Results for 'absolute good'

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  1. Against Absolute Goodness.Richard Kraut - 2011 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    Are there things we should value because they are, quite simply, good? Richard Kraut argues that there are not. Goodness, he holds, is not a reason-giving property - in fact, there may be no such thing. It is an illusory and insidious category of practical thought.
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    Absolute Goodness, Wonder and the Evildoer.Alex Segal - 2014 - Philosophical Investigations 37 (4):312-327.
    Raimond Gaita affirms absolute goodness as the only thing with the power to keep fully among us the worst kind of evildoer. At issue in this goodness is a wonder that he ties to joy. Yet Gaita does not, perhaps cannot, imagine this power with respect to the evildoer concretely enough for it to move us in the way his account requires. An aspect of his writings that resists the emphasis on a joyous wonder may assist our thinking about (...)
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  3. The Absolute Good and the Human Goods.R. Ferber - 2003 - Philosophical Inquiry 25 (3-4):117-126.
    By the absolute Good, I understand the Idea of the Good; by the human goods, I understand pleasure and reason, which have been disqualified in Plato's "Republic" as candidates for the absolute Good (cf.R.505b-d). Concerning the Idea of the Good, we can distinguish a maximal and a minimal interpretation. After the minimal interpretation, the Idea of the Good is the absolute Good because there is no final cause beyond the Idea of (...)
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    Against Absolute Goodness, by Richard Kraut.Christian Piller - 2013 - Mind 122 (488):1124-1129.
  5. Absolute Goodness: In Defence of the Useless and Immoral.Michael Campbell - 2015 - Journal of Value Inquiry 49 (1-2):95-112.
    IntroductionKraut defines absolute goodness as follows: for something to be absolutely good is for its goodness to be unrelated to the needs or interests of any individual.See Richard Kraut, Against Absolute Goodness , pp. 4ff. Let’s allow goodness to apply broadly to objects, states of affairs and events . Treat x as a variable ranging over these categories. Then, to say that x is absolutely good in this sense is to say that a world containing x (...)
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    Richard Kraut, Against Absolute Goodness , pp. xii+ 224.Julie Tannenbaum - 2016 - Utilitas 28 (1):119-122.
    In Against Absolute Goodness Richard Kraut aims to show that absolute goodness (or badness) is not reason-giving; it plays no role is justifying or requiring certain attitudes and no role in reasoning about what to do. It passes the buck (it never adds to the weightiness of more specific reasons) and so for practical purposes can be ignored. However, he claims that the notions of ‘a good R’ (e.g. a good play) and ‘good for S’ (...)
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    Absolute Goodness Defended.Seyyed Abbas Kazemi - forthcoming - Journal of Value Inquiry:1-18.
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    Précis: Against Absolute Goodness.Richard Kraut - 2013 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 87 (2):457-458.
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    Symposium: Is there An Absolute Good?W. G. De Burgh, J. Laird & C. A. Campbell - 1937 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 16 (1):103-138.
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    Richard Kraut, Against Absolute Goodness.David Kaspar - 2013 - Social Theory and Practice 39 (4):718-723.
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    How to Be a Friend of Absolute Goodness.Francesco Orsi - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (4):1237-1251.
    This paper critically examines Richard Kraut’s attack on the notion of absolute value, and lays out some of the conceptual work required to defend such a notion. The view under attack claims that absolute goodness is a property that provides a reason to value what has it. Kraut’s overall challenge is that absolute goodness cannot play this role. Kraut’s own view is that goodness-for, instead, plays the reason-providing role. My targets are Kraut’s double-counting objection, and his ethical (...)
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  12. In Defence of Absolute Goodness.Roger Crisp - 2013 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 87 (2):476-482.
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    Book Review: Against Absolute Goodness, written by Richard Kraut. [REVIEW]Noah Lemos - 2014 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 11 (5):661-664.
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    Is There an Absolute Good?Bertrand Russell & Alan Ryan - 1986 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 6 (2).
