Results for 'artificial virtue'

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  1.  93
    Artificial virtue: the machine question and perceptions of moral character in artificial moral agents.Patrick Gamez, Daniel B. Shank, Carson Arnold & Mallory North - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (4):795-809.
    Virtue ethics seems to be a promising moral theory for understanding and interpreting the development and behavior of artificial moral agents. Virtuous artificial agents would blur traditional distinctions between different sorts of moral machines and could make a claim to membership in the moral community. Accordingly, we investigate the “machine question” by studying whether virtue or vice can be attributed to artificial intelligence; that is, are people willing to judge machines as possessing moral character? An (...)
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  2. Artificial Virtues and the Sensible Knave.David Gauthier - 1992 - Hume Studies 18 (2):401-427.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Artificial Virtues and the Sensible Knave1 David Gauthier Hume's account in the Treatise ofthe artificial virtues, their obligation and motivation, resists easy interpretation. Two passages, taken from his discussion of promises, will introduce, the problems I propose to examine. First: No action can be requir'd of us as our duty, unless there be implanted in human nature some actuating passion or motive, capable of producing the action. (...)
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  3. The Artificial Virtues of Thought: Correctness and Cognition in Hume.Karl Schafer - 2019 - Philosophers' Imprint 19.
    In this essay, I discuss two familiar objections to Hume's account of cognition, focusing on his ability to give a satisfactory account of the more normative dimensions of thought and language use. In doing so, I argue that Hume’s implicit account of these issues is far richer than is normally assumed. In particular, I show that Hume’s account of convention-driven artificial virtues like justice also applies to the proper use of conventional public languages. I then use this connection between (...)
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  4. Artificial Virtues and the Equally Sensible Non-Knaves: A Response to Gauthier.Annette C. Baier - 1992 - Hume Studies 18 (2):429-439.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Artificial Virtues and the Equally Sensible Non-Knaves: A Response to Gauthier Annette C. Baier Gauthier's splendidly dialectical paper1 first sets out Hume's official Treatise account ofhow each personhas a self-interested motive to curb her natural but socially troublesome self-interest, by agreeing to the adoption ofthe artifices ofprivate property rights, transfer by consent, and promise (provided others are also agreeing to adopt them), andhow the sympathy-dependent moral sentiment approves (...)
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    The Last Artificial Virtue.Andrew Sabl - 2009 - Political Theory 37 (4):511-538.
    David Hume’s position on religion is, broadly speaking, “politic”: instrumental and consequentialist. Religions should be tolerated or not according to their effects on political peace and order. Such theories of toleration are often rejected as immoral or unstable. The reading provided here responds by reading Hume’s position as one of radically indirect consequentialism. While religious policy should serve consequentialist ends, making direct reference to those ends merely gives free reign to religious-political bigotry and faction. Toleration, like Hume’s other “artificial (...)
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    Artificial Virtue, Self-Interest, and Acquired Social Concern.Ted A. Ponko - 1983 - Hume Studies 9 (1):46-58.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:46. ARTIFICIAL VIRTUE, SELF-INTEREST, AND ACQUIRED SOCIAL CONCERN I One of Hume's most celebrated contributions to moral philosophy is his distinction between natural and artificial virtue. This is obviously intended to be an important distinction but its significance is less than obvious. Many modern commentators view both as interest based, with the natural virtues related to our immediate interests while the artificial are linked (...)
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    Cultivating Strength of Mind: Hume on the Government of the Passions and Artificial Virtue.Lauren Kopajtic - 2015 - Hume Studies 41 (2):201-229.
    Several authors have recently noted Hume’s relative silence on the virtue of strength of mind and how it is developed. In this paper I suggest that Hume had good reasons for this silence, and I argue that Hume’s discussion of artificial virtue, especially the virtue of allegiance, reveals a complex view of the limitations on human efforts at self-reform. Further, it reveals the need for government and externally-imposed regulative structures to enable the development of strength of (...)
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    Justice as Artificial Virtue in Hume's Treatise.Charles E. Cottle - 1979 - Journal of the History of Ideas 40 (3):457.
