Results for 'Yves Palau'

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  1.  12
    Un écho de la Révolution française : la mobilisation de la référence aux jacobins et au jacobinisme en Suisse lors des événements de 1847-1848.Yves Palau - 2021 - Astérion 24 (24).
    The terms Jacobin and Jacobinism in political discourse never exclusively refer to the members of the French revolutionary club, or to the often contradictory and changing ideas that were debated there. They have been used over time to designate, often in a derogatory way, some political figures and intellectual currents that sometimes bear only a vague relationship to French revolutionary thought. The political events that marked Switzerland in the years 1847-1848 offer a perfect illustration of the way such terms were (...)
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    Plebeian Politics.Yves Winter - 2012 - Political Theory 40 (6):736-766.
    In his Florentine Histories, Machiavelli offers an ambivalent portrayal of the revolt of the textile workers in late fourteenth-century Florence, known as the tumult of the Ciompi. On the face of it, Machiavelli's depiction of the insurgent workers is not exactly flattering. Yet this picture is undermined by a firebrand speech, which Machiavelli invents and attributes to an unnamed leader of the plebeian revolt. I interpret this speech as a radical and egalitarian vector of thought opened up by Machiavelli's text. (...)
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  3. Horizontal spatial representations of time: evidence for the STEARC effect.Masami Ishihara, Peter Keller, Yves Rossetti & Wolfgang Prinz - 2008 - Cortex 44 (4):454–61.
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    Shipwrecked Sovereignty.Yves Winter & Joshua Chambers-Letson - 2015 - Political Theory 43 (3):287-311.
    In 2007, a private corporation specializing in deep-sea salvage retrieved a treasure-laden shipwreck in international waters southwest of the Iberian Peninsula. The wreck was that of a Spanish warship that sunk during the Napoleonic wars. Following the discovery, a legal dispute arose in U.S. federal courts, between the corporate salvors, the Kingdom of Spain, and other litigants. At issue in the legal proceedings was the status of the shipwreck and whether it was protected by sovereign immunity. At the heart of (...)
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    The French (Re)presentation of Goffman's Presentation and other Books.Yves Winkin - 1983 - Theory, Culture and Society 2 (1):109-111.
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    The Influence of Organizations’ Tax Avoidance Practices on Consumers’ Behavior: The Role of Moral Reasoning Strategies, Political Ideology, and Brand Identification.Jorge Matute, José Luis Sánchez-Torelló & Ramon Palau-Saumell - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (2):369-386.
    This study adopts moral reasoning strategies to investigate why consumers support companies involved in ethical transgressions. Drawing on several cases of real multinationals publicly involved in tax avoidance practices, it aims to demonstrate that moral rationalization and moral decoupling depend not only on how consumers perceive the magnitude of the transgression, but also on their individual differences, such as political ideology and brand identification. A quantitative study with a sample of 3989 consumers of five different focal brands was employed to (...)
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    De la république : la méthode, le mot et le concept vus du XXIe siècle.Yves Sintomer - 2023 - Astérion 29 (29).
    The article discusses the lessons to be learned from Claudia Moatti’s Res publica. Histoire romaine de la chose publique from a political science perspective. The first part focuses on the conceptual method. Against positivist uses of language and perspectives that essentialise concepts, history which takes contexts and semantic variations seriously is crucial. This semantic multiplicity must, in turn, be understood as political. Although the oscillations of the expression res publica require analyses focusing on the short term, the long term and (...)
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  8. Debating violence on the desert island: Engels, Dühring and Robinson Crusoe.Yves Winter - 2014 - Contemporary Political Theory 13 (4):318-338.
  9.  7
    Bologne je cogne?Yves Winkin - 2004 - Hermes 38:190.
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  10.  27
    Constituting Freedom: Machiavelli and Florence.Yves Winter - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (2):112-115.
  11.  21
    De quelques origines américaines des sciences de la communication.Yves Winkin - 2004 - Hermes 38:103.
    Les origines des sciences de la communication aux États-Unis sont au moins triples: renouveau de l'enseignement de la rhétorique au début du XXe siècle, volonté de donner une formation universitaire aux journalistes, recherche sur les médias après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. En retraçant à grands traits les voies d'émergence des sciences de la communication aux États-Unis, on saisit mieux, par contraste, la spécificité des Sic à la française.As an academic discipline, Communication originated in at least three loci: the renewal of (...)