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    Absolutely Right and Relatively Good: Consequentialists See Bioethical Disagreement in a Relativist Light.Hugo Viciana, Ivar R. Hannikainen & David Rodríguez-Arias - 2021 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 12 (3):190-205.
    Background Contemporary societies are rife with moral disagreement, resulting in recalcitrant disputes on matters of public policy. In the context of ongoing bioethical controversies, are uncompromising attitudes rooted in beliefs about the nature of moral truth?Methods To answer this question, we conducted both exploratory and confirmatory studies, with both a convenience and a nationally representative sample (total N = 1501), investigating the link between people’s beliefs about moral truth (their metaethics) and their beliefs about moral value (their normative ethics).Results Across (...)
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  16. Good and Evil: An Absolute Conception.Raimond Gaita - 1991 - New York: Routledge.
    Raimond Gaita's _Good and Evil_ is one of the most important, original and provocative books on the nature of morality to have been published in recent years. It is essential reading for anyone interested in what it means to talk about good and evil. Gaita argues that questions about morality are inseparable from the preciousness of each human being, an issue we can only address if we place the idea of remorse at the centre of moral life. Drawing on (...)
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    Good and Evil: An Absolute Conception.Michael McGhee - 1993 - Philosophical Quarterly 43 (170):110-112.
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    Christ, Moral Absolutes, and the Good: Recent Moral Theology.Servais Pinckaers - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (1):117-140.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:CHRIST, MORAL ABSOLUTES, AND THE GOOD: RECENT MORAL THEOLOGY* SERVAIS PINCKAERS, O.P. University of Fribourg Fribourg, Switzerland I CARLO CAFFARA'S Living in Christ (which appeared in Italian in 1981) was well worth the translating. It presents a fairly complete exposition of Christian moral teaching in a readable style and convenient format and provides principles needed to address the ethical problems most widely discussed today. It is a synthesis (...)
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  19. Good and Evil. An Absolute Conception.R. A. Duff - 1993 - Philosophical Books 34 (1):43-45.
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  20. One Goodness, Many Goodnesses.Thomas M. Ward & Anne Jeffrey - forthcoming - Religious Studies.
    Some theories of goodness are descriptively rich: they have much to say about what makes things good. Neo-Aristotelian accounts, for instance, detail the various features that make a human being, a dog, a bee good relative to facts about those forms of life. Famously, such theories of relative goodness tend to be comparatively poor: they have little or nothing to say about what makes one kind of being better than another kind. Other theories of goodness—those that take there (...)
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    Good and evil: An absolute conception. By Raimond Gaita.Hugo Meynell - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (1):135–137.
  22. The Metaphysics of Goodness in the Ethics of Aristotle.Samuel Baker - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (7):1839-1856.
    Kraut and other neo-Aristotelians have argued that there is no such thing as absolute goodness. They admit only good in a kind, e.g. a good sculptor, and good for something, e.g. good for fish. What is the view of Aristotle? Mostly limiting myself to the Nicomachean Ethics, I argue that Aristotle is committed to things being absolutely good and also to a metaphysics of absolute goodness where there is a maximally best good (...)
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    Absolute Ethics, Mathematics and the Impossibility of Politics.R. F. Holland - 1977 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 11:172-188.
    The idea of absolute goodness and the idea of an absolute requitement tend nowadays to be viewed with suspicion in the world of English-speaking philosophy. The tendency is well rooted and has not just arisen by osmosis from the temper of the times. There are various lines of thought, all of them attractive, by which a recent or contemporary academic practitioner of the subject could have been induced into scepticism about an ethics of absolute conceptions.
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    What's so good about the absolute?W. J. Mander - 1996 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 4 (1):101 – 118.
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    Truth: What Is It Good For? Absolutely Something.Rachel Handley - 2020 - Flickering Shadows: Truth in 16mm.
    A short article in 3:16 on truth and ethics.
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  26. (1 other version)From Kant’s Highest Good to Hegel’s Absolute Knowing.Michael Baur - 2011 - In Michael Baur & Stephen Houlgate (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Hegel. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 452-473.
