. Bruhn - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (2):205-214.
    All organizations have gray areas where the border between right and wrong behavior is blurred, but where a major part of organizational decision-making takes place. While gray areas can be sources of problems for organizations, they also have benefits. The author proposes that gray areas are functional in organizations. Gray areas become problematic when the process for dealing with them is flawed, when gatekeeper managers see themselves as more ethical than their peers, and when leaders, by their own inattention, (...)
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    Causal and Functional Determination vs. Foreknowledge about the Future.Jacek J. Jadacki - 2018 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 66 (4):81-98.
    The author of the paper critically analyzes a quasi-theory of future contingents (PFC) given by Marcin Tkaczyk and proposes his own explication of its theses and terms. The author makes it by introducing operational definitions of temporal and modal concepts, distinguishing between the causal and functional determination, discussing the status of the principle of bivalence, and replacing Tkaczyk’s theses by their new formulations. As a result, the author states, among other things, that (contrary to Tkaczyk) there is (...)
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  26.  16
    Contextual Authority and Aesthetic Truth.James S. Hans - 1992 - State University of New York Press.
    A literary/philosophical speculation into the roots of our conceptions of authority, investigating to what degree they are a function of an agent or of a context.
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  27. The authority of law: essays on law and morality.Joseph Raz - 1979 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Legitimate authority -- The claims of law -- Legal positivism and the sources of law -- Legal reasons, sources, and gaps -- The identity of legal systems -- The institutional nature of law -- Kelsen's theory of the basic norm -- Legal validity -- The functions of law -- Law and value in adjudication -- The rule of law and its virtue -- The obligation to obey the law -- Respect for law -- A right to dissent? : civil disobedience (...)
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  28. Authority and Expertise.Daniel Viehoff - 2016 - Journal of Political Philosophy 24 (4):406-426.
    Call “epistocracy” a political regime in which the experts, those who know best, rule; and call “the epistocratic claim” the assertion that the experts’ superior knowledge or reliability is “a warrant for their having political authority over others.” Most of us oppose epistocracy and think the epistocratic claim is false. But why is it mistaken? Contemporary discussions of this question focus on two answers. According to the first, expertise could, in principle, be a warrant for authority. What bars the successful (...)
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  29. The functional bias of the dual nature of technical artefacts program.Krist Vaesen - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (1):190-197.
    In 2006, in a special issue of this journal, several authors explored what they called the dual nature of artefacts. The core idea is simple, but attractive: to make sense of an artefact, one needs to consider both its physical nature—its being a material object—and its intentional nature—its being an entity designed to further human ends and needs. The authors construe the intentional component quite narrowly, though: it just refers to the artefact’s function, its being a means to realize (...)
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  30. (Relative) Authority and Inter-legality.Gürkan Çapar - 2022 - Rivista di Filosofia Del Diritto 11 (1):43-58.
    The question of how to legitimize authority is generally addressed with reference to Raz’s service conception of authority. Yet, his functional explanation does not concern itself with how authoritative institutions are empowered at the outset. Even though Raz’s monistic account of authority is coupled with input legitimacy and pluralized with Waldron’s analysis of the inter-institutional allocation of authority, it does not assist us in inter-legal situations. As inter-legality is a theory oriented towards finding legitimate ways of legal intersection, this article (...)
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  31. Nature and Functions of Authority.Richard H. Green - 1940 - Modern Schoolman 18 (1):18-19.
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    Rudimentary Recursion, Gentle Functions and Provident Sets.A. R. D. Mathias & N. J. Bowler - 2015 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 56 (1):3-60.
    This paper, a contribution to “micro set theory”, is the study promised by the first author in [M4], as improved and extended by work of the second. We use the rudimentarily recursive functions and the slightly larger collection of gentle functions to initiate the study of provident sets, which are transitive models of $\mathsf{PROVI}$, a subsystem of $\mathsf{KP}$ whose minimal model is Jensen’s $J_{\omega}$. $\mathsf{PROVI}$ supports familiar definitions, such as rank, transitive closure and ordinal addition—though not ordinal multiplication—and Shoenfield’s (...)
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  33. The Self-Effacing Functionality of Blame.Matthieu Queloz - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 178 (4):1361-1379.
