Results for 'Zdeňka Bajgarová'

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  1.  23
    Partner relationships and the raising of a temperamentally difficult infant.Zdeňka Bajgarová & Iva Stuchlíková - 2018 - Human Affairs 28 (3):219-232.
    This paper explores marital adjustment among couples raising a temperamentally difficult infant. Employing a multiple case study methodology we conducted ten interviews with six couples. The parenting distress these couples experienced meant they were at higher risk of marital maladjustment. Four couples experienced marital crisis, resulting in the separation of one couple. Our analysis suggests that reference to “insufficient father involvement” during the interviews signaled problems with the mother’s satisfaction and marital adjustment. We found that mothers consider four specific aspects (...)
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  2. The Kindness of Psychopaths.Zdenka Brzović, Marko Jurjako & Predrag Šustar - 2017 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 31 (2):189-211.
    Psychopathy attracts considerable interdisciplinary interest. The idea of a group of people with abnormal morality and interpersonal relations raises important philosophical, legal, and clinical issues. However, before engaging these issues, we ought to examine whether this category is scientifically grounded. We frame the issue in terms of the question whether ‘psychopathy’ designates a natural kind according to the cluster approaches. We argue that currently there is no sufficient evidence for an affirmative answer to this question. Furthermore, we examine three ways (...)
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  3. Natural Kinds.Zdenka Brzović - 2018 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    A large part of our exploration of the world consists in categorizing or classifying the objects and processes we encounter, both in scientific and everyday contexts. There are various, perhaps innumerable, ways to sort objects into different kinds or categories, but it is commonly assumed that, among the countless possible types of classifications, one group is privileged. Philosophy refers to such categories as natural kinds. Standard examples of such kinds include fundamental physical particles, chemical elements, and biological species. The term (...)
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    The Many Faces of Realism about Natural Kinds.Zdenka Brzović - 2024 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 55 (3):289-307.
    The label realist in the debate about natural kinds can imply different things. Many authors in this debate subscribe to views that are in some way realist, but without making clear whether the realism in question specifically attaches to kind categories or something else. The traditional understanding of realism about natural kinds is stated in terms of the mind-independence criterion. However, a recent tendency in the debate is to reject this understanding on the ground of its incompatibility with naturalistic approaches (...)
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    Postgenomics function monism.Zdenka Brzović & Predrag Šustar - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 80:101243.
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    Devitt’s ‘Intrinsic Biological Essentialism’.Zdenka Brzović - 2018 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 18 (2):307-318.
    This article is about the problem of essentialism of natural and biological kinds, especially species. We will primarily focus on Michael Devitt’s work “Resurrecting Biological Essentialism” (2008). We will try to prove what a good candidate for the essence of the species could be. This article puts the problem of essentialism into the context of biology and, through the usage of examples, attempts to answer that problem. We are going to try to define essentialism and determine what meaning essentialism holds (...)
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  7.  19
    The Role of Federal Government in the United States War Economy during World War II.Zdenka Johnson - 2023 - E-Logos 29 (2):23-47.
    Řízení válečné ekonomiky během druhé světové války přinášelo americké federální vládě mnoho zásadních výzev. Klíčovým nástrojem pro zvládnutí tohoto nelehkého úkolu byla fiskální politika. V této převratné době došlo k etablování mnoha nových prvků v americké ekonomice i fiskální politice. Některé z nich jsou patrné dodnes. Cílem této studie je analyzovat a kriticky zhodnotit hlavní trendy ve vývoji válečné ekonomiky a fiskální politiky USA během druhé světové války. Dílčí výzkumné otázky se týkají role federální vlády během strukturálních změn v hospodářství (...)
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    Evolutionary ontology of culture and the issues of business.Zdeňka Petáková - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (4):706-710.
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    Some aspects of lattice and generalized prelattice effect algebras.Zdenka Riečanová, Ivica Marinová & Michal Zajac - 2006 - In Harrie de Swart, Ewa Orlowska, Gunther Smith & Marc Roubens, Theory and Applications of Relational Structures as Knowledge Instruments II: International Workshops of COST Action 274, TARSKI, 2002-2005, Selected Revised Papers. Springer. pp. 290--317.
