Results for 'Ziqiang Yuan'

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  1.  46
    Promoting Geospatial Service from Information to Knowledge with Spatiotemporal Semantics.Jing Geng, Shuliang Wang, Wenxia Gan, Hanning Yuan, Zeqiang Chen, Ziqiang Yuan & Tianru Dai - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-14.
    With the development of geoscience, users are eager to obtain preferred service from geospatial information intelligently and automatically. However, the information grows rapidly while the service gets more complicated, which makes it difficult to find out the targeted information for an exact service in geospatial issues. In this paper, a novel method is proposed to promote the geospatial service from information to knowledge with spatiotemporal semantics. Both prompted and professional knowledge are further refined to be published as a service. In (...)
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  2. Wen xue guo cheng yuan li.Yuan Dong - 1990 - Kunming Shi: Yunnan jiao yu chu ban she. Edited by Zhengfei Cai & Ruyu Wu.
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    Zhuangzi's Conception of Human Nature (Xing 性).Ziqiang Bai - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (2):245-263.
    Abstract:Zhuangzi's understanding of human nature has not been extensively discussed in the English literature. The Chinese discussions of it, though many, largely tend either to be carried away into the Confucian conventional debate on the moral goodness and badness of human nature or to explain it away by overemphasizing Zhuangzi's stress on the uniqueness of the human individual. In this article, with the intention to pin down what is really meant by human nature in the Zhuangzi, it will first be (...)
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  4. Relation in Trinitarian Theology: Thomas Aquinas and the Church Fathers.Ziqiang Bai - 2019 - Biblia Et Patristica Thoruniensia 12 (3):223-241.
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    Wang Chuanshan qi hua sheng ming lun.Ziqiang Kang - 2020 - Taibei Shi: Wu nan tu shu chu ban gu fen you xian gong si.
    王船山,一位明末清初的著名思想家。後人將顧炎武、黃宗羲和王船山三人並稱「清初三儒」。 王船山的氣化生命論,是從氣的角度詮釋生命本質。若與現代分子生物學的微觀立場相較,氣化生命論則為一種巨觀立場,它不是從分子層次觀察生命,而是從宇宙整體的尺度來界定何謂生命。這種生命論述是晚明儒、道、佛跨 界交流之下的產物,它以儒家氣學為根柢,汲取道教內丹學的修鍊功法,以及佛教唯識學的生死流轉。因此,氣化生命論除了關懷宋明儒者熱衷的心性問題外,亦看重人體生理的因素,甚至進而探索生命的終極歸宿。這些嶄新的 議題,構成了氣化生命論的獨特內容,可謂「別開生面」。本書重新爬梳前人研究中相對忽略的原典材料,試圖釐清隱含其中的若干線索,從思想史的角度重新勾勒船山生命論述的輪廓。 本書共六章,開章介紹王船山生平,後四章則專論王船山的氣化生命論,探討他的生命觀、修養觀、倫理觀及其政治觀。王船山的生命論述在現代船山學研究中,涉及生理學、生物學或生命科學等面向。.
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    Jiao shi ren ge you hua lun.Ziqiang Shen, Futang Liu & Zhonghai Wu (eds.) - 1989 - Shenyang: Liaoning da xue chu ban she.
  7.  19
    The personal significance of the human body in wojtyla’s philosophy of the human person.Bai Ziqiang - 2020 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 21 (Special Issue).
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    Sinologism: A New Critical Perspective.Ziqiang Gong & Xiaoming Chen - 2018 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 49 (1):27-35.
    Editors’ AbstractThis article conducts a detailed review of Sinologism and focuses on the conceptual core of “cultural unconscious.” It suggests that the concept is not merely intended to alert people to the phenomena of Sinologism, nor is it limited to the purpose of exposing the inherent, hidden logic of Sinologism. It goes a step further by cautioning people to be on guard against various snares of Sinologism, to treat de-Sinologization as a major focal point in China studies, and to make (...)
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  9.  7
    Min shi zheng ju yan jiu.Ziqiang Ye - 1999 - Beijing: Fa lü chu ban she.
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  10.  55
    Rational metabolic revision based on core beliefs.Yongfeng Yuan - 2017 - Synthese 194 (6).
    When an agent can not recognize, immediately, the implausible part of new information received, she will usually first expand her belief state by the new information, and then she may encounter some belief conflicts, and find the implausible information based on her criteria to consolidate her belief state. This process indicates a new kind of non-prioritized multiple revision, called metabolic revision. I give some axiomatic postulates for metabolic revision and propose two functional constructions for it, namely kernel metabolic revision and (...)
