Results for 'american individualism'

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  1. "American Individualism: Does it Exist?".David Kolb - 1984 - Nanzan Review of American Studies:21-45.
    Does American individualism really exist as it is popularly conceived? Arguments from Hegel and Dewey suggest not. Includes a comparison with equally stereotyped images of Japanese culture.
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    De‐Homogenizing American Individualism: Socializing Hard and Soft Individualism in Manhattan and Queens.Adrie Suzanne Kusserow - 1999 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 27 (2):210-234.
  3. Barry Alan Shain, The Myth of American Individualism: The Protestant Origins of American Political Thought Reviewed by.William M. Sullivan - 1995 - Philosophy in Review 15 (4):288-289.
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    Herbert Hoover and American Individualism[REVIEW]W. Patrick Donnelly - 1933 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 8 (3):520-523.
  5.  42
    The Myth of American Individualism[REVIEW]Roger Ward - 1995 - Newsletter of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 23 (72):10-12.
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    Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life.Robert Ehrlich - 1985 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1985 (64):180-188.
    Perhaps no work which describes the American people is so comprehensive as Toqueville's Democracy in America. Bellah et. al. rely heavily upon Toqueville in Habits of the Heart in exploring how the mores of the American people have helped to shape national character. More particularly, they are interested in how Americans attempt “to preserve or create a morally coherent life” (p. 275). But unlike Toqueville for whom the issue of equality was central, Bellah and his co-authors focus their (...)
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    The Myth of American Individualism[REVIEW]Bruce Kuklick - 1999 - International Studies in Philosophy 31 (4):128-129.
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    Natural rights individualism and progressivism in American political philosophy.Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred Dycus Miller & Jeffrey Paul (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In 1776, the American Declaration of Independence appealed to "the Laws of nature and of Nature's God" and affirmed "these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness...." In 1935, John Dewey, professor of philosophy at Columbia University, declared, "Natural rights and natural liberties exist only in the kingdom of mythological social zoology." These opposing pronouncements (...)
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    Student Communities and Individualism in American Cinema.Bryan R. Warnick, Heather S. Dawson, D. Spencer Smith & Bethany Vosburg-Bluem - 2010 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 46 (2):168-191.
    Hollywood films partially construct how Americans think about education. Recent work on the representation of schools in American cinema has highlighted the role of class difference in shaping school film genres. It has also advanced the idea that a nuanced understanding of American individualism helps to explain why the different class genres are shaped as they are. This article attempts to refine this theoretical approach by focusing on the paradox of individualism, which suggests that individualism (...)
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  10. Individualism : An American Way of Life.Horace M. Kallen - 1933 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 116:475-476.
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    Aesthetic Individualism and Practical Intellect: American Allegory in Emerson, Thoreau, Adams, and James (review).Kenneth Marc Harris - 1992 - Philosophy and Literature 16 (1):216-217.
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    The american Creed in sociological theory exchange, negotiated order, accommodated individualism, and contingency.Richard Munch - 1986 - Sociological Theory 4 (1):41-60.
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    Reconstructing individualism: a pragmatic tradition from Emerson to Ellison.James M. Albrecht - 2012 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Explores the theories of democratic individualism articulated in the works of the American transcendentalist writer Ralph Waldo Emerson, pragmatic philosophers William James and John Dewey, and African-American novelist and essayist Ralph Ellison.
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  14. American Identity, slides from five lectures.David Kolb - manuscript
    What does it mean to be a modern American today? These slides summarize the discussion from five lectures delivered in winter 2019 at the University of Oregon's Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. The lectures themselves are available on YouTube -/- Just how different is American from other cultural identities? We have thought of ourselves as the specially modern nation, spreading the revolutionary gospel of freedom from traditional restrictions. Some condemn this American exceptionalism, while others celebrate it. Don't take (...)
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    Just Healthcare beyond Individualism: Challenges for North American Bioethics.Solomon R. Benatar - 1997 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 6 (4):397-415.
    Medical practitioners have traditionally seen themselves as part of an international community with shared and unifying scientific and ethical goals in the treatment of disease, the promotion of health, and the protection of life. This shared mission is underpinned by explicit acceptance of traditional concepts of medical morality, and by an implied link between individual human rights and the ethics of medical practice long enshrined in a range of World Medical Association (WMA) and other medical codes. These have been powerful (...)
