Results for 'Yusuf EŞİT'

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  1.  33
    Hz. Ömer Uygulamalarının Fıkhi Mezheplere Yansıması.Yusuf EŞİT - 2018 - Dini Araştırmalar 21 (54):107-130.
    It is possible to say that there have been ambivalent approaches regarding Omar's practices arising from the irregularities in the last two centuries. He is sometimes portrayed as a reformist acting differently from the way in the Quran and practices of the Prophet. Indeed, it is desired to establish a basis for legitimacy that such an attitude can be exhibited against the Quran and the Prophet. Moreover, it can be said that through this approach, it is aimed to make some (...)
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    Responsible management in theory and practice in Muslim societies.Yusuf M. Sidani - 2022 - Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.
    Responsible Management in Theory and Practice in Muslim Societies delineates principles of responsible management from an Islamic perspective, exploring the concept of responsibility in Islamic religious texts, and how the understanding of responsibility evolved in Islamic jurisprudence. He explains aspects of individual and group responsibility in Islam and the dissonance between theoretical discourse and practical application. Yusuf M. Sidani focuses on the factors that have both facilitated and hampered the application of responsible management principles in practice in this unique (...)
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    M'verdî’nin İctih'd Anlayışı.Davut EŞİT - 2018 - Dini Araştırmalar 21 (54):9-26.
    The ijtihâd issues are among important problems of uṣûl al-fiqh (Islamic legal theory). Given al-beyân el-ijtihâd in the meaning of interpreting naṣṣ (text) and al-qiyâs el-jtihâd in the meaning of reaching a verdict of a new issue which is not determined by naṣṣ, it is possible to say that mujtahid (a jurist) is actively in the ijtihâd activity. Thus, the ijtihâd issues has been discussed in uṣûl al-fiqh since early period. The fact that Shâfi‘î refers to ijtihâd issues in his (...)
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    Kesopanan Islam.Yusuf A. Lubis - 1964 - Medan,: Saiful. Edited by Souflan Ahmad.
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  5. The Practice of Isti‘rāḍ by Azāriḳa and Impact of Dār al-ḥarb.Yusuf Sansarkan - 2025 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 10 (2):875-897.
    In the Taḥkīm case, when it was realized that two people would arbi-trate despite the call made to the Ḳurʼān, the Khāridjites started to argue that God's judgment was not applied. The Khāridjites, who demanded the implementation of the judgement from Ali due to their subordina-tion/obedience, subsequently broke away when they were unable to achieve their desired outcome and formed a separate group. The Khāridjites deemed it acceptible to eliminate those who held opposing beliefs on the path they set out (...)
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  6. Mustafa Sadık er-Rafiî’nin Arap Edebiyatına Dair Oryantalist Paradigmayı Eleştirisi.Yusuf Temel - 2021 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 56:187-205.
    Aydınlanma, coğrafi keşifler, sanayi devrimi ve benzer etkenlerin tesiriyle doğuya hâkim olma ümidine kapılan batı emperyalizmi, istila ettiği toplumları tanıyıp iç dinamiklerini deşifre etmek için oryantalist çalışmaları başlatmıştır. 19. yüzyılın ilk yarısından itibaren başlayan ve farklı boyutlar kazanarak günümüzde de devam eden bu çalışmalar çok yönlü ve çeşitlidir. Arap edebiyat tarihi çalışmaları bu çalışmaların önemli bir kısmını oluşturmaktadır. Her ne kadar Arap şiiri hakkında bazı oryantalist iddialar polemik konusu olmuş ise de oryantalist telif tarzı Arap yazarlar arasında kabul görmüş ve (...)
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    The Junkyard That Rebuilds Lives.Ranja Yusuf - 1990 - Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility 4 (5):14-15.
  8.  54
    Ebû Hayy'n el-Endelüsî’nin Kit'bu’l-İdr'k li-lis'ni’l-Etr'k Adlı Eserinin Dilbilim Açısından İncelenmesi.Yusuf Doğan - 2016 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 20 (2):329-329.
    Mamluks reigned in Egypt a long time is an era of Kipchak Turks that have influence management, and Kipchak Turks has been influential in a period in the administration there. During this period, that Turkish rulers do not know Arabic language well, Turkish language is spoken in the palace and also idea of being closer to Turkish manager screated an interest in learning. One of the famous scholars realizing that interest is Abū Ḥayyān al-Andalusī. Abū Ḥayyān by learning Turkish language (...)