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  10. Problem klasifikacije u filozofiji psihijatrije : slučaj psihopatije (Eng. The Problem of Classification in the Philosophy of Psychiatry: The Case of Psychopathy).Zdenka Brzović, Jelena Hodak, Luca Malatesti, Vesna Šendula-Jengić & Predrag Šustar - 2016 - Prolegomena 15 (1):21-41.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze, from a philosophical perspective, the scientific robustness of the construct of psychopathy as measured by the Psychopathy Checklist Revised that was developed by Robert Hare (1991; 2003). The scientific robustness and validity of classifications are topics of many debates in philosophy of science and philosophy of psychiatry more specifically. The main problem consists in establishing whether scientific classifications reflect natural kinds where the concept of a natural kind refers to the existence of (...)
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  11. Duševne bolesti i rasprava o biološkim funkcijama (Eng. Mental illnesses and the debate on biological functions).Zdenka Brzović - 2016 - In Snježana Prijić-Samaržija, Luca Malatesti & Elvio Baccarini, Moralni, Politički I Društveni Odgovori Na Društvene Devijacije (Eng. Moral, Political, and Social Responses to Antisocial Deviation). Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka. pp. 183-199.
    In this paper, I discuss the question whether objective criteria could be provided for judging something to be a mental illness. I consider the two most prominent objectivist or naturalistic accounts of mental illness, evolutionary and bio-statistical account, which offer such a criterion by relying on the notion of biological function. According to such suggestions, illness is a condition in which there is dysfunciton in some feature of an organism. In this context, I consider different accounts for ascribing functions in (...)
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  12.  33
    První filozofka s doktorátem: Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia.Zdeňka Kalnická & Juraj Kalnický - 2017 - Pro-Fil 18 (1):2-20.
    Studie analyzuje podmínky a specifika, která vedla k tomu, že v roce 1678 získala na Univerzitě v Padově jako první žena na světě doktorát z filozofie Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia. Autorka zpřítomňuje širší dobový kontext, který rámcoval tuto výjimečnou událost. Upozorňuje na to, že i navzdory skutečnosti, že univerzity neumožňovaly řádné studium ženám, se Eleně Cornaro získat doktorát podařilo, a to díky souběhu několika okolností, které vytvořily příznivé podmínky pro jeho udělení této ženě. Z nich autorka vyzdvihuje zejména tradici intelektuálních (...)
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    Philosophical Canon in the Czech Universities: Feminist Critique.Zdenka Kalnická - 2006 - Human Affairs 16 (2):116-132.
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    Disertační práce žen na univerzitě v Brně do roku 1939.Zdeňka Jastrzembská - 2019 - Pro-Fil 20 (1):71.
    Text nabízí přehled disertačních prací, které předložily ženy na filozofické a přírodovědecké fakultě Masarykovy univerzity od jejího založení do roku 1939. Podrobněji se věnuje těm disertačním pracím, které tematicky spadaly do tzv. filozofických věd. V dobovém chápání se jednalo o filozofii, psychologii, pedagogiku a sociologii. Hlavním cílem je představit odborný zájem žen v daném místě a časovém období.
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  15. Richard A. Richards, The Species problem: A Philosophical analysis (Studies in Philosophy and Biology).Zdenka Brzović - 2010 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 30:124-128.
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  16. The immunological self.Zdenka Brzović - 2017 - In Boran Berčić, Perspectives on the Self. University of Rijeka. pp. 81-95.
    The problem of defining the self has traditionally been conceived as a task for philosophers. However, the development of immunology in the second part of the 20th century has led many scientists to conclude that immunology is the science of the self. This led to two different approaches to biological individuality: physiological individuation that is mostly concerned with organisms seen as strongly cohesive and unified metabolic entities, and evolutionary individuation where evolution by natural selection is seen as the best framework (...)
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    Životní situace rodičů po anticipované ztrátě dítěte.Zdeňka Dohnalová - forthcoming - Paideia.
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    Caressing a Place "In-Between": The Imaginative and Conceptual Thought of Karel Capek.Zdenka Kalnicka - 2005 - Human Affairs 15 (1):72-83.
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    Synesthesia and Virtual Art.Zdeňka Špiclová - 2017 - E-Logos 24 (1):53-65.
    Cílem této studie je potvrdit hypotézu, že virtuální umění může být považováno za zprostředkovatele určité formy synestetické zkušenosti a že synestezie v oslabeném slova smyslu je základem umělecké praxe. Neboť synestetickou zkušenost vyvolanou uměleckým dílem (především specifickými multisenzorickými instalacemi, ale nejen těmi) a synestetickou zkušenost synestetika spojuje základní prvek, kterým je vytváření nových spojení mezi smysly, evokování a stimulace jednoho smyslu prostřednictvím působení na jiný smysl - tedy jejich kooperace. Na základě analýzy praktických příkladů z oblasti současného virtuálního umění bude (...)