    Hegel’s most abiding aspiration was to be a volkserzieher (an educator of the people) in the tradition of thinkers of Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786), Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781), and Friedrich Schiller (159-1786). No doubt, he was also deeply interested in epistemology and metaphysics, but this interest stemmed at least in part from his belief (which Kant also shared) that human beings could become truly liberated to fulfill their vocations as human beings, only if they were also liberated from the illusions and (...)
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    The problem of moral absolutes in the ethics of Vladimir Solov'ëv.Oleg Sergeevich Pugachev - 1996 - Studies in East European Thought 48 (2-4):207-221.
    Moral absolutes were perceived, by Solov'ëv, in a dual manner: a) from the side of content, of psychology, as when we speak of feelings, emotions, etc.; and b) under a formal aspect, as “ideas,” i.e. logically. Neither of these can be treated without relating to moral absolutes astrue, and without a rationalbelief in their truth, a truth that cannot be logically proved. In my opinion, our time has become keenly aware of the universally human value of Vladimir Solov'ëv's ethics, of (...)
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  28. A Common-Vvealth of Good Counsaile. Or, Policies Chiefe Counseller, Portraited Into Two Bookes. Shewing Vvhat May Be in a Magistrate in Gouerning: A Subiect in Obeying: And the Absolute Felicitie of All Common-Weales. Vvherein All Sorts of Well Affected Readers, May Furnish Themselues with All Kind of Philosophicall or Morall Reading, as Being Replenished with the Chiefe Learning of the Most Excellent Philosophers, and Principall Law-Giuers. And by the Author Intended for All Those That Be Admitted to the Administration of Well Gouernd Common-Weales.Wawrzyniec Go Slicki, Richard Bradock, Thomas Creede & L. N. - 1607 - Printed by R.B. For N. Lyng.
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    Well-being and absolute value: Holland and the mystery of goodness (Proceedings of the CAPE International Workshops, 2013. Part I: The CAPE International Conference “Ethics and Well-being”).Miriam Pryke - 2014 - CAPE Studies in Applied Philosophy and Ethics Series 2:119-129.
    9th and 10th Nov. 2013 at Kyoto University. Organizers: Takeshi Sato and Shunsuke Sugimoto.
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    Goodness: Attributive and predicative.Michael-John Turp - 2016 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 11 (2-3):70-87.
    Michael-John Turp | : There is little consensus concerning the truth or reference conditions for evaluative terms such as “good” and “bad.” In his paper “Good and Evil,” Geach proposed that we distinguish between attributive and predicative uses of “good.” Foot, Thomson, Kraut, and others have put this distinction to use when discussing basic questions of value theory. In §§1-2, I outline Geach’s proposal and argue that attributive evaluation depends on a prior grasp of the kind of (...)
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  31. Functional brain mapping – what is it good for? Absolutely nothing? (Comments on the new phrenology, by William R. uttal).Malcolm J. Avison - 2002 - Brain and Mind 3 (3):367-373.
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    The ugly infinite and the good-for-nothing absolute.Charles M. Bakewell - 1907 - Philosophical Review 16 (2):136-143.
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    Tatarkiewicz on the Absoluteness of Good: Introduction.Anna Brożek - 2022 - Filozofia Nauki 30 (2):165-170.
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    On the Absoluteness of Good.Władysław Tatarkiewicz - 2022 - Filozofia Nauki 30 (2):171-224.
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  35. Absolute Simplicity.Eleonore Stump & Norman Kretzmann - 1985 - Faith and Philosophy 2 (4):353-382.
    The doctrine of God’s absolute simplicity denies the possibility of real distinctions in God. It is, e.g., impossible that God have any kind of parts or any intrinsic accidental properties, or that there be real distinctions among God’s essential properties or between any of them and God himself. After showing that some of the counter-intuitive implications of the doctrine can readily be made sense of, the authors identify the apparent incompatibility of God’s simplicity and God’s free choice as a (...)
