Results for 'Yunbiao Ma'

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  1.  40
    Corporate Culture and Investment–Cash Flow Sensitivity.Fuxiu Jiang, Kenneth A. Kim, Yunbiao Ma, John R. Nofsinger & Beibei Shi - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (2):425-439.
    Can firms overcome credit constraints with a corporate culture of high integrity? We empirically address this question by studying their investment–cash flow sensitivities. We identify firms with a culture of integrity through textual analysis of public documents in a sample of Chinese listed firms and also through corporate culture statements. Our results show that firms with an integrity-focused culture have lower investment–cash flow sensitivity, even after we address endogeneity concerns. However, we also find that for the culture to reduce the (...)
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  2. Organizing probabilistic models of perception.Wei Ji Ma - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (10):511-518.
  3. Country Reports.Ma'N. H. Zawati, Don Chalmers, Sueli G. Dallari, Marina de Neiva Borba, Miriam Pinkesz, Yann Joly, Haidan Chen, Mette Hartlev, Liis Leitsalu, Sirpa Soini, Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag, Nils Hoppe, Tina Garani-Papadatos, Panagiotis Vidalis, Krishna Ravi Srinivas, Gil Siegal, Stefania Negri, Ryoko Hatanaka, Maysa Al-Hussaini, Amal Al-Tabba', Lourdes Motta-Murgía, Laura Estela Torres Moran, Aart Hendriks, Obiajulu Nnamuchi, Rosario Isasi, Dorota Krekora-Zajac, Eman Sadoun, Calvin Ho, Pamela Andanda, Won Bok Lee, Pilar Nicolás, Titti Mattsson, Vladislava Talanova, Alexandre Dosch, Dominique Sprumont, Chien-Te Fan, Tzu-Hsun Hung, Jane Kaye, Andelka Phillips, Heather Gowans, Nisha Shah & James W. Hazel - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (4):582-704.
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    Empathy and Psychosocial Adjustment in Tibetan and Han Adolescents: A Person-Centered Approach.Chunhua Ma, Yongfeng Ma, Youpeng Wang & Xiaoyu Lan - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Beyond the troubled water of Shifei: from disputation to walking-two-roads in the Zhuangzi.Lin Ma - 2019 - Albany: State University of New York Press. Edited by J. van Brakel.
    Offers the first focused study of the shifei debates of the Warring States period in ancient China and challenges the imposition of Western conceptual categories onto these debates. In recent decades, a growing concern in studies in Chinese intellectual history is that Chinese classics have been forced into systems of classification prevalent in Western philosophy and thus imperceptibly transformed into examples that echo Western philosophy. Lin Ma and Jaap van Brakel offer a methodology to counter this approach, and illustrate their (...)
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    The SINS in Business Negotiations: Explore the Cross-Cultural Differences in Business Ethics Between Canada and China.Zhenzhong Ma - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (S1):123 - 135.
    Ethical dilemmas are inescapable components of business negotiations. It is thus important for negotiators to understand the differences in what is ethically appropriate and what is not. This study explores the cross-cultural differences in business ethics between Canada and China by examining the perceived appropriateness of five categories of ethically questionable strategies often used in business negotiations. The results show that the Chinese are more likely to consider it appropriate to use ethically inappropriate negotiation strategies, but the impact of cultural (...)
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  7.  21
    The Moderating Role of Social Identity and Grit in the Association Between Parental Control and School Adjustment in Chinese Middle School Students.Chunhua Ma, Yongfeng Ma & Xiaoyu Lan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:526977.
    Although the proliferation of empirical research has documented the association between parental control and school adjustment, findings of this linkage are still inconclusive. Moreover, fewer efforts have been made to address this association in middle school students. Guided by an ecological framework, the current study aimed to integrate the conflicting findings into a coherent body of knowledge, paying particular attention to two research purposes: (a) to examine the association between parental control and three objective indicators of school adjustment (social competence, (...)
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    Lattices of Finitely Alternative Normal Tense Logics.Minghui Ma & Qian Chen - 2021 - Studia Logica 109 (5):1093-1118.
    A finitely alternative normal tense logic \ is a normal tense logic characterized by frames in which every point has at most n future alternatives and m past alternatives. The structure of the lattice \\) is described. There are \ logics in \\) without the finite model property, and only one pretabular logic in \\). There are \ logics in \\) which are not finitely axiomatizable. For \, there are \ logics in \\) without the FMP, and infinitely many pretabular (...)
