Results for 'Zachary Calhoun'

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  1.  15
    Kant on Positing: Being as Self-Determination.Zachary Calhoun - 2019 - Review of Metaphysics 73 (1):77-108.
  2.  68
    The Gender Closet: Lesbian Disappearance under the Sign "Women".Cheshire Calhoun - 1995 - Feminist Studies 21 (1):7.
    Can one theorize the lesbian within a feminist frame? I argue that a difference sensitive feminist frame closets lesbians because (1) heterosexist oppression has been under-theorized and thus gender analyses fail to intersect with sexual orientation analyses, (2) feminist values and goals have worked against representing lesbian difference from heterosexual women, and (3) difference sensitive feminism requires that lesbians be representable as women with a different sexuality and not as a “third sex”, not-women, not-men, i.e., not through the very image (...)
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    Doing Valuable Time: The Present, the Future, and Meaningful Living.Cheshire Calhoun - 2018 - New York, NY, USA: Oup Usa.
    Doing Valuable Time considers the interest--and disinterest--we take in our own lives. It explores the nature of meaningful living, the attraction to the future that is lost in depression, the motivating force of hope, the role of commitments, the inevitability of boredom, and the possibilities for contentment with imperfection.
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    Critical Social Theory: Culture, History, and the Challenge of Difference.Craig J. Calhoun - 1995 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    In this outstanding reinterpretation - and extension - of the Critical Theory tradition, Craig Calhoun surveys the origins, fortunes and prospects of this most influential of theoretical approaches. Moving with ease from the early Frankfurt School to Habermas, to contemporary debates over postmodernism, feminism and nationalism, Calhoun breathes new life into Critical Social Theory, showing how it can learn from the past and contribute to the future.
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    Habermas and Religion.Craig J. Calhoun, Eduardo Mendieta & Jonathan VanAntwerpen (eds.) - 2012 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    To the surprise of many readers, Jürgen Habermas has recently made religion a major theme of his work. Emphasizing both religion's prominence in the contemporary public sphere and its potential contributions to critical thought, Habermas's engagement with religion has been controversial and exciting, putting much of his own work in fresh perspective and engaging key themes in philosophy, politics and social theory. Habermas argues that the once widely accepted hypothesis of progressive secularization fails to account for the multiple trajectories of (...)
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  6. The Virtue of Civility.Cheshire Calhoun - 2000 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 29 (3):251-275.
    I suggest that civility is the display of respect, tolerance, or considerateness. Social norms enable us to successfully display these basic moral attitudes, and social consensus sets the bounds of civility, i.e., what views and behaviors are not owed a civil response. Because tied to social norms, there is no guarantee that standards of civility will exempt us from civilly responding to what, from a socially critical moral point of view, is tolerable. I raise and addresses the question: How could (...)
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  7. Bourdieu: Critical Perspectives.Craig Calhoun, Edward Lipuma & Moishe Postone - 1995 - Ethics 105 (4):957-959.
  8. Designing the nuclear energy attitude scale.Lawrence Calhoun, Robert L. Shrigley & Dennis E. Showers - 1988 - Science Education 72 (2):157-174.
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    Is War a Form of Self Defense?Laurie Calhoun - 2004 - The Acorn 12 (2):19-35.
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    The philosophy of discreditation an essay on actuality and possibility.Laurie Calhoun - 1995 - Journal of Social Philosophy 26 (2):66-72.
  11. Integrating facts and values in explanations of social-ecological resilience.Zachary Piso - 2019 - In Kelly A. Parker & Heather E. Keith, Pragmatist and American Philosophical Perspectives on Resilience. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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    Philip Burton, ed., Sulpicius Severus’ Vita Martini.Zachary Yuzwa - 2019 - Augustinian Studies 50 (2):217-220.
  13. XI—Responsibilities and Taking on Responsibility.Cheshire Calhoun - 2019 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 119 (3):231-251.
    There is a familiar, everyday notion of a responsibility. Much of daily life on and off the job is consumed by taking care of responsibilities in this sense. But what is a responsibility, and how are responsibilities related to obligations? Reflection on the phenomenon of taking on responsibilities suggests that the concept of ‘a responsibility’ is distinct from that of ‘an obligation’, and that not all responsibilities are also obligations, even though many are.