    This paper puts forward an account of blame combining two ideas that are usually set up against each other: that blame performs an important function, and that blame is justified by the moral reasons making people blameworthy rather than by its functionality. The paper argues that blame could not have developed in a purely instrumental form, and that its functionality itself demands that its functionality be effaced in favour of non-instrumental reasons for blame—its functionality is self-effacing. This notion is (...)
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  34.  8
    How Authors' Minds Make Stories.Patrick Colm Hogan - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book explores how the creations of great authors result from the same operations as our everyday counterfactual and hypothetical imaginations, which cognitive scientists refer to as 'simulations'. Drawing on detailed literary analyses as well as recent research in neuroscience and related fields, Patrick Colm Hogan develops a rigorous theory of the principles governing simulation that goes beyond any existing framework. He examines the functions and mechanisms of narrative imagination, with particular attention to the role of theory of mind, and (...)
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  35.  57
    Authority in the Contemporary World.Quentin Lauer - 1970 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 45 (3):325-345.
    Authority is a moral power of the community in whose service it is exercised through constitutive consent for coordinating its functions and achieving its purpose.
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  36. Autonomy, authority, and anarchy.James Humphries - 2017 - Dissertation, University of Glasgow
    The problem of the ‘mountain man’, the caricature of self-sufficiency and individualism, is not a new one for autonomy theorists. It seems plausible that there is genuine value in self-direction according to one’s deeply-held principles. If autonomy involves something like this, then anyone concerned with autonomy as a social rather than individualistic phenomenon must explain what the mountain man gets wrong when he denies that his autonomy admits of being placed under obligations to others. In particular, the mountain man challenges (...)
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    Authority.Nicholas Rescher - 2012 - In J. B. Stump & Alan G. Padgett, The Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 74-81.
    This chapter contains sections titled: * Introduction * Epistemic versus Practical Authority * Scientific Authority and Its Limits * The Validation for Acknowledging Authority * Ecclesiastical Authority * Which One? * Note * References * Further Reading.
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    Between Deception and Authority: Kierkegaard’s Use of Scripture in the Discourses, “Thoughts That Wound from Behind—for Upbuilding”.Kevin Storer - 2021 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 26 (1):51-71.
    This paper explores the tension in Kierkegaard’s Christian discourses between Kierkegaard’s overt emphasis on Scriptural authority and Kierkegaard’s imaginative Scriptural use, through an analysis of the discourse series, “Thoughts That Wound from Behind—for Upbuilding.” The paper argues that Kierkegaard employs Scriptural language both imaginatively to create distanciation and directly to create confrontation, without differentiating how Scriptural authority functions in these two uses. The paper concludes that when Kierkegaard emphasizes Scriptural authority, he is really emphasizing the authority of “Christian concepts” stabilized (...)
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    Proper Function.Michael C. Rea - 2002 - In Michael C. Rea, World Without Design: The Ontological Consequences of Naturalism. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    In an earlier chapter, the author argues that naturalists can justifiably accept realism about material objects only if the methods of science justify belief in intrinsic modal properties. One suggestion as to how they might do this is as follows: beliefs attributing intrinsic modal properties to material objects are justified because their truth provides a good explanation for the existence of proper functions in nature. This examines this suggestion and argues that, except in the case of objects that are (...)
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    The open texture of functions: a framework for analyzing functional concepts in molecular biology.Ariel Jonathan Roffé, Karina Alleva, Santiago Ginnobili & Sergio Barberis - 2024 - Synthese 204 (159):1-24.
    In recent times, the exponential growth of sequenced genomes and structural knowledge of proteins, as well as the development of computational tools and controlled vocabularies to deal with this growth, has fueled a demand for conceptual clarification regarding the concept of function in molecular biology. In this article, we will attempt to develop an account of function fit to deal with the conceptual/philosophical problems in that domain, but which can be extended to other areas of biology. To provide (...)
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    Book Review:Authority, Liberty and Function in the Light of the War. Ramiro de Maeztu. [REVIEW]M. W. Robieson - 1918 - International Journal of Ethics 28 (3):425-.
  42. Biological function, adaptation, and natural design.Colin Allen & Marc Bekoff - 1995 - Philosophy of Science 62 (4):609-622.