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  11. Original Teachings of Ch'an Buddhism.C. CUNG-YUAN - 1969
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  12.  32
    Belief Ascription and De Re Communication.Yuan Ren - 2007 - In L. Magnani & P. Li, Model-Based Reasoning in Science, Technology, and Medicine. Springer. pp. 161--178.
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  13.  30
    (1 other version)Dao Companion to Chinese Philosophy of Logic.Yuan Ren - forthcoming - Tandf: History and Philosophy of Logic:1-3.
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  14.  12
    Industrial Investment Funds, Government R&D Subsidies, and Technological Innovation: Evidence From Chinese Companies.Yuan-Ming Ren - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Industrial investment funds are a new financing innovation mode that can build an effective financing channel for enterprises.Based on the panel data of Chinese Listed Companies in 2008–2017, this manuscript constructed a static panel model between industrial investment funds, government R&D subsidies, and technological innovation to empirically analyze the effects of industrial investment fund involvement and government R&D subsidies on companies’ technological innovation. The research shows that industrial investment fund involvement can increase the company’s R&D investment by providing financial funds (...)
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  15.  47
    A Study on Traditional Teaching Method Transferring to E-Learning Under the Covid-19 Pandemic: From Chinese Students' Perspectives.Yuan Qing Jin, Chien-Liang Lin, Qun Zhao, Sung-Wen Yu & Yu-Sheng Su - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, online learning has been carried out in many countries with different types of online learning models being promoted and implemented. In the global pandemic continues, the education environment is forced to change from traditional classroom or blended teaching mode to online learning teaching model. With the outbreak of COVID-19, China was the first to announce that online courses are to be implemented in February 2020. In China, whether online learning can replace traditional offline teaching (...)
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  16. Doing Right Leads to Doing Well: When the Type of CSR and Reputation Interact to Affect Consumer Evaluations of the Firm. [REVIEW]Yuan-Shuh Lii & Monle Lee - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 105 (1):69-81.
    This study investigates the efficacy of three corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives—sponsorship, cause-related marketing (CRM), and philanthropy—on consumer–company identification (C–C identification) and brand attitude and, in turn, consumer citizenship behaviors. CSR reputation is proposed as the moderating variable that affects the relationship between CSR initiatives, C–C identification, and brand attitude. A conceptual model that integrates the hypothesized relationships and the moderating effect of CSR reputation is used to frame the study. Using a between-subjects factorial designed experiment, the results showed that (...)
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  17. Ethics of Care and Concept of Jen : A Reply to Chenyang Li.Lijun Yuan - 2002 - Hypatia 17 (1):107-129.
  18.  33
    Zhuangzi: A New Translation of the Sayings of Master Zhuang as Interpreted by Guo Xiang by Richard John Lynn. [REVIEW]Ziqiang Zhao - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (3):1-4.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Zhuangzi: A New Translation of the Sayings of Master Zhuang as Interpreted by Guo Xiang by Richard John LynnZiqiang Zhao (bio)Zhuangzi: A New Translation of the Sayings of Master Zhuang as Interpreted by Guo Xiang. By Richard John Lynn. New York: Columbia University Press, 2022. Pp. ixxxix + 712. Hardcover $140.00, isbn 978-0-231-12386-0. The Zhuangzi occupies an important place in the history of Chinese literature, philosophy, and religion. (...)
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  19. An Interpersonal Form of Faith.Yuan Tian - forthcoming - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.
    An athlete has faith in her unathletic partner to run a marathon, a teacher has faith in her currently poor-performing students to improve in the future, and your friend has faith in you to succeed in the difficult project that you have been pursuing, even, and especially, when your chance of failing is non-trivial. This paper develops and defends a relational view of interpersonal faith by considering four interesting phenomena: first, in virtue of placing faith in someone, we stand in (...)
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  20.  76
    Tao: A new way of thinking.Chang Chung-Yuan - 1974 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 1 (2):137-152.
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  21.  23
    How to Keep Sustainable Development Between Enterprises and Employees? Evaluating the Impact of Person–Organization Fit and Person–Job Fit on Innovative Behavior.Yuan Tang, Yun-Fei Shao, Yi-Jun Chen & Yin Ma - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    High-tech industries often regard workers as their main source of value creation. In order to stimulate their employees' willingness to innovate and their innovative behavior and reduce the turnover intention, companies are now seeking to establish employer–employee relationships in which their employee's willingness to stay is not simply driven by extrinsic motivations. Therefore, it is an important topic in human resources for companies to implement measures that encourage employees to willingly devote themselves to their jobs and consider organizational growth as (...)
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  22.  40
    A Pro-Realist Account of Gongsun Long's "White Horse Dialogue".Yuan Ren & Yuyu Liu - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (2):464-483.