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    Motivated Reasoning in an Explore-Exploit Task.Zachary A. Caddick & Benjamin M. Rottman - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (8):e13018.
    The current research investigates how prior preferences affect causal learning. Participants were tasked with repeatedly choosing policies (e.g., increase vs. decrease border security funding) in order to maximize the economic output of an imaginary country and inferred the influence of the policies on the economy. The task was challenging and ambiguous, allowing participants to interpret the relations between the policies and the economy in multiple ways. In three studies, we found evidence of motivated reasoning despite financial incentives for accuracy. For (...)
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  15. Social Theory and the Politics of Identity.Craig Calhoun - 1994 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    New social movements of the post-war era have brought to prominence the idea that identity can be a crucial focus for political struggle. Linked to an increasing recognition that social theory itself must put the politics of identity on center stage, this volume impels social theorists not only to make sense of the "world out there", but also to make sense of differences within the discourse of theory.
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  16. Mind-wandering is unguided attention: accounting for the “purposeful” wanderer.Zachary C. Irving - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (2):547-571.
    Although mind-wandering occupies up to half of our waking thoughts, it is seldom discussed in philosophy. My paper brings these neglected thoughts into focus. I propose that mind-wandering is unguided attention. Guidance in my sense concerns how attention is monitored and regulated as it unfolds over time. Roughly speaking, someone’s attention is guided if she would feel pulled back, were she distracted from her current focus. Because our wandering thoughts drift unchecked from topic to topic, they are unguided. One motivation (...)
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    Moral Aims: Essays on the Importance of Getting It Right and Practicing Morality with Others.Cheshire Calhoun - 2015 - New York, NY: Oup Usa.
    Moral Aims brings together nine previously published essays that focus on the significance of the social practice of morality for what we say as moral theorists, the plurality of moral aims that agents are trying to realize and that sometimes come into tension, and the special difficulties that conventionalized wrongdoing poses.
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  18. Discovering agents.Zachary Kenton, Ramana Kumar, Sebastian Farquhar, Jonathan Richens, Matt MacDermott & Tom Everitt - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 322 (C):103963.
    Causal models of agents have been used to analyse the safety aspects of machine learning systems. But identifying agents is non-trivial -- often the causal model is just assumed by the modeler without much justification -- and modelling failures can lead to mistakes in the safety analysis. This paper proposes the first formal causal definition of agents -- roughly that agents are systems that would adapt their policy if their actions influenced the world in a different way. From this we (...)
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    Flickers of Freedom, Action Individuation, and the Transfer of Moral Responsibility.Zachary Adam Akin - 2024 - The Journal of Ethics 28 (3):1-22.
    According to one recently popular “flicker of freedom” style response to Frankfurt-style arguments against the Principle of Alternative Possibilities—the “Triple O” flicker strategy—agents in Frankfurt-style cases are really or most fundamentally morally responsible for performing an action (A-ing) on their own, but not for A-ing simpliciter. This essay has two related aims. First, I offer an interpretation of the Triple O strategy which insulates it against an objection raised by Carolina Sartorio in “Flickers of Freedom and Moral Luck.” Second, I (...)
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  20. Oil Heritage and the Mass Urbanization of the Sea.Zachary S. Casey & Asma Mehan - 2024 - In Jonathan Alexander Perez, Harmony Smith, Cornine Tendorf, David Turturo & Derek Rahn Williams, Crop X: Yield. Bruges, Belgium: Die Keure. pp. 218-219.
    Brought to you by: Crop X editors: Jonathan Alexander Perez, Harmony Smith, Corinne Tendorf, David Turturo, and Derek Rahn Williams. Faculty Advisor: David Turturo; Crop X team included: Chaimae Alehyane, Zachary S. Casey, Suzanna Brinez, Jacob Brown, Elizabeth George, Francisco Javier Muniz Ituarte, Brodey Myers. -/- Credits: Huckabee College of Architecture; Graphic Designers: Studio BLDG (Blossom Liu + Danny Gray); English Editor: Luke Studebaker; Spanish Translator: Jessie Forbes; Printer: Die Keure. Cover Photo: Derek Williams. -/- Generously supported by the (...)
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  21. Blind Rule-Following and the Regress of Motivations.Zachary Mitchell Swindlehurst - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (6):1170-1183.