    Recently something close to a consensus about the best way to naturalize the notion of biological function appears to be emerging. Nonetheless, teleological notions in biology remain controversial. In this paper we provide a naturalistic analysis for the notion of natural design. Many authors assume that natural design should be assimilated directly to function. Others find the notion problematic because it suggests that evolution is a directed process. We argue that both of these views are mistaken. Our naturalistic (...)
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  43.  11
    The essence and functions of creative self-expression in professional activity the teacher-musician.Vladimir Polushkin, Tatyana Strazhnikova & Katherine Polushkina - 2020 - Kant 35 (2):300-304.
    The authors consider the important problem of creative expression of a musician-teacher for modern musical pedagogy. Based on the analysis of research literature, the content and functions of creative expression in musical and performing activities are revealed. It is characterized by the aesthetic nature of creative self-expression, internal harmony of will, emotional and intellectual intents of self-expression.
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  44. Functions as based on a concept of general design.Ulrich Krohs - 2009 - Synthese 166 (1):69-89.
    Looking for an adequate explication of the concept of a biological function, several authors have proposed to link function to design. Unfortunately, known explications of biological design in turn refer to functions. The concept of general design I will introduce here breaks up this circle. I specify design with respect to its ontogenetic role. This allows function to be based on design without making reference to the history of the design, or to the phylogeny of an organism, (...)
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    Functions: selection and mechanisms.Philippe Huneman (ed.) - 2013 - Springer.
    This volume handles in various perspectives the concept of function and the nature of functional explanations, topics much discussed since two major and conflicting accounts have been raised by Larry Wright and Robert Cummins’s papers in the 1970s. Here, both Wright’s ”etiological theory of functions’ and Cummins’s ”systemic’ conception of functions are refined and elaborated in the light of current scientific practice, with papers showing how the ”etiological’ theory faces several objections and may in reply be revisited, while its (...)
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    Religion as a moral source: Can religion function as a shared source of moral authority and values in a liberal democracy?Heather Widdows - 2004 - Heythrop Journal 45 (2):197–208.
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    Function, Selection, and Innateness: The Emergence of Language Universals.Simon Kirby - 1999 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book explores issues at the core of modern linguistics and cognitive science. Why are all languages similar in some ways and in others utterly different? Why do languages change and change variably? How did the human capacity for language evolve, and how far did it do so as an innate ability? Simon Kirby looks at these questions from a broad perspective, arguing that they can be studied together. The author begins by examining how far the universal properties of (...)
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  48. (1 other version)Habituation and first-person authority.Jonathan Webber - 2015 - In Roman Altshuler & Michael J. Sigrist, Time and the Philosophy of Action. New York: Routledge.
    Richard Moran’s theory of first-person authority as the agential authority to make up one’s own mind rests on a form of mind-body dualism that does not allow for habituation as part of normal psychological functioning. We have good intuitive and empirical reason to accept that habituation is central to the normal functioning of desire. There is some empirical support for the idea that habituation plays a parallel role in belief. In particular, at least one form of implicit bias seems better (...)
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  49. Reason, ideas and their functions in classical German philosophy [in Russian] | Разум, идеи и их функции в классической немецкой философии.Michael Lewin - 2020 - Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies 36 (1):4-23.
    Over the last two decades there has been a growing interest in the transcendental dialectic of Critique of Pure Reason in Germany. Authors, however, often do not pay enough attention to the fact that Kant’s theory of reason (in the narrow sense) and the concept of ideas derived from it is not limited to this text. The purpose of this article is to compare and analyze the functionality of mind as a subjective ability developed by Kant and Fichte with the (...)
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  50. Reason, Authority and Consciousness: An Analytical Approach to Religious Pluralism.Mudasir A. Tantray - 2018 - International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts 6 (1):1832-1834.
    Present world is the victim of conflicts on the basis of misunderstanding of religious dogmas of different religions, irrationality, ignorance and intolerance. People are moving away from knowledge, truth and reason. Indeed people accept false beliefs, hallucinations and myths. The role of religious plurality in philosophy is not to integrate and harmonize religions, especially religions cannot, and rather it is the business of religious pluralism to learn, think and acquire knowledge about the variety of religious beliefs, statements and injunctions. This (...)
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