Results for 'anthropological medicine'

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  1.  78
    The Lived Body as Aesthetic Object in Anthropological Medicine.Wim Dekkers - 1999 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2 (2):117-128.
    Medicine does not usually consider the human body from an aesthetic point of view. This article explores the notion of the lived body as aesthetic object in anthropological medicine, concentrating on the views of Buytendijk and Straus on human uprightness and gracefulness. It is argued that their insights constitute a counter-balance to the way the human body is predominantly approached in medicine and medical ethics. In particular, (1) the relationship between anthropological, aesthetic and ethical norms, (...)
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    Anthropological medicine as a clinical science.Klaus P. G. Gahl - 2011 - Ethik in der Medizin 23 (1):67-71.
    Anthropologische Medizin (AM) i. S. Viktor von Weizsäckers sieht grundlegende Selbsterfahrungen des Menschen (Leiblichkeit, Zeitlichkeit u. a.) für den Umgang von Arzt und Krankem als zentral. Sie ist offen für die leiblich-seelische Betroffenheit, für die mögliche Stellvertretung des Physischen und Psychischen und sieht den Kranken als Subjekt und Objekt, das sich selbst zugleich Subjekt und Objekt ist. „Umgangslehre“ kennzeichnet AM als Handlungswissenschaft, die der „Doppelstruktur sachlicher und personaler Entsprechung von Mensch in Not und Mensch als Helfer bzw. Krankheit und Medizin“ (...)
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  3. The anthropological tradition in the philosophy of medicine.Henk Ten Have - 1995 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 16 (1).
    The tradition of anthropological medicine in philosophy of medicine is analyzed in relation to the earlier interest in epistemological issues in medicine around the turn of the century as well as to the current interest in medical ethics. It is argued that there is a continuity between epistemological, anthropological and ethical approaches in philosophy of medicine. Three basic ideas of anthropologically-oriented medicine are discussed: the rejection of Cartesian dualism, the notion of medicine (...)
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    Transcultural Perspective on Consciousness: a bridge between Anthropology, Medicine and Physics.Tania Re & Ventura - 2015 - Cosmos and History 11 (2):228-241.
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  5. Precision Medicine, Data, and the Anthropology of Social Status.Hugh Desmond - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (4):80-83.
    The success of precision medicine depends on obtaining large amounts of information about at-risk populations. However, getting consent is often difficult. Why? In this commentary I point to the differentials in social status involved. These differentials are inevitable once personal information is surrendered, but are particularly intense when the studied populations are socioeconomically or socioculturally disadvantaged and/or ethnically stigmatized groups. I suggest how the deep distrust of the latter groups can be partially justified as a lack of confidence that (...)
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    Writing at the Margin: Discourse Between Anthropology and Medicine.Arthur Kleinman - 1995 - Univ of California Press.
    This text explores the border between medical and social problems, the boundary between health and social change. The book studies the body as the mediator between individual and collective experience, finding that many health problems, for example the trauma of violence or depression in the course of chronic pain, are less individual medical problems than interpersonal experiences of social suffering. It argues for an ethnographic approach to moral practice in medicine, one that embraces the infrapolitical context of illness, responses (...)
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  7. Anthropology and the theory of medicine.Thure Uexküll - 1995 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 16 (1).
    Instead of presupposing reality as the realists do, a genetic theory of knowledge attempts to understand scientific knowledge through the psychological origins of both the concepts, and the operations on which these concepts are based. Adopting the viewpoint of genetic epistemology, the envisaged theory of medicine will have to perform a threefold task: (1) A revision and reformulation of the psycho-physical problem and the development of a model for the living body; (2) A revision of our views concerning the (...)
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    The Physical and the Moral: Anthropology, Physiology, and Philosophical Medicine in France, 1750-1850.Elizabeth A. Williams - 1994 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book explores the tradition of the 'science of man' in French medicine of the era 1750-1850, focusing on controversies about the nature of the 'physical-moral' relation and their effects on the role of medicine in French society. Its chief purpose is to recover the history of a holistic tradition in French medicine that has been neglected because it lay outside the mainstream themes of modern medicine, which include experimental, reductionist, and localistic conceptions of health and (...)
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    American Medicine As Culture.Howard F. Stein - 2019 - Routledge.