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    Psychotherapy, American Culture, and Social Policy: Immoral Individualism. Elizabeth A. Throop. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. 2009. vii+169pp. [REVIEW]Catherine Raeff - 2009 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 37 (4):1-3.
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    Natural Rights Individualism and Progressivism in American Political Philosophy: Volume 29, Part 2.Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred D. Miller & Jeffrey Paul (eds.) - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    The essays in this collection investigate two political traditions and their critical interactions. The first series of essays deals with the development of natural rights individualism, some examining its origins in the thought of the seminal political theorist, John Locke, and the influential constitutional theorist, Montesquieu, others the impact of their theories on intellectual leaders during the American Revolution and the Founding era, and still others the culmination of this tradition in the writings of nineteenth-century individualists such as (...)
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    Authentic Individualism: A Guide for Reclaiming the Best of America's Heritage.R. Philip Brown - 1996 - University Press of Amer.
    Drawing from the development of individualism in western philosophy and American history, this book constructs a normative theory called authentic individualism. Using the precepts of that theory, it urges organizational leaders to change the way they think about their organizations and their organizations' social function. Students and scholars of political science, social science, public administration, moral theory and organizational theory will find this a useful work. Contents: Introduction to Individualism; PART ONE: A Model of the Individual (...)
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  19. Methodological Individualism and Holism in Political Science: A Reconciliation.Christian List & Kai Spiekermann - 2013 - American Political Science Review 107 (4):629-643.
    Political science is divided between methodological individualists, who seek to explain political phenomena by reference to individuals and their interactions, and holists (or nonreductionists), who consider some higher-level social entities or properties such as states, institutions, or cultures ontologically or causally significant. We propose a reconciliation between these two perspectives, building on related work in philosophy. After laying out a taxonomy of different variants of each view, we observe that (i) although political phenomena result from underlying individual attitudes and behavior, (...)
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  20.  62
    Awakening to Race: Individualism and Social Consciousness in America By Jack Turner.Shannon Sullivan - 2014 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 50 (1):170.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Awakening to Race: Individualism and Social Consciousness in America by Jack TurnerShannon SullivanJack Turner Awakening to Race: Individualism and Social Consciousness in America Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2012. xv + 199pp, incl. index.Don’t let the size of this slim volume fool you: Awakening to Race is chock-full of fresh insights and original arguments regarding individualism and race in the American democratic tradition. (...)
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    Basic values and ethical decisions: an examination of individualism and community in American society.Gerry Claud Heard - 1990 - Malabar, Fla.: R.E. Krieger Pub. Co..
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    American Constitution and the Spanish Constitutions of 1812 and 1978.Rosa María Pacheco Baldó - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-8.
    This paper analyses the American Constitution of 1787 and the Spanish Constitutions of 1812 and 1978. The objective is to analyse their structures and the changes they have undergone throughout history, to find differences that can be explained by the different cultural values that these two groups normally display. As will be seen, the cultural dimension of uncertainty avoidance, amongst others, is the one that has a greater presence in this study. The conclusions drawn from this study show that (...)
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    (1 other version)Individualism: An American Way of Life. [REVIEW]Beryl Harold Levy - 1933 - Journal of Philosophy 30 (23):639-642.
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  24. Aspects of individualism in american literature.Garland Greever - 1942 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 23 (4):353.
  25. Morality & American freedom.Jerome Nathanson - 1972 - New York: [New York Society for Ethical Culture]. Edited by Khoren Arisian.
    Nathanson, J. Introduction.--Arisian, K. American individualism reconceived.--Black, A. D. What it takes to be free.--Ericson, E. L. Character traits of a free people.--Friess, H. L. Confrontations and the human bond.--Nathanson, J. Who is the moral man today?
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    Pluralism, Individualism, Mediation and Their Discontents: John Lachs's Pragmatism.John J. Stuhr - 2024 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 59 (3):348-365.
    Abstract:This essay places the writings of John Lachs in the tradition of classical American philosophy through an appreciative and critical analysis of several central ideas: pluralism, individualism, mediation, meddling, the cost of comfort, and Stoic pragmatism. I focus on the need to move pluralism from the conceptual to practical realm, and on the need for a less self-contained, libertarian, and ultimately Romantic form of individualism. I also stress the importance of viewing philosophies as personal expressions of temperament.
