Results for 'Zeitlichkeit Temporality'

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  1.  69
    Sinn und Gedächtnis. Die Zeitlichkeit des Sinns und die Figuren ihrer Reflexion.Thomas Khurana - 2007 - München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.
    Der Gedanke, der im Folgenden artikuliert und entfaltet werden soll, besagt, dass Sinn und Gedächtnis in einem internen Zusammenhang stehen. Das heißt näherhin: Sinn ist gedächtnishaft, und Gedächtnis ist nur richtig zu verstehen, wenn es von der zeitlichen Tiefenstruktur des Sinns aus expliziert wird. Die Weise, in der dieser Gedanke ausgeführt und begründet werden soll, ist eine systematische Entwicklung in zwei Zügen: Zum einen gilt es, die basale und implizite Gedächtnishaftigkeit des Sinns zu charakterisieren; zum anderen werden Formen des expliziten (...)
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    Fragmentierte Zeitlichkeit Ein phänomenologisches Modell der Schizophrenie.Monika Knack, Lily Martin & Thomas Fuchs - 2022 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2022 (1):130-155.
    The variety of symptoms associated with schizophrenia are not easily unified under one coherent concept. Nevertheless, under the gaze of phenomenology, a disturbance of pre-reflexive experience has become increasingly apparent as the basis of the condition, which has so far been understood in two different ways: on the one hand, as a disturbance of basal self-experience, of my-ness or ipseity (Louis Sass, Josef Parnas, Dan Zahavi) and on the other hand, as a disturbance of the passive synthesis of inner time (...)
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    Schon da und noch im Kommen. Zur Zeitlichkeit des Mediums Sinn.Thomas Khurana - 2011 - In Kiening Christian, Prica Alexandra & Wirz Benno, Wiederkehr und Verheißung. Chronos Verlag. pp. 43–64.
    Der Beitrag untersucht (I) die Unterscheidung von Medium und Form und erläutert, inwiefern »Sinn« im Anschluss an Luhmann als Medium verstanden werden kann. Im zweiten Schritt (II) charakterisiert der Beitrag die komplexe Zeitlichkeit des Mediums Sinn. Der dritte Teil (III) weist schließlich exemplarisch und kursorisch auf, wie sich an einzelnen Formen des Mediums Sinn seine zeitliche Medialität manifestiert. Der Punkt, auf den es dabei ankommt, ist nicht einfach die im Medium des Sinns selbstverständlich mögliche Thematisierung der Zeit, sondern die (...)
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    Denken der Zeit und Zeitlichkeit des Denkens. Zur Genese spekulativer Erkenntnis in Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes.Volker Rühle - 2009 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 57 (4):551-570.
    If we read Hegel′s “phenomenology” not as a historical product of the intention of an author, but as an expression of the process of creative experience, whose autonomous “negativity” changes every intention of objectual cognition, then the fundamental problems of its “systematic” pretention emerges in a new manner. Creative processes possess an unconditional, incalculable dimension of time, which cannot be reduced to the progressive growth of experience theoretically mediated and controlled. Guided by this understanding, the essay develops the problem of (...)
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    Phänomenologie der Zeit und der Zeitlichkeit bei Husserl und Heidegger.Günther Neumann - 2023 - Heidegger Studies 39 (1):149-208.
    Phenomenology of Time and Temporality in Husserl and Heidegger Since objective time cannot be presupposed in phenomenology, the question of the constitution and nature of time represents a central task of every phenomenological analysis. The purpose of this contribution is to offer a comparison of the phenomenological analyses of time and temporality in Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger and thereby to set out the fundamental differences of their approaches. In addition to the foundational lectures and texts On the (...)
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    Edmund Husserl: Zeitlichkeit und Intentionalität. [REVIEW]Christian Lotz - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (1):160-161.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.1 (2001) 160-161 [Access article in PDF] Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl. Edmund Husserl. Zeitlichkeit und Intentionalität. Freiburg: Alber Verlag, 2000. Pp. 828. DM 178.00. Husserl himself understood the principle of a further development in phenomenology as a process of "critique of critique." One can find a realization of this principle in this impressive study by Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl (University of Graz, Austria). Through the title (...)