  9.  23
    Hume on the Artificial Virtues.Geoffrey Sayre-McCord - 2016 - In Paul Russell, The Oxford Handbook of David Hume. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    In the Treatise, Hume offers a detailed account of what he calls the artificial virtues: of justice, of fidelity to promises, and of allegiance to political authority, among others. According to virtually everyone, Hume’s discussion of these artificial virtues—and especially of the conventions on which he argues they depend—is inspired, rich, and subtle. At the same time, also according to virtually everyone, Hume’s discussion is deeply puzzling. Indeed, many have thought the puzzles so deep as to render Hume’s (...)
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    Introduction to Special Section on Virtue in the Loop: Virtue Ethics and Military AI.D. C. Washington, I. N. Notre Dame, National Securityhe is Currently Working on Two Books: A. Muse of Fire: Why The Technology, on What Happens to Wartime Innovations When the War is Over U. S. Military Forgets What It Learns in War, U. S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group The Shot in the Dark: A. History of the, Global Power Competition His Writing has Appeared in Russian Analytical Digest The First Comprehensive Overview of A. Unit That Helped the Army Adapt to the Post-9/11 Era of Counterinsurgency, The New Atlantis Triple Helix, War on the Rocks Fare Forward, Science Before Receiving A. Phd in Moral Theology From Notre Dame He has Published Widely on Bioethics, Technology Ethics He is the Author of Science Religion, Christian Ethics, Anxiety Tomorrow’S. Troubles: Risk, Prudence in an Age of Algorithmic Governance, The Ethics of Precision Medicine & Encountering Artificial Intelligence - 2025 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):245-250.
    This essay introduces this special issue on virtue ethics in relation to military AI. It describes the current situation of military AI ethics as following that of AI ethics in general, caught between consequentialism and deontology. Virtue ethics serves as an alternative that can address some of the weaknesses of these dominant forms of ethics. The essay describes how the articles in the issue exemplify the value of virtue-related approaches for these questions, before ending with thoughts for (...)
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    Justice as an artificial virtue in Hume: Elements for a psycho-social theory of action.Ana Marta Gonzalez - 2008 - Pensamiento 64 (239):97-127.
    In the following pages, our specific aim is to show how Hume’s analysis of justice provides the occasion for the gradual display of some key elements of a psychosocial action theory, which lay the foundations for later social thinking. -/- RESUMEN: En lo que sigue, nuestro objetivo específico es mostrar cómo el análisis que realiza Hume de la justicia proporciona la ocasión para introducir de manera gradual elementos clave para el desarrollo de una teoría psico-social de la acción, presupuesta en (...)
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    Principles and Virtues in AI Ethics.I. N. Notre Dame, Science Before Receiving A. Phd in Moral Theology From Notre Dame He has Published Widely on Bioethics, Technology Ethics He is the Author of Science Religion, Christian Ethics, Anxiety Tomorrow’S. Troubles: Risk, Prudence in an Age of Algorithmic Governance, The Ethics of Precision Medicine & Encountering Artificial Intelligence - 2024 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):251-263.
    One of the most common contemporary approaches for developing an ethics of artificial intelligence (AI) involves elaborating guiding principles. This essay explores the limitations of this approach, using the history of bioethics as a comparative case. The examples of bioethics and recent AI ethics suggest that principles are difficult to implement in everyday practice, fail to direct individual action, and can frequently result in a pure proceduralism. The essay encourages an additional attention to virtue, which forms the dispositions (...)
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  13. Natural and Artificial Virtues. A vindication of Hume's scheme.David Wiggins - 1998 - In Roger Crisp, How Should One Live?: Essays on the Virtues. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  14. Hume's Noble Lie: An Account of His Artificial Virtues.Marcia Baron - 1982 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 12 (3):539 - 555.
    Hume scholars have been anxious to point out that when Hume calls Justice, chastity and so on artificial virtues, he is in no way denying that they are real virtues. I shall argue that they are mistaken, and that anyone who wants to understand Hume's account of Justice and his category of artificial virtues must take seriously his choice of the word ‘artifice,’ recognizing that it means not only ‘Skill in designing and employing expedients,’ but also ‘address, cunning, (...)