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  20.  38
    In Fieri Kinds: The Case of Psychopathy.Zdenka Brzović & Predrag Šustar - 2021 - In Luca Malatesti, John McMillan & Predrag Šustar, Psychopathy: Its Uses, Validity and Status. Cham: Springer. pp. 101-119.
    We examine the philosophical and empirical issues related to the question whether psychopathy can be considered a psychiatric natural kind. Natural kinds refer to categories that are privileged because they the capture certain real divisions in nature. Generally, in philosophical debates regarding psychiatry, there is much scepticism about the possibility that psychiatric categories track natural kinds. We outline the main positions in the debate about natural kinds in psychiatry and examine whether psychopathy can be considered as a natural kind on (...)
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  21.  42
    Explanatory hierarchy of causal structures in molecular biology.Zdenka Brzović, Vito Balorda & Predrag Šustar - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (2):1-21.
    In the debate on causal explanation in biology, in the past two decades largely influenced by the new mechanist approach, the concept of a pathway has recently reemerged as a promising research agenda, 551-572, 2018; The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 72, 131-158, 2021). Ross’ account of biological explanation differentiates several autonomous types of causal structures that play explanatory and other roles across the life sciences. NM, however, prioritizes mechanisms as vehicles of biological explanations. According to this program, (...)
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  22.  68
    Il modello medico forte e i disturbi antisociali della personalità (Eng. The strong medical model and antisocial personality disorders)).Zdenka Brzović, Marko Jurjako & Luca Malatesti - 2018 - Sistemi Intelligenti 30 (1):175-188.
    Dominic Murphy in several influential publications has formulated and defended what he calls the strong medical model of mental illness. At the core of this project is the objectivist requirement of classifying mental illness in terms of their aetiologies, preferably characterised by multilevel mechanistic explanations of dysfunctions in neurocomputational processes. We are sympathetic to this project and we devise an argument to support it based on a conception of psychiatric kinds. Murphy has, moreover, maintained that there are some open issues (...)
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  23. Spor o vivisekce a české ženy na přelomu 19. a 20. století.Zdeňka Jastrzembská - 2017 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 39 (2):187-205.
    Článek se věnuje srovnání podoby a vývoje sporu o vivisekce v Anglii a českých zemích, s důrazem na propojení protivivisekčního a ženského hnutí. První část textu na pozadí rozvoje medicíny popisuje okolnosti vzniku sporu a cestu, která vedla k přijetí první legislativy regulující experimenty se zvířaty. Druhá část představuje postoj F. P. Cobbeové, která je nejvýraznější ženskou postavu v tomto sporu. Třetí část mapuje situaci v českých zemích a nabízí důvody, které vysvětlují, proč se u nás v dané době organizované (...)
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  24. Duševne bolesti i rasprava o biološkim funkcijama (eng. Mental ilness and the debate on biological functions).Zdenka Brzović - 2016 - In Snježana Prijić-Samaržija, Luca Malatesti & Elvio Baccarini, Moralni, Politički I Društveni Odgovori Na Društvene Devijacije (Eng. Moral, Political, and Social Responses to Antisocial Deviation). Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka. pp. 183-199.
    In this paper, I discuss the question whether objective criteria could be provided for judging something to be a mental illness. I consider the two most prominent objectivist or naturalistic accounts of mental illness, evolutionary and bio-statistical account, which offer such a criterion by relying on the notion of biological function. According to such suggestions, illness is a condition in which there is dysfunciton in some feature of an organism. In this context, I consider different accounts for ascribing functions in (...)
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  25.  49
    Species ontology in light of the debate about the existence of laws in biology.Zdenka Brzović - 2012 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):161-168.
    In this paper I explore how the discussion about the existence of laws in biology, more specifically laws about species taxa, bears on the issue of whether species are kinds or individuals. One of the main arguments offered in favor of the view that species are individuals is that it explains the lack of laws about species taxa, since laws cannot refer to individuals. My aim in this paper is to question the premise that there are no laws about species (...)