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  7. Freedom for Losing Oneself: Lessons in Spontaneity and Temporality in Kant and Heidegger.Addison Ellis - forthcoming - In Möglichkeit und Wirklichkeit der Freiheit: Kant und Heidegger über Freiheit, Willen, und Recht.
    I illustrate a formal similarity between the autonomy-heteronomy relation in Kant and the authenticity-inauthenticity relation in Heidegger, which then serves as an introduction to the affinity as well as the differences between Kant’s philosophy of self-consciousness and Heidegger’s investigation of the meaning of being. I sketch this in a two-fold manner: (1) for Kant and Heidegger, freedom is a form of energeia—a self-sustaining and (in some sense) complete or perfected activity. For each it may also be seen as constitutive of (...)
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  8. Sound Ontology and the Brentano-Husserl Analysis of the Consciousness of Time.Jorge Luis Méndez-martínez - 2020 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 9 (1):184-215.
    Both Franz Brentano and Edmund Husserl addressed sound while trying to explain the inner consciousness of time and gave to it the status of a supporting example. Although their inquiries were not aimed at clarifying in detail the nature of the auditory experience or sounds themselves, they made some interesting observations that can contribute to the current philosophical discussion on sounds. On the other hand, in analytic philosophy, while inquiring the nature of sounds, their location, auditory experience or the audible (...)
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  9. Quellen und Grenzen lebensweltlicher Vorstellungen vom Tod.Gregor Schiemann - 2017 - In Jassen Andreev, Emil Lensky & Paula Angelova, Das Interpretative Universum. Würzburg: Konigshausen & Neumann. pp. 415-439.
    Als erstes charakterisiere ich den historischen Wandel, der den modernen lebensweltlichen Verständnisweisen des Todes vorausliegt - und zwar im Hinblick auf die Rolle der Wissenschaften in diesem Prozess (Abschnitt 1). Insofern Verdrängung und Bewusstsein des Todes als Ent­wicklungstendenzen heute einander gegenüberstehen, resultiert für die Zukunft eine Entwicklungsoffenheit, die die Möglichkeit von Prognosen zum Verhältnis von lebensweltlicher und wissenschaftlicher Themati­sierung des Todes erheblich einschränkt. Insofern aber die Verdrängung gegenüber dem Bewusstsein des Todes dominiert, ergibt sich der Hinweis für einen veränderten Begriff (...)
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    Buddhistische Unbestandigkeitssicht und Nietzsches Nihilismus.Kogaku Arifuku - 2018 - Fichte-Studien 46:222-246.
    Impermanence is one of the fundamental buddhist principles and of Japan’s typical view on life and world as well. The paper attempts to clear up commonalities and differences between the buddhist view of Impermanence and of Nietzsche’s Nihilism, and to compare the buddhist view with that of Nietzsche. The paper contains five chapters. The first argues for peculiarities of the buddhist, the second for Nietzsche’s view of Impermanence by looking at their common principle of Negation. The third and forth chapter (...)
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    Musik als erlebte Zeit.Georg Mohr - 2012 - Philosophia Naturalis 49 (2):319-347.
    If one intends to analyse the relevant features, dimensions und conditions of experienced time, music is a particularly suited field. Music excellently exposes temporal structures and modes of time experience. Temporality is an essential feature of music in such a way that music has often been called “the art of time ”. The variety of music-specific qualities can be related to two fundamental structural features of music: the irreversible course of tones, i.e. sound events in time (music in time); (...)
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    »Geschmack an Zeichen« Zweifel und Gewissheit im Briefgespräch zwischen Lavater und Hamann.Oswald Bayer - 2011 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 53 (1):1-15.
    ZUSAMMENFASSUNGHamanns »Geschmack an Zeichen« ist identisch mit seinem Glauben an die christologisch-eschatologisch bestimmte Anrede Gottes des Schöpfers und konstituiert durch die Textwelt der Bibel. Das Hauptcharakteristikum seines Zeichenbegriffs liegt in dessen eigentümlicher Zeitlichkeit: darin, dass das Ausstehen des »Vollkommenen« die konkrete, sinnliche Gegenwart seiner Fülle nicht ausschließt. Damit verbindet sich eine trotz der Skepsis angesichts der Nichtigkeit aller Dinge zugemutete elementare Lebensbejahung. Sie ist durch die eigentümliche Zeitansage dessen bestimmt, der, weil er die Gegenwart des kommenden Gottesreiches glaubte und (...)