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  27. American Inequality and the Idea of Personal Reponsibility.Joshua Preiss - 2012 - Public Affairs Quarterly 26 (4):337-360.
    In terms of income and wealth (and a variety of other measures), citizens of the United States are significantly less equal than their peers in Canada and Europe. In addition, American society is becoming increasingly less equal. Some theorists argue that this inequality is inefficient. Others claim that is unjust. Many Americans, however, are less concerned with the potential inefficiency and injustice of growing inequality. Distinguishing as Milton Friedman does between equality of result and equality of opportunity, many claim (...)
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    Does the Individualist Consume More? The Interplay of Ethics and Beliefs that Governs Consumerism Across Cultures.Monle Lee, Anurag Pant & Abbas Ali - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (4):567-581.
    Individualism leading to more consumerism seems to be a bit of truism nowadays in the media. The USA is particularly indicted for being too individualistic and consumerist. Past research has mostly indicated a positive relationship between the two. However, past research has not suggested a negative association between individualism and consumerism. This paper offers support for such a negative relationship by showing that an individual’s ethical values can temper the consumerist nature of individualists. Data were collected in the (...)
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    Managerial Tolerance of Nepotism: The Effects of Individualism–Collectivism in a Latin American Context.Juan I. Sanchez & Guillermo Wated - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (1):45-57.
    This study proposes and tests a model that integrates culture, attitudes, subjective norms, and attributions into a theoretical framework that explains tolerance toward nepotism in a Latin American country. The participants were 202 Ecuadorian middle and upper managers. The results suggested that attitudes, subjective norms, and attributions significantly predict managerial intention to discipline those employees who favored a family member when hiring. Furthermore, subjective norms and internal attributions mediated the relationship between culture and intentions to discipline employees who engaged (...)
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    Individualism and Its Discontents.Allan Young - 2014 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 21 (4):361-362.
    Alain Ehrenberg’s essay, “The American Self versus the French Institution,” describes the emergence in France of what Ehrenberg calls a new discourse on psychological suffering. The kind of ‘suffering’ is not examined in detail, other than suggesting that it is experienced as social and moral misfortune, and represented in psychiatric diagnoses and interventions. If I understand Ehrenberg correctly, these misfortunes are products of a changing social reality: the progressive weakening of social ties, a diminishing sense of community and shared (...)
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    The Fountainhead: An American Novel.Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1999 - Macmillan Reference USA.
    Ayn Rand's 1943 masterpiece, The Fountainhead is the story of Howard Roark, an architect of enormous talent who turns down one lucrative commission after another because they would force him to modify his designs and compromise his integrity, but in spite of his refusals, or perhaps because of them, he goes on to triumph over many obstacles and establish himself as a master. Douglas Den Uyl's new study, The Fountainhead: An American Novel, is the first volume to exclusively explore (...)
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  32. Methodological individualism.J. R. Lucas - manuscript
    A section I had written for my Principles of Politics, but decided not to use. I recently dug it out for an American friend. I publish it here, in case it is of use to anyone else.
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    Courageous or Indifferent Individualism.Robert N. Bellah - 1998 - Ethical Perspectives 5 (2):92-101.
    ‘Courageous or Indifferent Individualism’ is the subject on which I have been asked to speak, and I must first attempt to interpret what the conveners of this conference had in mind in asking me to speak on this subject. First of all, individualism must be taken for granted as our fate as modern persons; but, second, there is more than one kind of individualism and we must discriminate between them. Courage is the first, though not the highest, (...)
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  34. Methodological Individualism and Marx: Some Remarks on Jon Elster, Game Theory, and Other Things.Robert Paul Wolff - 1990 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 20 (4):469 - 486.
    In recent years, philosophers trained in the techniques and constrained by the style of what is known in the Anglo-American world as ‘analytic philosophy’ have in growing numbers undertaken to include within their methodological ambit the theories and insights of Karl Marx.
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    Emerson’s Transcendentalist Individualism As a Social Philosophy.Joseph L. Blau - 1977 - Review of Metaphysics 31 (1):80 - 92.