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  9. New Conceptual Foundations for Islamic Business Ethics: The Contributions of Abu-Hamid Al-Ghazali.Yusuf Sidani & Akram Al Ariss - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (4):847-857.
    The dominant approach to understanding Islamic Business Ethics has been based almost exclusively on either interpretations of the Qur’an and Sunna or influenced by Western understanding of Islam and ethics. However, there is a rich—largely ignored-tradition of ethical analysis conducted by Muslim philosophers which would broaden our understanding of Islamic ethics and hence IBE. We seek to correct this imbalance by examining works of Al-Ghazali, an early Muslim philosopher, scholar, and mystic. His approach to Sufism, combining an interpretation of revelation (...)
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    Controversial Evidences in The Uṣūl Thought Of Aḥmad Al-Chārpardī.Davut Eşit - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 10 (1):277-308.
    Aḥmad al-Chārpardī (d. 746/1346), Shāfi‘ī jurist, was one of the scholars of the period of mutakkhkhirīn. He dedicated his life to teaching students and composing works, settling in Tabriz where he remained for the rest of his life. Recognised as one of the most distinguished students of al-Qāḍī Batḍāwī (d. 685/1286), al-Chārpardī wrote a commentary on al-Bayḍāwī’s concise work on uṣūl al-fiqh entitled Minhāj al-wuṣūl, which he called al-Sirāj al-wahhāj. One of the fundamental characteristics of uṣūl al-fiqh of the mutaakhkhrīn (...)
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    Al-Qāḍī Ḥusayn al-Marwarrūdhī’s Understanding of Ijmā.Davut EŞİT - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):609-629.
    Al-Qāḍī Ḥusayn al-Marwarrūdhī is one of the important representatives of Khurāsān Shāfi‘ī School. Al-Ta‘līḳa is his famous work, which is one of the first commentaries of al-Muzanī’s Mukḫtaṣar. One of the important features of this work is the introduction to some of the subjects of ijtihād (process of juristic legal reasoning), taqlīd (acting upon the word of another without asking for specific proof), ijmā‘ (consensus of jurists) and view’s of the companions of the Prophet. The first systematic, complete and detailed (...)
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    Western ethical norms and Qur'anic responses.Yusuf Abbas Hashmi - 1994 - Karachi: Area Study Centre for Europe, University of Karachi.
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  13. Traditional Modes of Contemplation and Action.Yusuf Ibish & Peter Lamborn Wilson - 1979 - Religious Studies 15 (4):570-573.
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    The Legacy of Wittgenstein: Pragmatism or Deconstruction.Yusuf Oz - 2005 - Contemporary Pragmatism 2 (2):163-170.
  15. The problem of evil in theism.Yusuf Shaidaee - 1987 - Pakistan Philosophical Journal 24:41-48.
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    Nepotism in the Arab World: An Institutional Theory Perspective.Yusuf M. Sidani & Jon Thornberry - 2013 - Business Ethics Quarterly 23 (1):69-96.
    ABSTRACT:We examine the practice of nepotism in the Arab World and analyze how a rational-legal model of bureaucracy was never able to take hold. We draw upon ideas from institutional theory and related notions of legitimacy to provide an explanation of nepotism’s extraordinary persistence. Then we use arguments to speculate how the appearance of institutional entrepreneurs who are advocates for a new hybrid form of nepotism might begin to colonize a social space created by larger political and economic changes that (...)
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    The Current Arab Work Ethic: Antecedents, Implications, and Potential Remedies.Yusuf M. Sidani & Jon Thornberry - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (1):35-49.
    This article begins with the premise that market-oriented development strategies require more than the free movement of the factors of production from one use to another; they also require a positive work ethic and an energetic and committed workforce. However, the existing Arab work ethic does not seem conducive to␣development and change. This article assesses some antecedents that might have led to the emergence of the existing work ethic. First, we address the potential role of religion in developing a value (...)
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    When idealists evade taxes: the influence of personal moral philosophy on attitudes to tax evasion – a Lebanese study.Yusuf M. Sidani, Abdul Jalil Ghanem & Mohammed Y. A. Rawwas - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 23 (2):183-196.