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  26. Duševne bolesti i rasprava o biološkim funkcijama.Zdenka Brzović - 2016 - In Snježana Prijić-Samaržija, Luca Malatesti & Elvio Baccarini, Moralni, Politički I Društveni Odgovori Na Društvene Devijacije (Eng. Moral, Political, and Social Responses to Antisocial Deviation). Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka. pp. 183-199.
    In this paper, I discuss the question whether objective criteria could be provided for judging something to be a mental illness. I consider the two most prominent objectivist or naturalistic accounts of mental illness, evolutionary and bio-statistical account, which offer such a criterion by relying on the notion of biological function. According to such suggestions, illness is a condition in which there is dysfunciton in some feature of an organism. In this context, I consider different accounts for ascribing functions in (...)
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  27. (2 other versions)Duševne bolesti i rasprava o biološkim funkcijama.Zdenka Brzović - 2016 - In Snježana Prijić-Samaržija, Luca Malatesti & Elvio Baccarini, Moralni, Politički I Društveni Odgovori Na Društvene Devijacije (Eng. Moral, Political, and Social Responses to Antisocial Deviation). Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka. pp. 183-199.
    In this paper, I discuss the question whether objective criteria could be provided for judging something to be a mental illness. I consider the two most prominent objectivist or naturalistic accounts of mental illness, evolutionary and bio-statistical account, which offer such a criterion by relying on the notion of biological function. According to such suggestions, illness is a condition in which there is dysfunciton in some feature of an organism. In this context, I consider different accounts for ascribing functions in (...)
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    Underground allies: How and why do mycelial networks help plants defend themselves?Zdenka Babikova, David Johnson, Toby Bruce, John Pickett & Lucy Gilbert - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (1):21-26.
    Most land plants associate with mycorrhizal fungi that can connect roots of neighboring plants in common mycelial networks (CMNs). Recent evidence shows that CMNs transfer warning signals of pathogen and aphid attack between plants. However, we do not know how defence‐related signaling via CMNs operates or how ubiquitous it is. Nor do we know what the ecological relevance and fitness consequences are, particularly from the perspective of the mycorrhizal fungus. Here, we focus on the potential fitness benefits for mycorrhizal fungi (...)
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  29. Perspectives of gynecological casualty.Zdenka Jastrzembska - 2010 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 17 (4):477-487.
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    Music and Water.Zdenka Kalnicka - 2003 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 15 (27-28).
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    The “affective” revolution: Cognitive turn in contemporary social sciences: Emotiology in Slovenia, (1850–1930).Zdenka Sadl - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (3):958-963.
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    Realistické vysvětlení úspěchu vědy aneb no miracle argument.Zdeňka Jastrzembská - 2009 - Studia Philosophica: Jahrbuch Der Schweizerischen Philosoph Ischen Gesellschaft, Annuaire de la Société Suisse de Philosphie 56 (1):85-92.
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    Philosophy of Biology by Peter Godfrey-Smith. [REVIEW]Zdenka Brzović - 2014 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 14 (3):377-381.
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    The Species problem. [REVIEW]Zdenka Brzović - 2010 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 10 (3):296-300.
  35.  11
    The gradational nature of biological functions: lessons from genome biology.Predrag Šustar & Zdenka Brzović - 2024 - Biology and Philosophy 40 (1):1-18.
    In this paper, we consider whether a straightforward answer can be provided to the following question regarding function ascriptions in genome biology: when does the activity of a genomic segment become functional or, perhaps, fully functional? We respond by examining de novo explanatory models for the emergence of genes, i.e., functional genomic entities. Our case study is especially pertinent to discussions about genome functionality, because what is meant by function, then, is crucial in assessing what constitutes a de novo gene (...)
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    The function debate: between “cheap tricks” and evolutionary neutrality.Predrag Šustar & Zdenka Brzović - 2014 - Synthese 191 (12):2653-2671.
    We examine the use of the notion of natural selection in the philosophical debate on functions in biology. This debate has been largely shaped by the way in which different accounts assess various selective pressures in justifying claims about biological functions. Cummins (Functions: new essays in the philosophy of psychology and biology. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp 157–172, 2002), one of the main proponents of the causal role account of biological functions, argues that a correctly understood neo-Darwinian notion of natural (...)
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  37.  19
    Problémy sebereprodukce filozofie I: Funesův syndrom.Radim Brázda & Zdeňka Jastrzembská - 2017 - Pro-Fil 17 (2):15.