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    Heidegger's Concept of Truth (review).Theodore J. Kisiel - 2002 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40 (1):133-134.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 40.1 (2002) 133-134 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Heidegger's Concept of Truth Daniel O. Dahlstrom. Heidegger's Concept of Truth. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Pp. xxx + 462. Cloth, $59.95. This somewhat trite and overly generic English title, from a Heideggerian perspective, is better specified by the title of the German original, which was perhaps too provocative for an analytical English (...)
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  14. Fulfilled present and rhythm of life.Roland Kipke - 2023 - Ethik in der Medizin 35 (1):23-42.
    Definition of the problem: The connection between time and the good life has already been worked out for a number of medical specialties and practices. However, what role does the temporality of the good life play for medicine as a whole? That is the central question of this article. Arguments: The good life is here understood as a meaningful life. Living meaningfully is only possible through present action. A fulfilled presence in this sense is therefore an essential aspect of (...)
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    Gender and Time.Kevin Aho - 2007 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 12 (1):137-155.
    Many critics have attempted to give an account of a gendered incarnation of Dasein in response to Heidegger’s “neutral” or “asexual” interpretation. In this paper,I suggest gendered readings of Dasein are potentially misleading. I argue Dasein is gendered only to the extent that “the Anyone” (das Man)—understood as relational background of social practices, institutions, and languages—constitutes the space or “clearing” (Lichtung) of intelligibility. However, this reading misrepresents the core motivation of Heidegger’s early project, namely to arrive at “temporality” ( (...)) as the original source of any intelligibility whatsoever. For Heidegger, Dasein is to be understood in terms of the twofold movement of being “thrown” into the Past (Vergangenheit) and “projecting” into the Future (Zukunft). It is only the basis of the neutral temporal structures of “thrown projection” that beings can emerge-into-presence as such, enabling us to make sense of our Present (Gegenwart) gendered practices in the first place. (shrink)
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    Jedesmaligkeit«»Every-time-ness.Eva Axer - 2020 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 94 (2):237-266.
    ZusammenfassungIn seinem Buch Einfache Formen entwickelt André Jolles in Auseinandersetzung mit Goethes Naturkunde die Vorstellung einer besonderen Zeitlichkeit der von ihm so genannten »Einfachen Formen«, die er als »Jedesmaligkeit« bezeichnet. Jolles greift damit den morphologischen Gedanken einer Vielgestaltigkeit von Form vor dem Hintergrund der sprachwissenschaftlichen Debatten seines politisierten akademischen Umfelds in Leipzig auf, das den Saussure’schen Systemgedanken der Sprache unter Rückbezug auf Wilhelm von Humboldt holistisch umdeuten wollte. Der Aufsatz verortet Jolles’ Überlegungen in der formorientierten Literatur- und Kulturtheorie der (...)
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    Retroaktive Neuverhandlung.Daniel Martin Feige - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 63 (1).
    Der Beitrag widmet sich der Frage historischer Folgeverhältnisse in der Kunst. Gegenüber dem Gedanken, dass es ein ursprüngliches Werk in der Reihe von Werken gibt, das späteren Werken seinen Sinn gibt, schlägt der Text vor, das Verhältnis umgekehrt zu denken: Im Lichte späterer Werke wird der Sinn früherer Werke neu ausgehandelt. Dazu geht der Text in drei Schritten vor. Im ersten Teil formuliert er unter der Überschrift ›Form‹ in kritischer Abgrenzung zu Danto und Eco mit Adorno den Gedanken, dass Kunstwerke (...)
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  18.  24
    Das Gedächtnis des Anderen. Zum Ethos des Gedächtnisses bei Derrida.Thomas Khurana - 2009 - In Flatscher Matthias & Loidolt Sophie, Das Fremde im Selbst – Das Andere im Selben: Transformationen der Phänomenologie. Königshausen und Neumann. pp. 160–175.