    This book situates biomedicine within American culture and argues that the very organization and practice of medicine are themselves cultural. It demonstrates the symbolic construction of clinical reality within American biomedicine and shows how biomedicine never leaves the realm of the personal.
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  10.  12
    The Clinic and the Court: Law, Medicine and Anthropology.Ian Harper, Tobias Kelly & Akshay Khanna (eds.) - 2015 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Law and medicine can be caught in a tight embrace. They both play a central role in the politics of harm, making decisions regarding what counts as injury and what might be the most suitable forms of redress or remedy. But where do law and medicine converge and diverge in their responses to and understandings of harm and suffering? Using empirical case studies from Europe, the Americas and Africa, The Clinic and the Court brings together leading medical and (...)
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    Anthropologization of Descartes’ basic project in contemporary history of philosophy.Anatolii Malivskyi - 2013 - Sententiae 28 (1):51-62.
    The author of the paper believes that the unfinished character of Descartes’ philosophical doctrine makes possible underestimation and distorted reception of the basic intention of his meditation concentrated on the problem of human being. This results in spreading the position of technomorphism regarding the doctrine in general and, particularly, the reduction of Des-cartes’ anthropological project to physiology and medicine. Today’s research literature de-monstrates significant shifts in the methodology of the history of philosophy. This makes possible deeper understanding of (...)
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    Medicine and Morality in Haiti: The Contest for Healing Power.Paul Brodwin - 1996 - Cambridge University Press.
    Medicine and morality in rural Haiti are shaped both by different local religious traditions and by biomedical and folk medicine practices. People who become ill may seek treatment from Western doctors, but also from herbalists and religious leaders. This study examines the decisions guiding such choices, and considers moral issues arising in a society where suffering is associated with guilt but where different, sometimes conflicting, ethical systems coexist. It also reveals how in the crisis of illness people rework (...)
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  13.  37
    Scientific Contribution – Medicine as task – Karl E. Rothschuh’s philosophy of medicine.Daniela Mergenthaler - 2004 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 7 (3):253-260.
    Karl E. Rothschuh is one of the most important,but, on an international scale, relativelyunknown representatives of German philosophy ofmedicine in the 20th century. This paperpresents and discusses his central conceptssystematically, especially those ofanthropology, theories of health and disease.Rothschuh distinguishes two methodologicalapproaches to anthropology: a causal analysisthat considers human organism as complex causalsystems, and a so-called bionomicalinvestigation that clarifies the meaning orfunction of single processes in respect to thewhole organism. These two perspectivescomplement each other. From a naturalisticpoint of view, Rothschuh conceptualisesdiseases (...)
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  14.  25
    Anthropological theory for the twenty-first century: a critical approach.Augusta Lynn Bolles, Ruth Gomberg-Muñoz, Bernard C. Perley & Keri Vacanti Brondo (eds.) - 2022 - London: University of Toronto Press.
    Anthropological Theory for the Twenty-First Century presents a critical approach to the study of anthropological theory for the next generation of aspiring anthropologists. Through a carefully curated selection of readings, this collection reflects the diversity of scholars who have long contributed to the development of anthropological theory, incorporating writings by scholars of colour, non-Western scholars, and others whose contributions have historically been under-acknowledged. The volume puts writings from established canonical thinkers, such as Marx, Boas, and Foucault, into (...)
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    Philosophical Anthropology as a Space for the Evolution of Biopolitical Knowledge: From Ancient Natural Philosophy to Modern Microbiopolitics.S. K. Kostiuchkov & I. I. Kartashova - 2022 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 21:15-27.
    _Purpose._ The study aims to substantiate philosophical anthropology as a space for the development of biopolitics, which is a relatively new synthetic scientific knowledge of the political in the biological and the biological in the political, which, however, has its roots in the era of antiquity. The analysis of biopolitics in the context of contemporary global challenges, in particular the COVID-19 pandemic, is carried out, which allows to actualize a new direction of biopolitics – microbiopolitics. _Theoretical basis._ The study is (...)
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  16. Eradication and dispersal of the unpalatable in Islam, medicine and anthropological theory.David Parkin - 1995 - In Richard Fardon (ed.), Counterworks: managing the diversity of knowledge. New York: Routledge. pp. 136.
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    Medical Care at the End of Life: A Catholic Perspective; Jewish Ethics and the Care of End-of-Life Patients: A Collection of Rabbinical, Bioethical, Philosophical, and Juristic Opinions; Health and Human Flourishing: Religion, Medicine, and Moral Anthropology.Karey Harwood - 2008 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 28 (1):239-243.