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    Hume's motivational distinction between natural and artificial virtues.James Fieser - 1997 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 5 (2):373 – 388.
    (1997). Hume's motivational distinction between natural and artificial virtues. British Journal for the History of Philosophy: Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 373-388.
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    Hume's Theory of Justice, or Artificial Virtue.Eugenio Lecaldano - 2008 - In Elizabeth Schmidt Radcliffe, A Companion to Hume. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 257–272.
    This chapter contains section titled: The Origin of Justice The Particular Motivation for the Obligatory Nature of Justice The Whole of Artificial Virtues: Property, Promises, Government, and Chastity References Further Reading.
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    An Artificial Intelligence Ethics for Professionals - Proposing a Virtue Based Model -. 목광수 - 2020 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 102:123-148.
    본 논문의 목적은 현재의 인공지능(artificial intelligence, 이하 AI) 윤리 논의에서 결여되어 있는 AI 개발자 윤리의 중요성과 필요성을 부각하고, AI 개발자 윤리로 덕성(virtue)기반의 모델이 적합함을 보여 이를 제안하는 것이다. AI는 고정된 과학기술이 아니라 발전노정에 있는 동적이라는 특성과 인간과의 상호작용에서 AI를 만든 인간의 삶에 지대한 영향을 끼치는 재귀적 특성이 있는 과학기술이다. 이러한 AI의 특성으로 인해, AI가 초래할 리스크에 대응하려는 AI 윤리는 발전 과정에 따라 제시되어야 한다는 점에서 체계적이고, 실천을 도모하는 동기부여의 구조를 가져야 한다는 점에서 기존 도덕의 형식적 특징인 1인칭, 2인칭, (...)
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    Growth or Decline: Christian Virtues and Artificial Moral Advisors.Ximian Xu - forthcoming - Studies in Christian Ethics.
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has permeated every section of human life. Some even suggest that artificial moral advisors (AMAs)—that is, AI-driven artefacts designed to assist human moral growth by providing moral advice—can help humans to lead virtuous lives. With a focus on Thomas Aquinas's theological virtue ethics, this article will argue that AMA projects are cast into question because, theologically speaking, the cultivation of virtues and moral growth are inseparable from hope and patience given through God's grace, which (...)
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  19. Hume's Distinction between the Natural and Artificial Virtues.Ken O'Day - 1994 - Hume Studies 20 (1):121-141.
  20.  16
    Hume’s Feminist Philosophy in light of ‘Artificial Virtue’ and the concept of ‘Reason’. 양선이 - 2016 - Korean Feminist Philosophy 26 (null):73-101.
    흄의 철학에서 여성주의 논의와 관련된 첫 번째 쟁점은 인위적 덕으로서 ‘순결’과 ‘정숙’에 대한 흄의 입장이 어떠하였는가 이다. 즉 이 논의와 관련해 흄이 성차별주의자인가 아닌가 하는 것이었다. 두 번째 쟁점은 이성과 감성의 대결구도 속에서 여성주의를 새롭게 해석하는 것이다. 본 논문의 목적은 이 두 쟁점을 소개하고 나아가 이성과 감성의 대결 구도가 아닌 확장적 의미에서의 이성 개념인 ‘반성’ 개념을 통해 여성주의의 가치를 발견하는 것이다. 흄은 ‘도덕’과 ‘이성’에 관해 본질적으로 현실적이고 진보적인 생각을 가졌다고 말할 수 있다. 즉 그는 무엇이 옳은 행위이고 참된 믿음인가에 대해 (...)
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    Hume's Artificial and Natural Virtues.Rachel Cohon - 2006 - In Saul Traiger, The Blackwell Guide to Hume’s Treatise. Oxford: Blackwell. pp. 256–275.