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  9.  22
    Relationship Between Psychological Empowerment and the Retention Intention of Kindergarten Teachers: A Chain Intermediary Effect Analysis.Lina Ma, Fusheng Zhou & Haidan Liu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective: To investigate the relationship between psychological empowerment, psychological capital, job involvement, and the retention intention of kindergarten teachers in mainland China and the internal mechanism of action.Methods: A total of 554 kindergarten teachers were investigated by scales for psychological empowerment, psychological capital, job involvement, and retention intention.Results: Psychological empowerment was positively correlated with psychological capital and job involvement. Psychological capital was positively correlated with job involvement. Psychological empowerment, psychological capital, and job involvement were significantly and positively correlated with retention (...)
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  10.  16
    Question resistance and its management in Chinese psychotherapy.Wen Ma & Xue-li Yao - 2017 - Discourse Studies 19 (2):216-233.
    From the tape-recording of naturally occurring Chinese psychotherapy sessions, this article explores how repeated occurrences of resistance are managed in the course of interactional sequences and the participants’ actions within these sequences. By employing the methods of conversation analysis, we discuss the main discursive strategies employed by the clients to express their resistance and investigate how the therapist manages this. We find that clients show their resistance to the therapist’s questions in four ways: keeping silence, providing minimal response, making non-answer (...)
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    What’s in the Box?: Uncertain Accountability of Machine Learning Applications in Healthcare.Ma'N. Zawati & Michael Lang - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (11):37-40.
    Machine learning is an increasingly significant part of modern healthcare, transforming the way clinical decisions are made and health resources are managed. These developme...
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    Bréf til Maríu.Einar Már Jónsson - 2007 - Reykjavík: Ormstunga.
  13. Ācārya Śaṅkara kī bhāshyapaddhati =.Lekharāma Śarmā - 1995 - Dillī: Indu Prakāśana.
    Study of the commentaries of Śaṅkarācārya on various Vedic texts.
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  14. "Kritická teória" frankfurtskej školy a jej vplyv v Československu.Rudolf Šíma - 1976 - Bratislava: Pravda.
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    Müzik Öğretmen Adaylarının Bilişüstü Farkındalıkları.Fatıma Akyüzlüer - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 8):187-187.
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  16. Doctrinal knowledge, legal doctrinal scholarship and the problem of interdisciplinary engagement.Mátyás Bódig - 2015 - In Helge Dedek & Shauna Van Praagh, Stateless law: evolving boundaries of a discipline. Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate.
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    San Agustín y el Padrenuestro.Moisés Ma Campelo - 2000 - Augustinus 45 (176-77):35-89.
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  18. Ātmaracanānī keḷavaṇī.Jugatarāma Dave - 1992 - Amadāvāda: Gūjarāta Vidyāpīṭha.
    On theory and practice of the education in ashrams, based on Gandhian philosophy.
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  19.  21
    Colourings of cyclotomic integers with class number one.Ma Louise Antonette N. de Las Peñas, Enrico Paolo Bugarin & Dirk Frettlöh - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (19-21):2690-2699.
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    Automatic Inattention to Attractive Alternative Partners Helps Male Heterosexual Chinese College Students Maintain Romantic Relationships.Yidan Ma, Weifeng Xue & Shen Tu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  21.  21
    The Influence of the Consumer Ethnocentrism and Cultural Familiarity on Brand Preference: Evidence of Event-Related Potential (ERP).Qingguo Ma, H’Meidatt Mohamed Abdeljelil & Linfeng Hu - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:439776.
    The tendency of customers’ preference to their local brands over the foreign ones is known as the consumer ethnocentrism, and it is one of the important issues in international marketing. This study aims at identifying the behavioral and neural correlates of Consumer Ethnocentrism in the field of brand preference by using Event-Related Potential (ERP). We sampled subjects from two ethnic groups, the Chinese ethnic group and the sub-Sahara black Africans group from the Zhejiang University. The subjects faced two sequential stimuli, (...)