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    Anthropology and responsibility.Melissa Demian, Mattia Fumanti & Christos Lynteris (eds.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book explores the role and implications of responsibility for anthropology, asking how responsibility is recognised and invoked in the world, what relations it draws upon, and how it comes to define notions of the person, institutional practices, ways of knowing and modes of evaluation. The category of responsibility has a long genealogy within the discipline of anthropology and it surfaces in contemporary debates as well as in anthropologists' collaboration with other disciplines, including when anthropology is applied in fields such (...)
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  19.  24
    Antropología filosófica en los tratados de medicina sánscrita = Philosophical anthropology in the enciclopaedias of sanskrit medicine.Juan Arnau Navarro - 2013 - Endoxa (32):11.
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    Tetsugaku to shite no igaku gairon: hōhōron, ningenkan, supirichuariti = Philosophy of medicine: methodology, anthropology, and spirituality.Yoshihiko Sugioka - 2014 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Shunjūsha.
    人のいのちと向き合う医学は、冷徹な科学的思考と人間哲学の激突する現場である。哲学としての医学概論を創始した澤瀉久敬の思想を繙き、分子生物学や臨床疫学、フランクルの人間論、さらには近藤誠のがんもどき理論 やスピリチュアリティなど現代の諸問題をも論じつつ、科学と哲学の葛藤を調停し、医学のあるべき思想的立脚点を探る。.
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  21. Antropología filosófica en los tratados de medicina sánscrita= Philosophical anthropology in the enciclopaedias of sanskrit medicine.Juan Arnau - 2013 - Endoxa 32:11-32.
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  22.  69
    On the anthropological foundation of bioethics: a critique of the work of J.-F. Malherbe.Henri Mbulu - 2013 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 34 (5):409-431.
    In this article, I critically analyze the anthropological foundation of the bioethics of philosopher Jean-François Malherbe, particularly as presented in his book, Pour une Éthique de la Médecine. Malherbe argues that such practices as organ donation and transplants, assisted reproduction, resuscitation, and other uses of biotechnologies in contemporary medicine are unethical because they go against essential human nature. Furthermore, he uses this position as a basis to prescribe public policy and institutional practice. In contrast, I argue not only (...)
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  23.  34
    Anthropology and Philosophy in Agenda 21 of UNO.Eva Neu, Michael Ch Michailov & Ursula Welscher - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 37:195-202.
    Agenda 21 of United Nations demands better situation of ecology, economy, health, etc. in all countries. An evaluation of scientific contributions in international congresses of fundamental anthropological sciences (philosophy, psychology, psychosomatics, physiology, genito-urology, radio-oncology, etc.) demonstratesevidence of large discrepancies in the participation not only of developing and industrial countries, but also between the last ones themselves. Low degree of research and education leads to low degree of economy, health, ecology, etc. [Lit.: Neu, Michailov et al.: Physiology in Agenda 21. (...)
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    Philosophy, Medicine and Healthcare: Insights from the Italian Experience.Paola Adinolfi - 2014 - Health Care Analysis 22 (3):223-244.
    To contribute to our understanding of the relationship between philosophical ideas and medical and healthcare models. A diachronic analysis is put in place in order to evaluate, from an innovative perspective, the influence over the centuries on medical and healthcare models of two philosophical concepts, particularly relevant for health: how Man perceives his identity and how he relates to Nature. Five epochs are identified—the Archaic Age, Classical Antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Modern Age, the ‘Postmodern’ Era—which can be seen, à (...)
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  25.  14
    Ethics and anthropology: facing future issues in human biology, globalism, and cultural property.Anne-Marie E. Cantwell, Eva Friedlander & Madeleine Lorch Tramm (eds.) - 2000 - New York: New York Academy of Sciences.
    Since the 1970s, anthropologists have moved into diverse workplaces, including private and public settings, that raise new issues for anthropology as a discipline as well as for the discourse on science more generally. In the context of increasing globalization, the articulation of new ethical dilemmas around such issues as technology, indigenous knowledge and rights, government regulation and bioethics among others, can and do inform and shape scientific public policy. The authors in this volume work in traditional research centres and universities, (...)
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  26. Terra firma and infirma species: From medical philosophical anthropology to philosophy of medicine.Stuart F. Spicker - 1976 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 1 (2):104-135.