    This paper explores attitudes regarding tax evasion and the relationship between personal moral philosophy and such attitudes in a weak tax environment. The results confirm the multidimensionality of tax evasion attitudes. Idealism was negatively related to self-interest tax evasion attitudes while relativism was positively related to such attitudes. Idealism was also positively related to tax evasion attitudes stemming from concerns about the justice of the tax system. Idealists in a weak tax environment seemingly go through a cognitive reframing process where (...)
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    A Problem-Based Learning Approach to Business Ethics Education.Yusuf M. Sidani & Jon Thornberry - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 9:215-231.
    There are several challenges associated with traditional business ethics education. While case studies have been used extensively in ethics education, such use can be complemented by using Problem Based Learning (PBL). PBL represents a pedagogy employing more collaborative tools that involve students more extensively in the learning process. A well-designed teaching approach based on PBL can have significant positive impact on students’ learning. This paper supplies a representative teaching interaction based on PBL, and discusses the implications of its structure. Introducing (...)
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    MAPSOFT: A Multi-Agent based Particle Swarm Optimization Framework for Travelling Salesman Problem.Yusuf Benson Baha, Gregory Wajiga, Aderemi Adewumi Oluyinka & Nachamada Vachaku Blamah - 2020 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):413-428.
    This paper proposes a Multi-Agent based Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Framework for the Traveling salesman problem (MAPSOFT). The framework is a deployment of the recently proposed intelligent multi-agent based PSO model by the authors. MAPSOFT is made up of groups of agents that interact with one another in a coordinated search effort within their environment and the solution space. A discrete version of the original multi-agent model is presented and applied to the Travelling Salesman Problem. Based on the simulation results (...)
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    II. Uluslararası Geçmişten Günümüze Tekirdağ’da Dinî ve Kültürel Hayat Sempozyumu.Yusuf Buhan - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (1):955-965.
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  22. Avicenna on the Opposition of Conditional Proposition.Yusuf Daşdemir - unknown
    This paper examines Avicenna's remarks and consideretions on conditional propositions and the oppositional relations between them. İt also tries to detect his ancient and Arabic logic after him. İt aims to show that Avicenna's theory of conditionals has original aspects different from that of ancient logicans and that the improved this theory significantly. İt also aim at showing that Avicenna's theory is essentially Peripatetic, not Stoic.
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    Farklı Akademik Seviyedeki İlkokul 4. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Okuma Stratejilerini.Yusuf Emre - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 3):2571-2571.
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    Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti Vatandaşlarının Değer Yönelimleri.Yusuf Emre - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 2):329-329.
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    The Matter of the Sultanate of al-Malik al-Zāhir Baybars: Can Anyone Who Regicides Become a Sultan?Yusuf Ötenkaya - 2023 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 1 (59):12-22.
    Memlûk Devleti’nin kuruluş yıllarında sultanlığın mahiyeti ve bunun nasıl oluştuğu ile ilgili literatürde pek çok çalışma bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmalarda genel olarak kukla sultan-otoriter sultan şeklinde yapılan ayırımlar mevzubahis edilerek sultan ile seçkin emîrler arasındaki gerilime dikkat çekilmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra el-Melikü’l-Muzaffer Seyfeddin Kutuz’un öldürülmesi sonrasında bir sultan olma biçimi olarak “sultan öldüren sultan olur” şeklinde bir temellendirme de literatürde yer etmiştir. Fakat bu postulatın tarihsel düzlemde yeterince analiz edilmemesi ve bir hadiseden hareketle genel çıkarımların yapılması nedeniyle bu anlayışın literatürde bir (...)
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    Yazma Becerisini Geliştirmeye Yönelik Araştırmalar: Son Çeyrek Asrın Değerlendir.Yusuf Uyar - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 3):2273-2273.
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    ‘New wave turks’: Turkish graduates of German universities and the turkish diaspora in Germany.Yusuf Ikbal Oldac & Nigel Fancourt - 2021 - British Journal of Educational Studies 69 (5):621-640.
    Mobility is becoming a defining feature of today’s globalising society. Individuals move for a variety of reasons, including finding employment or pursuing education. This paper focuses on the interrelationship between two different types of migrants who have all moved out of one specific country to another. It builds on the perceptions of Turkish graduates of German universities who moved cross-border recently to study in German universities, the self-styled ‘New Wave Turks’, to understand their place within the existing Turkish diaspora there. (...)