    Ever since the ancient Chinese paradox "white horse is not horse" was brought into the context of Western philosophy, various interpretations have been proposed by modern scholars based on different theoretical considerations, although no satisfactory consensus has been reached. Controversy focuses especially on whether the paradox implies a realist or nominalist ontology.The controversy starts from Fung Yu-lan's realist reading of Gongsun Long. Fung read "white horse is not horse" as "white-horseness is different from horseness." "The universal, horseness, is the essential (...)
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  23. Zhongguo gu dai yi xue fa zhan di san ge yuan quan de zhong jie: Chuanshan yi xue si xiang yan jiu.Yuanning Chen - 2002 - Changsha Shi: Hunan da xue chu ban she.
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    Exploring corporate citizenship and purchase intention: mediating effects of brand trust and corporate identification.Yuan Hui Tsai, Sheng-Wuu Joe, Chieh-Peng Lin, Chou-Kang Chiu & Kuei-Tzu Shen - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (4):361-377.
    Corporate citizenship represents various organizational activities and status related to the organization's societal and stakeholder obligations. This study develops five different dimensions of corporate citizenship and examines the relationship between the five dimensions and purchase intention by including two key mediators. In the proposed model of this study, purchase intention is indirectly affected by economic, legal, ethical, general philanthropic, and strategic philanthropic citizenship via the mediation of corporate identification and brand trust. Empirical testing using a survey of 353 consumers from (...)
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  25. Computational Agents as a Test-Bed to Study the Philosophical Dialogue Model "DE": A Development of Mackenzie's DC.Tangming Yuan, David Moore & Alec Grierson - 2003 - Informal Logic 23 (3):263-284.
    This paper reports research concerning a suitable dialogue model for human computer debate. In particular, we consider the adoption of Moore's (1993) utilization of Mackenzie's (1979) game DC, means of using computational agents as the test-bed to facilitate evaluation of the proposed model, and means of using the evaluation results as motivation to further develop a dialogue model, which can prevent fallacious argument and common errors. It is anticipated that this work will contribute toward the development of human computer dialogue, (...)
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  26.  32
    Dysphoria and the prediction and experience of emotion.Joyce W. Yuan & Ann M. Kring - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (6):1221-1232.
  27.  60
    Japanese death factories and the American cover-up.Yuan-Fang Chen - 1997 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 6 (2):240-.
  28. Yan Yuan ji.Yuan Yan - 1987 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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  29.  11
    Yan Yuan quan ji.Yuan Yan - 2017 - Shijiazhuang Shi: Hebei jiao yu chu ban she. Edited by Shanbang Chen & Ziping Deng.
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  30.  8
    Educational research and the question(s) of time.Yuan Gao & Jinjin Lu - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    Education Research and the Question(s) of Time is a seminal volume edited by David R. Cole, Mehri Mirzaei Rafe, and Gui Ying Annie Yang-Heim (2024), which offers an in-depth exploration of the ubiq...
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  31.  65
    Unconscious emotion regulation: Nonconscious reappraisal decreases emotion-related physiological reactivity during frustration.Jiajin Yuan, Nanxiang Ding, Yingying Liu & Jiemin Yang - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (6):1042-1053.
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    About the Notion of Interpretation in Ludwig Wittgenstein's "Seeing-As".María Sol Yuan - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71 (179):161–180.
    RESUMEN Los casos de "ver-como", presentados por Wittgenstein en la Segunda Parte de Philosophical Investigations, muestran que el concepto de "ver" se encuentra cercano al de "interpretar" y resiste su separación. El presente artículo propone un argumento para aclarar la noción de "interpretación" presente en estos casos, a partir de su comparación con los usos presentes en el Tractatus y en la Primera Parte de Philosophical Investigations. Se sostiene que dicha noción cumple el rol de determinar el sentido de lo (...)
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  33.  31
    Low Mood Leads to Increased Empathic Distress at Seeing Others’ Pain.Yuan Cao, Genevieve Dingle, Gary C. K. Chan & Ross Cunnington - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Unimodal and multimodal regions for logographic language processing in left ventral occipitotemporal cortex.Yuan Deng, Qiuyan Wu & Xuchu Weng - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  35.  65
    Kant’s Aesthetics and the East.Chang Chung-Yuan - 1976 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 3 (4):399-411.
  36.  30
    Modernization Theory.Yuan Peng - 2009 - Chinese Studies in History 43 (1):37-45.
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    Essay on feudalism.Liu Tsung-Yüan - 1975 - Chinese Studies in History 8 (1-2):320-329.