  27.  46
    Participant Experiences on a Medicinal Plant Diet at Takiwasi Center: An In‐Depth Small‐Scale Survey.Tereza Rumlerová, Fabio Friso, Jaime Torres Romero, Veronika Kavenská & Matteo Politi - 2022 - Anthropology of Consciousness 33 (1):38-62.
    Anthropology of Consciousness, Volume 33, Issue 1, Page 38-62, Spring 2022.
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  28.  11
    Mesopotamian Medicine, Magic, and Literature: Tribute to a Polymath.JoAnn Scurlock - 2023 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 143 (1):207-216.
    Mark Geller is well known to everyone in his field and, unsurprisingly, his Festschrift is a bulging volume of contributions—from thirty-four scholars in a variety of different specialties. Like most Festschriften, it is of uneven quality, but there are some very fine articles, including useful text editions and offerings that raise interesting scholarly questions. Although there is nothing here on economics, there are articles that engage historical and/or anthropological questions, exegetical issues, and matters of composition of literary texts, including (...)
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  29.  18
    Moral dilemmas involving anthropological and ethical dimensions in healthcare curriculum.Ignacio Macpherson, María Victoria Roqué & Ignacio Segarra - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1238-1249.
    Background Currently a variety of novel scenarios have appeared within nursing practice such as confidentiality of a patient victim of abuse, justice in insolvent patients, poorly informed consent delivery, non-satisfactory medicine outputs, or the possibility to reject a recommended treatment. These scenarios presuppose skills that are not usually acquired during the degree. Thus, the implementation of teaching approaches that promote the acquisition of these skills in the nursing curriculum is increasingly relevant. Objective The article analyzes an academic model which (...)
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  30.  22
    “Forest medicines,” Kinship Alliances, and Equivocations in the Contemporary Dialogues between Santo Daime and the Yawanawá.Lígia Duque Platero & Isabel Santana de Rose - 2022 - Anthropology of Consciousness 33 (2):279-306.
    In this paper, we describe the spiritual and kinship alliances between heads of an urban Santo Daime church from Rio de Janeiro and some leaders of the Yawanawá people from the Amazonian region. We suggest that these alliances involve exchanges and dialogical relationships that hold different meanings for the diverse social actors that take part in them. Further, we argue that equivocation and functional misunderstandings have an important role in these multidirectional dialogues. Based on this case study, we approach the (...)
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  31.  7
    The Physical and the Moral: Anthropology, Physiology, and Philosophical Medicine in France, 1750-1850 by Elizabeth A. Williams. [REVIEW]Dorinda Outram - 1995 - Isis 86:334-335.
  32.  30
    Medicine and morality without context: The medical anthropologist’s critique of bioethics.Walter Bruchhausen - 2001 - Ethik in der Medizin 13 (3):176-192.
    Definition of the problem: Referring to the current critique of bioethics from the point of view of medical anthropology in North America, implications for moral philosophy and health care ethics are questioned. Arguments: The intrinsic and extrinsic flaws of common biomedical ethics as theory-driven ethics of principles and norms are also demonstrated in the German discussion of medical ethics (by reference to ’ethos’ and ’responsibility’) and ethical theory (especially phenomenology or hermeneutics). Objections to the Western bias of Bioethics from the (...)
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    Can Only Theology Save Medicine?: Bonhoefferian Ruminations.Ulrik Becker Nissen - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (2):159-175.
    In Jeffrey P. Bishop's The Anticipatory Corpse it is argued that the dead body has become epistemologically normative in contemporary medicine. In order to regain the communal bonds necessary for the responsive encounter with the other, medicine is in need of living traditions. This leads Bishop to question whether only theology can save medicine. The present essay takes up on this question with a reply from a Bonhoefferian anthropology, arguing for the embodied human being as being-there-with-others and (...)
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  34.  13
    Kranksein und Krankheit: anthropolog. Grundlagen e. Theorie d. Medizin.Wolfgang Jacob - 1978 - Heidelberg: Hüthig.
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    A Disembodied Dementia: Graphic Medicine and Illness Narratives.Sarah B. Kovan & Derek R. Soled - 2023 - Journal of Medical Humanities 44 (2):227-244.