    This chapter contains section titled: The Moral Sentiments Sympathy The Distinction between Natural and Artificial Virtues Honesty with Respect to Property Fidelity to Promises The Natural Virtues and Sympathy The Common Point of View Specific Natural Virtues Conclusion: Sympathy and Justification References Further reading.
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  22.  42
    Can Artificial Intelligence Lead Us to Genuine Virtue? A Confucian Perspective.Stephen C. Angle - 2021 - In Bing Song, Intelligence and Wisdom: Artificial Intelligence Meets Chinese Philosophers. Springer Singapore. pp. 49-64.
    Philosophers, technologists, and pundits are beginning to recognize the deep ethical questions raised by artificial intelligence. So far, attention has concentrated in three areas: how we are being damaged or controlled by profit-driven algorithms, and what to do about it; how to ensure that autonomous, intelligent machines make “good” decisions, and how to define what these decisions are; and how to think about the possibility of artificial superintelligence surpassing and perhaps controlling us. To the extent that theorists have (...)
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  23.  35
    Naturalness and Artificiality in Humean Virtue Theory.Emily Kelahan - 2021 - Hume Studies 44 (2):249-276.
  24. Artificial virtuous agents in a multi-agent tragedy of the commons.Jakob Stenseke - 2022 - AI and Society:1-18.
    Although virtue ethics has repeatedly been proposed as a suitable framework for the development of artificial moral agents, it has been proven difficult to approach from a computational perspective. In this work, we present the first technical implementation of artificial virtuous agents in moral simulations. First, we review previous conceptual and technical work in artificial virtue ethics and describe a functionalistic path to AVAs based on dispositional virtues, bottom-up learning, and top-down eudaimonic reward. We then (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Artificial virtuous agents: from theory to machine implementation.Jakob Stenseke - 2021 - AI and Society:1-20.
    Virtue ethics has many times been suggested as a promising recipe for the construction of artificial moral agents due to its emphasis on moral character and learning. However, given the complex nature of the theory, hardly any work has de facto attempted to implement the core tenets of virtue ethics in moral machines. The main goal of this paper is to demonstrate how virtue ethics can be taken all the way from theory to machine implementation. To (...)
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  26.  82
    Monkish Virtues, Artificial Lives: On Hume’s Genealogy of Morals.Hans Lottenbach - 1996 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 26 (3):367 - 388.
    The merchant's toil, the sage's indolence,The monk's humility, the hero's pride,All, all alike, find Reason on their side.Hume's moral philosophy is often interpreted as an example of a naturalistic approach to ethics. J.L. Mackie, for instance, writes that in Hume the questions of moral philosophy are answered ‘in sociological and psychological terms, by constructing and defending a causal hypothesis.’ Similarly, Páll S. Árdal claims that Hume ‘is concerned with an attempt to discover those psychological laws that explain human emotions and (...)
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  27.  21
    A virtue ethics critique of ethical dimensions of behavioral economics: Comments from a behavioral economist.Jeffrey A. Livingston - 2020 - Business and Society Review 125 (2):261-268.
    In “A Virtue Ethics Critique of Ethical Dimensions of Behavioral Economics,” Professor Daryl Koehn criticizes the field of behavioral economics. She argues that behavioral economists ignore many important factors that affect how people make decisions, that their results are derived from experiments where subjects make choices in overly restrictive, artificial, and thin contexts that do not capture the richness of reality, and that the approach brings up psychological motivations that affect behavior in a piecemeal, ad hoc way that (...)
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    Will Algorithms Win Medals of Honor? Artificial Intelligence, Human Virtues, and the Future of Warfare.William Hasselberger - 2024 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):289-305.
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is predicted to play an increasingly central role in warfare, with weaponized robots taking over more battlefield operations, and military algorithms mediating in, or substituting for, human decision-making in areas such as intelligence collection and analysis, targeting, and strategic decision-making. The primary focus of this article is the potential impact of the widespread use of AI systems on soldiers and military leaders themselves – namely, on their moral character, skills, emotions, and agency – and on how (...)
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    Will Algorithms Win Medals of Honor? Artificial Intelligence, Human Virtues, and the Future of Warfare.William Hasselberger - 2024 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):289-305.