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  38.  30
    Mindfulness and Suicide Risk in Undergraduates: Exploring the Mediating Effect of Alexithymia.Yuan Fang, Baoer Zeng, Peiyi Chen, Yiling Mai, Shan Teng, Minting Zhang, Jingbo Zhao, Xueling Yang & Jiubo Zhao - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  39.  52
    The Effect of University Students’ Emotional Intelligence, Learning Motivation and Self-Efficacy on Their Academic Achievement—Online English Courses.Yuan-Cheng Chang & Yu-Ting Tsai - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on education worldwide. The disease first hit China and numerous Chinese cities then started to conduct online courses. Therefore, this study aims to explore the effect of the Shanghai students’ emotional intelligence, learning motivation, and self-efficacy on their academic achievement when they participated in online English classes during the latter phase of the pandemic in China. Furthermore, the research also examines whether the students’ emotional intelligence can influence their academic achievement through the (...)
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  40.  12
    Makesi zhu yi ji ben yuan li.Yun Sun, Qingshou Yuan & Guirong Zhang (eds.) - 1987 - Ha'erbin: Heilongjiang ren min chu ban she.
  41.  24
    A budget-limited mechanism for category-aware crowdsourcing of multiple-choice tasks.Yuan Luo & Nicholas R. Jennings - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 299 (C):103538.
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  42.  24
    The Reciprocal Relationship Between Handwriting Fluency and Spelling Accuracy in Chinese: A Longitudinal Study.Yuan Ding, Liping Li & Xinchun Wu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  43.  10
    文学过程原理.Yuan Dong, Zhengfei Cai & Ruyu Wu - 1990 - Kunming Shi: Yunnan jiao yu chu ban she. Edited by Zhengfei Cai & Ruyu Wu.
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  44.  29
    Assessing the Mediation Mechanism of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on Innovative Behavior: The Perspective of Psychological Capital.Yuan Tang, Yun-Fei Shao & Yi-Jun Chen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  45.  66
    Rational evaluation in belief revision.Yongfeng Yuan & Shier Ju - 2015 - Synthese 192 (7):2311-2336.
    We introduce a new operator, called rational evaluation, in belief change. The operator evaluates new information according to the agent’s core beliefs, and then exports the plausible part of the new information. It belongs to the decision module in belief change. We characterize rational evaluation by axiomatic postulates and propose two functional constructions for it, based on the well-known constructions of kernel sets and remainder sets, respectively. The main results of the paper are two representation theorems with respect to the (...)
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  46. Zhe xue wen ti jie da.Yuan Fu - 1980 - Gansu sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  47.  16
    Agency as power: An ecological exploration of an emerging language teacher leaders’ emotional changes in an educational reform.Yuan Gao & Yaqiong Cui - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Teacher emotion, an important aspect of language teacher psychology, has recently drawn growing attention in language teacher development studies. Previous research has shown that language teachers, typically pressured by heavy workloads, may face emotional challenges from multiplied sources, especially in the context of educational changes such as curriculum reform and the COVID-19 emergency. Current literature on teachers’ emotions largely centers around ordinary language teachers, with teacher leaders whose agentic actions often exert greater influence on the effectiveness of educational changes rarely (...)
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  48.  18
    An Investigation Into the Role of English as a Foreign Language Teachers’ Self-Efficacy in Their Organizational Commitment.Yuan Gao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:894333.
    The way EFL students experience the process of learning has always been of utmost importance since it tremendously affects the amount of learning and received pleasure throughout this process for both teachers and students. From this aspect, both self-efficacious and committed teachers make a contribution to their organization’s success. Even though many studies have been conducted about teachers’ self-efficacy and their organizational commitment, a few of which concentrate their attention on the link between these two variables. To fill this gap, (...)
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  49.  16
    Correction to: Rethinking Augustine’s Misunderstanding of First Movements: the Moral Psychology of Preliminary Passions.Yuan Gao - 2021 - Sophia 60 (4):1071-1071.
    A correction to this paper has been published:
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  50.  18
    Equipmentality as United Actor in Han Bo’s China Eastern Railway Poems and Questions of Female Agency.Yuan Gao - 2022 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 12 (1):171-177.
    Abstract:Trains, a representation of Western technology and civilization, entered China in the early twentieth century. Han Bo poeticizes this train-induced Chinese modernity and its ongoing processes by mobilizing female images and characters on, of, or around the train, itself a complex of technocultural material forces entering into the vision of the modern Chinese people both individually and collectively. This essay analyzes such a train of train images in two poems by Han Bo, “Modern Sexual Equipmentality” and “Mass-Murdering Equipmentality,” while providing (...)
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