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  22.  15
    A Novel Recurrent Neural Network to Classify EEG Signals for Customers' Decision-Making Behavior Prediction in Brand Extension Scenario.Qingguo Ma, Manlin Wang, Linfeng Hu, Linanzi Zhang & Zhongling Hua - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    It was meaningful to predict the customers' decision-making behavior in the field of market. However, due to individual differences and complex, non-linear natures of the electroencephalogram signals, it was hard to classify the EEG signals and to predict customers' decisions by using traditional classification methods. To solve the aforementioned problems, a recurrent t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding neural network was proposed in current study to classify the EEG signals in the designed brand extension paradigm and to predict the participants' decisions. The (...)
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  23.  9
    English Web-Based Teaching Supervision Based on Intelligent Face Image Perception and Processing for IoT.Juan Ma & Jiangyi Li - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    In this paper, the Internet of Things with intelligent face perception and processing function is used to supervise online English teaching. In the intelligent learning environment, learners mainly learn by watching the information presentation screen of the learning content, i.e., the learning screen, which is the main environment for learners to learn and is the main channel for information interaction between learners and the learning content. The color matching, layout, graphic decoration, and background texture of the learning screen have a (...)
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  24.  36
    Revisiting the Exchange between Zhuangzi and Huizi on Qing.Lin Ma & Jaap van Brakel - 2021 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (1):133-148.
    In this article we focus on the famous dialogue between Zhuangzi 莊子 and Huizi 惠子 concerning the question whether or not ren 人 (in particular the shengren 聖人) have qing 情. Most scholars have understood qing in this exchange as referring to “feelings” or “emotions.” We take issue with such readings. First, we demonstrate that, while Huizi probably understands qing as something like feelings or emotions, Zhuangzi’s view is that having qing is connected with making shifei 是非 judgments whereas having (...)
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  25.  23
    Thinking through Heidegger’s “Untergang”☆.Lin Ma - 2021 - Philosophical Forum 52 (1):65-78.
    The Philosophical Forum, Volume 52, Issue 1, Page 65-78, Spring 2021.
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  26. Človek v boji o seba a svoju budúcnost̕.Rudolf Šíma - 1981 - Bratislava: Nakladatel̕stvo Pravda.
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    Measurement Invariance of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support Among Chinese and South Asian Ethnic Minority Adolescents in Hong Kong.Cecilia M. S. Ma - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Seven hundred adolescents with mean age of 15.3 years. Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis was performed to assess measurement invariance of the MSPSS scale across Chinese and South Asian ethnic minority samples. Results show that the original three-factor structure of the MSPSS was supported in both samples. Measurement invariance was supported in terms of configural, metric, and partial scalar invariance. Given partial scalar invariance was achieved, the latent mean differences were compared across samples. Chinese adolescents had higher levels of all three (...)
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  28.  27
    Mandalas in the Making: The Visual Culture of Esoteric Buddhism at Dunhuang, by Michelle C. Wang.Mia Y. Ma - 2020 - Buddhist Studies Review 37 (1):127-129.
    Mandalas in the Making: The Visual Culture of Esoteric Buddhism at Dunhuang, by Michelle C. Wang. Leiden: Brill, 2018. xviii + 318 pages. Hb. $147.00, ISBN-13: 9789004357655; Ebook $25.00, ISBN-13: 9789004360402.
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    A Structural Equation Model of Perceived Autonomy Support and Growth Mindset in Undergraduate Students: The Mediating Role of Sense of Coherence.Chunhua Ma, Yongfeng Ma & Xiaoyu Lan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Childhood Maltreatment and Mobile Phone Addiction Among Chinese Adolescents: Loneliness as a Mediator and Self-Control as a Moderator.Shutao Ma, Yuhuai Huang & Yankun Ma - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Homenaje a Alain Guy.Romero Baró, José Ma & Alain Guy (eds.) - 2005 - Barcelona: Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona.
    El filósofo francés Alain Guy (La Rochelle, 1918 - Narbonne, 1998) dedicó por entero su vida al estudio de la filosofía española e hispanoamericana, dándola a conocer no sólo en el extranjero sino también en nuestro país.
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    Desenvolvimento e cultura: o problema do estetismo no Brasil.Mário Vieira de Mello - 2009 - Brasília: Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão.
  33.  35
    Toward an Ethics of AI Belief.Winnie Ma & Vincent Valton - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (3):1-28.
    In this paper we, an epistemologist and a machine learning scientist, argue that we need to pursue a novel area of philosophical research in AI – the ethics of belief for AI. Here we take the ethics of belief to refer to a field at the intersection of epistemology and ethics concerned with possible moral, practical, and other non-truth-related dimensions of belief. In this paper we will primarily be concerned with the normative question within the ethics of belief regarding what (...)