    Normativists about belief hold that belief formation is essentially rule- or norm-guided. On this view, certain norms are constitutive of or essential to belief in such a way that no mental state not guided by those norms counts as a belief, properly construed. In recent influential work, Kathrin Glüer and Åsa Wikforss develop novel arguments against normativism. According to their regress of motivations argument, not all belief formation can be rule- or norm-guided, on pain of a vicious infinite regress. I (...)
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  22. An incomplete rough draft of a paper on using automata to describe infinite countermodels for propositional calculi (and maybe algebras, too).Zachary Ernst - manuscript
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  23. Evolutionary Game Theory and the Origins of Fairness Norms.Zachary J. Ernst - 2002 - Dissertation, The University of Wisconsin - Madison
    In numerous studies, experimental economists have documented the fact that people tend to propose that divisible goods be divided equally. It has often been proposed, most notably by the sociobiologists, that this tendency may have a biological basis, and might be the product of evolution and natural selection. ;My dissertation addresses methodological and philosophical problems that arise in the course of establishing this naturalistic claim. Specifically, the focus of this dissertation is on the project of using evolutionary game theory to (...)
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    Transcendence in Society: Case Studies.Craig Calhoun, T. M. S. Evens & James L. Peacock - 1990 - JAI Press(NY).
  25. Alexie Tcheuyap (2011) Postnationalist African Cinemas.Zachary Thomas Ingle - 2012 - Film-Philosophy 16 (1):313-316.
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    Biophotonics in the rendering of a general systems language.Zachary Jones - 2007 - Technoetic Arts 5 (1):25-33.
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    Filters and reflections: perspectives on reality.Zachary Jones (ed.) - 2009 - Princeton, New Jersey: ICRL Press.
    When confronting the unexplained, it is helpful to consider it from many different points of view. In an essay published in 2004, entitled "Sensors, Filters, and the Source of Reality," Robert Jahn and Brenda Dunne of Princeton University's PEAR laboratory proposed that consciousness constructs its reality by ordering the information it derives from the external world through an array of physiological, psychological, and cultural filters. This thesis has now been considered by nineteen distinguished scholars who here present their commentaries from (...)
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    Unsettling Carbon-Colonialism, Renewing Resistance.Zachary T. King - 2020 - Radical Philosophy Review 23 (2):427-430.
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    Become What You Receive.Zachary M. Mabee - 2018 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 92 (3):465-481.
    Much work in the philosophy of religion has been devoted to exploring the virtue of faith. Very little of it, however, has done so from the perspective of Christian worship and liturgical practice. In this essay, I explore the virtue of faith, articulated in a traditionally Catholic manner, as it is practiced, engaged, and deepened through participation in the Eucharist. I begin by emphasizing both the cognitive and the volitional dimensions of a robust conception of the virtue of faith and (...)
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    Like Golden Aphrodite: Grieving Women in the Homeric Epics and Aphrodite's Lament for Adonis.Zachary Margulies - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (2):485-498.
    One of the more powerful recurring motifs in theIliadis that of the grief-stricken woman lamenting the death of a hero. As with much else in the Homeric epics, these scenes have a formulaic character; when Briseis laments Patroclus, and Hecuba, Andromache and Helen lament Hector, each is depicted delivering a specialized form of speech, specific to the context of a woman's lament. The narrative depiction of grieving women, as well, is formalized, with specific gestures and recurring images that typify these (...)
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    A Survey of Artistic Value: From Analytic Philosophy to Neurobiology.Zachary P. Norwood - 2013 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 6 (2):135-152.
    Analytic philosophers have disputed the nature of “artistic value” for over six decades, bringing much needed clarity and rigor to a subject discussed with fashionable obscurity in other disciplines. This essay frames debates between analytic philosophers on artistic value and suggests new directions for future research. In particular, the problem of “intrinsic value” is considered, that is, whether a work’s value derives from its experienced properties, as a work of art, or from cultural trends outside the work’s properties. It is (...)
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    How German Theologians Read and Edited Luther for the Public: Karl Gottlieb Bretschneider’s Luther for Our Time.Zachary Purvis - 2021 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 28 (2):186-206.