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    Hommage à : Pierre BOURDIEU . Fragments d'un portrait.Yves Winkin - 2002 - Hermes 32:575.
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  13.  20
    La notion de rituel chez goffman : de la cérémonie à la séquence.Yves Winkin - 2005 - Hermes 43:69.
    L'article se donne pour objectif de montrer que la notion de rituel chez Goffman est à la croisée de deux grandes traditions intellectuelles : la sociologie religieuse d'inspiration durkheimienne, d'une part, l'éthologie, d'autre part. Dans ses travaux des années 1950 sur les « rites d'interaction », l'inspiration de Goffman est quasi-exclusivement durkheimienne. Les interactions sont des cérémonies que de petits prêtres rendent à de petits dieux. Mais Relations in Public marque un tournant: l'analyse des interactions, sous l'influence de l'éthologie, devient (...)
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  14.  10
    Trois mots pour tout dire. Une analyse critique de l'expression « nouvelles technologies de la communication ».Yves Winkin - 1994 - Hermes 13:351.
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  15.  35
    The Siege of Gaza: Spatial Violence, Humanitarian Strategies, and the Biopolitics of Punishment.Yves Winter - 2016 - Constellations 23 (2):308-319.
  16.  55
    Around and Beyond the Square of Opposition.Jean-Yves Béziau & Dale Jacquette (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Springer Verlag.
    Jean-Yves Béziau Abstract In this paper I relate the story about the new rising of the square of opposition: how I got in touch with it and started to develop new ideas and to organize world congresses on the topic with subsequent publications.
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  17.  23
    First philosophy and the foundation of knowledge.Yves-Charles Zarka - 1996 - In Tom Sorell (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 62--85.
  18. ''Experiences in n/or/éing/g';'e and the/lz 'z 'mez 'z'0n of the exirenee ngnz '—enejfizrienl.Patrizia Catellani, Yves De Weerdt & Patrizia Milesi - forthcoming - Ethical Perspectives.
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  19. Métamorphoses de l''me et ses Symboles.C. G. Jung & Yves Le Lay - 1955 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 11 (1):107-108.
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    Malebranche et le quiétisme.Yves de Montcheuil - 1947 - Paris,: Aubier.
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  21.  17
    Un capital sans capitalisme? 1.Yves Charles Zarka - 2016 - Cités 64 (4):145-156.
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  22. The ideology of context : Uses and abuses of context in the historiography of philosophy.Yves Carles Zarka - 2005 - In Tom Sorell & Graham Alan John Rogers (eds.), Analytic philosophy and history of philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
  23.  43
    (2 other versions)Introduction of implication and generalization in axiomatic calculi.Jean-Yves Beziau - manuscript
    of implication and generalization rules have a close relationship, for which there is a key idea for clarifying how they are connected: varying objects. Varying objects trace how generalization rules are used along a demonstration in an axiomatic calculus. Some ways for introducing implication and for generalization are presented here, taking into account some basic properties that calculi can have.
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  24. Contemporary models of conversion and identity transformation.Pierre-Yves Brandt - 2022 - In Athanasios Despotis & Hermut Löhr (eds.), Religious and Philosophical Conversion in the Ancient Mediterranean Traditions. Boston: Ancient Philosophy & Religion.
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  25.  65
    Grand article: L'évaluation : Un pouvoir supposé savoir.Yves Charles Zarka - 2009 - Cités 37 (1):113.
    Il semble que, malgré les nombreuses mises en garde de ces dernières années venant de différents côtés, l’installation de dispositifs d’évaluation s’opère actuellement dans tous les secteurs de la société et les institutions : l’hôpital et le système de santé, les institutions d’éducation et de formation en général, les universités et la recherche en particulier,...
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    La invención del sujeto de derecho.Yves Charles Zarka - 1999 - Isegoría 20:31-49.
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  27.  35
    The foundations of natural law.Yves Charles Zarka - 1999 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 7 (1):15 – 32.