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    The Source of Power in the Formation Years of the Mamluk State: Autocracy of the Sultan or Oligarchy of Amirs?Yusuf Ötenkaya - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (1):234-248.
    There are many studies and theories in the literature on the source of power in the formative years of the Mamlūk state. In these studies, the importance of power and influence as a form of becoming a sultan in the Mamlūks has been emphasized, although the oligarchic power of the umara has been indirectly mentioned in terms of the source of power by discussing the distinction between a puppet sultan and an authoritarian sultan. However, this axiom causes a number of (...)
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    Narrations on the Sufyānī Revealed by Political and Sectarian Events.Yusuf Oktan - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):1135-1156.
    The Sufyānī narration, which is also referred in some studies carried out today, is mentioned in the early Shiite and Sunnī sources. The anticipated savior perception of the period has an important place in understanding the Sufyānī narrations in the emergence process of which political and sectarian events were effective. Narrations stating that the Mahdī named Muḥammad, one of the descendants of the Prophet Muḥammad (pbuh), would appear in the end of times and establish justice by bringing order to the (...)
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  30. The Relationship Between Presupposition and Muqtada al-Hal in Arabic Language.Yusuf Akyüz - 2023 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 1 (59):98-109.
    Önvarsayım, modern dilbilim kavramlarından olup özellikle edimbilimin ilgi alanına girmektedir. Önvarsayım, varlık sahasında olan bir şey hakkında konuşmacı veya yazar ile muhatap veya okur arasında paylaşılan örtük ve kesin bilgi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. İletişim esnasında konuşmacı, önvarsayımı hesaba katarak söylemini düzenler, dinleyici ise önvarsayımı dikkate alarak o söylemi yorumlar. Bu bağlamda iletişim tarafları arasında önvarsayımın oluşmasına zemin hazırlayan önvarsayım tetikleyicileri vardır. Bu araştırmanın amacı, modern dilbilim kavramlarından olan önvarsayımın işlevi ve tetikleyicilerinin klasik Arap dili kaynaklarında muktezây-ı hâl bağlamında tezahürlerini tetkik etmektir. (...)
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    Examining the Human Element in the Educational Interpretations of the First Revelation.Yusuf Bahri Gündoğdu & Olcay Bayraktar - 2023 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 1 (58):88-94.
    İslam’ın ilk vahyi kabul edilen Alak suresinin ilk beş ayeti eğitim açısından daha çok “oku” emri üzerinden yorumlanmaktadır. Bir ve üçüncü ayette tekrar eden bu oku emri, açık bir okuma ve öğrenme vurgusu olarak sunulmaktadır. Dördüncü ayetteki “kalem” ifadesi okumanın yanında yazmayı da sürecin bir parçası olarak takdim eder. “Rabb” ile “terbiye” arasındaki ilişki de yine eğitimin etimolojisi ve tanımı söz konusu olduğunda ilk vahiy bağlamında öne çıkartılan hususlar arasındadır. Bununla birlikte eğitimin temel unsuru insandır. İlk ayetler eğitim açısından incelenirken (...)
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    Hatıratlara Göre Halk Adamı Atatürk.Yusuf Kaya - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 4):645-645.
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    YD Türkçe ve Fransızca Öğrenen Öğrencilerin Hasar Giderme İsteği Gerçekleştirimleri.Yusuf Polat - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 12):1083-1083.
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    Foundations by Gazi Huseyin Pasha In Crete.Yusuf SAĞIR - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8:285-301.
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    The Egyptian Worker: Work Beliefs and Attitudes.Yusuf Munir Sidani & Dima Jamali - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (3):433-450.
    Earlier investigations have indicated that work beliefs in organization are impacted by different national cultures. In addition, those investigations have sought to understand the meaning of work in such different cultures. This study explores the meaning of work in the Egyptian context through an assessment of work beliefs and work attitudes. The article starts with a presentation of what is meant by the meaning of work and why research into work beliefs is both needed and worthwhile. The article then presents (...)
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    Symmetry and Integrability in the Classical Model of Zitterbewegung.Yusuf Sucu & Nuri Ünal - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (8):1067-1077.
    We extended the Barut’s classical model of zitterbewegung from 3+1 dimensional spacetime into 2+1 and 1+1 dimensional spacetimes and discussed the symmetry and integrability properties of the model in 2+1, 1+1 and 3+1 dimensions. In these cases, the free particle current or the velocity of the particle can be decomposed as a constant convection current and polarization currents.In 2+1 dimensional spacetime, a velocity of the particle and spin tensor are dependent to each other and the chirality can not be introduced. (...)