    The dominant discourse on dementia promotes a view that as individuals progress with the disease, they experience a neurological decline causing a loss of self. This notion, grounded in a Cartesian representation of selfhood, associates a loss of self as directly related to cognition. This paper presents an alternative anthropological framework, embodied selfhood, that challenges this representation. It then examines a potential tool, graphic medicine, to translate this theory into caregiving practice. Through analyzing three graphic novels—Wrinkles, Tangles, and (...)
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  36. Above and beyond superstition — western herbal medicine and the decriminalizing of placebo.Ayo Wahlberg - 2008 - History of the Human Sciences 21 (1):77-101.
    Does it work? This question lies at the very heart of the kinds of controversies that have surrounded complementary and alternative medicines (such as herbal medicine) in recent decades. In this article, I argue that medical anthropology has played a pivotal and largely overlooked role in taking the sham out of the placebo effect with important implications for what it means to say a therapy or drug `works'. If pharmacologists and clinicians have corporeally located the concept of efficacy in (...)
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    Dreams and Medicines: The Perspective of Xhosa Diviners and Novices in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.Manton Hirst - 2005 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 5 (2):1-22.
    Based on anthropological fieldwork conducted in the Eastern Cape, the paper explores the interconnections between dreams (amathongo, amaphupha) and medicines (amayeza, imithi, amachiza) as aspects of the Xhosa diviner’s culture, knowledge and experience. Background information is provided in the introduction, inter alia, on the Xhosa patrilineal clan (isiduko), divination (imvumisa, evumiso) and religious and cultural change. The ability to dream, inter alia of the ancestors and medicines, is central to the diviner’s intuition and professional stock-in-trade, which are part and (...)
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  38. Philosophy of medicine in the netherlands.Henk Have & Arie Arend - 1985 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 6 (1).
    This report explores the relationship between philosophy and medicine in the Netherlands. In Section 1 we outline the ups and downs of medico-philosophical research in our country: pre-war flourishing, post-war decline, and modern renaissance. In Section 2 we review recent Dutch literature in the philosophy of medicine. The topics dealt with include methodology of medical science, alternative medicine, the basic concepts of medicine, anthropological medicine, medicalization, medicine and culture, and health care ethics.
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  39. Philosophy of medicine in the federal republic of germany (1945–1984).Michael Kottow - 1985 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 6 (1).
    The development of the philosophy of medicine in the Federal Republic of Germany since 1945 is presented in a thematic form. The first two decades were characterized by the evolution of an anthropological school of thought that aimed at relating physician and patient in a more personal and existential form than had hitherto been the case. In the last years, this tendency to demand deeper psychic and broader social involvement with medical problems had increased. Somatic disorders were considered (...)
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    Health and Human Flourishing: Religion, Medicine, and Moral Anthropology, edited by Carol R. Taylor, C.S.F.N., and Roberto Dell’Oro. [REVIEW]Michelle A. Clifton-Soderstrom - 2007 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 7 (2):426-427.
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    The Anthropological Dimension of the Pygmalion Effect.Алексей Тарасов - 2023 - Philosophical Anthropology 9 (2):146-152.
    The "Pygmalion effect" applies to humans. It is a phenomenon in which their own expectations of themselves or what other people expect from them can influence their behavior and performance. Moreover, this works even at the most basic, primitive physiological level — in an enriched environment, the brain becomes larger in volume, and the density of its nervous tissue increases, while provoking severe stress or depleted conditions reduce the number of nerve cells in the brain. People in the USSR had (...)
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    Theological Anthropology and Human Germ-Line Intervention.N. Koios - 2012 - Christian Bioethics 18 (2):187-200.
    Germ-line genetic interventions, like all medicine, can present opportunities to remove suffering, save and prolong human life, and support the conditions for successful human performance. Like all medicine, these interventions also present risks that reflect fallen humans’ age-old egocentric ambition to secure their health and improve their quality of life by relying exclusively on their own power, wisdom, and technical means. Moreover, man has always been tempted to overstep Divine prohibitions and to disregard his own calling to become (...)
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    Darkness’s Descent on the American Anthropological Association.Alice Dreger - 2011 - Human Nature 22 (3):225-246.
    In September 2000, the self-styled “anthropological journalist” Patrick Tierney began to make public his work claiming that the Yanomamö people of South America had been actively—indeed brutally—harmed by the sociobiological anthropologist Napoleon Chagnon and the geneticist-physician James Neel. Following a florid summary of Tierney’s claims by the anthropologists Terence Turner and Leslie Sponsel, the American Anthropological Association (AAA) saw fit to take Tierney’s claims seriously by conducting a major investigation into the matter. This paper focuses on the AAA’s (...)