  28.  9
    Épistémologie et intelligence artificielle.Yves Bouchard - 2020 - In André Lacroix (ed.), La philosophie pratique. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval. pp. 109-127.
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    Experimentation in Physics.Yves Gingras - 2024 - In Catherine Allamel-Raffin, Jean-Luc Gangloff & Yves Gingras (eds.), Experimentation in the Sciences: Comparative and Long-Term Historical Research on Experimental Practice. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 9-19.
    This chapter presents the different purposes of observation and experiment in physics using examples that allow us to grasp the historical transformations linked to the development of instrumentation. We cover both the observational and experimental aspects of this discipline, which range from astronomy and astrophysics to nuclear and particle physics, including optics and solid-state physics.
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    Wrapped into sound: Development of the Immersive Music Experience Inventory.Yves Wycisk, Kilian Sander, Reinhard Kopiez, Friedrich Platz, Stephan Preihs & Jürgen Peissig - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Although virtual reality, video entertainment, and computer games are dependent on the three-dimensional reproduction of sound, it remains unclear whether 3D-audio formats actually intensify the emotional listening experience. There is currently no valid inventory for the objective measurement of immersive listening experiences resulting from audio playback formats with increasing degrees of immersion. The development of the Immersive Music Experience Inventory could close this gap. An initial item list was derived from studies in virtual reality and spatial audio, supplemented by researcher-developed (...)
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  31.  87
    Clio, Ignorance, and the Twentieth Century.Yves Beauvois & Cécile Blondel-Lucas - 1995 - Diogenes 43 (169):153-165.
    Although the historian confronts the question of what is not known in the same terms as does any other researcher no matter his or her discipline, the conditions of the debate are different for the historian because of the problematic nature of the science of history. While practically all the other sciences, including the social sciences, struggle against ignorance by seeking to discover and establish laws that will govern the facts, history must always face, in spite of its ever more (...)
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    Introduction.Yves Coppens - 1991 - Diogenes 39 (155):3-4.
    For many years, M. Jean d'Ormesson has been doing me the honor of asking me to write for Diogenes. More recently, he suggested that I should coordinate an issue of this review that would be devoted to my extended discipline, History, but history in the way in which I understand it. It was certainly not for lack of interest that I did not reply to the first request but, no doubt, because of the sense of a chronic lack of time (...)
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  33. The Origin and Evolution of Man.Yves Coppens - 1991 - Diogenes 39 (155):111-134.
    In order to tell the story of Man and understand our emergence better, we can readily follow on from Heinz Tobien, though we do not need to go back so far in time - just a few million years.Clearly, our fundamental origin is animal. Thus it is easy to understand that in the great genealogy (known as phylogeny), there was one vital (geological) moment when our line was forever detached from the animal “kingdom.” The evidence of palaeontology, like that of (...)
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  34.  18
    Enhancing stroke neurorehabilitation with non-invasive brain stimulation.Vandermeeren Yves - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  35.  24
    Éditorial: De civilisation à civilisation.Yves Zarka - 2006 - Cités 3 (27):3-4.
    De civilisation à civilisation rien n’est simple ni univoque. On sait le regain d’intérêt pour la notion de civilisation aujourd’hui où l’on considère souvent, à la suite de Samuel P. Huntington, que la rivalité entre grandes puissances du XXe siècle a été remplacée au XXIe par le choc des civilisations. Voici l’une des formulations qu’il en donne : « En résumé,..
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  36.  14
    Déduction de l'idée cosmopolitique.Yves Charles Zarka - 2012 - Archives de Philosophie 75 (3):371-373.
    Il s’agit de déduire le concept de cosmopolitisme à partir de la notion d’humanité et de montrer le champ considérable qui s’ouvre ainsi à la pensée : le rapport à la nature et au monde vivant, l’idée d’une justice universelle pensée à partir de l’humanité comme sujet supérieure au peuple ou à l’État comme sujet. De cette hiérarchie peut être tirée l’idée d’un droit de résistance des peuples contre l’oppression, l’équité territoriale, le droit de vivre dignement des fruits de la (...)
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  37.  28
    De l'homme-machine à la machine post-humaine : La vision machinique du monde.Yves Charles Zarka - 2013 - Cités 55 (3):3.