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  37. Nadia Maria el-Cheikh. Women, Islam and Abbasid Identity. Cambridge M.A: Harvard University Press, 2015.Yusuf Ötenkaya - 2021 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 56:387-391.
    This book, explores the historical adventure of the ideal woman identity in the early Islamic thought. However, it gives information about the nature of the ideal life (Islamic life) in line with the examples of women in question. In this way, it is emphasized how the ideal life differs from the period of Jāhiliyya. Here, while the period of Jāhiliyya is evaluated as disorder, lawlessness and aberration, the Islamic life is shown as order and justice image. In this respect, Islam (...)
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    A linguistic analysis on necip fazil kisakurek’s poem called as ‘kaldirimlar’.Yusuf Tepeli̇ - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8.
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    Introducción al arte de la lógica.Yusuf Ibn Muhammad Ibn Tumlus & Miguel Asín Palacios - 1916 - Centro de Estudios Históricos.
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  40. Concerning Auricular Vagal Nerve Stimulation: Occult Neural Networks.Yusuf Ozgur Cakmak - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  41. A Possible Role of Prolonged Whirling Episodes on Structural Plasticity of the Cortical Networks and Altered Vertigo Perception: The Cortex of Sufi Whirling Dervishes.Yusuf O. Cakmak, Gazanfer Ekinci, Armin Heinecke & Safiye Çavdar - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Critical hermeneutics: contemporary philosophical perspectives in Turkey on the understanding and interpretation of the Qur'an.Yusuf Çelik - 2023 - Boston: Brill.
    The Turkish market of Qur'an translations and studies is exceedingly oversaturated. Critics find some of these lacking in proper hermeneutical judgement, impelling them to reflect on the conditions of judicious Qur'anic exegesis. These reflections have remained relatively unexplored in English academic literature. In Critical Hermeneutics, Celik explores and compares the hermeneutical philosophies of three Turkish intellectuals, namely Alpyagil, Cündioglu, and Öztürk. By exploring their philosophical views on subjectivity and objectivity in the context of interpreting the Qur'an, Celik draws major implications (...)
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    (1 other version)Edwin Cox ve Din Eğitimiyle İlgili Görüşleri.Yusuf Ceylan - forthcoming - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi:1161-1180.
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    The Interest Pattern of Ethnic Groups as Supporters: A Case Study of Pilkada of Medan City in 2015. Humaizi, Muhammad Yusuf & Rudi Salam Sinaga - forthcoming - Intellectual Discourse:269-283.
    Democracy gives people the same right to vote and to be voted in apolitical position. High citizen participation in leader election is utilized as anindicator of the quality of democracy. On the other hand, citizen participationin the election in some cases in some districts of Indonesia did not run smoothlyand peacefully but in the case of Medan city, the periodical election of regionalheads did not show the social upheaval of different options as wellas in the segmentation of ethnic groups as (...)
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    Latîfe Ez-Zeyy'tın El-B'bul-Meftûh Adlı Romanında Birey ve Ulusun Bağımsızlık Mücadelesi.Yusuf KÖŞELİ - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 9):1865-1865.
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    Markaların Yeni Göstergesi "Koku".Yusuf KEŞ - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 21):583-583.
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    Hitit Büyülerinde Sayı Ve Renk Sembolizmi.Yusuf Kiliç - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 7):51-51.
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    Barrier height enhancement of metal/semiconductor contact by an enzyme biofilm interlayer.Yusuf Selim Ocak, Reyhan Gul Guven, Ahmet Tombak, Tahsin Kilicoglu, Kemal Guven & Mehmet Dogru - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (17):2172-2181.
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    A Paper Man.Yusuf Patrick - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 41 (2):259-260.
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    Ibn ʻArabī - time and cosmology.Muḥammad ʻAlī Ḥājj Yūsuf - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    This book is the first comprehensive attempt to explain Ibn ‘Arabî’s distinctive view of time and its role in the process of creating the cosmos and its relation with the Creator. By comparing this original view with modern theories of physics and cosmology, Mohamed Haj Yousef constructs a new cosmological model that may deepen and extend our understanding of the world, while potentially solving some of the drawbacks in the current models such as the historical Zeno's paradoxes of motion and (...)
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