    Much of the attention of recent students of American philosophy has been concentrated on the study of philosophers and ways of doing philosophy in the post-Civil War era. It is understandable that this should be so, for the problems of late nineteenth and twentieth century thought are still alive, still perplexing, in our own attempts at philosophic understanding. There is much, however, that is overlooked by narrowing our focus to what Max Fisch and his associates describe as "classic" (...) philosophy, and to our own post-classic era. It may well be that some aspects of the earlier and now unfashionable philosophies and philosophers can still have resonance in our thinking if only we are willing to give these older philosophies a hearing. For this reason, this present study explores the philosophy of Ralph Waldo Emerson and reexamines his thought at the point where, it seems to me, it is still viable today, namely as a social philosophy for a society, like our own, hopelessly committed to an extreme individualism. (shrink)
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    Competing conceptions of individualism in contemporary American AIDS policy: A re-examination of neo-institutionalist analysis. [REVIEW]Jason Andrew Kaufman - 1998 - Theory and Society 27 (5):635-669.
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    Michael Sandel: repenser les fondements individualistes du libéralisme.Sayed Matar - 2018 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La 4ème de couv. indique : "Si l'on parcourt les oeuvres complètes Michael Sandel, il va sans dire que le leitmotiv de tout son argumentaire moral et politique est bien sa critique récurrente et massive de l'individu libéral et son corollaire sine qua non la neutralité politique. Ce que Michael Sandel s'efforce d'entreprendre dans sa critique de la "Théorie de la justice de Rawls", et à travers elle toute la tradition libérale qui prend son point d'appui dans le kantisme, est (...)
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    A journey in and out of American agriculture. Reflections on Debt and Dispossession by Kathryn Marie Dudley (University of Chicago Press, 2000).Corinna Hawkes - 2004 - Agriculture and Human Values 21 (4):413-418.
    I was optimistic of a new beginning in an open society when I came to America in 1999. Since then, I have indeed benefited from many aspects of American life. I have learned a lot – especially through my experience with small farms and farmers. But now, it's time to move on. And it was reading Debt and Dispossession, a book about American agriculture and human values, that crystallized in me why I wanted to leave. By telling the (...)
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    Classical American Pragmatism: Its Contemporary Vitality.Sandra B. Rosenthal, Carl R. Hausman & Douglas R. Anderson (eds.) - 1999 - University of Illinois Press.
    This collection provides a thorough grounding in the philosophy of American pragmatism by examining the views of four principal thinkers - Charles S. Peirce, William James, John Dewey, and George Herbert Mead - on issues of central and enduring importance to life in human society. Pragmatism emerged as a characteristically American response to an inheritance of British empiricism. Presenting a radical reconception of the nature of experience, pragmatism represents a belief that ideas are not merely to be contemplated (...)
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    Awakening to Race: Individualism and Social Consciousness in America.Jack Turner - 2012 - University of Chicago Press.
    Drawing on the works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Frederick Douglass, Ralph Ellison, and James Baldwin, Turner offers an original reconstruction of democratic individualism in American thought.
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  41. (1 other version)How the West Was One: The Western as Individualist, the African as Communitarian.Thaddeus Metz - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (11):1175-1184.
    There is a kernel of truth in the claim that Western, and especially Anglo-American-Australasian, normative philosophy, including that relating to the philosophy of education, is individualistic; it tends to prize properties that are internal to a human being such as her autonomy, rationality, pleasure, desires, self-esteem, self-realization and virtues relating to, say, her intellect. One notable exception is the idea that students ought to be educated in order to be citizens, participants in a democratic and cosmopolitan order, but, compared (...)
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    American-Japanese cultural differences in judgements of emotional expressions of different intensities.David Matsumoto, Theodora Consolacion, Hiroshi Yamada, Ryuta Suzuki, Brenda Franklin, Sunita Paul, Rebecca Ray & Hideko Uchida - 2002 - Cognition and Emotion 16 (6):721-747.
    Although research has generated a wealth of information on cultural influences on emotion judgements, the information we have to date is limited in several ways. This study extends this literature in two ways, first by obtaining judgements from people in two cultures of expressions portrayed at different intensity levels, and second by incorporating individual level measures of culture to examine their contribution to observed differences. When judging emotion categories in low intensity expressions, American and Japanese judges see the emotion (...)