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  38.  36
    Éditorial: Le code introuvable.Yves Charles Zarka - 2006 - Cités 4 (28):3-5.
    Il a également publié : Raison et déraison d’État ; Jean Bodin : nature, histoire, droit et politique ; Aspects de la pensée médiévale dans la philosophie politique moderne ; Comment..
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  39.  27
    Éditorial. Le pouvoir sur le savoir ou la légitimation postmoderne.Yves Charles Zarka - 2011 - Cités 45 (1):3.
    « En simplifiant à l’extrême, on tient pour postmoderne l’incrédulité à l’égard des métarécits ».« Où peut résider la légitimité, après les métarécits?».« Sous sa forme de marchandise informationnelle indispensable à la puissance productive, le savoir est déjà et sera un...
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    De la révolte de la jeunesse au nécessaire réveil des politiques.Yves Charles Zarka - 2011 - Cités 47 (3):288.
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  41.  22
    Dans quel monde voulons-nous vivre?Yves Charles Zarka - 2011 - Cités 46 (2):3.
    « Le terme ‘immigration’ a donc été inventé au début des années 1880 pour désigner un dramatique ‘problème’ de société, qu’il fallait résoudre de toute urgence pour sauver la France. Mais on constate que, dès cette époque, plus le nombre de ceux qui se sont dévoués à cette noble cause a grandi et plus ‘le problème’ s’est aggravé » Gérard Noiriel L’un des...
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  42.  61
    De quel président la France a-t-elle besoin ?Yves Charles Zarka - 2012 - Cités 49 (1):183.
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    Editions and Abbreviations.Yves Charles Zarka & Anne Deneys-Tunney - 2016 - In Yves Charles Zarka & Anne Deneys-Tunney (eds.), Rousseau Between Nature and Culture: Philosophy, Literature, and Politics. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Erwan Dianteill et Michael Löwy, Le Sacré fictif. Sociologies et religion : approches littéraires, Paris, Éditions de l’Éclat, 2017.Yves Charles Zarka - 2018 - Cités 75 (3):167-169.
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  45.  23
    Exposition de l'idée cosmopolitique.Yves Charles Zarka - 2012 - Archives de Philosophie 75 (3):375-393.
    L’inappropriabilité de la Terre comme principe fondamental du droit cosmopolitique, dont les autres droits et devoirs de l’humanité doivent êtres déduits, est susceptible de renouveler le contenu de l’idée du citoyen du monde qui relève d’un droit plus fondamental que celui de la citoyenneté étatique. Cela ne veut nullement dire qu’il faille remettre en cause le droit positif étatique, mais simplement que, au-dessus de celui-ci, il y a un droit du citoyen du monde, donc de l’humanité qui prévaut. Pour Kant, (...)
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    Frontmatter.Yves Charles Zarka & Anne Deneys-Tunney - 2016 - In Yves Charles Zarka & Anne Deneys-Tunney (eds.), Rousseau Between Nature and Culture: Philosophy, Literature, and Politics. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Girard : en deçà et au-delà du politique.Yves Charles Zarka - 2013 - Cités 53 (1):3.
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  48.  19
    Hannah Arendt et l’origine du mal.Yves Charles Zarka - 2016 - Cités 3 (3):3-16.
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  49.  43
    Hobbes e a invenção da vontade pública.Yves Zarka - 2001 - Discurso 32:71-84.
    Pretende-se, neste artigo, examinar uma das principais inovações introduzidas por Hobbes na filosofia política moderna, que é a invenção da noção de vontade política pública. A dimensão moderna do público é estabelecida por Hobbes por meio da solução do problema da passagem do múltiplo ao uno, da multidão ao povo. presente desde os Elements of law e do De cive . No Levíatã , a emergência da vontade política pública ganha os seus contornos teóricos definitivos. embora Hobbes não tenha chegado (...)
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    Introduction.Yves Charles Zarka & Anne Deneys-Tunney - 2016 - In Yves Charles Zarka & Anne Deneys-Tunney (eds.), Rousseau Between Nature and Culture: Philosophy, Literature, and Politics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 1-8.
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