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is predicted to play an increasingly central role in warfare, with weaponized robots taking over more battlefield operations, and military algorithms mediating in, or substituting for, human decision-making in areas such as intelligence collection and analysis, targeting, and strategic decision-making. The primary focus of this article is the potential impact of the widespread use of AI systems on soldiers and military leaders themselves – namely, on their moral character, skills, emotions, and agency – and on how (...)
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  30. Understanding Artificial Agency.Leonard Dung - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    Which artificial intelligence (AI) systems are agents? To answer this question, I propose a multidimensional account of agency. According to this account, a system's agency profile is jointly determined by its level of goal-directedness and autonomy as well as is abilities for directly impacting the surrounding world, long-term planning and acting for reasons. Rooted in extant theories of agency, this account enables fine-grained, nuanced comparative characterizations of artificial agency. I show that this account has multiple important virtues and (...)
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    Robotic Virtue, Military Ethics Education, and the Need for Proper Storytellers.Henrik Syse & Martin Cook - 2023 - Conatus 8 (2):667-680.
    The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) challenges much of our traditional understanding of military ethics. What virtues and what sort of ethics education are needed as we move into an ever more AI-driven military reality? In this article we suggest and discuss key virtues that are needed, including the virtue of prudence and the accompanying virtue of good and proper storytelling. We also reflect on the ideal of “explainable AI,” and philosophize about the role of fear in (...)
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  32.  9
    Justice and the Virtues.Joel J. Kupperman - 1991 - In Character. New York, US: Oup Usa.
    This chapter investigates the idea of unity of virtues by analyzing justice. The nature of justice cannot be appreciated without a prior understanding of the limited scope of the word and of the concerns that are related to it. Justice is an artificial virtue that has to be qualified. To be a just person is to make appropriate decisions in some of the areas in which one deals with other people. Virtues can have important and visible links with (...)
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    Without Gallantry and Without Jealousy: The Development of Hume's Account of Sexual Virtues and Vices.Lorne Falkenstein - 2015 - Hume Studies 41 (2):137-170.
    In this paper I argue that Hume's thought on comportment between the sexes developed over time. In the Treatise he was interested in explaining why the world seeks to impose artificial virtues of chastity and modesty on women and girls, and how it manages to do this so successfully. But as time passed he became increasingly concerned with justice towards women and the role of free interactions between the sexes in facilitating sociability. While his later work continues to explain (...)
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    Virtue Engineering” and Moral Agency: Will Post-Humans Still Need the Virtues?Fabrice Jotterand - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 2 (4):3-9.
    It is not the purpose of this article to evaluate the techno-scientific claims of the transhumanists. Instead, I question seriously the nature of the ethics and morals they claim can, or soon will, be manipulated artificially. I argue that while the possibility to manipulate human behavior via emotional processes exists, the question still remains concerning the content of morality. In other words, neural moral enhancement does not capture the fullness of human moral psychology, which includes moral capacity and moral content. (...)
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  35. Virtuous vs. utilitarian artificial moral agents.William A. Bauer - 2020 - AI and Society (1):263-271.
    Given that artificial moral agents—such as autonomous vehicles, lethal autonomous weapons, and automated financial trading systems—are now part of the socio-ethical equation, we should morally evaluate their behavior. How should artificial moral agents make decisions? Is one moral theory better suited than others for machine ethics? After briefly overviewing the dominant ethical approaches for building morality into machines, this paper discusses a recent proposal, put forward by Don Howard and Ioan Muntean (2016, 2017), for an artificial moral (...)
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    (1 other version)Virtues for AI.Jakob Ohlhorst - forthcoming - AI and Society.