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    American transcendentalism: a history.Philip F. Gura - 2007 - New York: Hill & Wang.
    American Transcendentalism is a sweeping narrative history of America's first group of public intellectuals, the men and women who defined American literature and indelibly marked American reform in the decades before and following the American Civil War. Philip F. Gura masterfully traces their intellectual genealogy to transatlantic religious and philosophical ideas, illustrating how these informed the fierce theological debates that, so often first in Massachusetts and eventually throughout America, gave rise to practical, personal, and quixotic attempts (...)
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    From CSR to Corporate Citizenship: Anglo-American and Continental European Perspectives.Alejo José G. Sison - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (S3):235 - 246.
    Beginning with the question of who constitutes the firm, this article seeks to explore the historical evolution of concepts such as corporate social responsibility, corporate accountability, corporate social responsiveness, corporate social performance, stakeholder theory, and corporate citizenship. In close parallel to these changes are differences in interpretation from Anglo—American and Continental European perspectives. The author defends that the ultimate reasons behind these differences are of a philosophical nature, affecting both the anthropology and the political theory dominant in each of (...)
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    Book Review:Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life. Robert N. Bellah, Richard Madsen, William M. Sullivan, Ann Swidler, Steven M. Tipton. [REVIEW]Robert E. Goodin - 1986 - Ethics 96 (2):431-.
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    Stuck with virtue: the American individual and our biotechnological future.Peter Augustine Lawler - 2005 - Wilmington, Del.: ISI Books.
    Cloning, gene therapy, stem-cell harvesting—are we on the path to a Huxley-like Brave New World? Not really, argues political philosopher and Kass Commission member Peter Augustine Lawler in Stuck with Virtue: The American Individual and Our Biotechnological Future, even as he admits that we will likely become more obsessive and anxious and will be subjected to new forms of tyranny. Rather, he contends, human nature is such that the biotechnological world to come, despite the best efforts of its proponents, (...)
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  47. Criticism of individualist and collectivist methodological approaches to social emergence.S. M. Reza Amiri Tehrani - 2023 - Expositions: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities 15 (3):111-139.
    ABSTRACT The individual-community relationship has always been one of the most fundamental topics of social sciences. In sociology, this is known as the micro-macro relationship while in economics it refers to the processes, through which, individual actions lead to macroeconomic phenomena. Based on philosophical discourse and systems theory, many sociologists even use the term "emergence" in their understanding of micro-macro relationship, which refers to collective phenomena that are created by the cooperation of individuals, but cannot be reduced to individual actions. (...)
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    The Effects of Attitudes, Subjective Norms, Attributions, and Individualism–Collectivism on Managers’ Responses to Bribery in Organizations: Evidence from a Developing Nation.Guillermo Wated & Juan I. Sanchez - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 61 (2):111-127.
    The goal of this study was to introduce a model explaining how managers' attitudes, subjective norms, attributions, and the individualism-collectivism cultural dimension affect the way managers' deal with employee bribery in organizations. Twenty-six internal and external attributions related to bribery were identified through a series of structured interviews with 65 subject matter experts. These attributions, together with the other variables in the model, were evaluated by 354 Ecuadorian managers. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that attitudes and external attributions significantly predicted (...)
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  49. Pluralism, Pragmatism and American Democracy: A Minority Report.H. G. Callaway - 2017 - Newcastle, England: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
    This book presents the author’s many and varied contributions to the revival and re-evaluation of American pragmatism. The assembled critical perspective on contemporary pragmatism in philosophy emphasizes the American tradition of cultural pluralism and the requirements of American democracy. Based partly on a survey of the literature on interest-group pluralism and critical perspectives on the politics of globalization, the monograph argues for reasoned caution concerning the practical effects of the revival. Undercurrents of “vulgar pragmatism” including both moral (...)
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    (1 other version)The Moral Individualism of Henry David Thoreau.David L. Norton - 1985 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 19:239-253.
    Henry Thoreau boasted that he was widely travelled in Concord, Massachusetts. He was born there on 12 July 1817, and he died there on 6 May 1862, of tuberculosis, at the age of forty-four years. In 1837 he graduated from Harvard College, and in 1838 he joined Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret Fuller, and others in the informal group that became known as the New England Transcendentalists. The author of four books, many essays and poems, and a voluminous journal, he is (...)
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