    In einer kurzen Abhandlung über das Gedächtnis, die unter dem Namen De Memoria et Reminiscentia bekannt geworden ist, gibt Aristoteles zwei ebenso knappe wie grundlegende Bestimmungen des Gedächtnisses, deren Zusammenhang und mögliche Tragweite ich in diesem Beitrag freilege. Aristoteles schreibt in der ersten Umgrenzung seines Themas mit Blick auf den Gegenstand des Gedächtnisses: ,,Gedächtnis ist von Vergangenem". (Aristoteles 2004, 449a9 ff.) In der Charakterisierung der Art und Weise, wie im Gedächtnis die Affektion von etwas präsent sein kann, das selbst jedoch (...)
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  19.  49
    Die zeitlichen Formen des endlichen Verstandes. Sebastian Rödls Kategorien des Zeitlichen. [REVIEW]Thomas Khurana - 2008 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 56 (3):460-464.
    „Daß alle Sätze die Zeit in irgendeiner Weise enthalten, scheint uns zufällig, im Vergleich damit, daß auf alle Sätze die Wahrheitsfunktionen anwendbar sind.“ Die Zeit „schmeckt nach Inhalt“, die Wahrheitsfunktionen hingegen nach „Darstellungsform“. Diese Bemerkung Wittgensteins spiegelt eine Intuition wider, von der sich der überwiegende Teil analytischer Sprachphilosophie leiten lässt. Sebastian Rödl zeigt in seinem Buch, dass diese Intuition fehlgeht und dabei mit einem verengten Verständnis von Logik und einer falschen Auffassung der Natur unseres endlichen Verstandes zusammenhängt. Für einen endlichen (...)
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  20. Introduction: Beyond the individual and across time.Niklas Ellerich-Groppe & Dominik Koesling - 2025 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 11 (2).
    Irrespective of whether the appropriate means of addressing the climate crisis, the future of social security systems or the right actions in the face of a colonial legacy are discussed – a number of topics have been increasingly taken up in recent public and academic debates, placing ethical questions relating to intergenerational relationships at the forefront of the agenda. However, within the field of ethics, approaches that are characterized by a focus on the individual and the present – and that (...)
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  21. Temporal logic.Temporal Logic - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  22.  13
    Otto Poggeler.Temporal Interpretation - 1982 - In Ronald Bruzina & Bruce W. Wilshire, Phenomenology: Dialogues and Bridges. State University of New York Press. pp. 79.
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    A Contribuição de Matéria e Memória Para o Estudo da Linguagem Na Filosofia de Henri Bergson.Vanessa de Oliveira Temporal - 2011 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 3 (6):75-92.
    Após uma breve retomada da tese bergsoniana da inadequabilidade da linguagem para exprimir o real, a qual está presente ao longo de toda sua obra, este trabalho procura mostrar de que modo Matéria e Memória contempla uma reflexão mais profunda sobre esta temática ao apresentar a noção de “aparelho motor”, que permite vislumbrar o fundamento corporal dos hábitos da prática e aponta para o problema de transpô-los sem crítica ao âmbito do pensamento especulativo. Em linhas gerais, procuramos entender de que (...)
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    Leibniz on mathematics and the actually infinite division of matter, Samuel Levey.Temporal Parts Unmotivated - 1998 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 58 (2).
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  25. Vi. philosophy.Human Temporality & H. L. Dreyfus - 1975 - In J. T. Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence, The Study of Time II: Proceedings of the Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Lake Yamanaka-Japan. Springer Verlag. pp. 2--150.
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  26. A Statement of Temporal Realism.Two Essays on Temporal Realism - 1996 - In Brian Jack Copeland, Logic and reality: essays on the legacy of Arthur Prior. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  27. tive approach to elucidating the mechanism of organic behavior changes is more likely to clarify the basis of functional psychosis, by analogy, than the current Procrustean application of psychiatric nosology.Temporal Lobe Epilepsy - 1979 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga, Handbook of Behavioral Neurobiology. , Volume 2. pp. 78.