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    Nūr dar ḥikmat-i Suhravardī.Sīmā Nūrbakhsh - 2004 - Tihrān: Nashr-i Shahīd Saʻīd Muḥibbī.
    Criticism and interpretation by Yaḥyá ibn Ḥabash Suhrawardī,1152 or 3-1191 on philosophy of Islam and Sufism.
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  35. Advaitanirūpaṇaparaṃ prakaraṇapañcakam.Pu Ma Padmanābhaśarmā - 1971 - [Thanjavur]:
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  36. Makesi zhu yi jun shi li lun Zhongguo hua.Debao Ma - 2017 - Beijing Shi: Jun shi ke xue chu ban she.
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    Taʼammulāt fī al-falsafah al-muʻāṣirah: al-ḥaqīqah, al-zamān, al-wujūd al-insānī.Sāmiyah ʻAbd al-Raḥmān - 2018 - al-Qāhirah: Majāz lil-Tarjamah wa-al-Nashr.
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  38. Grammaticality and meaning shift.Márta Abrusán, Nicholas Asher & Tim Van de Cruys - 2021 - In Gil Sagi & Jack Woods, The Semantic Conception of Logic : Essays on Consequence, Invariance, and Meaning. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Prasthānatrayīśāṅkarabhāshya meṃ vyākaraṇa-vimarśa.Ghanaśyāma Miśra - 2017 - Dillī: Vidyānidhi Prakāśana.
    Grammatical analysis of commentaries of Sankaracarya on Prasthanatrayi (Brahmasūtra, Bhagavadgītā, Upanishad).
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    Fī taʼwīlīyat ʻilm al-kalām: qirāʼah zamānīyah murakkabah.Īmān Mukhaynīnī - 2023 - Tūnis: Zaynab lil-nashr.
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  41. Teoría del derecho.Máximo Pacheco G. - 1990 - Santiago: Editorial Jurídica de Chile.
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  42.  69
    Dynamic graded epistemic logic.Minghui Ma & Hans van Ditmarsch - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (4):663-684.
    Graded epistemic logic is a logic for reasoning about uncertainties. Graded epistemic logic is interpreted on graded models. These models are generalizations of Kripke models. We obtain completeness of some graded epistemic logics. We further develop dynamic extensions of graded epistemic logics, along the framework of dynamic epistemic logic. We give an extension with public announcements, i.e., public events, and an extension with graded event models, a generalization also including nonpublic events. We present complete axiomatizations for both logics.
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  43.  19
    Object‐Label‐Order Effect When Learning From an Inconsistent Source.Timmy Ma & Natalia L. Komarova - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (8):e12737.
    Learning in natural environments is often characterized by a degree of inconsistency from an input. These inconsistencies occur, for example, when learning from more than one source, or when the presence of environmental noise distorts incoming information; as a result, the task faced by the learner becomes ambiguous. In this study, we investigate how learners handle such situations. We focus on the setting where a learner receives and processes a sequence of utterances to master associations between objects and their labels, (...)
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  44. Los orígenes de la virada antipsicologista en Husserl.(La reseña a Schröder de 1891 revisada).Ma Gonzalez Porta - 1999 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 21:85-116.
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  45. LA UnIveRSIdAd de SALAMAncA y eL cOntROL de LA teOLOGíA A tRAvéS de LA SUMMA (SIGLOS XvI-XvII).Cf Ma Pena González - 2010 - Salmanticensis 57:53-84.
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  46. Individual-differences in situation-based inferencing.D. Haenggi & Ma Gernsbacher - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):466-466.
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    Jota jagadī rahe.Rāma Nātha Shukalā - 2017 - Paṭiālā: Loka Hitū Prakāshana.
    On the significance of philosophy and great philosophers.
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  48. De la interpretaciôn del símbolo a la interpretaciôn del texto. La metáfora en Paul Ricoeur.José Ma Rubio Ferreres - 2000 - Universitas Philosophica 34:51-132.
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  49.  42
    Social Symbols and Cultural Identity.Ma Luisa Rodriguez Sala-Gómezgil - 1981 - Semiotics:495-502.
  50.  46
    SAFO fragmento 16 V: El Deslumbramiento.Clavo Sebastián & Ma Teresa - forthcoming - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía.
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