    Dieser Beitrag untersucht die Entstehung und die Wirkung von Luther an unsere Zeit, Karl Gottlieb Bretschneiders vielgelesenes Buch der Auszüge, als Fallstudie darüber, wie moderne wissenschaftliche Theologen und Herausgeber Luther gelesen, kommentiert und anderen Lesern vorgestellt haben: in diesem Beispiel als Rationalist. Das Buch war umstritten. Der Beitrag befasst sich auch mit zwei konkurrierenden Auswahlen von Luthers Schriften, die von den konservativeren Protestanten Friedrich Perthes und Hans Lorenz Andreas Vent sowie den ultramontanen Katholiken Nikolaus Weis und Andreas Räß als Antwort (...)
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    Quiet War in Germany: Friedrich Schelling and Friedrich Schleiermacher.Zachary Purvis - 2015 - Journal of the History of Ideas 76 (3):369-391.
  34.  9
    Tax Law, Religion and Justice: An Exploration of Theological Reflections on Taxation .Allen Calhoun - 2021 - Routledge.
    Equity and efficiency -- A society within a society -- Thomas Aquinas : the interplay of natural and positive law -- William of Ockham : repudiation of power and wealth -- Martin Luther's redistributive theology of the Lord's supper -- John Calvin and the challenge of inequality -- Triumph of the economy.
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    Degrees of Monotone Complexity.William C. Calhoun - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (4):1327 - 1341.
    Levin and Schnorr (independently) introduced the monotone complexity, Km(α), of a binary string α. We use monotone complexity to define the relative complexity (or relative randomness) of reals. We define a partial ordering ≤Km on 2ω by α ≤Km β iff there is a constant c such that Km(α ↾ n) ≤ Km(β ↾ n) + c for all n. The monotone degree of α is the set of all β such that α ≤Km β and β ≤Km α. We (...)
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    Attentional input gating as a mechanism of pro-active response slowing.Langford Zachary, Krebs Ruth, Talsma Durk, Woldorff Marty & Boehler C. - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  37. On Being Content with Imperfection.Cheshire Calhoun - 2017 - Ethics 127 (2):327-352.
    The aim of this essay is to work out an account of contentment as a response to imperfect conditions and to argue that a disposition to contentment, understood as a disposition to appreciate the goods in one's present condition and to use expectations that enable such appreciation, is a virtue. In the first half, I lay out an analysis of what contentment and discontentment are. In the second half, I argue that contentment is a virtue of appreciation and respond to (...)
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  38. The Knowledge Norm of Belief.Zachary Mitchell Swindlehurst - 2020 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):43-50.
    Doxastic normativism is the thesis that norms are constitutive of or essential to belief, such that no mental state not subject to those norms counts as a belief. A common normativist view is that belief is essentially governed by a norm of truth. According to Krister Bykvist and Anandi Hattiangadi, truth norms for belief cannot be formulated without unpalatable consequences: they are either false or they impose unsatisfiable requirements on believers. I propose that we construe the fundamental norm of belief (...)
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  39. Reflections on the Metavirtue of Sensitivity to Suffering.Cheshire Calhoun - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (3):182-188.
    One of Lisa Tessman's central claims in Burdened Virtue: Virtue Ethics for Liberatory Struggles (OUP, 2005) is that virtue is much less reliably connected to flourishing than Aristotle imagined and might in fact impede flourishing under nonideal conditions. The central burdened virtue is the meta-virtue of sensitivity to others’ suffering. I raise two critical questions about this meta-virtue. First, does this meta-virtue of sensitivity to others’ suffering, as Tessman understands this virtue, have sufficient liberatory scope? Second, is the virtue of (...)
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    Monitoring Uncharted Communities of Crowdsourced Plagiarism.Zachary Dixon & Kelly George - 2020 - Journal of Academic Ethics 19 (2):291-301.
    This paper reports on a study of crowd-sourcing ‘study aid’ web platforms. Students are sharing completed academic coursework through a growing network of ‘study aid’ web platforms like These websites facilitate the crowd-sourced exchange of coursework, and effectively support plagiarism. However, virtually no data exists concerning the scope or extent of coursework being shared through these platforms. This paper reports on two experiments to monitor the frequency of coursework from a sample university uploaded onto Ultimately, both experiments failed (...)
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  41. The Catch-22 of Forgetfulness: Responsibility for Mental Mistakes.Zachary C. Irving, Samuel Murray, Aaron Glasser & Kristina Krasich - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102 (1):100-118.