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    Absolute waarheid en transcendentie.A. Burms - 1982 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 44 (1):104 - 123.
    The debate about the relation between science and truth is manifestly epistemological, but latently and fundamentally metaphysical. Popper's theory of verisimilitude provides us with a striking example. According to Popper, science aims at bringing us nearer to 'absolute, objective truth'; the growth of scientific knowledge is seen as a never ending realisation of that ultimate aim. This thesis of verisimilitude can be interpreted in two ways. In the first interpretation the thesis appears as a correct, but formal and even (...)
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    Human Dignity: Final, Inherent, Absolute?Sebastian Https://Orcidorg Muders - 2020 - Rivista di Estetica 75:84-103.
    In the traditional understanding, human dignity is often portrayed as a «final», «inherent», and «absolute» value. If human dignity as the core of the status of a human being did indeed have thos characteristics, this would yield a severe limitation for obligations that stem from the moral status of non-human animals, plants, eco systems and other entities discussed in environmental ethics; for obligations that arise from human dignity standardly take priority over the duties toward entities with non-human moral status. (...)
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  38. Goodness is Reducible to Betterness the Evil of Death is the Value of Life.John Broome - 1993 - In Peter Koslowski Yuichi Shionoya (ed.), The Good and the Economical: Ethical Choices in Economics and Management. Springer Verlag. pp. 70–84.
    Most properties have comparatives, which are relations. For instance, the property of width has the comparative relation denoted by `_ is wider than _'. Let us say a property is reducible to its comparative if any statement that refers to the property has the same meaning as another statement that refers to the comparative instead. Width is not reducible to its comparative. To be sure, many statements that refer to width are reducible: for instance, `The Mississippi is wide' means the (...)
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    The Absolute and Ordained Power of God in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Theology.Francis Oakley - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (3):437-461.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Absolute and Ordained Power of God in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century TheologyFrancis Oakley[W]e must cautiously abandon [that more specious opinion of the Platonist and Stoick]... in this, that it... blasphemously invades the cardinal Prerogative of Divinity, Omnipotence, by denying him a reserved power, of infringing, or altering any one of those Laws which [He] Himself ordained, and enacted, and chaining up his armes in the adamantine fetters of (...)
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  40. The Absolute Primacy of the Intellect in Aquinas: A Reaction to Fabro’s Position.Andres Ayala - 2023 - The Incarnate Word 10 (2):41-122.
    St. Thomas Aquinas has always considered intelligence a potency higher than the will, absolutely speaking. That being said, and in my view, the existential primacy of the will in the act of freedom (particularly in choosing the existential end) is also indisputably Thomistic, as Cornelio Fabro has shown. This paper endeavors to explain Aquinas' doctrine on the absolute primacy of the intellect and thus show that these two primacies can be affirmed coherently, that is, the intellect’s absolute primacy (...)
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    What good are the arts?John Carey - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Does strolling through an art museum, admiring the old masters, improve us morally and spiritually? Would government subsidies of "high art" (such as big-city opera houses) be better spent on local community art projects? In What Good are the Arts? John Carey--one of Britain's most respected literary critics--offers a delightfully skeptical look at the nature of art. In particular, he cuts through the cant surrounding the fine arts, debunking claims that the arts make us better people or that judgements (...)
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  42. Geach on `good'.Charles R. Pigden - 1990 - Philosophical Quarterly 40 (159):129-154.
    In his celebrated 'Good and Evil' (l956) Professor Geach argues as against the non-naturalists that ‘good’ is attributive and that the predicative 'good', as used by Moore, is senseless.. 'Good' when properly used is attributive. 'There is no such thing as being just good or bad, [that is, no predicative 'good'] there is only being a good or bad so and so'. On the other hand, Geach insists, as against non-cognitivists, that good-judgments (...)
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    Kant’s Highest Good as a Wide Obligation and Its Normative Ground.Neşe Aksoy - 2024 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 16 (2):149-158.