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  44. Style and responsibility: Medicine in postmodernity.Urban Wiesing - 1994 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 15 (3).
    To what extent can postmodern developments be observed in modern medicine and which theories of postmodern philosophy can we draw on with regard to medicine's theoretical problem? This article explores these questions with special emphasis on the epistemological status of medicine, the concept of disease, and the anthropological model. It is examined whether medicine's inherent duty to act can be questioned in the light of the plurality that characterizes postmodernity. It is concluded that, according to (...)
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    Digitized Future of Medicine: Challenges for Bioethics.Elena G. Grebenshchikova & Pavel D. Tishchenko - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (2):83-103.
    The article discusses the challenges, benefits, and risks that, from a bioethical perspective, arise because of the the development of eHealth projects. The conceptual framework of the research is based on H. Jonas’ principles of the ethics of responsibility and B.G. Yudin’s anthropological ideas on human beings as agents who constantly change their own boundaries in the “zone of phase transitions.” The article focuses on the events taking place in the zone of phase transitions between humans and machines in (...)
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    Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness Distinguished Lecture: Consciousness, “Symbolic Healing,” and the Meaning Response.Daniel E. Moerman - 2012 - Anthropology of Consciousness 23 (2):192-210.
    Symbolic healing, that is, responding to meaningful experiences in positive ways, can facilitate human healing. This process partly engages consciousness and partly evades consciousness completely (sometimes it partakes of both simultaneously). This paper, presented as the Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness Distinguished Lecture at the 2011 AAA meeting in Montreal, reviews recent research on what is ordinarily (and unfortunately) called the “placebo effect.” The author makes the argument that language use should change, and the relevant portions of what is (...)
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    Digitized Future of Medicine: Challenges for Bioethics.Елена Георгиевна Гребенщикова & Павел Дмитриевич Тищенко - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (2):83-103.
    The article discusses the challenges, benefits, and risks that, from a bioethical perspective, arise because of the the development of eHealth projects. The conceptual framework of the research is based on H. Jonas’ principles of the ethics of responsibility and B.G. Yudin’s anthropological ideas on human beings as agents who constantly change their own boundaries in the “zone of phase transitions.” The article focuses on the events taking place in the zone of phase transitions between humans and machines in (...)
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    Medicine Women, Curanderas, and Women Doctors:Medicine Women, Curanderas, and Women Doctors.La Verna Price - 1991 - Anthropology of Consciousness 2 (3-4):31-31.
    Bobette Perrone. H. Henrietta Stockel. and Victoria Krueger. Medicine Women, Curanderas, and Women Doctors. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press,1989. ISBN 0‐8061‐2200‐5. Hardcover, $24.95. Pp. xix+272.
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    Ethical-anthropological dilemmas of gamete and embryo donation: commodification, altruism, morality, and the future of the genetic family.Larisa P. Kiyashchenko, Svetlana A. Bronfman & Farida G. Maylenova - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (1):113-124.
    ART and, in particular, IVF and ICSI, are essentially a laboratory experiment, but which, due to its specificity, goes beyond the disciplinary boundaries, explicitly acquiring an ethical-axiological dimension in the interaction zone of the members of a particular community involved in child-bearing. At the same time, it is noted that the activity and choice of a way to solve problems with childbirth has a characteristic severity, due to the traditions and level of civil and social maturity of a country, due, (...)
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    Medicine and Physiology in Joseph Addison’s Aesthetics.Botond Csuka - 2025 - In Gergely Fórizs, Piroska Balogh, Katalin Bartha-Kovács & Botond Csuka (eds.), Ästhetische Kommunikation in Europa 1700–1850 / Aesthetic Communication in Europe 1700–1850. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 25-43.
    The aim of this paper is to situate Addison’s aesthetics within the diverse, transdisciplinary aesthetic communication of the early eighteenth century, through which the new anthropology of sensibility took shape. Like many of his contemporaries, Addison draws on the medico-physiological literature of his time. Aesthetic pleasure is explained as consisting in or being produced by neurophysiological processes described in terms of iatromechanism and animal spirit physiology. These processes, he argues, are beneficial to the health and well-being of the human body (...)
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