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  28. Barry Richards.Temporal Quantifiers Tenses & Semantic Innocence - 1987 - In Ernest LePore, New directions in semantics. Orlando: Academic Press. pp. 337.
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  29.  17
    La lección del finalismo moral en los cuentos maravillosos.Josep Temporal - 1999 - Anuario Filosófico 32 (2):543-549.
    The moral pedagogy in the fairy tales is simple but powerful. It is concentrated in the lesson –according to the message of Aristotle– about the finalism sense of action: it makes the child understand that the human answer is an action with sense. Everything in the fairy tale leads to this perspective. Moreover, it exemplifies MacIntyre’s opinion which says that current people tend to be proto-aristotelian and to understand their own life and the other’s in narrative terms.
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    " Il· luminar-te el rostre, estimat". Ressons de la caverna al cicle rondallístic de l'animal-nuvi.Josep Temporal I. Oleart - 1995 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 7:103.
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    Philosophical abstracts.Temporal Regression - 1997 - Review of Metaphysics 50 (1):703-736.
  32. Life and Death,„.Temporal Asymmetry - 1994 - American Philosophical Quarterly 31:235-244.
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  33. Emily Grabham.Praxiographies' of Time : Law, Temporalities & Material Worlds - 2018 - In Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Routledge Handbook of Law and Theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    A shooting room view oj doomsday, William Eckhardt.Temporal Horizons oj Justice - 1997 - Mind 106 (421).
  35.  23
    What Moore's Paradox Is About, CLAUDIO DE ALMEIDA.Temporal Phase Pluralism - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 62 (1).
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  36. Affectivity in Heidegger II: Temporality, Boredom, and Beyond.Lauren Freeman & Andreas Elpidorou - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (10):672-684.
    In ‘Affectivity in Heidegger I: Moods and Emotions in Being and Time’, we explicated the crucial role that Martin Heidegger assigns to our capacity to affectively find ourselves in the world. There, our discussion was restricted to Division I of Being and Time. Specifically, we discussed how Befindlichkeit as a basic existential and moods as the ontic counterparts of Befindlichkeit make circumspective engagement with the world possible. Indeed, according to Heidegger, it is primarily through moods that the world is ‘opened (...)
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    Self-Awareness, Temporality, and Alterity: Central Topics in Phenomenology.Dan Zahavi (ed.) - 1998 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Focusing on the topics of self-awareness, temporality, and alterity, this anthology contains contributions by prominent phenomenologists from Germany, Belgium, France, Japan, USA, Canada and Denmark, all addressing questions very much in the center of current phenomenological debate. What is the relation between the self and the Other? How are self-awareness and intentionality intertwined? To what extent do the temporality and corporeality of subjectivity contain a dimension of alterity? How should one account for the intersubjectivity, interculturality and historicity of (...)
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    Enacting a Jazz Beat: Temporality in Sonic Environment and Symbolic Communication.Mattias Solli & Thomas Netland - 2021 - British Journal of Aesthetics 61 (4):485-504.
    What does it mean to enact a jazz beat as a creative performer? This article offers a critical reading of Iyer’s much-cited theory on rhythmic enaction. We locate the sonic environment approach in Iyer’s theory, and criticize him for advancing a one-to-one relationship between everyday perception and full-fledged aural competence of jazz musicians, and for comparing the latter with non-symbolic behaviour of non-human organisms. As an alternative, we suggest a Merleau-Ponty-inspired concept of rhythmic enaction, which we call the enactive communicative (...)
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  39. Being-in-the-world, Temporality and Autopoiesis.Marilyn Stendera - 2015 - Parrhesia 24:261-284.
    To understand the radical potential of Heidegger’s model of practice, we need to acknowledge the role that temporality plays within it. Commentaries on Heidegger’s account of practical engagement, however, often leave the connection between purposiveness and temporality unexplored, a tendency that persists in the contemporary discourse generated by the interaction between the phenomenological tradition and certain approaches within cognitive science. Taking up a temporality-oriented reading that redresses this can, I want to argue here, reveal new illuminating sites (...)