    Virtue theory is a natural approach toward the design of artificially intelligent systems, given that the design of artificial intelligence essentially aims at designing agents with excellent dispositions. This has led to a lively research programme to develop artificial virtues. However, this research programme has until now had a narrow focus on moral virtues in an Aristotelian mould. While Aristotelian moral virtue has played a foundational role in the field, it unduly constrains the possibilities of (...) theory for artificial intelligence. This paper aims to remedy this limitation. Philosophers have developed a rich tradition investigating virtues, their normative domains and their structure. Drawing on this tradition, I propose a three-dimensional classification system of possible artificial virtues: virtues can be classified according to the domain in which virtue is an excellence, norm that makes a virtue an excellence, and mode of how the virtue delivers the excellence. With this framework, we can discern gaps in the current theorising about artificial virtues. Additionally, it gives us a tool to evaluate the competences of extant artificially intelligent systems. (shrink)
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  37. Technology and the Virtues: A Philosophical Guide to a Future Worth Wanting.Shannon Vallor - 2016 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    New technologies from artificial intelligence to drones, and biomedical enhancement make the future of the human family increasingly hard to predict and protect. This book explores how the philosophical tradition of virtue ethics can help us to cultivate the moral wisdom we need to live wisely and well with emerging technologies.
  38. The virtues of interpretable medical AI.Joshua Hatherley, Robert Sparrow & Mark Howard - 2024 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 33 (3):323-332.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) systems have demonstrated impressive performance across a variety of clinical tasks. However, notoriously, sometimes these systems are 'black boxes'. The initial response in the literature was a demand for 'explainable AI'. However, recently, several authors have suggested that making AI more explainable or 'interpretable' is likely to be at the cost of the accuracy of these systems and that prioritising interpretability in medical AI may constitute a 'lethal prejudice'. In this paper, we defend the value of (...)
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  39. Artificial Insemination And Happiness.Yali Cong - 2004 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 14 (2):48-49.
    Based on a case that happened in 2001 in China, the author wants to show the ethical and legal issues arising from a woman's wish, which should be her basic right to have a child by assisted reproduction technology. This paper attempts to analyse if there is some relationship between bioethics and happiness, and to find if there is some reason that bioethics should provide help for those whoever need it. The case is about a woman whose husband was sentenced (...)
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    Artificial Moral Agents Within an Ethos of AI4SG.Bongani Andy Mabaso - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (1):7-21.
    As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to proliferate into every area of modern life, there is no doubt that society has to think deeply about the potential impact, whether negative or positive, that it will have. Whilst scholars recognise that AI can usher in a new era of personal, social and economic prosperity, they also warn of the potential for it to be misused towards the detriment of society. Deliberate strategies are therefore required to ensure that AI can be safely (...)
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  41. AI and society: a virtue ethics approach.Mirko Farina, Petr Zhdanov, Artur Karimov & Andrea Lavazza - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (3):1127-1140.
    Advances in artificial intelligence and robotics stand to change many aspects of our lives, including our values. If trends continue as expected, many industries will undergo automation in the near future, calling into question whether we can still value the sense of identity and security our occupations once provided us with. Likewise, the advent of social robots driven by AI, appears to be shifting the meaning of numerous, long-standing values associated with interpersonal relationships, like friendship. Furthermore, powerful actors’ and (...)
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    Utilitarianism and Malthus’s virtue ethics. Respectable, virtuous, and happy.Sergio Cremaschi - 2014 - Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
    1Preface: Malthus the Utilitarian vs. Malthus the Christian moral thinker. The chapter aims at reconstructing the deadlocks of Malthus scholarship concerning his relationship to utilitarianism. It argues that Bonar created out of nothing the myth of Malthus’s ‘Utilitarianism’, which carried, in turn, a pseudo-problem concerning Malthus’s lack of consistency with his own alleged Utilitarianism; besides it argues that such misinterpretation was hard to die and still persists in Hollander’s reading of Malthus’s work. ● -/- 2 Eighteenth-century Anglican ethics. The chapter (...)
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  43. Artificial Moral Cognition: Moral Functionalism and Autonomous Moral Agency.Muntean Ioan & Don Howard - 2017 - In Thomas M. Powers, Philosophy and Computing: Essays in epistemology, philosophy of mind, logic, and ethics. Cham: Springer.