    In his Critical corpus, Kant makes two seemingly inconsistent claims concerning the highest good and its relation to the postulates of immortality and God. On the one hand, he argues that the highest good is a duty to be promoted that must therefore be possible by human powers (‘ought implies can’). On the other hand, he asserts that the highest good is an “unconditioned object” of practical reason that can only be attained on the ground of the (...)
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  44. Simply Good: A Defence of the Principia.Miles Tucker - 2018 - Utilitas 30 (3):253-270.
    Moore's moral programme is increasingly unpopular. Judith Jarvis Thomson's attack has been especially influential; she says the Moorean project fails because ‘there is no such thing as goodness’. I argue that her objection does not succeed: while Thomson is correct that the kind of generic goodness she targets is incoherent, it is not, I believe, the kind of goodness central to the Principia. Still, Moore's critics will resist. Some reply that we cannot understand Moorean goodness without generic goodness. Others claim (...)
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    The Objective Relativity of Goodness.Catherine Peters - 2018 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 92:285-300.
    Peter Geach claims in Good and Evil that there can never be “just good or bad, there is only being a good or bad so-and-so” and thereby denies that goodness can ever be used in a non-relative sense. Although his rejection of absolute goodness might initially seem to be a startling and mistaken departure from the Thomistic understanding, I argue that an examination of Thomas’s texts reveal a strong agreement between them, one grounded in a common (...)
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    Reconsidering absolute omnipotence.Louis Groarke - 2001 - Heythrop Journal 42 (1):13–25.
    Philosophical debate about the problem of evil derives, in part, from differing definitions of almighty power or omnipotence. Modern atheists such as John McTaggart, J. L. Mackie, Earl Condee, and Danny Goldstick maintain that an omnipotent God must be able to accomplish anything, even if it entails a contradiction. On this account, the Christian God cannot be omnipotent and benevolent, for a benevolent, omnipotent God would have forced free agents to desist from evil and this prevented the introduction of suffering (...)
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    (1 other version)How Good the Coffee can be.Scott F. Parker - 2011-03-04 - In Fritz Allhoff, Scott F. Parker & Michael W. Austin (eds.), Coffee. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 184–191.
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    Human Goodness: Pragmatic Variations on Platonic Themes (review).Catherine E. Morrison - 2008 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 41 (2):190-194.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Human Goodness: Pragmatic Variations on Platonic ThemesCatherine E. MorrisonHuman Goodness: Pragmatic Variations on Platonic Themes by Paul Schollmeier Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Pp. x + 302. $80.00, cloth.This is a book about spirits—human, godly, ghostly, and alcoholic. Paul Schollmeier's Human Goodness: Pragmatic Variations on Platonic Themes explores how humble humans act morally in an absurd world. Schollmeier contends that the Socratic spirit, or daimon, of self-knowledge and (...)
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    The Geography of Good and Evil: Philosophical Investigations.Andreas Kinneging - 2009 - Wilmington, Del.: Intercollegiate Studies Institute. Edited by Ineke Hardy & Jonathan Price.
    _Do good and evil exist? Absolutely._ In this bracing book, the eminent Dutch philosopher Andreas Kinneging turns fashionable thinking on its head, revealing how good and evil are objective, universal, and unchanging—and how they must be rediscovered in our age. In mapping the geography of good and evil, Kinneging reclaims, and reintroduces us to, the great tradition of ancient and Christian thought. Traditional wisdom enables us to address the eternal questions of good and evil that confront (...)
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    Absolute Prohibitions without Divine Promises.Sabina Lovibond - 2004 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 54:141-158.
    Elizabeth Anscombe's ‘Modern Moral Philosophy’ is read and remembered principally as a critique of the state of ethical theory at the time when she was writing—an account of certain faulty assumptions underlying that theory in its different variants, and rendering trivial the points on which they ostensibly disagree. Not unreasonably, the essay serves as a starting point for the recent Oxford Readings collection on ‘virtue ethics’, and as an authoritative text on the failings of other approaches with which philosophy students (...)
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