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  40. The politics of temporality Heidegger, Bourdieu, Benjamin, Derrida to the planetarium : from cosmos to history and back.David Hoy - 2008 - In Tyrus Miller, Given world and time: temporalities in context. New York: CEU Press.
  41. Part I. The temporality of surprise: A dynamic process opening up possibilities: 1. Neurophenomenology of surprise.Michel Bitbol - 2019 - In Natalie Depraz & Agnès Celle, Surprise at the intersection of phenomenology and linguistics. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  42. Edit doron/agency and voice: The semantics of the semitic templates.Karlos Arregi, Clausal Pied-Piping, Richard Larson, Sungeun Cho & Temporal Adjectives - 2003 - Natural Language Semantics 11:395-396.
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  43. Heidegger and Strauss: Temporality, Religion and Philosophy.Laurence Berns - 2000 - Interpretation 27 (2):99-104.
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  44. Does reliabilism have a temporality problem?Jeffrey Tolly - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (8):2203-2220.
    Matthew Frise claims that reliabilist theories of justification have a temporality problem—the problem of providing a principled account of the temporal parameters of a process’s performance that determine whether that process is reliable at a given time. Frise considers a representative sample of principled temporal parameters and argues that there are serious problems with all of them. He concludes that the prospects for solving the temporality problem are bleak. Importantly, Frise argues that the temporality problem constitutes a (...)
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    The phenomenology of psychedelic temporality: current knowledge, open questions, and clinical applications.Riccardo Miceli McMillan, Jack Reynolds & Anthony Fernandez - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology:1-28.
    Current evidence suggests that the efficacy of psychedelic therapy depends, in part, on the character of psychedelic experiences themselves. One pronounced aspect of psychedelic experiences is alterations to the experience of time, including reports of timelessness or transcending time. However, how we should interpret such reports remains unclear, and this lack of clarity has philosophical and clinical implications. For instance, “true” timelessness may be considered antithetical to having any experience at all, and descriptions of experiences involving “timelessness” are known to (...)
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  46. (1 other version)Exploring Heidegger's Ecstatic Temporality in the Context of Embodied Breakdown.David A. Stone & Christina Papadimitriou - 2010 - Schutzian Research. A Yearbook of Worldly Phenomenology and Qualitative Social Science 2:137-154.
    A well-worn trope used by phenomenologists is that things that remain invisible or unnoticed in the course of our everyday being in the world reveal themselves in instances of breakdown. This paper borrows this trope to explicate one instance of breakdown, that of traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI). We use the phenomenology of Heidegger, especially his formulation of ecstatic temporality presented in Being and Time, to illuminate the temporal issues surrounding this radical rupture in Dasein’s being in the world (...)
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    Heidegger's Concept of Temporality.Daniel O. Dahlstrom - 1995 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (1):95-115.
    Another possible source of this neglect in the United States is the work of Mark Okrent. In Heidegger's Pragmatism Okrent does, indeed, take seriously the importance of the account of temporality for the project of Sein und Zeit, as originally conceived by Heidegger. However, like Dreyfus, Okrent is so taken by the pragmatic character of the analyses in Division I that he ignores Heidegger's analysis of authentic existence and thereby any bearing that this analysis might have on the account (...)
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  48. Some Free Thinking about Time.Two Essays on Temporal Realism - 1996 - In Brian Jack Copeland, Logic and reality: essays on the legacy of Arthur Prior. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  49. Shame and temporality in the streets : consumerism, technology, truth and raw life.Ladson Hinton - 2017 - In Ladson Hinton & Hessel Willemsen, Temporality and Shame: Perspectives From Psychoanalysis and Philosophy. New York: Routledge.
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  50. La lección del finalismo moral en los cuentos maravillosos.Josep Temporal I. Oleart - 1999 - Anuario Filosófico 32 (64):543.
    The moral pedagogy in the fairy tales is simple but powerful. It is concentrated in the lesson -according to the message of Aristotle- about the finalism sense of action: it makes the child understand that the human answer is an action with sense. Everything in the fairy tale leads to this perspective. Moreover, it exemplifies MacIntyre's opinion which says that current people tend to be proto-aristotelian and to understand their own life and the other's in narrative terms.
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