    Attribution theorists assume that character information informs judgments of blame. But there is disagreement over why. One camp holds that character information is a fundamental determinant of blame. Another camp holds that character information merely provides evidence about the mental states and processes that determine responsibility. We argue for a two-channel view, where character simultaneously has fundamental and evidential effects on blame. In two large factorial studies (n = 495), participants rate whether someone is blameworthy when he makes a mistake (...)
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    Geographies of Meaningful Living.Cheshire Calhoun - 2014 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 32 (1):15-34.
    Because it is significantly unclear what ‘meaningful’ does or should pick out when applied to a life, any account of meaningful living will be constructive and not merely clarificatory. Where in our conceptual geography is ‘meaningful’ best located? What conceptual work do we want the concept to do? What I call agent-independent and agent-independent-plus conceptions of meaningfulness locate ‘meaningful’ within the conceptual geography of agent-independent evaluative standards and assign ‘meaningful’ the work of commending lives. I argue that the not wholly (...)
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    A Resilient Punching Bag: A Defense of a Character-Evaluation Account of Blame.Zachary Odermatt - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (3):1521-1537.
    The literature on blame is rather unfriendly to views that might be characterized as “character-evaluation” accounts. Here I will defend one such account against the many objections that are leveled against it. Defending the view against these objections will help us to evaluate what such a view has to offer. This paper defends the view against objections that accounts such as this cannot account for how much we care about blame, for the distinctively human nature of the blame phenomenon, for (...)
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    Varieties of Secularism in a Secular Age.Michael Warner, Jonathan VanAntwerpen & Craig J. Calhoun - 2010 - Harvard University Press.
    “What does it mean to say that we live in a secular age?” This apparently simple question opens into the massive, provocative, and complex A Secular Age, where Charles Taylor positions secularism as a defining feature of the modern world, not the mere absence of religion, and casts light on the experience of transcendence that scientistic explanations of the world tend to neglect. -/- In Varieties of Secularism in a Secular Age, a prominent and varied group of scholars chart the (...)
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    The Contentious Compatibility of Evolution and Design: Introduction to the Book Symposium.Zachary Ardern - 2022 - Zygon 57 (4):1019-1023.
    In the recent book The Compatibility of Evolution and Design, E. V. R. Kojonen argues that a biological design inference is still possible in light of mainstream evolutionary theory and that evolution and design need not be in explanatory tension. This collection of essays is the product of a symposium held in March 2022, which interacted with the claims of the book. Contributors come from diverse academic backgrounds across philosophy, science, and theology, and both critique and extend Kojonen's argument. Here, (...)
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    A Single Counterexample Leads to Moral Belief Revision.Zachary Horne, Derek Powell & John Hummel - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (8):1950-1964.
    What kind of evidence will lead people to revise their moral beliefs? Moral beliefs are often strongly held convictions, and existing research has shown that morality is rooted in emotion and socialization rather than deliberative reasoning. In addition, more general issues—such as confirmation bias—further impede coherent belief revision. Here, we explored a unique means for inducing belief revision. In two experiments, participants considered a moral dilemma in which an overwhelming majority of people judged that it was inappropriate to take action (...)
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    The Π20 enumeration degrees are not dense.William Calhoun & Theodore Slaman - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (4):1364-1379.
    We show that the Π 0 2 enumeration degrees are not dense. This answers a question posed by Cooper.
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  48. The October 2014 United States treasury bond flash crash and the contributory effect of mini flash crashes.Zachary S. Levine, Scott A. Hale & Luciano Floridi - 2017 - PLoS ONE 12 (11):e0186688..
    We investigate the causal uncertainty surrounding the flash crash in the U.S. Treasury bond market on October 15, 2014, and the unresolved concern that no clear link has been identified between the start of the flash crash at 9:33 and the opening of the U.S. equity market at 9:30. We consider the contributory effect of mini flash crashes in equity markets, and find that the number of equity mini flash crashes in the three-minute window between market open and the Treasury (...)
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    Prebiotic Geochemical Automata at the Intersection of Radiolytic Chemistry, Physical Complexity, and Systems Biology.Zachary R. Adam, Albert C. Fahrenbach, Betul Kacar & Masashi Aono - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-21.
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    A Buffet of Deserts: An Examination of the Underlying Principles of Desert in Job.Zachary Alexander - 2009 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 3 (1):23-34.
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