    This paper proposes a model of the Artificial Autonomous Moral Agent (AAMA), discusses a standard of moral cognition for AAMA, and compares it with other models of artificial normative agency. It is argued here that artificial morality is possible within the framework of a “moral dispositional functionalism.” This AAMA is able to “read” the behavior of human actors, available as collected data, and to categorize their moral behavior based on moral patterns herein. The present model is based (...)
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  44. Natural Virtues, Natural Vices: ANNETTE C. BAIER.Annette C. Baier - 1990 - Social Philosophy and Policy 8 (1):24-34.
    David Hume has been invoked by those who want to found morality on human nature as well as by their critics. He is credited with showing us the fallacy of moving from premises about what is the case to conclusions about what ought to be the case; and yet, just a few pages after the famous is-ought remarks in A Treatise of Human Nature, he embarks on his equally famous derivation of the obligations of justice from facts about the cooperative (...)
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  45. Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.Stefan Buijsman, Michael Klenk & Jeroen van den Hoven - forthcoming - In Nathalie Smuha, Cambridge Handbook on the Law, Ethics and Policy of AI. Cambridge University Press.
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly adopted in society, creating numerous opportunities but at the same time posing ethical challenges. Many of these are familiar, such as issues of fairness, responsibility and privacy, but are presented in a new and challenging guise due to our limited ability to steer and predict the outputs of AI systems. This chapter first introduces these ethical challenges, stressing that overviews of values are a good starting point but frequently fail to suffice due to the (...)
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    Pagan Virtue: An Essay in Ethics by John Casey.Jean Porter - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (2):349-351.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 349 Pagan Virtue: An Essay in Ethics. By JOHN CASEY. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990. Pp. ix + 226. By this philosophical study of the four cardinal virtues, John Casey joins the ever.expanding ranks of those moral theorists who have con· trihuted to the contemporary theory of the virtues. But Casey's hook is set apart from the others both by the exceptionally high quality of his analysis (...)
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  47. Is Virtue Ethics Self-Effacing?Joel A. Martinez - 2011 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89 (2):277-288.
    Virtue ethicists argue that modern ethical theories aim to give direct guidance about particular situations at the cost of offering artificial or narrow accounts of ethics. In contrast, virtue ethical theories guide action indirectly by helping one understand the virtues—but the theory will not provide answers as to what to do in particular instances. Recently, this had led many to think that virtue ethical theories are self-effacing the way some claim consequentialist and deontological theories are. In (...)
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  48. The virtues of interpretable medical AI.Joshua Hatherley, Robert Sparrow & Mark Howard - 2024 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 33 (3).
    Artificial intelligence (AI) systems have demonstrated impressive performance across a variety of clinical tasks. However, notoriously, sometimes these systems are “black boxes.” The initial response in the literature was a demand for “explainable AI.” However, recently, several authors have suggested that making AI more explainable or “interpretable” is likely to be at the cost of the accuracy of these systems and that prioritizing interpretability in medical AI may constitute a “lethal prejudice.” In this paper, we defend the value of (...)
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    How Does Explanatory Virtue Determine Probability Estimation?—Empirical Discussion on Effect of Instruction.Asaya Shimojo, Kazuhisa Miwa & Hitoshi Terai - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    It is important to reveal how humans evaluate an explanation of the recent development of explainable artificial intelligence. So, what makes people feel that one explanation is more likely than another? In the present study, we examine how explanatory virtues affect the process of estimating subjective posterior probability. Through systematically manipulating two virtues, Simplicity—the number of causes used to explain effects—and Scope—the number of effects predicted by causes—in three different conditions, we clarified two points in Experiment 1: that Scope's (...)
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  50. How Should One Live?: Essays on the Virtues.Roger Crisp (ed.) - 1998 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The last few years have seen a remarkable revival of interest in the virtues, which have regained their central role in moral philosophy. This thought-provoking new collection is a much-needed survey of virtue ethics and virtue theory. The specially commissioned articles by an international team of philosophers represent the state of the art in this subject and will set the agenda for future work in the area. The contributors--including Lawrence Blum, John Cottingham, Julia Driver, Rosalind Hursthouse, Terence Irwin, (...)
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