    Článek nabízí kritickou reflexi způsobů, jimiž se filozofie snaží zajistit a zprostředkovat vědění o sobě samé, svých dějinách a klíčových problémech. Podrobně se věnuje procesům redukce a explikace, které jsou nedílnou součástí tohoto úsilí. S pomocí mnoha konkrétních příkladů ukazuje jejich úskalí a vzájemnou provázanost.
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    Considerable Sets of Linear Operators in Hilbert Spaces as Operator Generalized Effect Algebras.Jan Paseka & Zdenka Riečanová - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (10):1634-1647.
    We show that considerable sets of positive linear operators namely their extensions as closures, adjoints or Friedrichs positive self-adjoint extensions form operator (generalized) effect algebras. Moreover, in these cases the partial effect algebraic operation of two operators coincides with usual sum of operators in complex Hilbert spaces whenever it is defined. These sets include also unbounded operators which play important role of observables (e.g., momentum and position) in the mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics.
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  39. Više je ipak bolje: Epistemički interesi i prirodne vrste (eng. The more the merrier: Epistemic interests and natural kinds).Mladen Bošnjak & Zdenka Brzović - 2021 - Prolegomena: Journal of Philosophy 20 (2):235-259.
    In this paper, we focus on the propensity toward identifying natural kinds with successful scientific categories in contemporary discussions of natural kinds within the philosophy of science. Success in this case is understood as the fulfillment of epistemic interests or goals in a given field of scientific research. The prevailing view is that, in order to have a theory of natural kinds that successfully captures current scientific practice, the relevant epistemic interests are the current interests of scientists working in a (...)
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    Must identity be necessary? (in Croatian).Marko Jurjako & Zdenka Brzović - 2021 - Metodicki Ogledi 28 (2):53-76.
    U radu se nudi opis konteksta unutar kojeg je formuliran poznati dokaz za nužnost identiteta. Iznosi se formalni prikaz ovog dokaza kako ga je formulirao poznati filozof i logičar Saul Kripke. Također se razmatra gledište filozofa Allana Gibbarda koji nasuprot Kripkeu brani tvrdnju da neki iskazi identiteta mogu biti kontingentni. Osnovni cilj rada je upoznati domaćeg čitatelja s formalnim aspektom rasprave o nužnosti identiteta te dati kratki pregled konteksta unutar kojeg su formulirani argumenti za nužnost identiteta. In the paper, we (...)
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    Natural Kinds and Classification in Scientific Practice. [REVIEW]Zdenka Brzović - 2016 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 30 (4):412-415.
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    O aplikaci metod vědeckého zdůvodnění a vysvětlení v etice.Radim Bělohrad & Zdeňka Jastrzembská - 2013 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 20 (1):5-23.
  43.  26
    General Psychopathology, Cognition, and the Cerebral Cortex in 10-Year-Old Children: Insights From the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study.Yash Patel, Nadine Parker, Giovanni A. Salum, Zdenka Pausova & Tomáš Paus - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:781554.
    General psychopathology and cognition are likely to have a bidirectional influence on each other. Yet, the relationship between brain structure, psychopathology, and cognition remains unclear. This brief report investigates the association between structural properties of the cerebral cortex [surface area, cortical thickness, intracortical myelination indexed by the T1w/T2w ratio, and neurite density assessed by restriction spectrum imaging (RSI)] with general psychopathology and cognition in a sample of children from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study. Higher levels of psychopathology and (...)
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  44. Struktura filosofie v pojetí Zdeňka Vašíčka. [REVIEW]Petr Krása - 2013 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 35 (2):335-340.
    Recenze: Zdeněk VAŠÍČEK, Jak se dělají filosofie. Praha: Triáda 2012, 240 s.
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    (1 other version)Croatian Women Followers of Einstein's Theory of Relativity in the Period until 1950.Ankica Valenta - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (3):595-605.
    Hrvatski su isusovci bili blizu vrha svjetske znanosti i imali važnu ulogu u hrvatskoj kulturi, a tako i u znanosti. Mnogi hrvatski isusovci zaslužni su za razvoj prirodnih znanosti. No uz one koji su sada poznati sigurno je da ima još mnogo onih kojima rad nije dosad izašao na vidjelo. Upravo zato bit će potrebno provesti još mnoga nova istraživanja kojima će biti upotpunjena naša znanja o prinosu hrvatskih isusovacaprirodnim znanostima. Pogledom u povijest možemo reći da su Hrvati nadograđivali svojim (...)
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